I can understand but can't speak-a simple solution. | by. Dr. Sandeep Patil.

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[Music] many students have told me that they can understand what i speak or they can understand a good video but they aren't able to speak like that huh now today in this video i'm going to give you the solution for that if you have the same problem then this video is for you don't miss this video this video is into two parts first i will tell you why this happens and then i will tell you how to overcome this problem i'm sure that this video will help you to overcome the problem and be a better communicator come on stick with me till the end at the end i will give you a very nice tip let's move ahead now well friends as i said like many of us have this problem that we can understand a good video we can understand a podcast we can understand a book we can read properly but we aren't able to communicate we aren't able to speak i remember when one comment was there in my video it was written that i don't know who was that it was written that when i speak in mind i'm my my speaking is like a ferrari but when i open my mouth actually my speed is like marut 800 so well that that really happens and the solution is there so first of all you have to understand the difference between theory and practical see theory and practical suppose you are studying physics when we study physics i think all of you know physics we had two things two sections there first was theory second was practical so only theory is of no use only practical is of no use we need theory and practical and this is what exactly happens with you let us see first why this happens first see many of you watch youtube videos many videos like this video you watch you keep on watching and watching and that's all one hour and two hour but you won't be able to speak well let me give you one example why only watching video is not going to solve your problems see we also watch cricket on tv now does this mean that when you watch cricket you understand cricket can you play like sachin tendulkar virat kohli absolutely not so only watching video is not going to help you out second example i'll give you for example you know you read you read a lot and you are a good reader you understand everything what is written in the book but you can't speak well that's going to happen again the answer is this suppose you buy a mobile phone and it comes with the operator's manual you understand the operative operators manual but by reading the operators manual by reading the instruction manual you won't be able to operate a mobile and most of us don't do that we just throw the manual and we open the mobile and start using it means what actually we do it so it's the same thing like only theory is there and no practicals are there i can give you one more example many people say that sir i know lot of words i'm in vocabulary i know all the words i understand a person who uses those words i understand but i can't use it so why this happens well again i can give you one example of driving now yeah see there are many people who have driving license but they can't drive they don't have the confidence now why this happens so this happens because a person who have who has a driving license i'm sorry he he has fine but only having a driving license is not going to make you perfect or more confident then what's going to make it absolutely right your confidence will only come when you actually drive now the same thing is true with communication also when you're speaking when when actually you speak only then confidence comes only by reading books by watching youtube videos or by revising the vocabulary notebook by reading newspaper nothing is going to change things will only change when you actually do the practicals actually you speak now many of you will say that but sir that's the problem we don't have someone or we don't have any group to speak well i will definitely say that please go and find someone well in my institute we have a special platform which is open for whole day whole day students discuss debate with each other it's amazing atmosphere now i'm not saying that join my online batch you can find any group anywhere you can join but first find a nice group such a group where no one laughs at you no one mocks you no one criticizes your english and find faults in your english find such a conducive environment where you can go and speak up okay now one more thing i'll tell you if you don't have the group try this it it will help to some extent now when you watch any video for example this video do one thing write the summary of these points which i have told you whatever i have told you write a summary and then 50 summary and 50 your opinion write it down and after the video is over you speak it you say it loudly you explain it to someone okay if you don't have anyone else i mean your friends are not there at least talk to your loved ones in your family tell them explain them what is the mantra here the month rise open up and speak up this is the key factor here so speak up don't hesitate and open up practicals i told you theory is one practical is different we should have both theory and practical together now one more tip i'll give you can do one thing at night you can write the summary of the day whole day somebody you can write you can write what you did in whole day make some small small points about okay i went in that shop and i i traveled and i took this assignment and i had a talk with this friend and that so make a summary of all those points and now read those read that summary out loud out loud and next step is there again shut the notebook and now speak all the summary whatever you did in whole day speak it up speak to yourself or as i said before speak to anyone who will listen to you maybe your loved ones as i said like if you don't have a surrounding this is a better option now last point i'll tell you this is also equally important [Music] read loudly any simple book any simple book the key factor here is open your mouth you can speak in mind you can understand but it's as i said like it's like driving you have to drive means practical activity so read loudly what to read read any simple material storybook loudly the more you speak the better you get the better you become these are the things which will really help you to overcome this problem i can call it as a 50 50 principle this principle we can call like fifty percent theory but fifty percent practical fifty percent of your listening and audiobook you are reading a book you are watching youtube videos that's fine but practical is equally important if practical is not there no use of that theory so at the end i'll tell you one story one one story of my student who was in my institute during my online sessions before giving admissions i take interviews and in that interview he was very nervous and he said that sir you know i i cannot speak sir i don't know whether i can join or not i'm getting nervous sir while speaking with you i said relax yourself and you can make mistakes and just open up and he opened up he spoke he joined my institute and in 15 days all his nervousness all his shyness was gone and he was communicating in a battery he sent me a message and said that sir i have overcome my shyness now i speak at the same speed which i speak in mind now i not only understand affluent speakers but i myself can communicate so dear buddies your friends it works just go and open up this problem is with most of the people and the solution is this let's open up go and speak only theories of no use hope friends this video is of any help to you in the comments you write down in the comments you write down is this your problem write in the comments and if this is a problem now you tell me which solution you're going to take any or any of the solution which i have given you three solutions beside that come on friends take care it was pleasure talking to you goodbye thanks a lot [Music]
Channel: Dr. Sandeep Patil
Views: 3,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english speaking course, English speaking, english speaking training, how to speak fluently, english communication, english speaking practice, free english speaking, english communication skills, free english course
Id: 9dyu_1uPxOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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