INSIDE LOOK into Hell! | Beginner's Discipleship #17 | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] so we're in discipleship class number 17 I believe if I'm wrong about the number please forgive me all right but anyway in discipleship class we're now in number 17 we're talking about the subject of hell let's talk about the origin of Hell origin of Hell how did Hell begin and start so look at Isaiah chapter 14 verse 12 all the way at the beginning it's because of Satan's rebellion it's because of Satan's rebellion so due to his rebellion that's why hell started God created hell like in Isaiah chapter 14 and we'll read verses 12 through 15 notice what Lucifer himself said at verse 12 Howard thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how's our cut down to the ground which this week the nation's and Lucifer starts talking at verse 13 for thou said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God now look what God said when Lucifer rebelled right that was the beginning of Lucifer's rebellion verse 15 yet thou shalt be brought down to where hell now look at Matthew 25 Matthew 25 so that's why hell was created it started with Lucifer's rebellion go to matthew chapter 25 and we were reversed 41 matthew chapter 25 and we will read verse 41 notice that god almighty he said that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels it was not prepared for sinners sinners us humans hell it was not prepared for it was prepared for Satan look at Matthew 25 verse 41 the Word of God reads then shall he say also unto them on the left hand depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for who the devil and his angels so there's no that hell was created because of Lucifer and the angels who fell that time due to their sin second Peter 3:9 please second Peter 3 you understand God doesn't want men to burn in hell God doesn't want men to burn in hell that's why hell was not created for you it was created for Satan and his minions like a second Peter chapter 3 verse 9 I will abbreviate I will paraphrase that the Word of God says that the Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance see God does not want people to burn in hell so you can see that he did not create hell for mankind it was intended for Lucifer and the fallen angels now look at psalms chapter 9 and verse 17 psalms 9 17 and then I'm going to read Romans 3:23 as well now the reason why sinners go to hell this is the reason why because of sin so because humans are contaminated with sin that's why we go to hell that's the reason why we go to hell so even though it was intended for the devil and his angels because of sin we fallouts the devil and his minions in their sin God has no choice but to cast us into hell Psalms 9 17 the wicked shall be turned see that into hell and then Romans 3:23 says for all have sinned that's why what does it say and come short of the glory of God we fall short of God's glory in heaven and we cannot go in because of our sins now let's go to Isaiah chapter 14 and verse 9 please Isaiah chapter 14 and we will read verse 9 so one thing to understand about Hell is that it's down in the earth it's down in the earth so it is not located at some separate plain out of some other dimension yada-yada-yada no it is actually in a geographical location it is below our feet now the two verses that proves this is easy 32:27 Isaiah 14 verse 9 as well as proverbs chapter 15 and then verse 24 now we're not going to look at all three passages we're all we're just gonna look at one of them so we're gonna look at Isaiah chapter 14 and verse 9 notice what God says concerning where the location of Hell lies Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet the at thy coming see that it's below us and then Ezekiel chapter 32 and verse 27 I'll quickly turn over there and read it it says and they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised which are gone down to hell see that so notice that the location is below our feet also proverbs chapter 15 and verse 24 it reads the way of life is above to the wise that he may depart from Hell where beneath it's below our feet that's where hell lies okay now Christ he went to hell during his death you don't understand he did go down to hell we're gonna look at several passages concerning this look at Acts chapter 2 and verse 31 Acts chapter 2 and verse 31 now the second passage you don't have to turn there but the second passage will be Matthew chapter 12 and it will be verse 40 Matthew chapter 12 and it will be verse 40 now notice what the Word of God reads right here that Christ he did go down to hell for us look at Acts chapter 2 and verse 31 now it's important to understand that Jesus Christ did not go down to hell to fry and to burn that's a heresy Jesus Christ when he went down to hell he was preaching to the Damned at hell he wasn't burning and frying look at acts 2 verse 31 he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell and in Matthew chapter 12 verse 40 what Jesus said was that he would be in the heart of the earth now remember what's at the heart of the earth hello right remember we talked about that Matthew chapter 12 verse 40 which you don't have to turn to for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales belly so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights notice the location in the heart of the earth Matthew chapter 25 verse 46 Matthew chapter 25 and 46 hell is known to be as a place of punishment so we're not going to turn there for times sake but Matthew 25:46 says that everlasting punishment that's what it says in Matthew 25:46 for hell Luke chapter 16 and verse 23 Luke chapter 16 and verse 23 says hell is a place of torment it is a place of torment so it's not just a normal place it is a place where you literally burn and you're tormented it's also a place of fire a place of fire so hell is not the grey Matthew chapter 18 and verse 9 Matthew 18 9 notice a hell is a place of literal fire it's not the grave like Jehovah Witnesses will like to say it is a place of wailing and gnashing of teeth so literally you gnash your teeth so much in pain and your wailing now you might say how is that possible that you nast your teeth usually in cold temperatures you gnash your teeth not in hot temperatures you're right but because hell is such an extreme place of bitter pain you literally are in so much in pain you gnash your teeth you ever grit your teeth in pain before so this one is going to be so bad that you're gonna be gnashing Matthew chapter 22 verse 13 it shows it's a place of outer darkness outer darkness so wow how can fire produce darkness isn't it supposed to show light well hell it's going to be like black fire there are some people who say because of the black substance of black fire it becomes very dark so you see right here help hell is extremely hot Blackfyre is actually one of the hottest temperatures hottest fiery torment another thing is Mark chapter 9 and verse 43 through 44 it is a place of literal worms you might say wait do you mean that yes literally there will be insects crawling all over you how many people hate being in a garbage can it is a place of no end no end now literally there's no time in hell and you'll be burning for all eternity man no ending and you want an end hell is also a place where you will burn together with the devil and his angels you'll be together with him I mean there are so many people that says I want a party with the devil well hey if that's what you want then the Lord will have you burn together with Satan that's found at Matthew chapter 25 and verse 41 and then the final thing I pray that's a fly opening actually hell is already nasty enough isn't it here's an important verse go to Isaiah 5:14 Isaiah 5:14 didn't you know Hell can grow I don't know if you knew that hell can grow even bigger well how are you gonna fit everyone in there that's no problem God all he has to do is increase hell you ever wonder why volcanic eruptions get even worse and worse nowadays one more soul dropped into hell one more soul dropped into hell now before you think that hell is a joke and that hell is a party I think you should change your mind after looking at all those verses and you'll look at all those verses you realize it's no joke Isaiah 5:14 there for hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure no measurements now look at proverbs 27 24 27 proverbs chapter 27 and verse 20 there's 20 per hour chapter 27 and verse 20 so you'll notice right here that with hell that it can grow even bigger so it is no problem with how many souls drop into hell literally billions so you got to realize this hell is something that you should take seriously why don't a lot of preachers talk about this pastor very simple look how horrible it is I don't want to hear about this teach and pastor well trust me you'd want to hear it if you're burning in hell when you're lost in sin let's look at proverbs chapter 27 and verse 20 hell and destruction are never what full now look at Psalms chapter 9 and verse 17 Psalms chapter 9 verse 17 now let's cover the names of hell we're gonna we're gonna be covering the different names of hell you might say hell has different names yeah it does now we're not going to turn to all of these verses but I'm going to list you out the names of hell so let's write over here the names what is hell called in the Bible it has many different names one of them is called she'll she'll that's Hebrew the Hebrew translation Psalms 917 I believe it says the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God it's also called Hades a days--and Greek that's a Greek word now I'll be found you don't have to turn there is Revelation chapter 20 and verse 13 now before Jehovah Witnesses will pull the punch line on you that Hades is a grave it's not literal Hellfire this verse will say that Hades is cast into fire it's also called Gehenna Gehenna now I'll be found at mark chapter 9 and verse 47 mark 947 hell is also called Gehenna hell is also called death or second death this is very important to understand because you're gonna notice throughout the whole Bible it will mention about an eternal damnation yet it's called death and some people don't understand that is it called that because it's an eternal death see that it's an eternal death it's called a second death it's not like ordinary deaths and you got to realize this death in our physical plane has an end but this death isn't perfect so you're gonna see die dead and death all over and when you see that throughout the Bible you're gonna realize that you can refer to burning in hell forever not just ending your life it's also called destruction destruction so whenever you see in the Bible about destruction realize it may not just refer to physical destruction it could refer to an eternal spiritual destruction which is Hellfire it's also called wrath of God wrath of God that's why you got to realize this if whenever in the Bible it says God sheds his wrath do you think that he's kiddin around I mean he likens it to hell you gotta understand that's another name for a Hell the wrath of God where you burn forever and ever that's what it is so when the Bible talks about God getting wrath you got to realize this it's gonna be something that's not pretty and you don't want to tempt the Lord with that it's also called lake a fire lake of fire so Jehovah Witnesses they believe in a lake of fire that but they don't believe in Hell that you can point out right over here that Revelation chapter 20 verse 14 well whether you believe or not that hell ass fire you at least believe that there is a torment of fire and B afterlife it doesn't change that fact now we're going to talk about the different compartments in Hell there are two passages go to Matthew 23 and Psalms chapter 86 look at Matthew 23 and Psalms chapter 86 so what we're going to discover right here is that hell has different compartments you got to realize this it's not just one location where people burn there are many different compartments in hell so there are different places different locations and I'm sure some people are wondering man what what kind of places lie within hell well there's a place of torment and this might be surprising to you but there's also a place of comfort within hell it's not just completely torment there's a location where there's a place of comfort that's where Old Testament Saints used to go and I'm going to be covering that a little bit later on but hell it it's not just a place remember we're lost sinners burn for eternity it is a place for who the devil and his angels originally correct so you're gonna find out different places in Hell where it's reserved for the Fallen Angels you're gonna find out there's a place located for the devil and his angels and even Judas Iscariot has his own little place in Hell I don't know if you realize that so let's cover the different compartments in Hell now when we cover the different compartments in Hell it is important to understand that when there are different compartments it means that there are different levels of burning so a lot of people they will say well I don't believe that a person who lived her life so much in good works is burning in the same hell as Adolphe Hitler and Ted Bundy well you got to realize this yeah they're burning in the same place but they're burning at different levels it's like prison right they go to prison but they serve different sentences they have different levels of punishment not only that in the prison system here in our countries they have different types of prison for people to be punished within so you got to realize this is that if mankind has that much common sense that crimes have to have penalty crimes must be punished yet there are different levels of kind of punishment why do you think that God doesn't have the common to realize that to sin has to be punished it must have a penalty no matter how much good works you did in your life sin is sin but God has enough common sense to put different levels of punishment look at Matthew chapter 23 and verse 14 the word of God reads right here one to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for ye devour widows houses and for a pretence make long prayer therefore ye shall receive the what greater damnation Psalms 86 and verse 13 which your hand is already there for great sigh mercy toward me and thou has delivered my soul from the lowest hell lowest hell now let's look at Luke chapter 16 please go to Luke chapter 16 hell has another compartment it's called Abraham's bosom Abraham's bosom this is a place of comfort you gotta understand it's not a place of torment you'll notice that right before Jesus died on the cross before Jesus died on the cross where can the people in the Old Testament go so Luke 16 common sense that's before Jesus died on the cross so this will show where people before Jesus died on the cross where they went to in the afterlife look at Luke chapter 16 verse 22 and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom so this is a Saint that went into a place of comfort the rich man also died and was buried and in where hell so the rich man is in hell the look where he sees he sees who Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom how can a person in the center of the world where hell lies see heaven unless this place of comfort Abraham's bosom is in the same location and you can see from a distance see that so Abraham's bosom you got to realize this it says in Hell as well the verse says in hell so in hell he sees he communicates with Abraham so Abraham's bosom a place of comfort in hell that's where they went now if you keep looking at Luke 16 look at verses 25 through 26 25 through 26 this definitely proves Abraham's bosom was in the same location as hell because there was a great gulf that was right between them so they were right across from each other look at Luke chapter 16 I put 25 there's no such thing as chapter 25 Luke 16 verses 25 through 26 notice what it says but Abraham said son remember that thou in thy lifetime receivest I good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented and beside all this between us and you see Abraham's bosom place of comfort where Lazarus and the rich man there is a what great gulf fixed also look in Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 the other place is Judas Iscariot it will literally say his own place his own place now we're going to look at several passages to prove this so we're going to look at several interesting passages I want you to go to about four of them probably acts 1:25 go to acts 1 X 1 and then second one go to John 17 John 17 the other one go to revelation 17 revelation 17 and that is it thankfully so just those three passages yeah just three just three not a lot right go to Acts chapter one and we will read verse 25 Acts 125 so let me review the three passages again so you can have some time to look Acts 1 John 17 John 17 and the other one is revelation 17 revelation 17 so again john 17 revelation 17 all right so i'm gonna launch off and read now you're ready so let's read the passages right here Acts chapter 1 and verse 25 notice it says that he may take part of this ministry and Apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell that he might go to where his own when he died he went to his own place now jump to John 17 verse 12 your hands already there right so let me read it off the bat while I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost now notice when Jesus says to God these disciples you gave to me none of them is lost right except one but the son of perdition so notice right here this is proof that Judas Iscariot is called the son of perdition because Jesus said none of these disciples I've lost except he calls him son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled ah scripture fulfilled huh remember Acts 1:25 he might go to his own place that it will fulfill the scripture actually which you're going to find out at verse 19 and 20 of Acts 1 but forget that go to revelation 17 right go to revelation 17 point as his point as judas iscariot he went to his own place and then he's called son of perdition now look at this now and that means look at revelation 17 verse 8 the Beast that thou sawest was now remember the beast is the Antichrist the Beast is also called if you know a little bit about your Bible who is the Beast call he's called son of perdition then that means wait a minute preacher then you're saying if the beast is called son of perdition Jews the scariest called son of perdition that means Judas Judas Iscariot is the Beast he's the Antichrist correct so Judas Iscariot what's going on is that he's in his own place and when revelation 17 that tribulation starts hitting guess what happens the Antichrist he comes out of the his own place he comes out of hell and then arrives through the world and says peace be unto you I am the Messiah ain't that while look at verse eight if you don't believe me that thou sawest was and is not and shall ascend see he's coming out of where the bottomless pit and go into where ooh perdition remember son of perdition Judas Iscariot ooh and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder see that I told you so I told you so now the other one is called bottomless pit bottomless pit so there's another location in hell it's called bottomless pit that's Revelation chapter 20 turn to Revelation chapter 20 please Revelation chapter 20 the second passage you're not going to turn there but the second passage is numbers chapter 16 verse 30 through 33 we're not going to turn there though go to Revelation chapter 20 and we will read verse 1 notice and I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit okay but who's in there and a great chain is its hand and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years and cast him into the bottomless pit so you'll notice right here that that's the location where Satan goes toward where Satan goes his location will be called the bottomless pit now do you know who also went to the pit which is very interesting Korah Dathan and abiram those three people who rebelled against Moses numbers chapter 16 verse 30 it says right here but if the Lord make a new thing and the oath the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up with all that a pertain unto them and they go down quick into the pit then he shall understand that these men have provoked the Lord and then verse 31 32 the earth opened up and they fell in this proves that the bottomless pit is located in hell it's located underneath the earth now the probably the most interesting location in hell go to 2nd Peter to 2nd - its Tartarus Tartarus in our King James Bible because it translates to English the English translation is obviously hell but you'll notice that in this location in hell it's not lost sinners it's a totally different location for totally different beings these are fallen angels that's why when you look at the Greek version of it the Greek version it calls it Tartarus Tartarus so to make it more specific we will call it Tartarus right here the accurate English translation however is hell second Peter chapter 2 verse 4 God spared not the Angels that sinned see that these angels who sinned where they go but cast them down into hell and deliver them into chains of Darkness to be reserved unto judgement look at that these fallen angels are in hell the Greek we'll call it Tartarus the Greek version of it and in Tartarus they are locked up in Chains until the final judgment when these angels are called out these fallen angels and they will be judged now let's talk about the big one this one is very important objections to hell this one you have to know this is a basic doctrine that you have to know if you don't know this you will not do well to answer go to Hebrews chapter let's see right here Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 the first objection is that God is a God of love okay but the thing is this it is true God is a God of love but you got to realize this God has attributes that are balanced he has positive attribute and a negative a true attribute he's not some kind of positive lovey fluff he's got he's a person like uni who has positive and negative attributes so he has love but this does not neglect his wrath as well he has a negative attribute of wrath you're gonna look at Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 29 okay Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 the Bible says in first John 4:8 God is love that's his name his name is love it does not make sense it's so inconsistent that hell would be attributed equals love no you got to realize this he has many names many attributes his name is love yes and his attribute is love but also look at verse 29 for our God is love like first John no a consuming fire you know look at that alright here's the second argument that they're going to pull up is there any need of eternal punishment because isn't it easier to say that all sin is paid for like purgatory sin is paid eventually so it does not make sense that sin is going to be paid forever it won't all sins be paid for it eventually well look at Romans chapter 6 verse 23 Romans chapter 6 verse 23 and then you're gonna look at Matthew 3:12 which don't turn to don't turn a Matthew 3:12 but go to Romans 6:23 Romans 6:23 notice that the price of sin is not temporary it's not gonna be like purgatory where you burn up for a while and the sin is paid for now this is a discipleship basic doctrine remember that so if you don't have these verses mark down and known then don't blame me and don't act confused when a person starts to argue against you and you don't have an answer that's why these discipleship classes are here for you it's for you to write these things down and to know it's your time to shine Romans 6:23 says for the wages of sin the price of sin is what death now keep reading this death is eternal because it says the gift of God is what eternal life so it's the context is eternity it's not temporal but if you don't believe me Matthew 3:12 which you should have written down although you're not there it says whose fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire see that it's unquenchable it's nonstop non-stop it's forever now go to Deuteronomy 32 Deuteronomy 32 now the answer to this one obviously is going to be no it shows eternal eternal here's the other argument right here a question it's too cruel well let's be honest I don't think even at all Taylor would torture someone that long I mean I'm sure like after what 2 million years or something like that the person will let him go so yes it does sound like that God seems very unfair and not only that let's just be honest he's cruel no one in his or her right mind would do something awful like that that's why the atheist they will put up these arguments on you how can you call God a God of love when he does something so inhumane like that well in Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 4 what you're gonna find out right here is that God is fair and won't do anything wrong to save a soul from Hell so look at Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 4 he is a rock he is the rock his work is what perfect now here's the answer to this in all of his works notice it's what perfect correct yeah his works are perfect works are your actions what you do in life so before people say oh that's not a good work for salvation good work know anything that if you do is counted work even getting inside a tub that's something you do okay but anyway aside from that you'll notice right here keep reading it says for all his ways are what judgment so this includes his judgment his works which includes judgment is perfect perfect does not mean 90% or 80% perfect means 100% so let's use some common sense is God perfect in his works of forgiveness yes does that mean he forgives 90% or a hundred percent 100% including his judgment will it be 90 percent or a hundred percent 100 percent what is more perfect judgment than eternal burning in hell eternally paying for your sins and what's more perfect forgiveness and eternal forgiveness that will wipe all your sins away see that because God has to be perfect humans are imperfect that's why when we do the works when we do the judgment when we do the forgiveness it's imperfect it will be unfair but God because he's perfect you can't tell him what to do because he knows the boundary lines he knows every detail of man's heart his heart is perfect whereas you're not so as a perfect God his works will be different from humans in being temporal in being not eternal it's going to be perfect perfect because God is temporal or eternal he's eternal so here's another argument why can't he just forgive the soul who's born who's burning in hell oh I forgive you and you can get out of hell I thought God is so forgiving God now look at Luke 16 Luke chapter 16 that's not how it works friend look at Luke chapter 16 verse 24 through 27 that's not how it works because you know why God is an honest judge now this honest judge is going to be perfect in his judgment right thus it will be eternal so as an honest judge you got to understand this do honest judges let people slide and get away with the crime that they've committed no he doesn't as an honest judge he has to cast the judgment otherwise it's breaking the law and the should not be a judge at all because he has to cast judgment that's why god he can't just forgive and let you go he has to punish it as an honest judge look at verse 24 and he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am tormented in this flame right forgive me get out of here look at verse 25 through 27 did he get his forgiveness or was he denied he was denied see so God just doesn't let people slide he does not let people slide for a crime they commit he's going to let them burn in hell forever now here's another thing isn't that still unjust for one sin it's unjust that a person will burn in hell forever for one sin here's the thing right here remember God has to be perfect in his judgment so as a perfect thorough judgment it's going to be eternal but then when a person commits one sin let's be honest the same kind of sentence and judgment as that off Hitler Ted Bundy it doesn't make sense ah remember we covered somewhere back here what did it showed right here before Matthew 23 14 we read it before you shall receive the greater damnation see that so you got to realize this everlasting punishment does not mean equal punishment there are degrees of everlasting punishment levels of everlasting punishment in hell now here's what they're going to say this six argument everlasting does not mean everlasting everlasting does not mean forever okay go to Roman's 16 26 I beg to differ I beg to differ Romans 16 verse 26 and then the other verse we won't turn to but write it down and those of you have notes you're the fortunate once John 3:16 John 3:16 it's written out there for you that's why I write all this out as much as I can I don't write every single verse by write as much as I can so you people can keep up with us alright now look at Romans chapter 16 Romans chapter 16 and verse 26 okay let's assume that everlasting doesn't mean forever Romans 16 26 the Word of God reads right here but now he's made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of who everlasting God God is not forever we got to understand that fact he's not for ever no religion would teach that actually not even Hindus or even Muslims they believe in an everlasting God John 3:16 if you really deny this and they're gonna pull up verses where it says everlasting and they'll try to prove right here notice this is everlasting but it doesn't mean forever that's what they're gonna do now the simple debunking to that argument actually this is not in your notes but the simple debunking to that argument is that in the context it's a human speaking about a human place Everlast see that so thus it is forever in the human life see that in the human life it lasts all the way but you got to realize in God's life in the afterlife there is no ending right there thus it lasts ever throughout the entirety of God's life but if they deny that John 3:16 is the easiest it says for God so loved the world whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life this is how you stop the Jehovah Witness seventh-day adventists okay this is how you stomp them hey you know your kingdom here on earth or up in heaven it's only temporary it's not forever oh no no it's forever because the verse is everlasting okay if you believe that's everlasting then why when God says it's everlasting torment and everlasting fire you say that's temporary you're picking and choosing you're picking and choosing make your afterlife as a saved person temporary if you're gonna make this temporary the next argument that you're going to see from the critics is that it's just the grave it's just the gray well in Luke chapter 16 it doesn't really show that because we're not going to turn over there but we already read some of the verses in the passage remember it says a rich man died and was buried so he's in the grave but then it says when he opened his eyes obviously people don't open their eyes in the grave and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torments well that's not the grave there's a separation with the grave and he'll right here there's no doubt about that another one is Mark chapter 9 verse 45 turned to mark chapter 9 and verse 45 they're going to also claim that hell is just a state it's not a place well I beg to differ these two verses debunked everlasting this verse excuse me I shouldn't cross this out what am I going in Luke 16 Luke 16 it debunked the grave notion and it's gonna debunk the state notion it's not just a conscious thing it's a place of conscious utter guilt a state of utter guilt it's not a state it's a literal place PLA seee place place place if you don't believe me look at mark 945 notice it is a place a literal torment a place of literal torment I don't think God was seeing right here it's a phase that you're going through it's a state of the mind look at mark 945 and if thy foot offend thee cut it off it is better for thee to and chanter halt to enter halt into life then having to feast to be cast into hell into her that never shall be quenched okay so here's another argument right here they're going to say so I'm very surprised I have here nine so I'm gonna make this smaller because I don't have much room here ten eleven and twelve okay I'm gonna put it like this hopefully people will read it from here but they're going to say it's a shield it's Hades it's Gehenna it's not hell how many of you heard of those arguments from Jehovah Witnesses before it's not hell it's not hell it's Shi all its Hades it's Gehenna the easy debunking to that is you don't need a verse those are translations okay that's not English those are translations another thing is that they're going to claim the job of witnesses they're going to claim it's lake of fire hell okay whatever because look at look at this answer right here the answer is is in Revelation 20 verse 14 turn over there Revelation chapter 20 verse 14 okay who cares you know why you can call it lake a fire all you want but you know what it says hell is cast into the lake of fire isn't that what it said on Revelation 20:14 yeah so it doesn't change the fact okay lake a fire you just admitted fire fire fire it doesn't change that fact another thing right here is that because you go to the lake of fire you'll be annihilated that's what they claim you will be annihilated so wait are they serious pastor yeah you don't burn forever you just go in the fire and poof you're gone like a puff of smoke but if you look at Revelation chapter 14 and verse 11 we won't turn over there for times sake but revelation 14:11 it says the lake of fire is what smoke of their torment so this is crossed out annihilation the torment ascended up day and night forever and ever that's what it says the final argument is that it's unloving it's unloving so for you to preach about Hell you have no love at all well I beg to differ because if you look at mark chapter 9 in Matthew 23 just read the whole chapters in your spend time and call Jesus unloving after that he preached more about Hell than any other person in the Bible did you realize that so don't call me unloving until you called Jesus unloving first alright your homework we'll be posted after this video Heavenly Father I pray that you'll dismiss tonight's discipleship with your blessing I pray that we've been armed with Scripture knowing how to approach heresies and that we take this doctrine of Hell seriously so that we can warn the lost and show them how to get saved in Jesus Christ in Jesus name we pray amen you out of all the wrong doctrines that's happening in our day and age at the last days of the church as the apocalypse is coming even closer the point of all this friend is that you won't be even able to grow in knowledge of the truth in Bible believing truth until you get safe first the most important question you have to ask yourself after watching all this is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to go to heaven perhaps one of these wrong doctrines have affected you and you had the improper way of salvation as you have seen before the way to get saved is very simple it's only simply salvation by grace alone without works through the Lord Jesus Christ in this Christian day and age if you're not sure that you can go to heaven after you die it's very simple to get saved first of all you have to understand that because of sin God is a holy God and he cannot even allow one percent of sin into heaven so he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you got to realize how serious sin is and you must repent you might say well then I guess I have to clean up all my sins I guess I have to go to church I guess I have to get baptized I have to I have to be a good person you know my friend good works can never save you Jesus is God who died buried and resurrected so that he can pay all the sins for you you don't have to pay a single sin for yourself so all you have to do as a repentant sinner is turn to what he did on the cross alone for your salvation you might say well pastor I do believe only on what Jesus did on the cross to save me that's great then all you have to do is just say that to the Lord you might say well preacher I haven't prayed much before in my life I don't know really how to say it to God can you help me out sure you could say it this way dear God I know I'm a sinner as I repent I put my faith that Jesus is God and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins I put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if you meant it with all your heart that you put your faith only on what Jesus did on the cross through his blood to save you then you are saved it's that simple my friend now my friend it is important to grow in Bible believing truth you now know the truth what are you going to do about it as the apocalypse comes even more closer an sayings about his to set up his kingdom even more there are many souls dying and going to hell and even many more churches out there who don't know right and wrong doctrine it is up to you now on what to do and go to our resources site ww BBC English org and click on the resources link over there and it will give you everything that you need to grow in grace the next step of your journey now is up to you we've done our part giving you this movie all of it was done for free by the love of the people god bless you [Music] or should we just stick to the Sermon on the mountain a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application King James only ISM is double standards now there's a false doctrine out there called dispensationalism yeah I don't believe once saved always saved the god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control-freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a misogynistic homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal filleth idol pestilential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic capriciously malevolent bully [Applause] [Music] but you don't want to get identified with the reproach of what really believing this Bible is all about you know at these wicked left-wing liberal perverts want you to do legalized in the marijuana or a homosexuality or if the whole entire world that people will leave the church over the color of the car dick what's wrong with our churches why don't we have a closer walk with Jesus why isn't everybody running around like little Jesus shouting screaming at home thing you look in the mirror and don't want to go street preaching it don't want to read the Bible and don't wanna pray and watch TV and a bunch of junk you don't have it because you're lazy that's why you don't have it because you won't work that's one the Bible through the weekend [Music] the wages of sin is death when you offer somebody a gospel tract if you're walking away and you see them and throw it on the ground that's not because they're afraid of what's in it they know what's in it no matter where you are today to turn to come and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty got me through and got me through for 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years you left that book on earth I mess with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know the Holy Spirit then we'll see so saying then we'll see God to sup with history then we'll see the Liberals and the homosexuals getting a thing then we'll see those apostate Christians getting that then we'll see all the world opening their eyes to the truth and they say we have not seen such a thing rather systems only one hope looking for that blessed hope that the floors appear that man died
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 29,117
Rating: 4.8523645 out of 5
Keywords: hell, where is hell, there is no hell, hell myth, bible believer, bible studies, bible study for beginners, bible study for women, bible study lessons, bible study methods, discipleship, discipleship evangelism, discipleship sermon, discipleship teaching, discipleship training, how to be a disciple, how to grow in faith, how to grow spiritually as a christian
Id: E-gsG1F9wZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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