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[Music] insecurity is caused by characteristics we have that make us feel ugly undesirable envious and can heavily affect our self-esteem and confidence towards others there are plenty of things to be insecure about but not enough reasons to justify them in my opinion we simply have things that make us different from the average as someone who wasn't blessed with the blood of adonis i thought i'd share some of my insecurities hopefully to give it less power over me and maybe give you the realization that it's not so bad feeling different the first one is probably the obvious one i am short i've been short my entire life and it wasn't until i was around 20 when i finally admitted to myself that my growth spurt would never come i'm currently 5 feet 2 inches tall and have told people that i'm 5'3 with a mindset that i'm 5'2 and a half with shoes on so i might as well round up an inch the problem with that is it doesn't matter in the eyes of taller people because to them anyone under 5 5 is automatically rounded down to the nearest foot so i guess to anyone who asks i am now 5 feet tall being short has always affected my self-esteem pants didn't feel like they matched my proportions and men's shoes are rarely in my size so i never really enjoyed shopping for clothes i had to accept that fashion designers had to cater to an average that i didn't fit into which from a business perspective makes total sense back to the kids section i go sometimes people got first world struggles and one of mine is finding clothes that fit i always found myself out of league with girls when it came to the dating game because there's the false notion that all hetero women want a man who's at least a whole story taller than them i think their reasoning was that they found it cute when they have to travel a flight of stairs to give their boyfriend a kiss but with most of my exes and my current partner being taller than me let me remind you to stop dropping this my short kings that's right there's hope for you yes it may seem unfair that the one you're interested in has a taste for colossal titans but you can't get mad at people for having a type for every girl that said eew upon reading your height on tinder there's probably just as many that said the same after seeing your picture that's right fellas it has nothing to do with height you're probably just unattractive and that's actually very normal sometimes they just be like they i've always felt disadvantaged when it came to sports because 95 percent of them make it so taller people have well the upper hand not all short guys can be hinata from high q sometimes we're just short with the appropriate level of hops proportionate to our height there are things i jump for every day that many of you simply reach for basketball was hard volleyball was hard and even though i liked track it was hard seeing that some of my teammates literally needed half the strides i took to do a lap but i still have fun with sports because there are definitely situations where being smaller has its moments i have a flat nose and no amount of daily pinching from my mom was enough to change that glass has always felt a little awkward to wear because it doesn't fit nicely on my nose bridge so i'm glad the daily 15 hour exposure to screen monitors hasn't ruined my eyesight yet i often had other kids call me pig-nosed while making oinking sounds and while it felt condescending at least it didn't extend past that and indicate an underlying appetite for human flesh you know how much kids love bacon on top of that well more like inside of that there's my long nose hairs well they're not draping out of my nostrils but some do manage to peek out i mean as an adult most people i interact with are taller than me so they don't have the angle of exposure but again other kids like to point them out when i was younger you know i'm starting to feel like the root of most insecurities are just kids pointing out things about you that don't necessarily need to be brought up hey did you know you have long nose hairs oh [ __ ] okay uh and is that attractive does it offend your religion are you envious of the fact that the air i inhale better filters out bacteria and lessens my risk from asthma well in that case thanks i grow them myself i've had deep eye bags ever since i was a kid and it got no better through my years of school and definitely worsened after discovering video games and getting my own laptop people would always think i looked tired and they were right i was tired of people pointing out my big forehead which is why my hair went from this to this because kids are observant [ __ ] but i eventually grew a liking to it anyway so maybe i should be grateful to them i also have really thin hair and it's probably the reason why i don't cut my hair short anymore because in doing so looking at my head at certain angles make it appear as if i have bald spots i already have eye bags making me feel old i don't need simulated balding in my life right now not that there's anything wrong with being bald i'm just in denial that i'm aging i am definitely still in my 20s 2020 never happened therefore my 30th birthday never happened i don't consider this one as bad and i've actually grown to embrace them but i have feminine fingernails or at least that's what people have pointed out it was definitely just toxic masculinity that made me feel offended about it but it doesn't bother me now i am however still a little bothered about my knuckle hairs well they're not really on my knuckles what even is this part of the finger called what is this part of the finger called the proximal phalanx yeah what's the point of hairs specifically just there why not the middle or distal phalanx i'm not insecure about them i just want answers and finally i am self-conscious about my perma-erect nipples am i allowed to talk about this is this flaggable any stalagmites in chat they've been that way my whole life it is why i avoid white t-shirts because they're less visible with black and darker colored shirts and even then with the right lighting or i guess the wrong lighting they cast shadows and reveal themselves which has probably contributed to my bad posture in the attempts to hide them if you ever invite me to the beach or a pool party i'm either staying out of the water with my shirt on or i'm always iceberg while i envy the guys with pepperoni toppings daddy look there's narwhals in the water oh son those aren't narwhals it's just a short balding pig there's a lot about ourselves we can feel insecure about but i believe it's because we feel singled out as if being different is a negative or you're probably in some toxic relationships where you get gas lit on the daily but the reality is that there's so many of us alike we're just as good at hiding those insecurities from people who are insecure about the same things besides the tallest person on earth everyone is short to someone else flat-nosed people probably less at risk of breaking them when face planting hard nippled people my ice cream coners my needle nose pliers my bugle buddies where yeah hello team lag [Music] oh
Channel: Domics
Views: 3,234,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: domics, animation
Id: nBVW7p3gi3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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