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oh look at just how pretty the Raspberry Pi 5 is the twinkle in his little Ram chip how how can I ever stay angry with you but no no I will not go back um apparently apparently is what the noobs say apparently that's what the noobs say so anyways uh this is the daily blob another episode of The Daily blob I am your king of snark Eli the computer guy and today I want to laugh at Noobs it's always so much fun to laugh at noobs I don't want I don't know what makes me happier having a battery powered real-time clock on the Raspberry Pi five or or a laughing as stupid-ass news I don't know maybe maybe I should just be happy about both of those things um so I think this is kind of interesting right so me being me I come onto YouTube or wherever else and I talk about what it is that I'm doing now here's the thing about people who actually do things they have to put a lot of time and the thought and effort into making decisions you know the funny thing about people who don't actually do crap in the real world they can just spit out words cause it doesn't matter it's not like they're gonna do anything anyway it's not like anybody is going to listen to them anyway so they can just say stupid crap oh gosh darn day long because their words are meaningless and anyways I find this to be an interesting thing when we talk about the raspberry pies right so I've been using raspberry pies for a while uh basically trying to figure out how to use them as an instructional tool for teaching folks about the iot world right so Raspberry Pi this is a Raspberry Pi 4 it has a quad core processor has a full networking stack a Wi-Fi stack a Bluetooth stack all kinds of amazing things right and it came up with this idea for these uh these are called Dojo Derby Vehicles basically you're robot cars that you can race around then anyways I've been playing with this whole idea for a while uh the funny thing is the funny thing is how the real world works I get for Dojo Derby vehicles I was like this is amazing and I don't know what it was when did I come up with it so not not last year so I came up with the idea so this is 2023 2022. so fall of 2021 I came up with the idea for these Dojo Derby vehicles um uh and it's like October and I bought a couple of Raspberry Pi fours and it was no big deal um and then like I actually started doing meetups for doing Dojo Derby and uh and then it really started to feel like it was going well so I was trying to trying to solidify trying to codify what I was trying to do and it was at that point that the supply chain Kane went to hell and all of a sudden you could not get a Raspberry Pi for board save your life and I was frustrated I was trying to figure out what to do and then my viewers my viewers being The Helpful numbnuts that they are started saying stupid ass crap like well why don't you use Intown nukes Eli Jesus do you even know what an Intel nuke is do you know what the difference is between an Intel nuke and a Raspberry Pi four no you don't let's just stop just stop talking so anyways I find this to be interesting right because I got all this advice I needed to use Lee brake computers and Jetson computers oh this is dumbass in this right when there was a supply chain shortage and what I find interesting now is that the supply came shortage is getting better we're now getting the Raspberry Pi five and so I'm hearing from a lot of noobs well well the Raspberry Pi 5 might be nice but I have moved on Eli they Raspberry Pi Foundation has proven that they don't care about the hobbyist right they're in Hawk to the corporate uh Overlord so that was one of the big things with the supply chain issues with Raspberry Pi is it was supposed to be a hobbyist board in the beginning it actually is such a good piece of Hardware a lot of vendors actually started using it and the products that they were selling and so the Raspberry Pi Foundation they decide they decided during the supply chain crunch they were like well are we gonna let these businesses go out of business because they cannot get our uh our boards or are we going to prioritize the corporate world over the hobbyist world and they did they they prioritize the corporate world oh those greedy bastards can you believe those greedy bastards try try to keep people employed that's that's how you can you can see that we're in late stage capitalism when you have a corporation that's trying to decide whether they're going to give their product to hobbyists or they're going to give it to corporations so that the companies can continue to produce whatever and keep having employees you can that's how you can tell we're in late stage capitalism because the company decided to make sure people continue to be employed but anyways there are a lot of noobs out there ah they they betrayed us with all this stuff so I am not going back to Raspberry Pi I left Raspberry Pi and I'm not going back and uh yeah that's that's that's a humorously stupid humorously stupid but hey whatever works for you if it works for you you do whatever the hell it is you want to do but anyways I want to talk about this today because again as a decision maker as somebody that is actually doing something um I've had to look at all these different boards I've had to look at all these different options uh and there are there are value propositions for these different options let me let me be clear if you're if you're going to do um a pie hole if you're going to create a pie hole go to backmarket.com buy buy a used Mac Mini and build your pie hole that actually makes a hell of a lot of sense if you're going to be creating like a a an AI powered robot like like a serious AI powered robot by all means you use a Jetson use a Nvidia uh Jetson um but but again especially when you look at the projects that I'm doing and what I'm looking for my students there there is a real reason why those products don't fit the bill and I don't want to talk about that today because because again this is one of the big problems we get in the tech world right now uh yeah that's the whole thing like with social media social media flattens flattens the layer of communication because I was thinking back in the day right back in the day in the corporate world I got I had my mcsc from 2000 and here's the thing back in the back in the corporate world the executives talked to the executives and the senior staff dog with the senior staff and the help desk was in the dungeons where they should be and nobody gave it your help desk shut up anyways the interesting thing when we flatten the communication layer is all of a sudden is the uh the help desk or they're not even the help desk you know the wannabe help desk employees are the same level as the executives and the decision makers and it makes it complete it makes a complete mess out of actually trying to have any kind of conversation because you have these numbnuts that keep screaming at the top of their lungs while people that know what's going on are like dude I'm tired I have a headache if you want to understand what's happening I'll tell you but I'm not gonna argue over it all right it gets a bit of a crap show so anyways let's let's talk let's talk about all the options let's talk about the options for boards and why you might choose you know Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi four uh zero Raspberry Pi four or again you're really sexy uh Raspberry Pi five uh so we take a look at the Raspberry Pi five uh this looks to be a very very awesome development board again one of the important things to think about with this board though is it's going to be sixty dollars uh for the four gig four gig of RAM version and it is going to be eighty dollars for the eight gig of RAM version uh it's kind of a quad core processor 2.4 gigahertz uh quad-core processor on it it's gonna have a full Wi-Fi 802.11 AC stack it's got a full Bluetooth stack Bluetooth 5 Bluetooth low energy stack on it um it has a has a Nick has a gigabit nick uh card on it uh it has PCI Express now to be clear when I say PCI Express it is this weird this is weird PCI Express Port that you connect something else into an expansion board into that before you can connect your PCI Express device and who actually knows like if the drivers are out there for the PCI Express device that you want to plug into it so I will say it has a pcie port what that means for my practical standpoint who the hell knows uh beyond that it has two uh ports for either onboard display essentially there's this these displays you can plug into it or for two uh cameras and the important thing uh for these is for me at least is what are called the gpio pen so these pins up here general purpose input output pin so you'll notice I have wires coming off of these pins and so I have wires going to an OLED screen that wire is going to an H Bridge um and basically you can have sensors that connect directly to these gpio pins you can output values out from these gpio pens you have I2 i2c uh electronic communication protocol that you can use with these pens got a whole bunch of stuff going on so anyways basically that's what we're talking about when we're talking about with the Raspberry Pi four and the nice part with them is that the the manufacturing quality uh is very high uh the support for these boards um everything that I've seen is relatively High and the manufacturing quality is is relatively High that's an important thing to be thinking about in the real world if you buy something for half the price and you're You're Dead on Arrival rate you know is 10 or something that sucks Dell I remembered oh my golly do you remember Dells where you would unbox the dell and you were literally troubleshooting that damn deal I literally had Dells that came out of the box where I would just slot in new network cards or whatever because the onboard Network Port was dead when it came out of the box but it wasn't worth anybody's time to go through the warranty issues yeah I remember Dell I remembered Dell anyways uh so the quality of the product and the manufacturing quality is important and then also uh the support right so um oh when you look at it things like device drivers things like um you know basically the the operating system things are configured properly or you can get things like operating systems that are configured properly to be able to run on the device device relatively seamlessly this is important when you start getting into the very low power computers such as the Raspberry Pi zero where yeah you don't have a lot of Hardware over it period so if things are not working the most efficiently on this little device you are just going to have a miserable miserable life so with that as a Raspberry Pi we go over to the Libre computers right so a lot of people out there are like screw Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi is too expensive they've gone over their corporate overlords we're going to go with the Libre computer I am going to use and God bless it ele potato let potato for me uh and these are interesting they got two gigs of uh oh got two gigs of RAM on them uh Amazon you can get them for 35 bucks they do have the gpio pens and another a number of other things and from all the research that I've been able to do their support is absolute trash because that's a nice thing like when you get a Raspberry Pi you get the the pios whatever the hell it's called now they keep calling it different things anyways there's a distribution of Debian Linux uh and that they they have for the arm processor uh there's called the the Raspberry Pi OS you simply download it from the imager you install it onto the the Raspberry Pi and it works like a champ uh so again all the device drivers if you want to add a camera if you wanted to add a display anything that you need is built into that OS you can use other os's so you can use Ubuntu if you want to there are other Linux distributions that'll work but it's nice with a raspberry pios because pio0 is already installed so gpio zero is a library for uh for being able to use the gpio pens that's already there so there's a whole bunch of stuff again basically yeah yeah you flash you image your little micro SD card you slide it in you boot it up you put in some K configurations and Away you go uh when I've done the research on Le potato ah it's not so easy apparently it's not so easy drivers operating system it from everything that I've been able to find is a bit of a disaster to actually get the thing up and running so that is why we're not using La potatoes uh then you go over to the banana pie so a lot of people are really interested in banana pies right now uh so Banana Pie is interesting so basically it's taking the concept of the Raspberry Pi and it's running with it and it's coming out with a different boards uh so one of the nice things about the folks that produce the banana pipe is they actually have a number of different Boards out there again one of the things is trying to figure out what board it is that you would need so most likely if we're going to do a replacement for the Raspberry Pi 4 we would use banana pie M4 so with this um you know again memory RAM it's only got one gig option A two gig so that's not good again with Raspberry Pi 4 you can get four to um four to eight gigs uh it does have a 802.11 uh AC that's good uh one of the other banana pie boards that I was looking at um you actually had to add a and a a module you had to add an expansion card just to get Wi-Fi it wasn't built into it uh generally uh again it's got the gpio pins and the whole nine yards but so you're looking at this and it's you know it it is what it is I guess it's a compa you could say it's a competitor the Raspberry Pi 4. um the issue is if we go to look at buy one of these things uh it is a hundred and twenty dollars so okay so this is the four gig version so they do a four gig version so if the four gig version of this thing at robot shop so this is a store that I've actually purchased from in the past you're looking at a hundred and twenty dollars so the Raspberry Pi five or four is supposed to be uh 55 the Raspberry Pi five is supposed to be sixty dollars and so this thing that may or may not be competitive with the Raspberry Pi 4 is a hundred and twenty dollars and that's one of the things that I found with the banana pies maybe maybe the reason that there's so many more banana pies around right now is because they've always been about twice the cost as the raspberry pies so anyways uh so that cost gets up there again is it something they can use yes but that gets a little pricey uh we go over to the Jetson boards uh so the Jetson boards are cool so the Jetson boards are from Nvidia and basically these are for AR related tasks so the Jets and Nano uh they have a developer kit this is one that you've probably seen uh and it looks a lot like the Raspberry Pi uh four again if you click on this thing uh you can see you've got the network you've got the USB you've got all the inputs and outputs um the performance on the the the the the Jetsons uh is is just redonkulous right that that's a that's a full-fledged little computer on there but it's optimized it's optimized to do AI tasks so again things like Machine Vision so on device Machine Vision not not my version of Machine Vision not like hey look opencv Works sort of I mean a lot of you really need Machine Vision to work uh so again think about this as like high performance things like surveillance cameras uh if you want to be able to track you know everybody's um driver uh license plate number uh if you want to be able to tie this in for like logo recognitions for for being able to track every make and model of car that drives by and possibly they're driving by like 60 miles per hour that's one of the things that the Jets and Nano uh will probably be pretty good at but again if you go and you take a look at the Jetson Nano you're looking at about 150 dollars for these damn things uh and that's kind of like the stock standard price uh depending on which version you get they go all the way up to about two hundred dollars so again you're looking at you know 55 55 60 maybe 80 for Raspberry Pi 4 or up to Raspberry Pi five uh versus uh 150 to 200 uh out of the gate so again that's why the Nvidia uh Jetsons the Nanos are pretty expensive uh past that then we hear about the nukes right well Eli Eli get a real computer get a real camera oh how are you playing with these uh these toys get a nuke the nukes are awesome nukes are awesome unfortunately Intel stopped making the nukes uh they're called Next unit computers uh they're around for like 10 years um one of my viewers uh up in the Yukon Territory actually owns a managed service brighter company he started using nukes actually as full-fledged servers because again the power of these devices you know has gotten better and better and better over the years the resources um and the fact of the matter is active directory is kind of active directory right you know if you think about active directory back with uh Windows Server 2000 when active directory came out for the Microsoft World um you know it was active directory you got your group policies you got all that kind of stuff and you need a big ass server here's the thing it's 23 years later active directory is kind of sort of active directory yeah there are improvements or whatever but it's not like it needs a hell of a lot more resources than it did need 23 years ago so the interesting thing is it basically if you if you have a product that basically requires the same resources as it needed 23 years ago all of a sudden instead of being a server this big you can now get down to a server the size of a nuke so nukes are great basically you buy them uh generally depending on what version you buy um it'll have the process the processor is already built into it Wi-Fi is built into a Network's built into it that kind of thing you add the RAM and then you add the storage so you can decide which of that you need uh and they're great they're they're wonderful uh but one of the things I'll have you notice here is that they do not have gpio pens right so the general purpose input output pin uh pins in order to connect different things be able to create robots like I plan to do um that is just something that is not available with these news these nukes are basically really really really really really really small desktop computers they're great for what they are but they are what they are and again what's interesting now is like some of these nukes you can get down 139 dollars uh I don't know let's take a look at this new egg um New Egg so like this particular nuke next unit Computing if we go down we take a look at the specifications gonna sell around processor in it got some it got it has a little bit of Graphics in there uh shows you it'll take ddr4 ram and so basically uh that's what you'd be getting for 139 so you add the storage you add the ram so that'll take it up to about 200 and you get something that might be decent for you again for a server it can be active directory something like that important thing to understand about the nukes again when everybody's like Nuke do realize these are uh x86 or I guess x64 processors so Raspberry Pi's are arm processors nukes are the Intel processors and so the good thing with them again if you're going to be running any kind of Windows or Microsoft type Services a nukes might be a great way to go but again it doesn't have the stuff that I need it doesn't have the stuff so I need so that's why we're not going to do nukes and then finally if you take a look at it it's like well again people are thinking about things like uh oh pie holes or whatever else honestly if I just want to deploy a pie hole I would go to my new favorite place called backmarket.com and I would just pick up a crappy ass Mac Mini from 2012. literally for 71 dollars done and I would turn this damn thing into a pie hole so any of the Intel Max you can actually install Ubuntu onto them so again for the lab computers at silicon dojo we actually have 2012 MacBook Pros um and I just simply install Ubuntu onto them um I don't use bootcamp or any of that you you hit option as option yeah you hit option when you boot it gives you a boot menu you boot into the thumb drive you wipe the hard drive if you install Ubuntu and then you have a you have a modern operating system on pretty good Hardware that I bought for about 130 dollars a pop that that works for me right and so that's the thing like again if you're if you're thinking about deploying basic server Services uh file servers DNS servers dacp service pie hole servers some kind of security type thing and basically you need yeah you need an adequately powered little box but you know again you don't need great graphics or any of that kind of stuff um I would definitely say uh go for the Mac Mini but again the thing with the Mac Mini is the Mac Mini is actually pretty big I mean they're you know they're they're a decent size uh weights 43 ounces so the weight would be you know almost three pounds for one of these things it has its power requirements again it also it does not have the gpio pens uh and so it is good for what it is and again I actually use back Market quite a bit at this point in time but it is what it is what it is and so for me again I may not I may not like uh the supply chain issues we have previously had um I actually understand why they would provision for their corporate clients or the hobbyist clients even if I'm the one that got screwed on that uh you know it's tedious it's annoying but as you look at it going in the future and you look at what Raspberry Pi is trying to do they have been increasing um they have been increasing their production uh very significantly over the past couple of years have been producing as much as possible uh we're coming out of the supply a lot of the supply chain issues um and with the supply chain issues I think a lot of the big issues with Raspberry Pi it wasn't even a supply chain it was hoarding you know it was a whole thing if people were worried about getting Raspberry Pi so they started buying more raspberry pies and then instead of if you instead of buying one raspberry pie if you buy 10 raspberry pies and then a thousand people buy 10 raspberry pies all of a sudden there were enough raspberry pies for everybody to go around until everybody started hoarding and then once people start hoarding then the scalpers get involved and everything kind of goes to hell so I think coming out of supply chain issues and a lot of the idiocy that went that came with covid um you know I I'm not too worried about these going into the future now being able to get at least as many as I'm going to need uh the power on them again they're supposed to be twice twice as powerful as a Raspberry Pi fours uh from all of the reviews out there uh that seems to be a very good thing again I've got the gpio pens all of that kind of stuff so the Raspberry Pi five for my situation makes the most sense and to be clear I've got a lot of computers lying around I've got so many computers lying around right for for robots I'll use the Raspberry Pi uh four or five or right now four but I'll get through five um for surveillance devices these are awesome you wanna you wanna attract people without them knowing you're tracking them a little little ten dollar computers is just beautiful it is amazing what you can do with a full Bluetooth stack you don't even think about uh but anyway that's right if I want to track people I'll use my little ten dollar computer uh if I want my students to be be doing code and doing opencv and that kind of stuff they'll use their MacBook Pros again if I need to create a server or somebody buy Mac Mini or a nuke or something like that every every product has its use case and that's what you need to think about the these these dumb ass arguments these these stupid arguments and again don't don't because just don't just I know people getting right with this whole idea of oh just use a nuke again I got so many of those comments well if it's so hard to get the raspberry pies just use a nuke it's like what okay I'm trying to build robots I'm trying to build low power robots explain to me how the nuke is going to solve my problem is the nuke going to solve my problem or you do you just know the word nuke and so you're flapping your gums we know the answer right so something to be thinking about and again like I say if you uh if you're a help desk employer if you if you are a on the help desk right now this is something that I want you to think about it's so I think one of the big problems we run into right now in the modern world people are so used to being ignored they're so used to their words not mattering and so they will say whatever stupid crap comes out of their own ass because it doesn't matter right again in their minds it doesn't matter they're not a decision maker they're not an authority figure nobody gives a damn what the hell they have to say anyway and the issue you run into though is when you spout off like that is that decision makers actually have to make decisions right if your company has to buy a thousand widgets do we buy a thousand of these Widgets or do we buy a thousand of those widgets there's this whole decision making process and Xavier I helped ask employee or whatever else just just flapping their gums all the damn time right nobody nobody's going to take them seriously nobody is going to care because they have real decisions to make right if you start if you start thinking that people are going to listen to what you are actually saying and take that advice that is going to be a significant step for your career again I may I may be snarky I may be snarky and I may be mean one of the reasons I do this is because people listen all right I have people flying in to have a conversation with me not a lie again a few days ago I had somebody fly in from Connecticut literally they flew in at 11 o'clock in the morning so they could have a meeting with me at two o'clock they stuck around for some beer that night and flew the hell out imagine that imagine if you were in a position where people would literally fly to your location for your advice would you flap your gum so quickly again next Tuesday next Tuesdays I have somebody coming up from Florida a couple of weeks ago and somebody come in from Raleigh and another person coming from Maryland like litter don't ask me again don't don't to be clear this isn't arrogance don't I would tell you not to do it I have no idea what the value proposition is but apparently you folks think it's a bee's knees right anyways you know and so and so when I have people again whether they're watching these videos or again interacting with the real world or interacting with executives the advice that I give matters it's not important that I say words it's important that I provide the best advice for their particular situation so that they can they can come to the best decision and what you find is if you give good you know relatively unbiased advice like you're gonna have biases like I prefer Mac over Windows right that's one of my biases right but it's going to be you're gonna have that kind of bias but if it's not if it's not a personal bias like again this weird right if you give people good advice that that is where you become important right people people want to be important I want to be important and so they flap their gums all the time right again it's that weird thing right people read these books you read these books about some famous person and they kind of get it convoluted in their minds about how this stuff works they want to be important and important people talk a lot so therefore they will talk a lot oh my God it's not how it works jackets right that's not the thing I am important how many people do oops how many people do you see nowadays that feel that they are I am important and so just talk and talk and talk and they say the stupidest stupidish because it because that's the thing the important thing isn't is um giving advice the important thing isn't imparting wisdom the important thing is talking and what you find in the real world right it is not about talking it's about imparting advice it's about it's about explaining why you think your solution is the best option in this particular situation and you use as few Awards as possible again remember people have a lot of crap to do in the world right they're they're out there they're doing a lot of stuff they don't have a lot of time they don't have a lot of energy they don't want to hear you talk they want a solution so you provide a U.S simply and concisely as possible explaining why your solution is the best for their particular situation and then you get up and you walk the hell away you should walk away they're not mean like just there you go if you need any more advice let me know and then they go and they talk with a few other people and the other people are just flapping their gum saying whatever stupid comes out of them they're they're and their a-holes and they're like wow well that that person actually gave me good advice and they do that advice and it works pretty well for them and so then they come back to you and then they tell their buddy about this person that gave good advice none of those people tell people that you gave them good advice and all of a sudden people are lying to see you from Connecticut I guess all right but that's the thing you become important by being important you become valuable by being valuable right people want to be valuable but they don't want to do basically be of value that's the thing like I I am valuable but they don't want to be of value like again I don't really understand how that works I have no idea how success comes from that but apparently I'm a boomer for some reason so that's why I don't understand so anyways there we go there are some long-winded pontificating about why I will be using the raspberry pi 5. I think it's going to be good uh again I'm very excited for it I see they've got the battery they got they've got they've got the batteries for their real-time clocks very excited about that one ah powered real-time clock on a Raspberry Pi so anyways so what do you think what do you think what do you think about people just flapping their gums just to flap their gums what do you think about the people that want to be valuable but they do not want to be of value and what do you think about the raspberry pies and the nukes and the Mac minis again did you know you can buy a Mac Mini again again like I love the Raspberry Pi I love the Raspberry Pi but again depending on your situation look at this 81 bucks 81 bucks you get four gigs of RAM uh it's got a 500 gigs hard drive but I'm pretty sure you could swap that out for a solid state drive you get an i5 Pro 2.5 gigahertz i5 processor for 70. for seventy dollars you get that thing again if you want to create a cluster or cluster or a database cluster for whatever reason that is just that just rocks what do you think about that do you know about back Market I don't know put your thoughts down below uh if you like this video uh do make sure to give us a thumbs up apparently I've been I've been told by the YouTube gods that part of the recommendation algorithm really is based off of Thumbs Up and comments so how about we just thumb up if you want to leave a good comment leave a good comment give us some thumbs up I don't know leave us some comments share this or whatever else um and with that I've actually got to go and do some work see y'all later
Channel: The Daily Blob
Views: 47,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eli, the, computer, guy
Id: CbOd2L34Fl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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