The Media Badge

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today's sponsor is crunchyroll get an ad free trial of premium for 14 days at domix or click the link in the description [Music] when you go to most conventions there is usually different levels of admission you can buy to be able to attend you got your regular badges for when you want a vanilla experience you got your vip and industry badges when you want to see special events or want priority entry and you got guest badges for when you're part of the special events but there exists a badge that grants you usually all of those privileges combined the media badge with this all-powerful magical badge you get to experience nearly everything the convention has to offer for free as long as you meet the necessary qualifications with the agreement that you must create and publish media based on set experiences so every year except this one because everything is cancelled due to that virus going around stupidity my friends and i attend this one anime convention as a sort of yearly reunion you guys might uh you might know about it last year i heard it took over five hours to just get inside the building because of how long the line was well every year we apply for that golden ticket the media badge sometimes known as the press badge and not gonna lie the main perk i wanted it for was being able to cut the line and not have to wait in 100 degree fahrenheit weather i made a video a while back about how easily i sweat some of you know my pain i cannot last out there my usual plan with the media badge is to vlog my experiences at the convention according to my specific interests and not only can you cut the line to ensure you have great seats for viewing events like concerts and panels but you also gain access to the upper floors of the convention and what's there you ask well clean washrooms with no lines proper air conditioning because of less occupancy and the lounge room where you can find refreshments and comfy seats and we all know how hard it is to find seating at big conventions that one anime convention 2016 day one i think that was around the time i messed up cutting my own hair which was also red at the time so my hair is going to be red in this video after entering the building of the con my friends and i headed straight to the lounge room to check it out so we know where to meet if anyone gets separated because sometimes electronic communication isn't very reliable in such density of people so you kind of need a dedicated spot to reconvene okay so we're upstairs walking down the hall about to enter the lounge talking about who we want to visit in the artist alley first when we get cut off by this guy hey you guys you're uh your media right i'm dylan head of media uh yes hello hello hey what's up all right so i'm in a bit of a bind i'm about to have miss kurabayashi and miss ishida in the other room for an interview but we're low on interviewers could you guys jump in there and ask some questions i'm sorry who i mean we were a media team but we were neither equipped to interview anyone nor were familiar with the people we were supposed to interview no offense it would feel disingenuous to do so um i don't think we can we we don't really have anything ready listen i'm gonna be real with you guys you're only here because of me so i'd really appreciate it if you can do this alright you know when someone asks you a request but it doesn't feel like you get a choice with the answer i mean i get it they were invited guests and it would be embarrassing on both ends for them to enter an almost empty room sure okay you got it no problem cool awesome great um they'll be ready in five minutes all right see you guys there five min all right do you guys have any idea who they are no okay i searched them up they're both singers and i think they've also done some voice acting roles i was not familiar with their work but i guess it didn't really matter we just have to come up with some generic questions and hopefully it'll be enough hopefully there will be other people there more prepared for the interview hopefully interview time there were maybe three or four other people in there each geared up like a journalist camera mike etc and then you got us goons with our scrap piece of pad paper containing our five minutes of collective brainstorming let's go so we get on with the interview and it actually went pretty well and you know what we were the ones who asked the most questions and sparked pretty engaging conversations with them well with the translator anyway and honestly crush kinda carried us who were your role models or influences when you were first getting into the industry growing up did you always know you wanted to be voice actors or singers or did you realize it later on when you first performed in america did you expect the kind of response from your audience considering it was a different country how did your friends and family respond to your ambition to become a singer or voice actress after you voice a character for a series are you excited to watch the episodes you are involved in is there any advice you'd give your younger self when first starting your career in this industry your voice is your instrument do you have any tips for taking care of your voice and then it was over we took pictures thanked them for their time and headed out alright so artist ally for real this time yeah let's go and again thailand cuts us off hey guys just want to say thanks so much for helping me out back there i owe you a solid if there's anything you need let me know yeah no problem it was actually pretty fun welcome and that's how you justify media badge so we went on with our plans going through artist alley where media badge really grants you no advantages so it pretty much took up our whole day yes artist alley was that big and if i remember correctly that might have been the year they moved artist alley to the downstairs hall and the air conditioning wasn't working yeah it was a grimy weekend for artists that one anime convention 2016 day two we were trying to plan out what we wanted to do and figured hey we're uh we're like uh professional interviewers now right you guys wanna i don't know interview toshio ishizaki aka sushio aka the animator god himself you might recognize his work from evangelion kill a kill little witch academia and promere to name a few my friends and i were all animators and he was the one guy we were excited to meet and interview unfortunately when we tried to rsvp for the interview weeks beforehand it filled up instantly but hey maybe we can uh pull some strings you know remember dailan from yesterday remember how he's like the i don't know head of the media team remember him saying if there's anything we need we let him know well it's time to cash in that solid baby but sadly we discovered that dailan was not as omnipotent as we thought and the selection of solids he could owe us was not unconditional yeah sorry guys no can do anyway i gotta head out now gotta take my parents to some adult show bye well rip my nips we tried legend has it we are still owed a solid to this day we don't know what happened to dailan he was no longer the head of media in the following years i mean i guess he didn't exactly owe us in the cycle of debts he provided us with the media badges and we helped him with the interview i guess we were even despite not being able to interview sushio he also had a panel with the rest of the kisniver team later that day because the anime had just recently premiered so we wanted to attend that as consolation we checked out the line and as we expected it was like a light year long no way in hell are we getting in is what we would say if we didn't have media badges that panel was enjoyable they handed out animation frames we got to see sushio topless i don't remember why whatever it was hype now you're probably thinking i'm just a privileged freeloader for using my public status to qualify for a media badge so i could cut lines and attend cool events that other people have to earn by waiting in line for with all the time i spend not going out it's given me a lot of time to watch anime more specifically on crunchyroll with a premium account you get unlimited anime manga and drama titles you get new episodes an hour after airing in japan that are professionally subbed ad free and in hd the app is available on pretty much every device so you can watch wherever you're comfy i myself have been on that one piece grind but if you want to check out other hot titles this season there's god of high school fire 4 season 2 and re-zero season 2 which jack and i did a watch along of earlier this week thanks to those who joined us we only watched the first two episodes but i'm continuing on eager for those weekly releases and you too can catch up by signing up again that's domix for a two week trial of premium link below and enjoy
Channel: Domics
Views: 2,287,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: domics, animation
Id: GWOd160ieSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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