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Heidi Ho YouTube and everyone in chat this is your old pal nutty coming to you it's happy Friday I heard Uncle Nitch has just spent the last three weeks in Vail Colorado and I want to hear all about it so without further Ado let's roll the intro bye [Music] hello everybody and welcome into our latest live broadcast I'm Carrie Holzman I'm Mitch Morrison Mitch is back with another Toto shirt yes number 58. Mitch always helps us when we have builds to do love bills and we've got a best bang for the buck build in my opinion I think these are the best bits you can buy today the 18th of August 2023 it's Friday happy Friday yeah very humid here will be next week and a little overcast yeah it's the first time we've had a day under 110 degrees and some time yeah hurricane Hillary might be making California Arizona and Nevada quite wet here during the next three days we'll see what happens I'll tell you Chad I just spent the last three weeks in Vail Colorado where you know at night it might have been 50 degrees out so I was sleeping with a window open hoping that a grizzly bear didn't jump in and try to spoon with me but does that happen a lot oh their body heat is tremendous I don't think he's going to Colorado a little bit yeah right uh let me give a shout out to some generous folks who contributed in Super Chat even before the show started so I thank you out to our good friend Peter laycock Buster joining us from Bonnie Scotland says good evening Carrie Marlena and I'm gonna say Mitch too okay uh and everyone in the chat all the best buddies Scotland the temperature in Edinburgh Scotland is 60 degrees there oh man uh what if yeah that's 15 degrees Celsius for everybody outside the United but if they're expecting rain obviously they only expect rain in Scotland on days that end in letter y and why is that Ian Gooch with a 10 pound contribution says hello Carrie and Mitch from London I checked out the move speed on Amazon and oh he sum up the flash drive because I wasn't sure if he's talking about the Envy me or the flash because move speed makes both and the 256 gig USB flash drive was over 52 pounds which is about 66 dollars U.S so you have a much better deal I'll wait for the price to drop yeah well that's that's pure government that tell you there it's at in London let's talk about the bath the bat the value-added tax you're pretty smart all right pretty smart fella sometime all right um or did I get the letters Roy Starman with a 10 contribution from Super Chat he says a contribution for dinner tonight Mitchy want wingy oh man I had wings yesterday oh okay but all right it's not like I couldn't have wings two days in a row this guy walked in I'm there eating my wings and the sky walks in he goes hey I'm here to get the best Health Food in Town and then he goes over to the soda machine and uh the guy thought he was using Pepsi Pepsi was out because I know we're doing the diet we're Health people he goes I didn't even realize I had died in my store that's coming out because we want everything on Hell he's just played with no fruit no sucrose Mark Gaines contributes 10 pounds joins us we've got Ireland Scotland and London in the house he says hello Carrie and Mitch welcome in mark I want to give a shout out to some extremely generous benefactors Channel as you all will know um Peter laycock owns me at this point and I couldn't be prouder uh Peter's been such a generous benefactor to the general a lot of our content wouldn't and Peterson an Amazon gift card very generously and not to be outdone our good friend Frankie B oh he also sent a very generous gift card what's great about the Amazon gift cards unlike Super Chat and don't get me wrong I appreciate any contribution get it it's a thought that counts but you know the word but by the way it negates everything you just said remember that every time you say the word but Justin with one t but who knows all right yeah I'm gonna change the order okay um all right so when you gave a Super Chat YouTube takes 30 percent even on your memberships those of you who are members YouTube takes 30 and I won't see the money for 30 to 60 days and I don't have any way to refund it if you were upset you wanted to refund or you made a mistake that's between you and YouTube if you contribute literally any other way via PayPal PayPal only takes three percent which is a far cry from 30. the money is available to me immediately if you made a mistake or you changed your mind I wish you hit the ref button Amazon gift cards Amazon takes zero percent get the money uh sometimes sometimes the Amazon gift cards can take 10 minutes to arrive but they take zero percent and I'm gonna probably spend the money buy the stuff that we're going to film such as today everything was sourced from Amazon except the live mixer board and um I'm sort of leery to mention prices because at one point this CPU the Intel Core i5 13500 was 207 dollars from 209. it was at 247. it was on sale Amazon had it on sale first the Newegg matched the sale then Amazon took it off sale well Neway kept it on sale so that Amazon matched Newegg it was matching Amazon so it stayed at like 2-0 whatever it was it was under 210 dollars and then Newegg ended their sale Amazon ended their sale and it's right back to the 247 that it was this live mixer z790 board from ASRock it's a very cool motherboard easily a 260 dollar motherboard at the time I bought it it was a hundred and I think it was 219 at the time I bought the first one and the next day I went looking at Newegg because I was thinking about ordering another one and they had put it on sale literally the next day like I haven't even received it yet I put the order in the night before at 160. so at 160 I ordered more and we built the two live mixer with the screen um so I went back to Newegg to buy another live mixer board when I decided what happened was well these were on sale I bought an extra there's such a good deal the I5 13500 is a lower TDP wattage consumption the stock cooler it comes with is quiet CPU will not overheat with prime95 so we don't have to spend money on a third party cooler Falls very easily it's less money we have to spend on it I want to get it while it's on sale and I'll figure out what I'm going to do with it later so I've had it for maybe well however long it's been since I built those two and I thought all right I'm itching to build something so let me see what I can get for motherboard we know 14th gen will be probably months so I want to use it I want to get a motherboard well I can still get a motherboard I want to get another live mixer board I'm very happy with them and um the price went up this is now 260 dollars so the money I saved on the CPU just towards my I didn't save on the motherboard and um I happen to see this crucial t700 nbme drive it's read that what that says right there again five which means it will do how fast for an eyeball 12 400 megawatts oh with a five-year warranty that's pretty snow okay so Samsung 970 Evo two terabyte one that we always talk about how great it is yep now you can pick up a Samsung 970 Evo they're still on sale for like 80 bucks over to Amazon number two terabyte not one terabytes Samsung 9705 but again about 3 500 megabytes per second gen 4 you get about 73 7400 megabytes per second on the top Android Gen 5 you should be able to get to 15 000 pretty thousand we're not there yet just like we weren't there when Gen 3 drives initially came out and we weren't there when Gen 4 drives they first came out you're getting around 5 000. but within a year typically got faster memory cheaper drives or hitting and saturated bus so we haven't saturated the bus yet and five but not all 13th gen Intel motherboards support Gen 5 on they'll say they have their pcie gen 5. meaning something you plug into the pcie slot like a graphics card but you've got to read the details to determine if any of the m.2 slots rgn5 if they do have one it's usually just the one rest will begin and sometimes it'll even be a couple gyms might have five m.2 slots on some of these motherboards a couple gen fours double gents maybe one five Gen 5 drives do run really really hot they do require a heatsink however doesn't make any sense to put one of these fast drives in an explode external enclosure because the USB speed is bottleneck so you're wasting your money better off even a Samsung 970e probably you can get an Intel budget inside they're one terabyte drives are like 35 bucks now so um two terabytes Maybe 60. and you're not going to notice anything you don't have any heat issues in the closure you're likely going to use this on a motherboard that motherboard likely comes with a heatsink that is aesthetic matching the board and that heatsink will almost 100 of the time be far more effective than anything will be better than what they include so unless you have a motherboard that has a Gen 5 m.2 that does not come with sync as far as I know no such board exists then you shouldn't need to buy a heatsink for the motherboard sink and specifically the heatsink over the Gen 5 slot was designed to handle the heat coming off a Gen 5 drop so you don't waste your money unless you want to for Ram we're using ddr5 this is the Team Force Team group branded memory we've got two sticks Vulcan the Vulcan Balkan memory that's right so you are correct and that is two sticks of 16 for a total of 32. the motherboard has four slots we could put four Sticks no RGB thank you very much pass and uh 6 000 megahertz so we got some pretty fast data nice for the power supply we're going to use an older power supply that's still an inventory Enz XT c750 gold is about 130 dollars for the towers it's fully modular it'll give us the two EPS connectors CPU power and um for the case I'm going to use the NZXT H5 hello again not the RGB version the H5 is a little shorter than H7 but it is a size ATX Ace it's just it's short as you can make so it almost looks like a Midtown but it's a full uh I think technically it's a mid tower that can accept a full-size ATS it's hard to it depends on what we're calling a mid Tower and a lot of times it's defined by the height sometimes it's defined by the compatible motherboard compatibility any pretty much any case that'll hold a big motherboard hold a smaller board it doesn't work the other way around so this case will hold a full-size ATX that it should also hold a Micro ATX Nei bubble you can usually tell if a case is ATX compatible or microatx by counting the number of slots in the back it's got like seven slots that's a full ATX motherboard it's only got four in your microwave so no one's there's no rule that says you can't make a case three feet tall that only holds on my crazy export um I missed a contribution I completely forgot about my bad oh and as I'm checking Nick Caffrey sends 15.63 that's very specific he says thanks for all your hard work Carrie unique channel right on thank you Nick Nikki and uh oh PayPal uh Pizza Hut has contributed a 30 off coupon ah I don't think that's a contribution I think it's just our friend Paul O'Brien watching us in Ireland said just an update on the case he recently built a machine and he thought he was ordering an nzx th7 he ended up he thought he was getting an H7 flow but he ended up clicking on the game Midas Case by mistake wasn't until the case arrived at my house that I realized my mistake but I kept it because I like the way the case lit up at the bottom it's true your Channel that I became friends with Andy Kane in real life oh it met in person all because you inspired me to build not one not two but seven computers so far I would like to send you a short video of the PC and your mouse pad if we'd love that share it with everybody here send it to my email address if you're not quite sure how to reach out to me um you can click on the about on YouTube and there's a showcase create whatever that email is that goes to camera girl Chief all the spur product review that's Joe and if you send it there or if you know my email address send it to me but either way she'll get it to me we'll both love to watch it and he sends a 10 Amazon gift card so uh slancha my friend Paul O'Brien thank you so much catches me up um had your back magic well I had to be back decide to leave in about I have a half week two um how long are you gonna be gone well I I applied and I got a set that I got a 90-day Visa but that's just covered I think in a month join it I always chat I always get tickets open-ended yeah open-ended because they go to these countries if I don't like it after a couple of weeks I I don't like Vietnam I would just Bop over to Thailand I spent a month in Thailand I love that yeah folks are saying we're having some sound issues uh let's see if we can address that before we get started that's why we do these yeah intros uh yeah who's low who's High well I think if we so right now the AC is all you know the noise suppression is on because the AC is so loud so I'm going to turn noise suppression off just going to make the sound you're going to hear the the background see if we'll so um well some people are saying it's only on my microphone but they're both the same microphone with the same settings check one but let's try something here let's go to our filters in OS and let's turn off noise suppression is now off so that should prevent any dropouts with regards to volume I can see that when we're talking at a regular volume level a little low but if I speak up we are hitting the red so it's kind of debatable on now if we want to boost that a little bit I think it would be safe for me that once again that's in the compressor of obs ER gain go back to series always speaks a more much more voluminous project okay much better now all right we'll check that that's at uh Ira that's a 14 DB game and right now the AC is off it's like intermittent stops he says well there is a couple other sound filters one is a noise game turn the Noise Gate it's probably the Noise Gate let's turn the Noise Gate off does it gate so now we'll just keep the compressor in the limiter does the gate squeak all right oh not wrong some WD-40 yeah all right let's see if that sounds any better for you guys now I will let you know that the air conditioner will be coming on throughout the show and then with the noise suppression and the Noise Gate off you are going to hear that but we need it yes can be more than 98 Degrees what is it out there it says um for a good time call no all right 97 90. I wanted to update yeah 97 with does it say the humidity it's got to be at least 17 which you know doesn't sound like much but for us we're 32 ah where it's usually no that's chance of rain 32 percent 15 humidity I think isn't that the humidity down there at the bottom yep or is that chance of rain humidity is going to go to 32 percent it's six o'clock all right well we only have to deal with it for a couple days out of the air when you go to Vietnam yeah it'll be 90 out and 90 humidity so yes but there's always a hotel pool or the ocean to swim around with my swim with my swim fins and my snorkel that I don't pack with me hoisting says it's much better the audio is much better for him thank you Nick Caffrey said perfect 65 degrees here in West cork where's that in England cork sounds like a place in England or Ireland he goes maybe we'll the dome in 2000 says maybe we can hear the fans spin up he's a pretty quiet fan yeah Ryan says the audio is better for him Thomas back at Stowe said audio is fine for him Sherry McFarland said it's a cool 70 degrees here in Northeast Ohio yeah this would probably be a nice time to be in Wisconsin Michigan Minnesota yeah I was just thinking about Illinois where I was talking to somebody about Ohio and Sandusky Ohio where of course the amusement park Cedar Point is which is one of the rare amusement parks that has about 17 roller coasters in it was it Colossus was that the big one uh that the it was a Guinness Book World Records I think they had three roller coasters in the Guinness Book World Records if I'm not mistaken at Cedar Point that's been around since I was a kid kid yeah the Blue Streak of course was the the original wooden one so shake the fillings right off your teeth handy King says southern Ireland is where West cork is there you go Mark Baggett said 75 here in Massachusetts this is Massachusetts can you imagine being a kid in like kindergarten you got to write out your state I can't spell that as an adult phonics all right yeah votings phonetically yeah Phoenix Arizona Dave Hall said if I need more audio volume I'll use my volume controls locally fair enough Scott says hello Carrie Marlena and Mitch from Wisconsin bashing guy says Cedar Point is great makes me feel like a kid again Lord folks 87 degrees Fahrenheit here in Spokane Spokane or Spokane Spokane Spokane neither one Carrie you got it wrong twice Gerald Wallace said his hometown is Sandusky oystein said 75 degrees Fahrenheit here in Norway at 10 pm I would love to go I'm gonna that's gonna be checked off my bucket list here in the next couple years mark my words 76 degrees in Madison Wisconsin Six Flags the north of Chicago I got a little sister in Chicago says in the low 50s tonight in southwestern Pennsylvania 87 here in St Lucia I saw all my brothers and sisters there and Colorado because they all turned up for my middle Brothers 60th birthday geez it seems like your brother has those every year yeah and uh between you and me I got to tell you family gatherings are a lot like colonoscopies are they they're both a big pain you know what I mean luckily it's just well that's every 70 years so I offered my elderly neighbor 20 bucks to take me up on her stairlift yeah I think she's going to take me up on it you want to kick us off with a dad joke today uh okay why did the squirrel cross the road why did the squirrel quad cross the road because he heard the ballet was going to do the Nutcracker Suite [Applause] no that's terrible sorry nutty all right sorry it had to be done it's a draftko has renewed his membership now for 15 months says hello everybody thank you to draftko he's been a member right since he turned memberships on not too many 15 month members I think we've got a maybe two dozen at the most which is very like you want to talk about flattering or you know somebody could say nice things but then when they show it you know 15 months ongoing support that's that means a lot thank you so much there's Peter laycock he says humidity in Edinburgh is 88 am I saying Edinburgh correctly sounds good to me Edinburgh 80 did you say 88 percent yeah that's basically uh you go outside wearing flip-flops yeah what are you when you drive a Subaru in reverse you Rob us you're a bus you're a bus I see if you if you pronounce Subaru the backwards you you are a you're a bus you're a bus still loving my 2016. Subaru Forester with a hundred how much I bought a new one I right now I got a hundred and seven thousand miles on it in that short of a period but what can I say I like the road trip much more than flying you know he's the man who takes care of his belongings so it's not surprising that he his car still looks like new of course not having dogs or kids or pets or yeah I think that's key and also not ignoring maintenance you always get your maintenance done yeah so that pays for itself uh let's see Tim teals is 94 degrees in Idaho Jeff Ryman said had a nice rain in Las Vegas this morning you know we had rain last night I think at Sky Harbor airport and you know that's the first rain the airport has seen in 147 days or 148 days when I was pulling up to Studio B that I got a little on the windshield not I mean you know not a ton but it was it was starting to come down and I'm like it was spit yeah Bruce Lucas said I've had four Subarus but because they went through a lot 50 000 miles a year that's a lot of driving now that's twice the normal yeah rainy and 72 degrees Fahrenheit here in Northern Vermont says Lou grenia Mitch yukomo says I had a 2002 Outback that was beautiful until a tow truck destroyed the front end you got to appreciate the irony there yeah after the tow truck was done with it it sounds like he yeah he did a tow truck will anyone in Shadows known me for a while here knows that you know I buy a new car and I treat it to where it you know will last me 15 years so I never trade it in and it wouldn't look 15 years old when you see it yeah seven brucadol has just become a supporter thank you Sylvan I'm sorry I'm butchering your last name I'm sure are we about ready to get started with today's build yeah oh but I will tell you the next car will either be a Ford Bronco or a Toyota Land Cruiser so between the two I kind of a I kind of like a sport utility vehicle because I like to sit up a little higher than down in a car but not the Ford Explorer no but but uh I didn't chat I didn't drive my car for that three weeks I was gone I rented a car and I did a Nissan Altima and I I gotta tell you for a four-door you know a lot of windshield a lot of glass I mean kind of sitting low but I like that refer to that as the greenhouse yeah I liked it and I got pulled over not for speeding of all things I was going from my brothers to a bar and because it was a rental car I didn't have the thing turned to Auto so I drove past the cop with no lights on and he pulled me over what seems to be the trouble officer and he's like sir you know you drove past me with no lights on and of course my I immediately went to the thing where you know it's supposed to be turned up to the auto this is a nitpick I've got yeah back in the day on the first cars that I owned if your lights weren't on you knew that because you couldn't see your dashboard today the dashboard lights up and regardless of your headlights are on yeah and because there are daylight running lights people can mistakenly think their headlights are on right because you are getting you are getting some but from when you're behind a car without headlights right you're invisible because you're if it's dark outside there's no taillights until you break right so every car should be set to Auto yeah the Ford dealer when I would take my Mustang and they would go through the safety check and they would always give me the car back with the headlight switch moved from Auto to off how many times do I move that switch I put it on auto I leave it there and I complained to the service manager I said you are giving the car back in a dangerous position a dangerous situation because you're not telling me you're doing that right and I don't know my lights aren't on unless I'm somewhere without street lights and it's really dark because Phoenix is a big suburban area so it's all very well lit you could drive without your lights and not even realize it but the people around you will realize it and uh I said you know you should be doing the exact opposite when you're done whatever that test is where you have to switch it off you should you should either set it to Auto for the safety of the customer or put it back the way you found it but I think by default Auto should be the default and it just gets under my skin because I said the other thing it does is it makes me feel like an idiot when I'm driving around after I got my oil changed three days ago someone's flashing their lights at me and I'm like what and I realize I look at my switch and I realize oh I just got this back from the dealer they always switch it to off so annoying but as soon as I told a cop that I was visiting my brother and I said my brother's name and he went ah yes I know that bone head yeah I'll let you go so and right next to Vail Colorado is a city called eagle and every year they have what's known as the eagle block party for two two days and all kinds of bands and whatever and I said I was I came up to attend the eagle block party and the police officer said oh yeah I'm going too and I'm like yeah I got a VIP ticket and he's like yeah I didn't so I felt a little okay making friends everywhere yeah yeah so buddy let me go and you know surprisingly didn't say have you been drinking I thought that was the first thing you know that but he could clearly tell when he ran my license no tickets no no accidents no nothing in 40 years so just and he he said well now that I see that you turned it to Auto you have a nice night yeah that's all you were doing on purpose that was nice that he let you know then I went to the bar and had 10 drinks all right and drove home yeah they should name a beer brand occasionally and then when they ask if you drink you say I drink occasionally yeah there's Peter laycock again with 10 pounds Carrie can you please reinstate Paul Howe to Blue um Paul Howe isn't blue oh there he is of course as you wish there we go another Injustice has been corrected well you want to get the case don't herniate yourself I think we should prep the board oh yeah that's true you know what I mean yeah so I think we can take the power supply and move it aside for now okay stick it somewhere out of the way I don't care and Raj D says hello hey welcome in Raj thank you for your contribution yesterday as well Richard Collins says I bought your uncle Kerry's Windows 10 Optimizer right on I think it's only seven dollars thank you for supporting the channel I hope it serves you well one click and that's all the things that used to take you quite a bit dude go here go here turn this off turn this on let's see Robert in the chat room wants to know her can anyone guide me as to upgrading what I already have don't laugh it's an HP Elite Tower 8200 so I don't know HP makes a lot of models that you know they might have carried the 8200 over a series of years and every year the generation of processor changes and they may have variations of how it's equipped so we'd have to know what's the processor what's the ram what's the storage about how old is it and what is it it's not doing well enough that you're wanting to improve we have a lot of very very intelligent kind people in our community not knowledgeable and so while Mitch and I are working on this let them answer that question and watch the chat room for their responses and sure they will give you some great recommendations Rick Lake says hello Carrie and Mitch speaking of Minnesota there's our friend Rick Lakes welcome in Rick gotta get to Minneapolis someday just heard a lot of good things about it I've never been to Wisconsin or Minnesota yeah I just know when we were growing up in Michigan and it was cold we were like well you think it's cold here yeah you should go to Wisconsin you should go to Minneapolis yeah all right so what do you want to do first what do we do pull the board on I guess all right well what are you waiting on yes sir Jesus been on for 36 minutes hey I'm on strike oh no that's that's because I'm in the screen oh you're not allowed you're you're a scab right now this isn't written it's not and did I tell Chad that I campaigned to be a a local board member of The Screen Actors Guild and I found out that I ran unopposed so so I got the job I got the job so those of you who don't know Mitch Morrison is a tour he is a thespian he is uh got an IMDb page yes yes and I you know again if he's got his own YouTube channel if you uh if you go to IMDb Mitch Morrison and you take a look-see every click you know that people do helps with some sort of I know star rating or whatever whenever I make sure more popular say that it makes me more popular so Michael hariko with a 20 Super Chat says hey Carrie and Mitch and Chad haven't been able to send support money in a while so here you go I'm always watching thanks always about to do another build soon and that's from Mike in Cleveland Ohio all right now there is some more stuff in that box oh do we want to go through it because I'll need to get the close-up camera before we go much further okay we don't have camera girl here today she might be here later I'm not sure oh there is hold on wait wait let me get the close-up camera well I'll do it or I mean yeah you turn it on and I'll hold it and you you see show or you want me to do it I want you to do it okay people see me do it a million times all right you should be getting good at it by now don't you think okay I also wanted to say uh Frankie B sent us a message with this contribution that I wanted to read and he said I'm at work today and I won't be able to watch today's stream in full so I sent you a little something via Amazon that's kind so once again a big shout out he was very generous with his Amazon gift card so Frankie B have you seen him in the chat room please say hello and let them know you guys appreciate his contribution what is essentially to the community those contributions are what's paying for everything here all right let me grab the camera and I'm going to be camera girl I might need longer hair and more tattoos I was going to have a comeback but I held my I held I held my see that you can teach an old dog country he's learned all right I'm gonna go back over here to OBS okay and then what I want you to do is right here where it says I'm going to turn on the close-up camera but see camera one is on yeah and anything above takes precedent over what's below so all you have to do is click that eyeball on camera one when you tell me to as soon as I grab the right now it's pointing up at the ceiling oh okay so I didn't click over to it because I don't think everybody wants to look at the ceiling okay but you can switch it over anytime now now yep one click there he is all right all right so we've got a box gotta work backwards I had our motherboard in and here motherboard was here and when we got two things here man what do we got in there uh you want me to work backwards okay we got a okay documentation yeah always a must gotta have a go faster sticker oh that'll make it run 20 3D all right okay we've got our nvme um scroll right we're gonna need those we're gonna need to need both of them are you sure there's only two two a three what else we got four four of them can I say five five of five of them we have a setup is that a set of cable one or two in there uh that looks like two yeah that sounds about right two we're not using them but and then we got oh are these uh velcro ties they are they come with the motherboard yeah nice set of ZZ tops Bell curl fly all right these are velcro ties dated reference for those of you watching us okay let's put the documentation back all right go faster sticker we'll put the things back into things just toss that just toss we're not going to use that we're going to put all the spare parts anything we don't use from all the hardware documentation from CPU or the ram power cable for an extra cables for the power supply are all going to go in this box so we don't want anything we don't need that little separator in here because that'll just what we may build on the box ah a lot of times these bags aren't sealed is there a reason why some of them have tape it depends on the manufacturer and some of them some of them have a little snoo to take there and then some are just folded very nice but I prefer not to have the tape and then some have this styrofoamy it's styrofoam thing that it sits that it sits in purple rain here okay let's uh oh oh it's it's um it's strapped see Chad yeah with two doodads here that you got how many do you count four I guess four count them again put your finger on each one where is your finger there one one two three four five I was just seeing if you were paying attention yeah okay I can't afford to pay attention okay uh swilwaukee oh here it is I might want to cut myself all right yeah YouTube doesn't allow that don't demonetize me oh no don't use that don't use that it's just grabbing the razor blade scissors no use the angled cutters yeah those are much safer to use than they're ideal for cutting away zip ties makes it super easy really an inconvenience a one hold on you're going to move a little slower so the camera can follow everybody wants close-ups of seeing cable ties being cut in him a two now to my left your right there we go I think for these last go whip hi uh okay yeah it keeps it in there secure for sure I'll give you that it ain't gonna bounce out [Applause] okay don't bend it we can work on it while it's in there we don't have to take it out okay no harm no foul no harm no foul okay we'll get rid of the bag yep and um what do you suggest this CPU well you're you're driving oh okay you're asking me for directions you're the one behind the wheel CPU okay which is this shiny okay now we've talked about the way Intel packages CPUs one side of the box has has all this information on it and you would have to cut the entire length of this right down here yeah and you really this is the information you need for your warranty if you need so if you turn the box to the opposite side you see it's just got a little tiny piece of tape right here guess which side Intel wants you to open well then it should say that open this well then I wouldn't need a job I mean I wouldn't have it I wouldn't need to tell you okay people wouldn't read it anyway oh we can open it this way or is it this way it's got to be a little smarter than the Box uh we're getting there okay what do we have here documentation yeah we're just going to set all the documentation aside that will all go in the empty motherboard box here's our chip how do you get that out you should be able to pull it right through kind of yeah wiggle back and wiggle up and down while you pull okay they can't see that with the glare but for I5 okay we'll set that here and then we'll set our uh now that's our heat sink in there right so that's already got thermal compound attached to it and we want to just keep that cover it up and put it off to the side for right now okay here's our chip now do you want to grab a suction cup uh yeah they're right over there and on underneath the streaming computer oh yeah you should see a little plastic container with suction cups in it on this shell yeah it should be real close to you yeah find it this is a little Uncle carries secret tip go on Amazon you buy these for I don't know seven bucks you get a little package of them I like for hanging things on Windows and stuff and we only just need the one okay now you want me to leave it this way or turn it this way uh whatever way you want go ahead and turn it so it's facing you me yeah because if you're doing this Folks at home you will be where Mitch is standing that's at least where I would recommend you be I can't take this pressure here's our lever lever get it away from this is that correct and it's got a lot of spring to it so you just you'll notice this one opens the opposite direction you notice how it's opening up like the hood of a Corvette opens the opposite way of torque towards me yeah it's going to go towards you can see if that yeah well you could if you wanted to you could just you could have pulled it up by this little metal part here but you're fine now of course it's I have instructed you incorrectly because now this is in your way of being Mitch can't really see that socket very well people at home can see it great we have 1700 little pins down in there they're very delicate and when we put the CPU in we want to be really cautious we don't put any downward pressure on it CPU is going to go in in Only One Direction now because it's rectangular we know it's one of two directions because the other two directions obviously wouldn't fit and if you wonder you got a triangle right below the screw here that's white that that's telling you is there am I seeing things yeah it appears correct okay and then there'll be a little triangle on the CPU as well if we look closely if you bring that CPU underneath the camp bring it to the camera here usually it's the lower right side uh where is it sometimes it's etched onto the surface of the CPU oh it's so uh yeah sometimes it's etched but I don't yeah yeah I don't uh it used to be a white triangle as well but there's dots on all four corners so let me see this real quick because I carry makes me yeah now you can see the triangle the lower left oh gotcha yeah yeah etched right on okay you're gonna You're Gonna Wanna turn this motherboard to 180 degrees so that the open side is facing the installer and you're going to line that triangle up with the other triangle I can't take this pressure I know this makes Mitch nervous and just go ahead and grab your suction cup push it straight down on the you know close to the middle push it push it firm and then pull pull up on the little nub there you go where's my you kind of said the triangle well we know I'm gonna take the picture off here okay because the writing yeah gotcha we know it's got to go on either this direction or you can't go on this way right and the only important thing you need to worry about is you don't put any downward pressure all right so even without even knowing where the arrows are and I honestly don't know by just setting that down if it doesn't seat this because some of them have little notches correct that that it kind of well this does have The Notches they're at the top and the bottom oh I see them yeah you see them very very very tiny you know little notches yeah yeah in the socket and little little notches cut out in the CPU yep on the top and the bottom yeah and that will also ensure that it only seats one way so if you look at where the little notches are if I can get this camera to focus you'll see The Notches in the CPU are not aligning with The Notches in the socket that means of the two ways I could have put it in I've put it in the wrong way so this has to be rotated 180 so you would lift it up first put pull it take it up higher don't be so close to that socket go ahead and rotate it around and you notice Mitch is holding it by the edges that is correct and now and now and now just gently set it into the socket and Let It Go now if it's not fully seated into the socket all we need to do is just give it a little gentle oh actually I think you did get it it's not moving you notice how I'm just kind of wiggling but no downward pressure because we're still not touching the pins underneath until this latch comes down that's when it applies downward pressure yep now on the older CPUs we would just close this down in this little plastic protector would pop off automatically these won't pop off automatically anymore so we just take it off and that will go this will go into the motherboard box along with the documentation now go ahead and let the lid close that's it and now lower that lever until it locks underneath chant now it's pushing that CPU down and he's you see Mitch has got to use his uh man muscles there he goes and then to take that suction cup off simply slide it on the vertisanal on the vertisano slide don't even pull up it just Falls right off and it'll put it back in and that is seating the delicate socketed to CPU there the brains of the yeah it's kind of computer kind of the brain for sure now do me a favor and click on that eyeball on camera one and we'll go back to camera one here click on this eyeball yes correct yes there you did it all right and I'm going to turn close-up camera off okay and then we'll be on this camera angle here for a few minutes what do you think does it give you any more confidence in doing that yeah I figured you know yeah you got to do it enough time to get numb too I mean with the notches like you said you can tell where we had it upside down they weren't lined up so as long as you're not there drop you know you're just like no gotta turn at 180. yeah it does does require your short items I kind of like the ones though where when you were a little off and you would just gently it would it seemed a drop you know this will do the same kind of drop in there and that kind of gives you the clue where you know you're right when you get just a dunk that it's not whey but just enough where you're like then it's it's seated so you could intentionally put the CPU in just a little outside of the socket and then just give it a little nudge and it'll fall in yeah if you put it in the way you did it's sometimes hard to tell am I on the edge but that's why I try to move the CPU without pushing down on it I try and move it left and right or up and down to make sure it is firmly in the socket maybe if I had younger eyeballs and maybe I could eyeball it but all right so the next thing I want to do is I want to put the five screws in that go see the m.2s and the reason for this is these screws get lost they're very very tiny screws yeah number one screwdriver yeah we're going to need a very small screwdriver but first I want you to see where they're going to go we've got two m.2 sockets underneath this long heat sink okay we've got an m.2 socket right here so a screw is going to go here because that's going to be one two and three and then we've got two m.2 sockets underneath this big heatsink there's a Gen 4 nbme slot and a Gen 5 NBD slot opposing each other so you can only use one or the other okay and they right over here we have an m.2 style slot well it is an m.2 slot but it's a Wi-Fi slot and so you're going to put one screw here one screw here one screw here one screw here one screw here total is five how many did we get five five and then our nvme drive is a gen five we're gonna have to lift up this heatsink and this heatsink and before we put the screw in to we'll save that for last so yeah so the first thing you want to do is just grab the um the JIS driver and let's go ahead and take that out Giovanni says I follow you from Italy and our friend Marco Mouse Maelstrom he also joins us from Italy those screws may be held captive okay which is a good thing that means they won't come out and fall on the floor and then you lose them I have been to Italy with my father been to Rome and Venice so you think they're oh yeah okay so I guess it's close up my break is over uh uh okay all right so what I want you to do is to click on that camera one yeah and we'll switch back over whenever you're ready there he is so just showing what's underneath oh that's in the bag yeah but what's underneath that heatsink that Mitch just removed is this m.2 slot that was hidden from View and this other m.2 slot and what we're going to do is we're going to take a screw and place it here not here this holds the heat sink this we'll put the screw in here but we're not going to put an m.2 in here when the owner of this computer at some point if they decide to populate this they won't have to go looking for this one's too big that one's too big you think I don't know is it I'd say that's not too big it looks like it's fine okay so I'm gonna put one in here no that's holding the heatsink on oh remember the socket is this is where the m.2 drive is going to plug in then it's the opposite side that the screw goes to the magnetism might be a little weak on that driver yes so in the drawer hold on in the drawer there's a screwdriver magnetizer should be right up close to the edge close to you I mean that'll work if you want to use them yeah now you've got yeah that's correct and you'll notice there's a single hole there and it says magnetize do you see that here yeah it says demagnetized using the lower holes magnetized using the upper and just run the screwdriver through that hole about a half dozen times why does that seem offensive all right you should be good now when you go to pick up that screw using magnetized screwdrivers is highly recommended when building a computer because the screws are very very tiny ah and that much better now it's freshly magnetic isn't that amazing there you go and I want it now I'm confused this one correct and just till it stops yeah boom and now we're going to do the same thing it's going to go there and that is a JIS driver by the way here right correct that is a skilled Craftsman at work okay now well we're here let's go ahead and put a screw in the little m.2 Wi-Fi it's got a little piece of tape over it it's like gold okay and I can use a fingernail and I can peel that off why did they do that I really don't understand why they do it then you just need a fingernail really and it'll just to do this well I'm I'm not actually looking at what I'm doing I'm looking at what the camera is filming see that you see oh yeah I did yeah and so we'll just take that and now it's ready do do many people buy those Wi-Fi I'm curious on a desktop no if they most people if they're going to add Wi-Fi just get the USB yeah just get USB or they might just add uh if they want you uh Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to just plug a card into the because what is a card typically 25 for this card or it's a dongle could be 25 down okay so do you want me to remove well let's go ahead and put this heatsink back does it have tape chat yeah we have thermal tape which we leave on until we're ready to install a drive which we're not going to do on this build now which direction did that come off yeah I think you've got it right yeah yeah I'm gonna think can be a little tricky to line up the screws with the mounts underneath but you'll know you'll know when you find it Blue Star Line wants to know if he can move a solid state drive to any motherboard without having to reinstall Windows that's a definite maybe some cases you can in some cases you can my suggestion for you is you give it a shot if it doesn't work come in here and let us know what the trouble is and we can help you but what we can't do is we can't see the future and we can't know if what you're going to be able to do yeah see it's a little hard to line up in that yeah I figure if I get the one yeah the other one will line up automatically right and just get them started don't tighten them down or don't tighten one down before the other that's what I'm trying to say yeah and you shouldn't need to put any downward pressure on that screwdriver the weight of the screwdriver is all you need a couple of turns yeah now you can tighten it down and once again it doesn't have to be Mondo tight just snug there we go tighten that one up a little bit more a little bit more just want the screwdriver to come to a stop and then same on the opposite okay now we also have this m.2 slot that's going to need a screw right there okay so we're going to get these out of the way this is optional you don't have to do this you can also optionally pull your hair out two years from now when you go looking for those little tiny screws because you want to add an m.2 I think from the factory these darn screws should be in the standoffs and they're just wasting plastic bags each one of those little screws which has its own dedicated plastic bag that'll take a thousand years to biodegrade but don't worry it'll end up in the ocean and we'll end up eating it yeah did you bring that to a full stop with a little I just don't want them to vibrate loose yeah okay now you notice this heatsink is really heavy duty okay and if we look at the top of it here it says this is the hold on everything's backwards when I move left this moves to the right so it says blazing m.2 and see I gotta go up is down down is up right is left let's try that so we've got two screws there go ahead and remove that but look at how chunky that heatsink is that is way better than any heatsink you're going to get from an nvme Drive manufacturer it's larger heavier and it's just going to dissipate with the screws way down there and you think they might be Captain okay I'll just loosen it up here Richard Pullman's here with a five dollar Super Chat said here's my late fee welcome in Richard thank you for supporting the channel my friend happy Friday I get it got the one side not the other and those look like they're being held Captain too which is good got our tape all right so chunky yeah it's it's a that's a beefy heat sink no so you notice we have two opposing m.2 sockets you can only use one or the other one of these is the Gen 5. and it's the only Gen 5 and it might even say right on top of it which one's which right here yeah pcie gen five times four yeah blazing m.2 which means it's this one well I don't know oh what does this one say that just says p c i e one well the instructions will make it out sometimes it's written it's etched on the board but as I recall from the last time we built these it was this one that was the Gen five okay so where do you want so I can read the directions or I can just guess and if we get it wrong we just turn it around okay we'll know from the performance so where do you want me to put this screw now you notice there's a standoff already installed okay yeah but there's only one standoff you can't if you were going to install the m.2 on this side then that standoff would have to be moved over to that hole over there so the way it ships from the manufacturer is assuming you're going to use that Gen 5 slot right there and that will be in the 2280 position don't confuse it with this one back here this is a little taller and it's designed to hold the heatsink on they do look kind of similar to otante yeah so the first thing you want to do I see you've got the screw at the end of the driver but you have nothing to screw down oh that's right so we want to get the crucial t700 out of its box okay taped shut up Darren gilholm has shared your YouTube channel oh thank you I don't really post on that much Chad it's if I got a new film clip what else have we got in the Box in the Box we got documentation oh well it's in my language too yes hieroglyphics here's our I'll get it out of the box or I'll have a lot of the plastic will they give us any screws or anything not that we need it but I'm just kind of curious Sometimes some m.2 manufacturers are including the little screws depending up well this one well Envy drives are in loose it's only the ram that's in tight beautiful what's the other side look like that's probably the side they intend to be up but it's going to be covered with a heatsink so it doesn't really matter it only goes in one way if we turn this so Mitch can see it we're going to want to put it in this socket and you're going to align the notch that's cut out at the end here don't touch the gold end with the notch that's in the socket right over there you ready uh yeah boy this is going to put it in on a bit of an angle like that yeah and kind of wiggle and push there you go like a diving board now yeah it kind of reminds me of a reverse diving board doesn't it now he can take that final screw and we're just going to bring that down until the screw comes to a full stop it's just going to hold that nbme Drive in place just like that now grab the heatsink and we're going to pull the protective tape off the back of the thermal tape that's on the back of this heatsink now was it this way or was it that way well usually if there's writing the writing all faces like you notice how that's facing that way usually writing all faces that way now we do want to remove this protective tape otherwise the thermal pad will be defeated and you might run into heat issues and worse that the plastic tape could melt and then things get smelly and sticky two of my least favorite things are smelly and sticky so you think it's like yeah he's gotta try and figure there's nothing to really help guide you so you just gotta figure out where to get the captive screws to align with their Mount points I can't well that's okay just grab the screwdriver and using the weight of the screwdriver start to yeah you can kind of move it around a little bit and see if you can feel the screwdriver going into a mount point if not lift the lift up the heat sink a little bit so that the screw can get into the hole right because if you're at the outside edge then moving it around keeps you at the edge you have to lift you can lift and turn the screwdriver at the same time to locate the mount point I think I got it now right through the screwdriver yeah I think I got it now let's now the other side should automatically align if anything maybe a little up or down movement is all that's required there's a man hard at work right there folks I get the big money all right that's right you should see the size of the nickel I give them that's huge oh you didn't get that site did you so loosen the other side up because you you're prematurely tightened it down one of the ways you can tell when you start this group to see if you started it just pull okay if it pops up you didn't get it started like you thought you did so here's what I'm recommending take the screwdriver place the screwdriver with one hand I would use your other hand and get pull up on this and see by pushing down on the driver see if you can find the hole if you think you've got it started then pull up on it take the screwdriver does it pull up anymore yeah so you're not again take the screwdriver place the screwdriver gently all right now you're going to lift on this and move it around and let me know when you feel the screw fall into the hole about right there it seems like it's not moving anymore left right I'll try I'll try to give it a few turns nope so this side's too tight that's part of our problem let's see if we tape that too far out yeah we're okay now I think you got it there another way is you can measure the Gap to see that that's straight across now give that a few turn how many old men does it take to screw down a heat sink oh I'd say he's got it folks and now you don't have to go back and forth now you can go ahead and firmly yeah he's done it he's done it so what's the last thing okay you need a drink no you need you need a break that pressure no I mean that's that's fine I'm only being judged yeah I think we can take you off uh this this top on the eyeball yeah that one uh we're gonna do the ram next time oh okay yeah beautiful Johnny says nice job Mitch you know live long and prosper yeah you got the Vulcan ddr5 yeah well you're gonna have to cut the tape Mitch has been trusted with the knife today oh Chad since the last time I was here I have had a couple of acting auditions one was for a Medicare Supplement Plan really yeah and I think needless to say I didn't get the job but they're looking for the guy with a salt and pepper hair and you know I mean they're looking for somebody who looks like they're in there yeah like they're on Medicare so uh all right what do you got there my package yeah little instructions probably a little faster sticker in there no RGB because you know we're over 14. how do you get these packages open again you gotta first of all think about how that package is going to open the way you turned it this way is going to open right right so you don't want it upside down and have the ram fall out at the table so you're going to have to find like a little lip to separate gotcha I got it yeah and then there'd be a little go faster sticker in there right bend the plastic yeah and those team for the t-force ram is is in there pretty loose it's not as tight as some other manufacturers then we want to avoid making any contact with the gold fingers the gold contacts we want to you can hold it literally anywhere else am I doing it right no you're fine don't want to force it this end well what I would recommend you do is just let the table help you and put one finger to push down on this Ram module while this other finger lifts up on that ramp module oh and that make it easier yeah now when we come over to the motherboard we have four Ram sockets and then we have these little retention lever so we're going to open them all up now how do we know which two to use normally it uh on the board itself it says uh you know look at the screen oh right there yeah see where it says ddr5 A1 tr5 A2 ddr5b1 and ddr5b2 that means in this order okay one two three four one two three four and you see how two of them are connected it says first gotcha yeah what does it say and then skip one and then yeah what does it say A2 and B2 correct which are which which ones are A2 and B2 this one this one look at look at the uh oh got it yeah this one is A2 and this one B2 so you'll see there's a notch and the memory has a notch so if you turn the memory the other way around you'll notice the notch is not in the middle so by if you were to put it in that way I want you to just gently place the ram into these tracks of socket A2 won't fit and you'll notice that that Notch is off isn't lining up and that ensures you cannot install the ram incorrectly and that's why you never use brute force everything should be smooth so go ahead and pull the ram out first straight up turn it 180 degrees and then gently place it back into its guiding track on both sides don't worry about the connector just worry about getting it in the track once he's got it in the track you're going to use both thumbs on each hand and put one thumb on each side and you sure the notch lined up I can't see from this well it has to be because it didn't line up the other way okay but you do want to make sure before you put any Force down um that we are lined up and it certainly looks lined up to me so with Force push down on one corner and you will probably hear it click and now the other corner perfect now repeat that in socket B2 which is going to be the one closest to the edge of the board this is called channel one and on all ddr4 and ddr5 motherboards that have more than two sockets for Ram uh you always skip a slot so we want this one yes and we started at this one because if we started with this one it'd be hard to film him going into that other one make sure it's you know it's slid in easily thumbs all right thumbs it's Mitch all thumbs that's a very satisfying click and then what we want to do is we want to put up you know you're having them down yeah I would go ahead and close those just because 32 gigs that's 32k beautiful I5 two terabytes Gen 5 storage we need to put the cooler on oh and this one's easy peasy you can't do it all right let's now what is that that is thermal compounds and do not touch that and copper how much more thermal compound are we going to add this is it how much thermal compound do we put on the CPU zero but I've seen other people put thermal compound on the CPU how can they do that because they're using a third-party heatsink that doesn't come with thermal compound on it it's one or the other is going to get the thermal compound okay and when it when you're heat sink whether it's a water block or anything that comes with it already attached don't mix thermal compounds don't add more thermal compound than what the manufacturers were providing you're not even outsmart them you're only going to make it worse now let's take this doodad and this is our power and we need to find where on the board this plugs in because usually your CPU power cable is somewhere up and above the CPU socket and again we could read our documentation this might be helpful to go ahead and remove the motherboard out of its foam yeah go ahead and pull on that foam for me because it's kind of covering up that edge so if we look we've got a couple of fan connectors they're pretty pretty easy to identify here this one says CPU fan one right here right there where do you see it oh yeah let me turn it this way and you can see the etching on the motherboard it's a CPU fan one angle so even though they're all fan headers the BIOS wants to know which one is the CPU fan because that one that one's critical that that one's running and it's going to measure to make sure the resistance on the fan is is turning the other ones they could stop turning who cares so so we kind of want that we don't want it wrapped around the thing we want it this way yeah you want because so you know your power cable needs to plug in right there so you don't want to have to wrap the power cable around it because it could get caught up in the fan when you move the computer so in other words this orientation would be better than yeah yeah also you got to think about what cable Management's going to look like okay okay we want to hide the cables as much as possible with cable management so what we'll do you'll notice that if you go ahead and gently put this down over the CPU and you'll line up those little plastic Towers with the hole surrounding the socket no tools are required for this heatsink installation now the towers they have an arrow on them well those don't have the arrow but they rotate clockwise or counterclockwise they should be in the lock position which means when you push down on these and they push through they're gonna lock down if you ever want to take the heatsink off you will turn this little Tower quarter turn counterclockwise I think and then you can lift up on it that will release it and you'll do that to all four corners and then you'll be able to lift the heat sink off but out of the box it should already be in the lock position so what I want you to do Mr Mitchell Morrison is I want you to pick one Tower show use your thumb and then at the same time hold on we'll do anything put your thumb over the tower don't push down yet now go to the opposite Tower that's exactly what I wanted you to do now push down one and then you'll hear a click push down the other see that now do the same thing with the two remaining he did it now do me a favor hold the end of that cable so we can see what the connector looks like so we've got little Groove if you notice on one side one side is smooth the other side has a Groove that little Groove indicates that it's going to hug yeah hug that little piece of plastic that little 2010 monolith yeah not on this side there on the other side it's going to hug and that's how you know which four pins it goes on so you don't wire it backwards no yeah and there's no catch on that it's just a friction fit and you'll know when it's on imagine doing that if it was in the case I don't want to force it but it's going to be a friction fit did I do it um just need to see the other side dark I can't see let's ease Aziz light name the movie all right um it looks like you got it it's really dark yeah and I'm probably making everybody motion sick okay how about back to camera one yeah that's I think we could go back to camera one now no no that's like And subscribe that's all right if you enjoy the content be sure you hit the thumbs below I hit the eyeball again and it'll go away yeah that's going to go away on its own oh so now I can go just down to this one that that's the camera one eyeball there he goes and well you shall need a zip you shall need a zip tie all right clean that up Carrie we'll check it now spy it with his little eye but he'll need his glasses thanks it's like he can see the future in one zip top isn't that a song by The Wallflowers all right we're here to inspect your work yes sir Eddie's Soldier I don't like this little okay it's they don't want you throwing this out I got to get myself a cold drink watch your step I cut this little tag off because it looks the one that says do the one that says do not remove like on Amanda punishment of death punishable you got on a fresh water bowl by a hard life freshwater constant struggle oh you went with the vodka I mean the water yeah Uncle Karen used to give me Fuji water which was very snug I haven't been buying that lately a little pricey huh um I've been digging on the Evian lately the naive water any spelling Beyond there yeah I'm just trying to get the rest of this little label off of here don't use shugu sugar okay now I'll put my zip tie on do yourself a favor put the zip tie on before you mount your motherboard into your case where it's going to get really confined in there to get your fingers in there to get it cable managed after it's in the mounted into the case it's pretty much the only cable I manage until after we're finished with the build and then the cable management is typically the very last thing I do I guess I'm going to need a second zip tie here because it looks like for this to look clean I'm gonna instead of putting it in the middle because it looks like it's going to bow out on each side put one on each end and then it prevents it from bowing that state that's David Bowie ah don't quit your day job yeah too late and these can be really hard on your fingers so I'll usually grab some needle nose pliers to help me cinch these down just till it stops I mean you don't want to dig it no they were fine this is a braided it's got a braided cover on it you're not going to hurt it feel free to cinch it down as much as you want but yes if you're dealing with bare wire you want to be a little bit cautious of that let me clear some of our trash out right here and get some get some of that we'll take that take this and this and this and this all right help a little bit and whether or not we want to save the boxes you know if we wanted to know where the parts are there's plenty of room in the motherboard box so if I wanted to I mean I'm going to do this anyway but I can now lift up the motherboard by this heat sink set that down and I'm going to take this little plastic cover we're going to put it in there if we ever have to send that motherboard back to the manufacturer you don't want to send it with a CPU in it and you don't want to send it with the CPU socket exposed where it can be damaged or they will deny your warranty oh and this piece well I think it's time for a smoke test you want to go ahead and get the power supply out of the out of the box oh yeah I shall set that over here it goes into a different recycling container our c750 gold are we having fun yet okay all right this is fully modular or semi um what does it say I think it's fully modular I'll take that oh you know I only got a third grade education let's see here I've told you twice it's a second great education do you ever learn yeah yeah we joke folks we joke I got me Sylvan said I'm watching the live stream could you please explain the pin outs for the power switch reset switch hard drive LED sure we can go over that oops 3D whoops I didn't mean to no no I'm calling by mistake I've called by mistake I didn't mean to call you oh yeah because I'm on the treadmill yeah okay and I'm live on camera so you're not just your voice okay for everybody watching that's my sister she messaged me something and I clicked on it I accidentally uh called you that's a sign that I'm getting old how do you work these hello hello is this on where's the beep how do I leave a message okay go back to work all right bye chat bye all right how embarrassing what's this thingamajig on here what's it say to prevent damage to your system do not connect tape cables from other power supplies okay that are a big mistake people make when they lose their modular power cables they go on Amazon to buy new ones and then they plug them in because they fit and then they blow up their power supply or whatever the opposite end is fully modular that's a good power supply it's 130 750 watt gold fully modular power supply uh yes and here's our bag all right give me that box please thank you go ahead and open the bag uh open that and then we got a purple in you this would make a nice dop kit you know a nice toiletry you World Travelers you use power cables for toiletries no but I mean but but you know that would make a nice toiletry bed oh I got something else in there screws yeah Mike Visions with a five pound contribution says hello Carrie and Sir Mitch here is my late fee good to see you Mitch I see you're still sporting the Toto t-shirt always I like how he says the like there's only one how many of those yeah 56 uh 57 I think I want I swear to you I wanted to stop at 50. man I couldn't have myself all right what do we need to do we need the uh just grab that bag and rip it over again I had my Wheaties this morning just take all the cables out and do the same thing with the other bag and give me the bags peace because your bags your cables would go in the bags that would go in the bag that would go in the box that we shipped in the Box okay make sure that these start immediately decomposing I think I know what a 24 pin right here get that one right yeah so we're going to remove that cable wire tie give me that wire tie oh all right now set that cable down show me another cable just pick up a cable any cable we're not going to use that one put it in the lure and the uh purple bag about that one that one that's a pcie video card power cable we're not going to put a video card in here yeah the owner of this might that is a CPU power cable yes so take off the wire tie where you need two of those two yeah this motherboard takes two CPU power cables give me that wire it's all right please and then grab a random cable just pick it up look at it yeah that's your other CPU power cable right there CPU power cables and GPU power cables look very similar and the rest go bad yeah we're not going to use any other Molex Jesus didn't we get a um where's our plug uh I stuck it in the bag oh okay is that okay you're just going to use your normal plug yes I just wanted to make sure don't trust me I wasn't watching because I do trust you yeah just questioning just because I question you doesn't mean I don't trust you if I didn't trust you I wouldn't believe the answers okay so when I look in the bag to double check that means I didn't trust you yeah so let me let me see all right now on the power supply there is a fan on the bottom yeah so you don't want to put it yeah you don't want to put it like that and choke it out people see a fan they think the pan is blowing air out but that fan draws air in so out that one people always talk about how hot their systems are running people always talk about positive and negative air pressure you should be paying attention to what they're not talking about they're not talking about their power supply one of the most critical or important parts of your computer might be choked off suffocated or installed backwards might be running hot there's no way for you to really know other than touching it and checking the filter at the bottom of your case make sure if your case sits on carpeting it's a little bit off the carpet so air can get up underneath you could be so fixated on your CPU temp and your GPU temp and your thermal compound that you're completely oblivious that you are suffocating the computer and torturing the power supply and Uncle Mitch does does it twice a year January June January June I just get in the habit of did we get you one of these uh oh yeah USB charging air dusters oh yeah almost blew my wig off touche or toupee yeah yeah but yeah so what you would do is you would use blow air out through this side and this side both sides yeah and so this is going to draw air in and then the air that it draws in cools down the components and comes out the back this is an enclosed ecosystem that has nothing to do with the fans are cooling in your computer you cannot monitor that with any software you must use your human brain and your human eyeballs and your human common sense by not thinking about it never giving it a second thought never giving it any consideration it doesn't mean it's less important because you never thought about it because you know if if if you're uh if your box doesn't have a if the case does filter yeah that was it senior senior moment if your case doesn't have a dust filter dust is going right into that and or you could say Jesse Yeah you you wait a year and you can choke choke this out what depends where you live here in Phoenix we have a lot of dust so it doesn't take long and we never filter exhaust air so if you have filters on your computer case where the air is being blown out take those filters off because you're restricting your airflow filters only go on air that's being drawn in intake is what we filter we do not filter exhaust please stop torturing your power supplies please when you're discussing Heat because let's face it I know this audience I know people on YouTube they're so fixated on a non-existent issue of heat please be the person who brings up reminding people how hot is their power supply is the power supply breathing correctly so when they're there all fixated and tunnel visioned on this CPU GPU heat temps fans thermal compound please be the voice of reason and say yeah but how's your power supply cooling going is it being suffocated is your fan turning when's the last time you've cleaned the filter that's probably going to be more critical to the operation of the computer than any other discussion on heat Larry Wood with a 20 Super Chat right on thank you Larry let me see if we've missed others while we were we were working don't let the word get out working Apollo Brian contributes to Euro let me know it's okay to send the video yeah please send the video Ian Gooch with a 10 pound contribution losing my spot again thank you to Roy Starman and Mark Gaines thank you to Alan Lindas thank you to the giraffko friendship Bradley Morris extends his subscription another month now at 15 months Sylvan became a member thanks guys thank you to Peter laycock of course and Michael hariko Lewis grego with a five pound contribution thank you Louis our friend Richard volunteer and Alvin shaver thank you for your super chats and in the two most recent of Mike visions and Larry Wood thanks guys thank you for keeping us sponsor free here now when you're wanting to do this you know smoke test not in the machine do you typically do you plug in the cable to the board first or to to this first and then the board like to me the cable on these power supplies when they're fully modular you'll see it's one connector here that's going to go there but it's two connectors here so these two are going to go side by side or one above the other on the back depending on the make and model of power supply I usually find the power supply a little more finicky so I will usually put these in first but that's just me okay and on the back of the power supply you'll see these two right here it's written right on the power supply you can always read your documentation but these only plug in One Direction and they only plug in one place okay there's no place for this end to plug into the motherboard so you can't get it wrong yep you won't be able to terminate first of all there's nowhere to plug this into the back of the power supply there's no connector big enough and there's no connector small enough to plug either of those so I usually will take the power supply and I will set it on the table well you can't with this oh I suppose that's true you know because you don't want to crush it so don't crush my hand so we'll just put that one in you kind of wiggle and push and then thinking of cable management how I want to route that cable beside it and these usually you'll hear a satisfying click so let me just hold this for a second because it'll be easier for me to give myself my own resistance I am the resistance that one it's not quite all the way in you might be close enough it is a tight fit but it's a very important power connector and then these two connectors they say CPU and pcie we'll use these two next now the both ends to the naked eye if you're not paying attention look identical but you'll notice there's a giant clip on this side and this side can be we can convert this by pulling these apart oh because some other boards will have a four pins and the opposite side of the cable it doesn't pull apart and you see how big the connector gets this clip yep now look how narrow that clip is that's going to fit into the clip hole don't be a clip hole Yeah so this one is going to go yeah I would I would go I wouldn't plug it in here yet because then it'll be hard to get the one in between them so this one yep Barry Russ with a five dollar Super Chat says hey hey Carrie Holzman in chat blessings right on thank you Barry let's listen for the click I'd say that was a pretty good click and then if you want to test it you don't tug it with all your might but you just give it a little dead like that just like that not in I was just testing you all right so it's not like you want to do a stab you want to put it on my microphone wait a minute oh okay dude okay apparently you did have it and it just doesn't want to stay okay that's fine same thing with the other one recognize the difference between the two ends by the size of the clip the skinny clip goes to the power supply that one Dustin Fuller has now been a member for 15 months as well look at that so this one yeah this one's the skinny clip uh skinny so we're going to use the entire top row and that's just motherboard power that's all that is nothing else we're installing is going to require power I don't think if we were going to do RGB obviously we'd have to give power to RGB okie dokie and the fans will get powered off the motherboard I think that doesn't feel like it's in there but you try it just a wiggle and push okay it's fine now once again I'm going to I'm going to plug this one in with the clip facing the outer edge it's the only place that'll fit and you really kind of want to bring both both sides down I wiggle and push and then you can see the clip it'll get flush and it won't stick out on the opposite side of this motherboard be difficult to show you guys but we have two eight pin connectors here and these cables will go on to those connectors it doesn't matter which cable goes on which connector it only goes on in One Direction where the clip is going to face the outside edge of the connector we've got one here and one right beside of it they're both eight pins a lot of power supplies don't come with two eight pin connectors now it depends on the system you're building but in many cases that second eight pin EPS power connector is optional for people who overclock if you have no intention of overclocking and we have no intention of doing that we probably don't need the second one you would need to refer to your motherboard manual to determine if if your power supply only has one to verify that it'll work with just one like a threadripper needs them all for example but if you put them in both it doesn't hurt it won't hurt anything it won't hurt anything so I made sure when I ordered a power supply that I got one that had both EBS power connectors I don't know how well you can see that but that's pretty much all there is to that now normally I would never test a system outside of the box except when I'm making videos for you guys to see or I'm using used parts or parts from not a reputable website where I want to or wherever I sourced the parts from I might want to test them before I install them so I don't have to uninstall them if they don't work when I'm buying parts from a reputable retailer there's nothing experimental here I have no reason to believe it's not going to work all I'm doing is opening up an opportunity to damage this by powering it up outside of the case where it's not properly grounded and it's open to the environment but if I do it that way if I put it in the case and do it the way I normally do it it's not really anything for you to watch so I should almost universally are we buffering now we're in the red well no I'm glad you mentioned that we are still recording locally so when this occurs we're still We're Not Gonna it used to be I wasn't recording locally when this would happen but and um I've since when we you notice it says stop recording and stop streaming it automatically starts recording we start this stream oh so we have a local recording of this so right now the OBS was having some internet connection issues and we can see yeah we can see it dropping there yeah William R says turn the air conditioner down and press the video for us we sure need it here it's struggling isn't it yeah I'm seeing OBS is getting a good connection and then it's wobbling and falling and then going back up again it's not raining outside yeah no I was looking out the window and sunshine it looks like it wants to rain no wind hopefully we're back and everything should be good it's live video folks I was just telling Mitch well it was buffering for you guys I think we record the streams now so I can upload this the cleaning video as it was recorded not as it was streamed you didn't miss anything all right now if you're noticing that the video is choppy or stuttery hit Refresh on your browser because I'm showing it's going out um perfectly it's it's not getting any more drop frames all right we can wait a minute for everybody to catch up we're in no hurry today and we'll make sure our stream is solid it's you know it's funny I'm having trouble with my streams the older I get happens to all of us yeah um all right everybody says it looks good now so we're talking about the front panel header that's going to be your power switch your reset switch your power LED and your hard drive LED each one is two pins the positive and negative only matter on LEDs if you were to get the positive and negative reversed the LED simply will not work it won't hurt anything when you get around to turning it around the other way and plugging it in correctly the LED will work as it should switches don't have positive or negative they might be labeled but you don't have to it doesn't matter the pins will always go horizontally if you're putting your pins this means horizontal this way this would be vertical we never connect two rows of pins together never ever connect two Rosa pins we're always staying on one row at a time the top row or the bottom row unless you have a wonky weird motherboard the manual says otherwise you generally will be on the bottom row only or on the top row only most consumer motherboards I'd say 99.9 percent of them your hard drive LED and your reset switch will be on the bottom row your power LED and your power switch will be on the top row the power switch will be located directly above the reset switch your power LED will be located directly above the hard drive LED the positive side of the LED light emitting diode diode only allows electricity to flow one way so if you put it on backwards it's just a big barrier doesn't hurt anything just the LED will not light so positive end of the LED usually it's labeled positive on the connector always goes towards the pin at the far side at the end of the row so power LED positive cable will go on the top row with the positive on the first pin hard drive LED will go on the bottom row with the positive side of it going on the first pin of the bottom row it's really simple if you locate your power switch in a different set of pins it likely won't hurt anything power switch won't work and same is true with the reset switch so there's not a lot of danger you shouldn't have any anxiety over this is very simple many cases today aren't even coming with hard drive LEDs or reset switches so in a lot of cases you you have to only plug in a power switch and that might be it maybe a power LED and a power switch depends on the case that you buy but NZXT does something really cool NZXT gives you a connector for the front panel switches and LEDs where it's already aligned and all you have to do is push it down those are nice and so unless you have a motherboard that's wonky and doesn't fit the standard that the industry is is adopted then they often will include with the case they'll include a little connector that goes on and breaks the wires out into the individuals but I wish everybody wish all the chassis manufacturers would do what NZXT does and we'll get to that part but if you look in the drawer I've got an external power switch that I use when I'm working on a system out of the bench you should see a big clear one in there Mitch that's the one and I get these off Amazon and all this is is a power LED and a hard drive LED and a power switch and a reset switch and it terminates exactly the same way the cables in your case will terminate and what I did is I took this connector this is called a g connector some gigabyte motherboards include them and I've just made my own little connector so I don't have to put them on individually I can just take this and knowing where the cables go can I see my glasses because I can't see so good plus Winston Lou wants you to check your PayPal oh okay I think you check that here in a minute right down here and turn this this way right down here I'll tell you what let me grab the close-up camera because this this is an ideal opportunity to show this in close-up detail camera one eyeball uh yeah I hit that camera one eyeball for me yep Iran okay so aside from the motherboard manual and aside from going online and pulling up the manual online you can just look at the writing on any motherboard the connector it'll be written what that connector does so what this tells us is this top row of pins see there's two rows top row and a bottom row the writing is in two rows there's a top row of writing and a bottom row of writing so that tells us that the power LED is on the top row because it's written on the top the hard drive LED is at the bottom row because it's written below and it's got a little positive sign that that's pointing on the top row to the first pin and on the bottom row to the first pin then it says power button and it says reset and interestingly it shows the reset as being off one pin but should follow the standard which is how I'm able to just get one of these connectors sometimes this row of pins can be even longer when it has speaker connectors and all I have to do is make sure that these cables connect to that edge you'll see where it says hard drive LED right on the connector it says hard drive LED with a positive and a negative and we want to make sure that's on those first two pins so when I seat this down I've just plugged in all four cables to our switch it's really simple stuff it's really super simple just handle it one cable at a time or if you're lucky enough and you have an NZXT case it's just one connector that fits right on and it's compatible with 99 percent of the motherboards probably 99.9 percent of the motherboards okay and I just let the rest of that hang off because we don't have any cables on that side anyway yep but just in case there was more pins across here this wouldn't sit down if the pins were blocking it so that's why I have it drilled through so that way it can sit over the pins without damaging them and it doesn't make any contact with anything and that's just a little cheat that I use to make my life easier all right let me go back to camera one there Mitch if you don't mind thank you and that should clear up any confusion it's pretty simple stuff and again um you're not going to damage anything it's just that the switches or lights won't work if you plug them in let's take this and move this uh what do I want to do turn this this way this uh we'll put this over here I guess what a mess look at all the i o we have on the live mixer board here plastic honey what is this got HDMI out display poured out two USB 2s a USB 3 a USB 3 Type C four more USB these may not be twos these might all be threes I don't know these are Ultra USB power this is if you're charging up things these the yellow or orange USBS are lightning gaming whatever that is we have another USB type-c another USB port we have 2.5 gig LAN we've got an spdif optical audio connection speaker output and microphone input that's a lot of i o there's a place for antennas to go if you wanted to put the laptop style m.2 Wi-Fi and then run cables to the wires and then this connector right here is for asrock's little screen that I demonstrated on the last build we did featuring this motherboard I use the screens so I'm going to grab the power cable make sure the switch is in the off position I don't want it to turn on as a surprise this is a zero RPM fan mode switch if I push this in it turns that off and what that means is the fan will just run all the time if I press it and so it's in the out position that means 0 RPM fan mode is on that means the fan will only turn on when the power supply feels it's hot enough that it needs a little air just like the fan on your CPU and the fan on your video card if you have a video card maybe you notice the fans don't always turn it only turns when it needs to turn that keeps the noise down keeps the energy usage down I'm going to go ahead and flip that switch over to on and I want you to grab that grab that power cable switch thingy that's what we're going to call it okay now because we've added power to the power supply and the power supply is plugged into the motherboard there's some RGB under the board that's lighting up and that's because even though the system is off you can see the fan is not spinning it always has power running through it that's why you never work on a computer that's plugged in switching it off at the power supply is not good enough you can still be Earth you are still Earth grounded and if there was a major short circuit you could be seriously injured or die so I don't play around with that I unplug a system anytime I'm working on it since we're ready to power it up and we're clear no metal is touching it we're on a cardboard anti-static anti-conductive surface all I have to do is turn on oh I have to do two things I have to plug in HDMI cable into it which I have right here we're going to use Onboard video for today's build but you could add a video card of your choice Nvidia or AMD so HDMI cable I will need a keyboard and a mouse yes Mitch good thinking so I keep that back here and these are Wireless they have a little off switch I always keep them off to save batteries there's a little magnetic dongle that the keyboard and mouse will share this one dongle and I'll just plug it into literally any any of these USB ports will work fine I'll just put it right there okay and put us in a corner yeah I'm gonna put camera one and shrink it over to the side we'll turn HDMI input on Larry says hey Mitch I'm jamming Toto well good Mitch approves Africa Hosanna and hold the line okay are you ready blue or red uh the blue one I think all right Chad doesn't it say underneath doesn't say power it'll say like pled and h-led so power LED PL are you ready chat smoke test here we go I see the fan turning I see the light on now our very first boot up can be a little nerve-wracking because it's got to train the RAM and train the CPU it has no idea what we put in it we could put any number of CPUs in any amount and brand of ram so the very first time it turns on it's kind of like it's like if you woke up from a coma what's the first thing people do they they look around and they realize where am I right now and that's what it's doing right now once it's done that it'll test its settings and we'll get the power on self-test or post screen then you think this will be an old bios or a new one I think it's going to be old oh do you think yeah because I think they recently released a bios now this shows looking at the data on the screen shows our CPU the core i5 13500 it says live mixer 2.02 and for BIOS version I'll tell you what let's get rid of camera one they don't need to look at us and then I'll make the screen full screen for you and me so we can see it as good as the folks at home can and uh BIOS version where is it under advanced mode I would think that is it the 2.02 is our bias version I guess so yeah I don't see where ASRock has moved it to um this is obviously not a liquid cooler that we've put in right air Cooling it sees our CPU fan let's go to advanced mode this should have our BIOS version right here yeah it says UEFI version 2.02 okay right now we're idling at 2.5 gigahertz 2500 megahertz but the CPU will rank up faster than that um when we when we needed to now of course our date and time are off there it was set to the date and time likely in Taiwan or something it's probably like 12 hours off or something so what I'm going to do now is we're going to go back to obs and I'm going to open up a tab turn window capture on and we're going to just search for a bios and it's just going to be as rock live mixer z790 because they do make an AMD version of the live mixer board that's orange and red and bios and you'll see the very first link takes us to okay for the z790 live mixer that's going to take us to the product page for this motherboard and we're going to go over to support now I don't want the support up here right that's ASRock support I want z790 live mixer specifically support for this product that's what the support down here is for and then I want to go to bios and I want to see what the latest version is now it said we had 2.02 so we should see a version of 2.02 what we currently have and it's right there so there's been one two three four five six seven bioses released okay we don't need to install anything but the latest bios unless it tells you you must have something as a prerequisite okay the assumption is no prerequisite is required so I'll hit global and we're going to download that file and I need a flash drive I still like the motherboards where you can do that via the ethernet you know as rock used to do that or maybe it is very convenient you know it's the thing where you just go on and if your ethernet is plugged in you go and yeah but I've had it where it gives me a bios but it's not the latest one oh and you wouldn't know so I'm gonna go ahead and copy well people aren't going to be able to see this part but I'm gonna I've downloaded the zip file that contains the BIOS and I've extracted the BIOS so now we can go back over to camera one now what I'm going to do is I'm going to plug this into the streaming computer over here because this is where I've downloaded it this is ideal to do before we install our operating system you know look if you've already installed your operating system you can still upgrade the BIOS I prefer to do the BIOS first just in case there's a change in how the BIOS how the operating system Auto detects drivers and things switch to bios uafi bios can have an impact on that so I'm just going to paste that bios file which is just a file called the z790 live mixer 9.03. ROM once I've done that I'm going to extract or safely disconnect I suppose the flash drive and you just want to use a cheap flash drive for this preferably something very small 16 gigs or less formatted in fat 32 you can give it to me I'll put it in the older the motherboard is the more sensitive it's going to be to being unable to see large file size of large partition sizes and like NTFS file system and you can literally put that into any USB port mention perfect all right now let's go back over to our HDMI input and we'll turn off the window capture and we're going to turn off camera one just so you get the whole picture and then I'll go full screen so Mitch and I can see it the same way you guys at home you're seeing it now we should not have to reboot if you we've already given it what 40 seconds it's been plugged in so that's plenty of time for it to Auto detect and I'm going to go up here to Tool and under instant Flash we'll give that a clicky it lets us say hey please suspect if you're using BitLocker please suspend it we're not using BitLocker we haven't even formatted and partitioned our drive yet do you want to continue yes okay it automatically found the flash file we didn't have to point it inches the only readable media on this computer right now is that flash drive I'll click update says are you sure you want to update click yes and now this is hands off oh not yet so it's after pressing enter the system will automatically reboot please wait for a few seconds and the BIOS will continue okay okay now we're going to see this big no signal written on the screen and that's because the system is powered off now the system is powering back on and it's begun initializing the process required for flashing the BIOS this is hands off please do not touch the keyboard or the mouse do not power the system off if you're one of those people that can't sit still leave the room pay attention to what time it is come back in five minutes and it should be done probably shouldn't take all of five minutes but if you're of that personality I want to make sure otherwise sit back and enjoy the show the system is automatically doing what it needs to do and it will let you know when it's done until it does please do not interrupted disrupt it or interfere and you've never had a power failure while this was uh while you were no doing a buy on Saturday nope never ever I mean the old days it's it claimed it would break the board but now I I think you could probably if this power went off is the board bricked most likely just depends on where it was in the process you definitely don't want to lose power if you live in an area where you lose power regularly you would want this plugged into an uninterruptible power supply and then if you did lose power it wouldn't infect you so no touchy that's correct yeah yeah we we have individuals in the chat room who say unpleasant things I don't know why but this I have a physical feature that's very obvious would you please point it out to everybody let's bring it up for discussion that's not rude that's what you would do in person right yeah this has only been this is what they're being funny this has only been a minute so when are you leaving for Vietnam uh Monday September 4th so about what two weeks from now on something like that I've got a flight from Phoenix to LAX that leaves at 5 30 A.M which means I've got to have a taxi pick me up at about 3 15. yikes and then when I land 5 30 say to 6 30 in La I've got about a five hour wait but I'll go into the American Airlines Lounge because they offer actually shower facilities and things like that so that'll keep you occupied yeah and so we just just interrupt for a second the no signal means the system is cycling power on its own it's normal no signal means just that there's no video signal being put out by the motherboard again hands off leave it alone this is what it's supposed to do it will come back when it's ready we're keeping this on the screen to simulate well not simulate this is all happening in real life and in real time this is live and unscripted I want you to know exactly what to expect if you want to follow this bios update procedure and there it is is it done already 9.03 yeah you're right it does say 9.03 that didn't take very long at all did it but you notice it changed our cooler type back to liquid cooler again it's really really wants us to be on a liquid cooler we have air cooling yes and we can probably turn XMP on okay and this this tells us what storage we've got plugged in m2-1 m2-2 m2-3 m2-4 m2-5 is not necessarily your Gen 5 m.2 that's what your documentation is for up here for if we wanted to turn on XMP or what do they call it now I guess it's still called XMP we can go over to advanced mode okay and overclocking tweaker dram configuration dram frequency and you can manually set it but there should be an auto somewhere in here that's where we want that okay and we will exit save changes and exit these are the changes we've made yes and it's got nothing to boot to so when this computer restarts it's probably going to take us right back into the BIOS the flash drive is not bootable and the storage media we put on there has not been partitioned or formatted yet this seems like an ideal system for Windows 11. I mean we could put Windows 10 on it and it's okay to pull that flash drive out oh yeah but for right now I want to wait till the screen comes back up before I do just because I'm funny that way when this comes up it'll it'll realize there's nothing to boot from and go right take us right back in the Bios again okay so now we can go back over to camera one and if you would yeah um here's our Windows 11 media I can take that one out yeah but this you want and a three in a yeah yeah put in one of the brightly colored slots I guess okay yeah it only goes in one of two ways that's why it takes three different attempts to get the USB in there so now that Mitch has plugged that in thank you Mitch let me go back to full screen for us over here and we are going to press Ctrl alt delete and now the only thing the system has to boot from is that bootable Windows 11 media and I've got a video that shows you how to make that from Microsoft for free it does cost money to activate it and save money and buy a Windows 10 Pro key over at vipcdk deals someone asked me a funny question the other day they said hey those VIP cdk deals are those legal and legit keys or are they gray Market gray Market is legal in legit so it's like hey you want to make a bet heads I win tails you lose can I do this huh can I can I yeah is it this miles it is oh yeah let's see if Mitch knows the routine we always install Windows 10 and 11 exactly the same way on every build and every repair next install now yep and this should load screamingly fast right with a Gen 5 yeah I don't have a product key so since you don't have a product key during the install it's going to load a trial but it wants to know the trial of what Windows 10 home Windows 10 Pro what do we Windows 11 home Windows we're going to do windows 11 Pro is the key we're going to buy later okay and if we buy a Windows Pro key and install Windows Home the key won't work so you got to make sure you're buying the right key and installing the right version you've got to accept the end user license agreement click on custom we always always click custom and it's going to look at possible places to install now if you're installing multiple drives if you've got a computer with five hard drives please make your life easy don't plug in the five drives just plug in the drive you want to install Windows on or you're going to have to figure out which one's which here so when you're building a new computer with multiple storage drives only hook up your first storage drive if we had multiple m.2s we would not install any of the other m.2s until after we install Windows this makes life easy the only drive it sees is the only drive we have so there's no mistake of installing it in the wrong drive if we're going to have multiple drives and there's no benefit to installing the multiple drives at this point because we can't use them anyway not yet so it's already selected the only drive we've got that's 1800 gigabytes that's two terabytes so click next and We're Off to the Races now if you want to start your stopwatch or take a look at the time below the video you can measure just how long it's going to take for this windows 11. to partition format and install the operating system so then once you um you were to do this with the Windows setup then let's say you were to go and plug in three more nvme drives and then you I would do one at a time I would shut the computer so you don't recommend putting three in well then you won't be able to control the drive letters then you'd have to go into the control panel and change it then change it but if you install them one at a time each one will get the next Drive letter so then they'll be driving e Drive F right and then if you have any problems you don't know which of the three is causing it you'll know immediately it was the thing you just did did right it's really not a big deal to I mean look I'm not telling you how to do it you I don't care I really don't care you could stick a stick of gum in there for all I care I'm giving you some advice from 30 years in the business to keep your life easy but not everybody wants that so don't let me get in your way if you know better than me do it however you want to but the way I do it is I will install OneDrive at a time and I will shut the computer off everything's good I want Drive D insult next Drive e installed after that otherwise you don't know what Drive letter is going to get assigned to which drive and then you'll have to go in the control panel and manually adjust them would you as you install each one of the drives and it gets assigned a letter before putting the next one in would you do a quick format or that doesn't really matter of the drive the new one that you put in well if I put a brand new Drive-In that's not partitioned or formatted how do I know if it's working how do I know that I've installed it correctly right so yeah if it's a brand new drive after I've installed it turn the machine on it won't be assigned a drive letter until you've partitioned and formatted oh okay otherwise it's invisible okay so then I'm talking about if you had drives you're carrying over information right they're already partitioned and formatted they're going to automatically be assigned a drive letter when you plug them in if you plug in two or more and then turn the system on you don't know which one's going to get which letter and Murphy's law says it's going to be the opposite of the way you want it and you could have controlled that by just doing one at a time so if it's a brand new drive you plug it in turn the system on create your partition format it gets a drive letter everything looks good shut it down can repeat as necessary if it's not showing up correctly well resolve that before you install the next drive keeps your life so much easier yep doesn't make sense to do it any other way but that doesn't mean you have to do it in a way that makes sense it's just the way I do it that didn't take long to load that up now we'll yeah we're going to do our second reboot here and let's take a look I was supposed to check my email right it's not what they said for Winston while you're doing that 25.99 via Paypal from Winston right on thank you Winston is is viewer supported media all right so our region is the United States so we click yes and our country keyboard layout is a United States keyboard layout we don't have a secondary keyboard layout so we skip that now it wants to connect us to a network and it forces us to do this so in order to bypass this we have to hit shift F10 on the keyboard hold down shift and press F10 and a control box will open or command box click once on the box so that we can type inside of it so you have to click oh inside of the box one time and you'll see the border of the Box changes color now we're in Focus now type in oobe that stands for out of box experience [Music] is it backslash backslash that looks like a forward is that a backslash that's a forward slash is it yeah the one under the question mark is a forward we want to go the other way it's going to be on the right side of the keyboard oh this one that's a backslash then type in bypass with a y or no b-i b y yeah good question yeah and think about it PA SS and then nro and like Nancy are like Robert o as in Orange Oscar and press enter that's going to execute a registry entry and it will reboot and we'll have to go through those same questions the keyboard layout all that one more time only this time what it wants us to connect to a network the option I don't have a network connection will be available now that's because of how I've created my install media and that I could have I could modify that I just can't be bothered to be honest if I was installing this 10 times a day that'd be a different story so one more time I'm sticking with my Windows 10 because that's just final answer because I'm stubborn yeah I got two years yeah Windows 10 won't do this is I'll even be around in two years I'm old all right let's see it says you're gonna be around later tonight yeah you don't start reading any big books yeah skip now you see it says I don't have anything down there you're gonna have to tell it twice there's the first time there's the second time user with a capital u please I'm a stickler with that stuff enter just to keep the password blank by pressing enter and then you know what I do here right indubitably no no scroll down we keep location settings on that'll automatically fix our date and time issue and it'll always keep it updated as the clock naturally loses seconds anyway and then accept now it's going to finalize everything here and that's our Windows 11 install beyond that we install drivers and we can then install the motherboard into the case with a power supply a little cable management and if everything's working I'll go to VIP cdk deals I'll buy a Windows 10 Pro key and I will use that Windows 10 Pro key as if it were a Windows 11 Pro key in Windows 11 you can't tell the difference between a Windows 10 Pro and a Windows 11 Pro key they can't see the difference but your wallet will see the difference yeah Windows 11 Pro key cost more yeah and I could use that to activate Windows 10 still I can use it to activate Windows 10 once and I can use it to activate Windows 11 once Shazam no one said they had to be on well they do say they have to be on the same system but there's no way to enforce that it just means that the other system will be eligible for the free upgrades that you're using it we're using it on this system denied let me take a look in the chat room and see what people are saying in here and just like that there's our home screen for a Windows 11. yuck I mean now here's the thing yeah sometimes windows will Auto detect your network card and automatically load the driver but this is a two and a half gig networking card and it that driver may not be Auto detected by windows so the next thing I want to do here is just simply I mean I can look in the device manager we're going to have a bunch of stuff that's missing drivers but if I at least get it on the network Windows update may fill in some of those drivers for us yeah so I'll give that back to you and then I'm going to grab my network connection and we're going to plug that in right here into our two and a half gig and I'm going to look at that bottom right corner of our screen and you see a little Globe there and I want that Globe to turn into a little monitor okay now it seemed like it detected our Wi-Fi just fine and if I wanted to put it on Wi-Fi I could just do that and get drivers that way I can manually go to the ASRock website download the network card drivers from ASRock onto a flash drive on another computer and install them or if I'm going to be super smart I can get a little USB to ethernet adapter where the drivers are built into windows and just use this temporarily so all I have to do is plug my little 10 USB USB to uh gigabit Ethernet and I'll plug it in I don't know let's plug it in right here I suppose and I'll take my internet cable and I'll plug it in here and I want to see that little globe in the bottom right corner right down there become a little square monitor so it's going to take a minute for the system to Auto recognize this cable Windows loads the driver for it and look asrock's Auto driver installer pops up isn't that amazing so now they're as Rocket says we can provide the driver so you don't have to rely on Windows update wouldn't you rather get them from us the people that make the board uh why yes I would thank you for asking so what I'm going to do because I need to go full screen over here because Mitch and I are looking at a window in a window and I'm going to just click on yes but the license agreement and continue and it's going to communicate now with ASRock servers on the internet and it should present us with you know it doesn't know who we are or what product we're using so it's transmitting that information to them now tell you that CPU fan is just whisper quiet isn't it it just and our power supply fan well we have we don't have the any of the noise suppression turned on today so people should hear that air conditioning they should be hearing everything as we hear it look at that Sometimes some manufacturers will throw things like Norton McAfee in here but it looks like asrock's playing it straight we got an INF driver for the chipset we've got a BGA driver from this onboard GPU we've got a HD audio driver and we have the management engine driver they're all checked by default I wish I could read that just hit the word update during installation your system May reboot and continue installing yeah and it's Off to the Races and then when it's done installing the drivers then I'll go to Windows update and we'll get all of our Windows updates and if everything looks good then I can invest the money to buy the product key to activate it but it'll run indefinitely in trial mode after a few days we'll get a little Watermark Down on the Corner that says please activate Windows but it aside from some customizations of changing your wallpaper or some desktop icons it doesn't limit your ability to use Windows it's just annoying and I had to buy a product key last night it cost me 16 and 20 cents for a Windows 10 Pro product key at vipcdk deals using the coupon code carry for an additional 30 off you can't beat that all right come on I can't eat at Arby's for sixteen dollars David Martinez hi Carrie and Mitch I just retired well congrats I've been retired I've got 10 years and I hate to say it yeah 10 years I don't think I'll ever retire no it's I gotta have something to do yeah it isn't as great as I need a reason to get out of bed in the morning it wasn't as great as I thought I was going to be to be honest except the traveling yeah let's see what are we missing in the chat room here boss Peter says hello all long time I've been watching a long time I have been at a live viewing well glad to have you here Freaky Friday Pete the virtual trucker says good morning all from Perth Australia at 6 25 A.M g'day gotta get down there gotta get down there people are already asking me Carrie so where are you going next summer you know because you do a trip every summer I'm like it's too far I I don't know India Australia South America I'm like Africa I I don't know Toto Africa have you been to Japan yes have you been to South Korea no but I've been to North Korea just kidding yeah yeah you'd still be there yeah they cloned me so this isn't the real Mission all right Adam says hello from Pakistan Pakistan Sergio says Mitch come to Portugal I've I've watched a lot of YouTube's videos on India looks beautiful in India he said Portugal I know I know but Adam says hello from Pakistan so that's in India right no no it's attached but it's not in it yeah it's its own yeah it's its own place just like Mexico and the United States are kind of part of the same land mass yeah you know what was that joke I heard the guy say the other day um they don't make anything in America anymore I bought a TV the other day and it said built-in antenna I'll be honest I don't know where that is yeah Spain is nice yeah my brothers and sisters all went to Spain and Portugal right there right yeah my brothers and sisters all went to Barcelona one year and wanted to talk me uh into it Mitch come to California he was just there I lived four years oh and I'm gonna go on before my trip I think on September first I gotta drive out to LA Beverly Hills uh to see uh my third favorite band Mr Gino Vannelli from this from the 70s he had a song called I just want to stop oh I know that song beautiful voice normally I get a front thank you baby normally I get a front row but I don't know for some reason they were already snagged right when I went on so damn old people up so quick I went on this I went on the got the second second rows Pakistan and India were separated about 76 years ago that was almost your whole life ago oh Viper says it's time for another corny joke Mitch fresh out let's see except one that I've already used about uh why don't oysters give up their pearls because they're shellfish of course and now I'm out I'm fresh that's all you got yeah that's all boy this takes a long time well the internet here is pretty it's pretty slow okay Zanzibar I mean the only thing about there used to be Persia the only thing about Australia is they speak English you know these other countries I go to I gotta have a voice translator you know Google translate a lot and stuff which is why you know I hire someone to take me around every day who speaks good English yeah so that way I don't well you made a friend that way though didn't you yeah yeah find a local that'll show you around yeah enjoy each other's company and yeah get to share the trip with somebody and I never get ripped off by cab drivers or restaurants because they step in a little bit they speak that they speak that uh that uh well they see an American tourists they think you're loaded yeah you can part with it as far as they're concerned you've got more than you can use is this a time delay on that is that why you're seeing yes yeah like by 10 minutes or not but does yeah even if you look at um when we look at YouTube Studio look how far behind it is oh it's still booting from the if I hit refresh yeah yeah then it should bring us current once that loads we should be right now current I don't know how that's happening but it's been happening for some time and then over here on the tablet this does the same thing it doesn't yeah it's not as drastic it's not as far behind but you can uh I think do we just hold the finger down how do I refresh on the tablet I think we can just um go back close the video that's one way to do it do it the hard way close the video out and now that should be current what camera are you using the picture is not as bright well the picture is not as bright because the camera has to be zoomed further out because Mitch is so much taller than I am and so as a result the room's going to look a little darker when we when we Zoom the camera in it's going to look like it normally does so we haven't made any changes to the camera apart from the zoom that's all that's changed you need some help with the total thing Mr Morrison can I help with that I'm their Vegas fan I've only seen them 57 times so I'm a shirt for each time yeah that's right we have 382 people watching worldwide live right now we've got 201 likes if you like the video please hit the thumbs up that helps us out and uh it says there's 389 concurrent viewers it says 379 there and 389 which one is right hmm well speaking of the total thing Chad I do a thing I think I told you guys once where in bars there's a jukebox called Touch Tunes where you can add credits on your phone and you can you know place the songs that you like in the bar so I you know what I do in the two or three local watering holes that I go to is I'm outside wearing a Toto shirt and then I I put Touch Tunes and then I put on Toto Africa and so right as the song starts I come through the door wearing a Toto shirt and Thursday night I went to the bar and there were like five guys that kind of you know all the second they hear the song and the door opens up they're all like and one time a guy was doing that that doesn't know me and he heard the song I came through the door wearing the Toto shirt and he he kind of looked at the shirt and the song and he's like I think I'm in the Twilight Zone what are the odds of that happening I'm like oh yeah it's incredible it's like you did that didn't you and I'm like you gotta have entrance music so what does that say click the whole screen installation has been successfully completed further drivers and utilities please enter Bios setting please enter Bios setup manual to enable auto driver installer function all right that's fine that's fine see this little like this uh Cartoon down here yeah don't like it the way to get rid of that I just type in the word search get rid of I type in the word search and then I type start typing permissions per oh I gotta have a space between them two to search space per p e r see I got to spell correctly though s e s e a r c h p e right there search permissions in history that's what I want just hit enter scroll all the way down and right here it says under more settings show search highlights when I click this to off you're going to see that little cartoony thing go away and the way it goes and then we can go over to Windows update since we're in the settings area check for updates and we'll turn automatic updates on we'll also go to Advanced options and we will turn on to receive updates for other Microsoft products and keep me up to date and let me know when it needs to reboot you can also look under optional updates it shows there's two available real Tech and Intel display download and install and it'll add that to the stack of other windows 11 updates star star shine says Mitch do eye of the tiger I'll wear boxing gloves I actually the band Survivor I the tiger is on my workout playlist because yeah that always kind of gets me going to hear that song so Winston contributes five Canadian dollars Carrie please check your PayPal you want me to check it again we already did this Winston I guess you missed it but we'll do it a second time Winston sent 25.99 via PayPal so one more time Winston thank you again I appreciate all the support you guys like I said it's uh viewer sponsored content here you guys are the sponsors but thank you of course Winston might not be watching the latest he could be behind too he may not even hear me say it the first time um for another 20 minutes and you've got the DVR thing all set up if I didn't we wouldn't have this problem oh this potential problem now that fan is what I'm hearing right yeah we're here so now the CPU is having to work and as it's cranking up its frequency it's consuming more power it's generating more heat to get on the fan is speeding up to get all those updates yeah yeah because the updates are processing the files on the operating system I thought it was my tinnitus I mean tonight tinnitus yet I've heard another medical term that was pronounced wonky what was it because you know tinnitus is usually how I've always heard it yeah um well that's going to bug me now somebody said something it's pretty I thought it was only said one way until this person on a YouTube video said this word I didn't know and then I realized they're just pronouncing it differently and then I Googled it because now I was like well which way is the right one apparently either way is acceptable it's pronounced colonoscopy not colonoscopy have you met Colin no and on Monday I go to a place in Scottsdale called travel bug and I go in there tell them that you know the countries that I'm going to and then they tell me the shots that I should that I should get so I think inoculate yourself from what's going on because because I told told them I was going to Vietnam last uh last year and ended up not going I think I got all the shots of hepatitis A B and this and that so really the only one that I need is for Dengue fever so that you don't get malaria is the thing so that's you know but that's I'm like how can a shot you know one little shot be 120 or whatever but I'm gonna pay because you have once you get what should it be worth yeah well I want you for you to develop it yourself once you get malaria you it doesn't you know you can't take anything you have that for life and so I'm like yeah give just give me the shots yeah and then once you have it every mosquito that takes your blood then has it the next person they play gets it so and around it goes yeah all right well we're still downloading some drivers and updates here if you guys have questions in the chat room this will be a good time to ask while we're waiting for the updates after this round of updates we'll check one more there might be like one more round after that everything's checking out good so we're clear to disconnect the power supply and the front panel switch plug unplug everything and you know from the you know the HDMI port the internet port and we can bring the case up here install the motherboard and the power supply into the case cable it up and aside from some cable management and activating Windows we're done the system will be available for sale at cost so if somebody was interested in making a purchase in the United States uh that's all handled privately we don't discuss business Money Matters on a live video for obvious reasons but if you want to reach out privately to find out you can easily add these parts into your shopping cart you don't have to purchase them just to see what they add up to but it's about an 800 well minus that really fast Gen 5 Drive which we have to check and why did you pick the case just because I really like the NZXT cases for all the reasons I mentioned they have that single connector for the front port umbilicals Cable Management tracks are super easy to Cable Management it's easy to work in it's built solidly it's under a hundred dollars you get a front fan and a rear and you get a rear fan only only they do have a version an RGB version that comes with all three fans up front you can add fans up front but the front of it it's like an 80 case the front of it doesn't have any fans and as long as we don't put a discrete graphics card we don't need a front fan it's just they put it on the RGB version to add lights not really to add Cooling but um I've been very very happy with the build quality how easy they are to work in how easy they are the cable manage price availability it's checking all my boxes so again it's the NZXT H5 flow is the case we're using that must have been this this display yeah that's right when you see the screen blank out like that it basically has to stop the display driver to replace the distance like you have to stop a car to replace a flat tire it's kind of like that so the screen goes blank to deactivate its current driver when the driver's deactivated it can be replaced with the updated driver and once it's replaced then it can activate the updated driver and initiate it and then your video comes back and while we're waiting here in chat if anybody and Chad has visited the lovely country of Vietnam and has any suggestions again I I land in Saigon which is now called Ho Chi Minh City going to go to the North Vietnam Hanoi because then you take a bus to halong Bay and then you take a two-day on a beautiful boat with my own room and shower and everything but through this halong Bay which is very photogenic and um other than that I mean I kind of have other cities in mind based on watching YouTube videos but uh you know anybody that's been there that you know is a particular town the one thing you know I'm not going to be in a hurry I'm not going to rush if I like a town I stay four or five days even a week you know and then move on to the next one so these people that want to jam in a you know town to town that you know where they're only one day you don't get a feel of the people in the town and I kind of like to where I'm by the second or third day I kind of know my way around and yeah that's so much of a tourist right you know what bars to get thrown at it you know what I mean things like see see I don't know about their beer that's all I drink is beer so I'm like I you know I hope there's not like in Good morning Vietnam with Robin Williams the bar that he went to he's like what's wrong with this beer and the guy said we put just a hint of formaldehyde keep it preserved yeah I'm like uh yeah for Melody hives well I know Chad I'm not going to get my blue moon seven thousand miles away from home so you just have to When in Rome drink whatever the you know whatever it was the locals do but in Thailand Singa beer and and Leo very nice I mean I was happy to drink that you know Sylvan in the chat room has a question Carrie regarding moves move speed do they sell on AliExpress I would just go to and type in move speed I think that's an easy question you can answer I do believe they do but the only way to know for sure is there any reason why you wouldn't go to AliExpress and search for move speed or have you and you've come up empty-handed and you're wondering if if you're not typing something incorrectly see if you missed other questions here Jeff H said his minis Forum um 790 profinder came in boy is at a vast he says boy is it fast for such a small computer yeah and people don't really realize just how small they are until you have one in your hands Adam says I'm having issues with hard page faults on my windows 11 fresh install so basically that's you're almost always going to be bad Ram I would recommend you download and create a flash drive with a product called mem test86 and if you search YouTube for Carrie Holzman space mem test eight six my video walks you through the whole process you can only identify bad Ram you cannot repair it so if you have bad Ram essentially you shut the computer down you remove one of your RAM modules and you run mem test again you repeat this until mem test runs all 13 tests without errors it's possible that one of the ram modules you removed is the good one and the one you left in is the bad one so if you still come up with errors switch them around always turn the computer off but almost always that's going to be Ram related problems that again aren't fixable Winston Liu again Winston live with a five dollar Canadian contribution said you should stay in Ho Chi Minh City at least five days well Winston you you're spot on I'm staying you know in Ho Chi Minh six days you can obviously land there and uh splurging and staying at not a five-star but a four-star hotel and uh right in district one and looking forward to it and hopefully the hotel can recommend you know somebody that I can hire to take me around you know that speaks good English and um yeah that that'll be nice so uh looking forward to it not looking forward to the 13 and a half hours Los Angeles to Tokyo that's 13 and a half then I got a three hour three hour wait and then Tokyo into Ho Chi Minh City's another seven so you know I leave basically here Phoenix Monday September 4th at 3 15 a.m or 5 30 it's when my flight and I don't get in till Tuesday at 10 pm so I'm gonna be but I found a I found a hotel that's right next to the airport so I don't even have to uh take a taxi or a grab or anything they say claim I could walk out a door make a right it's a three minute walk to the hotel so all I have to do is text them and go look by the time I get through customs I may not be to the front desk till midnight and I'm not checking out at 11 A.M I'll just maybe exhausted so can I pay for late checkout because I'm probably not due to the nice hotel until two or three in the afternoon so I'm willing to pay from 11 to say check out at two just don't have the Mage pounding at 11 o'clock I haven't slept it's a nice way I haven't slept in 28. I'll try on the plane but I'm still I've never taken an Ambien and I'm a little everyone tells me that and I'm like ah you know I'm kind of I'd rather bring a melatonin and try versus a true drug don't sleep the night before you'll probably fall asleep on the plane without anything yeah well I I three days before I leave I put myself on Vietnam time anyways yeah probably I mean sleeping during the day and staying awake all night because I like to get myself on their time so that I'm not yeah too jet lagged a hiker in the chat says Carrie you were correct with the b-link 7840hs it was a lack of AMD driver to another review yeah that's always been my intent is when the driver came out that I had to revisit the uh the b-link and the minis Forum uh what is that the AMD 760s yeah I need to re-review them Patrick Manny Mitch just wondering why Vietnam well because I'm cheap uh because you're cheap you know people are why that part of the world I'm like because I can get good hotel rooms for fifty dollars U.S you know other places it'd be a fortune so I can get a bottle of beer for a dollar and a good three-course meal for maybe 10 bucks American so you know your dollar really hollers at the places I go Thailand the Philippines Vietnam I don't speak the language but I've got a Kerry was nice enough to gift me a beautiful voice translator that's kind of just got two buttons I hit one it's speak English it kicks out Vietnamese and then they hit the other they speak and it kicks out English and I can modern technology and I can take that to a restaurant and I can take a photo of their menu in their language and it translates it into English oh it tells you which one's the dog and which one yeah yeah so I don't have to point and then they bring me out boiled sheep brains and you know a rare delicacy delicacy so that's kind of nice and between that and hiring a guide to take me during the day is is how I roll you know so I'm not playing the tourists holding a map or holding my phone you know while I walk and having Google you know oh Starshine Starshine mentions uh an allergy pill oh that's true Benadryl knock your butt yeah like I've taken that yeah that's thank you I've got some of that in my dop kit yeah so all right we're rebooting after the updates and going swimmingly everything's running exactly like it should brand new build all new parts unboxed tape was cut on camera live unrehearsed unscripted is how it works no Dead on Arrival products no damage products you know and don't rush your bills July Kerry says take your time if you're getting frustrated walk away for a bit don't you know I know there you want to you want to get it set up and you want to use it use it and but just again you know if you take your time I don't think you're going to run into any problems and you're going to be so proud of yourself that everything works you're going to want to build again so I'm going to take off our USB to stick that in the drawer yeah I think I think we should drive her for that now watch that little Globe down on the bottom right see if it turns into a little Monitor and this is supposed to be a 2.5 gig Network Port and it is plugged into a 2.5 gig router so if we click on our connection status here go over to uh right click on it network and internet settings over to ethernet speed of connection is only gigabit oh that's not right let me right click and go to the device manager and see if we loaded all of our devices up or not yeah it says it's all there no question mark and under network adapters do we have a two and a half gig adapter yes it's a two and a half gig ethernet controller huh and it should be on auto speed so we can click and go to Advanced speed and duplex should be set to Auto it is so I'm not sure why I'm only connecting at a gig that's interesting but not my major concern at this point I'm going to go back to Windows update we'll check where some more updates to Windows and then I want to copy over my crystal diskmark software I want to see if this Gen 5 Drive first of all if we plugged it into the Gen 5 Port which I think we have if we actually get 12 000 plus megabytes per second I we may not get exactly twelve thousand four hundred make it it's possible it could be like 11 900 it kind of depends on the system but um we just want to make sure I get all the updates first that'll be next ah good now team malware update for the antivirus from Microsoft those are small oh yeah that would go fast yeah so my utility Splash Drive is what I need next so while that's loading I'll step around and we will plug in the utilities flash drive right about there and we're up to date good perfect we can close this so we're done with that we'll go to the yellow folder down here over to the USB drive and you know I want VLC put that on all my builds I also want Uncle carries Windows 10 Optimizer that's seven dollars available at d7x Tech links already in the video description below the video and finally I want Crystal disk mark you think it'll come close to those numbers I wouldn't expect you know exact we're about to find out Mitch okay I don't like to think if I don't have to don't hurt yourself no smell something burning yeah all right let me get rid of my flash drive let's go to Crystal disk mark all right place your bets in the chat room how fast do you think we're gonna over ten thousand well unless we plugged it in at gen four oh and we won't see more than 7 500 probably okay so we'll run the 64-bit edition of Crystal disk mark this is a portable freeware piece of software and we see stick with all the default and here we go hit all and let's see what our numbers say place your bets place your bets if you look up at the top of the screen it shows test one of five right up here on the right side 12 377 is pretty close yeah to 12 400. I had a raid array of three different Samsung 970 evos working together three of them to hit 12 000 a few years ago now this is one drive can you imagine if you can get two of those in a raid zero because was that all thready or new threat yet or that was the original threat of the original threat those were no those were 960. Samsung 960. they were 512 gigs a piece that's right so it gave me 1.5 terabytes on a raid five okay no it was a rate zero already did I build that with you I think so yeah yeah yeah we built it outside and then we'll be they don't advertise the right speed so I don't I don't know what the write speed on this is supposed to be hmm well that'll make you run crying at home to your mama won't it yeah so it's about an 800 computer build which is what I was talking about before I distracted myself the only part of it that's sort of not the best budget is this in-game address this nvme drive all by itself is like 400 bucks 350 something like that if we would have stuck uh like a fan Jing or a move speed two terabyte Gen 4 drive we could get speeds of around 7 200 or so and it would cost us a third as much for the same amount of two terabytes of storage we could buy two yeah and still have a hundred bucks left over but I wanted to test the performance of these Gen 5 ssds the fast ones the prior one that I used only hit ten thousand now twelve thousand three hundred ninety three and the next generation of these Gen 5 well the next iteration of these Gen 5 drives specifically there's a model Envy me drive Gen 5 from the team group company that's supposed to saturate the bus and get us to 15. 15 000. or 14 500 you won't be able to go any faster than that you'd have to go to gen six at that point it's ridiculously stupid fast and it does generate a lot of heat and that's why that heatsink is as big as it is Sid's demon said what is this specific build for this build is for educational purposes hey look at our right speeds of darn near at 12 000. they almost match the read speed that's crazy Patrick Manny says geez Louise that's fast Richard Paul Mater said he's having trouble finding a motherboard that's four years old yeah well that's how technology is Richard I mean if if you try and buy the technology after they stop making it you're probably gonna find it's gonna be pretty hard it's at least three years old anyway so after that board came out the 600 series boards came out we're at 700 series boards so if you're trying to find a 600 series or a 700 series board you're in luck but if you're trying to find anything older than that you've waited too long for that family unfortunately you can always go to you know eBay or places like that to pick up a used one or you know if you have a questionable seller they're likely going to have older maybe used inventory it might be fine dome in 2000 has timed out William R Doman 2000 is about to lose his moderator status that's an abuse of your blue Powers joeman 2000 I'm going to warn you once I'm going to apologize to William R you should not have been timed out I'm gonna hope that was an error in judgment or a mistaken click of the mouse but either way if you're prone to errors in judgment or prone to Everly clicking the mouse in error then blue status isn't for you so that's your one warning domain 2000. there's our speeds unfortunately for William R I cannot undo that he has to wait 300 seconds and then he'll be able to talk again and if it happens again I will apologize again to William R and I'll make sure it won't happen a third time do not abuse your powers if I turn you blue I trust you don't betray my trust all right so uh there's our final numbers it's pretty impressive I think at this point we can shut her down disconnect the wires rip the case out get it mounted in the case power supply in the case hook it back up turn it back on I think it's maybe 20 more minutes of work which means we should be here about 90 more minutes is that how it works let's shut this down you want to see the boot time let's try the well wait till this is completely off let's go wait till the fan stops hit that blue button one two president three there we go and now you can look at the clock load the video to determine how long it takes us to get to the desktop I think you'll find it's not markedly faster with the 12 000 megabytes per second than it is at 3 600 megabytes you can reach a point of diminishing returns where the results are milliseconds jeez that was fast it was pretty quick though wasn't it yeah that was pretty clear so we'll shut her down and yeah I'm going to go ahead and shut it back down and then we'll go full screen back on camera one again and it's quiet yeah all right and then let's see back over here to camera one full screen there we go so we can gently unplug like not yet we wanna first remove power from the board before we work so I'm going to pull the power plug and now you guys we want to this can go back in the drawer was that in this one yeah let's put our cables back our um dongle for the keyboard and mouse because our i o panels built onto the back of this board we can leave that in but if our i o panel was separated we'd have to remove that in order to to get it to Mount correctly and then we have to remove either the cables from the motherboard or the cables from the power supply I prefer the power supply versus versus always well this these two cables can be difficult to reach once we've mounted this in the case oh so I but this one's easy so this one I know I can remove so I squeeze the clip and then I as I'm pulling on it you'll see I'm rocking it yeah because it's in there really tight and I have to use my right hand my dominant hand because it's strong ER and then as far as the power supply goes I will disconnect the two CPU power connectors see what I'm doing and then that should make it easier to install then I've got our case already taken out of the box it's brand new I opened it and remove the packing materials but here's what our case looks like like so there's the front of it on the top can you tilt that shower for me on the top you'll see we've got a USB type a and a USB type c we've got a single 3.5 millimeter audio jack for headphone microphone or headset power button there is no apparent I don't see a hard drive LED I think there's a power LED that highlights there there's a magnetic screen on Top This is if we put a radiator or fans that are going to pull air in if we're going to put fans that blow air out take the screen off we talked about that earlier go ahead and set the computer or the case chassis straight on you'll see there's room for a radiator up here there's room for fans but it doesn't come with any except from around the back around here we've got a case man right here I mentioned you can count the number of slots I can tell you if this is a full-size case you should have seven if it's a full-size case one two three four five six seven if it had four it's going to be Micro ATX um so you open this computer to work on it we're going to turn this thumb screw right here and this thumb skirt right up here and this thumb screw down here and these are captive screws and so what we're going to do is on this side of things first whoops that panel just comes off by itself I can pull this there's a there's a latch right here pull it towards me and it just snaps out and then our glass panel comes off and I'll set it down here and the other side just fell off on its own which is good as you see there's no nothing that holds this panel in except right up here at the front we have these Clips so when we remove the screws back here once this separates from the front of the case it's loose and can fall out very easy to work on now I will say I don't really care for this little piece here but overall I think it's a very well made case and it's a very and I just saw something I've never seen before Mitch check this out there's a fan right there oh see that yeah it's like sitting on an angle and it's sucking air in from the bottom okay see there's a screen there and then the other screen is for the power supply where we're going to put the power supply so there's two screens that you'll need to grab a little Edge and pull out and clean these at least once a year we got our box of doodads on that side now on the other side here this box this is going to contain all the screws and mounting hardware that we need whenever you're working with a computer chassis the chassis has its own unique screws screw thread length thread depth they're not typically interchangeable so you want to keep the screws because if you're doing any upgrades or repairs in the future you might need these screws so make sure you put everything away when you're done with it in the back where this wire tie is running we have this little space back here you see there's a thumb screw and we can take this thumb screw off and we can this is a mount for two and a half inch drives you can put two two and a half inch drives in there and then it just slots in and again it's a captive screw thumb screw tighten that up now this is a bit different of an NZXT case you're going to see these little metal pieces that are stuck out here that's to route your cables around and through so with these little velcros we can run our cables right down through there and any cables down through here and under here and it's nice clean Cable Management it's not as nice as the the H7 the h7s a little bit taller and it's a little bit nicer but it's also a little bit more expensive so it's still a matter of getting what you pay for but I'm still very happy with it I like the H7 a little better I thought this was going to be the same so I'm a little surprised I did no research I just assumed and you know how well assuming is Johnny says he's got a 450d case Johnny that's exactly I think the birthday build that Carrie did for me oh three maybe three years ago with the two fans in the front yeah of course there still got it still like it can you do me would you do me a favor the screws for the power supply and the little bag and the yellow handled Zillow hand driver foreign I prefer to use the screws that come with the power supply as long as they match the color of the case if not then I'll use the screws that come with the case but for mounting the motherboard we have to use the screws that come with the case we're going to mount any fans we'd want to use the screws that come with the case now do you normally Mount the power supply first and then the board second versus is it would it be okay to mount the board yeah it doesn't matter it doesn't matter just your preference right just just it's in the mood to put the power supply okay just asking never mind sometimes it's based on the case design too be more inviting to put the power supply in first on some case designs but really six and one half dozen of the other yeah in the Box NZXT includes with the chassis some nylon zip ties and nothing else in there we've got bags of screws and these screws are all labeled I like that they've labeled what each bag of screws contains M3 screws and five millimeter kb5 10 millimeter those are Advanced screws come on get a lot of reflection let's say standoffs oh yeah there's a socket and an extra standoff for motherboards that have more mounting holes than standard there's our four power supply screws right down there which will be extra for us and uh so to put the motherboard in which is what we can do next I'm going to lay this case I can see a problem with laying this case flat with that piece right there yeah let's see what it does in theory the edges of the case stick out further but just and then I'm going to trust what I call dry fit the motherboard which is I'm going to take the motherboard and set it in and see if we have standoffs for all the holes I can see like this motherboard has two holes right here usually you get one or the other that's unusual so we're going to have four screws needing to go in just on this side of the board alone and then towards the middle of the board we've got one at the bottom one in the middle one at the top and on the far right side of the board one in the top one in the middle one in the bottom so I can tell you already looking in here that we're going to need that standoff do me a favor will you give me that little scissors that are in there would you give me my glasses glass would you give me my little socketing uh stand off it's kind of neat that these are all stitched together like this that means that when they're filling the boxes the likelihood of the person filling the boxes leaving one of the bags out is uh not possible all right so this is the bag I want this bag has two standoffs and a standoff socket but I don't use the standoff socket that's if you wanted to use a Phillips screwdriver I have a tool take one of these standouts I'm going to place it right here and I think every other standoff is in the right place now write his tighties when you tighten your standouts down don't over tighten them you will strip out the thread on the back of the motherboard tray and it's not replaceable thank you Mitchell all right and then the only other question is a middle are we all in the same same row I think it's going to align I'm going to just put the motherboard in sort of on an angle with the i o the i o ports going in first and then bring it in and align it to the hole and then this Center standoff as a post so the motherboard can be centered on that post no screw goes in that on that standoff so the remaining standoffs are four seven nine we'll need nine screws so in one of these bags this bag only contains four screws that bag has our standoff in it we want to keep that this bag is for fan screws we're not going to use that today this bag contains six thirty seconds by five millimeter I think those are motherboard screws and this bag contains M3 screws by five millimeter these are typically used for installing your two and a half inch drives but it's possible they could be using these for the motherboard I think it's going to be this one I could be wrong if you want to use the big Electric yeah will you give me big red now these screws have a pretty coarse thread on them and if the standoffs are fine thread it won't even start you know kind of jut in on an angle and stop I'd say those are the right screws and we're going to need nine of them so there's one two three foreign five six and then just the three across the top a little dark in there seven I work with a headlamp myself not a Miner's hat a headline eight one left nine now I did something I usually won't do and that is I tightened all those down I recommend you get them all started so you can still shift the motherboard around it's just that NZXT is so good in their design I was pretty confident I wasn't going to have to shift anything around but I will have to Route these cables out the back right now and that's at least I don't have to plug them in we've left them plugged in so all I have to do is Route them let me get this little bag of screws over here out of the way and so I will take one of these cables and push it through the back here bring it around like so and oh this isn't too bad is it you just push that through and those are going to plug in right down here in the power supply where we had unplugged them again it doesn't matter which cable goes into which socket back here if it fits it's in the right place there's one remember I mentioned these little Parts here and we also have a rear case fan cable that's going to need to plug into a fan header on our motherboard and this is another thing I like about NZXT I can route this cable right in here like this and we can take the other one route it in there is actually that one should go in first and then this one and then this little nylon strap can go back through you can do it like that that's one way the other way you can do it is you can route the cables behind the nylon strap and then just attach the nylon strap to itself with the cables being trapped underneath it that's probably the way they really want you to do it it's going to accomplish the same thing it's just whatever makes the most sense to you is all that matters our big Power connector we can bring that up right up through here and once again they've given us this wonderful way to run our cable you got plenty of slack in there yeah I'm just routing our cable management here we can even go so far as all the way up here optional you see how NZXT makes that so easy now it looks like there's room for either two 120s up front if you wanted fans or two 140s it looks like even big enough yeah for two one four that's so it'll fit a 280 or 260 millimeter radiator if you want to go with liquid cooling so I'm going to just put this big connector back on the board where we just had it and this is very difficult for me to see all the light is uh behind the cameras so I'm looking into the light which makes the area even darker so let me turn that around zoix foreign do me a favor will you take the plastic bag and everything off those front Porter umbilicals and those will be the last cables we have to hook up that's going to be our front USB our front audio and our power reset switch and LEDs this just does not want to it's just tight probably should have cable managed it after I did this part I think yeah that's on now okay all right so Mitch has graciously removed I'm laughing at that bottom fan that's the craziest wonky isn't it that's the craziest thing I've ever seen on a chat on a case so this this connector here this is our front panel connector I was telling you about how it's all on one connector and so that and I always remove any wire ties you don't want to leave wire ties in your system these will get brittle and break over time and then you've got a piece of metal floating around inside your computer and if it gets behind your motherboard and connects two contacts together well it's not going to be good times for you my friend I'm going to bring up this connector here and it's got a pin missing and it's going to go on this connector so it can only go on one way that missing pin is on the top row and I'm doing this without glasses on that's how easy NZXT has made that nice that's other that's your power switch reset switch power LED hard drive LED all in one connector why isn't anybody else doing that in case Manufacturing this big connector here this big one this is USB type type USB 3 Type A this uses two connectors but they only give us one that sucks bad on NZXT they were doing so well and that's going to plug in we're just going to bring it in it's going to plug in right here on the motherboard it's got a little notch on it so it can only go in one way and it'll just click in right like so we can just tuck that extra cable back whence the way it came look how clean the cable Management's looking back over here again you've got kind of a funky looking connector with a cap on it if your motherboard has USB type c this is the connector your case has to have this type c and your motherboard has to have type c if you're going to use this we look on this motherboard right below our big motherboard power connector is this rectangular socket this usually only goes in one way so if you try to seat it it won't go in rotate it and try it again I think it's going to go absolutely carry yeah now that's plugged in and we can take our access cable and push it out the back finally we have this cable here this is our HD audio that connector is always going to be somewhere in that part of the motherboard so we route this cable as much as possible behind the board and I would take it personally I would take it under these cables and then up through there right up through there and then that'll get us close to that corner you probably need your glasses for that yes please I just lost it where you feed that back through for me uh is it uh the bag right in here thank you and with my glazes on so as I can see very dark in there even with the lights there's a missing pin on the top row kind of an off offset one that ensures this connector can only go on one way it's just a friction fit kind of wiggle and push until it bottoms out against the bottom of the board and then the last thing is our rear case fan and we can hook that up to literally any fan header on the motherboard that the cable will reach so I'm just kind of looking where we have fan headers we have a fan header here two more up there sometimes you have a couple on the bottom yes we do have some fan headers right down here I would prefer to run that cable all the way down and bring it up through the bottom if we have a long enough cable oh and then we also have one for the front fan too so let's do the front fan first I forgot that little wonky we're just going to bring that right how do I want to round it right there would you grab that for me yeah just pull it all the way through and then let's see the this other rear case fan also that cable is going to reach I think we're gonna be okay on this with this wonky fan blow on a graphics card if you had one in there because it's on the angle like that or kind of yeah yep all right yeah yeah and now I'm going to take these two fans and I'm gonna plug this one over on this side and this one well you know what take it back do me a favor take this back this one and give it to me again over on this side instead just because I think it looks cleaner and I'll use the pan header closest to the so with that Fan's location so we don't have to crisscross our cables that is our entire build and we can take this fan cable and we can route it with the motherboard power cable and using nzxt's velcro ties and their cable management system we don't have to use any zip ties we don't have to get creative with how we bundle our cables now they do have some little cable type ridges here so we could grab a nylon zip tie and put one here if we want to clean that up and then we've got a couple more bridges that we can zip tie there and look at how clean that's going to look you want to use these ones or the uh no I'm not going to use any right now I'm just pointing it out tighten this down it should keep that from moving no one's going to see this side anyway but it's nice and clean and then you know all those cables we're not using there's less cables for us to manage now we can make sure it still works so there's our internet all right HDMI our power cable make sure the power supply is in the off position the keyboard and mouse dongle we've left plugged in so I'm going to go ahead and turn the power supply to the on position and then we'll rotate this this way so people can see I'm going to turn it on power light comes on we've got some RGB at the bottom of the board right down here this bottom fan down here is turning and our rear case fan back here is turning everything is still really quiet and if I step around activate what happened everything went full screen on me here let's go to HDMI input of course we're already at the desktop that's our build ladies and gentlemen that's it it's done let's do a restart just to watch it boot up do you hear it nope we've got a CPU fan turning power supply fan turning front and rear case fans turning and it's not making a peep and here's a boot up all done and it's 4 30 so this took us three and a half hours to casually enjoy our build and made no mistakes that required you know any sort of repair Everything went perfect it's great but it's a one heck of a machine it's very very fast very capable plenty of Ram super fast storage lots of mtm.2 slots to expand to to grow with a fully capable GPU capable power supply if we want to turn this into a gaming rig whatever GPU you want to put in it it's fine you want to put a 2500 GPU in there you want to put a 300 GP you want to put a 100 GPU fit whatever you want to put in there it's going to take it Larry wants to know Kerry what's the best audio card for old high HiFi would you suggest to use I would use a a USB digital audio DAC USB DAC digital audio converter digital analog converter digital analog converter uh that's what I would use can we put this and those screws in the Box yeah except those screws they're they're loose I need to put them in something oh gotcha or they'll fly out of their bags oh okay oh you know what I could do I could probably just staple the bags closed where's my stapler stapler your red stapler I wish I had a Red Swingline what movie is that from Chad all right so um where's my red stapler I do with my stapler right in front of me Carrie all right so these bags are sealed it's a little bit there this bag still has a standoff and the standoff socket in it I'm going to fold it in half this bag is sealed that can go in there this bag I more smartly cut the corner so that way I knew I could close it easily so what Mitch is holding here which you can't really see is the Box filled with all of our documentation spare screws and spare parts is we'll also put our power cables for the power supply in here and we'll keep it all together but for right now and it'll just keep it on top of this box because it may not fit in there now I think that's the best configuration that you can get today for the money you can build something cheaper that's less powerful or you can build something more expensive that's more powerful so right down the middle best bang for the buck right now August 18th 2023 that configuration is what I recommend you don't have to use that motherboard but I like all the i o on it I like the paint job on it it's really the i o it's I'm sold on I like that it has a Gen 5 m.2 a lot of other motherboards may offer Gen 5 pcie but not Gen 5 m.2 that may not matter to you unless you're going to you know spend a ton of money on the storage that price will come down later Gen 5 is expensive now because it's the latest you can obviously save quite a bit of money by just putting a Gen 4 you know the move speed drive that we reviewed the other day the um thing Jing Drive two terabytes or like 90 bucks and they're super fast over 7000 megabytes per second but this is over twelve thousand so it costs three times more so what will it take to put you into this beautiful desktop today all major credit cards are accepted the car salesman you just punch them right in the nose don't stop saying what's it going to take yeah yeah for you to be colorblind yeah it's not the color you want what if I took a thousand dollars off would it be the color you want now Henry Ford you can have any color as long as it's black that's right he also said whether you think you can or you think you can't either way you're right it's trash any final questions uh we'll take a moment to wrap things up with our live audience so I had to get some dirt off my fingers questions concerns if you want to know what that's going to look like with the side panel on hey there's Michael Michael Dane the man the man the man Michael good to see you don't break it if I break it I bought it there you go folks finished product look at those Exquisite lines exquisite and it can be yours for just one easy payment up your arm or your leg Yeah all right any questions see Michael daines welcome to the prices right with host Carrie Holtzman and the model Mitch Morrison oh any clue about what was going on with the network speed that's a good question I was going to follow that up I'm glad you reminded me let me go back over and just see if we're still connecting at that uh kick a bit or full screen so we can see it Network and inner ethernet yeah it's connecting at 2500 now so that's 2.5 gig LAN yeah Michael Dane Mitch how was your summer well Michael I just back after three glorious weeks in Vail Colorado where it was cool nights sit out on the back porch and with my brother and my middle brother and yeah time they hated to come back to this weather Andy Kane says what was the name of that power connector I think he's referring to the front panel connector that comes with some gigabyte motherboards it's nothing you can buy individually but gigabyte calls it the G connector Asus has what they call the Q connector you maybe find it on eBay if somebody's selling them they you know might have taken it out of their box but it's not something the manufacturers sell it's something that's included with some models of motherboard gigabyte makes as a g connector and some others some models of motherboard Asus makes as a cube connector and Eddie like King Kong says our business is upgrading to Windows 11 no they are not generally speaking most businesses are still remaining on Windows 10 for now you got two years do I support Windows 11 of course Andy Kane said I have a b650 motherboard from Gateway well if it not all gigabyte boards come with it but if it did it would have been in the box with your motherboard see any other questions in there Uncle Mitch um I'm still thinking about you'll be the Envy of your neighbors oh yes over there the chop sock yeah what do you call shoes made out of bananas Mitch that's what Jason wants to know ah slippers slippers I have slippers made out of bread but I call them loafers Elijah Dickens says a nice build carry quick and easy yeah super easy when you get the right parts they go together like a glove you know it's super super pleasurable to work on computers that are made with quality components with a well thought out well-engineered case is both attractive and sturdy affordable and available and expandable so NZXT has done a great job this is sort of a budget line for NZXT God do you remember when we when we used to build those minis those Minis that just had no room and just struggled and you're like I really don't care for these tiny machines the older we get I'll tell you that I'm seeing that my cables are need a little more slack here daddy like King Kong Mitch when are you upgrading your main rig well that's interesting because Uncle Carrie asked me that uh the other day as to you know what if I got in and I think I've got an i7 something something something 16 gig of RAM a graphics card in it I've got a and uh Samsung nvme Pro I think two terabyte and then I've got two mechanical hard drives in it so I to me I mean it's working fine I use it to video edit my um auditions because when we don't go in live anymore it's all your agent send you the audition and you shoot it yourself and edit it yourself and so it's you know I never really editing something more than like a two minute clip anyway so um it's working great really the only thing I have not done is bios but I'm from the old school if it ain't broke don't fix it so I'm like it's yeah I'll just leave it yeah just leave it and I'm like yeah you know so unless you're having issues with ram compatibility or you were upgrading the CPU or do you needed some update to the BIOS there's no sense and you know messing around with something that doesn't need to be messed with and then probably sometime this year I downloaded mem test just not that I thought I had any problem with the ram but I just ran it overnight just to make sure and uh again it all passed I'm like well then you know I don't need to worry about that I guess 16 gigs is working fine for me Michael dance says why are spiders so good at the Internet it's because they know all the good web sites but um Victor says that's a great build can you make it smaller like a mini swarm what is it 449 about 10 minutes to five here so I guess it's time to say thank you to everybody once again uh thank you guys for hanging out with us thanks for all my friends in blue thank you to our good friend Buster Peter laycock with a very generous contribution Frankie B another generous contribution thank you as well too gotta check my phone Winston Liu for the PayPal contribution Nick Caffrey for the PayPal contribution Paul O'Brien for your Amazon gift card and in Super Chat uh shout out and deepest thanks to oh man I didn't have it selected I hope it's still got everybody in there Paul O'Brien Peter laycock Ian Gooch Mark Gaines Roy star man Allen Lindas thank you to our friends the drafko franchovic frenchovic who's renewed his membership now for 15. he's now on month 15 of membership so is Bradley Morris and Sylvan pseudo has become a member today thank you for joining our tech club Sylvan thank you to Peter lycock for his additional Super Chat contribution Michael hariko Louis grego Richard paulmentier Alvin shaver Mike visions Larry Wood Barry Russ Dustin Fuller has also renewed his membership for month number 15. that's awesome and Winston Liu says bonjour from Vancouver Canada contributed two more times so Winston Lim thank you if you're generous contributions as well and for everybody who hung out in the chat room and participated in today's live video thank you for participating and not just being a lame spectator it's so much better when you interact with us we enjoy it more and you enjoy it more and if you're watching the video after it airs live I hope you'll consider joining us in a future live video the chat room is open to everyone as long as you're nice what I will do chat is like I did last year from Singapore I will take little video introductions or whatever or where I'm from and I'll send them to carry and then it's his choice whether he oh I always show us whether he wants to you know whether it be Saigon or gonna give us updates Hanoi or yeah nice I like it well that'll be the last time we see it till you get back have a safe trip yeah thanks for your help today oh it's it's I like builds and yeah I I'm not doing them as much on the channel now but uh when they go smooth like that it's a pleasure to to work on them maybe the next one we'll do will be a 14th gen in time okay when you get back yeah and uh thanks to camera girl who's not here today but she did our thumbnail on all the awards and tags for the video so a shout out to her as well you all have a wonderful and safe weekend and I will see you when I get back in a couple of months I guess and and send little video Snippets of what I'm got going on where it's 90 out and 90 humidity yeah I'm not going to feel sorry no I've got to lose about 10 pounds which I can more than afford okay all right well that'll wrap it up for today um again all the parts you've seen in today's build were paid for using money the coming from YouTube Right coming from viewer contributions and coming from the pennies the videos generate which is nothing compared to the viewer contributions it's your contributions that make these videos possible and appreciate and deeply deeply sincerest thanks to the people who are supporting this channel in that way so we can continue to make videos like this more often that'll wrap it up for us for today on behalf of Mitch Morrison and myself enjoy the rest of your Friday have a safe happy weekend we'll see you all again very very soon and until next time bye for now what he said yeah all right let's go out with a bang here you know what I'll use an intro I haven't used in a while if I can find it hey it's gone it's all right we'll use this intro [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 77,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASRock Z790 LiveMixer Motherboard Review, ASRock Z790 LiveMixer Motherboard unboxing, asrock z790 live mixer, crucial t700 speed test, crucial t700 gen 5, crucial t700 pcie gen 5 nvme ssd, i5 13500, core i5 13500, intel 13500, DDR5 review, TEAMGROUP T-Force Vulcan Alpha DDR5, computer hardware, best cases 2022, airflow cases, nzxt h5 flow review, nzxt h5 flow, wifi card ax200, ax200 wifi 6 card, ax200 wifi card review, ax200 wifi card install, careyholzman, computerbuilding
Id: WiyMclmxKHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 1sec (14041 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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