What Will the Millennium Be Like? REALLY NEAT | Beginner's Discipleship #25 | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] tonight we'll be talking about millennium millennium so this will be an interesting teaching for all of you so what is the millennium millennium simply translate if you look at the meaning of millennium in the Bible it basically means 1000 years 1000 years so that's what millennium is so will there be a period of 1,000 years absolutely so this is from the doctrine of eschatology now if you look at your notes or in your outline and those of you online should have the theological studies outline not tonight's teaching but the theological studies outline just go to our website again I said this over and over again ww BBC English or fine theological studies outline and from there it will give you all the things that we're going to go through in our teaching on discipleship one of them one of the branches of theology we're covering is called eschatology eschatology is the doctrine of the end times so millennium is one of those basic main doctrines that is from eschatology we'll be studying okay so without further ado let's get going so let's cover the first point right here regarding Christ at the Millennium regarding Christ at the Millennium so if the camera man can see if this is out of the side and both cameras both cameras and we're going to be looking at Matthew chapter 25 so concerning about Christ at the Millennium what he'll be doing is that he's going to judge different nationalities and as he judges different nationalities he's going to spare or dam them he's gonna either spare or dam them now when does this occur okay then thank you so let's lower it one knotch all right so how am I now I'm really close to the phone too so maybe all right thank you brother all right so this occurs after his second coming you got understand so this occurs after his second coming and after his second coming it's a judgement so this judgment is called judgment of Nations judgment of Nations that's why it's called so again this is judging different nationalities around the world and then he's going to spare or dam them depending on how well they treated the Jews so that's the determination of the judgment at this judgment of nations verse 31 when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with them so you see that this is after his second coming then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory see that so he's about to start his millennial reign but when he starts his millennial reign this is the judgment of nations and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats so notice the determination of this look at verse 35 for I was in hunger than he gave me meat I was thirsty and he gave me drink I was a stranger and he took me in naked and he clothed me and I was sick and he visited me I was in prison and he came unto me then shall the righteous answer him saying Lord when saw we thee an hungred and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink so these people who are able to enter who are spared at the judgment Jesus told them because you fed me you clothed me you visited me in prison now think about that visiting you in prison and jesus said because you did this to me you're able to be spared and then these people are asking him so when did we do this to Jesus I don't remember doing that and Jesus answers at verse 40 and the King shall answer and say unto them verily I say unto you in as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my what brethren ye have done it unto me so notice right here that the determination is how they treated his brother now who are his brother if you look at every time the Bible says the word breath not the Bible the book of Mathew what the author is thinking Matthew when he says brethren it's referring to Jews but let let me just read this verse quickly you don't have to write this verse down but if you want to make sure it would be Matthew chapter 23 and it'll be verse 8 but be knotty called rabbi see that's Jewish for one is your master even Christ and all ye are brethren see so Jesus when he's talking about the brethren here he's talking about his own nation his own brethren in the flesh the Jews so that's what the context is and you're gonna see that every time in the book of Matthew now look at Isaiah chapter 40 verse five Isaiah chapter 40 and verse five now what's important to understand is that since all the world they will see Jesus in his coming of glory that's when Matthew 25 said right when he comes in his glory they're obviously going to see him thus no faith is necessary for salvation why is that because faith is something that is not seen but see they're going to see Jesus that's why faith is not necessary in the Millenium so we're going to look at Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 5 and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all what flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the lord hath spoken it now if you read the whole chapter I love Isaiah you'll see the context is talking about his kingdom on the earth when he's right there on the earth ruling and everyone will see him Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 what does it say now faith is sense of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen see that that's the reason why people we see Christianity is a fake right why is that because we believe without seeing it requires faith for you to believe on Jesus Christ for salvation why because you don't see him you don't see him sending that glove to wash away your sins you accept it by faith when the Millennium that's not required why is that because you're seeing Jesus already that's why we say that in the Millennium that faith is not necessary for salvation we're going to look at chapter 2 Isaiah chapter 2 and then we're gonna read verses 2 through 4 verses 2 through 4 of Isaiah chapter 2 now what kind of rain will he have we're not talking about lowly Jesus meek and mild born in a stable being loving and forgiving like he was at his first coming at his first coming at his second coming his rulership is not going to be a democracy did you hear what I said it's not gonna be like your United States of America land of the free home of the brave besides we're not living in a democracy it's a joke but the point is is that his rule is going to be military dictatorship now you might say well then what makes him different from a Dolf Hitler what makes them different from Mao say Tong I'll tell you what's different those men are selfish in the flesh pleasing their own lusts of the flesh God he does it in holiness he doesn't in rightness he does it without sin thus whatever he tells you to do you better follow that's how it should be done Ronnie that's how we can get peace on the earth is if everyone followed what God said now look at Isaiah chapter 2 verse 2 and it shall come to pass in the last days see the eras of future that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow unto it see that nation's flowing into it that matches Matthew 25 these nations coming before God so this is no doubt the millennium and many people shall go and say coming in let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his ways and we will walk in his pass for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem and he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people oh here's your phrase from United Nations and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war anymore Revelation chapter 2 and verse 27 I'm gonna go ahead and read it I already wrote on the board so that some of you can write it down those of you who are here you have the privilege of looking at your notes and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a Potter shall they be broken to shivers even as I received of my father see it's a military dictatorship Psalms chapter 2 please Psalms chapter 2 and we'll read verse 6 through 7 Psalms chapter 2 and we'll read verse 6 through 7 Jesus will force everyone on earth to serve and worship him ain't gonna bow the knee I ain't gonna worship Jesus oh no you will you're gonna he's gonna make you bow the knee in his rule and in his reign it's a military dictatorship and you're gonna bow whether you like it or not everyone has to worship Him all shall bow has one song says all shall praise all shall bow before the King Jesus Christ the Ancient of Days every knee in earth and heaven shall bow to the throne he has given at the name of Christ our Redeemer all shall bow amen all shall bow it's actually a really good song by majesty music actually good really good song actually the guy his name is Ron Hamilton he found it patched the pirate club so that's a really good song but anyway Psalms chapter two verse six yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion see that so on the earth the king is ruling I will declare the decree the Lord has said unto me that my son this day have I begotten thee verse 11 serve the Lord with what fear and rejoice with what trembling kiss the son lest he be what angry and he perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little alright Revelation chapter 20 Revelation chapter 20 see this is military dictatorship folks well what why should you well I can be gracious and merciful oh he already did 2,000 years he made salvation that easy and simple for you he made he allowed you to make fun of his name joke about him put a comedy show and make Jesus jokes and criticize and persecute his own children I think he's been gracious with you long enough it's not funny he gets paid ain't about time he gets payment alright regarding the wicked so let now we know about what Christ's role will be like at the Millennium but what is the Wicked's role at the Millennium okay so if the cameraman can keep an eye out if I'm out of bounds right here I'm going to low alright so regarding the wicked is that Satan will be cast into the bottomless pit of hell throughout the entire time all right then thank you so much all right Revelation chapter 20 and verse 2 notice and he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and cast him and bound him how long a thousand years so it shows a during that entire 1000 years the Millennium Satan will be at the bottomless pit the entire time 3 and 4 will also explain it another thing concerning the wicked is that the beast and the false prophet praise the Lord they will be cast into the lake of fire they will be cast into the lake of fire these people who have deceived so many souls in the tribulation they're going to be cast into the lake of fire turn to Revelation chapter 19 verse 20 please Revelation chapter 19 verse 20 and then we're not going to read the whole passage but all the way down to chapter 20 and verse 4 you can tell that the beast and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire when the Millennium starts look at Revelation chapter 19 verse 20 and the Beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped His image these boats were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone see there cast in the lake of fire 21 one two three and four of chapter 20 you'll see during that millennium there in the lake of fire okay look at Isaiah chapter 34 now this one will not be taught in your typical churches including typical independent fundamental Baptist churches they won't know this doctrine only Bible believers will know this but what Bible believers teach and believe is that if you're part of the wicked during the Millennium you know what happens you go to a hell on earth and that's located near at the land of edom so God's going to open up hell on earth and that we found at Isaiah chapter 34 verse 2 6 and 9 through 15 and then you're going to also see right here let me add another point right here Isaiah chapter 66 verse 23 through 24 all right now go to those two passages I'm going to show you something here so this is after the second Advent now remember what's after the second Advent folks it's the Millennium right you got the judgment that nations going on and then you got Satan cast into the bottomless pit and then you've got people living happily ever after but the kingdom on the earth etc etc so after the second Advent thus this will be the timing of the Millennium so we know this will be referring during the context of the millennium because in the second Advent you'll notice right here the Lord will create a hell on earth and that is filled with demons devils at the land of Edom we're gonna look at verse 2 for the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations and his fury upon all their armies yet utterly destroyed them he had delivered them to the slaughter so remember God wiped out all the armies on the earth at the second coming right now what happens then is verse 6 the sword of the Lord is filled with blood it is made fat with fatness and with the blood of lambs and goats with the fat of the kidneys of rams for the Lord had to sacrifice in where Basra and the great slaughter in the land of where you may up ok this is nearly done now let's read verse 9 and the streams thereof shall be turned into pitch and the dust thereof into what brimstone and the land thereof shall become what burning pitch but this is hell we're talking about because look at verse 10 it shall not be quenched night nor day the smoke thereof shall go up forever from generation to generation it shall lie waste none shall pass through it forever and ever that's hell this kind of fire let's keep reading right here verse 11 12 13 14 15 do you see a bunch of weird-looking creatures demonic creatures mentioned in those verses you notice that how about that see it's going to be filled with Devils another thing is let's look at Isaiah chapter 66 now now you know why the Lord is gonna open that up on the earth I'll tell you why it's so that it can put the fear of God upon people when they are forced to worship Jesus on the earth and they're like no I'm a proud yes no I'm gonna take my you know how many people I've talked to that some of them actually have the audacity to say yeah I can take al it's not a problem with me I mean I can say God if they work to my friend you're not gonna do that okay he's gonna make everyone see this and everyone will see this hell on earth and when everyone sees this trust me you're not gonna tell God if you look at verse 23 and it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me see that they're gonna worship Him but they're gonna look at the same time verse 24 and they shall go forth and look upon the what carcasses of the men remember Isaiah 32 he hath the slaughter of all these men but the slaughter of these men has Hellfire because keep reading carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me for their worm shall not die neither shall their fire be quenched that's hell see I told you so everyone's going to see it now what church taught you that doctrine before I'm sure to talk to you that before all right now let's talk about Israel at the Millennium regarding Israel at the Millennium now I know you Christians want to think that it's all about you at the Millennium but no that's not true God is not done with the nation of Israel he has a role and a purpose for them that is separate and different from you look at Joel chapter 3 please Joel chapter 3 and then Zechariah chapter 8 Zechariah chapter 8 when God comes down on the earth the exact location his capital is gonna be Washington DC nope his capital is going to be Rome the Vatican Empire no it's not Augustine you got it wrong that's not that where Jerusalem is gonna be it's going to be independent City Missouri some of you are like going what is that Mormons teach that Mormons teach that Joey Smith thought that was the case good old pervert Joey you know all right why did you say pervert Joey Pasteur well just read his life story that's all I'm going to say all right Joel chapter 3 and then we'll read verse 16 we'll read verse 16 notice what the Bible says is that when he comes down on the earth the exact location is Zion Jerusalem the Lord also shall roar out of where Zion and utter his voice from where Jerusalem and the heavens and the earth shall shake but the Lord will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of who Israel so shall he know that I am the Lord your God dwelling in where Zion my holy mountain then shall Jerusalem be holy now look at Zechariah 8 and verse 3 your hand should already be there so I'm gonna read it ahead Zechariah chapter 8 verse 3 reads thus saith the Lord I am returned unto Zion and will dwell in the mix of Jerusalem and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth and the mountains of the Lord of Hosts the holy mountain see his headquarters is Jerusalem look at Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 verse 26 Romans chapter 11 verse 26 if you insist that it's only going to be Christians who will take Jerusalem for themselves and this has nothing to do with the nation and I mean nation I'm not talking about Christian Jews I'm talking about the nation of Israel and the nation of Israel their salvation their operation God dealing with them is different from how he deals with Christians the nation of Israel what's going to happen to them is that their sins will be nationally cleansed away so this salvation this sinful cleansing is obviously different from Christians if you insist that no this is what these Jews are referring to Christians and I would like to ask you this question then why is it is it talking about a national cleansing in the future shouldn't you be cleanse right now by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ is God gonna withhold his cleansing from you oh god I want to get safe oh yeah I'm gonna withhold my cleansing until the future you know you got a long way to go child you got to wait a little longer no that's not how it works that's why you make sense that this future cleansing has to be a different group of people not saved Christians today this is referring to a nation cleansing because remember the nation of Israel right now is wicked nation of Israel reject Jesus Christ but once they enter the millennium and they see Jesus on the earth then what do you think they're gonna do after that this is the Messiah the Old Testament prophets talked about they're gonna repent they're gonna get right with God look at right here Romans chapter 11 verse 26 and so notice what does it say all the Israel so this is a nation this is a nation shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Sion the deliverer and shall what turn away ungodliness from Jacob for this is my covenant unto them when I what shall take away their sins see that now verse 28 should convince you these Jews are not Christians okay see that National Salvation is totally different from verse 28 your salvation the gospel you're saved these are lost sinners Jews okay let's also look at Isaiah chapter 11 Isaiah chapter 11 what's really hilarious is that there are some of these arrogant trolls on the internet who like to call themselves brand new independent fundamental Baptist KJV only people and they try to deceive people that they're the real Baptist some of these weirdos and heretics they would like to say that they're the real Jews okay if you are then I would like to ask you what tribe you're from huh you're from Judah you're from Benjamin which tribe are you because God's restoring the tribes here look at Isaiah chapter and verse one and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots see that capitalization out of Israel David's line there's gonna be Jesus Christ let's keep reading right here verse 4 but with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked that sounds undoubtedly like Millenium to you right similar wordings you read before now let's keep reading here verse 12 and he shall set up an ensign for the nations and shall assemble the who outcasts of Israel are you an outcast are you safe Christians outcasts no we're part of the family of God so this is referring to Israel who was casted away before by God but now God's restoring them keep reading and gather together the dispersed of who Judah from the four quarters of the earth the envy also of who Ephraim shall depart and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off eat Liam shall not envy Judah and Judah shall not vex eat them you see that these tribes the tribes of Israel will be restored Ezekiel chapter 36 we won't turn there for time sake no actually you know what we'll turn there because some people might not believe this part so let's look at this one alright some of you might not believe what I'm gonna say so let's go to this part Ezekiel chapter 36 yes sir Ezekiel chapter 36 so the tribes are restored and we saw that Isaiah chapter 11 and verses 1-4 and 12 to 13 now the next thing right here is that Israel will become like the Garden of Eden and here's another thing right here their families they're gonna have families that will grow even more and more wait you're saying that there's gonna be marriage there's gonna be birth of children absolutely at the Millennium there will be but I thought that Jesus said that marriages are not given in heaven yeah you know why very simple that's why you have to divide Israel from say Christians you have to divide that because we're already married to Jesus Christ we have our marriage supper of the Lamb so I'm gonna explain that a little later so we're already taken but these Jews right here they're going to keep making families and they're gonna grow and then some of these Internet weirdos who like to boast themselves as new independent fundamental Baptist profess that Christians will go through the tribulation and attack the nation of Israel these numbskulls say that this teaching is a fantasy that family that you were going to have children at the Millennium Ezequiel know they don't read their Bible no you're gonna have families families are actually gonna grow so you're gonna repopulate throughout this whole area alright let's look what the Bible says hey don't don't believe me all right don't look at me like a tree full of owls and say what what and go with big eyes like an owl looking at me look at look look look at the Bible people are just so glued on a screen and they're like uh-uh uh-uh what he's crazy oh look down at your Bible you have your Bible open do you have your Bible open look at it okay I could be a cult leader here right now and everything that I taught you was just a made-up lie okay oh you're scaring me pastor what if you're a deceiver good praise the Lord look at the verse okay alright notice what the Bible says thus saith the Lord God in the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities Oh see that you don't like that do you there's no doubt this is strongly nation of Israel Maleny now let's keep reading right here I will also cause you to what dwell in the cities and the way shall be builded and the desolate land shall be killed whereas he lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by and they shall see this land that that's become like what the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve they finally have what they wanted they're back at the garden and the waste and desolate and ruin cities are becoming fenced and are inhabited then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the LORD build the ruined places and plant that was desolate I the LORD have spoken it and I will do it thus saith the Lord God I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them I will what increase them with men like a flaw see I told you their numbering more people verse 38 as the holy flock as the flock of Jerusalem in her saw and feast so shall the way cities be what filled with blossom men and they shall know that I am the Lord see they're gonna give birth to children they're gonna repopulate all right let's look at Micah chapter 4 well we won't turn there for kind sake but in Micah chapter 4 another thing to note concerning the nation of Israel is that God will reinstate the Jewish laws and practices so they're easy so this is the easiest proof of dispensationalism people who deny dispensationalism they think it's just all in the New Testament that's it no you got to put more differences than just Old Testament all of a sudden you change with Christianity and we live forever yadda-yadda-yadda no that's not how it works okay you got to realize that God's gonna reinstate Old Testament practices at the Millennium then what are you gonna do you don't have an answer to that do you ok look at Micah chapter 4 verse 1 through 2 Jewish laws and practices reinstated alright let me know if I'm out of bounds on the side on both cameras okay Micah chapter 4 verses 1 through 2 this is 1 through to notice that Jewish laws and ordinances are going to be reinstated so I would like to ask you very simple question if you don't think that the nation of Israel is a separate nation then who's gonna be observing Jewish practices do you think it's gonna be dummy Christians come on use your head exactly it's not Christians so then who else is it gonna be you have to argue there's going to be any nation of Israel resort you can't say we Christians are the ones know that if you want to do that then you might as well do the Jewish laws and ordinances see they're not using their head micah chapter 4 verse 1 to 2 i said we won't turn there and I just turned there okay but in the last days it shall come to pass see later on the future mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains he shall be exalted verse 2 many nations shall come and say come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of who Jacob and he will teach us of it whose ways his ways and we will walk in his path for the what law shall go forth of Zion see that and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem all right regarding creation at the Millennium so now let's talk about his creation okay so you can write these verses down we're not gonna turn there for time saving but regarding the creation at the Millennium what's going to happen is that all creatures are going to enjoy each other's company when Jesus comes down on the earth so creatures are in harmony with together so imagine man ain't it a blessing that you see a tiger and a in a land hugging each other huddling against each other wow what what what a paradise man what a paradise you mean so imagine that a child having the line as his kid play with Isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 verse 4 so we know the context is millennium because we looked at those verses before right right here but then verse 6 through 8 talks about the creatures in harmony together another thing concerning the creation at the Millennium is that the earth and the inhabitants they're going to have no deficiencies there are no deficiencies and that's found at Isaiah chapter 35 verse 1 through 7 so earth and a-hat inhabitants no deficiencies save the environment save the environments well you're just wasting your money all those millions of dollars you're just wasting your money you're not going to have have you're not going to have it until Jesus Christ comes down on the earth okay okay another thing right here is longevity restored longevity restored that's found at Isaiah chapter 65 verse 20 and then 25 as a matter of fact it says that a person who's not that good at the Millennium will die at the age of a hundred so then imagine a person who lives right how much longer he has left to live all right now go to Jeremiah 30 just in case some people still doubt me on this one family life continues see there repopulating here family life continues when the Lord restores Israel at the Millennium so if you guys doubt me then turn to Jeremiah chapter 30 we're gonna read verse 18 through 20 verses 18 to 20 Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 18 to 20 I would also like to ask this question if you really think that Christians are going to go through the tribulation and they're the ones who are going to take the land of Israel and this is not a friend to Jews I would like to ask you this question you really think you're going to go through the tribulation then and you're going to continue your family life it's talking about you so say Christians are going to marry each other and continue family life isn't that Mormon teaching then where the Saints they're going to marry wives over there and repopulate with children it's really hilarious that these internet weirdos who call themselves brand independent fundamental Baptist kjt only though you know stuff like that that they accuse us of teaching Mormonism because we believe in repopulation but there are verses that clearly show it so yeah we believe in repopulation but it's not for us this is referring to the nation of Israel so if you insist that no it's not referring to the nation of Israel it's Christians then you got you're in trouble because you're teaching the Mormon teaching then that this family life that has to be Christians repopulating the world don't look at me like a tree full of owls again look at your Bible man people just get mad and then they we start people start stopping people just start to all of a sudden stop watching the video and then we drop on live stream and a ma'idah putting some you under conviction we have some people unsubscribing at this moment because they're very sensitive because it goes against their bias their own preconceived rather than looking at what the Bible says look at Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 18 thus saith the Lord behold I will bring again the captivity of Jacobs tents and had mercy on his dwelling places and the city shall be builded upon her own peak heap and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof and now them shall see Thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry and I will what multiply them and they shall not be what you see they're gonna repopulate I will also glorify them and they shall not be small there what children okay you get the pony also shall be as a 4-time and their congregation shall be established before me and I will punish all that oppressive what are you gonna do then huh what are you gonna do by the way what are you gonna do with Isaiah 11 right here that a little child shall lead a lion who do you think that child is you think some Christian who just got saved that he's going to be a child for all eternity who's that referring to there is no doubt ordinary human life population growth is going to resume in the Millennium and that can't be say Christian those are a different group of people you can't deny that okay nature will also become Lively now this is something else where you see these fantasy movies they're trying to bring up the fact that you can talk to trees and then rocks and stuff like that I'm going to tell you something that they're just grabbing stuff from the Bible the Bible says nature will become Lively in Isaiah chapter 55 verse 12 to 13 now I don't know how much life will be in nature so I'm not saying they're gonna be altogether a different person but it's going to you're gonna be surprised how much life and how much animation that they had within themselves nature Bible says the trees shall clap their hands with joy okay regarding the church so what's our role right the Christians what's the role of Christians at the Millennium the role of Christians at the millennium Revelation chapter 19 verses 7 through 11 you can turn over there Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 through 11 yes sir nothing okay alright yeah marriage supper of the lamb amen what happens is is that we're going to have the marriage supper of the Lamb that's found in Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 through 11 I'm not gonna read it for times sake so you go ahead and glance through that so notice that Christians are up in heaven at the marriage supper of the Lamb and it's actually going to resume and once this marriage supper occurs we're gonna have the second Advent as well you'll notice from verse 7 through 11 its marriage supper and second Advent we come down with Jesus to conquer the earth so imagine we have a part so what's going on is that we we have our wedding and then we have our wedding supper and then we go down to our honeymoon not on a Mustang but on unicorns maybe going down and then here we are the bride and the groom going down hmm and then a red carpet is rolled out for us as we go against all the armies and it's gonna be red with blood like a red carpet and then he's going to set on the earth and that's where we're going to enjoy them very long honeymoon how about that man okay so there are people who reign with Christ a thousand years that's found at Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4 so we can see that this is not just tribulation Saints or Jews this is referring to Christians as well because you compare that with Romans chapter 8 verse 17 as well as 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and verse 12 it talks about Christians ruling Christians reigning so then the Saints will rule on the earth aren't Christians counted as the Saints yes so thus we will rule on the earth so when the Bible says Saints we can think of many different groups of people Old Testament Saints tribulation Saints Jewish Saints including Christian Saints so we're gonna be ruling that's going to be a blessing we're gonna rule the world man you're going to take back the what the elites always wanted they sought it from the Antichrist at the tribulation they never got it and it belongs to us the kingdom that the elites always wanted the new world order the ones that they sold their souls to the devil - hey they sold their souls to the wrong person we sold our souls to the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ because of that his kingdom will reign supreme and not this New World Order junk now how much you reign depends on how much your service is that is extremely important how well you serve it is going to depend on how much you rule these are found at Luke chapter 19 verse 17 as well as 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 12 it says you suffer you reign with him and then not only that it also shows that a Christian can face the loss of his reign because think about it at Revelation chapter 21 verse 4 which is so let me move over here at the side Revelation chapter 21 verse 4 it shows that there are saved people who wipes away tears from their eyes so thus it shows that Christians can still feel the grief and loss during the Millennium so think about it 1,000 years is a long time compared to your lifetime what are you wasting your time on on this life you think you want to run away from the sorrows of this life what about during 1,000 years of the millennium see that's a long time that's like you got to get your tails into serving God and not waste timing then now we're going to turn to Isaiah chapter 33 and then we'll read verse 14 Isaiah chapter 33 and then we'll read verse 14 alright let's talk about the world what's gonna happen to the world at the Millennium so Isaiah chapter 33 and verse 14 through 17 now I'm not gonna read that for times sake but now let's talk about the world at the Millennium notice that one in Isaiah chapter 33 when you read that verse I mean don't believe a word that I'm saying just read it right now while I'm erasing the board verse 14 through 17 at the presence of God so when will God be treasurer on the earth the millennium CE so this is millennium so when God is present on the earth God is present before them a person survives hell by strictly obeying the commandments see so salvation in the Millennium is very very different from salvation from save Christians today now remember faith is not necessary at the millennium remember that so we already got a difference right there because we are already seeing Jesus but what's required at the Millennium is strictly obeying His commandments that's how you get saved you might say no I don't believe that what do you mean you don't believe that remember God has to make everything perfect at the Millennium isn't it logical to think that he's going to do a military dictatorship lays out the rules that if you're gonna survive you have to follow the rules remember the verse says he's gonna cast you into Hellfire if you don't follow along the system right see that shows right there that there is undoubtedly a difference of salvation at the Millennium so that is point number six regarding the world at the Millennium regarding the world at the Millennium one salvation by strictly keeping the commandments so it's works at the Millennium this is founda Isaiah chapter 33 and verse 14 through 17 read your Bible people just don't read their Bible they scream heresy heresy without even reading the Bible people scream heresy without even reading the Bible are a heretic themselves I think all right Isaac Zia chapter 11 verse 1 4 and 9 the world will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord so everyone's gonna know the truth so here you are still growing and searching for knowledge of the truth but at the Millennium you're all gonna be filled automatically because God is right there the way the truth and the life is already right there that's Isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 4 and 9 you know who are going to be the people online that are going to say the government is a conspiracy it's going to be the Liberals now at the Millennium it's going to be the false cults at the Millennium they're gonna be the ones posting things at YouTube on a dark web during the millennium and saying see Jesus Christ he's there's a conspiracy behind them you see that he's actually the devil Jesus is not that's what's gonna happen at the Millennium they're all gonna have conspiracies behind the scenes they're gonna put up the videos and the images and the photos those guys who once accused Bible believers of being conspiracy theorists that they themselves are gonna be the ones themselves they're gonna be doing that at the Millennium because the Satan's gonna gather a whole bunch of people at the Millennium so it shows that during this whole time at the line and our people behind the scenes conspiracies isn't that funny isn't that really funny what they accuse us of something they themselves are guilty of hypocrisy amen all right another thing right here is that Zechariah chapter 14 verse 9 16 through 21 the verse says that at God's reign on earth a person has to offer sacrifices now see that this can't be safe Christians you got it you got it there's got to be a separate dealing of Jews and they're going to be keep keeping the Feast of Tabernacles now this teaching tonight whether you like it or not undoubtedly proves dispensationalism and the restoration of the nation of Israel if you deny dispensationalism teach Christians go through the tribulation and that Christians are the replacement of the Jews you don't even know a basic doctrine of eschatology of the millennium - should be troubling who's gonna offer sacrifices then you think it's gonna be a Christian no it's going to be a Jew the reason why they have to offer sacrifices and keep the Feast of Tabernacles is because if they don't do that God's going to send a plague and a lack of rainfall in that particular area who's not following his orders first alright because God's capital is in Jerusalem the world will recognize Israel as a superior nation it is going to be a superior nation I don't believe in that that is racism you know saying that this nation is above all other nations here's the point okay you know why you say racism and then you say that that's totally incorrect very simple because you want every nation to be equal with their own belief culture and ideology here's the thing I'm not you're a Jew lover you're a Jew lover what if God chose Africa huh you know what you guys are gonna do your buncha African lovers you're a bunch of black lovers if I choose Korea god forbid and I would do that as much as I would like to do that but if I start doing that you're gonna say oh he's a racist he's a Korean supremacist if I said America you're all going to say he's a white supremacist now look at that see it doesn't matter the point is if God chose a particular religion the world will call that intolerance and discrimination if God chose a nation the world will call that intolerance and discrimination what your problem is your problem is whenever God chooses something you don't like it you want to be just as special that's your problem folks you see why they're against Christianity because we claim that our salvation see whether you like it or not our salvation is superior than all other religions on what they teach on salvation I don't care if you like that or not lump it it's what it's not a matter of Baptists being superior or Israel be superior that's not the point the point is what God chose is superior yeah that's the point all right we're going to look at well we're not gonna look now regarding the Millennium let's close it off right here and then we'll call it a night let's close it off right here and then we'll call it a night now let's talk about after the millennium after the Millennium so what's going to happen after the Millennium folks mmm I wonder once the millennium is over Satan is going to be freed that's what's going to happen Satan will be freed and then here are all those liberals and Catholics Masons and God knows who else communist Muslims etc we're all hiding on the dark web of the internet sharing Facebook blogs and YouTube videos of Jesus is a conspiracy I told you Jesus is the Antichrist see and I told you that he is actually a you know these Christians are actually Nephilim and reptilians those guys you see pastor Kim living in Hollywood now in Beverly Hills with his own mansion at the Millennium see I told you he's part of the conspiracy he's the real elite that's what's gonna happen and Satan will be the Alex Jones of that bagel gather everybody together and all of them are gonna flock up with signs and saying you know if Jesus comes down at 9/11 and they're at Armageddon 9/11 see I told you it's a conspiracy all these liberals will say and all these Catholics Muslims communists and Law Center's hey just two but I'm just enjoying myself all right that's what the Liberals always make fun of us right that's what the world always pokes fun at us right I'm just enjoying myself because that's what they're gonna be tweet one take you oh and there's Satan he's going to gather them up together and then he's gonna have them oppose God again and that proves this is a very important thing this is very important to understand this undoubtedly proves that even if you have a perfect environment like Adam and Eve 0 sin 0 suffering you'll still come out like an atheist you'll still come out like a lost sinner a liberal you'll still come out like a person who will reject God Almighty even if you have everything perfect see they're filled with knowledge they I got all the answers but they want to deny it this is a very important point that I use against atheists when they talk about well if there is a God of love why is there suffering and I'd say even if he had no suffering I believe there is a God you can't blame Adam and Eve why because you're gonna be like Adam and Eve one day and then you'll still rebellion all right what's going to happen all of creation will burn up after the Millennium so once they can freeze and all these people start to take out their signs and professing equal right down with the Jewish dictator what a racist that he would choose Jerusalem what about America what about Korea what about Africa what about China blah blah blah blah and then while these people just scream out freedom of speech freedom of speech and what God's gonna do is he's gonna send down fire from heaven and burn all them up oh did that make you feel uncomfortable did that make you feel uncomfortable just now pastor you're on a roll that's right I am on a roll you know why I'm extremely angry at this hypocrisy where they're where they cry out freedom of speech and they limit your freedom of speech Bible believers I'm sick and tired of these guys talking about equality equal rights and stuff like that basically they want their own selfish desire approved this is wickedness so God's gonna burn up everything heaven and earth after the Millenium and what's going to happen is that Satan and then all his folks that joint on his side will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity so they go to the lake of fire for all eternity in Revelation chapter 20 verses 10 through 15 and then finally let's close it right here the Saints will live happily ever after finally no more tear no more sorrow 1000 years is over Saints will live happily ever after at Revelation chapter 21 they will be happy in so 21 verses 1 through 4 a new heaven a new earth and the New Jerusalem there's your doctrine of the Millennium now listening this teaching tonight I just can't for God to come back and rapture us right now let's begin all right family Father I pray that you'll bless the next Bible study we're about to have dismiss the discipleship with your blessing I pray it's going to bless him to the years in Jesus name we pray amen out of all the wrong doctrines that's happening in our day and age at the last days of the church as the apocalypse is coming even closer the point of all this friend is that you won't be even able to grow in knowledge of the truth in Bible believing truth until you get safe first the most important question you have to ask yourself after watching all this is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to go to heaven perhaps one of these wrong doctrines have affected you and you had the improper way of salvation as you have seen before the way to get saved is very simple it's only simply salvation by grace alone without works through the Lord Jesus Christ in this Christian day and age if you're not sure that you can go to heaven after you die it's very simple to get saved first of all you have to understand that because of sin God is a holy God and he cannot even allow one percent of sin into heaven so he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you got to realize how serious sin is and you must repent you might say well then I guess I have to clean up all my sins I guess I have to go to church I guess I have to get baptized I have to I have to be a good person you know my friend good works can never save you Jesus is God who died buried and resurrected so that he can pay all the sins for you you don't have to pay a single sin for yourself so all you have to do as a repentant sinner is turn to what he did on the cross alone for your salvation you might say well pastor I do believe only on what Jesus did on the cross to save me that's great then all you have to do is just say that to the Lord you might say well preacher I haven't prayed much before in my life I don't know really how to say it to God can you help me out sure you could say it this way dear God I know I'm a sinner as I repent I put my faith that Jesus is God and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins I put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if you meant it with all your heart that you put your faith only on what Jesus did on the cross through his blood to save you then you are saved it's that simple my friend now my friend it is important to grow in Bible believing truth you now know the truth what are you going to do about it as the apocalypse comes even more closer and Satan's about his to set up his kingdom even more there are many souls dying and going to hell and even many more churches out there who don't know right and wrong doctrine it is up to you now on what to do and go to our resources site WWDC English org and click on the resources link over there and it will give you everything that you need to grow in grace the next step of your journey now is up to you we've done our part giving you this movie all of it was done for free by the love of the people god bless you [Music] or should we just stick to the Sermon on the mountain a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application James only ism is double standards now there's a false doctrine out there called dispensationalism yeah I don't believe once saved always saved the God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control-freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a misogynistic homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal Phyllis idle pestilential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic capriciously malevolent bully [Applause] [Music] but you don't want to get identified with the reproach of what really believing this Bible is all about you know these wicked left-wing liberal perverts want you to do legalize in the marijuana or a homosexuality or if the whole entire world that people will leave the church over the color of the carpet what's wrong with our church's model we have a closer walk with Jesus why isn't everybody running around like little Jesus shouting screaming it hard thing you look in the mirror and don't want to go street preaching it don't want to read the Bible it don't wanna pray and watch so much TV and a bunch of junk you don't have it because you're lazy that's why you don't have it because you won't work that's why the Bible through the wicked Jesus the wages of sin is death we offer somebody a gospel tract if you're walking away and you see them and throw it on the ground that's not because they're afraid of what's in it they know what's in it no matter where you aren't going to turn to come and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty got me through and got me through for 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years you left that book on earth I'll mess with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know the Holy Spirit power then we'll see so saying then we'll see God do some with history then we'll see the Liberals and the homosexuals getting up there then we'll see those apostate Christians getting that then we'll see all the world opening their eyes to the truth and they say we have not seen such a thing rather systems only one hope looking for that blessed hope that the floors appear that man God
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 29,967
Rating: 4.9145632 out of 5
Keywords: bible believer, bible studies, bible study for beginners, bible study lessons, discipleship, eschatology, millennial reign, millennial kingdom
Id: kVpAWatZO98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 42sec (3822 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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