Raspberry Pi 5 - Performance, Thermals, and Overclocking

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hello there my name is Gary Sims and this is Gary explain so I've been playing around with my Raspberry Pi 5 to see what kind of performance it gives you compared to the Raspberry Pi 4 I've also been looking at The Thermals do you need active cooling is passive cooling okay cuz obviously now we're running at 2.4 GHz so there's a bit more heat being produced and I've also looked at some of the overclocking possibilities can you crank up that clock speed and will it remain stable so I've written it all down I've got it all ready to tell you all about it and if you'd like to find out more please let me explain okay so let's dive in So today we're going to look at the pi five the performance The Thermals and the overclocking now hopefully you've had a chance to look at my pi5 launch video that goes into lots of about the specification what changed what's new uh the new Uh custom built chip by Raspberry Pi for example uh but let's go for a quick over overview in case you haven't seen that video so really really quick Lightning Fast much better to watch the other video but you've got two to three times the CPU performance cuz now we've got the cortex a76 which is three microarchitectural generations beyond the cortex a72 that was in the Raspberry Pi 4 and so the combination of the new core higher clock speeds we're now at 2.4 GHz up from 1.5 GHz the smaller process node makes the Raspberry Pi 5 faster and more efficient and also the new GPU has been developed there in Cambridge it offers twice the GPU performance and now you've got extra IO capabilities most importantly there's also PCI Express which will mean that M2 ssds become a possibility and there are various accessories we're still waiting for from Raspberry Pi for how you can connect things to PCI how you can have an an M2 SSD hat and so on but that's what the basic overview is now because we've gone up to that 2.4 GHz there are now some active cooling options available first of all if you're just buying a case then it comes with a fan which is just brilliant so you can just get the case which always makes Raspberry Pi looks much nicer and you also get that fan built into it if you want your board just as a board there is this other active cooling uh solution which it just Clips in here into the board now we're going to be talking about whether you need active Cooling in this very video and quickly just to mention the price is $60 for the 4 GB version $80 for the 8 GB version the case with the fan is $10 which I think is a very good price and the active cooling fan even better $7 so actually if you're spending $60 or $80 adding on $7 to $10 for the cooling is not too much of a bad problem as I said that case does look really nice uh and of course it's even got a little onoff button on it as well and don't forget of course Euro and British pound prices will differ of course it does differ also where you buy your p from always use always use authorized resellers it's the best way to get hold of your Raspberry Pi stuff okay so let's jump into performance how quick is it really so I've got my thread test tool the source code is available on my GitHub repository which does a basically a prime number searching uh and sees the kind of performance you get so here we've got the Raspberry Pi 4 64 bits shorter is better single threaded core it takes 0.7 seconds to finish that run 0.517 seconds for the Raspberry Pi 5 so there you go you can see instantly there a great Improvement uh compared to the Rock 5B which of course got an octacore processor in it which shouldn't be so much for the single thre and it isn't because it's 0.54 so slightly slower and I've also included here the Surface Pro X that's Microsoft's windows on arm laptop I've got a review of it here on this channel because it also uses the cortex a76 CPU uh but of course it's got some other tweaks to do with caching and clock speed and so on in fact the uh the Microsoft version of the the CPU is actually even faster I think up to 3 GHz if memory serves me right it was a couple years ago when I did the review but as you can see 0.44 seconds what does it mean for multi-threading well 3.1 for the RAS 4 1.94 so a big difference there for the pi 4 to the pi 5 The Rock 5B of course would be even better it's got it octacore setup uh and for the Surface Pro X round about the same speed as the raspberry Pine I 5 and also the memory subsystem has been improved on the pi 4 you've got faster memory and of course the ctis a76 is better at prefetching and its caching and so on but what does that mean in terms of The Thermals what does that mean with all the those High clock speeds what are it's going to be the heatless generat I've done some testing I've got four different types of scenario here for us to look at the first of always no cooling whatsoever just the board not in the case sitting on the top of the desk okay now if you run a single threaded workload for about about 3 or 4 minutes it brings it close to 80° now why 80° 80° is this number where the P will start to throttle so this is using the internal temperature sensor built into the P once the CPU gets to that level it will start to throttle now if you run a single threaded workload 100% for 3 or 4 minutes it just about reaches it but doesn't do it if you run one longer so 5 6 7 8 9 minutes then the pie will start to throttle how much is the throttling well 10 10% on on a a single threaded workload so a single threaded workload will reduce the uh efficiency by about 10% the the performance by about 10% on a multi workload the temperature will spike in less than a minute so you're running all four calls 100% then it very quickly gets to 80% and the performance dip is around 50% so if you are doing heavy stuff um with your Pi where all four cores are going to be running at top speed you're going to see a very significant drop in performance very quickly now you can also put on a passive heat sink kind of just sticks on there okay and that does help but not very much so here's another test for example using Firefox to watch a 1080p YouTube video that will cause the pi five to throttle in about four or five minutes now what's the difference here first of all it's now using the GPU for the video decoding it's also using the CPU for doing some of that since the CPU is running at about 35 5% over all four cores the throttling doesn't actually affect the CPU that much cuz it's never running at 100% so I wasn't able to see and actually didn't see very many dropped frames I even put the statistics for nerds up on YouTube there weren't very many drop frames however the temperature did go up and the throttling flag was set inside of uh the processor if you're compiling for example if you're compiling a very large project and I tried this then once you're compiling you using multiple jobs running at once so you get all four cores running uh compiling things then you will get a dip in performance and I found that dip to be about 20% so there's a real case if you're compiling something like the Linux kernel for example then you will see a 20% dip in compiling speed if you don't have uh if you only just have a passive heing you don't have any active cooling now the Raspberry Pi 5 comes with a case and that has a fan built into it now you can have a lid on top of that and you can either have the lid on or the lid off this with the lid off now if you have the lid off this fixes absolutely everything the P fans are actively managed by the Raspberry Pi firmware at 60° the fans will be turned on at 67.5 de the fans speed will go up and finally at 75° the fans will run at full speed when the temperature drops below any of those thresholds the fan also starts to spin down and eventually will stop if that is the conditions if you have the lid off then really you're never even going to get to 65 de so using a heavy multi-threaded workload again like I did earlier on but now with the fan running then it it doesn't even get to 65° it stays at 65° no throttling whatsoever you certainly don't get the highest fan speeds it just it's brilliant it's just all you need is that $10 case and it fixes all of your throttling problems if you leave that lid off now if you put the lid on then the air flow is less because there's a lid it has to kind of suck it in through the side gaps there through the grills in the bottom uh and so a heavy multi-threaded workload will Peak at around 75 degrees that means you don't get any throttling still no more throttling so again the case on with the lid on you don't have a throttling problem but the fans will be running louder and they will be running uh at full speed watching h264 video using VLC streamed over WiFi from a local server Peaks at 68° meaning the fans are running always sometimes they go over that 65° so it runs it runs a bit faster and it goes down again goes up to 68 runs like that so the fan run a bit higher but again no throttling so now it becomes a question on you know how much fan noise or it's not really very noise they're quite quiet but even so how much fan noise can you can you cope with and finally let's look at overclocking you can change the clock frequency on the Raspberry Pi you can play with it so it starts at 2.4 GHz and I've been playing with this and so I overclocked it to 2.6 GHz uh and I was able to run I all this I run all the CES at full load to make sure that it doesn't crash and it runs okay and I it stays at 76 degrees with the lid on so again no throttling happens there but the fans are running at full speed and then I actually finally managed to get to 2.9 GHz under constant load 75° with a lid off I was running all four calls 100 per speed and I was watching a YouTube video in 1080P it was absolutely stable and worked brilliantly drawing 2.1 amps so that's BR I did try at 3 GHz and I started to get some ear uh problems some artifacts started to appear on the screen uh Firefox would Crash from time to time so there you go for me 2.9 GHz was working just great what does that mean in terms of performance well if you look at my thread test tool here's that five 0.517 1.94 if you up the clock speed by 20% Which is what we're doing then you get a 24% boost in the single thread uh score and a 19% boost in the uh multi thread score so if you don't mind those fans running and if you need that extra boost in performance then you can certainly overclock your Raspberry Pi 5 okay so there you have it the Raspberry Pi 5 the performance The Thermals and the overclocking I'd love to hear what you think about it in the comments below are you going to get a Raspberry Pi 5 and if you do will you get active cooling okay that's it I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Gary Explains
Views: 21,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Explains, Tech, Explanation, Tutorial, Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 5, Pi 5, Performance, Cortex-A76, Arm, Arm Cortex-A76, Thermal budget, Cooling, Active Cooling, Fan, Raspberry Pi Case, Overclocking, 2.4Ghz, 2.9GHz
Id: -tFxJfw1I60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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