Professionals, What’s the Most Ridiculous Things People Claim to Know About Your Job?

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professionals in any field of work what's the most ridiculous thing someone outside of your profession has claimed to know more about than you emt went to a chest pain call out for an older guy the wife kept insisting that he just needed a few more sprays of her gtn a potent and potentially dangerous oral spray used to treat angina and he would be fine she had already administered goodness knows how much before we got there which had tanked his blood pressure to dangerously low levels also after checking him over it became pretty clear the pain was a result of a chest infection and not a cardiac event so as we transport him and try to prevent him from dying from the overdose of medicine she gave him she is still harping on that we need to give him more because she knows it will work when we turn our backs she whips out a bottle of it and tries to give him another couple of doses after we confiscated it and sat her back down she demanded we let her use our truck cell phone to call our manager and complain that we were idiots and didn't know our job when we got to the hospital she then tried to convince the staff there to dose her husband with unnecessary and potentially lethal medication when we left i noticed security attempting to disarm her of her bottle of gtn we gave it back when we got to the air presumably she tried to doze him again social worker here i had a banker try to tell me human trafficking didn't exist because she had never personally met anyone who had been a victim well i've never seen a drug overdose victim or met a male prostitute i'm a travel consultant i have been working in the hotel world for 15 years working in hotels as front desk sales group block coordinator reservation sales agent and now i'm a travel consultant there was a discredit thread i forgot what it was for but someone was bitching about how the hotel couldn't refund them how dare they tell me to contact expedia many of the people responding to that person were like you go girl you report that place or something along those lines i wrote a response to it and said actually the hotel really can't refund you if you went through expedia you didn't pay the hotel you paid expedia but expedia bought the room from the hotel so therefore i did pay the hotel number the room was expedient to sell and you bought it and the hotel can't refund you even if they wanted to they couldn't because expedia has your payment not the hotel the third party doesn't provide anything to the hotel other than the dates of stay your room type and that's it they don't even tell us your phone number most of the time sometimes they give us a throwaway email that's bulls rabble rabble well no it's not balls imagine if i bought 10 candy bars from the grocery store and then sold those candy bars at whatever price i decided was profitable the people who bought those candibles could not go to that grocery store and complain that something was wrong with it and demand a refund from them because they did not buy the candy bars from them they bought it from me that store may even have a nice refund policy but i may have a non-refundable policy and because you bought it from me you're subject to whatever policy i have in place much like buying a room off of expedia i got this biblical flood of responses from people who claim to be like i work front desk i don't know what you're talking about and other people who claim to be other travelers going that's bulls the hotel should do something rabble rabble dude it is literally one of the most basic pieces of training you get in a hotel environment that if you pay a third party for your reservation any changes or refunds etc have to go through that company i reckon none of those people who responded to me actually work in travel at all working in vfx you will now and again expose someone to a naturally photographed shot you haven't worked on yet only to hear that it looks fake similarly a shot in which many things are indeed fake some yachts will inevitably pick out a real object and say it needs to be redone to fit in better it just doesn't look like a natural part of the scene say what it looks too synthetic it's a physical prop shot in camera what did you do to do i let light fall on it in front of a light sensor also in vfx and animation and the amount of people who think the computer literally does everything for you is maddening one lady couldn't fathom why they would pay me to do my job when the computer just does it all for you anyway it can't be that hard trust me i wouldn't be working this much over time if i clicked the rig or sim button and had my entire asset or shot instantly done i'm an eod technician for some reason there are a ton of combat engineers who think that they can do my job better than i can this was told to me by a co-worker while he was standing around he saw humvee hauling but towards him and his team the terrain was very bumpy so the vehicle was bouncing around a combat engineer pulls up gets out and says he has to show them something they need to help him with in the bed there is an armed anti-tank mine that wasn't even secured or anything they immediately screamed at him and cleared the area of other personnel they asked him what the frick he was thinking and he was absolutely convinced that only the pressure of a tank running over the mine could detonate it he was very wrong it could have gone off while it was bouncing around in the bed of the vehicle he wouldn't listen and he was absolutely convinced that he was correct freaking [ __ ] is lucky to be alive well he survived that ordeal but probably got himself killed at some point after the fact my buddy and his team moved the mine to a safe location and blew it in place my co-workers do stupid things but not things that actually blow up wow a work for a tea shop before this i worked in another tea shop in britain i once had a customer insist that green tea was caffeine free it's not if you were wondering ro i underestimated people's love for tea i would like to clear up a few misconceptions about tea but first i would like to state that i am not a scientist i am in no way a scientific expert regarding tea i have worked in the tea business for the last six years i have had extensive training and i am passionate about it however i admit that i do not know everything there is to know about tea however i do know this one all tea comes from the same plant called camellia sinensis the flavor properties caffeine content changes depending on where and how it's grown and then more importantly how it is processed is what changes the type of tea black green yellow oolong poo white etc two since all tea comes from the same plant all tea is caffeine in it that caffeine content changes based on the above methods but also it can change every year on soil acidity rainfall etc it also changes by which leaves and which part of the leaves are used to make tea 3 tea has far less caffeine than coffee 4. matcha tea is a green tea that is slowly grown in the shade in japan and naturally produces more caffeine it is then finally ground and because of that the consumer is ingesting everything from that plant rather than just infusing tea leaves and water which one take out some of the nutrients from the leaves four not being a scientist i have no idea about this rinsing a tea bag method to lower the caffeine content but i have heard it mentioned throughout the years however the longer you brew your cup of tea the more caffeine you will get out of it so you can draw your own conclusions there five if you think green and white teas are bitter you are brewing them to long no more than three minutes and try to get the temperature of the water around 79 82c or 175 180 f if you don't have a way of telling the temperature just let your kettle sit for a minute or two after it boils six rooibos is a caffeine free plant that is grown in south africa it has a very distinctive flavor that people either love or hate try it with honey and adding your own spices and it is divine also if you love a milky tea ignore the snobs and have drink it like you normally would black tea lawyer here someone just told me i was in butthole because i would not answer a real estate question involving a document i had never heard of for a deal in a jurisdiction i don't practice in told me i had to know about it and was just being difficult don't worry if you gave them an answer they didn't like you'd still be in butthole medical laboratory technician here a patient told me that the blood services in our state have him on speed dial because his blood was needed to save all newborn babies so i said oh you must be o negative he replied very seriously no i'm o positive when i explained that he probably was mistaken he got very loud and condescendingly told me he's being donating for years and that if i had paid more attention in school i would know the basics of how blood works i'm a freelance graphic designer i mainly do logos for small businesses and the like and the amount of people who ask me to give them discounts because they could do it is absolutely ridiculous don't even get me started on people explaining to me why me doing work for them for free will help me in the long run i'm a mechanic by trade a guy i know bought an older european sports car to fix up it doesn't run so he got it cheap i told him that it's definitely going to cost him way more than he thinks and it's not going to be easy for him to do himself not to mention the difficulties of finding parts for it he would probably save money if he just bought a new one he just blew it off and gave me some strange twisted reasoning about how he can do it cheaper and make it better okay dude whatever so far he's sunk thousands of dollars into it and it still doesn't run i believe that he's pretty well invested into the sunk cost fallacy at this point bye a retirement fund can think of no better investment than a used german luxury car parts are cheap and cars like audi are easy and even fun to service s bartender i'm consistently amazed at how little people know about alcohol i've got a million stories but there's one request i've been getting a lot lately my bar has a long island variation that's essentially a shot each of tequila vodka rum and gin along with peach schnapps sprite and two very sugary fruit juices topped with grenadine people have been requesting this drink without the grenadine because they think that extra sugar is what's making them hungover now man you're hungover because you just took four shots and consumed 80 grams of sugar trust me that one stroke four oz of grenadine is not going to make a difference i'm a commercial property manager inserting commercial leases it's the tenant's responsibility to maintain plumbing hvac etc so you don't call your manager in demand your bulbs need to be replaced or toilets leaking like you would in residential one of my properties had a main meter from the city then submitters to the individual suites our meters were monitored and billed by a third party who would then let us know if a tenant's usage had spiked we would let the tenant know that they probably needed to investigate since something on their side of the meter was possibly leaking we notified the tenant he freaks out and tells us nothing is leaking he freaks out further when his bill is four times higher i tell him again maybe get a plumber to investigate he says he doesn't need a plumber because he's a water engineer side note his business was one of those mailbox stores in a shopping center turned out his toilet was running oh geez i hope he catches it i'm a music producer engineer studio instrumentalist and it's amazing how many of the artists i work with many of whom are talented singers will have no knowledge of music theory or recording think they know better than me about it it slows down an already tremendous process i'm a water professional been told numerous times there are no asbestos water pipes i've been told that would be illegal and unethical asbestos concrete pipes are one of the most common types of water and sewer pipes when i bought a house people told me not to bother with an asbestos check because it's been banned for decades one it's only been banned since 2003 to the house was built in the 80s i'll leave it up to the professionals to tell me had someone argue with me that vaccines gave their child down syndrome yep injecting unsuspecting babies with extra chromosomes i'm a radio presenter i once spent 15 minutes at a dinner listening to a woman tell me that i didn't work on a certain radio stand that i had worked on for six years it was quite honestly the maddest thing i'd ever heard no no no it's not that one and if you don't really understand don't worry me neither i once had a lady call my house five times in two minutes asking for some random person even though i told her she had the wrong number and that it was only my wife and i that lived there she said absolutely livid excuse me i do not have the wrong number i sell tickets at a ski resort last monday we had rotary night where tickets are cheaper than normal and all proceeds go to charity tickets were 25 but if you bought them online they were 20 this one lady comes up and asks for a ticket and i tell her the price 25 she gets super angry and insists that they are 20 i show her on my computer how much they are when i ring a ticket up she claims that nowhere online does it say that the 20 tickets are online only so i pull up our website and show her that it does indeed say that the 20 deal is online only at this point she has raised her voice at me and tells me it didn't say the same thing earlier that day which everyone i work with knew it did she makes me call a manager he says the exact same thing to her and explains to her that these tickets are normally 72 dollars and she is saving money today anyways plus all proceeds go to charity she gets angrier and states that she isn't here for charity we normally aren't open on monday or tuesday nights anyways my manager proceeds to tell her that there is nothing we can do about the price change that she can either buy a pass or not she goes to find her family and comes back with her husband who tries to say the same things slaps for head i don't make enough money to deal with this sort of crap pediatric nurse so i love hearing how bad vaccines are how medications are toxins and chemicals how effective essential oils are how the fact that each nurse does certain things a little different it must be wrong i'm a standard small shop barista and once a girl asked me to make her a hot chocolate with a shot of espresso which is what a mocha since we use the same chocolate powder for both types of drinks i tell her oh do you mean a mocker if i charge you for a hot chocolate plus the extra shot it will be more expensive than if i just charge you a mocker mom she proceeds to tell me she knows more about coffee and that the two are totally different due to the different way we prepare the chocolate instead of arguing with her i go ahead and make her the drink that had already written the m for mocha on her drink label when i hand her the drink she proceeds to get hella angry and demand ira make her drink like she said a hot chocolate with an extra shot so i go back to the bar and basically just put her old drink into a new cup with the hc for hot chocolate she takes a sip and goes yep much better pharmacist have had more than one person try to convince me that their liver was special and that they developed a tolerance to enormous doses of tylenol protip you do not develop a tolerance to acetaminophen and no one gets to exceed 4000 mg day mostly these patients have developed a tolerance to hydrocodone and are looking for ridiculous fills of vicodin sir dr a has given you the maximum dosage i cannot fill the prescription from dr b frick you my liver is special runner up pick anything said by doctor oz frick doctor oz my mom was having intermittent trouble with her internet connection i'm an id and as all people in it know you become the family tech person i went to investigate mom had a network cable running from her computer to an extra modem under her desk the modem was connected to a coax cable running from the wall her house already had a modem and a wireless router i asked her why she had a second modem under her desk she told me that she'd complained to the man who'd just installed her dishwasher that her internet wasn't working well he'd offered to take a look and finding an extra modem in the basement fixed the problem for her none of this really bothered me as much as how hard i had to argue with her that this wasn't helping she was convinced that because she trusted the guy he had to be right she finally relented when face in my hands i'm owned i do this for a freaking living first off my stepdad had a home office that he actually worked out of so i set up the modem and router in that office so that all of his devices could be hardwired since he was actually working on the internet he took priority mom just casually surfed but yes connecting directly to your router is great if you can do it especially 15 years ago when wireless wasn't as reliable but second think of a modem as a doorway to the internet world the router just splits off access to that door so that multiple devices can go through it and each door modem has a key called a mac address that your servers provide the need so you can walk through that door but the world doesn't start until the line from your house hits the pole so knowing this a second door won't get you to the world any faster and it certainly won't work without giving your icepets key mac address even if you could get it to work which i don't think you could it would be like putting a second front door on your house so basically the modem under mom's desk was just a powered on brick that was talking to nothing i hope that explains things but maybe someone out there can do a better job of it and finally the issue was a crappy aftermarket wireless card in her pc that was a finicky beast but it was so long ago i can't remember if i replaced it or suggested she get a newer pc as hers was near end of life i think i also moved the router a little i did a lot of work for them over the years it's hard to remember all the fixes oh and my stepdad would slip me a 50 every now and again because he knew that at the time desktop support charged 80 hour it was a nice gesture and filled my beer fridge okay well if you know better you fix it then is a phrase you should always keep in your arsenal i'm a tattoo artist had a client try and tell me how i should go about tattooing color she was completely wrong and wouldn't believe me when i tried to explain how tattooing actually worked because her cousin told her how it is also had someone tell me once that they thought tattooing seemed pretty easy and that they could probably do pretty well at it because they decorated cakes that heavy not a tattoo artist and i hate this people get a machine and do a few and they know all yes i can get cheaper work but i pay for the knowledge behind the machine too and i go in with an idea that can be changed a bit to make it more aesthetically pleasing because it ain't washing off you do it every day i don't writing professor usually commentary on how technology has ruined millennials ability to write i don't mean handwriting i mean the skill of writing comma technology has ruined millennials ability to write my mother complains about this her logic is it's not real writing if you don't use a pen and paper i've given up arguing with her at this point i know it all told me a professional musician music instructor that his favorite piece of music of which he claimed expertise was bach's fifth symphony when i politely commented that bark never wrote any classical symphonies and that perhaps he meant beethoven the guy simply said that he knew what he knew and that's all that mattered lawyer and most clients are fine but about five percent act like they know the law better than you because they did the google search or read a wikipedia article me we can see you for a and b not c or d client why can't we see you for c i read something that says we can me i've researched it and it's not supported by the law and we'd lose client put it in anyway me i can't put in things we can't defend they'll just get thrown out anyway and it will turn the judge off to our good claims if we include a lot of junk claims client i don't think you're doing everything you can to win my case maybe i'll find another lawyer anesthesiologist anesthesia doesn't work on me watching their eyes roll back in their head while i anesthetize them is a good reward and those people know this stuff it's been years since i had to be put under but he told me you'll feel it in about 10 seconds i was thinking i don't feel shy yeah then i was out in about 10 seconds it was amazing to me how accurately he told me it would work it's not bad to not know things people defer to people with expertise i'm an airline pilot apparently i'm the only person that doesn't know how this stuff work at least once a month since i don't know how any of this works someone will tell me how flying airlines weather cancellations maintenance everything works i usually have to hold my tongue but when i don't the usual response after i explain something is no but this was different such things that i don't understand the plane went vertical the pilot gunned it the pilot came on the intercom and said we're gonna crash the flight attendant told us they don't know what's going on this has never happened before the plane was about to break up ugh you should stare at them like you're fascinated and ask them if they died i did have a wonderful encounter with a guy who was telling me all about his magnificent new romance novel and how it was destined to be a best-seller he was looking down on me on account of being self-published despite you know doing pretty okay financially speaking and that he was sure it would only be a matter of time before an agent picked up his i crap you not seven part bdsm masterpiece really he'd gone full wheel of time on this mother absolutely nothing had been left on the table he'd worked every possible kink you could think of into it it was like someone had tried playing mad libs with their genitals and oh was he eager to go into details he asked me if i wanted to read it and i said sure why not maybe it would turn out to be better than i was expecting which i can't stress enough was not a high bar we were talking on okay cupid and his command of the english language left a lot to be desired maybe he was looking for free editing or someone to fluff his ego i asked him if he wanted to email me a copy or nope oh i haven't actually finished it yet he said i've just done the first 5000 words or so but i've got it all planned out writing's the easy bit sure thing bunny whatever you say writing's the easy bit must refrain from b slap i had a patient tell me that i was a sham doctor for telling him that his dry weight went up by 10 pounds because he eats too much he had a jolly rancher stuck to his t-shirt while proudly telling me that he eats nothing but salads the ridiculousness of what you typed is just awesome i imagine the comic book guy from the simpsons just proclaiming only salad but not seeing the jolly rancher amazing stuff i'm a teacher so literally everything and anything to do with my job i graduated high school therefore i know everything you need to teach i've had a baby therefore i know everything about childhood development i voted therefore i know everything about government mandates about education if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 79,234
Rating: 4.9000545 out of 5
Keywords: professional, knowledge, knowledge meme, think they know, think you know, claim to know, knowing, everyone knows, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: sspz12gZhjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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