How to learn 2000 English words and become fluent in English this year

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hey everybody chris amerikos here and welcome to another video this one is all about how you can learn as many words as possible and as much english as possible in the next 12 months [Music] now a lot of people say they want to learn english and they want to learn a lot of new information in the next year but most people make lots of excuses and say they don't have time and what i've found is everybody has time it's just a matter of planning you have to plan out how and when you're going to study english so in this video i'm going to tell you exactly how you can get the best results over the next year and what you need to focus on so you can learn english now are you ready let's get started [Music] all right the first thing you need to do is take out a pin and a piece of paper and write your answers to these five questions question number one is how many words do you want to learn in the next year now it's true you could write any number here some people write a million but we need to be realistic when we answer this question a typical american teenager knows about five thousand to six thousand words and uses about two thousand words actively now when you're trying to decide how many words you need to learn it's also important to think about which words you need to learn of course you want to learn words that are used more frequently or more often so if you learn the top 2 000 words in english over the next year you don't have to sound like a teenager but at least you'll understand them what's up with the whack playstation song question number two is how many grammar lessons do you want to learn in the next year sure there are difficult grammar lessons and easy grammar lessons but if you want to learn the language you definitely have to learn some grammar these are the rules that govern how we speak the language and there are a lot of grammar topics so how many do you think you want to learn in the next year question number three is how many times do you want to practice speaking english in the next year and what i mean is having speaking practice and it doesn't have to be with a native speaker it could be with one of your friends or someone you know but you definitely have to practice speaking the words and speaking the language because i mean that's what we do with languages right we speak them and research has shown that when you speak the language you remember it better question number four is how many books do you want to read in english in the next year there are all kinds of books out there but how many of them do you think are realistic for you to read over the next 12 months and remember we're talking about books not magazines not websites and not the back of a cereal box and lastly question number five how many films do you want to watch in english in the next year a lot of people watch films for entertainment but they don't really watch them for educational purposes and while reading a book can really help expand our vocabulary in the words that we know passively films and tv shows can help us with our listening skills so i hope you've written all your answers down on your piece of paper and right now i'm just going to repeat these questions really quickly to make sure we've all got it so question number one how many words do you want to learn question number two how many grammar lessons do you want to learn question number three how many times do you want to have speaking practice question number four how many books do you want to read and question number five how many films do you want to watch and no matter what you've written down right now i'm going to tell you what i suggest and what i think is realistic for anyone to do the numbers that i'm going to tell you are not necessarily what you have to do but if you do this you will definitely make an improvement in your english and it's impossible for your english not to improve so first of all i think that 2 000 words in a year is absolutely possible now the number 2000 sounds really big but that's why we need to break it down and think about it in a different way a lot of people hear the number 2000 words and they think wow that's never going to happen it's impossible or it's so difficult but they don't understand what 2000 words in one year really means if we learn 2 000 new words a year this means that we learn 167 new words a month it means that we learn 39 new words a week and it means we only have to learn six new words a day only six whoa so what i want you to do immediately after watching this video is take out a piece of paper or go online and find and write down the top 100 or 200 words that are used in english you can find them on lots of websites and you can print out this list of words after you write them down or print them out put that list in your kitchen or your car or even your bathroom each day when you go to that place and you do a usual daily activity or a routine that you have you're going to mark off or cross out words that you have learned what we want to do is we want to associate english with other daily activities or daily routines that we have so maybe while you're brushing your teeth and combing your hair you're also learning new english words or maybe when you're driving to work you're also learning new english words or maybe when you're cooking breakfast or lunch or dinner for the family you're also learning new english words when we say two thousand words it makes it sound really difficult when we say six words it sounds easy and remember you don't wanna go for difficult words or slang you want to learn the most commonly used words next how many grammar lessons should you learn in a year well i think you can learn about 52 grammar lessons which means four every month and one every week so if you're already learning six words every day then you choose one day to spend a little bit more time on english to spend another 15 or 20 minutes learning a new grammar topic and doing some exercises about this topic and to practice this grammar topic you can just go to google type in the name of the grammar topic for example present perfect and then the word activities or exercises you'll find lots of websites that will check your answers automatically so you can see how well you understand this grammar topic next how many times a year should you have speaking practice i think again you should have speaking practice 52 times a year so that's four times a month one time a week and here's the strategy that you want to use with speaking practice you don't want to just bother lots of people and say please speak with me please speak with me no no no that's annoying instead try to find four people all you need is four people and then with each of those four people you speak with them one time a month so one time a month is not difficult to do if you try to speak with the same person once every week well that's more difficult and it can become annoying but if you find four people to speak with you one time a month then it's much easier and you would be surprised there's a lot of people out there who are looking for speaking practice too next let's talk about books you should try to read 20 books in english in the next year now there are special books that you should try to read you shouldn't try to read novels or you know 300 or 400 page books you should try to read simple books and when you're choosing a book to read you need to understand at least 80 to 90 of all of the words in this book don't try to read a book that you only understand 50 of or 20 of it won't help you learn the language if you can read 20 books a year that's only one and a half books every month that's less than one book a week and there are special types of books called graded readers or abridged versions and these books are written specifically to help you learn english okay the last thing for us to talk about is watching films you should watch about 30 films in english in the next year probably you can do more than that because it's probably not work for you but if it's not work for you if it's just entertainment then you're probably not learning much if you watch 30 films that's about two and a half films a month and that's less than one film a week but when you're watching a film to learn english you don't just sit and watch you need to pause the video when you don't understand something or when you find something that's surprising you need to listen and think wait they said it like this that's not how i would say it why is that and then we write notes so we pause the video we write notes we write words that we don't know and then we go do research and we look it up and we find the answer why did they say that what does that mean so if you can do all five of those things then you're definitely going to make a huge improvement in your english in the next 12 months so now let's go back to the point that we made at the very beginning of this video a lot of people think they don't have time they don't have time to learn english they don't have time to read books they don't have time to watch films and the truth is yes you do if you think that you don't have time then you need to start planning things in your life better like i said before you need to try to associate studying english with a routine activity that you already do in that way you don't spend any extra time studying english instead you use the time that you already spend on other things to also study english so if you want to get maximal results and really learn english in the next 12 months take out your calendar right now find space in your calendar find time make time and make english a priority in your life when i talked about associating english with your daily activities and your routine what i'm talking about is making english part of your life if english isn't part of your life you're not going to learn it and you're not going to use it so you make a decision right now the only person who can decide this is you do you need english do you want to learn it if you do then take out your calendar and find the time to do it right now thanks for watching this video don't forget to press like press subscribe and leave a comment down below and make english a priority in your life [Music] today you
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 454,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to learn 2000 English words, become fluent in English this year, fluent in English this year, 2000 English words, learn English as quickly as possible, remember as many of the new words that I learn, English language studies, English with Kris Amerikos, Kris Amerikos, how to learn english words easily, learn english words, 4000 essential english words, new english words, become fluent in english, kris amerikos lessons, kris amerikos english teacher, kris amerikos youtube
Id: O_dleNcjyg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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