Lord Peter Wimsey - The Nine Tailor 1

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[Music] you you we never see anything like that came did you write paste into the hall red as a rose he/she well not yet she hasn't but it won't be long now and there we are mr. Henry and his lovely lady have now been joined in holy wedlock when they arrived they will stand here to receive their guests now this reception to be a credit to us all you've had your orders is there anyone who does not know what to do this is your last chance to ask any questions do up that button Mary idea I know this is your first big occasion don't get flustered just remember what I told you and you'll come through with flying colors right yes not Jeff when we're on parade it is mr. Deacon how many times must I tell you sorry mr. deacon that's better right I shall now proceed to the Orangery and await the arrival of the bridal carriage three sharp last Omak whistle and you will all stand to your stations and await my return that's it well I know where she keeps them I may tell my wife and my wife well you know what women are bless their little hearts which room is her ladyship's the window to the end of the West Wing there's a strawberry below it you can hide there what time 1:00 o'clock but you may have a long wait it's a challenge is holding a dinner party tonight on top of a big do like this what's the usual thing I'm only thankful he decided against holding a ball I would have made things very difficult all those young couples wandering everywhere as it is well there are 20 guests including house guests I doubt if I shall be able to lock up before 1:00 and if the gentlemen play billiards it could be a good deal later then you've got to wait for them to get to sleep they'll sleep quick enough all that food and drink so Charles isn't exactly stingy so all I've got to do is to sit in the bushes and wait for you to chuck them down to me are you sure you're gonna be able to manage it if I didn't think so I wouldn't try it ah here they come I'll be cramping good luck old chap my niece's wedding was of course a very grand affair did this veil look lovely in church I did yes every thought found himself a winner there ah lucky girl you asked me well why did you suppose the reception is being held here well Katie Smith is a little bit far north way most of your friends live in the south wanting to do with it her parents have to pin it to their name that's why I say she's a lucky girl but surely as long as they're both happy my dear Susan happiness is a poor investment by any standards I know my views may be somewhat old-fashioned but Maya should marry in the money or at least buy a resounding title Jenny Burton Peter Wimsey in any case what are you doing here you do know either family I'm standing in for Gerald he and Henry were eating together Oh how is your dear brother laid up with a sprained back and feeling very sorry for himself sorry that is his own silly fault I'm sorry do mine there's a meadow the Dukes Denver absolutely pitted with rabbit warrens Gerald has to go charge and of course it's like the Light Brigade results were having never before over they both get the perfect songs old luckily Ajax is all right who's Ajax but is the horse of course and you are more concerned for the horse well it happens to be mine four-year-old chess now 16 hands by Ajax you're out of there Helen bed 200 guineas former tassels in it last month good since he might have broken a leg however you know all's well etc etc so as old jetty is paying the price of his father here and I have to join my regiment anyway I promised to pop in and kiss the bride armed root so to speak you can start opening the OAH now they will notice the difference well done mrs. deacon well done indeed hello young busy go hello hey I'll fight for Kenan country a oh that's the style hello pretty Susan Oh Meggie the sitting with those damn Devils goes more splendid area Hector you're quite impostor that's what their Lordships told me last week but I've still got miss cotton this absurd talk about the war absurd my course is gonna be a blast in water Germans are just say Barret how do you need let me tell you madam the Germans have the largest saber were the sharpest cutting edge in Europe the finest army bar none and the Kaiser means to use it can't say I blame the fellow who lies here thank god we've got a navy no offense Peter none taken sir my own sentiments entirely it's the drink dried up taken for heaven's sake man coming with our whistles him have kept eyes on the famous Wilbur of em balls before him no I hadn't said well feast your gaze I know them by reputation of all the tradition rank with royal scandal but beauty's fitrah beauty just as in I've never seen anything like them before well there are none to match them in the country that is quite sir don't you feel vulnerable wearing a king's ransom vulnerable Hector why in the world should I feel though see you robbers bandits it never crossed your mind I do not happen to move in the Society of such people and when you're not wearing a lady will roam I hope you'll keep them in a safe place where no burglar would ever dream of looking for them that is my very own secret good god oh wait who Charles is getting more cheese pairing a beer - see trying to work a switch like that halfway through your own son's wedding reception and think we'd be to such to notice it complain in hectares Oh God what no no it's just a dive at inborn tendency to brag at the old friends expense conferences did ya know good show oh no I think congratulations are in order no I take no credit for it Henry and I simply gave Deacon the guest list and told him one or two things we thought the occasion required let him get on with it valuable fellow Deacon what I really came to say was bride and groom preparing for departure ah so do you want to throw rice on tiles to the end of every room of the burger I was hoping the paella are you stayin denied wins um well that's very kind of you sir Chow or nothing of the kind we expected your brother his beds there you're welcome to use it and I shall be delighted splendid yeah I can't stand a lot number the dinner table [Music] all right Louise you may go yes madam Desmond I wish the window up and suck Lenore - I thought perhaps you never heard of draught stuffed Madame cold you silly girl never lie beep oh but my word if I listened to you one would wake up in the morning with a nose like a an also seasoned strawberry oh but no madam I only granted Louise goodnight more soir Madame I say whimsy we'd beg a few birds with these watch his I suppose I should be playing with their sons wedding presents but I couldn't resist showing you those I Jeff sir they're beauties nice balance yeah it's got him a nice win since in James's and I bet you didn't bear penny under 500 guineas what 750 to be precise but they last him a lifetime more but he'll go blowing our heads off Hector so for Jay King of course number three shot sir will always use number five myself does less damage to the birds Henry huh he prefers number three says they're better for high flyers ladies retired deacon yes sir Charles oh well it's been a long day you can start locking up our secret in him bears what's a Charlton good night gentlemen good night oh when I dig in Denver joke yes tickets your efforts have not gone unappreciated Thank You indeed gentlemen ah another glass of port heckler oh no no no no no each other I've had my coat over my liver I'm a way up to be bumping what do i do whimsy and no thank you say I must make an early start got to face my Co bright-eyed and bushy tail what's this extraordinary machine I saw you driving it looked just like an anemic banana that's nothing anemic about it sir I assure you it's a four cylinder overhead camshaft 16-valve Mercedes and if I often made well it's a fun bussiness now I'm afraid so how many girls like gee whiz over 100 on the right bit of Road look at your Minister life and limb sir and do some patriotic into the bargain yeah I wouldn't let your colonel catch sight of you in it if I'm you I've been thinking about that's a bit of a face a lot young God let's get to our bids our host is dropping on his feet nothing of the kind sure I can persuade your digital then I think I'll persuade myself doesn't dream st view thank you good night then it's been a great day good life ah good eyes Hector we take the boy was it who's there God say no English get out all those don't fall I winged the whimsy I wind up lighter what the devil's going on lady will drums emerald sir they've gone by heaven just true Fraser sir where you going run captain that's another gun to me that is a date with mr. big wake up excuse me I do is Charles you wouldn't get so workup worked up course I worked God settle down oh let let me get you a brandy pace overrun by policemen my houseguest treated as though they were common felons no one's didn't miss anything with the gentleman I am then what the devil did he mean by an inside chapo oh that is fit to Philip and all the appearances of an inside chop he said what the devil do you mean by that am i under suspicion - is that what he's implying will you jolly soon will be already if you don't come off the boil doc found its way up - but I'm not hanging around here waiting for him yes you are you old Buzzard are you gonna take the Navy's advice you once and bring your blood pressure down ha now come on settle down that's good that cool fiddler yeah that's it if this inspector John he wants to go hunting Betty's under bushes with his spyglass let him it makes him happy damage he's got to do it anyway that's what he's paid for brandy how you can be frivolous Hector's a time I close the dams a grid of the main purpose I'm not being coppers you're sure no of course you're not forgive me no more dime being helpful let's try both of us to be sensible we damn it this is no time for friends to go arguing it's a it's a damned bad business what we're gonna do at a time like this is is pulled together that's what I mean if this fellow comes back and sees as arguing where's gonna put the cat amongst the pigeons isn't it what Oh Sherlock returns gentlemen sorry for that little diversion well one of my main thought he found something yes yes her other gadelle Devon had he as it happened sir yes yeah - get back - what what talking about I think upon sir may we ask what it is that he found Oh footprint sir under lady will Browns window unfortunately they've all been scuffed now he climbed on the IV tees it's very thick on the wall just there and some of the branches are told which would see the in inspector I have told you before and I can tell you again that I can vouch for every member of my staff can it's a chance always made it a rule never to employ anybody without checking their background and I can tell you for a fact that there is nobody working for me that has a police record or has ever been in trouble with the law I quite prepare to believe that sure but there's always a first time damage your man I saw the thief running off winged him with my second barrel there's no question of it being what you call an inside job I don't deny the existence of your thief sir and if he's got a gunshot wound that could be very useful very useful indeed but I still think it likely that someone in this house did him off why well in you exactly where lady Willebrand was sleeping he knew exactly where to look for the emeralds he went straight to thee to the spot nothing else in the room was disturbed good point is better why only this afternoon maggie was boasting about a famous hiding place in front of the staff at Rockwell not in so many words no I mean young wimzie's it he hope she kept him in a safe place she said where no burglar would think of looking mom but that was her secret well something to that effect mm-hmm now it's a Charles to get back to the matter of your stuff what about lady will rooms made flinches gee oh don't worry sir I'm betting oh very much in mind but I think we'll start at the top of the list your Butler Sir Geoffrey Deakin he's been moving for three years before that was eight years of the Artemis Club in pell-mell came to me with impeccable references matter of fact Lord cranly recommended him to me married yes earlier this year married the parlor maid Mary Russell a very respectable local family that sounded like young Lochinvar young Lochinvar out of the West so all the why bother his steed was the best and is a ruddy Steve had to bust a tie just as I got up with him oh this is inspector frost Lord Peter Wimsey how do inspector how do you do it all I'm sorry happens how long would you know his life trying to change a Bally tire in the pitch black all wrenches and inner tubes and fingers and thumbs however all was not lost inspector the miscreant was driving a maroon eunuch the last I saw of him he was heading hill for leather down the London Road the registration number of his car was LH four eight seven five related milord a wounded man in a known car we can forget your staff of the homes a Charles can I use your telephone oh yes yes it's in the alcove oh oh this is a wretched business have happened under my own roof on my son's wedding day oil jars the west of that locker yep come on old lad you look all in yeah settle down let me get you a bad day what no no no I'm perfectly all right how is she Susan oh she's asleep in my bed dr. Baines gave her a sedative to calm her prior Meggy under my own roof you know I suppose I shouldn't say this but I don't give a damn whether their blighter gets away or not as long as we get those emeralds back know that Richard Nicholas was her pride and joy no I remember telling me once she said you wrote naked without it here here we took one each on the worst comes to the worst she'll collect the insurance by Jo via 60,000 pounds quite a comforting thought what it isn't what's that criticism I said it isn't what I meant to say was well it would be if it was true but my dear only what on earth are you driving at it was when the sedative was beginning to work she wasn't hysterical anymore she was quiet and quite lucid she said she said she'd let the policy lapse my god oh good sit down to his you're damn well told that bendy was it the strictest evening they're putting up a road barrier there's been no car through for the past two hours so unless he changes route which I very much doubt we're bound to catching sir quick get the doctor I think he's had a stroke serves him right I say fetch enough didn't respect now Crandon respect you tell him about respect it's against the law to shoot burglars might have been murder manslaughter maybe we won't go into that you only got it in the yarn there's not many gentleman uses number three there's not many gentlemen with a racing car straight out of Brooklyn's that shouldn't be allowed on the public highway left turn whimsy turn on the public I may not know more he's on his way back to join his regiment you'll never mind about that hmm very nice statement you made credit very nice indeed but there's one thing I don't understand what's that a respectable jewel thief with a handsome record like yours I didn't expect you to go grassing on your jump tinker there's no chum of mine I'll tell you what deacon is he's a dirty double-crossing that's enough tragedy I won't tolerate bad language on my sincere apologies my feelings got the better of me sticks out like a sore thumb doesn't it you don't know where those emeralds are neither do I that's what you say I come off it all your chaps at Stevenage found was the empty jhulka his good a ditched him on route oh yes in a ditch I suppose use your loaf inspector I would never have grasped on Deacon if he hadn't double-crossed me but you know as well as I do that he pocketed that necklace and passed me the empty case inspector how long do you reckon I'll get the nail defender the judge sentenced Ramzan to ten years on the law deacons donated its own eggs and it's not enough in my opinion his own the first offense for him he was a servant in a position of trust he betrayed his master then he broke faith with his wretched and colors other two I regard equals more evil [Music] yeah in the roads were they ever recovered no I'm afraid not if anybody knows where they are Deacon doesn't he ain't sinned poor lady were broke poor as a child the set took place on his premises I told you what of his home servants was involved stones weren't insured he felt that the responsibility was his and he insisted on paying lady will from their full value 60,000 pounds for progression you mean she accepted I'm afraid sir left the family and uncommonly straighten circumstances so Charles never recovered from the blow he died a few months afterwards a very distressing story as for everyone for everyone except the two villains in the piece hmm well there they are two rogues enjoying the relative comforts of Dartmoor and mates down for issues how long must be nearly four years now they'll miss the Holocaust while we are not only existing in conditions of extreme discomfort now in constant danger of instant extermination God will end another much longer already justice is blind and Rashmi [Music] the pastor didn't get the last week [Music] there's you lose it right your wimzie's huh where'd you again kiss me suck it back us up come on give me ad somebody come I've been watching you all day Deacon lazy aren't we Deacon don't like the open air do we well we consume remedy that a word in the governor's here a nice spot of solitaire on number two diet because that's what you're gonna get the filthy bleeding veggie man I came over the ropey until you to I'll bring to the woods you'll be all right taught you a lot gonna be alright Oh [Music] ah [Music] Oh [Music] shortly after in the corner south about it funny to me I'll finish all these leaves about you to run out you slightly go back I know the symptoms you're right soldier itself I just clean me lovely way to talk see your papers I say that's the way it is drowning your sorrows I I don't blame you still you thank your lucky stars you won't one with away I don't mean son while quarter one it were you're locked on it the boss over round is entire six about ten days ago it's old unit was wiped out the remains Agatha several lucky legs here who may still angling so bit of work will only would it matters most very walk-ins till don't you worry old son the counter taxco in any day now and when he does you'll remember your mates then your proper blood Baffert of Bosch go along you think you hear what I say what do you know what day it is it's the 30th of April 1918 that's what it is and you ignore know you that your leave expires at 23:59 hours tonight live outside you shortly product get a cab right son no no I know you feel that I know how you feel none of us wants to go back to that Bloody ell but all in the same boat no way around it well you go action without leaving your love every MP London out looking boy when I catch it you'll bring for the high jump believe me they're not fooling these days quite a mood of the top brass if they just assume having shot as you deserve a stick in a glass house [ __ ] one shot right at the last train for the Dover boat leaves in 25 minutes and you're gonna be on it so on your feet [Applause] [Music] sit up with elke bank and small yourself up a bit what about a soldier's best friend go home [Music] get yourself killed right off the number - what is your laughing eyes girl Ian and into it alright - did you see your Lord and Master six steps no less most enterprising milord though hardly wise I would have thought here tommyrot God we exercise the confounded thing Malone mm Dawson I know all the signs you have a problem on your mind not precisely a problem milord with the desire a person here to see your lordship without appointment it what sort of a person a military person Malone it's probably that chappie from the war has not turned off your sword are there such people doesn't well really you amaze me what is the world coming to he alright douse knew better shame in your note you will see you that is the general idea that awesome I'm nearly going off my head with boredom in a diversion would be welcome the sergeant Banta to see your lordship not a sergeant Banta Dawson these are Tim banter he saved my miserable hide Rider was a sergeant Gunther but oh to be honest whoops oh yeah Oh steady the Buffs say getting a bit too cocky with myself what Oh Hank II know that you are there well you all right doesn't Ethel be all thank you well well well well well well well sorry about your reception earlier for our boys had been turned out to grass years ago would have been but for this idiot war hello come on sergeant take a Pew let's hear it how'd you get there I know look hang on big fella the whiskey's over there for two very large ones the occasion demands it hella nicely if your history behaved I must say and with this gammy leg once Don can't get up you understand so does it huh just a splash peas no that's it hey well your very best Hill sergeant and your sir a pleasure to see you looking so well and the same to you hmm whether you fella come on sit down sit down sit down this ain't company office a great deal pleasanter if I may say so ah yes I'm bound to agree all right now then let's hear how'd you get you blighter nothing in the least dramatic sir shrapnel beastly stuff unpredictable grudge Saracen I was one of the lucky ones yes I was I you know sergeant I've got a feeling in my bones that our days of the fighting are over and done with you think so singing well the doctor said I'd be fit in three weeks and the news from the front is hardly encouraging though the dark falling on I think it's all over by the chaton well I sincerely hope you're right and if I am what are the future peace mm-hmm there we go to imaginated you know things won't be the same as they were before that's for certain you know the funny thing is I loved every minute of their stinking trenches the mug the smell they are not trouble boredom when you were being scared out of your mind um just give me a heave up which were letters sorry thank you let's stretch the damn thing no that's that's not the funny thing what I really meant was do you know that are things that I'm going to miss I know what you mean sir I still miss our partnership sergeant it's been a damn good partnership get nothing to do with your saving my life that's something quite separate in my mind and always will be believe me sir it's a matter that's been watching my thoughts during those weeks in hospital I gave it very careful consideration you too sir yes sir may I inquire did you reach any conclusions yes sir does in my view the success of a relationship between two people is placing quite right too I mean our backgrounds and upbringing a pose apart but our standards are not our characters are at once opposite and complementary in Brick cetera borrow a phrase from senior mark county we appear to be on the same wavelength by a sergeant I never knew such a chappie of a whacking the nail over the crumpet that's why such a confounded pity with them with respect sir with all without his sergeant you bill on well the fact is I um I didn't come here to inquire about your health or for the very real pleasure of seeing you again at him it was to do with the subject we've just been discussing here indeed I came here armed with a very definite proposal now that might sound impertinent or even presumptuous I doubt it sergeant I doubt it very much what is your definite proposal well I'll rephrase that said sir a request or identic list but in the event of mr. Dawson retiring from your servicer I would wish to be considered as his replacement ah bitter chill it was the owl for all his feathers was a cold the hair limp trembling through the frozen grass and silent was the flock in wooly fold the either said headless junkies and very appropriate to this time of year my lord they are not to pick a deliverer now I'll no hair no flock they're all waiting for us at Juke Simba anything in the papers knew your Spanish Influenza is reached epidemic proportions model haha and heavy snow is reported in the north and the Midlands oh and the Prime Minister and his wireless broadcast of the nation should be I know I heard him we must go on on on and up up up you know to hear that fella speak anyone would think that this country was a hot-air-balloon in a high wind and the way the government has been failing to steer us that is exactly how I must appear to our foreign friends ha as it is our inescapable fate to spend yet another New Year's Eve with my brother at Dukes Denver banter I have planned a very cunning route now then after isn't all balloons we shall avoid the main highway and stick to the side roads round that away now I calculate that that should save us about 20 miles they won't take us very much longer indeed my lord indeed but that Dan here's a coincidence do you remember me once telling you about the Wilbraham Emeril's I do indeed my lord in circumstances I'm unlikely to forget well the scene of the crime was a village in Norfolk Fenchurch small we should be passing through it there will you call on your friend Sir Henry for my brother's friend lantern of mine I hardly knew in fact I've never been in touch with him since you know I've often wondered about those emeralds but no Banta Jew dear before curiosity we shall not be stopping at Fenchurch and Paul you all right buzzer perfectly my lord is my lordship on her yes quite thank you oh sorry about that why do you think we are where's yeah very hard to say my lord my map-reading went with the light and the the torch was insufficient damn humpback bridge didn't see it ah blessed there Quadra far from civilization ah I was wrong but her we shall be stopped in the ten chirps and poor [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Lord Peter Wimsey
Views: 353,702
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Keywords: Lord Peter Wimsey
Id: _rMnsy8fp5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2016
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