'Insider' Secrets Your Work Does Not Want It's Customers to Know | People Stories #119

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what insider secrets does the company you work for not want its customers to find out the major gym chain that i worked for actively tries to discourage members from becoming frequent members how do they do this they would start by putting treadmills and elliptical out of order or preventative maintenance and would keep them out of commission until attendance got to manageable levels where the gym did not feel so crowded and thus easier to sell memberships and getting out of a membership was dang near impossible the usa famous brand my pillow and its official pillow of the national sleep foundation means nothing since the owner created the group now i'm proud to announce that my dong is the official dong of the national dong foundation i worked for two years at a call center for cox cable doing tech support for internet and tv it's more important for the techs to get you off the phone than to actually resolve your problem don't blame the techs they've got supervisors breathing down their necks and the supervisors are breathing down their necks because customers complain about being on hold so much when i was doing it three years ago calls had a limit of seven and a half minutes seven and a half minutes to take your info diagnose your problem give you a solution and resolve the call the call not the problem if the call goes over seven thirty minutes a supervisor would come over and ask what was going on but i got in trouble so many times for genuinely trying to help people it was disgusting one time i spent a good 30 minutes on the phone with a guy in san diego who was setting up his internet he was old slow and computer illiterate but really nice and patient so i did everything i could and eventually got him going he was thrilled spoke with my supervisor to tell them how happy he was with me i got written up for that because i wasted time helping one person when i could have been fake helping many others i've heard plenty of stories just like this from the other cable companies in the call centers they contract out basically for an inbound call center the people in charge just care about clearing the calls in the queue not helping you no matter what scripted bulls they make the tech say and again don't blame the techs for this at least their hands are tied also cable companies are hammerheading television customers and will suck your dong to keep you from cutting television service threaten to leave name dish network or something and they'll shower you with discounts don't say i don't watch much tv but do mention competitors keep pressing for more till they outright refuse then cut the cord when those discounts end twc offered to cut our bill by something like 70 and bump us up to 100 mbps when i called to cancel because we switched to google fiber if they had done that before i switched maybe we would have stayed i feel sorry for the workers she was very nice and not pushy i'm sure she had lots of refusals i used to work for ibm it was well known with an ibm that all projects would be significantly understaffed this meant that the people working on those projects would work their assess off we were all salaried employees so we made no more money by working 80 hours per week compared to the normal 40 hours per week ibm did make more money however since most of our projects were billed as time and materials effectively hourly when some internal people started complaining about the excessive overtime ibm offered them the option of becoming an hourly employee this meant that they no longer had access to health care 401 k etc that they would be making significantly more money in some cases more than doubling their previous salary since they would be getting paid for every hour worked ibm didn't think many people would choose the hourly option thinking that their benefits plan was enough to keep people there as salaried employees of those that were offered the option something like 95 chose to become hourly every single person that chose the hourly option was fired within one month that meant that some projects that were already under staffed were even more understaffed many projects were cancelled or delayed because ibm chose to use these employees as an example of what happens when you complain too loudly ah yes ibm their one talent appears to be crafting bomb proof contracts they'd under bid projects completely screw the pooch on delivery but the customer was stuck with them for the duration because they met the terms of the contract pizza hut we air and super sanitary extra cheese comes on a cheese pizza the 10 coupon code is 2155. if you tell them you are an employee and use the 10 coupon code you get to large for 8.80 most of us do not care about discounts and sometimes tack them on to be nice oh man i used to work for a department store i would try to get people deals all the time during back to school season i remember this lady came in and i saved her nearly 100 dollars by breaking up the sale and entering in coupons manually she didn't even ask i just did it for the frick of it i work for a mortgage company two things one if you're being foreclosed upon and can afford an attorney fight it the number of foreclosures that could have been invalidated if the borrower did something as opposed to not showing up at all which is what most do is higher than one would think two if you refinance sell your house or pay off your mortgage get a copy of your lian release preferably the recorded one i can't tell you how many phone calls i get where a sale is being held up because a lynn release was never prepared i work at a very large farming company that grows and packages a certain vegetable hint bugs bunny the store brand and the private label brand right next to it are from the same field and there is no difference between the product in it i'm led to believe that this is the case with virtually all store brand products i worked at subway which is franchised so i doubt this is the same for every subway you visit but when the meat is defrosted to be used we had like three days to sell it after that we'd have to throw it away the franchise owner and area manager would often intimidate staff into keeping the meat on sale for up to seven days to cut costs i reported them to corporate of course the three-day rule for open foods is a health department regulation and may depending on locality be up to seven days for certain foods or storage methods although three days for sliced meats is common reporting them to the local health department for this is a better solution than calling corporate usually i work as a sailing instructor at a summer camp the camp is run at a yacht club and instructors take kids aged 8 16 out on the water to learn how to sail out of the 20 instructors maybe three of them actually have any idea how to sail and two of us have actual sailing certifications this is true with most youth sports i coach recreational gymnastics and i'm pretty much the only actually qualified person at my facility used to work at a water park nine times out of ten when the pool is shut down for maintenance or low chlorine levels it means that someone shot in the pool someone died in the pool of lifetime fitness and the next day they sent an email saying that the pool will be closed to conform to the rules when an environmental incident occurs the last job i was at was a family owned steel supplier in the northeast u.s they carried i-beams angles flats tube pipe plate and more they basically did prefab work cutting product to length in some cases mostly government jobs the customer would specify domestic material only if they did not have it they would have us grind off the heat numbers a code that offers traceability to the plant it was made down to the composition of material of foreign material to sell as domestic with doctored milcers shady practice with dire consequences i used to work in the steel industry and that's serious crap with structural steel the heat numbers and mill brands are there so people know who to sue when a building collapses i recently started working for a cleaning firm my boss basically said it doesn't actually have to be clean it just has to look clean in the army we just poured enough bleach to make everything smell clean you don't have to get a get it's just one type of high school equivalency but get as synonymous with that concept so people don't know there are other options pearson likes it that way because they can charge 120 dollars per test with most of that money going to pearson pearson doesn't want you to know that depending on availability you can also take the hasset or the tasc battery of tests for half the price or less until a few years ago before pearson stepped in the get cost 10 dollars to 20 in most places i worked for a home security company two big secrets one about ninety percent of the salesman aligned out your bags that will say anything to get you to sign up and then think they can hold a contract against you but if you complain enough to the right people the legal department will cancel your contract outright too the equipment is super cheap despite the fact that they tell you that you are basically paying for the equipment over the length of your contract so that you don't have a huge upfront cost the parts for an average home with an eight piece system panel included only run about eight hundred dollars at cost if that it depends on the stuff you get but you will pay out several thousand over the length of your initial three or five year contract any extensions on top of your initial contract with no new equipment or services is money straight into the pocket of the company monitoring ends up costing the company a few cents a day when you break enough systems across enough operators if peace of mind is worth that to you then go ahead and sign up monitoring service is excellent but the equipment is crap if you have a central station alarm system be sure to mention to your insurance broker agent most homeowners policy have a discount for having a system in place which could justify some of the cost i work at a big store in the netherlands and at the end of every advertisement week we have to make sure the shelves are almost empty so it will look like almost everything sold out and the products we sell are popular in reality we still have a lot in the stock room but there's way people will buy it faster because one it's on sale too it's almost sold out three it's a popular product for they think the company as a whole is doing a great job it isn't really a big secret but i thought it's quite funny this is why customers ask if you have more in the back and then employees get mad our chinese manufacturers will be more than willing to supply us with a certificate assuring us and our clients that the cardboard and paper packaging for our new line of electronics is 100 recycled and eco-friendly 1 000 i called our chinese suppliers for a food grade certificate for the food grade conveyor belt they sold us but they sent over a rose certificate saying their product could be safely disposed of in a landfill sadly the auditor accepted that camera repair due to the camera industry and the entire electronic industry as a whole actively taking steps to undermine competition we are barely holding on steps the camera manufacturers are taking keeping all parts breakdowns private can't find part numbers keeping all part price lists private even if you have a number can't get pricing without calling and ordering it estimates take much longer keeping all technical data schematics troubleshooting guides basic information regarding parts private raising the cost of parts to point where repair is uneconomical while still repairing items at a competitive price sometimes the repair cost from the manufacturer is 20 dollars more than the cost of the part refusing to sell parts to repair shops ie fuji tamron nikon rico pentax sony canon being the one exception but they are raising the cost of all parts by 35 starting the first of august refusing to sell adjustment tools to repair shops they have them but will not sell them pricing repair and adjustment tools beyond what the market will bear 250 000 tool required to adjust nikon lenses keeping all necessary adjustment software private for the longest time the argument i'd hear from manufacturers was well if we release this information or sell parts we can't guarantee the quality of our products from inferior repair well if you want inferior repair that's how you get inferior repair now the argument is we need to protect our intellectual property the real answer is that repair undermines their ability to make sales sales drives the entire industry repair actually costs manufacturers money in the end they have to have extra parts produced they have to store them they have to keep track of them they have to have people to move them around they need technicians to repair their devices and have staff to manage the repair operations they need to create adjustment tools and manuals kept in house the list goes on this is a power play to get consumers money at all costs back in 2013 sierra nevada had a failure in the landing gear of the dream chaser spacecrafts during an unmanned flight test the video cut out right before it touched down they claimed there was some minor damage i never actually saw the video but folks i knew who did said it was quite spectacular with the spacecraft tumbling over and over pieces flying everywhere etc anyone who was found in possession of the entire video would be immediately fired there were a lot of other things about that spacecraft that were very shady with very poor quality controls and design practices big technology companies providing really slick services especially where you buy things online make it look like they really have their crap together most of them don't their back end systems are held together by virtual rubber bands and glue and their staff stumble from one fire to another because the management teams never stopped trying to develop new features to allow technical debt to be repaid they public facing end is just fancy enough to hide that all from you this is as true for raws as it is for ticketmaster jesus christ if ticketmaster looks like it has its crap together i don't want to know what their back end is like this is true of academia in general but you have no idea how much money textbook companies spend on wooing professors just to give a couple examples the last time i went to the big conference in my field which was held in atlanta that year bedford street martin rented out the atlanta braves stadium bust everyone at the conference there about 2 000 people gave us a free buffet that stretched through three rooms we were up in the box seats with an open bar and they open up all the games in the back hallways for us to play pearson's party was far more modest they rented out the coke museum gave us all free tours and their free buffet only stretched through one freaking room but with much classier food but still had an open bar just in case you were wondering why those textbooks of yours are so expensive i worked at best buy warehouse one tip when buying a tv make sure the staff in store open and check the screen first before you take it out of store no matter the size of the tv during busy season like christmas boxing day or black friday we will drop a lot of products during shipping and packing so yeah just had this issue just moved into my apt finally got everything unpacked pull out the tv and there's a huge crack in it gf takes it back to the store and the manager said you must have gotten too excited and dropped it we aren't refunding it she told me that and i almost blew a gasket she was there for two hours before the manager finally took the return domino's pizza tracker isn't accurate employees can enter crap on the computer to make your order to appear at a different stage than it actually is the horror one of my facebook friends interviewed for a teaching position at the school district i work for she was nervous and awaited the news with 100 more anxiety than she should have the teacher shortage we have here is so bad we'll pretty much take anyone that's completed their certification including people that have just obtained it and have never stepped foot in a classroom before printer cleaning kits are just cotton swabs and isopropyl alcohol you can buy a huge supply of those ingredients from walgreens for five dollars this is an lpt and people would appreciate a post as such if it hasn't already been done [Music] i work for a fortune 100 financial office i wouldn't trust 95 percent of the people with the center of my money there are a few decent people but the rest don't give a crap they want the commission and the policy count and a ton of them have either been sued given strikes on their records investigated for fraud and or are not allowed to use wedding due to their past behavior i think my manager might have been freaking with me but when i worked at jimmy john's we weren't supposed to tell anyone that we make our tuna salad with soy sauce he said i would be fired instantly if i were to tell a customer in retrospect i think this claim is kind of dubious sounding though no another dude above top ratedish mentioned soy sauce being the secret ingredient of their tuber sandwich and signing an nda to that effect but didn't name the chain dramatic inception style tuber for rmp used to work at a car dealership don't buy the first times you step on the lot negotiate the price of the new car before you tell them you have a trade-in most people negotiate the price of the new car and what they want for their old car but when the sales manager gives the go ahead for more money on your used car it comes off the price of the new car so it seems like you are getting more for your trade-in always ask what the on the road prices this is exactly the total you will pay with fees and taxes included every dealership is different and fees can mean anything our dealership had a sticker on a bunch of different parts of the vehicle so if it was stolen you could trace it bullcrap in the fees will like an extra 400 the dealership wants you to buy their current inventory if the vehicle there isn't exactly what you want you have more room to negotiate the price so they don't have to bring one in from somewhere else if you're buying a used car always ask how long it has been on the lot for if it just got there it is marked up a lot every couple of weeks my boss would drop the price by one thousand dollars until it's sold the most profit salesman make is in used cars remember this the best time to buy a car is at zero percent financing near christmas time as it is almost the end of the year or the end of the month as they are trying to hit certain quotas a lot of people are only concerned about having a low monthly payment put you in a brand new car for 150 a month sounds good right not if it's over eight years as you will pay nearly twice as much total for the car in that time the shorter the term the better total cost of the car i love that you can now negotiate prices online when i found the car i wanted i emailed a bunch of different dealerships around the state and got everyone's offer in writing i then forwarded that email to the closest three dealerships all within 20 minutes and went to the one with the best offer saved me a ton of time and money i work for a charity it's not really charity in fact the founders just use the money to bribe people into supporting their brand and flying all over the country giving speeches to big business and crowds of morons that they farm out their call centers to third-party companies that pay 11 hr and they have access to all your account info i used to work for a major credit card company in an outsourced call center eight dollars hr and in us and a large portion of you reading this will have one of their credit cards in your wallet former sandwich shop employee they put soy sauce in the tuber salad there that's the secret recipe manager made me sign an nda about it spice source shhh 3 cups mayo one stroke 2 cup soy sauce sauce currently employed by said sub shop i worked for a major investment company i won't say their name but let's just call them or something itty and for absolutely no reason i'm trying to remember the brother of raul castro's first name well they worked side by side with a chinese company that was complicit in the genocide in darfur and we were informed that if an investor asked about this fact we were to tell them in corporate speak if you don't like it take your money elsewhere if you order just a cheese pizza at pizza hut it already gets extra cheese for free this is important ladies and gents isn't that how cheese pizza works almost everywhere even at costco the cheese pizza has more calories than the pepperoni i sell cars most of the time you won't find the otd price on the paper because they want you to get to finance and include your warranty in the payment the verbiage makes it sound free it is not free work with a lot of audio and video equipment that fifty dollar cable to hook up your home television and sound the professional grade one the one that assures the crispest video and sound by the ten dollar one if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: insider secret, insider secrets, insider secrets to universal studios orlando, business insider secret, business secrets, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: AF5aznHoMsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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