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[Music] I've never really had to worry about exercising as a kid obviously with less responsibilities we as kids had more time for leisure activities that wasn't much of a jock but I did enjoy being active it wasn't until university that I realized I needed to actually schedule a time apart from my daily schedule to be physically active it got even worse after University when I decided to do youtube full-time which meant I was sitting down for most of the day animating and drawing and when I wasn't doing that I was sitting down and playing video games and when I wasn't doing that I was sitting down and watching anime eventually I realized holy crap I sit down a lot I started gaining weight over time it wasn't a drastic overnight change but people started noticing and pointing it out my body usually did a pretty okay job at regulating my weight and gave me signs when I was eating too much like yo bro can you chill that's like your eighth donut today so I did my best to try to exercise I signed up that gym I play DDR pretty often and took Nala four runs and walks okay let's talk about the gym for a bit I think aside from the flock of [ __ ] boys in the making I find the gym to be a really magical place it's a place where the tools actual tools and motivation are available for a healthier lifestyle I'm not saying the gym is necessary to exercise you can honestly do a lot of the things from the comfort of your home or just outside but there's something about going to the gym and seeing other people working out that just encourages me to do the same and if you're feeling self-conscious about your body because it's a public place and people might look and judge you shouldn't you can't be shamed for going to the gym to get in shape because you're out of it that's literally why you're there that's like making fun of someone for going to med school because they don't know enough about medicine the jacked washboard looking ass mofos you see at the gym they weren't always like that Wow everyone has to start somewhere it doesn't matter where you start as long as you do but of course to feel the magic atmosphere I first had to get myself to the gym in my case and probably a lot of yours the problem wasn't exactly starting but maintaining I eventually stopped going to Jim and stop playing DDR often Nala resolved to running around in the backyard by herself I started gaining weight again clothes started feeling tight my jeans became uncomfortable to wear my partner at the time said she preferred me a little chubby because it was more comfy to cuddle with so I was like sweet I can just let myself go and so I did a few years and 15 pounds later I meet a fan at a convention I'm still kind of surprised every now and then when people recognize me in public since I don't show my face my videos often even when I'm wearing a scarf I had a hood and headphones some people be like Atomics oh [ __ ] what up but this was at a convention so it made sense anyway I thought this would be like most interactions I have with fans of my work but this particular encounter stuck with me now I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn't mean any offense because for real you guys who do come and say hello to me are so polite and respectful I'm very grateful for that so at some point in the conversation he said you draw yourself skinnier than you are in your animations I wasn't sure how to react to it so that I laughed it off and agreed because to hell he was right I mean I do drama character with a rounded face but overall he has a sort of slim physique his words stuck with me because I always drew myself with whatever hair I had at the time whether it was a little shorter longer red blonder whatever but I always kept my body proportions relatively consistent I came to an understanding that I wasn't happy with my body I still drew myself slim because that was my personal ideal size for myself often when we have the freedom to create representations of ourselves whether it be a drawing a painting or a photograph we tend to alter it so that it may look subjectively more attractive than we actually are why do you think most people only take selfies at certain angles and lighting it was the same thing for me I was getting older and my body's not what it used to be I don't have the same metabolism I had as a kid and the [ __ ] I put into my stomach actually had more consequences than before as a disclaimer this isn't meant to fat shame anyone I'm not saying that since I wasn't happy with my weight you should be as well I'm saying that you should all come to some sort of acceptance with your own appearance and any changes wish to pursue should include the consideration of your health and that's what I wish to be and remain healthy but sometimes you look at the bubble tea deal and it's like I'm weak treat yourself but I do miss being able to run for a few minutes without my lungs imploding I miss being able to do a baby freeze without feeling like I'm suffocating a baby that I'm pregnant with I miss being able to fit into my jeans and being able to bend or Crouch without cutting off my circulation joggers are comfy and all but that's like all I wear nowadays I'm sure 15 pounds may not seem like a lot for some of you but it's 50 more than what I'm happy with and I'm done being unhappy I've started exercising often again trying to fix my diet and cutting my intake because honestly I just went to the fridge and cupboard when I was bored like I wasn't hungry but I just wandered into the kitchen and just wanted to taste something you know what I mean - food can be so freakin delicious but hey you don't need new years as an excuse to workout hell you don't even need to be overweight to workout just find your own personal reason make your own goal do a baby freeze [Music] [Music] if you guys were like me and needed some catching up to do on some anime you already know what I'm on recommend that's right crunchyroll you can head over to crunchyroll.com slash tommix and trying out a crunchyroll premium membership for 30 days I've got a bunch of new anime and seasons that just started but namely attack on Titan season 2 for years guys for years I've been waiting and yeah yeah I know why don't you just read the manga duo because I'm an animator okay I have a better experience watching the animation than reading it I'm sorry it's just a preference but yeah go catch up on season 1 if you need a refresher I'm gonna give you guys a week because on April 26th at 7 p.m. PST I'll be doing a watch along again with good old Jack now I did watch the first episode I'm sorry but I will contain myself and save some of the hype for the actual watch long I waited for years I can wait another week once again that's crunchyroll.com slash Daleks and if you guys would like to join us next week you can check out watch a long Club for all the info you need links are in the description enjoy and see you next week [Music] [Applause] [Laughter]
Channel: Domics
Views: 9,737,208
Rating: 4.9691067 out of 5
Keywords: domics, animation, exercise, weight, gym, lift, crunchyroll, attack on titan, watchalong, jacksfilms, fitness, run, food, diet, active
Id: O6sS0qljJFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2017
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