How to Learn English FAST | English with Kris Amerikos

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hey guys Chris Tamara Coast here and in this video I want to tell you about how you can improve your English as quickly as possible a lot of people ask me this question they say Chris I've seen your ads on YouTube and Facebook and Instagram and everywhere I've been to your website I've watched your seminar but I still have this question how can I improve my English very very quickly right and you might have that question too so right now I'm going to tell you about that and it's really easy actually a lot of people just don't know where to start and so they asked this question and my answer is well first you need to start by knowing what you want see a lot of people don't know what they want and that makes it difficult for them to get what they want right to get the result that they want and if you want to get the best result possible when you're studying English then number one you need to focus on the things that you want you need to know what you want you need to have goals have your goals for learning English and when you've got goals for learning English it's going to make it so much easier for you to get results so okay what do I mean by goals and what do I mean when I say all these things that I'm saying right well first of all what I mean is you should decide why you're learning English some people learn English to travel abroad to travel to another country just just to travel in general right some people are studying English so that they can pass an exam or take some kind of standardized exam and they can then travel to another country live in another country or maybe even study or work in another country maybe that's you some people want to learn English for their business because you can reach more customers if you speak English and some people are just studying English because they like languages right maybe that's you too so why am I telling you this I'm telling you this because if you want to know how to learn English the fastest way then the first thing you need to do it you need to understand why you need English in the first place you see if you study general English but you only need English to travel then maybe you're wasting your time maybe you don't need to study for so long in order to know how to order things at a restaurant or maybe there's a better program for you maybe you can study just the things you need when you're traveling and that's it and in fact if that's what you want if you are into traveling and you're studying English because you want to travel then click the link under this video and I have a special course called travel English that you can join but that's a secret I'm not supposed to tell anybody about that so let's not talk about that too much so the next thing that you need to know is after you've decided why you're studying English what your goal is you know maybe you want to pass an exam with a certain score like the IELTS exam or the TOI full exam maybe your goal is to get a job in another country maybe your job is to intercept e at another country you know there's a lot of different reasons that people study English and there isn't one that's better or worse than all the others so it's really important to know what you want and then you can try to get it ok so after you've decided what it is that you want the next step is you need to make a plan most of my students or most of the people who come to me and they say Chris I want you to teach me English most of those people they don't have a plan maybe they know why they need English maybe they know in general what they want to get from their English studies and maybe they have some idea of what success looks like but most of them don't have a plan and when I say they don't have a plan what I mean is that they only think about the result and they don't think about the process of how they can achieve that result how they can get there so how do you make a plan let's use the example of studying for the IELTS exam just for example so a plan includes knowing how many new words you need to learn and then understanding each day I need to do this how many times how many words I need to learn every day how many chapters of my IELTS textbook do I need to study every day right so you need to break down your goal so you know what you need to do every day every week every month so that you can reach your goal and breaking down your your goal into this into daily pieces will make it so much easier for you to actually do it so this is what a plan should look like your plan should be how you're going to achieve your big goal by taking daily actions and small steps so after you've got a goal you've got a plan what do you do next well now you need to take action this is the part where a lot of people just stop right and maybe this is what stopped you in the past - it's okay it happens to all of us sometimes we lose motivation that's okay and maybe you need someone to help you get motivated to go further and keep going that's what I help people with a lot you know and so one of the things that you want to do is you want to remember why you're doing this remember why you need English remember your goal and remember what you want to get out of it because that's really really important how are you going to motivate yourself if you feel like you're not really getting anything right that would be a problem that would be really difficult because then you just won't want to study oh no it's dark in this room yeah because you won't want to study if you don't have any motivation right so so we have a goal for example for example I want to study in another country then we have a plan in order to do this I need to pass the IELTS exam and in order to pass the IELTS exam I need to really learn this material so I'm going to break it down into you know daily pieces every day I need to do this every week every month etc right and then after that we're going to motivate ourselves how can I stay focused how can I take action every day now you might be thinking Chris this is great it sounds more like psychology than language study right it sounds great but but Chris I do that and I don't have the results so what's the problem well you're right because most people out there I would say 95% of people out there maybe more they think that that's it they think that that's the whole thing that they need to do and there's nothing else they think I have a goal I have a plan I took action and they forget step 4 step 4 analyze your results look at your results honestly honestly it's really important that you do it honestly because a lot of people look at the results and they say look at me I made a plan to learn 20 new words every day every day I learned five new words at least I did something right and they think that this is a good job that they've done a good job and now they're still going to reach the result that they wanted to reach know if you said 20 do 20 or more not 5 so you need to look at your results you need to be honest with yourself did I really do what I said I was going to do with my results now will I really get the result that I want to get be honest right you have to ask yourself that question you have to be honest with yourself so let me remind you one more time there's four steps that you should follow and this this process of four steps will help you learn anything including English as quickly as possible this is the fastest way to learn or do anything first set a goal second plan to achieve the goal third take action to achieve the goal fourth honestly analyze your results and then after you've analyzed the results you can see if it was positive or negative what you need to do more what you need to do less and then you do this process again now for those of you who don't know what this process is called I like to call it the scientific method maybe you've heard of it before it's very popular and a lot of people use it because it works so if you're still wondering how you can learn better English how you can do it very quickly like in 30 days then I have a very big free seminar that you can join the link is under this video just click the link register for the next seminar the next one is starting very soon and I will explain in detail how to get the best results possible right in this video you know 10 minutes or something I can't really explain it to perfection but in our seminar I do so go over and join the free seminar if you haven't watched it already and after you've joined the free seminar and if you like what you hear there you can also join my speaking course so I have a special program called everyday English where we speak English every day and you can join any time of the day we have lessons all day and we have lots of students from all over the world and professional teachers from all over the world but almost all of them are from english-speaking countries and all of them are professional native level speaking teachers and I think that this program will really help you solve a lot of your English problems and here's why a lot of people think they need grammar and writing and speaking and listening and everything else pronunciation and phonetics and punctuation well yes to be absolutely 100% correct in any language you need those things but are you 100% correct always in your language do people really speak like robots and are people really correct all the time no people are never correct 100% of the time so we need to learn the real language and the real language comes from communicating from sending information from one person to another and that's what our speaking program focuses on to give you the knowledge that you need to communicate in English with anybody anywhere any part of the world and that's what you'll find here you'll find students from every part of the world and you'll find amazing teachers who are ready to speak with you at all hours of the day really anytime you join there's a lesson so it's really really great so again if you want to join any of these programs that I've talked about or my free seminar you can click the link under this video and I hope that this video helped explain that four-step process for you and that you'll be able to start using it because that process is the same thing that I use when I learn things and that's what my students use and that's what everybody uses and that's the best way to do it so just to review set a goal create a plan take action on the plan analyze your results honestly do it again all right I hope that you really liked this video found something useful here if you did go ahead and write a comment press like and press subscribe and I will see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 95,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to learn english, learn english fast, learn english quickly, best way to learn english, english with native teachers, English lesson, English online, English words
Id: UPwyekAAQ4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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