Intermediate English - Gerunds and Infinitives

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okay let's get started welcome to this lesson with christmas coast live on youtube every monday at 8 00 a.m new york time we go live on facebook and every friday at 8 a.m new york time we go live on youtube and that's why right now it's a little early but we're going live on youtube right now and we have amira with us aisha with us and i'm sure a few other students will join us as soon as uh the time officially starts right so we're a couple minutes early today and today our topic or lesson is about gerunds and infinitives so for everybody who's watching and who doesn't know what that is i can explain uh quickly here at the beginning basically we're talking today about verbs words about moving about motion about action uh action words are called verbs and verbs have different forms one form of a verb is the infinitive so if we use the verb to run then the infinitive is to run usually when we speak about the infinitive we use the word to to run we also have another form of the infinitive without to we don't use it very often so we can call this infinitive without to this is a this is a short wave to write the word without without yeah uh because we can write with like this w and slash this means with and w slash o means without uh so we have infinitive with and without so infinitive would be to run infinitive without two is run and gerund is running it's when we add i ing a lot of people say what's the right pronunciation of see marina has joined us hi marina uh this is the the ending that we use when we make gerunds the gerund form of the verb and you'll hear people pronounce it differently but the official pronunciation the correct pronunciation by the book is it's in the back of your throat it's a strange sound um it's not only about in and g but we also use this sound when we have in and k like in the word think we say this sound we don't say right we don't say inge and we don't say instead we saying right so uh it's a different sound it's a special sound just for these situations but people pronounce things differently right and when people are trying to speak very clearly then you might hear inge if someone's trying to speak very clearly this is the ending of the film if i'm trying to speak very clearly i'll say ending with good to me to tell people that this is this is the word that i'm saying because i'm speaking clearly but if i'm just speaking normally regularly then i'll say the ending the ending ding with this sound and maybe without at all right so um this is special so ing this is what we call the the ending for the gerund form of the word so again we would have to run running run uh the verb to be to be being be right do to do doing do great but when do we use these when should we say to do and when should we say doing and when should we say just do this is the big question that we're going to talk about today i see nirvana has joined us gigi has joined us let's say hi to everybody first because that's the polite thing to do uh aisha how are you today hi chris hi everyone i'm fine what about you great uh what's what is new this week as uh as the same i always study and prepare for my project uh marina the weather is warm where you are too right hi no the weather is very very very bad it's it's annoying winter this year because all this winter we have very cold winter we all exhausted because we don't go outside we just stay home and we we're missing for walking we we want to walk just go for walking sorry we miss working we missed working yeah because actually i was working with my family this winter only three times can you imagine uh walking walking walking ah i thought you said you miss working no just go outside for working walk walking yeah okay great so today today during our lesson while we're speaking uh with people while we're talking we will make a list of special verbs we have when we when we talk about gerunds and infinitives one of our rules is special verbs we have to some sometimes we don't have a good rule we have to remember that after some words we use a gerund and after some words we use an infinitive and there's no better rule so for these words we have we have this special verbs rule after this word you just have to say infinitive or gerund so for example miss after the verb to miss uh we can miss someone we can miss something we can miss doing something but we cannot miss to do something so after the verb miss if we want to say another verb then we have to say gerund uh similar to words like um enjoy i enjoy traveling not i enjoy to travel right chris what about the word uh the word mace but the senior synonym is skip i missed this lesson how can i distinguish i miss this lesson or i miss my lessons or i miss my lessons when i skip my lessons great question um so yes there's two different meanings of the word miss at least at least two min two different meanings um one of them means to skip like to not be present and one of them means that you want to see it right you you you haven't seen it in a long time and you want it [Music] uh we're talking about when you don't see something in a long time and you want it this is the this is the rule i miss working i miss seeing my friends i miss being outside uh for example to miss a lesson to miss something after this you you can't you don't usually add another verb right like i missed my work i missed my lessons i missed and and for this um skip and miss they have a little bit of a different meaning the the difference is that when you miss something you're not present and maybe and usually this was an accident you did not try to miss it you did not try to to not be present but when you skip something it's like you tried th to do this you did this on purpose it was not an accident so for example uh a child he should he should go to school but he doesn't go to school he goes some some other place he skipped school because he wanted to skip right it's not an accident he tried to do it uh so this is keep with it when it's not an accident right right he skipped school and then the principal of the school the director of the school uh says it calls the parents and the parents what my son wasn't at school today he skipped school today and he has missed five days this month like we don't know what happened on all of these days but he wasn't here right if if she says he skipped five days this month then this means that she says that he did this right so it's a little different yeah cool question uh so let's come back to infinitives and gerunds so we have some special verbs after these verbs we have to say an infinitive or a gerund we had two examples to miss doing something right you want to do it you haven't done it in a long time and we talked to enjoy enjoy doing something um great so we have some rules about when we can use infinitives and when we can use gerunds and while we're talking today i'll keep telling you about these special verbs like remember after this you can find a list on online somewhere but there's a lot of them there's i mean you just have to remember them there's not a good rule for that but there are some other rules that will make it easier um amira how are you today hi do you have any big plans this weekend uh no i don't forget anything no big parties no um yeah okay maybe they maybe they need to be more creative right maybe they need to make some shows in the street and everybody can watch with binoculars from their balcony um okay this this gives me an um an idea another special verb that we should remember is keep after the verb keep if we want to say another verb then we use gerund like keep going keep learning right we never say keep to learn never never this is just a mistake keep learning uh-huh um yeah great nirvana how are you hello oh i hear the road i hear the rainforest behind you i'm good because i don't seek everything here is okay that's great and i'm happy because it started here beautiful day i enjoy your class because i like so much oh thank you and i'm thankful for my life that's great that's great that's so positive grace thank you and gigi how are you today hi everyone hi chris yes good yeah like marina here it's uh very cold and annoying for me is a lot of snow and it's something that it's so beautiful all just for for seeing through the window not for working i think yeah yeah it's funny because um before winter everybody's saying oh i can't wait for winter i can't wait for christmas holidays i can't wait for for this right and then the first snowfall happens and everybody is when will winter be over yes wait for summer yeah it's so long so long today it's um uh in the morning was minus minus nine oh my gosh yeah wow yeah very cold for the netherlands and then there's no steel because yeah the temperature is less yeah because if there is no starter last saturday night and the oh sunday and then it stopped but still still on the street still everywhere and it's annoying from it this morning we had minus 30. oh my god no no no i can't yeah that's too much for me wow all right yeah great great great so um so let's let's look at an example where uh where if we use an infinitive or if we use a gerund then it has a different meaning so the verb to stop the verb to stop after the verb stop sometimes we might say infinitive and sometimes we might say jaren they're both okay uh for example the verb to smoke if i say i stopped smoking if i say i stopped smoking this means first i was smoking maybe in my life i i was a smoker and then i stopped doing this right now i'm not a smoker now i don't smoke i stopped smoking but if i say i stopped to smoke this means i was walking no no sorry sorry sorry it means i was walking i stopped ah why why did i stop to smoke right i stopped to smoke that's what this means um so the same with the verb start to like if you say started to smoke this doesn't this you can't say this right it does there's no reason to say start to smoke so it's always start smoking or start doing start running start working and this is really important when we give a when we give a command right when we tell somebody they need to do something right so um you would say like i don't know maybe you're helping your child put on clothes you say stop moving they're moving everywhere stop moving right stop i stopped working to have lunch for example i stopped working why to have lunch so one of the reasons that we use the infinitive is to say why to say why we do something to say why we do something like when we said he stopped why to smoke he stopped to smoke so to say why we do something why do you work to make money why do you need money to buy food why do you need to eat food to stay alive so you can speak you can speak like this you can answer the question why by using an infinitive this will tell us the reason why right um great great so this is one reason why we use the infinitive another reason that we use the infinitive is just a simple rule we use the infinitive after adjectives after adjectives so words like nice big red uh so we might say phrases like nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to see you again it was great it was great to hear your voice again great it was great great adjective next if the next word is a verb we must use infinitive after an adjective we have to use infinitive you might say it's it feels so good to be home infinitive to be home it feels good to be home good adjective so we say infinitive when we want to say why we do something we use the infinitive after adjectives and of course we have some special verbs that we just have to remember uh great next gerunds when do we use gerund the gerund or or age errand after what um so first of all we can use the gerund after sorry we must use the gerund after prepositions after prepositions so we we just talked about adjectives good good or bad sometimes we say to be good at something right like he's good at football he is good at basketball he's bad at making friends ah this is a verb to make friends if we use a verb after preposition at then we must use the gerund he's not very good at making friends for example so um for another another very useful example i am looking forward to seeing you again we might say this at the end of a phone call at the end of an email i'm looking forward to speaking with you during our next call i'm looking forward to remember two is a preposition i'm looking forward to meeting your family when i come to visit so after all of these examples we must use a gerund ing because we have a preposition john thanks for help thanks for your help thanks for helping me chris what did you say oh i thanked john four thank somebody for something i thanked john for helping me i thanked john for helping me four is a preposition great so we can use this after prepositions and we can also we have one other reason why we another reason why we use gerunds too we use them uh let's see when we want to use when we want to use a verb as a noun when we want to use a verb as a noun we want to use the verb like it's a thing um usually this happens at the beginning of the sentence and usually this thing this this this gerund will be the subject of the sentence it will be the person or the thing that's that's doing something so um for example swimming is healthy it just means the act of swimming right the the action that that is called swimming this is healthy swimming is healthy walking is good for you walking is good for you studying english might be useful in your future studying english this is the thing that the subject is that the sentence is about right it's the subject it's the it's the noun studying english it's one thing so if we want to use the verb like this then we can use the gerund and of course we also have this special verbs that we just have to remember all right and then we have our last category which is infinitive without to and the infinitive without to we have three reasons that we use it not not for special verbs yes but uh we have we use it after after make after the verb make for example uh and this is not the verb make like do no this is the verb make uh like force like i didn't want to i didn't want to write the word but the teacher made me write the word the teacher did something and i had no choice that i i must do this because the teacher wanted it right the teacher made me do it it wasn't my decision so when we use the verb make like this then we don't use to after the teacher made me do it not the teacher made me to do it right marina has a question chris i didn't get infinitive w and oh what does it mean without okay without yeah thanks um so yeah after after make and then also after after let let's go not let's two go right let's go what is what does let's go mean it means let us go we don't think about that no nobody says let us go right we always say let's let's go but um this is what it means so the teacher let me write on the board the teacher let me write not let me to write the teacher let me write um maybe maybe you are in a building and there's a security guard and he says you cannot leave the building and you say let me out let me out of this building or maybe he's standing in front of your door to your apartment and you say let me in right or if we want to add another verb we can say let me get in my apartment let me enter my apartment so without the word to and then the last reason that we use infinitive without to is after modal verbs after modal verbs modal verbs things like must might may should could would will um these kinds of words so after after modal verbs we don't use to all modal verbs so those are the rules the special verbs there's a lot of them there's a big list um and let's talk about just some of the special verbs so that we have a good some good examples right with infinitive we didn't we didn't talk about examples here so here are some examples we could use um agree to agree we agreed to meet at eight o'clock we agreed to meet at eight o'clock not we agreed meeting at eight o'clock right this is not correct we agreed to meet decide we decided to go to a new restaurant we decided to go i decided to quit my job another one expect i expect to get a new job in a month i expect to travel to argentina sometime this year forget now um this is gonna be let's not let's not use forget this is one of our special examples later okay we have a few words that we can use with both and they have a different meaning we'll talk about those later um help we always use infinitive after help help he helped me so okay the word help in british english we use infinitive with to but in american english we use infinitive without to so in british english he helped me to finish my work in american english he helped me finish my work special only about this verb uh hope i hoped to meet the president learn he learned to write code he learned to manage people need i need to go i need to tell you something i need to tell you something okay so those are some examples um also the verbs offer plan pretend promise refuse seem try want would like if we use both of these words together would like for example i would like to order a steak i would like to um the same with wood love or would not like or would hate or anything with wood wood and then a verb and then two and also can't afford not afford like he can't afford to lose his job he can't afford to buy a new car right now great um and then when we have gerunds we have lots of special verbs too for example enjoy hate like love finish he finished working uh mind i don't mind washing the floor i don't mind cooking dinner it's not a problem for me right i don't mind also we use gerunds after the verb practice you should practice speaking in public uh also after the verb spend you could spend money doing something or you could spend time doing something right he spent uh he spent five hours making a website he spent five hours making a website they spent six months building a house they spent twenty thousand dollars building a website we could use money or we could use time but then we need to use gerund after this uh after the verb suggest suggest he suggested going to a new restaurant my friend gave me your phone number he suggested calling you if i needed help he suggested calling you he recommended calling you also recommend yeah great so now let's talk about some of the verbs that are confusing because you can use them with both infinitive or gerund but they have a different meaning so these are special ones that we need to remember and the verb remember is one of them the verbs remember and forget so it's different if we say i remembered to do something or if i say i remember doing something here's the difference when we remember to do something this means first we remember ah i need to do that and then we do it i remembered to lock the door i closed it i left my house closed the door i remembered i should lock the door and then i locked the door i remembered to lock the door but if we say remember doing something this is different this means first i did it and then i remember it i remember walking on the beach i remember uh flying on an airplane i did it i was i flew on an airplane and then now i can think yes i remember this right uh so when we say remember like this we can also say recall right recall is similar to we did something in the past and now we remember it we are recalling this memory um right so this is gerund so so you can see it's different and the same with forget he forgot to lock the door or he forgot flying on an airplane right like my my grandfather he forgets a lot of things now and so we might say like oh did he remember you oh he remembered he remembered living in our old house or he remembered right and so we're talking about something from the past that he remembers now great so that's this is one example of the difference another one another one that is different when we use it with an infinitive and with a gerund is the verb to try try to do something or try doing something now for english speakers like me native speakers who only spoke english they're i mean for people who have never spoken another language they think it's one word it's try it doesn't have a different meaning it's one word remember right remember to do remember doing what's the difference it's all remember for an english speaker but maybe in your language these are different things with different words right uh but for english speakers it's not confusing it's it's just one concept it's one idea so um try try to do something try to do something this means that you use your energy you use your strength i i tried to open the bottle i tried to open it but i couldn't open it here you try to open it can you try to open this for me for example if i say try opening this is different if we say try doing something this is when we try for the first time we try something new right so for marina and all the other russian speakers who are watching it's there's clear difference where we try doing something is provo it and try to do something is starazza right so it's clear difference and when we when we talked about remember there's just clear different translations but it's the same word in english this is what changes and this can tell us that it's it's one verb or another verb right uh so yeah so we might say so so maybe you call um tech support my computer isn't working uh have you tried turning it on have you tried plugging it in yeah so and this means is this would be the first time that you try it right like like you didn't think of this before right oh i think i'm i think i'm gaining too much uh weight have you tried eating healthy food this is about myself i need to do this i haven't really tried it yet but i'm but i am really i'm really trying i'm really trying not to eat sweets right it's infinitive it's negative infinitive not to eat so we can also use the infinitive the gerund and infinitive without to we can use them in the negative form also we can say i'm trying not to eat sweets right or um or for example your friend's your friend tells you something from your childhood it's true for him it's not true for you he says i remember i remember i remember skipping school when i was a child right not going to i remember skipping school and i can say i remember not skipping school i remember that i did not do that right i remember not skipping school so we make the negative by just putting not before it so it would be we have to do and we have not to do doing not doing and do or not do like for example um my mom let me not go to school i didn't want to go to school she let me not go for for example so we can make uh we can make we can have a positive or negative infinitive gerund and infinitive without two right we can just put not before it and it makes it negative [Music] great so we we talked about a lot of different things today let's um let me ask you a few questions so first of all nirvana what are you good at what do you think you are good at and remember after prepositions we should use gerund [Music] give me example please for example we might say he is good at playing basketball i good at [Music] keeping silence and let's remember that we have to use the verb to be to be good at so i am good at uh keeping silent good example gigi what about you yes i'm good at cooking cooking cakes yeah it's not good for healthy but it's good for eating yeah not good for your health but it's good for eating yeah yeah yeah um it's good yeah is it is it good for eating or is it good to eat uh no it's it's good for eating we can say both right both yeah yeah yeah okay great great great aisha what about you what are you good at yes i am good at making dress making dresses yes uh-huh i didn't i didn't know that you were a seamstress buddy um i i didn't know that you s do you sell do would you yes yes i saw and i work in a machine thomashi and i do my own this and my you make your own dresses yes because i try to be a fashion design as uh as well as my mom wow that's so cool you have a lot of interesting hobbies yes all right um amira what are you good at i'm dressing like this i'm good at cooking at cooking what's your best dish fish i thought you might say pizza are you good at making pizza yeah that's great uh thank you marina what about you what are you good at i think that i am good at writing poems poems yeah yeah writing poems how do you write very long poems or short poems i depends but usually it's like uh joking poems for special occasions i have a lot of experience a lot of i would say big experience yeah a lot of experience yeah a lot of experience yeah you have a lot of experience doing this yes for different celebrations uh-huh cool because in russia this is a like it's a fun thing to do right like a on a birthday card or um yes and uh i wrote a lot of different poems for weddings of my friends for my son graduating uh this primary school for different occasions for birthdays party for for my relatives yeah great thank you so so yeah you can see we can use to be good at to be bad at something at doing something because of the preposition right now my last question for today's lesson is going to be what are you looking forward to doing what are you looking forward to doing what are you looking forward to doing like at the end of an email we might say i look forward to hearing from you soon or i look forward to receiving your answer or i look forward to meeting you in person right and right if we know when we will see them maybe i look forward to seeing you to seeing you on thursday uh so what are you looking forward to doing i'm looking forward to traveling i hope we can travel soon i'm looking forward to traveling um gigi what are you looking forward to yes uh i'm looking forward to traveling to for uh seeing my new grandson in london it's my really wish right now and today he complete four months and i didn't have any opportunity to to sin yeah it's his four-month birthday yeah today you know boy yeah wow that's my wish yes okay so yeah you look forward to seeing him yes yes great aisha what are you looking forward to doing yes i'm looking for getting my ph justification looking forward to getting right to getting my speech i looking for forward to getting be hd certification uh-huh great that's very that's a big achievement i need one year to get it one more year one more year and how many years total four four years yeah wow great all right um uh nirvana what are you looking forward to doing i am looking forward to to see the sing the birds so listening to the birds songs yeah yeah uh-huh songs of the birds well thank you for sharing them with us [Music] all right great uh amira what are you looking forward to doing um to speaking the english word wow you said that so clearly thank you uh marina what are you looking forward to doing i'm looking forward to having warm weather yes can i say this absolutely absolutely absolutely and thank you yeah we didn't use the verb have yet all all verbs can be like this right modal verbs cannot we cannot have modal verb modal verbs don't have an infinitive and a gerund all right we don't have to must we don't have mustang uh just must so but but good question so like have helping verbs be do have yes we use them with all of these chris yeah may i uh clarify about suggest yeah i suggest uh uh for example i suggest drinking uh tea with honey for example or um another situation like my mother suggested to me ah no suggested uh drink i know suggested tea with honey for example you can suggest something without another something uh-huh suggest doing something or yeah doing something or suggest something right and important that it's not we never say suggest me to me we we but we usually put two me at the end and we usually understand that it's to me if you say if for example if you say suggest me something this is suggest me i'm i'm the thing that you should you should suggest like suggest me to your friends i suggest to my mom right i suggested this to my mom to my mom mm-hmm exactly so we should put the we should put the direct object or the indirect object okay thank you chris great thank you all right well if there are any other questions you can ask now um if not then that's it for our lesson today thank you so much to nirvana amira gigi marina aisha for joining us today i see nirvana has a question so yeah hi i'm johanna what's the difference between seeing and look like great question so um they're very similar they're very similar let's go through some examples uh we might say he looks like an old man this is about his physical appearance right he seems like an old man this just means we don't know that it's his physical appearance maybe maybe we heard his voice maybe we maybe we heard we thought about his ideas we said only an old man thinks like this right so something something made us think that he's an old man it gave us the impression right it for some reason so this is the difference look like is usually physical appearance and seem can be anything really right like um this seems like a strange city we can say like i just feel this for some reason it feels like this to me it seems like this to me but if i said this looks like a strange city then probably it's something that i can see with my eye right because i'm using look also look like has some special rules when we're talking about uh grammar because it's really the verb to look we can use look with adjectives but when we say look like we should say a phrase or we should say a noun or an age sorry not an age and age is like an adjective without like um but but uh if we use look like we should use a noun or we should use a phrase so like he looks like an old man he looks like someone who doesn't live here but if we take away like then we can say he looks old or he looks about 75 years old right the seam is different it's not just look is that clear so they things will uh going to ren or today look look like children i would probably say looks i would say today it looks like it's going to rain because i see the clouds it's dark right but maybe i have some special sense some feeling like it's not raining it's not dark i walk outside like seems like it's going to rain but but also maybe my my sense that i have maybe this feeling is because i see that it's dark maybe it's dark and it's and i say seems like it's going to rain yes just look is only about is only look and seem can be many things right he like he seems happy seems happy exactly not he look like happy we can say he looks happy okay because it's an adjective we can't we don't say like um yeah great question thank you all right chris can i uh sorry can i say it seems will be raining no it seems it's going to rain or it seems like it's going to rain [Music] or it seems like a rainy day great okay all right thank you everybody so thanks to everyone who joined our lesson today thanks for everyone who watched online every friday at 8 a.m new york time we go live on youtube and every monday at 8 a.m new york time every monday at 8 00 in 8 a.m new york time we go live on facebook so i hope that you'll join us again on monday on facebook at 8am new york time have a wonderful
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 7,585
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Id: QzEk9CU-nMU
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Length: 62min 45sec (3765 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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