How to Counter the Cumans!? | 1v1 Oasis vs DauT

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alright let's see what we get then they pick mezzo like every game they have fun playing as a saves their whole lives and that's good for them so they are still playing I am NOT Luis brother or father or a clan mate I don't know I think I need to adjust how points are awarded based on what you pick or go random I don't think so like I've always said I think they should just add a system where where you get 5 maps from your face you and your opponent have to be tows each and the fifth map will be played and then there's also like say when you get handed ten random civilizations that you can choose from freely that would force variation it will be a lot of fun and yeah I think that would be a good way to go see a rep against doubt you gotta burn me sister kyumin's what is music from the sieve you're dead GG not impossible he is a pretty good tip for this map it's not picking Civ you guys know humans sounds in theory really good on this map because you have you can just wall up and go to TC so maybe let's do a sneak will see the new sneaky loser inside his face yes he is shocker i have i'm ashamed in our savior thought he would be taking a plane random try to pick Koreans really do you think that could work for tournaments like being able to fill you choose a sip out of a pool in each map yeah like like I said if there's five maps throwing a face I've said it 100 times now you know opponents can veto one map each or two maps each from the five maps and then you have like ten random saves to pick from it would force it will bring so much variation and still leave you the freedom of choice to play whatever like tight things you actually want to play I honestly think that would be really really good but too bad ain't talking to me or asking me in my opinion I would have shown them the way I'm not sure how I feel about the small trees on this map looks kind of strange all right we are kind of inside aren't we questions now if he wants to try and wall up or if he wants to play Scouts or whatnot I'm hoping he will try to wall up and go for go for like the second TC we do have a successful sneak right now going on so that's interesting he's already kind of walling you seen his call speak Japanese after last update and I've always felt scores pitch openness it doesn't feel that smooth they I don't know fire I think the game is just not properly optimized optimized fortunately I think that will not wall up and go for two TCS I think he will go for Scouts which seven will put us in a dicey spot spot for not being not having a barracks at our own so I might have to try and completely wall up my own base and using the forward no fire Yvette's my game has been lagging since last film update honestly and well having issues with legs sort of all together it's probably Scouts from him I just trying to stonewall my whole base and then use this sneaky villager here will be super lame but I think it might be one of the ways that could work wish me luck voice my eco is gonna be terrible oh that's not a tree okay debated me how close I were to going back to Google you think everyone's there I'm not I still enjoyed this everything here and I assume they will keep improving everything so I don't see why I would go back to Buble as you put it just yet [Music] he's not up yet though he is up but see Walt oh yes he's bald and housed yes that might mean that he has a false sense of security right now which means EEPROM is nowhere inside rambha's useless these days I won't say so little bit of wood please guys whoa good find wait for them to kick in promise it probably has two TCS right and there's nothing I can do with my arms don't tell me I don't get that guy you're kidding me oh hello oh he took my he stole my yeah that's the second TC right you need to keep me off yes down there damn it it's not gonna work out guys it's a cute it's cute it's very cute I'm afraid it's not gonna work out can always say that this is not gonna work it was cute still I take credit for it being cute I'm housed again I mean what I can do is keep him off of gold sort of right that's at least something unless he makes a second tower right now this might America still the name of gold for time being that is good news you can always buy resources or sell resources rather even the double power site yes my scout was low HP need to group up my units still there's no armor upgrade from of this is it's gonna be fine and few delays here with these dis army still it's like no issue for him but I might have imaginary to castle it just means I can switch into maybe mom monk maybe some stuff like that stable mom crush but not all that type of stuff we'll see but you should still have a quite a big lead on us one thing is we have gone for us is that we have control over all this cold so we have going for us and he's probably a little bit away from castle ace but probably not too far again back Nana cast love Derrida would also be nice just to make a few nights or let's each probably monastery and take it from there could also attempt to pick up older relics in the meantime you should not be on the way to cast it although I could be wrong I mean it does just have a tutti saboom going so the big chance he has a lot of we call me behind that as well although escort kind of dropped now so I'm feeling you've just clicked up so if this is not a little bit of a time window it's nice to keep him off gold although I'm pretty confident he will do a castle off and go for keep checks but still we're aiming for controlling the gold and everything maybe we can do a castle a castle on the hill with this hero here I might jump his Tower honestly should I do crossbow I was to crossbow I only had five arches but still you might be able to jump this tower of this sure if I even have to jump that I can just take it with my RAM so this thing Oh No waitis cast know he's filled late hits a few lady silver shelf I had got so debated there's like what he's Catholic it's actually it's a few ladies Cubans makes sense actually now is cartilage now we have the same matter amount of town centers feels good man no always going for steppe lancers I guess those steppe Lancers are scarier don't like them it's a lot of stuff Lancers we just got smacked there right away so our forward is officially dead big it sure is he hits few casters with such a good economy due to the due to the two TCS right you can hit my tower from outside the walls [Music] well shipped I ran by here we come my only hope run monk grab one relic with you and run home I saw me GT is looking bad but think we did a good job all things considered like you trying to deal with the two TC play but I'm not dead out here you're still alive and I'm sure we have more talent than him right now [Music] okay now we have probably the same town sinners but do we have units to deal with his name goes on you think humans are Opie I would have to play against humans in a competitive what make a scorpion and a competitive situation while having a say black Mayans for example then I could make a proper assessment of how I how good I find the humans my mark is still going strong let's try for Rambo is the way to go we're either probably like Halladay part of some habit airplay would be the right approach okay I'll have to do that though to try and get get control the relic [Music] that was slapped out today with Cubans vs. Mayans I can that's interesting here's the thing I don't really know yet I haven't played enough with other saves to know what map do they play them [Music] Jim gamble human best is running faster I really have to compete for those relics but I let him have those relics and I can wave this goodbye anyway just as map is oasis what else could we make against the cumin Imperial aged Figo's let's say if he goes Kip Chuck what actually do we have against that not really sure enough for relics it's not too shabby but he's on the way to him I think actually I think I'm focusing on the wrong side too there's gold there should switch my focus to that side as well so I'm thinking a rambhai hub we will definitely play over there what accuracy probably halberdiers are gonna be important for us yeah I'm gonna go for relics we can we can be happy about that I think was going for a forecastle that seems to backfired [Music] seems like he's going for the stepmonster I'll try to play help a deer around by that'll be our attempt here see how that does [Music] [Music] looks like to me like he's gonna focus on the left side for now as well because that's where all this stuff is maybe are in a better spot than I anticipated thank actually have enough villagers and I'm looking at the population come to me come blue I'm just gonna patrol for to see what he has there oh let's go down let's go down T down castle castle of doubt incoming he was going for the elite keep Chuck get up my units actually got melted there but I only had pikemen not the best upgrades it doesn't make sense we got his castle there's that's good news you're playing both tattoo and out tatis advising him obviously how else would doubt be competing with me is that looking quite rough actually see how fast they killed my units let's see now how I do damn I'm gonna melt it with those yeah I got a bigger bigger number before I engage I should still be trading okay there all things considered now we should be trading okay fat still don't feel as good as I would expect now a Burmese helps even but how are the steppe lancers killing my hubs so easily these Burmese helps as well okay with this combo of around by behind a little bit better but still and now trading live it better vodka can I get melted what is this at least I cost a little bit of gold so it's not like he's having super efficient gold trades that's the very very small comfort right now Darfur relics we also we just need to outlast his cold still should still be in a good position but the steppe lands you're doing it good seems pretty solid look at this actually Nikolas what latest seems ridiculous and I have plus guys I have helps two plus seven six plus seven attack yo someone just bought age to de through my channel thank you very much it was very kindly as I don't want to lose those but you just kills everything do you think cost-effectively we're wise why are they all red except because I'm pop capped I guess so I think we're in a good spot this game it's just this that army right there how the hell I stopped that problem needing more barracks here I have a second wave of units coming as well from the bottom wherever they are there they are so they should help score buzz man no no a score plus would be much in all honesty meat houses [Music] [Music] [Music] in it oh sorry I'm muted I was saying the only reason we're holding right now is because we have a decent gold situation I'm saying that the step Lancer seems like quite the unit I only have one castle attempting to buy another one but I don't really know if I can justify that just gonna add my own I guess we can play bomber cannons now here's this minute keep shocked man when I supposed to hear managers I don't thing I'll just make sense cuz you can always snipe them with whatever other infantry has I guess I love elephants could be an option at this point okay we're doing it go elephants man what is this unit it's gonna reveal our elephants I don't like that we should have pretty good elephants but not good enough actually with the house elephants and the Rambo we might be able to push this yeah that's good elephants are tanking pretty well we're also waiting in quite nicely now [Music] turns out the counter was elephants around by bomber cannons and hasar and a Rambo and pomegranates and halberdiers that's all you guys to defeat this human army it's not too much yes I could add skirmish as well it would help us a lot what so you're not making Lancers anymore it's a good sign [Music] notlikethis still don't know if i have the tools required to kill this army all right is helping a lot you know I should run in with oh yes come come maybe I should run in with a Rambo to his eco that might have been really good actually if I switched is around way around and run to his use economy with them but might honestly be a good choice here at this point oh not like this stop my cleaned out words have never been said to Delft before I do not know what to say I think we're doing enough that dimension is a corner right now we might still win this but still humans I'm starting to understand now the love for humans its kanji lost too many villagers yeah I think his economy is just not there anymore so he's just Mike Rinder keep checking till he felt like that was nothing over dude steppe lancers in those types of numbers I know what to say pretty strong and I like keep in mind guys I have Burmese halberdiers with six to seven attack I don't have normal normal Hobbit ears with only plus four I have with plus seven and on top of that you have the two TCM fuel HC worship and feudal age Kaveri moving 10% faster I don't think if you want keep ship earlier I would have changed too much honestly I think we're in a winning position once we have the four relics I can all like what if he goes keep check earlier I will obviously add county units myself so probably skirmishes earlier etc but again you never know maybe maybe he would have steamrolled me with Kipchak behind the Lancers earlier I don't think his ego will set up for that either and I don't think you have the castles for that at that point either he only has one only has two castles right so yeah I don't know weird just keep checking it man not only Kipchak the lancers as well feel like thats unit and might get addressed a little bit but still fun I mean let me compare we have it probably has 10 plus villages over us as we go into Castle age because there are 2 t0 right but I think the sneak you sneak kind of worked out that was all that was cool it worked out in feudal age but obviously we got completely slept down in Castle age but it gave us time to catch up he had to deal with the sneak and build army for that so we were able to catch up a little in economy skipjack good versus ram to keep checkers ridiculously good against rounds actually redonk was the good I need to go pee guys I'm gonna be a back
Channel: TheViper
Views: 104,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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