Inheriting A Storage Unit And a £2,500 Bill | Storage Hoarders | Only Human

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self-storage is big business and helps create space in our overcrowded homes bring about some memories but some have taken their storage hoarding too far it's not all mine they wanted to hanging on to things they never see or use it's time to save now and it's costing them a fortune over 2,000 pounds a year I need help I'm in a desperate State I'm Agee McKenzie and I'm an expert in clearing junk and peoples excess baggage you're paying to store storage I'll be asking hoarders to unlock the doors of their units it's just crazy empty out their stash and choose to either keep it keep sell no skip it or sell it our antiques expert will then pull out any hidden gems anything between 15 and 20 thousand to take to auction and make some hard cash who are lazy then in today's show our Stewart orders say hello to a mountain of memories well it's incredible but do they have what it takes to say farewell to their past for good my granny's to tarnish you have to keep that yeah and have they been hiding priceless pieces they're hoarding we're going to deal with it to put pounds in their pockets at auction welcome to storage hoarders [Music] hello and welcome to storage hoarders I'm in Bridgend to help to lady's sort their riches from their rubbish it's time to get tough clean up and clear out as I ask them to keep it skip it or sell it our first order in need of my help is teacher Georgina unlike most of our secret squirtles Georgina inherited her unit over the past four years it's clocked up over two and a half thousand pounds and boyfriend David's one shot of the clutter and the expense so how did she become responsible for storage mums moved to the USA was a complete shock she rang me on a Tuesday and to say her flight was on a Friday and that she'd taken everything she required because she was starting afresh she put everything into a lock up and left it to me so I have many items I've inherited Georgina and David live in Perth Col in Bridgend with her mum quickly moving to Florida for a better life in the Sun she continued to pay for the unit for the first year but for a further three years Georgina's paid the monthly storage fee so I kind of thought it was a bit of a burden that her mom had left her when she moved to the States you sort of wonder why am I paying for a storage unit to house all of these items which I haven't chosen even in Georgina's current flat her mum's discarded things are getting in the way from court hangers to unwanted shoes it seems that Georgina has inherited a hindrance instead of an heirloom wrapping paper I don't think we're gonna need that and quite a few finals which I don't have a violin player so it's not gonna be that useful to me at first I thought it was great because there was larger household items that were new such as a dishwasher and I had a dressing table and a dining table which sounded perfect but I'm yet to find that I have the same tastes as things right georgina and david are desperately saving all the cash they can to buy their first home together but with precious pennies going down the drain dave is getting tough with the TAT I want to start fresh I wanna start brand new start my life with her so I think it would be nice if we got items that were hours instead of past generation paying for the storage unit does make it come to the forefront of my mind they finally realized that if they want to afford their own place the unit has got to go what I've paid I could have gone on a luxury round-the-world cruise a child is prepared can I help georgina discard her money worries as she takes a possible sentimental trip down memory lane first of all could ask you who's been paying for the storage over the years my mum paid for the first year okay and then I've been paying since so David what do you think about all the storage business well when Georgie told me about it I wasn't particularly happy seeming majority of stuff in there isn't his and she's been made to pay for it I just saw it's a lot of money to pay for items that aren't really yours and have you seen any of this stuff yeah I've seen obviously the large pieces of furniture and we've given some things to charity mm-hmm but this half of the storage unit I haven't seen do you know in your head and what items you want to keep and what you want to get rid of I know there's some items that are crystal and little ornaments that I want to keep you want to keep the cat sorry I shouldn't you want to keep crystal anonymous why well I think it's just because I've seen them since I was little and they've always been in the family well let them have their people because we're gonna get short of this place today at me hopefully yes good I want to help Georgina be free of this storage burden which she's had for far too long next up is retired secretary Susan Gordon she intended to store her possessions for a maximum of six months two years and five and a half thousand pounds later this self-confessed hoarder is in need of some real streamlining support so why did she resort to storage in the first place I had a disastrous year I had flood damage in the spare bedroom which leaked down and I decided at the same time as through innovating that I would have the house renovated and the to assist that I had the furniture put into storage Susan lives in beautiful Llanelli Carmarthen sure but for the past two years her building site home has been less than picturesque in addition to the cost of all the renovations having our things and storage has become a real stream it was very difficult to put my make sense of my life at the time it was certainly due to my friends that I was able to survive it is now in the final stages theoretically the stuff will all be back out of storage and I got to find somewhere to put it given the terrible circumstances you'd think that most people would use this opportunity to declutter their home but not her Susan I'm a hoarder and this needs very definitely needs sorting out I am aware that I hoard I collect it basically anything I can do what belongings she couldn't fit into her garage she had to put into three storage units this looks like a lot of classroom it is I can probably chuck away about a third of it realistically well her house is being done up Susan has been staying with her friend Maggie who prefers to live a more minimalist life she's a hoarder she collects she dumps she never puts anything away I think it's fair to say that perhaps until she came to moving with me a vacuum cleaner was an alien object Maggie thinks it's crazy that Susan's paying more than two hundred pounds a month to store stuff she doesn't need and should use the newly renovated house as a fresh start I would hope it has been a wake-up call seriously if not then Susan will be back to where she was 10 15 20 years ago can I encourage Susan to downsize her storage so she can move back into a new clattered free home Susan do you know how much money you spent altogether and storage here well I had spent about five and a half thousand yes Kyle oh yes so when you first put your stuff in storage how long did you think you were putting in for about three months so you've had massive costs here no I didn't expect them no have you been using saving I have been using savings I've been using capital to cover it has that been a worry for you to put it complitely yes everything that you have in storage do you need all that stuff oh so are you thinking today that you'd like to get everything out and get rid of a whole lot of stuff I would love to get rid of some stuff you would yes your friend Maggie's not here to help you to do she's ill unfortunately but she has had a word with me on the phone and she said to me that you're very plausible and that I have to be very very very strict with you yes I take my time over making decisions yes well you're gonna have to decide quite quickly see cuz you know time is over the essence and I think it's a great opportunity for you you know we're not gonna clear everything today no if we can at least downsize yes and to cut your costs yeah it would be a good let's do it we've met our hoarders in desperate need of some Aggie intervention it's now time to see what's waiting for me in those units coming up David gets assertive with Georgina's inherited clutter in the house and Susan refuses to let go of her years of hoarding the hoarding [Music] welcome back to storage orders I'm helping two hoarders currently spending money storing items they don't really need earlier we met Georgina her mom emigrated to Florida and lumbered her with a fully loaded storage unit which is costing Georgina thousands and this is Susan a serious cereal hoarder her home was flooded and while the damage is repaired she's moved a lifetime's worth of collecting all into storage later an antiques expert Paul Hays will have a rummage through their possessions and select a few choice items to sell at auction first to confront her storage inconvenience is Georgina who has shelled at a tidy sum to keep her mum's leftover loot under lock and key Georgina has been burdened by a mountain of her mum's memories from her life in the UK but she soon clocks an item from her childhood my gran used to turn it once a week she knew how it worked I have no idea Georgina might be reminiscing but boyfriend David wants rid of her mums costly clutter I agree with David some of these items have to go in here lots of kitchen stuff you don't need any more kitchen do you think this would be good for a charity shop yes yeah you like these chairs yeah they just don't think there's any place for them did chairs go with the table which goes with the Welsh dresser right so if we're not keeping the washed dresser there's no point in keeping whoa no what about this clock here should we take the clock out ah this looks like an old clock ever since I was little my Grandpere okay so it's in your grandparents house yeah you used to be on the bureau in the study it's not my taste but I mean there's something quite a thing I think what Facebook needs are clean so would you be happy to let that go yeah that could be a possibility I can tell you what I'd be putting this if it was left to me let's get cracking we got to get everything out of here okay Georgina's been hanging on to her mum's word for far too long she now has to decide which items she really wants to hang on to and which to give the heave-ho now it's time for Susan to unlock open up and be reunited with a hoard of household belongings she's squirreled away into storage Oh golly well it's it's incredible there are lots of things here I forgotten all about serial hoarders susan has stashed away her life's laundry boxes of mementos old furniture Nixon acts and the occasional lampshade I don't know what to do with things so look at all this stuff I think Susan's paying to store things she really doesn't need golly lots of furniture in here yes there's an awful lot of furniture in here it's like a tower real yeah that's a new towel and new towel real this is an old one I see my stepdaughter wants one of those so we know you're getting rid of one already of these two yes yes yes thank you right oh this was just detritus from the headaches you know what you've got an awful lot of staff here and you've got a lot of little bits and pieces yeah I'm slightly concerned about how long it's going to take for us to go through all this lot longer than I would like right we're going to have to work very closely together today aren't we yes yes to help our hoarders clear their units I distort their possessions into three categories skip it for all those unwanted bits and bobs keep it for the items they really can't live without and sell it for the things that could bring in the Bucks I've also included a charity box for those items - good - been Bunnykins some pottery our storage holders need to get tough with their stuff they've got just three hours to get the heaps out of hiding oh it's my father's African collection here with so much stuff to sort through I've arranged a little extra help Georgina and David's power looks like a manageable mounting of her mum's Ord possessions however Susan's massive spread of stuff represents a lifetime's worth of belongings and now she's reunited with her items she's having difficulty parting with any of them 12th of May 1937 coronation I think they're going to have to be kept right that's to keep meanwhile Georgina is getting ruthless with her surplus goods this is just junk she's checking the VIN she's shovelling her mum's stuff out of storage onto the Skip and sale piles including old ornaments glassware and furniture skip but there's one beloved item Georgina can't bear to part with yeah so now we're unpacking with finding things we haven't seen yes I've never seen before no things that maybe I haven't seen for a long time yeah so does a creature here I think this is a bear that my mum and dad got when they lived in Germany and my dad used to be quite fond of it and as I really love bears my dad always said I should keep it so what were your parents doing in Germany my dad was working in the RAF for my mum was in the mo D and so they were based in Germany for just over five years do you think it might be worth something I don't know I don't know how much it was even purchased it's a fingers crossed this could be the answer to all your storage costs you never know who you will see this porcelain bear has given me pause for thought bears are big collectors items on whether made of ceramic or good old fashioned fur the right bear Confessional thousands so I've sent Georgina under cherish bear to meet Peter David a specialist in restoring ceramics to find out more this is a Berlin bear the mark blue sceptre mark on the bottom is a Berlin mark right Berlin was a factory that started in around 1740 so how do you think it might be beat I'd have expected it to be about the 60s but looking at it you know it might be a bit earlier how best would I clean the bear for I was wanting to pay my show best way to clean any porcelain is to use the mildest detergent that you can that are in stick and I've a little bit of cotton ball a little bit of spit works because of the enzymes and it's amazing how much dirt that will get out without what you don't want to do is immerse it either to got a hole there and you'll take water it'll take weeks to get that out white porcelain is difficult to produce and very expensive but if you've got the right piece in good condition octa files that spare collectors will cough up the cash so has Georgina hit the big time with her Berlin bear value-wise I'm afraid he isn't gonna pay for a holiday for you anyway probably looking around about the 5060 pockmarks or something like that it's not damaged which is good thank you Peter for your time today I've really enjoyed meeting with Pete today I've learnt a lot about the origin of the bear it's gonna stay in the family I'm pleased this bear is going home with Georgina and not back in that storage unit meanwhile back at storage HQ in Bridgend Susan is sifting through the contents of our house and it's bringing back lots of memories to see everything again is just weird and realizing what I kept yes well that's a card-case years of hoarding have left Susan struggling to let go she's even hanging on to broken crockery old coat hangers and homemade calf turns but it's so practical in summer it's so cool their teacups OD yes that's a teacup did you use them no but they are going to be kept these are going to family the custodian for that excuse me may I please put that down there Otto Jack I don't think there's any value in that do you have to keep that yeah great business I've nothing else to put the hot water in for coffee things do not just come at the CAC or probably good oh now hold on hold don't change the subject Susan Susan we're going to deal with this hedge on the hoarding we're going to deal with it I want you to have any lately healthy attitude towards this I need to offer it to the family because it they may have more of a use for it they may take it and give it to charity I really don't know you don't feel that because it's in your possession that you have the right to this age what happens not necessarily no no because it came from the family I'm not sure I wonder if Susan's looking for an excuse to hang on to her things I'm not giving up yet though owner hope with some gentle persuasion I can get it sell a few items and I've spotted just the thing ah Eureka it's so gorgeous can you remember where they came from whereas with everything they've come down the family right I I really don't know whether it was my father mother's family or my father's family you're happy to sell these yes Bravo Susan has agreed to sell a few of her possessions however she's clinging on to the majority for her newly renovated home it's a very different story for Georgina and her hoard she's managed to part with most of her mum's stuff it is quite liberating the fact we're gonna get rid of so much rubbish which to me is rubbish to me yeah so what you're thinking now about all of this well I'm thinking next time she escapes it'll be mmm thanks for giving me this reading I think I'd be furious if my mother had left me all this work behind because that's what it is it's a blinking chore and it's taking up a lot of your time we've had to take time off work the parish you start it a load of stuff there's not even yours you don't want necessarily and you haven't to deal with it and you've paid a fortune to store it well it's pretty lucky that she lives in a nice destination and gives us free holiday twice a year otherwise I wouldn't be too happy okay so he's forgiven she's forgiven she you have to say she's forgiveness so our students orders have searched they're keeping skip and sale pals next up we'll find out if our expert Paul Hays thinks in any value in their sale items coming up our hoarders discover the true value of their treasures because probably the best item yeah a very collectible item and we see how Georgina's mom's stash performs under the hammer 120 on day 30 now well well [Music] welcome back to storage orders I'm in Bridgend where I've been helping Georgina and her boyfriend David and serial hoarder Susan take stock of their storage and decide which of their belongings to keep skip or sell antiques expert Paul Hayes is about to cast his eye over the contents of Georgina's unit which she's been burdened with since her mum moved to Florida will he find some treasures amongst the sale items so what have you seen amongst Regina and David's collection that might be worth talking about well I suppose I better start with the clock this is probably the best item you have it's a German clock this dates about 1880 1900s a type of bracket clock the idea was it wouldn't go on a mantelpiece it's far too big it's it's a little bracket but very collectible item and a very important part of any clock is the pendulum and you have that it's amazing how many of those go missing and so what you've got is a good Victorian German clock in nice condition value-wise 150 on a good day 250 that sort of price palette ass yeah positive surprise history and of course you've got these these horses as well was somebody into horses or my mum my mum used to be a keen rider right well he's a very decorative these would have gone on a mantelpiece and the old Victorian house it's very dark interiors this is called spelter and spelter is like a cheaper version of bronze not sleek zinc and what would happen would that the artists would make this item from bronze which would recast and very very expensive then they'd use the cheaper material called spelter from the same casting so it's almost as identical to the bronze but hasn't quite got that finesse it's not quite as heavy and the nice thing is you have a pair it's always good to have a pair so value is sort of 30 to 60 pounds for those two minutes that's all right - yeah I mean I've never really like somebody wants to take those off my hand good news looks like Georgina has inherited more than just junk when she took on her mum's storage unit and there's one item that's a cut above the rest and then of course we've got one item here which is quite lethal really there were you in the farming gamer or my mom who's in horses her father was into construction but built a few farm houses so she grew up in a farming right ok well it's quite lethal yeah and the blade is you know it is a big example and there is a law in England you're not allowed he went to do this at a car boot to sell this probably you might get arrested it's that it's that button really yeah because blades have to be less than two inches so this is far bigger than I think it's a case we live offload in this because it's not something you can sell really on the open market has to be dealt with properly alright but food for thought they're only got some great example and a well stressor know then that's not antique but it's like well obviously the antique ones what people like but people love pine pine in kitchens are very popular and you also have a table and chairs Laura don't to get rid of just sort of yeah well if we said at least 150 to 200 that's the minimum you're gonna get for them and hopefully on a good day nothing you could do alright every penny counts Georgina had no idea what her mum left in a unit when she moved to Florida but Paul has found a few items that could fetch a tidy sum at auction there's a pain dresser a matching table and chairs valued at 150 to 200 pounds the German bracket clock estimated at 150 to 200 pounds and the pair of spelter horses valued at thirty to sixty pounds but what about grandpa's scythe it can't go to option so Georgina has decided she wants to find a good home for it so Paul's arranged a visit to the Gareth Heritage Centre in Swansea and Georgina's pause along some sort of stranger as she got here what what is this well this is a scythe it looks like it's a mid 19th century model it's a nice long blade on it so being used for reaping and grass cutting and they generally would work in teams on farms a team of sighs moons or mowers would arrive an offer to cut all your grass or all your harvest all your crops for you one manís should be able to cut at least three acres of growing crops in a day but just one acre of grass which is quite harder task and a whole team then could literally do a farm in a week farming in the mid 19th century was a tough task teams of farmers would spend days cutting their crops and without modern machinery the scythe was one of the tools no farmer could do without what's replaced it then what sort of mechanization of course came in combine harvesters reporting today that what succeeded this was the Reaper and binding machines originally horse-drawn and those machines did away with literally thousands of people's jobs using these all day it's unremitting labor extremely tiring after a day's work in fact it's said it never to counter this but takes up to ten thousand strokes to cut an acre which is one base hardware they were due three acres a day yes they could have up to three acres a day that's amazing obviously Georgiana didn't want to have this sort of lying around and what's what's the what's the market for these things I mean the people well secondly yes people still collect them and use them for display items you have to see them in purpose of course and restaurants country yeah yeah generally you pick one up in the sales for maybe thirty forty pound an average one good condition one a bit more and this is is in fairly good conditions not a lot of woodworm in it so it could be cleaned up and you probably could get it to work again if you want to do they got much of a long [Laughter] once cleaned up grandpa said could fetch 40 pounds at a specialist cell but Georgina's decided to donate it to the Heritage Center I'm really thrilled today to be leaving the site behind so that those who appreciate the sort of farming memorabilia may find it more use than me having it in the locker at least Georgina won't be paying to keep it in storage anymore let's hope she has as much luck offloading the rest of her stuff when it goes to seal it's auction time where Georgina slots are going under the hammer Georgene has not made any money so far let's see if she can claw back some cash from her mum's leftover us here at Tring market auctions 300 madam says no sir so how does it feel saying goodbye to the last of your hoard it feels good we got rid of the look up within two weeks of doing the day so now there's very little act except for these items that's right so this is the last of it and must be quite a nice feeling definitely everything's good it's plates you got high hopes for any of this I really want to get rid of the dining table especially now we've got rid of the locket there's nowhere for it to go what does that mean that you haven't got a reserve on those pieces I have a reserve on the clock purely because I'm quite fond of it and I want it to go to a good home clock by 45 50 45 pounds of tip yardage now so will any of Georgina's items be of interest to resident auctioneer Stephen home two agendas entry is interesting it's covering a hundred years of antique history she has got the Westminster chiming clock with a German movement in it that's going to probably sell quite well she's then also docked something of the 1990s where she's got the the modern pine dress at the table in the chairs someone's going to have that what about the unusual horse warrior figurines they're not going to fly out because they're spelter they are the poor man's decorative item she's going to be struggling to get much over 100 pounds for tell me any money that you might MIT to do what you're going to use it for we just use it for our furnace removing have you got a figure in your head of what you'd like to come away with today I hope they talked as well of for Georgie siggy I hope it does yes yes it does took at home yes yes right well auction is about to begin okay all the best thank you fingers crossed with the auction about to get underway I hope Georgina can make some money from her mum's or belongings first up is the pine dresser table and chairs there's a pint dresser you got a dining table you got four chairs what about a couple of hundred pounds for the milder pounds for them yes and ten for them one twenty one thirty forty fifty sixty seventy okay eighty ninety one hundred ninety two hundred I'm bid to ten I have 220 yes 220 230 you only bought the dresser 240 Oh a note 250 pounds and I should sell those 250 pounds would a great start and not bad for some pine furniture that was stuck at the back of a storage unit it looks like furniture is popular at this sale let's see if Georgina has as much luck with her 1930s chest of drawers estimated at 10 to 20 pounds madam useful thing for you know so Scotty they're nice you sell it for 25 pounds thank you very your Gina's items are fetching above the estimates let's whoops should be writing higher with the spelter horses valued at 30 to 60 pounds 10 is it 110 120 I'm bid and 30 now well well well 120 then down at 120 pounds yeah 120 pounds that's two horses sold for twice the estimate Georgina still has one last item in the auction her grandma's bracket clock it's close to Georgina's hurt so bidders will have to pay a hundred and eighty pounds to reach her reserve okay ten view sir 120 we've got 31 more 140 are two of you want it fifty hundred sixty seventy eighty eight is got it 180 look you two are going down to Searle in sirs got the clock at 180 pounds sold for a hundred and eighty pounds Georgina was very attached to that clock so I want to make sure she's completely happy no it's gone what about your granny's clog how are you feeling about that actually going well it was fate we put a reserve on it and the reserve was met so hopefully it'll go to a good home Georgina has sold three out of the four items brought to auction unfortunately the spelter Horace sale didn't materialize so after commission she's made four hundred and four pens add to this a six hundred and twenty-five pound yearly storage saving and Georgina and David can put one thousand and twenty nine pounds towards their future what did you think you might have got rank to this if it hadn't been for us coming along honestly I don't think we would have got rid of the items at this point I think we would have slowly been going down to the locker and maybe lost patience so glad to be short glads who got rid of the storage unit yes so after four years and over 2,000 pounds Georgina has freed the burden of her mum's storage unit coming up Susan discovers she's been hiding are--some real treasures they were the first factory in the whole of Europe to come up with true porcelain used to call it white gold back to the bidders agreed when her prized possessions go under the hammer 45 pounds not enough ole - ole - Tori that felt old not sold welcome back to Stuart George's where Susan and Georgina and David are clearing at their clutter and downsizing their units well it's it's incredible earlier Georgina discovered the history of a family heirloom before making four hundred and four pounds at auction add to that the saving of an empty storage unit and she's quit sin to the tune of approximately 1029 pounds it's night time to catch up with colossal hoarder Susan oh it's might leave my father's African collection here who put a lifelong stash of belongings into storage after the first water tank ruined her home squit allure Susan's found it hard to let go of anything coronation I think they're going to have to be kept but I've called an antiques expert Paul Hughes to help spot any hidden treasures amongst the few items she's willing to sell I haven't had the easiest time with this lady here Susan but it's anything here that you've seen of Susan's it's adventurous now tell me I've just spotted on here well it's a card case yeah that's right it's a hole in card case you would announce yourself your go to goes along to somebody's house you'd have your calling card who you would give your car to the bottle and of course you would produce it from something like this so in here would be a handwritten card to announce your arrival this is tortoise shell and this is mother-of-pearl so that one you're looking 80 to 130 pounds it's not a prize - baby I'm gonna the one in there of you okay now we got some nice and cupping sauces here yes know what he's collected by yourself again it came from my family right well these are 19th centuries the date back maybe eighteen eighteen nineteen hundred it had the mice and cross swords which is there Martin they put on it and they were the first factory in the whole of Europe to come up with the true porcelain they used to call it white gold these would bring 2025 a cup and saucer right at least a hundred pounds it was an auction estimate eighty two hundred and twenty on those how does that sound for the six yes yes Paul has found some interesting items for Susan to take to auction including the tortoiseshell card case along with the 19th century mice and cup and saucer saved other items to go under the hammer at a watercolor painting and a set of Venetian glass goblets but there's another much larger item that's caught Paul's expertise well this is a secretary bookcase and the idea is is that the euro path actually comes out on on Polly revealing this leather interior with all the little drawers and so on and the color inside the drawers is the color that this would have originally been that very sort of rich red yeah and what's happened with over the years with the sunlight it's faded the front this is where you get this sort of lots of darker color on the front and he's got a bit of warping around the box yes unfortunately it would need a bit of work done to it I think and how roughly how much would it cost to to - you think it's a beautiful piece it dates 1840 1860 that sort of time with the restoration kneading on there it's gonna be quite expensive to do that I could see that bringing 400 to 600 you oh there we are can that go Susan's grand secretary worth a barber - and she's keen to find out what it would take to bring it back to its former glory suppose taking her to meet terence hawkins a specialist in antique furniture condition today is very important this bookcase has a lot of faults which I'll actually point out to you what's the main problem that we've got here that we'll start with with a bottom it has splits in the panel here oh yes which is actually where the panel is bowing this one here again as you can see that is badly warped yes the expense starts when you try and replace all these moldings all these they'll have to be hand-done handmade the doors themselves will have to be taken off and we planed so they actually shut correctly but you say it'll be worth repairing the whole bookcase looking at the bookcase I would say you're talking of 2 to 250 pounds to restore the bookcase do you think it is something that is in demand now or was it something maybe two to leave for a future generation oh yeah I think if you had that restored it'd be beautiful you could pass it on to your grandchildren at the moment the value is four to six hundred and there's only one way it's going to go and that's up in value it will not go down any further that's brilliant thank you it's been in the family my family is I know of for nearly 70 years and I'm going to seriously consider if I if it's a possibility of leaving it here to be restored and then having the beautifully restored product in my house Susan's secretary deserves some TLC and I'm pleased no longer going to be hidden away in storage we've come to Chyzyk where Susan's other items will be up for grabs to the highest bidder friend Maggie is here to hold her hand as she releases her grip on some of her prized possessions so Maggie I'm glad you're here today it's lovely to meet you I could have done with you that day at the storage unit such hard work tell me about you did warn me and you were right almost mission impossible that day it really was I'm glad to see that we managed to prize a few things out of Susan to bring to auction today you're happy about this thing to you yeah yes I am obviously sad to see them go but I made a decision to let them go so they're going and you're not changing your mind no not on these goods it's taken a lot for Susan to get her stuff out of storage and into the sale but what will today's auctioneer William race make of her items Susan has got four locks on the sale I think the month of Nisan is particularly interesting you know there's always a collectible market for the Meissen and these are quite decorative as well you know math is a very high quality porcelain manufacturer in Germany so they'll there certainly be people who'll be interested in buying that with the option about to get going antiques expert tom kean as landing susan some support as she sees her first lot who under the hammer the tortoiseshell and mother-of-pearl card case again nice little thing they're collectible object forty pounds to start me bid forty fifty five pounds within sixty I'll take at 55 pound to five four so far sixty there sixty pounds there to sixty five sixty to sixty-five sixty-five pounds I'm bidding them in the doorway sixty five pounds all done sixty-five sixty-five pounds what a great start will the watercolors stir up as much interest estimated at 60 to 100 pounds 40 am bid 40 to 45 45 is one bid at 45 need a little bit more 45 pounds of me then anybody want to come in with me then 45 pounds not enough on trade as old as all that for salt no salt so it's not a pretty picture as the paintings feel to sell perhaps Susan will have more luck with the venetian goblets [Music] Hold'em not quite what Susan was hoping for but she still has one lot left in the sale and William the auctioneer thinks it's a good one the mice and cup and saucer st. 20th century Meissen porcelain demitasse and saucers with some other coffee cans and sauces there's a lot and I've pieced to say that I've got one two three four bit all elements on the lot and I can start anyway straight in at 90 pounds 110 is bidding 30 40 on 51 55 161 once again the book at 160 pound one-sixty in the room anybody else want to come in now 160 my left then at 160 bought her sold so it's no longer time for tea but Susan can have our cake and eat it a hundred and sixty pounds what the result so what you reckon to that then I'm very surprised tell me about it I mean I could have knocked me over with a feather whimpers coffee cups went up like they in dingdong oh that was thrilling I'm really very happy with that it didn't make you think oh my goodness what am i doing letting them go Susan was reluctant to declutter her items but she saw three of her four lots netting her 232 pounds seven six pence after commission plaster she does empty her storage units she could be making a yearly storage saving of around two thousand seven hundred pounds I hope I've started her on the right road to downsizing a little bit of a taste for getting there yes I think it might it seems a realistic way of getting rid of something some items so I think it's been beneficial for you Maggie will give you the long-term answer to that one it's very to make me more efficient in my ideas and not such a hoarder yes I'm hoping that it has I'm relying on you Maggie you can rely on me whether or not I can get this cracked into action it's going to be nothing think it Susan's very good at talking good at doing still a good friend Susan still has three units full of her possessions but with her home renovations nearly complete and a new approach to hoarding her life will soon be clutter-free well that's a brilliant start for Georgina and Susan on their decluttering and they have some cash to show for it join me a key Mackenzie next time on storage hoarders [Music] [Music] [Music] click on-screen for more videos of extraordinary humans you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 172,027
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Keywords: hoarders storage units, biggest hoarders, hoarders full episodes, i bought an antique furniture hoarders storage locker, obsessive compulsive cleaners, ocd cleaners, only human, only human documentary, spendaholics, storage auction, storage hoarders, storage hoarders antiques, storage hoarders episode 12, storage hoarders full episodes, storage hoarders itv, storage hoarders youtube, storage treasure finds, storage treasures, storage treasures auction, Storage wars
Id: AHzLvZ36JvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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