πŸ’– Text To Speech πŸ’– ASMR Cake Storytime || @Amara Chehade @Briana Mizura || POVs Tiktok Part #86

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soulmate wants to eat what does this mean mom this is the activity that your Swami wants to do at the moment but you have to give him permission first oh I get it of course I'm gonna allow it he has to eat something right of course he does honey but if he asks permission for something strange don't accept okay Mom you don't have to worry about your future son-in-law my soulmate goes to school that means he's more or less my age do you think he goes to the same school as me I can't wait to find him hi guys I'm controlling my soulmate's activities whoa cool what did he do today he asked for permission to eat and go to school what did he just ask permission for Amara uh nothing I just looked up are you sure about that didn't you ask for anything nothing came up next time tell us okay does that mean my soul Mr Criminal because he wants to kidnap someone I heard your soulmates misbehaving no Mom it's not like that anyways I refused it if he continues I won't let you have a soulmate don't be like that Mom I don't want to be single forever so prove to me that he's not a bad guy huh he wants to buy a lipstick that must mean that he has a girlfriend now that I've rejected it I'm starting to think that lipstick was for me that means he wants to meet me I have to side in my room so he doesn't think that I'm messy it's a good thing my mom's out of the house this is my only chance to meet him honey who are you waiting for Mom didn't she tell me that you were going out mom didn't you tell me you were going out do not open that door I'll go and open it myself wait this is my chance Amara there's no one here thank God he escaped on time my soulmate wants to Sue I mean that's a good thing because my clothes are always torn for some reason that means he's perfect to be my future husband hey Amara why your so men's activities why does my soulmate always ask me to kidnap someone it's better you just leave it and don't think negative but he wants to commit a crime that's very serious oh he asked to go to an orphanage he definitely wants to do charity oh I'm so jealous of you you seem to have a nice soul mate my soulmate wants to go to a doll shop there's only one doll shop in town right because my Thomas activities were weird from earlier I'm gonna go there to meet him to see what he's really like it's 10 p.m do you think the door Shop is open I suggest you don't go there the doll shop has been quiet for a very long time what do you mean just trust me okay I'm at the door shop I think it's still open I have to open the door in the count of three two one is there anything I can help you with knowing people's age annoying people's name usually it's easier to know people's name and people lie about the age all the time so I choose age morning Mom Happy Birthday whoa you remember my birthday I'm surprised how old are you gonna be Mom you forgot what no you're gonna be 40 years old thank you for remembering here have some pocket money thanks Mom hey um how are you I'm okay just a bit stressed wait you're 19 years old how is that even possible we're all 17 in class did you forget they had to retake the same class twice because of my grades oh yeah true I totally forgot sorry if I hurt your feelings good morning children please welcome our new student whoa It's a girl I really want her to join our group don't you but wait a minute if she's not 17 I don't want her in that group you two just calm down I can tell if she's 17 or not really hello everyone my name is Tasha hey do you want to join our group are you sure you want to ask her that guys but we still don't know if she's older than us or if she's younger than us then hurry up and check um why isn't hot 8 showing up sorry guys but I can't see her age oh great but that's so strange no what's strange is how all the boys are crushing on her I mean she's really pretty but I still don't understand how I can't see her age oh yes I remember reading in a book that if you're struggling to see someone's true age you just have to knock them out knock them out do you want me to get kicked out of school but if I don't hit her I'll never know her real age all right fine I'll slap Tasha good now where is she we need to find her I think she might be surrounded by all the guys as usual let's look for her in the hall hey what are you two doing here yes what are you doing here don't get close to Tasha guys relax I'm her classmate I just wanted to ask her about the task we got in class oh okay just a moment I heard you were looking for me finally hurry up because we don't have much time Amara do it now Amara do it now come on come on hey how do you slap Tasha like that yes how dare you we're gonna make you regret this come with us wait you can't Snapchat again do you understand why do you care about her so much because she's pretty she only like her because she's pretty you guys are crazy so what happened I tried slapping Tasha but nothing happened we need to come up with a different plan uh where are you going nowhere I was just since you have nothing to do help me clean my desk I think the teacher knows my plan he's trying to distract me to not find out Tasha's age if you don't do it I'll reduce it no sir please if you reduce my grades I won't be able to complete the next semester that's right so start cleaning now fine Amara how come you're Keenan the teachers he said he'd reduce my grades if I didn't oh anyway I found out another way to know Tasha's age you have to make her eat an apple apparently it helps to see how old she really is all right thank you so much for letting me know mom I'm home honey there's a friend of yours waiting in the living room hurry up she's been waiting for a long time wait are you sure it's a friend of mine I mean no I've never seen her before but she's very funny and cute funny and cute yeah she's really pretty too we had nothing in the fridge so I gave her an apple to eat all right let me go see who it is um this is really delicious where did you get this apple Tasha did you just eat the apple yeah why yes it's time to appear I wonder what number it will stop out yes it's time to appear I wonder what age it will stop at I'm gonna find out how old you are really soon I'm 17 years old just like you oh yeah but I don't believe you don't worry your age will soon appear it stopped at 17. yes that's my age see hello everyone quickly open the door Mara why don't we just break in good idea three two one why would you just break my door like that hello everybody gods don't worry about me I'm doing okay don't hurt why did you come all the way here for we want to pick up Tasha because we thought she was in trouble yeah we were so scared and ran here immediately you guys just calm down I'm doing fine in fact I'm really happy because a couple of minutes ago I had the most delicious apple of my life I'm pretty sure she's not actually 17 years old this is not her real age how do you feel have you managed to see her age yet I did it says she's 17. but I can't believe it I think there might be an error in the system someone's calling me with an unknown number who could it be just pick up hello Amara let's have dinner tonight who is this oh my gosh you don't recognize my voice the age is not appearing you must be Tasha right yes I'll send you the full address later okay don't forget to come okay I wonder what she's up to is this her house whoa It's really big no wonder she's spoiled hey Amara come in what room is that why is the shape strange oh that's where I uh have my clothes you have a whole room for clothes let me see no we're still um renovating it okay let's go get food I'm starting to get hungry yeah sure but um before we eat I just need to quickly go to the toilet okay now that she's gone I'm gonna quickly explore this room three two one Tasha oh it's Tasha's friend please feel free to come in I'm Tasha Hello nice to meet you why do you look so young oh stop it you're so kind you're 20 years old how that's impossible isn't Tasha 17. actually Tasha is how this is impossible is Natasha 17 actually Tasha is Mom what are you talking about nothing I was just saying hi to your friend what are you doing here I was just lost I couldn't find a toilet you should have told me I would have helped you I have to change the subject yeah true could you please show me where it is yeah come with me finally thank you for showing me where your toilet was that's fine here have some snacks what only this I thought we were gonna eat an expensive meal because you know you're rich just be thankful I gave you something I can't believe I still haven't found out how old she is how difficult could it be what's wrong huh where did you get that book from Mom it was delivered by the postman how come it doesn't have a sender's name this book is mine anyways thanks for picking it up where's Tasha Today class Tasha didn't come to school today because she's sick but yesterday she was feeling fine sir she showed me a letter from the doctor so I believe her I have to go to her house again after school hello excuse me I'm here to visit Tasha uh Amara yes can I come in um I don't know I mean Tasha's really sick I don't think she wants to see anything well I brought her soup can I at least come in and give it to her yeah sure where are you oh there you are Amara what are you doing here you're not supposed to be here Mom did you let her in yes she said she brought you suit wait this whole time it turns out it turns out you're 19 years old I'm so embarrassed I'm never going to school again who even are you well are you gonna tell her the truth or should I mom please basically our family made this potion to make us look younger but since you slapped her yesterday the person isn't working on her anymore and now she can never be young again foreign no I didn't see any money on the table don't lie it was right there in front of you you only have eight years eight years left but why is that upside down it's just an error but you have to remember you can't lie because every time you lie you lose one year of your life and you only have eight years left what's wrong sis why are you crying I only have two years left how many years did you have before it was on three years and it went down to are you the one who took mom's money what no I didn't even see mom's money wait they took one year of my life again well if it was reduced again it means you're lying you did take Mom's money if you lie again you die so I'd be careful if I was you Amaro we have to break up why because you only have eight years left and I want to be with someone I can spend the rest of my life with fine it's your loss anyway Amara did you know Jake stay in Sarah now he moved on that fast with my best friend you're not lying to me are you if I was lying you'd be able to see it because one year of my life I don't care anyway class this time make sure you don't cheat on the exam what happens if we cheat sir you'll lose that on one year of your life because GN is the same as lion don't worry say I still have a lot of life left unlike Amara why are you even involving me in your conversation no wonder Jake cheered on her she only has eight years left oh yeah Amara because you have eight years left you have to withdraw your position as class president but sir eight years is a long time no it's not eight years is not enough to be class president sorry I can't believe this I don't even have any friends anymore oh so you're Amara right huh how comes you know my name I met a girl named Sarah earlier she said you don't have any friends at the school they don't want to be friends with me because I have eight years left see I told you I wasn't lying she only has eight years left who said she had eight years left how what do you mean of course it's an a can you see the numbers clearly shown above our head okay tell her to lie about something okay tell her to lie about something okay I'll try to lie about something if my number is reduced to seven that means my number was eight before yeah now hurry up and lie Alex is my boyfriend did you just say I'm your boyfriend I know you're lying again Alex isn't your boyfriend he's my future boyfriend why didn't her number change maybe Alex really is her boyfriend why didn't my number change even though I lied it's still on eight I already told you Amara it isn't an eight that number you have above your head is infinity infinity so you mean my lifespan is unlimited right so no matter how many times you lie you won't ever lose out on years of your life does that mean I can lie as much as I want yeah but I'm just wondering out of all lies no reason I have to go bye Amara I'm sorry about yesterday will you forgive me oh it's okay I'm not angry hey I made a special drink for you as an apology oh thank you why do I feel dizzy huh why is my remaining time loading what happens you drunk from Sarah's drink didn't you yes I did Alex Sarah's trying to take away your remaining life what I only have one day left that means I'm gonna die tomorrow what am I gonna do now don't give up you can still take back the rest of your life really I can how before your remaining life was reduced you never lied right I never lied before except when I said I was Alex's girlfriend but the rest of my life was Infinity so nothing was reduced they make a lie come true that way the remaining life that was taken away from you will be given back to you does that mean I have to be Alex's girlfriend you can't be Alex's girlfriend why not because he's my boyfriend now Alex mom what are these choices above my head you have to choose between eating a shrimp and taking out your ponytails I'm allergic to shrimp so I'll choose to let go of my ponytails you can't honey the magic ponytails from our ancestors if you let go bad things will happen so just eat the shrimp okay Mom oh look it's the blind girl with the ponytails I know right she never does anything oh you're not tired of talking about me all the time hey the blind girl has a courage to answer now class we will hold a poetry reading competition next week can I join sir how are you gonna join you're blind you can't read I can memorize it I'm sorry Amara but you can't take part in this competition but sir it's a shame you're not used to the school why am I blind why can't I just be like the other kids at school hello excuse me I'm nudes you know what the library is uh it's in I'm sorry I didn't know you were black that's okay I'm Chris by the way I'm Amara look it's the blind girl let's have some fun hey Pony give it back it's right here take it she's so stupid hey stop you guys are really mean who the hell are you you don't need to get involved he's kind of handsome you know do you want to be friends I don't want to be friends with evil people like you oh he's so arrogant Amara let's go thanks Chris for helping me that's okay I'm your new friend after all wow I have a friend you really don't have any other friends no they all think I'm weird because I'm blind they call me blind Pony calm down from now on I'll always be on your side my throat feels weird what's wrong because my mom made me eat shrimps and I'm allergic to it it was either that or I had to let go of my ponytails why don't you let it loose she says something bad will happen if I do I'm curious why don't we try to remove the ponytail no we can't do that that's risky what if you're blind because of the ponytails what no that's crazy I've been blind ever since I was a child Chris but you've also had those ponytails since you were a child you're right just take them off tomorrow I'll take care of you I guess it's worth a try I guess it's worth it Chris Amara can you see yes I never thought I'd be able to see again but it's weird why has my mom made me blind all this time there must be a reason did your mom ever give you anything else mom makes me apple juice every day but it tastes weird well make sure you don't drink the apple juice anymore we don't know what's behind all of this okay Chris mom I'm home honey I missed you you didn't take off your pigtails did you no Mom good honey I made you Apple Juice drink it okay hurry up it will soon be afternoon mom I'm going to a friend's house okay be careful did you drink the apple juice yes Mom look there's the blind girl again but why is our hair down hey guys I can finally see you why aren't you blind I'm normal now oh so you've been fooling us all this time yeah she only did it for the attention you freak Chris where are you hey Amara sorry I'm late are you okay what's that drink this is the apple juice I've been talking about I've been drinking it ever since I was a kid that doesn't seem like apple juice to me the color is off what color is apple juice supposed to be like yellowish from now on you have to be careful with your mom come to my house I want you to meet my dad okay Dad this is my friend do you know what that drink is huh where did you get this drink from my mom gave it to me that drink isn't just a normal drink this drink is oh where did you get this drink from my mom gave it to me that drink isn't just a normal drink this drink is this drink is prohibited they cannot be drunk they used to be only one person who could make this drink people tried to get the recipe but it wasn't possible why was it impossible may I know what your mom's name is Grace Grace she was my father's assistant she's the only one who can make that potion the effect of that potion made people forget their memories then why should we do that so that her memory can come back you have to make your mom drink this once she does you'll get your memory back okay I'll go give my mom the drink now thank you you're welcome mom I'm home honey where where are you I went to our friend's house friends yes I brought you this drink they said it's very good for the health okay I'll drink it you really think I'm this stupid I know what you're up to you're trying to trick me Mom you should drink from that bottle now who gave you this answer me from now on you can't go anywhere you know what you're the reason I'm blind why are you so mean to me I'm your daughter you asked too many questions come with me let go of me this is the only way I can keep you from going out ever again I have to call Chris hello Chris my mom locked me up okay Amara I'm coming there right now okay I'm waiting Amara Chris hey who's this Grace you what are you doing here going on to what you've done and drink from the bottle I gave to your daughter before I call the police okay I'm gonna drink from it now Amara what's wrong with you I remember everything you're not my mom I'm already on Earth but I'm curious about planet reverse what even is it [Music] hey Mom why are you crying your sister just died because she chose the planet reversed died yeah so please don't choose that planet you didn't choose it did you no I chose to stay on us okay good honey [Music] why are the number of students decreasing everyone who chose the planet reversed died yesterday wait so people chose yesterday yes that's why they're gone you didn't choose it did you me no of course not I chose us good why do people even choose planets if they know they'll die if they choose the reverse planet people didn't die because they chose the planet then why did they die because of our teacher if he knows that someone chose that planet he'll get rid of them immediately [Music] but why he sat down the past his son shows that planet and that he never came back really there'll be a planet check soon a planet Check Yes the teacher will catch and kill whoever chose the reverse Planet why do you look so scared you didn't choose it did you no I just want to ask okay then you can relax there's still a long time before I go to the reverse Planet what if I get caught by the teacher it's your turn for me to check what planning yes sir before I check you have to close your eyes so it turns out there's still people who chose the reverse Planet I'm sorry sir please don't kill me just yet I really want you don't choose the reverse plan but your son is still alive no my son died because he chose the reverse Planet I promise not bring your son back where you have to allow me to go there fast you're lying you just want to go there catch her now shut up stay here why am I here sir I've told someone to come and kill you I hope I go to the reverse Planet before I get killed just wait right there it's useless for you to try and persuade the teacher to go why is it useless because his son is still alive and he knows that he just doesn't want anyone to go there but why doesn't he want anyone to go there because there's something on the reverse Planet but no one knows why it is only his son does there's only five seconds left don't worry I'm gonna go and see for myself three two one don't worry I'm gonna go and see for myself three two one oh I'm already on planet reverse wait why is the sun setting from the East shouldn't it be stand from the West because we're in Planet reverse everything is opposite here huh everything is opposite yes this is my house Amara mom go away don't ever come to this house again I don't like why don't you like me you ask too many questions oh yeah on planet Earth mom loved me meaning here because everything is opposite she hates me good morning Amara Jake you're rich I've always been rich no on planet Anthony used to be poor what oh right I keep forgetting everything is arrested that's why you're rich hey guys Amara why do you look like a girl because I am a girl whoa there's two armor is in one place one is a girl and one is a boy wait so on this planet I'm a boy yes on Earth our teacher used to be so evil I wonder why he's like here guys why are you all studying alone where's the teacher did you forget that the teacher has been asleep for a long time asleep how come because his powers were taken by his twin who is now on Earth why can't anyone help him how are we supposed to help him we can't make it to planet Earth and besides the teacher on planet Earth is evil that's true if only I could go back to planet Earth then persuade the teacher not to destroy Planet reverse you can't persuade him you have to kill him why because as long as the evil teacher's still alive we're always going to be in danger so I have to go back to planet Earth but how you have to eat this chocolate and make sure as soon as you get there you get rid of him okay don't worry our school will have a teacher soon I'm gonna go back to Earth and get rid of the evil teacher so our teacher here can wake up are you sure you can do it I must be able to I'm on Earth again no wonder everything looks normal turns out Amara went to Planet reverse sir did you find my son yet on planet reverse ha your son didn't you say your son was gone I knew you were lying what what do you mean sunlight to everyone his son is still alive no he's missing because he went to Planet reverse I also know you're planning on destroying Planet reverse that's it you've said enough come with me stay there don't try to escape [Music] yes I'm going back to Planet reverse in two hours no that timer means how long there's left until Planet reverse is destroyed what how do I stop this you must kill the teacher before it's too late but how do I do it look for the red button that's in the teacher's office that button will kill him but you have to be careful for him not to see you [Music] how do I escape from here there's no way out hey actually I've liked you for a long time really do you want to be my boyfriend yes I've been waiting for this day for so long but there's one condition what's the condition can you get me out of here I'm really hungry of course babe thank you so much I don't have much time left I have to quickly kill our teacher before it's too late where's the red button and what do you think you're doing what does it look like I'm trying to get rid of you before you destroy Planet reverse don't press that button why not because the teacher on planet reverse is trying to destroy planet Earth no you're lying everyone will try to reverse told me you're the one who's trying to destroy their Planet just trust me you're gonna regret this no I'm not I'm Gonna Save Planet reverse I'm so tired of being single dad can I go to an old boy school and all boys school I mean yeah that's what you really want I really chose it I'm so excited anyways I'll see you later I need to go to my new school wait before you go you must know that boys it doesn't matter I already chose it fine wait it's important I can't wait to get to school everyone's definitely going to be surprised because I'm the only girl there and I can finally get myself a new boyfriend guys look why is there a girl wearing our school uniform for God's sake Dave it's still morning don't worry about it but really wow she's so beautiful why does the toilet smell like pee because there's no girls here so we can pee freely wait what are you for real no I'm just joking can I have your number I'm just gonna go today we're going to learn how to cook so you can be the dream husband in the future yes cooking class this is one of my favorite classes in school but why do orgasm look so pale please choose your own group one group consists of two people why you all looking at me like that please be in my group I can't cook leave her alone she's gonna pick me don't listen to them come the seat next to me is free whoa relax instead of fighting over me I can just teach you all how to cook it's very easy why is there a girl in this class who allowed to hunt to school throw her out now why should we throw her out she's bad at teaching us how to cook than you are just get rid of her now I hate teenage girls are you sure you want to kick me out of the school that'll be a very bad idea and why do you say that because I are you sure you want to kick me out of the school that would be a very bad idea and why do you say that because I chose to be in an old boy school I'm sure if you kick me out you'll get in trouble you chose what do you mean by that yeah it was one of my options that's weird usually people don't get to pick well anyway I think you're lying so I'm gonna have to report you to the principal don't miss I don't think that's necessary yes it is for now I'm sending you home until the principal makes a decision but miss don't send her home we need her be quiet pack your stuff you're leaving hey Dad you're home early how was your first day I got sent home what why because apparently I'm not allowed to be on all boys school because I'm a girl well I tried telling you but you didn't listen boys schools usually don't accept girls so I don't even know how you go as an option well maybe I go as an option because they need me there I was able to help them today so maybe I'll be a good addition to the school true well what's gonna happen now the principal will make a decision whether I get to stay or switch school by tomorrow anyway I'm gonna go to my room I have to study okay good luck honey the principal wants to see you okay you wanted to see me sir yes I'm very surprised to see a girl in the school how did you get here well one of my options was to go to an all-boy school I'm really sorry but I don't think we can keep you here it wouldn't be appropriate as you're the only girl here plus all our students here have top grades I don't think any girls can beat their grades because you know boys are small wait really is that the reason you don't want to keep me here yes the only way would be to test you and see if you get good scores on the exam in order to be a student hey you have to get 100 out of 100 so do you think you can do it okay I'll do it shortly I'll prepare your exam paper don't be upset if you can't do it oh I can trust me I'm gonna prove to you that girls can be smart too we're not just here to look pretty hey can I ask you something yes did you have to do an exam before starting in the school yes and did you have to get 100 out of 100 what no I only had to get 50 out of 100. so the principal did this on purpose because he thinks I can't get a good school all right thank you I'm gonna prove him wrong I'm so ready for this exam I've been studying all night here's your exam you have one hour I'll be standing here to make sure you don't cheat oh don't worry sir I don't need to cheat this is gonna be very easy for me here's your exam you have one hour I'll be standing here to make sure you don't cheat oh don't worry sir I don't need to cheat this is going to be very easy for me are you sure you don't want to read over your answer I already did once I know the result in about two hours okay can I go to class now go ahead I'll call you when the results are in hey Amara how's your exam it was okay can you imagine the principal wants me to get 100 out of 100 in order to stay in the school what that's insane it's also impossible to get 100 out of 100. No One Ever Knows the answer to everything well I was up all night studying yesterday so I hope I got all the questions right hey stop talking and focus on the lesson sorry Miss Amara the principal wants to see you about your results okay come on in I'm pretty surprised with your score I'm not gonna lie I didn't think you could do it because usually girls aren't smart what does that mean you broke the school record with the highest grade so does that mean I'm a student here now nope not yet what'd you mean that was the deal I have to test you at PE as you know boys are usually better at Sports and if you want to be a student here you can't embarrass us we often compete against other schools and what sport do you want me to play basketball considering you're high I'm not sure you can do it it's not too late to quit and switch schools no I want to do it okay practice starts at 5 pm today don't be late okay sir okay everyone I want you to try and score as many goals as you can why can't I get any in hey let me help you what's your name Chris and you Amara okay focus on what I'm doing since you're a beginner you have to stay not far away from the goal focus on the little box right there once you hit it just like this the ball should go straight through hey you have a try see I knew you could do it hey Chris get back to your team don't help her I have to go I'll see you later but hey don't give up you're doing good Amara come here yes sir I want you to score 20 goals without any misses if you can't do it you can't be a student when it goes without missing not even once not even once okay get ready the testoster's in three two one whatever I say comes true or becomes a dream actions come true why would I choose become a dream when everything in reality is more exciting morning Mom why'd you look so upset because my cooking is so bad calm down your cooking is amazing whoa how comes this cake tastes so good it was about a minute ago do you want some yes please I can't believe it it really worked hey Amara we have to break up I want someone new now what hey Emma Jack just broke up with me didn't you hear he's with Anna now she's super famous on taking famous on Tick Tock yeah her videos went viral oh wow I was that far when she had no followers at all and now she's stealing my boyfriend just watch I'm gonna be more famous than her whoa guys that's the famous girl I know it's so cool that we go to the same school why are you all staring at you're the POV girl right the one with five million five million followers that means I don't have to post anymore povs right yeah I guess yes this means everything I say comes true babe be my girlfriend again no you're just a cloud chaser sorry did you guys hear apparently Jack got the highest grade in class I know right I don't even know why she would break up he got top grades yeah you're stupid for letting him go I heard you wanted to challenge me in the next exam yes I'm gonna get higher grades than you okay if I beat your grade you have to do whatever I say for them okay deal I can't lose I have to win this challenge I will win the challenge against Jack why isn't it working hey tomorrow the exam's starting now are you ready yeah you're such a disappointment your sister gets good grades and everything and you barely go to class I'm tired of being compared to my sister all the time so I'm just gonna move house your regret choosing to move house I'm not gonna regret anything welcome to your new house here you'll feel loved by everyone whoa this place is like a mansion it's so big but why are there so many children here these children are just like you they were never loved by their parents so they chose to come here come on I'll introduce you to them hi guys I'm Amara the new kid here hi I'm Gemma I'm Lucy I was kicked out of my old house I'm Grace I'm much happier here than at my old house after eating you guys go straight to sleep okay Amara you can just go sleep right away okay but um what happened to most of the children that were here there was like 15 I was only 25. um where's Gemma Lucy and Grace just go to sleep stop asking questions okay it's already morning but where are my friends from yesterday you're gonna regret that you chose to come to this house you'll not be able to come out again why would I regret it at least people here love me not like my old house that's what you think now you'll soon know the truth huh Excuse Me Miss I want to ask how can I help you yesterday there was like 50 people here now there's only 25 one of my friends Gemma Lucy and Grace oh they were picked up by their family last night you're the new kid right yes you have to be careful with that lady don't get too close why what's wrong she loves us doesn't she she's weird you should look her name up online you have a cell phone yes Miss I have a cell phone what's wrong I don't want you to be calling or remembering your old family you're right you can just hold it for me thank you there you might just be my favorite child in this house today we're going to be playing a game play a game this is the game there will be several teams one team has two people please find your partner why are you so scared we're just gonna play a game it's true you all have to be as enthusiastic as Amara okay please find the partner Dave will you be my partner I'll call tomorrow can't why because I want to survive so that I can take care of you what
Channel: TMooreMan
Views: 115,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, Amarachehade, msa, storytime, asmr, text to speech, dhar mann, ray cakestorytime, ray cake storytime, amara chehade, rebecca zamolo, slime storytime, cake, tiktok mashup 2023, amara, tiktok, povs, amara tiktok povs, asmr cake, text to speech amara, cake storytime tiktok, cake storytime 1 hour, amara storytime, TMooreMan, Cake zone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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