Raspberry Pi 5 w/ Home Assistant - Worth the Upgrade?

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well if you've been around the home automation world you probably know exactly what this is but maybe not this exact model you can see there it's the Raspberry Pi five yeah we've played around with the three the four even the zeros doing all the home automation things with home assistant so is it worth it to get the Raspberry Pi 5 for home assistant if you want to skip on past the hardware you can go see some of the chapters where we do some comparisons on timing between the Raspberry Pi 4 and five down below but if you want to hang around for the hardware yeah they've done a few things different is they've actually had this heat sink now even though there is also an additional case which I will put on here in a second I did notice that they've done this ethernet chip at a little 45° angle um this crazy power supply over here because of the amount of power this thing pulled pools and well everything else is pretty much kind of the same I mean USBC two hdmis got these two headers here you got another one here I haven't really used these myself I think they're like for screens cameras Etc this is also that Poe hat that was crazy expensive for the four it was much cheaper just to do a eithernet splitter yourself I believe it's the same WiFi and Bluetooth chip underneath there and your same GPI o header that many love to use and add different things now you get your ethernet on the side here USB 3.0 for the blue or maybe it's higher I'll have to check the specs but I always just refer to those as USB 3 and then the slower USB 2 nothing else crazy different on the back you've got your same little micro SD card that goes on the back here I have not experimented with this one for doing any type of other like nvme or SSD Etc I just use this for small projects and the micr SD is perfectly fine um if I want to go to something bigger I'll probably go to a bigger um little like n95 or something like that that has nvme and x86 so with that said I want to put this case on because yeah I want to put home assistant they have come out with the home assistant hos for Raspberry Pi 5 there is a image for this now that is a rc1 release candidate and it does seem to work well so the case here has this built-in little fan that we're going to plug in to the unit itself yeah because this thing does get rather warm when you continue to add performance well you're going to continue to add heat now you need to dump that heat off off so we've got a little heat sink there to add on top of here and got some other pads oh that's for the feet of here you want to do this OG you can put those stickers on there perfect like look I did one you can put those in there so we'll pop this heat sink on here like so I'm guessing they don't need a heat sink for the other the io chip or the ram I've seen some little kits that put heat sinks on basically on top of everything but this fan should keep it pretty cool so I'm assuming probably the best thing to be would leave this top off is you want the fan to be able to cool the thing off and as soon as OG gets done with the stickers we will put this all together I need to pop in the fan OG is patiently waiting for me so we can play some Halo on the OG Xbox so many ogs right probably just pops together and holds it yeah if you pop that together not sure oh it has a little bit of air there's a little bit of a gap that in between here if you can see that so I don't know we'll leave the case on top and see what it does and see if it overheats or anything like that so you can still get to the micro SD card now they have a different power supply I do recommend getting the power supply that you know is designed exactly for it but the specs of this one and I got this kit with the case the board which is 4 gig and the power supply shipped for about 95 us so yeah I can get pricey compared to remember this being a $25 Raspberry Pi thing but I guess inflation hit us a little bit so let's look at the specs so looks like this time around we've got a 27 watt power supply there's multiple voltages there so I'm assuming that's USB power delivery and it adjusts the voltage and amperage based on what it needs to pull down so we're going to go throw home assistant on our new little box here with the micro SD card just going to use eter like the normally would and grab the image off of the home assistant website and plug it in and go so one thing I did want to do was just fire up home assistant and yeah the best Benchmark for really crunching the CPU is compiling some esp32 bins in ESP home yeah if you've been there you know why it can take some time especially even though Raspberry Pi 3 users we're compiling an ESP 32 and ESP home it's the Raspberry Pi five looks like we're pulling about eight Watts maybe just a little bit over I hear that fan trying to make sure and keep the CPU cool so ESP home is compiling an esp32 on the Raspberry Pi 4 looks like we're using about five Watts at most so and this I did make sure that the fan is not on on this really don't need a fan on that it has that heat sink and everything so little bit lower wattage but probably a lot slower now I was surprised to see both the Raspberry Pi 4 Raspberry Pi 5 both at idle in home assistant with them on boarded just kind of stock dashboard just sitting there kind of doing nothing they both used like three Watts I didn't really expect that now of course you saw there in the video when compiling the ESP 32 that you know the Raspberry Pi 5 really used a lot more power but you're going to see why let's jump in and look at it home assistant everybody should know this is the Raspberry Pi five I did name them to keep my sanity because it looks the same in every Tab and I've got like three home assistants running so if we go over here to make sure and we do a clean build files that way it cleans out the cache and we force it to do a full recompile it's already got all the little components and already you can see the difference here now I'm not going to make you sit through this I'll just cut to the end so we're looking at right there if you can't see it because you're on mobile about 47 seconds to compile a full ESP 32 and a Raspberry Pi 5 not too bad so let's jump on over to the Raspberry Pi 4 build the same exact thing we'll make sure and do clean build files again it's going to be about the same right there but I just wanted to kind of pause and you can kind of see where it starts to do the build like on the other one and yeah you can tell it's already going to take a little bit longer on the Raspberry Pi 4 so uh yeah let's skip to the end and see how long this one was 139 well we round up 140 seconds so 140 seconds versus 47 seconds that's a pretty good performance increase for going to the Raspberry Pi 5 and that's going to go and show you a good you know number crunching thing you know it may not be apply to everything but compiling code and Bin files and stuff in ESP home definitely any type of system maxes out all the threads the cores everything like a 100% so that's a really good Benchmark so pretty damn impressive that it's not using three times the power but yet you're getting like three times the performance on this damn thing now going around and using the whole thing I mean it's not going to be like this totally impressive difference in the system I mean I guess you do get the different pictures when you come over here and go to see the different boards but you know like say if we want to install an add-on I'm not sure why my text rolls off like that maybe someone can answer in the comments it seems to do it on both of them doesn't do it on my production system and I haven't done anything different this is just the hos build straight from their website so say if I want to install one of the favorites mqtt come and hit install this is the raspberry Pi five it's going of course download things you're not going to see like massive increases there I am using the same SD cards between the two so we hit start let's go try the same thing you're probably not going to see a big difference between either of them taking a little bit longer to start than I would expect but there it is and we'll come over here add-ons add-on store we'll go to mqtt we'll hit install this one is the Raspberry Pi 4 again so it should be just a little bit slower on the whole download and the install and everything for the mqtt and I'm trying to drag on because I don't want to edit this out I want to show the exact kind of get you the feel for the time to install some of this stuff between like hey does it feel really faster between the four the five or not so it installed I'm going to hit start of course I'm not timing this if you really wanted to time it I guess if you could roll back the video and see how long it took to install the add-on and then start the add-on for mqtt kind of feels just a little bit faster on the five not by much for doing some of your typical things so of course the five still has Bluetooth you're going to pick up this is some of those little $5 or probably with inflation they've gone up to $15 now but those little displays that with the temperature and humidity those are Bluetooth with BT home on them so it does pick those up automatically it's picking up all my Google speakers and stuff it's just going to work the same like you always know for a home assistant to work on Hos so that leads down to should you buy the Raspberry Pi 5 um ask yourself do you need to save about 3 to four watts of power if it makes that big of a difference then go ahead otherwise I'm going to say skip the Raspberry Pi 5 for the home assistant users go check out some of the like n95 computers I know belink has gone up in price recently and I've recommended them in the past I think a few others have as well but keep an eye around like Amazon I'll leave all the links down below if you want to check those out of course check out AliExpress others you can get those little n95 mini PC Nooks things I just saw one that was on sale a coupon for like10 bucks and it was 256 gig storage not you know whatever SD card you have to buy to put in this Raspberry Pi 5 and it also came with 8 gig of RAM it's 1095 still a massive increase over the performance of the Raspberry Pi 5 plus you get x86 you can change the storage it's mvme is going to be a lot faster in what it only costs maybe like another 20 or 30 bucks and I didn't even count the cost of the micro SD card so that may have put me back another $10 so that would probably put me within1 or $15 of the Raspberry Pi 5 and a full-blown n95 computer and those run around seven maybe eight Watts at most at idle which is right around in this realm I mean really you're under 10 watts for idle at the goey of Home assistant and it does a lot better so I do appreciate that they are you know making things quicker and stuff for these mini computers and single board computers but um yeah it's just things have gotten so much cheaper on the x86 side especially if you really want to dig into is some of the small form factors the sffs or even the usff ultra small form factors you can find some refurbs for even less than $100 out there and just it blows the performance out of a Raspberry Pi and you know you got more storage options to boot so that about do it for this one appreciate you watching thanks to all the YouTube members and the patreon subscribers definitely couldn't do it without you and yep you know all the drill press all them buttons and y'all take care
Channel: digiblurDIY
Views: 32,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digiblur, digiblurDIY, home automation, hass.io, hassos, tasmota, esp32, esp8266, esphome, diy, smart home, cameras, zigbee, wifi, haos, rpi5, raspberry5 faster, home assistant raspberry pi5
Id: kaVND-M9pkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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