How to Introduce Yourself in English | GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS | Best English Interview Answer

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hey everybody what's good it's chris americos and welcome to another video in this video i'm going to tell you about greetings and ways to introduce yourself and i think you're going to find it really interesting because there might be some phrases or words that you haven't heard before and i'm going to give you some context into when you can use different kinds of greetings and introductions so the first thing that we should start with is formal and informal greetings now a greeting is when we say something like hello the opposite of a greeting would be a farewell when we say goodbye honestly the words hello and goodbye today are a standard greeting and farewell and they're not really formal or informal but if we have to choose one then we're going to put hello into the formal category because people who speak informally usually do not say this they usually say something shorter or they ask a question and we'll talk about that in a second so another formal greeting that people say a lot is good morning now in some places in the world people will shorten this and just say morning and this is a way to say hello some people also say good day or often in australian english we'll hear g'day where it's written something like g apostrophe day and uh you can think of it like that in terms of the way that it's pronounced however in other places in the world i've heard people say good day it's not something that i typically say in the united states and honestly i don't usually say the full phrase of good morning unless i'm talking to my daughter and trying to teach her this phrase usually if i see someone outside on the street in the morning when i'm taking my walk i'll say morning and they'll say morning and it's just a type of greeting now we could say hello as we talked about before or we have this question that we might ask personally i do not ask this question ever i would change it into an informal question but i have heard some people say this before and uh our english textbooks tell us that people say this so how do you do how do you do this is a question but it's also a greeting and you will see that in english there are many greetings that are also questions so you're probably thinking do i need to answer this question or how do i answer back to a person who says this greeting to me right that's a good question so if someone asks you how do you do you can answer them you can tell them about how you feel how your day is and then you can ask a question back usually we will ask the person the same question we'll say and how do you do now honestly i don't use these formal greetings very often myself probably because i'm american and in american english people are usually less formal we like to use informal words and phrases so let's look at some of these informal words and phrases the first one is another question it's what's up you've probably heard this before in a song or in a film or tv show and it can be quite confusing because how should you answer this question right how should you answer it if someone says hey john what's up what do you say well there's a few different options the first thing you can say is hey what's up right and this sounds very funny to many students who i've taught they say so so they asked you a question you just answer with a question yes because it's not really a question it's a greeting so person number one can say what's up and person number two says what's up and then they keep going they keep walking or doing what they were doing before now the second way that you can answer this question is someone says what's up chris and i can say not much what's up with you so just like when we talked about this question how do you do or the less formal version how are you doing yes those are the same how do you do and how are you doing but how are you doing is less formal so just like with these questions when someone asks us what's up we can just repeat this question back and this is a greeting so you can answer the question like i said you know john asks me what's up chris and i say not much right like there's not a lot of new things happening there's not a lot of news there's nothing interesting for me to tell you right that's what it means because the question what's up it's like what's happening or what's new and a lot of people are confused about that so it's not correct to answer the question what's up by saying good or okay or fine these are not correct answers to the question what's up right because what's up means what's happening hey what's happening chris good now that doesn't make sense we can't say that instead we can say oh there's nothing much happening oh nothing new oh you know in my life everything is old and boring we can answer like this but we shouldn't say good or bad or okay because we didn't ask that we didn't ask how are you or how are you doing we asked what's up what's new what's happening so this is a very common question that is also a greeting and it's very common in american english another one is how's it going how's it going and here you can see again we have how right like how do you do or how are you doing and we have how's it going here we can answer good great wonderful spectacular terrible bad horrible okay so so fine right we can answer with all of these things because we asked how we did not ask what all right next we can also say things like hey or hi or yo and all of these introductions or greetings are ways that we can say hello in a less formal way when we want to use informal language and again in american english it's very typical to use informal greetings when we meet a person even when we meet them the first time now it depends of course what the context is what the situation is if you go to a job interview you probably do not want to walk into the room and say yo right so you should probably say something like hello but i might also say how's it going how are you doing something like this you should also remember that any time that we use informal language we shorten words and when we use formal language we say the full words and that's why saying things like how's it going or how are you doing with shortened forms like how were or house right with apostrophe and then other letters because we don't say the full words this will be considered less formal in formal language we don't usually shorten the words okay the next one that we could say is we could say what's good what's good this is another americanism an american english phrase and it also means something like what's up or what's happening or what's new now there's another american phrase that means hello but it's less formal and this is howdy this greeting is used in the southern part of the united states usually i think of someone from texas when i hear them say this so if you want to be more creative and find a new way to say hi to someone next time you see your friend who speaks english walk up to him and say howdy partner how's it going and you'll sound like a cowboy from texas okay we talked about greetings now let's talk about introductions when we want to introduce ourselves to someone and say who we are and some information about who we are then there are some different ways that we can do that and we might want to add more information so i'm going to show you how you can do this correctly first of all you could use your name right that's where we usually start so we could say i am chris that's simple right i am chris or the shorter version i'm chris nice to meet you or we could say it's chris now usually i don't introduce myself like this right if someone else introduces you they could say it's chris here he is right or they could say this is chris right for example john is talking to mike and i don't know mike and john introduces me to mike and john says hey mike this is chris and this is a good introduction of me and i can say hi nice to meet you mike i'm chris right so we could use all of these also we could say it's or we could say this is when we're talking on the phone so for example the next day i call mike and i don't think mike remembers who i am mike says hello who is this i say it's chris it's chris from john's party yesterday or maybe i call mike the next day and i don't think that he remembers me because when he answers the phone he says hello who is this and i say it's chris from john's party or i say this is chris from john's party right and i say from john's party because that's where i met mike and i think that he should remember me from there maybe he knows a lot of chris's hey chris is a popular name so if we go to location we can say a little bit more information about who we are we could say i'm not only i'm chris right we could say i'm chris with my name but we could also say where i'm from we could say i'm american we could say i'm from the united states we can say i come from the united states and we could say i was born in i wasn't born in the united states i was born in germany my parents were born in the united states my grandparents were born in the united states uh how did i get born in germany i guess my parents like traveling but anyways we could say i come from or i was born in and give some more information about who we are and where we are from now usually we will say i come from if we're in a different place so if i'm in the united states and i meet another person from the united states i don't usually say i come from the united states this will sound very strange because i come from when we usually use this phrase when people are from a different place when the person is a foreigner and so maybe we have a group of people and one person says i'm jorge and i come from mexico. so this means that he feels that he's in a new place right he's not in mexico now and he's telling us that he's from another land or country and i was born in sometimes people think that the place that you were born is the place that you are from but this can be confusing i gave you my personal example right i was born in germany but i am from the united states because my parents grandparents great-grandparents are from the united states and they all speak english only so i was born there but i'm not from there right the same problem when we say i live in a place so maybe you move to new york and you meet someone in new york and they hear your accent and they say hey where are you from are you going to say well i live in new york this probably will not help the person understand more information about you right because it just tells them that you live here now but you should probably say something like i was born in italy but i live in new york now or maybe i come from italy but i live in new york now or maybe i'm from italy and i live in new york now or you could even say i'm originally from italy and i live in new york now we could also say more information about ourselves by talking about our job and what we do so first of all we could say i work at or i work for and then we will say a company for example i work at or i work for so you can say the company and that way people can understand something about you because work is a big part of our lives and it's a big part of our identity about who we think we are we can also say i'm a or i'm anne and then we can say the name of the job right we can say i'm an english teacher we could say i'm a teacher so by saying i'm uh or i'm an we can then say the job and we need to remember to say a or an we could also say i work as and then a or an for example i work as a teacher or i work as an english teacher we should say as not like if we say like then this means we do something similar to this job but that's not exactly the job that we do so if we say i work like an english teacher it means that i'm not an english teacher but what i do is similar to an english teacher if i say i work as an english teacher this means that i really am an english teacher and that is my job and then we could also say i work in and if you say i work in then you should say the sphere or the area of knowledge that you work in for example we could say i work in online education you could say i work in i t information technology right if you work with computers and maybe writing programs then you know what i'm talking about maybe you say i work in the medical field or maybe you say i work in sales so this tells us about the department or the area of knowledge that you work in and it doesn't really tell us about your position or the type of job that you have it's just a sphere some other information that we might include as an introduction about who we are is our experience we could say i've been working as a teacher for well over 10 years more than 10 years that's about me but you might say i've been working as a manager for five years maybe you want to say that it's the last five years you could say i've been working as a travel agent for the last five years and this will tell someone that your experience is recent now we could also say i have been living in rome for five years or i have lived in new york for 10 years and this tells us about your living experience not only your working experience and it also tells someone that you know information about this thing or this place so sharing some information about our experience is a good way to introduce ourselves especially when we first meet a person and we need to do some kind of small talk right english speakers love to have small talk when they first meet someone because when we share some small personal information it makes the other person feel more comfortable because they know something about us and they've shared something about themselves too so it's not so important that you tell the other person your life's story you don't have to tell them everything about you but it is typical to share some information about yourself when you first meet someone and introduce yourself so another kind of information that we might share is things that we like to do our hobbies and we can use phrases like i like for example i like teaching english or i enjoy teaching english or i'm into teaching english or even i'm a fan of teaching english now maybe you noticed that after all of these phrases i used the gerund i used right so i said i like teaching english i enjoy teaching english i'm into teaching english i'm a fan of teaching english we should always say ing after these phrases and the last piece of information that we might include when we are introducing ourselves is we might tell people about our age of course in different situations people might not tell us about their age and it might not be polite to ask about their age but many people feel that it's okay to share some information about your age or their age and they might use phrases like this we might say just i'm for example i'm 34. i'm 34 years old can you believe it and i'm in my mid-30s i'm in my mid-30s what does that mean it means from the year 30 to the year 40 i'm in the middle part i'm in my mid-30s my 30s are 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 right these are my 30s and i'm in the middle of them i'm 34. so if you are 21 then you are in your early 20s if you are 49 then you are in your late 40s that's how it works so okay great in this video i've given you a lot of different information that you can share when you first meet a person you want to greet them and it depends on the situation you can greet them formally or informally and then after that we want to make some small talk and share some information about ourselves and there are different types of information that we might share i hope that you found this video useful and i hope that you'll share this video with your friends so if you liked it make sure you press like press subscribe and hit the notification button so that you get notified when we have new videos released on this channel and if you want to get speaking practice and practice 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Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 70,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to introduce yourself in english, introductions in english, greetings in english, how to say hello, how to say goodbye, how to say in English, introduce english, introduction english, introduce interview english, english lesson a2
Id: JopIBc2QB7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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