Instantly Found Drugs In Abandoned Storage Unit Auction I Bought For $5

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I bought a drug addicts unit oh you almost said 20 [Music] what's going on everybody this is Jason thrift trader thanks for tuning in today I got my buddy Phillip aka frontier flippers with me we're we're doing a caravan auction today at public storage here in Oklahoma I think we're gonna we're gonna try and compete against whether we're gonna see who gets trash and who gets the cash that works who gets the trash and who gets the cash yeah yeah who gets the best and who gets the rest stick along we're gonna see what we can't find today stay tuned Oh get 75 if you get 25 for it tearful and now 51 I've got three people on 25 50 25 to 50 and now 75 50 75 75 50 75 and now 125 125 125 125 hundred weekend in 10 110 110 110 oh boy oh boy I think she was a dancer I don't think so that's a nice little cabinet though it's been used up though no thanks birthday no good oh you don't Philip what are you three books [Laughter] yeah I guess the good Lord Thani is gonna be funny and give me a houseful astringent 45 30 40 30 and 40 45 35 35 Brian that suitcase there in the middle is loaded full of cash [Music] - and now 320 3333 underwear - 3 3 hunters gonna be 1333 two-and-a-half where 250 and now 3 - 3 and now hazard if you have that there and a half 325 well that works 325 325 kids die we're 310 320 twenties - alright I got 25 and now 50 25 1520 fit you said yeah and now 75 50 75 75 50 75 50 and 60 take a vote there you go so give 10 right now 20 10 20 or 10 20 20 bucks to a cornered opponent in 2020 and I got 20 back here 30 20 30 $30 20 30 30 and now 40 45 30 40 40 bucks 30 and 5 $30 Robert looking at 200 I'll give 100 bucks for it who said 25 now 50 25 50 where 25 50 $50 25 30 25 30 25 Trish there you go that's some inventory now 50 25 50 where 25 50 $50 25 50 25 50 75 75 that's in the pewter enter and now hundreds 110 and now 21 21 10 20 and now 30 130 140 140 150 140 50 hunter fifty one forty fifty 140 Lester looking at 25 fires and now 50 25 50 25 50 $50 25 30 2530 you got it 25 25 bucks Jason surely I can find something worth 25 bucks yeah I see it I see a lot of work to the holy that's a lot of mattresses why didn't I see that oh wait what's down there I don't know I see an axe a sledge axe is this the sister unit [Music] and now 75 50 75 15 75 75 50 75 in l1 175 185 75 85 and now 95 105 115 25 125 135 145 150 175 to run and now 25 right now 50 75 375 between 5075 yeah now 300 and now 25 325 325 and now 53 25 50 you're in laughter okay I got you got a 325 oh no back up on me weasel that's this firewood and now 200 200 wanted me to be to do G 1 200 honor now to want to be doo doo doo doo doo 150 we're honor 50 there I got that down here 200 150 and now do you wanna do be did you do I've got 150 all the way down here and now do 150 we do do do 150 do you do and now hats gonna be happened now 3 333 and I have three and a half 300 do you have that and now four and a half four and a half five hundred half I have an ad 500 now it'll be happen now six and I have to use if you have a now 777 six and a half seven 700 six and a half 75 675 650 lesser nuts would you pay six so Lester paid $650 for that big storage and there was only two units here in auction at this location there's like 80 something units in total for today right yeah just curious would you have paid $650 for that storage you know what did you see in there that was worth anything other than the washer and dryer nothing really the boxes look trampled and looked like it had been gone through yeah like they took what they wanted and left the rest yeah that's crazy just curious did you guys see anything in that storage unit that was worth six hundred and fifty dollars because no way I don't think so yeah yeah right yeah right cool let's go to the next one hundred dollars hundred seventy five hundred and now 25 one 2500 now you got in the door 125 and now 50 150 125 51 51 25 35 135 and now 145 155 165 175 175 165 seventy-five 175 yeah 85 185 195 1 205 195 205 you do it and now 15 G 5 15 to 25 to 35 6 to 35 to 45 to 35 45 to 35 Stephen oMG that's that's $5 unit yeah ten twenty ten twenty where ten twenty twenty five six and now 2015 to be two hundred twenty fifteen 2015 2015 chief damnit I need a step stool too damn short the washers missing the turn knob on the front you can't turn the damn thing once you got a crescent wrench yeah pair of pliers yeah Ali pliers on the washer I do load seventy-five Network 175 and now 305 you're 85 to 85 alright so this is the limousine that's being auctioned off today looks really good on the interior hadn't been driven since 2015 what do you think Phillip what do you think it looks like it what do you think it's gonna go for 1,500 1,500 1,500 dollars for a limousine what do you think it's gonna go for [Laughter] every Friday and Saturday night you could be making money with this thing take EBT 300 at 2/3 302 to me three three two and a half way or 250 and now three three five 350 375 375 375 and now four four and now twenty five 425 or again 7460 Steven orgy gonna be proud of ya $460 for a limousine how about that you were way off what's wrong with you you thought I was gonna go 1,500 the Heat's getting to me thank you then everybody started thinking how the hell am I gonna get this thing home tell herself by the horse I love it [Music] you gotta lay on one and that yeah dance or Trish no but it's okay go ahead five ten five in there 30 10 10 10 5 and 10 10 by 5 to be 10 10 10 $10 five in and I got 10 here 15 15 and now 20 25 25 30 2530 $30 25 30 25 30 25 Cheryl [Music] can't see anything work is deep in their work 50 75 50 75 now 1 1 7585 9505 95 105 115 125 135 135 145 145 155 175 and after you hundred 1532 or 75 to jail under beanie would you do to 180 you get used in now 25 200 now 225 210 210 210 207 to hunters favor it has been here for a while I did that before my dog left out oh come on lipsticks [Music] and now have 200 wonderful they have to want to be 100 average in it's cluttered now have 125 where 125 guys I ain't leaving this one 2525 I have a lady at 125 150 151 25:51 50s and now seventy-five 175 and now 200 g bt 175 285 point 75 85 185 185 ms 175 David whoever wins this unit gets a trophy and now have to the behalf of that two and a half and now three three and a half two years three hundred behold hold for three and a half for 400 people vote for three and a half 75 one that works great 50 75 63 oldest tree home furnishings to first and up gets it for five guys need three people to sign no sale so full shits that's an avalanche this is a ten-by-ten to my 15 namkyu the hunter two hunters hunters now 200 have where one hit hunter and now have 100 have where 150 100 125 where one 110 110 and at 21-21 220 you got it 110 cool Jason see the jewelry box right yeah there's jewelry in it there's jewelry in that jewelry box what's in the boxes [Music] Oh give can five bucks and way back there fifteen it's a gamble 15 $10 Cheryl Cheryl wooden boxes plum full of jewelry Philip that's how I want to retire really yeah what trade your horse in for a scooter yes this ride you screwed around with Spurs on my boots that sounds [Laughter] and now 14 30 40 where 30 40 and now 50 40 50 59 40 50 $50 40 and 50 $50 45 and now 50 50 or 50 and now 550 500 550 m 5 Lily got it what are you doing what are you doing back there okay unless she wants to carry it over till next time and now 75 50 75 50 75 75 50 75 50 60 60 now 70 sending out 57% 670 did you do it 70 bucks $60 was that Jason yeah I don't know why I don't know see anything in here why did I bid it see that goes for more than 55 185 185 195 205 205 G 15 g 25 50 in now 75 and now 302 B 333 3 1875 3 $300 275 300 275 laughter lucky laughing that's a good one here you go Philip a bunch of kids stuff in here whose give 25 25 50 where 25 50 big 30 and now 40 and now 50 50 40 50 $50 fee every 15 now 7 6 7 7 8 you got it do you buy that Oh Phillip Bob you got Amazon boxes back here hallway o'clock hallway closet yeah it has a swing great Coast Swing to spray those here's the swing for that yeah it's not bad my man entryway table yeah I'm putting on yourself yes smells nice in here no that's probably me catching on fire right now mother's hot in here you see anything in here interesting 50 now 75 50 75 50 75 75 50 75 where 75 and now honor one totes puts a chair the chick me Elmo chair looking at $5 and now can five in can wear five-inch in ten bucks well you buy breakables just to break them by stuff to break 100 bucks now to one to want to be different you to do one 200 100 nanometre to do one dear to me to do as I improve Annette honor 50 where 150 Hunter napping on a penny where 150 125 you got it sir hundred bucks it would be a really interesting chair if it wasn't in pieces shut the door the lights come on right cool though I cut my finger with one oh yes yeah you know oh y'all are crazy to think this is worth anything okay the hotter box right here and now fifty hundred and now pit 250 where 150 hunter now 50 over 50 where once with you 125 100 now 25 where one 2,500 now it's 100 to be 10 10 10 110 cool thank you Jason yeah I don't know what we're gonna do here but there's that's a coach bag there yeah what brand are they proficient audio popcorn is that what you said I said I wanted the popcorn 75 375 375 375 350 7575 375 350 60 you got it 350 throughout the name damn that's a nice stretching table you'll get 5 bucks 5 dollars guys need three people to sign no sale sign up right down through here thank you well that's worth thoughts he'll give you five bucks for it let me give you five bucks for it yeah okay let me just go down and tell him yeah I'll give you five bucks for it [Applause] there's the damn drill right there hey look at this okay yeah yeah that's worth five bucks I'm good 150 and thank you 50 G minor 150 in Nanjing 130 seventy-five 175 150 75 and after you order 185 or 75 85 25 1 75 85 95 195 185 190 bug 5:05 195 qo 500 blows my mind helps some people store stuff it is it's a snapper yeah that's a snappin nice good sale that's a big-ass TV one of them heavy ones it's a tube TV right back there 75 50 75 50 75 75 50 75 75 85 75 85 85 what is that one nice girl oh what's that Oliver I need that I need that wheelchair for Mustang round did it whoever gets this unit has to move this box with flip at the door down what's in there curious it won't go all the way down but alright let's go outside to sell it well 25 and now 50 2015 I got 50 here 75 - Oh hunter ni 25 51 51 35 250g wants anybody to q2b dude once a one who said to 185 185 before they you got 185 right here 195 and now 205 205 195 yeah one hour 15 - 15 - 25 - 25 - 15 ont 9215 Michael - 15 - Michael I didn't cut this right there's no way I wouldn't skip [Music] right here and now I can five in ten where five intended [Music] [Music] five dollars yep Jim didn't you yeah five bucks the other was it Jason no no I did not spend five dollars on this paint what you got here Philip Philip their camo hair car stereos [Music] that Apple tea that right there might actually be worth something yeah yeah is there anything this empty is beer [Laughter] Fisher speakers everybody had canceled it 30 or 40 30 40 30 40 40 bucks or 40 and now it's in the trash me wait a second wait a second what is that I can't believe you found a damn guitar amplifier in that trash can sweet thank you I may regret this bicycle though oh yeah there's mice attractive 2001 national files there's something in here holy getting left behind how deep is this okay 200 hungry who give $100 for this unit oh yeah hunter and now 50 150 where 150 hundred now fifty hundred fifty where 100 now 25 125 110 you got a bargain there dollars you get a visa somebody hold this okay that's not baby God the struggle is real gasps the struggle is real need some shoes they're chewing my ass out did I need to speed it up I couldn't get that door all the way down and now 75 75 75 50 75 and 75 Cheryl that's pretty good that's a great big TV 25 lookee at ten ten bucks five bucks and now ten five in ten we're live in 10 $10 five and ten five again yeah yes ma'am yes ma'am how about some Gucci that's fake and it's fake what's in it oh look it's a grinder sweet I bought a drug addicts unit oh you almost said 20 where we add on this to hotter Lerner day I'll give a hundred bucks right here now 50 on earth now 50 where 150 25 and now 50 now 75 175 150 75 I got lady and 175 now 200 now you're out good to meet you George a newbie to do you do when it's at 185 yeah 185 195 185 waiting a bad risk for me thousands 95 jul 5 195 15 10 units 225 for you in the future is a booty corn m25 and now 35 35 right now 45 - 45 mm 40 you said yes to 45 to 55 275 275 250 575 and now 325 325 325 325 325 300 muster we'll get 175 hookie of 5450 and now 75 no I had a chance to look back there oh so wait 50 75 50 75 100 500 500 ox headed by 1 1 75 85 75 85 85 75 85 75 85 75 Michael don't worry that's a good one [Music] I got stolen trailer that right there see now it could be I get my bag yeah that's good I don't care let's shut it oh yeah gas burner okay of 200 muttering hey give a hundred bucks for it lot better you know who give 100 and now hunter 51 wall 150 honored 100 our pitch 100 60 and now 75 Oh 75 675 and now 100 $100 everybody will know 2,500 yeah and that's why I got a hunter here 125 125 125 an outfit 35 135 125 oh I didn't know you were on it Philip over in the bed [Music] I don't you want to know what's in this breast pump yep you got a titty pump oh yeah it's a rock yeah that's a kid's rocking chair I mean it's close she probably gets dead hey that's a guitar stand did you see the guitar span cedar Chester this one would be worth something most people don't put their right in the very front though it's worth a lot of money 150 now 75 150 seventy-five 175 and now 200 230 175 200 give me - I got 200 right here 225 50 - 50 - 50 now 75 in now 325 325 325 325 325 350 375 there's nothing in it not no puzzle here keep the peace of loss that's it somebody came and got her early tonight so oh my goodness a hundred yeah but that's neat is there are my keys [Music] get your head in the air bid I hunt earn AB 2525 way or 1 2,500 2,500 2,500 weekend what's in in now 20 120 130 130 130 an hour forty one forty one fifty one fifty one forty fifty hundred forty fifty 150 175 you 175 150 175 175 160 and now 71 71 60 70 and now each one 8170 anyone seven eighty one eighty one eighty one seventy you got it well alright Phillip we did some things today yes we did yes I have a problem paid in total I think around $450 when picked up eight storage units today 8 - Philip here I think about three storage units I think about three or four mine where $5 units one four five one four sixty and then big spender here guys I hope you enjoyed it there's gonna be unboxing videos coming very shortly so stay tuned till next time guys keep on keepin on o keep all that cash picking that trash for making that kit yeah there you go there you go he got it you got it I'm fine wait a second wait a second yeah this guy this guy's also got a youtube channel guys go check it out frontier flipper on YouTube you're gonna see my units yeah I told him he needs to start he needs to start putting that stuff on blast on YouTube we gotta figure out this enemy stuff yeah so check him out front tail flipper on YouTube we'll catch you guys later [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 27,696
Rating: 4.7469878 out of 5
Keywords: found drugs, abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit, foreclosed storage unit, bought in foreclosure auction, storage auction finds, found marijuana, drug addict storage unit, real storage wars, storage wars, storage auctions, storage locker auction finds, storage locker finds, storage locker auction, found drugs in storage unit, found drugs in storage locker, treasure hunt, finding treasure, hunting for treasure, thrift trader
Id: fxYtOCNooCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 27sec (3027 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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