Dating things I shouldn’t

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find it kinda odd she wanted to try out dating sims then intentionally sought out the weirdest ones. That would be like wanting to try ice cream for the first time and intentionally skipping over classic flavors like vanilla and rocky-road in favor of mayonnaise and lobster ice cream then feeling weird about it after.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TONKAHANAH 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Has it been a month already?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/viperex 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

My son was watching this last night. I love this chic she’s so funny

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DreamGeneral4766 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
ah dating not a fan uh but you know dating simulators can be the closest thing there is to dating without actually having to go out and do it for real which can seem much more appealing to people like me who do not like people believe it or not dating sims are more popular than you think don't believe me yeah i guess that's fair either way there's a seemingly endless plethora of different types of dating simulators out there you can simulate dating anime girls anime boys evil anime girls old rich chicken man bubbles uh birds anything you set your mind to you can date virtually i've never really played or wanted to play dating simulators the closest thing i've come to developing any sort of connection with virtual beings is being best friends with chief and animal crossing when i was 13. so i decided i want to see what they're like you know surely there's a reason the genre has roughly 22 million consumers i mean that's a few million short of the entire continent of australia you love bugs but i didn't go out looking to play the generic normal games i wanted to test the limits of game developers creativity and find dating sims that were conceptually really out there first on the table is speed dating for ghosts as you can guess we are starting out by dating ghosts so how it works is you choose a room to go into you have a few minutes to chat with a ghost until a bell rings and another one sits down in front of you there's three ghosts per room and once you get the chance to chat with all of them they all do another circuit you can continue your conversations and ultimately choose which one you want to go on a date with i'm greeted by the speed dating receptionist fran who says we get all kinds of ghosts here nice ones sad ones spooky ones it gets lonely being a ghost and i say i like being alone and fran goes i've never met a ghost who doesn't need anyone no one to talk to it makes sense all this i'm doing just fine thanks you don't even want to make a friend nope and that led to me leaving the speed dating for ghosts event well okay i guess i can't be myself in these games after all so i lie and i'm given the choice to enter one of three rooms the room of palms the room of liars and the room of black i just went into the room of palms this huge buff jock ghost sits down in front of me introduces himself as riley and proceeds to call me pretty hot for a ghost to which i reply slow down their buddy and riley immediately apologizes and now i feel bad guys i don't think i'm good at yeah i think i've been choosing nothing but all the wrong answers so far riley and i chat a bit the bell rings and i meet this old smoking ghost who used to live in vegas and was part of the vegas mafia until they burned her house down with her in it the bell rings again and this giant bush ghost sits down so this is steph she's anxious and introspective in a light and charming way i'll be honest when i say i did really enjoy your conversations but then you start to realize she doesn't realize she's dead and a ghost and then the conversation turns more into just trying to hint towards letting her know she's not alive anymore i started learning japanese but there's thousands of kanji characters to learn you've got an an eternity to learn if only i'll die before i learn the language you're already dead yeah you're right in a way we all are just waiting to die you're dead are you threatening me i'm gonna tell fran steph finally catches on and then it gets super introspective you know i still feel alive just dissociated ouch oof whoa oh that one was real out of nowhere what the heck you can't recite my own feelings to me like that time ran out and the event came to a close out of all the ghosts i wasn't really drawn to any of them enough to want to go on a date i like steph but she's got her own demons to face for a bit so back to the three rooms i went for round two i chose room of liars first up is a ghost that is apparently very scared of ghosts when i was alive i used to be so scared of ghosts and turns out they were real this whole time that one was you know i feel like there was an overall ceiling going into it with how well that could have gone no matter what so you know then came spooky peter and i was ecstatic oh my god he's so cool he died from the bubonic plague and now he's become a master at spooking people who are still alive he's an actual legend i'm blessed to be in his presence the living people have written books about him i was getting spooking tips and learning about the mirror world when the bell rang and this shark ghost leon sits down in front of me and leads with wanna make some money doesn't everyone exactly let's rob a bank so i meet up with leon in the place he told me i was a little bummed i couldn't chat more with spooky peter but when someone invites you to join them in robbing a bank how can you say no you put everything on hold we were getting ready to go in and we're chatting with leon's bank robbing buddy carlsbad who is explaining how he works at the bank we were about to rob so he can open the safe and knows where all the security cameras are pointed when [Music] spooky peter leon recruited spooky peter to join the bank rob crew from the speed dating event as well i'm nothing less than ecstatic and my mental health is at an all-time high which is the ideal circumstances for bank robbing we get into the safe thanks to carlsbad and unfortunately there wasn't a a huge pile of money like leon was hoping like in the you know like in the cartoons and movies but we were able to open a deposit box that had um some lawyer documents in it and a 14-karat gold vanity mirror set i gave the mirror to spooky peter that was about all the time we had before we had to scram out of there and even though it wasn't a huge pile of money i think it was a pretty successful bank robbery we took something from the bank that's what else do you want and i got to see spooky peter again so since i technically didn't go out on a date with anyone from the liar's room and robbed a bank instead that leaves one room left to find my spooky ghost partner everyone in the room of black was very nice there is a punk rock skater kid just looking to have fun with a new friend a nice old pollen lady who makes jam for the living and gary hello [Music] i'm gonna narrow my own eyes at you oh my god okay oh hello no bad breath please uh i'm so sorry oh my god this is embarrassing i learned gary's a vengeful ghost who was murdered at his office job but doesn't remember how why or who did it so naturally i go along with him to find his murderer in avengers soul uh turns out gary was the murderee and stabbed his work partner and then was shot by the police hmm well he was very nice to me speed dating for ghosts i made a lot of friends but no virtual ghosts could win my heart so let's move on to the racheller you know how the bachelor works this is just that in rat form i've been told these violet eyes of mine are more purple than all the lavender in the world and i certainly smell better too you talk a lot dear i can't say that i recall you mentioning it but how'd you say you scored on the sats i got a 1570 which is quite good if you didn't know wow you're so different you wanted to hear more about my work yes sometimes i host saturday night live and also wheel of fortune and dancing with the stars ever seen avengers by marvel i was the avenger wow wow you're so different it's time you meet my children reggie997 evangeline esquire jr sharpie and trash can they already love you yuck if you want my respect you need to earn it my whole life i've had to make do by myself and work for what i've got and every time i've needed help people let me down yuck honestly as as much as i enjoy being here on the bachelor i can't wait to get back home so i can keep teaching my baking class at the local youth center the kids are so sweet next up i'm teaching them all to bake cheesecake i hope you can come with me i could bake you a cheesecake the kids would love you you talk a lot i ended up proposing to three salamanders dressed up as a rat alright what's next dating a dog sure why not at this point would you like to see my collection of newts no what's your ideal starting pokemon i'm way more digimon to be honest [Music] would you like to hear a joke i hate jokes pipe down and listen up what do you call an alligator and a vest an investigator i never want to see you again so i've tried dating ghosts rats dogs what else is there at this point you're right namco video game characters when i found out this sim lets you date namco characters i immediately thought of fygar from dig dug i i i just think he's really cool i don't think they'd put fygar in there but dig dug is part of the cast so i started getting my hopes up that i could get to know dig dug so in the game you play as a shy awkward cousin from katamari damasi who attends namco high you end up being put in detention for rolling up desks the entire marching band cars principal dig dug wait wait he's the principal ah yeah that's that's not gonna work so now i'm bummed and on the verge of quitting the game what's the point in playing if neither dig dug or phygar or romantic interests but in the cast of characters in the detention room i could talk to one stuck out to me galaga ship and suddenly it's all worth it again i go up and try to talk to galaga ship and naturally they're surrounded by all the popular characters they're talking about the school play and how they all think galaga ship is perfect to play juliet and thus began my plan to get into the school play to romeo juliet kiss galaga ship i have the option to talk to other characters and i just go no i'd rather sit here and do nothing until the end of detention and that's exactly what i did the next day was the little school festival to show off all the clubs and stuff naturally i went straight for the drama club and found galaga ship manning the booth i want to join auditions are in the auditorium i want to be romeo read your lines alas that love whose view romeo's understudy bam ab good enough now i have an excuse to practice lines with galaga ship who did land the juliet roll because they're perfect in every way the story moves along and i meet up with galaga ship to rehearse our lines well their lines you know understudy but principal dig dug finds us in the auditorium and thinks we're skipping class for some reason and gives us both double detention so the obvious next step for me was to sneak onto galaga ship's property at night and discreetly start apologizing for getting them into double detention but then their parents find us being secretive and suspicious and banned me from ever talking to their child ever again it starts raining then pac-man who has not been a character in this story at all up until this point shows up and tells me to be true to myself okay i go home the next day at school we find out suddenly pac-man has been kidnapped by evil namco high i don't even know where the story is going anymore galaga ship and i team up and beat everyone up i think like all the students and teachers we rescue pac-man and that's the end the end i'll be honest that one was a bit i i think it lost me there you think a game where you can date galaga ship would have a clearer story after all the dating simulators i just went through i think i feel weird were they all fun yeah i'd say so but yeah maybe going for the strangest ones i i guess i got what i asked for either way it was a nice experience i believe i understand the appeal of dating simulators it is unfortunate i didn't end up finding my perfect virtual relationship but hey there's plenty of ones and zeroes in the sea but i do not think i will be casting my line again anytime soon however i could go for another bank robbery surprise we've been working with terraria to do a collab on some merch stuff and it's here look at this awesome jaden lunata cultist stuff dang dude it's so sick you can find it on the terraria shop which is just terraria dot shop we're working on some christmas works for my own store so keep an eye out for that and if this video goes up on the day it should be which is november 14th i'm on tour scribble showdown is on the road and the gang and i should be having a great time making people laugh with our silly little drawings alright see you later also dating games am i right
Channel: Jaiden Animations
Views: 14,862,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaiden, animations, jaidenanimation, jaidenanimations, Dating simulator, Dating game, Speed dating for ghosts, Ratchelor, JaidenAnimations dating games, Jaiden dating game, Hot date, Namco high
Id: X0t42rhWKAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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