Intense Oasis Game! | Lithuanians vs Cumans

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so what's ever in our humans I think people want to see Lithuanians will go with Lithuanians should we do the 3-minute rush again guys do you like the like I love the way it looks everything I like the new campaigns new content new quality of life features performance have been a little bit up and down also the server's a little bit unstable so see okay let's go for the drush Lithuanians we're always up again he's now playing as he's not playing as the kyumin's so yes Lithuanian start with 150 food extra which is what's allowing me to do what I'm doing right now which is building a barracks and a house immediately in order to get out militia right away over they got them come up sorry guys so yeah how about is delay on the e not bad at all it's instant there is barely delay even remotely even three three four four games delay is very very nice built so this was a waste this right yep which means I probably should already be running towards my opponent but yeah alright so the militia are out they should arrive at a time I would say where he's about to build this lumber camp so it's pretty cool just a farm reason you stay on if you have no wood or does it turn itself off I'm pretty sure it stays on although don't quote me on that wait I have access to the middle water let's go boys and Anat can't find my opponent will be nice if you showed up anytime soon oh ok ok ok we have located our target [Music] number what look how close the wood is to his town center her Adonis is that he's in no danger at all don't class man that's so stupid years tell us are in the wood line and I would okay as I cannot officially okay can I locate his I need to find his Boris and deny them from him there's one board oh i wuold him into it with the bore alright not the greatest art I'll give you I'll admit to that guys I'm the first one to reach my hand in the air and say that this is not the way to start you took one well that was a disaster as well Oh nearly lost another one's all right I was sure they took one to the berries wiper cost pays me hey I'm talking up like that very unfortunate that his town centers were so next to the so close next Oh [Music] everything's going wrong I don't even know how we got silver how do we ever get silver even how the hell do we follow this up wants to fight has low HP we might be able to trade okay focus on his berry kind of what I'm doing here once they go forward I bet he can kill some lows and I'm not sure what follow up I should go for always it'll be nice to get the relics and get some light attacks I kill I kill a lot of East's what game is disarm what do you mean not sure what you mean they're cool is it like command & Conquer it's not real time strategy game so I I guess yes so he's in fueling I would like to find out what he's doing obviously our opening was absolute disaster to find out what he's planning yes cleans the queue months so in theory it could add a second town center we go stable you could go keep check barracks but all I see as well I fear that he's coming forward don't feel safe right now Hildur on the second Townson a second town center yes I'll have to play a little prolonged fuel age and I'm not sure what he's up to yet it's kind of the biggest issue I have right now so I am in the dark and he has two Town Center's there's also an issue yes we know what he's going for I said I can't wall there because tree is there please forget the unaffected fight they're sort of much food my caring not too much make experiment that's bad so it's you scout brush in the s2000s things are looking good boys but now we're looking in for our first competitive loss okay okay that's actually lonely lost to those there you should have lost all four all right come back his own mr. dream that dream is not dead Jim will never die as long as one of us always believes he will never die let's go back there is still more food there to go yeah main issues is to TC booming right now which puts us in quite picky noticed my lowest peoples and wants to try and snipe them so yeah my plan is still probably try to get up and get the relics I guess then hope for the best don't honestly think we have too many options again how do you how would you play Age of Empires on Khan's console though I don't understand that concept see you're saying that you understand why it's not an Xbox but how would you play this on console guess we just goes again similar job being active with us and stuff say again the issues that he's on the way - he's in fuel a trite - Town Center's doll running cause he might hit Castor's faster with that in mind but still I think I'd rather be in his position enough fooling around hunt it down actually just wanna find the relics it's the main purpose of this dude I would say I would say it probably has a maybe more than $10 lead even way more actually probably probably just about a 15 - actually that moment would be my guesstimate yes they're getting relics second that extra attack on my cavalry it's gonna be the main thing and take it from there try and catch up a little bit in economy new HP bars are hard to see you can't turn on legacy HP bars I'll try that so you guys can judge oh yeah now here's legacy no not sure why it's not legacy on units though he's cast it as well oh boy oh boy like villagers now have read yeah Greene is HP red is damaged what does he make you know I like this though we're put in a challenging position now but we have to catch up I like that I need to figure out exactly what he's doing your Scout is nearly dead I'm well aware but it's showing full HP no it's because that's why it's red okay I get it now my apologies are now catching up a lot in score because of scouting points I'm pretty sure so remind me the Lithuanian unique unit is it the unit that ignores Armour I think it is right you can feel yourself improving just by watching oh boy so mark their knowledge means he sent another villager forward don't remember there being a marketer earlier I'm not sure how I feel about that but at the moment we are you're catching up score wise with the other scores that everything has to show you a well aware of [Music] the armor class yeah if I remember correctly then the trainer's unit is the one that ignores armor which means that we do full attack I'm a tall God he's going for the cube Chuck we're dead you're so dead I actually just try to make I just tried to make a crap host I always know I don't have crap host so God knows why I try to make that it's not stable [Music] stop the relic first so far disaster the keep track is dominating still need to pick up the relics I have two right now I would like to have more you had this unit I hate this unit I love it but I also hate it I'm still looking for the remaining relics seizure workshop luckily they are a week to town sinners find my house I lost yet another monk and another monk not looking good boys also I only see three relics is there a chance that there are less we don't have to worry about being housed at is apparent Shuko news on steroids on a horse I need to wait for my elite skirmisher to kick in so yeah we are definitely in a very Oh quick Wow like a beast you're definitely in a very rough spot right now okay let's go measure is done so we should be able to stabilize a little bit still has a lot of units okay this guy's dude just do it scarring that I just want to get that relic and I feel confident to carry on he's doing the right thing now he's adding he's adding in more yeah this is a pickle because we're gonna have to get ready now - oh God where is he dropping that castle in my face I've been in various situations before it's not even a doubt castle time to bring out our that's actually all my gold all my gold is here to make score is not far enough that I feel like we're dead but it's I don't feel good about this still yes that hill now which is nasty and that is my only goal to make some night surrogates to get them in oh it doesn't notice been taking stone there that helps that's helpful petard again it looks like my cast is on fire on fire but it's actually the house behind ok luckily I had some skirmishers in the right side I think that's the thing as well I'm not a problem I don't notice if my opponents are in him because there's no sound playing so I'm at ours we have here shoot manga know how do I deal with this do I go play try to play all outcasts later do I go him or do a GG I have enough petard here maybe to buy a little bit of time I think I can go what is my interface ok the castle is down so that's good news doesn't change much really [Music] unless we can take out the TREB it doesn't change anything I guess the cast is gone we actually getting the trip is 11 HP losing my relics okay let's see Boise if we can come back here good thing is you don't have he doesn't have braced her right that's at least something and he seems commit I'm sticking with the keeps a few minutes less he's making a change now it was a villager there I don't like that that's a cavalier I'm officially switching to Pike that's a lot of Cavalier actually have decent amount of resources I'm just not spending them actually also have decent population so we're not giving in yet it's always not looking good no denying that yeah this game is only on PC people asking if it's on Xbox or whites on xbox cuz it is neat that's about as good as an answer I can give you biggest concern for us would be another caste from him in our face most likely I didn't get that relic either dammit heeey kind of holding there is for time being our population is still not good you are stuck with I'm not a gold not as well I still feel like we probably could justify a GG but we're still alive so why not try to play on these workshop right now would seems to be my primary issue I could somehow snag that relic that would be absolutely on my ism [Music] actually looks like even right now I think the sides yeah you noticed just try to get that still [Music] [Music] scanning Sierra numbers no we don't like that so you got a really good job keeping up the pressure but my population was lower earlier damn guys sniping my relics my marks I think is Judy I think it's Judy as well but I don't mind trying stuff because it's not super GG it's just very easy as long as I'm stable over under population I will keep trying a little bit let's have a little cape Chuck my relic oh no I'm out of stone can I save it I should be able to save it our population is dropping significantly though not able to able to grow my pop at all that is a problem 120 if we can stabilize now you stabilize now and just go our pop that's might be an option but again I don't have gold income all my gold is on that hill I was still stuck to Castle age we do have two relics though potentially three he has a trip out now that's another pickle not a reason why I'm never gonna be able to stabilize there relation is going though it doesn't mean necessarily mean much okay we got not a relic population is approaching 150 might argue that's progress how much progress is another story I do have ballistics done' that's my next thing crossing my mind I'm almost pop capped we're actually almost PopCap I just need goal to go to Imperial age then we can play a really long game where we have majority relics you see if I can sneak stables there to start baiting him these like this have actually been really helpful in defending against the raids in sides because they ignored armor so suddenly notice this still feels like I cannot justify clicking him as always as dark as tomorrow [Music] [Music] yeah I thought it was trying to drop a casserole panthan off at least I have gold right now so just need to make sure to take that out I have enough gold for Imperial age is what I'm trying to say when I say I have gold yeah it please one more hit yes need to save our Castle um one sec let's do Nick Tech again I could actually been really good and this one is pikemen as grants more piercing okay sorry go yes sir it's quite quite the game I'm a limp my tungsten is now have range so we can repair this Townsend we might be able to [Music] anymore barracks how many more farms so just me or is it starting to look good so just me or is it starting to look good it's just you okay to that my publisher knows I'm gone I had population now I don't have population that's a very sad realization I have right now losing villagers somewhere I just had population where did my population go Oh God okay I'm dead justice I got hope I died again too bad just as I got hope I died again I am NOT gonna be able to get oh I do have a second castle okay I need bracer okay population is back we're back boys comeback is on population has returned I believe again I started fire oh it's quite expensive though I think you don't think I can afford it I'm gonna get braised - now and we held in Castle age logic would indicate that we have good chances of holding em like that though you probably afford how but here as well [Music] still I want kind of bills [Music] still own house healthy population hanging in there in there that was a good trade for us on that side [Music] I actually have golden come again we do have three relics he hasn't taken his the rogue that is for him yet which means that's a lot we could potentially grab I'm actually going to do the poor thing talents are in there now trying to take my gold back again huh star as well now guys then I have hope again ten tonnes game yes yes which is focus here now is why is this a little background there I need to address that because using control here can be quite bad for us we are gaining some control here with that in mind I cannot see anything in my blacksmith oh now I see it that was weird yes I need to stabilize a little bit more we are not making progress I think wall wall wall ain't Waller man [Music] whose goal is that here maybe focusing too much on upgrades now and losing control of my eco because of that there we go last of Korean coming I imagine in a trash war that we would have an edge because we have bracer also easier said than done considering our position we've been in this corner now for hours yes skirmishes without bracer so while the population still isn't an unique tech true just a little bit more time to get my eco fully up to running here Eco is fully operational then I think we have a good shot here but this is for monomers wood seems to be an issue for me I'm gonna lose control on this side again might as well surrender my to say villagers are away Catherine on chemistry autonomous with extra range as well just a knowledge they're running into her face we like that he's gaining control again I'm still barely holding on like I'm starting on one for population I just need some time to stabilize again I do have 57 people on food and 39 would still so in theory shouldn't be impossible for me to max out again I just need a little bit of time I need to start cleaning his base on the left side to get myself more space to work with there that would be very nice it is never able to get out of this population of 140 we need to name of this should be able to Oh chica chica tearing a wood line population is growing though it's GG that be you're supposed to be my most supportive piece in this puzzle it's not GG we have this oh you mean this duty for him oh yeah yeah yeah actually come completely agree with you 100% I actually I'm gonna win the game now let's stop messing around [Music] how's Tara seven to seven attack he still hasn't picked up this relics obviously that's still on the schedule on the to-do list rather [Music] [Music] let's run through Jackie's out of gold I would very much appreciate if it was still hasn't taken the relic top scorer thumb ring I will do so time for us to rate a little bit little boy now this will be a good rate I can tell it derp is a fast player how active it was it's with his units and like the rating it does this actually a stone there as well okay cus is still fine it's falling apart it's falling apart looking good boys considering the struggle we had in castle age I did not expect us to come back within this I should not talk as if we have already won just saying is looking good now don't apart in tactics me I shouldn't make our choice - time to bring out the paladin's with all that juicy attack it's time to get the relic I have all the unique texts yes as you can see here only thing we're missing is elite or unique unit I'm just don't stare not enough forecast and unfortunately [Music] there's actually gold there as well castle is going down yes good stuff should I go four pallets always calling gg gg voice and I did not expect this did not expect to win this game honestly look I'm barely out of my corner still I'm still in my corner hmm how long was this one hour 26 minutes honestly we were super dead early on I I'm quite surprised everyone as well great game first of all also performs that game was great so he actually made a cheeky tartar bastard so actually getting those relics I think helped us so much as well because we had that plus extra Lithuanian bonus guys few relics of course gave us gold in the long run but also one plus extra attack to all of our calories or her Starlight Kaveri had plus three attack also our lalalala what's your name lightest think the lightest was super effective to clean trade I was believing in you yeah right I think honestly looking at this as well like this probably a really really good counter raid defensive unit because we know that armor you just crush the rating units really fast but yeah did not expect to win a game well played to dirt for sure obviously our Russian the opening was real disaster and yeah I thought you were done in Catholic but I'm satisfied with it what should I have done to win um I'm gonna check the Kuma's tech tree in a sec and we can look at check and look at what options he had you just killed still had a better KD economy we actually got more food in the end wood he had 20k more LCS 10k more gold rough stuff yo Alec a a we think of a much more sub tarsus then good for months as well we were 25 minutes later to compare aged 25 minutes later the cast a impaired age rough stuff maybe he made too many bills at some point 4 K relic gold yeah look right here we're dead that sub was for the win Thank You Man should have pushed it with any Rams financially but here we're dead he has more than twice our population here actually doesn't he or about twice a pop yeah okay let's have a quick look at the tech tree these planes to humans I wonder if he had step husbandry which makes light care produce so fast maybe it did maybe that's why he suddenly reinforcements came so fast honestly guys probably champion would have been a really good choice frame here just get supplies and go champion salmon we have scurbs helps in SR it's a probably champion what we can frame he did not make step he stepped lancers either it could have been good to don't know if I agree with the Honorable choice he never upgraded see Graham I think serum as well would have been a really good really good choice the approach champion owns this champion serum would have killed me for sure yeah I think that would have been the keyframe go champion see room
Channel: TheViper
Views: 152,832
Rating: 4.9294791 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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