Inkscape 08: Creating Text on a Circle / Create An Embroidered Patch

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hi there my name is Katie Bart from sewing scene calm and I'd like to welcome you to another episode of Inkscape extreme beginning tutorials in today's tutorial will show you how to create text around a circle as well as convert that into an embroidered patch [Music] [Music] welcome back now once we have opened Inkscape we want to go ahead and make sure if you're following along that your workspace is set up like mine so we don't run into any issues so the first thing we want to do is go ahead and go to the View menu under the View menu you want to make sure custom is selected because that will allow us to go ahead and bring up the properties windows for items that we'll be bringing up shortly you will also want to go to your zoom menu and also select zoom for one-to-one so that everything is you know fullscreen and it's going to be easier to work with I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the outline of this document that's on the screen so to do that we're gonna go to the file menu click on document properties go ahead and turn off a showpage border you can see that that totally turned that sheet of paper in the background off also depending on if you're going to be working with a cutter or if you have a design that you're creating and you're creating design for one of your embroidery hoops some of you may be working in millimeters and some of you may be working in inches so to change that so it's standardized for yourself you can click on this down arrow here next to display units today I'm going to go ahead and select inches sometimes down the future I may use millimeters since my embroidery hoop uses millimeters but for today's tutorial if you're following along just simply select inches and that will change all the measurements on your screen to be inches as well and go ahead and close that window then on the sub toolbar up here we want to go ahead and select our Strokes properties window as well as our align and distribute objects properties window and when you do that those two windows will pop up here on the side because we've selected custom in our display our view window so that it's going to be easier just to pop back and forth and make our changes all right so our desktop is set up and ready to go to start working in this tutorial to start our circle or our text around our circle we're gonna go ahead and select our circle tool and when we click on it we will go ahead and hold down our ctrl + shift key so that when we click and drag it will draw out from the center evenly all right and when we release what we'll do is have an outline to our circle now if you don't have an outline let me go ahead and quickly click on the select tool right here if you don't have an outline and you have something filled in for example if you have a color filled in in your circle just simply go down here to the palette and if you click this left slide all the way to the left and click the X what that will do is remove the fill in your object all right that will give us a nice path or the curvature to go ahead and place our text on so once we have our circles we're going to go ahead and select our text tool and we're going to go ahead and type some text so I'm going to go ahead and click and the cursor is blinking I'm just gonna go ahead and say I Drive fast and if you like the font that's there that's great if you don't simply highlight that text and come over to your font list and select which text you would like I'm going to go ahead and use what I was using before I'm going to choose franklin gothic medium and I'm going to go ahead and select the Select tool so I'm able to actually move that around now to actually attach text to a path what you need to do is simply select the text hold your Shift key down and select the path or the circle in this case the object that you want to attach the text to so you can see that both items have been selected because they have the marquee around it simply go up to the text menu under the text menu you have the option put on path so we'll go ahead and select that and then it's going to go ahead and place that text on the path go ahead and next and click to deselect to all the objects on the screen because what we need to try to do is get this text right here to go above on top of the circle so it's as I Drive fast across the top to do that easily we're not going to manipulate the text we're actually going to manipulate the circle so when you select on the circle and again you select the second time you will get the rotation tools you will also see the rotation point here in the center of the circle so when I rotate the circle the text is attached to it and the text is going to actually wrap around the circle so I'm physically moving the circle and that text is going with me so you can see I'm clicking on the rotation handle and as I drag the circle around that text where it was attached to is dragging itself around all right so let's go ahead and deselect that because I want to resize my text so it's larger and I also want to maybe space out the characters a little bit more so in this case I'm going to go ahead and deal with the text so I'm going to select on the text itself and I'm going to select this text tool and when I do that I'm able to click and drag all of the text that is here and I can change the font size by going to the font size a drop-down window and let's change it to 36 at that point and that actually is probably just a little bit larger for what I want so let's go to 28 again click on the selection tool and when that is selected again I'm gonna go ahead and click on the font tool I could have stayed there where I was go ahead and select the text again and when I select the text we have the option up here on the toolbar to change the spacing between the letters so I'm simply going to click on this up arrow and as I click and just kind of hold it you will see that those letters get spaced out across the top of that circle but now they're still not aligned quite right so let me show you a little tip if you take your mouse and click and drag down from the ruler at the top of the screen you will get a grid line that will go across your workspace that will allow us then to go ahead and select the circle one time the second time we'll get the rotation handles and then I can actually click and drag the text and then move this grid mark up to the bottom of the text and you can see that just barely a little bit of this T here on the right hand side it's a little bit lower than this eye over here so I can again select the rotation handles click and drag my text so now I can see that the T and the eye are perfectly a horizontal across the top of that circle all right to remove this grid line hold your mouse pointer over that grid line and when it turns red you can see it turns blue and then red once it's red simply select your Delete key on your keyboard and that will remove that grid line that helps you align text on the top now we're almost done with this first part so we have our circle we have our text but this text when I select it again if we look at the bottom of the screen here on the status line it says that this is text it is not an object and for me to go ahead and use this in any cutting software or embroidery digitizing software I need to have this be an object so to change it to an object what you're going to do is go to the path menu select object to path and then because it's text we also have to ungroup the text when I ungroup the text all the text is individual and then I'm going to go back to the path menu and I'm going to select Union so if I do not do that if I had text that had some connecting features like a script font if I had a cutting machine it would cut out each character individually including the little connector and then you'd have a lot of letters to actually paste on your paper or as if I break them apart or ungroup them and then Union use the Union command under the path menu now when it either embroiders this and or cuts this it will cut it out as one particular unit and not as individual characters right now that's an important thing to keep in fact in mind especially when you are working with script fonts won't make so much here with the serif fonts or sans-serif fonts but with fonts that have feet or connecting connecting capabilities it will make a huge huge difference so that's why I'm bringing it up at this point so I have the top of my circle all set up so it says I Drive fast now down below here here I want to type the text and barefoot so I Drive fast and barefoot but I want the text not to be on the outside of the circle but I would like the text to be on the inside of the circle let me just pull over here a graphic of actually what what we're trying to create so I have my circle that I've worked with I have my text here I Drive fast and under here I want to have the text curve on the inside of the circle and barefoot so here's the outside text on the bottom here whenever you work with text that's on the bottom of the circle we're going to go ahead and enlarge this circle a little bit so let me just in this case duplicate the circle again if we right click we can actually use the duplicate command but the shortcut key I love shortcuts is ctrl D so I have the circle selected I'm simply going to press ctrl D and I'm going to go ahead and hold my shift key down and select the red just so that you can see that I actually have two different circles here okay so ctrl Z we'll bring that back and I want to enlarge the red circle so I'm going to hold my ctrl + shift key down on my keyboard and as I click and drag I'm going to enlarge that circle so it's just large enough to go beyond the top of I Drive fast because I want this text at the bottom in the circle to fit on the inside of this red circle following that slope here so it almost looks like it's sitting in a donut okay so let's go ahead once again and select our font tool click on the workspace and we already can see that it kept the text or the font that we use before so all we need to do is type and barefoot so I Drive fast and barefoot go to the selection tool and again I want to place this text along this red path so I'm going to hold my shift key down and click on that red path and when I do that because and barefoot was selected I hold the shift key down on the red circle is selected I would like to attach this text to this path so if we go to the text menu select put on path it places on the path but look exactly where it put it it placed that text on the outside of the circle so what are we going to do if I deselect everything and I select just the red circle at this point the outside circle I can come up here to my flip tools so I can either flip vertically or horizontally and I would like to flip that horizontally I believe this one here is flip it vertically I'm sorry if I flip it vertically what that will do is vertically flip that text around the circle itself and you can see now that it's in side of the circle down below and if I select the circle again I get the rotation handles for the circle okay because I want to rotate the circle not the text the text is attached to that circle so I'm just going to go ahead and rotate this text once again grab click and drag from that ruler up on top and I'm going to go ahead and drag this guideline down here so I can kind of get that centered exactly where I want it to be and in this case now I'm going to go ahead and select the text and if I double click on that I should get the text tool can select all of the text and increase the size of that font so let's change that back to 28 pizzette was the size of the font up here as well as having the font selected or the words selected I can increase the spacing of my words and letters through where I would like them visually to be click on my select tool and once again I would like to click on the circle the second time gives me the rotation handles not the sizing handles and I can click and drag to rotate that to where I would like those words to be and if I move my guideline down below I can again select the rotation tool and get that text to be placed exactly where I want it to be now we have a problem alright because now everything here looks great but I don't want this circle anymore if I click on that circle and I press the Delete key what you have done is you have erased a path for that text to be on alright so we're missing a step a very important step in the process of keeping the text on the path so if I press ctrl Z on my keyboard and this time I select my text once again if I go to path I select object to path now I have converted this text to an actual object it's not on this path anymore so if I go ahead and move that circle out of the way and I converted that I Drive fast text to a path earlier all right so that's what will keep it on its circular path but I'm not quite done yet so I riesling my text I'm going to ungroup my text but I've converted to a path and then I'm going to go back to path and select Union so each individual character now is one welded or grouped set of characters so that it will actually either digitize and or cut it out uniformly in one swoop so what why is that important let me just review again let me select this circle I don't need that one anymore and I press delete let's say for example this circle was in here and if I did not select path and then Union for these particular letters if I were taking this to the cutting machine it may cut out the letter A and then come up here and select and cut out the circle and then come back and finish the rest of the letters all right by selecting path and Union it treats it as one unit so I Drive fast will cut out or digitize itself the circle will cut out or digitize by itself and or the and barefoot well cut out and digitize as an entire unit so I'm not skipping all over the page up to the are down to the O back up to the I down to the D and and have it be skipping all over to cut things out or to digitize it we'll do this in a uniform fashion all right so I'm going to go ahead and keep this circle because that's going to be part of the patch that I am creating so if I click on that and I actually before I do that let me go ahead and draw a Majan Airy box around both the text and you can see that they're both selected I want to go ahead and go over to the align and distribute menu and center them on their vertical axis all right so now these are perfectly centered around themselves and I can also group them together so I could either go up to the properties menu up here and group selected objects together or you can see in the tooltip that pops up pressing ctrl G so I'm going to go ahead and do that ctrl G has now grouped these together and you can see that they're one unit so if I click and drag they will move together and then if I press control Z they will go back together what I want to do is Center this circle with this text now if I select the text and then I hold my shift key down on my keyboard and I click on the circle because I have last selected over here in my align and distribute properties window the last thing I have selected the items I select selected previously will align to the last item selected so this text here will align to the circle and if I Center them vertically and then I also Center them horizontally now the text is perfectly placed around that circle once again let me get rid of this guideline and to do that if I place my mouse pointer over that line it will turn red when it is red I can select the Delete key on my keyboard and that will erase it now since the text is centered perfectly around the circle I would like to increase this circle to include the text itself so I can make a patch you know I hold the ctrl + Shift key on my keyboard while I click and drag this circle will maintain its proportion and be concentric because I have the ctrl + Shift key selected and then I can size that now you can see it maintains kind of the shape of that curvature because I've based my text off of that path previously so ultimately when we're done again what we're gonna do is we're gonna have this you know cut out the I Drive fast the thing that's missing is a sewing machine clipart that's in the center so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the file menu and I'm going to use the import command if I said new everything I've created here is going to be gone but if I select import it will import an image into this particular design so let me go to my desktop and under tutorial samples I should have the sewing machine here let's take a look sewing machine SVG so there is the graphic that I want to place in the circle I select okay and then I can actually size this where I want it now I don't know what if this is centered perfectly in my circle or not so the easiest way to do that is to simply select the sewing machine and because I have last selected in my online and distribute and if I select the sewing machine and then the last thing I select is the circle it's going to align the sewing machine to the circle so I simply come over here and Center it vertically and I Center it horizontally so now that sewing machine I deselect everything that sewing machine is centered perfectly in that circle and let's say I would like that a little bit larger so selecting that sewing machine I think you're catching on holding ctrl + Shift will size that sewing machine out when I have the sizing handles from the center out alright and I let me just for fun let me just go ahead change the color of that sewing machine to more a Bluegreen all right I'll change this text here to a dark blue green and that looks great all right so here we have a basic patch or you could you know print this out and cut it on your cutting machine and you can make yourself little stickers whatever you you know you would like to do everything has been converted let's check this circle here is it a circle or is a path I come down here to the status line uh-huh it says it's a circle so I actually need to change and convert this to an object so I simply go to path object to path and now when I click on it it says a path of four nodes so that nodes that will be visible here if I click on the nodes tool here are the four nodes that are there so I have the capability of sizing or changing in my circle later on all right but I don't need to do that so let's go ahead and go back to the selection tool but I was just showing you that that's what it means so when you select here and it says it's a path of four nodes how do you know where you select click on the nodes tool and it will show you exactly what it is so here's my object right so this is what I want to convert into an embroidery design but if I didn't want an embroidery design and wanted to make stickers simply you know you can group this together size it however you want to size it for your stickers and then save it as an SVG file so let's go to file save as and I'm going to go ahead and call this I drive fast and when I type that in I'm gonna click on this down arrow here for save as type and I'm gonna go ahead and choose plain SVG that gives me the capability to actually import it into Cricut software the silhouette software or even the embroidery software so I can create an embroidery design very very easily I'm gonna go ahead and say save alright and just for grins let me select this object and it's telling me right now that the width is five point six nine four and the height is five point six nine four if I hold grab the sizing tool here and I press the ctrl shift key on my keyboard I can because it's a vector now it's an object I can increase or decrease the size of the object or even better yet I can come up to the toolbar here and lock that padlock and if I want this to be exactly you know three point seven five inches because this padlock is locked it will change the width and the height proportionally so I'll type in three point seven five hit my Enter key and now the width and height have changed proportionally and I now have the size I would like personally to go ahead and create my embroidered patch right so let's go ahead and go to our embroidery software and see how this very simple design can be very quickly converted to an embroidery design before I bring this design over into the drawings X Pro software you see I have a black circle here on the screen I'm going to go ahead and change some of these colors to be very similar to this sample that I have created here so I'm going to go ahead and change the outline to more of a dark olive color along with the text and change the other items into a different color green so this will give you a little insight on how to create the appliques so I want to have a specific you know fabric color here so if I go over to the Greens here I can choose a light green and when I click on it it will actually fill that object with that color which is going to be the fabric which is wonderful the outline it's stout itself is still black but I would rather have a dark green background so if I hold my shift key on my keyboard and then select a color you can see down here and on the status line again the status bar is very important tells you actually everything you need to know it tells me my fill color is this here and the stroke is this dark olive green I also want to show you because I haven't shown you this in a tutorial yet how to widen the stroke that is around this object and the stroke is considered to be an outline if we go to the fill and strokes properties window there is a stroke style tab that when we click on it it will give us the actual size of our stroke and pixels is a screen measurement and I'm just going to go ahead and leave that and then click on the up arrow and when I do that you can see that it's changing the thickness of the outside border it won't matter when I bring this into the he digitizing software because I'll be able to change the width of this line but visually here maybe I want it to be a little bit wider because if I do print a sticker or I want to print this and cut this on my cutting machine it's nicer to have a nice thicker border so we can you know change that to whatever we want so let's just change that to a 4.5 I will press the Enter key and I have a nice stroke or outline around that object the sewing machine that let's go ahead and change that into a medium type green so if I just click on it it will fill that object let's see if I have something here a little different yeah let's look that looks pretty good right there so when I click on the pallets here it's going to fill the object with a color and then if i shift-click on the items here in the palette the shift-click will actually give it an outline so I don't really really want an outline here on the screen but just to show you how this works if I do press shift and then click on this dark green you can see that it put a very light very thin let me go ahead and zoom on this by holding my ctrl key and then turning the scroll wheel on the mouse you can see it did put an outline around that object so that would be something you know you can personally choose if I want to remove that outline what I need to do is go back to my palette here slide my scroll bar all the way to the left and because I added the stroke or the outline with the shift key I'm going to hold the shift key down on my keyboard while I click the X to remove that outline and now you can see that that outline is removed and also if I select the I Drive fast and barefoot it's because they are grouped together I can scroll back over to the greens and select this dark olive color by just selecting it all right so now I have very quickly created you know the inner color of my object I've colored the sewing machine and I've added the outline so let me just Reese save this design I'm gonna save it as a plain SVG I'm going to continue to give it the same filename I Drive fast click on save and since I saved it before I will go ahead and replace this and then I will go ahead and open up the digitizing software and then load that particular graphic vector file into the digitizing software ok I've opened up my drawings ex-pro software and I want to create a new embroidery design so I simply click on create new as in xscape i simply go to file import from file and here is my i drive fast SVG file so i'll select it and then click on open and very quickly it's brought in this design and digitized it automatically it converted that vector file into an embroidery file but there's a couple things I might want to change so for example I would really like to have this background here be applique fabric somet and the stitching on top of this sewing machine will stitch and the letters will stitch and I would like if the core border so to do that first thing you need to do when you have this software and this software is available on my website at since to be an applique and when I do that you can very quickly see that it converted that filled background to fabric right so if I click and scroll just like I do in escape you can see now I have my applicator now this outline is a running stitch and I really would like that to be a satin stitch so if I select that particular object once again if I go to my outline menu in the properties I can tell it that I don't want a running stitch I would like it to be a serial or satin serial stitch so I simply select that and with a click of a mouse now I have a nice satin serial stitch around the outside of that design I would like it to be a little bit wider so I can change the outline width so simply go over here and I can just scroll this or type in the value I'd like it to be and let's just go ahead and take it up to 3.5 okay 3.5 milimeter ii some you have really nice thick satin stitch around the outside and i click on that again and you can see this pink circle this is the actual cut line so if I have this cut on my cutting machine this is the outside of that particular design or this is where you would stop your song your embroidery machine take your trimming scissors and trim close to the design so if you have the option to use a cutting machine you're going to get a cleaner cut and once the software places the placement stitch on the design or the fabric that you're creating this on for example if you want to put this on a tote bag it will stitch the placement stitch and then you simply place your fabric circle on that circle that it's stitched it makes it really nice and I am a pretty particular and I like to really have more of my satin stitch on the patch and have less of it off the edge because I with a cutting machine I'm gonna have such a clean edge that I don't need that extra overhang so that's called offset and here's offset right here so under outline here's my offset it's currently set to nothing and if I change this offset and as I'm slowly moving it you can see on the screen that that offset at a negative seven or six or seven and negative six or seven let me just bring that in to negative zero point five millimeters I have more of my stitch now on the inside of my patch and less hanging over the edge so I'm going to have a more secure embroidery on my project right and any fabric here that would be fraying is going to be covered up and that will not fall apart so many embroidery designs that have an applique they end up pulling away from the fabric because the satin stitch is not on the fabric far enough all right so you have control of that with this X Pro version of the software and then the next thing I want to take a look at is if you take a look at the sequence here this sewing machine is cut out from this fabric background I do not want this background cut out I want a solid circle then I can actually embroider it on so if I select the sewing machine here right and it will select the sewing machine here on the screen you have the capability to turn the overlaps off or remove overlaps so if I say never you can see now that this sewing machine that was here in the center let me press ctrl-z so I can undo that this sewing machine cut out right if I change this to never it will never cut that sewing machine out of the fabric in the center and it will just place this embroidery on top of it and that's exactly what I want the fonts are perfectly set the way they are right now if I scroll in here a little bit closer I want to show you something I like about the pro version instead of the creative drawings if I select the fonts or the text on the screens let me just ctrl and zoom to scroll back out if I select all this text and hold my shift key down and select all this text I can right click on this and I can combine the text together so it will stitch all the letters at at one given time this is the jump stitch it's only showing it on the screen but if you have an embroidery machine that will cut these jump stitches for you automatically that won't be taken care of but if I again scroll back in here by ctrl holding the qolt control on the keyboard and using the scroll button on my mouse I may want to make that font just a little bit more dense so if I click on it I can come over here to the density and I can actually change that to a point 3 0 and if I click off of this you can see the fonts are filled in a lot nicer right and the last thing I would like to do to finish this particular design off a couple things all right let's get into some really cool stuff here if I select this sewing machine right now if I look at the sewing machine there is no outline around that design and I'd like to have a really finished look to this sewing machine so I'm going to select that toy machine and I'm going to go back to my outline tab across the top of the screen and you can see there are no properties for an outline because no outline has been permitted so all I need to do is click on running and it had placed a running stitch let me go ahead and zoom in here really nice you can see it has placed this running stitch around the design but here is the beautiful power of this software I can change the length of that running stitch to 2.0 all right and I can also change the type of stitch it is so right now it's just doing a single stitch outline stitch around the object if I select on stitches here and choose double it will create a beautiful let me zoom out of here click off the object and then click and drag to zoom in you can see how nicely it has created a double outline stitch around it and it's automatically taken in the compensation and pole compensation settings so this outline when stabilized appropriately with a light weight stabilizer is going to stitch absolutely perfect I mean how do I know that if I look and zoom in right here you can see this outline right is overlapping those stitches and it is automatically taking care of the pole compensation of this particular design the last thing I'd like to show you is maybe this outline for me is just a little too thick all right I don't want too much of a buildup I'd having I'd like a nice light satin stitch around the edge of this applique currently there are ten thousand eight hundred stitches roughly to this particular design so if I select that outline I can change the density of that - maybe I'll type in a point five five press my Enter key and you can see that there is a bit of a lighter appliqué stitch satin stitch around that design which can actually be very very pretty and the last thing I want to do is add an underlay so if I add this cross Under like there's lots of different types of underlay here if I select this cross underlay it will put a layer of stitches under there and then put the satin stitches on top it will be a nice secure professional looking at design right so let me go ahead and zoom out click off this design and again this is what it's going to look like and if I just go ahead just for demonstrations sake here and I tell it to break apart this is going to remove the jump stitches on the screen here so I can see how this design is going to look when it stitches out on my boy tree machine so let's take a look at how this will actually look and stitch out using the slow redraw feature in drawings X Pro I will go ahead and click on that and here's our start button but I'm going to go ahead and increase my speed here to 4,000 revolutions per minute so that it stitches through the design a little bit quicker so when I click on this start button you'll see what it will do is put down the placement stitch it moves the hoop out of the way so you can actually place your fabric on there and then it puts the tack down stitch in the underlay it goes back and does the nice satin stitch around the edge of the design you know let's jump ahead here quickly so you can see that once the outline is done it goes ahead and stitches the sewing machine alright and we can go through here quickly just kind of see how it jumps through the design stitching on beautifully and it will go through and do the double stitch outlined at the end and then finally it will do the fonts in the wording you can see it puts a nice little underlay stitch and the fonts are actually a little bit heavier because we increase the density so very straightforward easy program to use it's kind of like Inkscape just kind of point and click and it makes it work there's no too dicing involved it's just simply a vector to embroidery conversion software this also has the capability to go directly to a cutting machine or use rhinestones also with it so as we go through and learn tutorials down the road you're going to learn a lot more fun things to do with Inkscape and marry it with drawings ex-pro software so I hope you enjoyed learning something new kind of venture out a little bit my name again is Katie Bart's and I'm at WWE scene calm please visit my website look at the different products I have the different designs and patterns as well as subscribing to the channel subscribing just makes it more motivating for me to continue educating you and creating these Oreos so reach out if you have any questions but it's filming itself
Channel: SewingScene
Views: 11,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Katie Bartz, SewingScene, Sewing Scene, Sewing, Inkscape, Inkscape Tutorials, Inkscape Beginner Tutorials, Text on a Path, Digitizing, Cutting Machine, Cricut, Silhouette, Beginning Digitizing, Machine Embroidery, Machine Applique, Vector Artwork, Drawing, Drawings, Drawings Pro, Creative Drawings, Design Own Vector Art, Easy Tutorials
Id: B3MOgQjElJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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