50 Elo Chess

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ladies and gentlemen have you ever experienced something that absolutely ruined your day you wake up in the morning you slept weird your neck hurts you know you're not gonna be able to look left for 24 hours maybe you stubbed your toe maybe you got a bad phone call or a bad message just spilled some drink on yourself or maybe you played a game of chess and you knew that today was a wash you just gotta look forward to tomorrow the game that I am about to show you is guaranteed to ruin your day now maybe you laugh so hard at this game that it actually brightens your day but I'm not gonna lie when I tell you that I got nauseous just by looking at this this game was sent to me by a viewer a subscriber uh named Muhammad um and uh it was uh it was a catastrophe it was a catastrophe and we're gonna analyze this game uh and we're gonna learn from it and black is named Harry uh and has a profile photo of Harry Potter I put that there again I like to hide players identities there's quite a bit of Muhammad's out there in the world so I I don't think that uh that that that's showing uh first names and Harry's as well I don't think that uh showing their first names is going to you know expose these folks identities because uh they're they're they're probably going to want to keep their identities hidden with uh with the moves that you're about to see once again today's video is sponsored by water uh big you know I got sponsored by big water so drink this is not a flower vase by the way you bozos oh my goodness it's like it's a drink holder thing anyway Muhammad beats the game with the move uh with the move d4 uh which is not a bad move um and we have the clocks 10 minute game D5 Bishop to F4 and Knight to C6 so so far so good uh this is not necessarily the best move against the London but you should justify it by playing for a quick E I mean these are 200s right like what am I looking at and by the way yes they are rated 200 but they do have the Grand Master titles because I I put that there for them and uh black should play F6 E5 this is like how you justify putting the Knight here because you need to play for the Santa right away now white plays E3 and it's clear that black doesn't really have much of a game plan I mean black blocks in their light squared Bishop which is obviously a sub-optimal decision white plays C3 okay so white finishes the pyramid right away of course Knight F3 there is a natural move as well but I don't hate that move and now black plays this move G5 this is actually very common stuff when you play the London I'm sure many of you have seen this kind of nonsense like you you watch 30 minutes of a London video you buy a course and all of a sudden your opponent just plays garbage like this is not good but they play this against you and you get scared and then you you panic and it's it's not horrible for black but it I mean it also definitely can't be the best otherwise everybody would be playing it you get a position like this your Bishop is safe then you develop you bring your Knights you crack open the center and black gets nothing now where black does get something is if you lose the bishop right away Muhammad what is that I mean it it's like the and you know that black set this up like black wanted to play G5 but defend I mean let's look at this this is that is mean by black a sneaky defensive move and Muhammad's like well Free Pawn nope Knight D2 Queen back to d8 um Bishop D3 all right now okay white is down uh a piece uh and uh position's not great position just ain't just ain't that good so that's good yeah now black here naturally being a material should develop develop attack in the center black plays A6 which I mean it's definitely a legal move don't get me wrong absolutely illegal move a white plays Knight F3 so Muhammad is just playing like he didn't just hang a bishop like if he still had his Bishop this position would be perfect so now black plays A5 what huh why that's not how chess works now you know Muhammad here obviously should Castle because that's what he's been but he gets distracted because you you 200s are like oh Pawn has moved a few times I'm I that that doesn't even attack the pawn they in fact it actually justifies the entire upon Advance now the pawn will make it down here soften up your structure weaken everything okay but black now plays B6 because it's never too late to lose a pawn that's protected twice so now it's protected three times and now Mom it's like all right I'm gonna castle and now we kind of for a little bit go back to relatively normal chess uh black plays Knight F6 um white plays Knight G5 which is sort of a vague aggressive move that does nothing you can't really attack anything but maybe you want to bring your queen maybe that's the idea the idea is you clear this out now had black just played H6 here probably the Knight would have just returned home so if the Knight threatens nothing and it doesn't worsen your position to play this move to just ask the Knight what its intentions are right like you should probably play it okay um yeah you should be like why are you here okay so windy six again don't hate that move generally a good move Queen safe a little bit suspicious about bringing it out at this level but it's fine white plays Bishop B5 okay not a bad move pinning the Knight to the king now black plays a very logical response Bishop D7 developing the bishop blocking the pin so now the Knight is defended more than it was and for white to make any progress here at all it's not gonna be with the with the pieces you're gonna have to attack the center so just to give you an example like imagine this was the position and white went here suddenly white gets somewhere because white makes some trades now the queen is under attack you you the more you just move pieces like this and black just plays defense white is going to be unable to make any progress here with only the pieces because mathematically speaking you have less pieces than your opponent because you lost one on the fifth move because you're 200. so white does move upon here but it's kind of a useless Pawn white plays A4 not necessarily A Move that worsens the situation and if I'm playing with black here uh I'm gonna castle and I'm gonna crack the center open both sides are kind of missing opportunities to attack the center of the board and try to kind of improve the situation for themselves all right because you start trading pieces I know this is hanging but that would be check so black plays H6 I mean I I love this move uh White plays Knight H3 and here I wouldn't even think I would just Castle because okay your King's a little weak but the queen can't bulldoze this on her own but black plays a move here that I don't hate I don't I don't fully just you know dislike this move Knight E4 fine Knight is in the middle safe move but still not castling and now white immediately has a Target but here black plays the top computer move uh black is 200 and yet black identifies a really nice idea here probably by absolute luck but that's fine and you get credit where it's due Knight G5 amazing idea the point is that you are trading material which is good when you're winning and after that exchange by some miracle of God you are also threatening made in one absolute Miracle like I don't know how that happened white sees that so impressive by both players and white goes here now if I'm playing Black here what I'm going to recommend is I'm just gonna recommend to trade the queen don't even think about it you're up material more pieces you trade the better you're gonna have more material in the end game therefore you will win but black plays E5 again don't hate this move but King is still in the center that's a free Pawn I know it doesn't look like a free pawn it and the computer finds this idea they're 200 though so like gotta understand at 200 you're you're trying to get folks to play the simpler version of the game of chess which is trade when you're up Queen days G5 is played black does not find E4 black goes here and blocks their own attack now Queen H4 and now black begins a series of moves that don't make a whole lot of sense so if you want to attack somebody do you open the center or do you keep the center closed you keep the center closed you want to attack somebody lock the center now for the rest of the game you will be the one calling the shots I don't hate F6 but it invites problems after Bishop G6 check that is just straight up a check on the king it's not a good move because what the computer wants to do is go up and suddenly involve the second rook in the attack it's actually a hilarious total reversal of the attack the black king is totally safe why is the black king saved because white doesn't have sufficient material because white lost the bishop on move 5. fascinating but black goes here because Black's 200 which is fine fine black is still better now white realizes all right I can't do anything with my knight I gotta bring my knight back now the 200s reveal themselves okay the 200s begin revealing themselves Pawn takes D4 Pawn takes D4 and black plays Bishop F4 Bishop F4 is an exceptional move because it hangs two Rooks Bishop F4 opens up an attack on The Rook on the Queen by The Rook and then this but the queen can just take the Rook now if the black king had been there that wouldn't have been possible because the Rook would have defense so right now this is just straight up a free rook and when the King goes here that is probably just the second free rook maybe you have a better move like maybe you do something else but maybe you give a check first and then you take but you could just take like this is not there's no mate here if the queen and Bishop flipped that would be me there's no mate now white here realizes wait a minute I'm in trouble my Rook my queen is hanging if I move my you know my queen is like actually my queen is trapped so White's like damn now white could have gone here that blocks the attack instead of that white defends their Queen from danger which doesn't actually prevent you from losing the queen black plays Bishop takes H2 which kind of works but also not really because it's defended and I guess black just delayed this move but now black Cashes in takes the queen and here white does something absolutely brilliant white has the option to justify the move Knight F3 you will remember that just two moves ago white played Knight F3 defending the queen which means that in this position white should play Knight takes Rook instead of that white goes here and loses the game on the spot I I don't understand I don't understand what the what the thought process was but this is just the tip of the iceberg in what is one of the biggest disasters I've ever seen black here plays Queen takes Knight and the game is over black here plays Rook takes Knight and the game continues blackplay's Rook takes Knight okay one Checkmate has been missed that was just a clean Maiden one on the board black spent two seconds on Rook takes night look at the clock 413 two seconds that's crazy because you know that you're defended now you are taught in early stages to trade take with what's worth less that's only if you're trading pieces this ain't no trade so here here game goes on Black Goes 97 what I would do here if I was playing Black I would get out of the way go here and here but black doesn't see that idea so black goes Knight E7 the bishop stinks in now the queen gets closer and now white disconnects the queen from The Rook the only way to keep the Rook defended is to go Queen to H6 and you've been trying to keep the Rook defended for quite some time so naturally you should not keep the Rook defended anymore and lose it okay fine it's still -13 because black has a queen and a knight for a rook you used to have a queen and a knight extra like you literally just had an extra queen of night here it's ridiculous but okay you lose the Rook you want to even it out a little bit uh now we start the next phase of the game all right so Rook D1 Queen takes B2 G4 attacking the Knight then Knight goes here we have Bishop takes D5 and black sees that The Rook is hanging and goes here clutch Rook B1 Queen takes Pawn defending Knight takes one black is playing well I gotta I Gotta Give it to Black like Black's playing pretty well I don't know why black is spending more time on these moves and not the Checkmate in one but it's but you know it's fine and black is just hunting all the pawns and Black's got about two minutes to win this game the easy easiest way to win this game is to attack this king that's gonna be the easiest way like coordinate your pieces your queen Knight get your rook in the game if the game is going to be significantly easier if white is trying to lose by playing moves like this not just losing the bishop but also going all in and losing The Rook I mean Muhammad Muhammad I don't know what you were doing you spent a whopping two seconds on this move if you're trying to win this game on Time come back stay solid stall the clock I don't know what this is now you got no pieces left Muhammad is now down 14 points of material it's m on the evaluation bar meaning that no matter how black plays this black should find a mate somehow get the rook in the game you gotta be winning Knight comes back Rook D1 so the way you win this is you gotta get the rook in or you gotta get a second Queen and you gotta do it fast don't give useless checks a lot of people here they find like they they find calm and just giving checks like I'm gonna give checks and I'll figure it out no you gotta have a plan and I love seeing this I love A4 and then putting the Rook behind the pawn and A3 and A2 I mean this is beautiful technique here from black but he's just playing a little bit too slowly a little bit too slowly okay remember how black missed the mate in this game well black gets all the way here black is now up 18 points of material 19 points of material it's made in a lot of different ways black has a minute to find it okay so like give us a check the king runs forward good idea when you are trying to defend your king and it's just King in pieces get intertangled there's a very high chance of getting stalemated meaning your opponent will not be able to Checkmate you but that's not happening in this game because black plays B5 and B4 now here we have our second Checkmate in one Mist Queen to B4 is a traditional ladder mate although kind of strange because the king actually is stops the Escape black misses it Now by some sort of Miracle here white has enough time to avoid another promotion and go here and now it's made in one again in this position there are one two three four five mates I think five mates in One if I'm looking at that correctly there might be more you can try to find more if you're curious five mates in One black finds none of them you do you do not win the game by making Queens you just need to give checks at this point 20 seconds You Gotta Give checks white goes here in this position there are one two mates in One everything else is not made in one's probably mate and two I mean there's a million mates in two black goes here okay that's a check good now in this position there are uh one two three four five six mates in One okay black goes here okay now in this position there are one two uh uh three no no one two three mates in One three three mates in One and I think that's it no black is trying to make a queen oh God black is trying to make a queen now again one two three four five six mates and one again I don't know I'm losing track okay I'm losing track and time is running out black oh my gosh it's the same situation now there's like three mates in One again okay the queen has been made the game is over it's over black is up 35 points of material mate is completely inevitable completely inevitable it's over but black only has 10 seconds because black has just stalled the game too long King B7 you cannot quantify the amounts of mates in this position one two I'm gonna try to quantify them three four five six seven eight I don't know there's probably more the wrong one oh my God okay okay now now I mean it I you can try to count these yourself I I mean I honestly one two three that's not made in one but it would have been made on the next move I mean I that that in this position black plays the move Queen ef2 what at this point white spends four seconds because white doesn't have a legal king move anymore white does not have a legal king move anymore and I know what you're thinking trust me I know you're thinking Levy it's gonna end in stalemate that's really funny oh good video I can't believe black managed to not win this game and stalemate white so white has to push the pawn right now you got like 80 thefts bro this is made for God's sake Queen H1 is mate there are 20 mates in this position 20 give them minimum I don't know how many mates there are in this position black finds a way to give a check that still has a legal move black gives another check and in this position black lost on time and because white has one Pawn remaining it's not a draw there is a rule in chess that if you win the game on time but you do not have sufficient checkmating material it's a draw upon counts of sufficient checkmating material white won this game despite being 35 points down and probably surviving a hundred checkmates get out of here just get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 3,041,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: u9cB4BSQpFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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