Plex vs Jellyfin - Which Should You Use on Your NAS?

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foreign [Music] today we are looking at two of the most popular multimedia server applications available for most Nas server Brands out there of course I'm talking about Plex Media Server and jellyfin now these are two apps that are available again for your Synology your qnap your Asus store your Terra master your true Nas it is incredibly multifunctional well alongside that it is possible to utilize these server-side applications alongside a whole host of client-side applications too and in today's video we're going to be comparing these two platforms from the perspective of a Nas owner okay so although we are going to be talking about the specific features of both of these applications quite a lot this is part one in a Trilogy we're also going to be looking at MB later on as well in another video this video is more designed for users who are utilizing and building their own Nas servers or buying a turnkey now solution to convert that into a multimedia server and although for this video we are going to be utilizing a Synology Nas throughout this but it is worth highlighting that you can use a plethora of different Nas Brands out there from the DIY to the off-the-shelf solutions and we will be talking about the level of support of fortitude on those different platforms but before we go any further a few disclaimers straight off the bat now I mentioned this is part of a Trilogy of videos there is a false part regarding transcoding on the way but a lot of this has been made possible and detailed in a greater amount of detail here in this article Linked In the description it's just in progress at the moment I've nearly finished it and in this article you can see on the left hand side of the screen there we've gone through all of the things that these three platforms can do what they can't do where they differ what is free what is not free and ultimately help you decide which one of these is best suited for your multimedia server but it was made enormously possible thanks to uh help of this chap here protector de Zora who's been working on an ongoing project on behalf of a lot of these multimedia platforms for streaming alongside third-party ones and Amalgamated them all into some great tables there so again I've linked to them in the article hopefully there's a link in the description as well but I'm again that's an ongoing project product there as well I recommend you check that out but for now let's crack straight on with what we are on about so as mentioned we're using synology's uh platform here but there is support in a multitude of different platforms out there and for all of these although you could use the application that your NASA rises again all of the nas brands that we talk about here on the channel have their own video app installed in the case of Synology it's video station or DS video even though they are available um it's worthwhile most users really like using the likes of Plex or jellyfin this is because they not only allow you to access uh remotely and via the network all of that media that you've been collecting for the last few decades but on top of that it presents it in a wonderfully slick way that is comparable to the likes of Netflix Hulu HBO Max Disney plus and more so it gives you all of that graphical user interface um utilization there on all your client devices on top of that it allows you to view all of this media with all of the cast information It'll ask you if we open up for example Plex here let's go into the movie section there and put them side by side if we go into the same movie side by side it allows you to have all the cast information uh the synopsis reviews trailers extra information and more all of that rolled in you can see the appeal of it but what is it that differs all of these platforms and more precisely for this video jellyfin and Plex well first things first a lot of you either aren't aware or are slightly curious about the difference in pricing because that's right even though you've paid for your Nas Hardware be it TurnKey you know solidity qnap ISO store Terra master or you've gone DIY and built your own and then use true Nas or unraid or something like that some of the service on some of these media platforms cost money now if we go back to the article I mentioned earlier on we can scroll down to the first section here and as you can see if we look at this let's zoom in a little bit there hopefully I'm not blocking that with my camera there on screen um you can see there right now with these platforms we're only focusing at the moment on jellyfin and Plex jellyfin is completely free all of an ad installers soft uh server side apps are free all the client apps are free whereas on Plex it's some of it is free now what does that mean in the grand scheme of things well as I remove the power supply from my laptops the fans are kicking in um what that means is in order to keep these projects funded as much as possible a lot of these Brands to keep them flush to keep them updated with security fixes to innovate to r d and ultimately to improve this experience some platforms again like Plex will choose to add a paid premium element and this allows users that are going to take the most experience take the most out of these platforms to be the ones that subsidize the platform more than liked users now with Plex that comes down to a Plex pass which comes down to 399 in pounds a month or I've got worked out in the calculations there it's 4.99 a month uh 39.99 a month I should say three uh 4.99 a day even and you can go for an unlimited lifetime subscription uh in dollars at the moment for 119.99 now again on jellyfin it is completely free so in terms of pricing jellyfin walks away with a very early Advantage for a lot of users because Plex I would argue between the two of them is the more slick platform it also has that paid premium support there and it is more user friendly as you'll see later in this video and to get there to do that user experience research to do that overall Argent design on the Plex platform it is required funding for good or for bad later on we'll talk about some of the features that aren't available on the free version of Plex that you do need that premium subscription for that will annoy some of you but for now when it comes to the pricing and the old bit of Wanga again you can't really argue with jellyfin just being ultimately the more cost effective platform overall which brings us to our next section as we scroll down um features functions and supported formats straight away it's worth highlighting immediately that there is practically no thing that you can do in Plex that isn't available in jellyfin back in the article I talked about earlier on we've already got a detail at the top of the things that are available across all three of those platforms again today we're focusing on just Plex and jellyfin and with all of those platforms as good as all that is it's worth remembering that some of those Services require a subscription to access them so although both platforms have a similar level of supported features and functions just remember that some of them for Plex although it's there they go behind that little pay wall there so moving away from that we look through some of the features and functions that are available we can look at for example with planks that the presentation of a lot of these features and the integration of those features is way way smoother when it comes to the features that are added the recommendations um and some of the way that the user can experience them particularly on the client side if we open up the clients for both of these tools here side by side so this is the windows client um it's worth highlighting that the way they're presented to the end user are just a lot clearer when it comes to whether you're going to be uh going through your Plex Media Server uh different files and folders uh configuring the settings of that server so if we go into the server settings here we can go in and check out which server settings are available in the background of both of these open them up side by side immediately it seems on the face of it that jellyfin is a lot clearer in its presentation there however that's because most of the options are not visible here if you want to see all of the options you click dashboard and boom there is that enormous degree of customization and straight away the configuration of jellyfin is just that little bit more complex from adding the individual multimedia um supported apps Services features codecs and more but on top of that even some things that unfortunately although a little techie should be a lot more straightforward let's say for example Hardware transcoding if we go into Hardware transcoding on the Plex side of things we can go into the transcoder agent and then from there even if we go into advanced settings we can just say a nice liberal we want it to use all of the CPU stuff just prioritize quality prioritize playback nice and simple there we can click make my CPU you hurt apart from that you can enable certain preset features and functions but that's really it's nice and quite straightforward in order to commit a lot of those conversion options there and then just click save when we need it on the um jelly fin side however if we make our way into the playback area there and look at transcoding we have to be quite specific about our acceleration agent there that we're going to be prioritizing there and again it's whether you want it to allow certain transcoding actions and again just a lot of those configuration options are a little bit more intimidating in the way they're presented to you and it really does go on a little bit you don't have to use them and of course transcoding conversion call it what you will which we'll talk in a little bit more detail later um isn't for everyone it might well be a something you're never going to use but still nonetheless you know it's definitely going to be a more complex experience talking of complex experiences there if we make our way back onto the desktop of our um Synology there we can see that in the App Center I have installed both Plex Media Server and jellyfin which is good news right well it's not without a slight catch because first and foremost um the Plex Media Server application was available on the official Synology App Center it was right there we can install it click and it's in it is listed as a third-party contributor but it's still available there and that is the case again with qnap ISO store Terra master if you move on to the open source uh true nodes and stuff like that as plugins most of them list that app within their available uh centers there that can be you know created as a container or installed directly as an app within things like Linux but when it comes to jellyfin once again that's big little learning curve turns its head because very very few platforms provide an installer within their own app centers for um server-side jellyfin support so in the case of jellyfin on this Nas I had to install an unofficial third-party Community app and then from there find jellyfin as a third-party app and you have to go into your Nas's settings and allow it to install um third-party applications you effectively have to kind of sign a digital waiver if you will that says I understand what I'm doing is counter to what the brands have certified this device is able to do and support now you don't have to rely on an app Center app there you can go straight into a container so quickly switching over to another NASDAQ has the docker application we can go in go into Docker and as you can see the alternative means to install jellyfin would be to just go straight in enter the registry here and just start searching again for jelly fin you'll find it and then you can install it as a container but again the container installation isn't as smooth as putting in an installer and you're still running this as a kind of semi-contained application there within the docker Administration so a lot of users may find this a little bit intimidating when they want just a one-click open installer good to go which is kind of one of the main appealing points for a lot of users that look at Plex Media Server versus that of jellyfin because of the ease of deployment and kind of that kind of easy to use paid premium service that Plex is clearly trying to advertise if Plex I hate seagulls Once Upon a Time had a kind of Indie alternate to the streaming platforms vibe that is long since passed and on their platform now they're considered to be the kind of paid for big guy industry of the streaming platforms out there that's not necessarily a bad thing but once you go through a lot of those listed support and services you do find that a lot of these services that you may wish to use in your media server such as share play where you have lots of users watching the same thing together Hardware transcoding that we've talked about support of certain codecs or certain compression techniques as well as support of live TV or DVR plugins require that subscription service from Plex in a way where jellyfin gives you them straight away for free off the bat if you want them you require a lot more configuration but the option for it is there and instead of paying in money you're paying in time but next up let's move on to the design the skin the feel the customization of both Plex and jellyfim now for customization on these platforms it's worth highlighting that when it comes to Plex you are really Limited in the range of customization open to you with this particular media server player whether it is you're accessing it via the web browser as you can see here or you're using those client tools that we talked about earlier on the amount of customization on your dashboard on Plex is really really limited generally the user interface is largely what you see is what you get and again although you can manage multiple servers there if we go straight into the one that we're looking at here this is pretty much what everyone sees there are ways to change this UI as well as patch your Plex Library into third-party apps but the level of customization in Plex Media Server is pretty small when it comes to user interface there now within jellyfin it's a very different story not extensively but in two main areas there is difference so for example the ability to change the theme at a moment's notice to a completely different colored design that goes to screensavers and again this extends to the individual applications there for all your client devices and again you can move forward from that to kind of mirror other uis in your environment you can even choose if you like rather than displaying it in the standard PC interface you can force it to show what a TV user would show and again that extends so if you're using an access to jellyfin on say a mobile device you can change the UI on your mobile to have the appearance of that PC for those of you that want that customization or just leave it to Auto or and then it will just give you whatever it is that it reads from the UI that you're accessing there another element the customization comes down to adding add-ons and plugins now adding plugins and an extra services and like bridging tools for other applications and services to Plex is supported there are options for doing it however when it comes to using those add-ons and adding on these Services the range of supported plugins and add-ons on Plex is way way smaller if you go to the plugin section there there isn't really much of a range of there isn't like an app repository that you might see on the things like Kodi or any kind of app center there the ability to add certain features is pretty small with the bulk of them being rolled in to Plex Media Server itself as one of its Plex services so normally when these add-ons come in a lot of them just immediately land behind that Plex pass so as you can see the ability to change colors Plex pass only if you want to change some of those advanced settings there Plex us only if you want to enable some of those features as you can see there they're all Plex pass only now for those of you that want to use add-ons and Extras to connect jellyfing with other services be they streaming services or local home tools and client hardware and client based software on the in the case of jellyfin you can just go straight away into the dashboard then scroll down and then find the plugin section they both have support of utilizing API connected services but in the case of the plugins here you can either go with the plugins that you distort you install during the setup for things like a metadata scraping and more or go through catalogs of existing repositories and you can add more repositories over time which you can find online to like to add even more services add-ons and Extras and bridging client tools with other supported platforms there so the level of customization in the design and UI on jellyfin as well as the ability to customize the server and the connected Services is just better on jellyfish and remember this was the free platform out of the two of them there it's definitely something worth bearing in mind there if you are considering a media server that you want to evolve and graduate over time next up let's talk about the user interface and the customization during playback and for that what we're going to do is just very quickly play exactly the same file side by side here on either servers and we're going to pause them both because it's worth remembering as you can see from the IPS at the top of the screen here although we're using the same server we are still connecting to it on the same client hardware and we are using OBS here at the bottom which will result in a drop-in frame rate this video is not about reviewing the nas server itself because different servers have different levels of Hardware but what we're looking at is what we can actually configure and what the options are for the end user when they're going through the the files that they're playing so the Plex playback set in there is a great deal easier to sort of read there and again we are running a desktop interface here but again we can you know enable and change some of that code out there we've got a list of supported compression that we can go with there on the side of place in the case of jellyfin we can go there and change that quality there and it lists the available range unsurprisingly there we can go in and find out more information about the information about the file that we're playing there so let's go back into the playback info we're not getting a great deal of information there that we can configure we're just getting the very basic stuff we can do picture in picture they both support picture in picture there and again just generally the user interface is quite similar between the two of them there although when it comes to playback on these devices another thing that's worth highlighting between these two is the idea of um offline clay and transcoding Now offline play some of you might not see the versatility of it it's the idea that rather than when you're on the Fly you know on a commute on a you know on a plane in a hotel or whatever and you want to access the media on your Nas you might want to in advance download some of those files now both Plex and jellyfin support offline downloads that is the ability to download files to your device in advance and play them from within the device you can just go ahead and you can download a file lovely and easily so if we go again into these files here we'll go into the films Library again from there if you choose to you can go ahead and download these files locally but once again it's a premium level app if you try to do this on the Plex side you will need a Plex pass in order to download files to your mobile device to any localized device and again support is limited on the Plex side such as if you're running an Amazon fire stick a Fire TV and you're trying to download files from within Plex you're not going to be able to do that on a Fire TV with its limited storage but still nonetheless the ability to download files locally is there and all of these apps and services are tremendously user friendly and easy within the mobile applications and more for both of them it's just worth highlighting that they are paid for in many cases on the Plex it's not a lot of money I know but when you've already spent money on the hardware for your server all of that time you spent setting it up and yes these platforms need to be subsidized but a lot of you are going to resent the option that you're going to have to pay to utilize things like Hardware transcoding on your system which brings us to Hardware transcoding why is this such a sticking point for some users and why does it always seem to be a subject that never really goes away well when it comes to playing fast and we'll bring back that article once again sorry for the self-promotion hardware transcoding is the ability or conversion to change a file on the fly or perhaps in advance in some cases to a better suited version of that file for the destination client that is the device you're playing on now there's some examples there so for example if you work at a playback a file that is a different supported compression technique to that of which might be supported on your device so for example the most classic example is hevc although av1 and newer generation open source compression is widely supported now on Plex and jellyfin and MB as their time of recording but so hevc which is kind of a paid license compression technique there for those aren't aware compression techniques are referred to in media when you have a huge Cinema production then gets downsized to something you can watch on the Comfort year so far if you are utilizing a Nas um with a decent enough Hardware you can basically tell the system to convert that file on the fly to the person watching it is watching a version of it without the worry of the compression license at hevc being a problem there where's the problem lie the difference between hardware transcoding and software transcoding software transcoding is largely free to everyone it's when the system will use raw system power without CPU then a little bit of memory to convert the file on the fly with the hope that it can convert one second footage quicker than one second of footage can be played back because otherwise it's not going to be able to convert it in time on the Fly now Hardware transcoding is when the CPU has uh integrated graphics on board which is dedicated and specialized to the changing of media files or you're using a graphics card and on that side on the server side client Hardware transcoding uses less power and is far more efficient at converting that file and it doesn't just extend to um files that are running a different compression technique perhaps you run a 4K version of a multimedia file but you're there at a train station you're in a hotel abroad you're sitting on the beach and you are looking for a much more convenient version of that file perhaps you're on a limited internet connection perhaps using a device that if you try to run a 4K version of Avatar 2 it's just going to heat the device rinse your battery and just be clunky to play and you're happier to run a 480 maybe even a 360p version there on the flytranscoding will allow that to happen so there's a lot on that doesn't even extend to audio formats as well where you might might be watching a movie where the license of a compression technique or the resolution isn't a problem but the audio codec or the audio file format is a problem so things like audio books or particularly dense media that come to like mp4a or Flac flic or a a sorry ACC media as well these can be problematic and require transcoding now there's a long tangent as this is the reason I'm bringing it up is because as mentioned earlier on if you want to do this in Plex Hardware transcoding remember utilizing your Hardware to do it you need to have a Plex pass that's right you need to have the premium package in order to convert your media using the hardware inside your system whereas on a jellyfin that is available to you off the bat I'm going to try to get the right tabs there open on screen on the fly if you want to use transcoding it's just available to you whenever you want it there now again it has to be argued in defensive Plex a little bit that they have had to develop their software to be able to harness different video drivers to know what they're doing for the app to efficiently use the onboard graphical component to convert that file on the fly to the best of its ability which takes research and development which takes time they have team members that need to be paid to do this kind of work and therefore it kind of makes sense for that Plex pass but it's now avoiding that there is a slight horrible feeling that an end user needs to pay a little bit extra in order to access their own Hardware to the best of its ability that the media server is playing on there so if your multimedia collection is comprised of quite a lot of difficult media so that is to say that either you're running files that don't run well on your client Hardware so again your sofa your phone your tablet your whatever because of hevc support and Licensing because of uh client-side Hardware restrictions or because of file format restrictions are not supported by the end player this may have to be something you have to factor in to your decision between Plex and a jellyfin now up to this point it might seem that I've been properly putting the boot into clicks and championing jellyfin well take my word for it for a little while now we are unfortunately gonna absolutely dog pile on jellyfin because one of its biggest disadvantages to both new Nas users and users that want to have a multimedia server are familiar with Jenny jellyfin but want to distribute it with their friends and family is to do with supported clients a supported client applications and supplied server side applications there particularly if you're going to run multiple servers there now what I mean by that is is because although we alluded to it earlier on we were looking at the Synology Nas there the range of uh installers on both Nas platforms and client installers for the Myriad of different client devices in our home environments is absolutely just insane on Plex Plex I've gone there extra mile and have pretty much an app for everything you name it there is an app for it both on the server client side all of those Nas Brands and the open source ones I mentioned and the established clients from everything from Apple and Android and Windows and more right the way down to some real out there ones as well even when you look at this list here of available applications for the server OS so this is the app that you install where your multimedia is going to be streaming from the server side look at the range of difference there no no yes yes there's just nothing but yeses on the Plex side there add to that the fact that some of these yeses are because they are Docker means it's not even a one-click installer some of these require you to install a container some of them require you to add additional add-ons like um um ffmpeg which is a video streaming efficiency and compression tool added to it as well and as you can see the level of supported services are just not really there on jellyfin Now One again they're not a premium paid service so they shouldn't come as a huge surprise and some of this I would argue particularly when we get to the client side we'll be quite damning but still nonetheless when it comes to setting up the Plex server regardless of your Nas or even multimedia Hardware if you're not going to use a nut and you're just going to repurpose an old PC or a Mac Mini look at that range of difference between these two now scrolling down even further we can get to the client-side support when it comes to the client-side support this is where things get a little grayer but still not fabulous for users that were hoping to take advantage of freemium if you will or open source support on jellyfin on their client devices because not only does Plex still continue to have a larger arrangement of um supported client-side apps but some of them although they are linked and paid for because some of them to live on an app center requires cost so in some cases they have put it on a premium there so in this case for example with iOS it's five dollars or server license in other words if you have a Plex pass you you can download the iOS app or you pay five dollars for a one-off access there at least they are available whereas on the jelly fin side and I'm sorry if I've called it jellyfish in this video by the way um just because of the jellyfish Plex files that I test you can see there just the level of those applications and services are either not available in some cases or Worse still require third party patch through so a number of users may use things like VLC in order to access the media server to work as a go-between because there isn't a native Client app readily available or at least container app access on their client Hardware now those of us that a lot more Tech versed it's not going to be a problem is it because we know what we're doing we don't knock up a container for five minutes work let's have some lunch what if you're setting it up for your your parents your grandparents that are that weird uncle that wants to have every episode of Yes Prime Minister that guy well he you say to him you just gotta set up a container he's just going to get a plastic tub from Wilco isn't he and that's my point when it comes to Planks yes it's premium yes it's paid for but a lot of that support does go into making their platform as accessible and as intuitive as possible and although up to this point it seems I've really been rooting for jellyfin there's no denying that Plex has a level of access that is unparalleled which leads us to our conclusion and unsurprisingly I think as I've hammered this now a bunch of times the real benefit of jellyfin do come down to that open source supports as you can see largely free client and server-side applications I say largely because sometimes you do need a bridging tool in between many more formats aboard we didn't even really touch on the fact that in Plex although there is support of audiobooks music photos and um you know obviously your TV shows your movies and music on jellyfin there's comic books ebooks and a bunch of other supported formats of media which you can also crawl with those databases we talked in earlier on again a wider range of plugins being available on jellyfin is hugely advantageous for a number of users the live TV services or if you want to use a digital video tuner connected to your server of choice Plex that's another one that's behind that wall whereas in jellyfin ready available and it's high degree of customization and efficient Hardware utilization for Trends coding because you can configure it quite specifically as well as offline downloads not being behind a premium pass is great but it is not always perfect with a steeper learning curve for both setup and clients fewer ready to go installers lacking some of the system configuration backup options that we'll talk about at a moment and lacking that paid premium support which some users might want when they don't know what they're doing and don't want to rely on Forum chasing that is something that's going to appeal to some other you users but when it comes to Plex Media Server on the other hand again why is it a setup so user friendly a tremendous amount of time and energy has gone into improving that graphic user interface having those Support options isn't going to be appealing to some and it is technically cheaper than an MB something we'll talk about in another video another thing I'll talk about and again I just touched on it there before we go back to the cons is backing up your server configuration is a lot easier and broader in Plex Media Server than it is on jellyfin there is options in the dashboard Center for you to run backups of your configuration but it's not really deep there are things you can back up you can sort of back up some of the um user account information there as well as enable that quick connecting to access it remotely but the level of backup services from within the server so you can reinstate the server to a previous point and save the configuration is just not there but but on the Plex side of things you can back up your configuration if you choose very easily and allow you to just offload it and save that configuration and restore it to an earlier point in case things go wrong and you want to reinstate the original configuration of your Plex Media Server system um but the Plex again even though it's paid for is not perfect but again one of its biggest downfalls is all of those services that are behind that subscription wall again your offline downloads you're transcoding your live TV all of them are behind that limited wall there and some of them although some of them make sense things like the live TV add-on there I can understand maybe putting things like the live TV guide on there makes maybe sense but given live tv tuners are hardware and the CPU that you're going to be utilizing for transcoding is Hardware both of which you have paid for yourself I think it's a little bit disingenuous for clicks to say that you need a Plex pass in order to access them regardless of the r d that's going into it yes you can go ahead and do a one-off payment if you choose but that's still for me not quite good enough for some users that have already possibly overspent on either building or buying a network attached Droid solution for the multimedia but now suddenly find in order to take advantage of these great Services I'm just gonna have to pay a little bit more really it comes down to which one is more user friendly for you and ultimately which one is going to be best suited to your own configuration if you're running a real easy going setup you're using quite a low powered efficient powered Nas system you don't have a hugely complex range of multimedia types you're not going to be running um live TV on there transcoding an audio video formats aren't really a barrier to you you're just looking to stream over DLNA and enjoy your media collect is a really great choice for you in terms of the ease of its setup ease of configuration and that the free version will cover all of that I just said without you and spend an extra penny at all however if you've got a more evolved setup in mind you are looking to add things like live TV you had a myriad a very complex high definition multimedia that you're going to be streaming to many many users in different places and you don't mind putting the extra time in to configure it perfectly with a high level of customization and unique kind of presentation to your server to make it truly your own jellyfin is definitely the better choice for you because on that platform the level of customization and add-ons is just winner overall and particularly when you can really cater the system down to your own needs be they in terms of the multimedia or you're playing and the range of file formats you're going to enjoy jellyfin just wins overall for you users but this has been our comparison of Plex Media Server and jellyfin running on NAS servers remember that was the focus of this video not the broader overview of these Platforms in our next video we're going to be comparing jellyfin with MB MB again a lot like Plex but a little bit more open source a little bit more configurable and a little bit more Indie than the likes of Plex so I can't wait to look look at that but otherwise thank you so much for watching again strongly recommend you check out the article in the description that will go through all of the comparisons it should be ready by the time of this video going live and it Compares all three of those platforms there and again goes into quite a lot of detail and remember to check out uh the um online resources of protector de Zora as he works on comparing a lot of this information as well as if you found this video helpful why not use the link at the bottom to take you to Amazon because not only I know if you know you if you work in a shop from Amazon anyway great stuff please use that bun and this video has helped you because if you use that not only will it take you to Amazon in your own local region but more importantly anything you buy will result in a kickback coming to here at NAS Compares which allows us to keep doing what we do don't use it if you're not going to shop from Amazon anyway but if you were and this video helped you please use that finally if you're still looking for support and assistant on your own Now set up there for a hardware or software reasons then why not use the free advice section that we Supply over on NAS Compares if you head over to that section not only can we give you free advice and support on your configuration of choice but on top of that we've linked to a bunch of other platforms that will be able to assist you and allow us to you know share this knowledge and make more and more content as well so check out the links that we link to there as well as if you need free advice head over or use the free community support Forum over at ask Nas Compares where we answer your questions regularly and help everyone with their data storage solution so again use those links I hope you found this video helpful otherwise thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
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Id: 9j0p6Ozif-w
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Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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