Could This Hoarder Be Sitting on a Fortune? | Storage Hoarders | Only Human

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[Music] self-storage is big business and the answer to our overcrowded homes oh do you don't remember what he said it was Fox's but some have taken their storage hoarding too far this is gonna take longer than I thought clinging on to things they never see or need all my life isn't a storage and it's costing them a fortune we've had the storage for over six years now and we probably spend almost twenty thousand pounds I'm Maggie Mackenzie and I'm an expert in creating junk and people's excess baggage this is my mom this is my mom's ashes I'll be asking hoarders to unlock the doors of their units empty their stash been a while since we've been here I can smell the mildew and choose to either keep it I'm feeling a little emotional skip it or sell it our antiques expert will then pull out any hidden gems I would give you a check today of 18,000 pounds for this plate yes to take to auction and make some hard cash introduce you we meet to holders who stood habits are intruding on their marriage one who can't part with his beloved collection I was thinking it was gonna be easy but no it's gonna be a bit of a wrench yes I've gotta go while the other can't even remember what's in storage when selection last night we reuse the stock in the binders can a hoarders justify their stash or will they be consigned to history forever welcome to storage hoarders [Music] I'm in Birmingham to help to hoarding couples put an end to their big storage bills when I asked them to keep skip or sell their unwanted belongings our first duty children need is football fanatic john nichols he spent nearly a hundred and eighty pounds in just a few months during his collection of football programs wife wendy has had enough so does he think he has a hoarding problem I'd describe myself as a collector rather than a hoarder John and Wendy live in Warsaw in the West Midlands a stone's throw from John's beloved football club for which he has a passion collecting all things West Bromwich Albion first dotty watching West Brom from May of 1968 when I was 9 year old first year we wouldn't have a cup nobody start ever since that we would enough inhale since at first wife Wendy was happy to indulge in his obsession even allowing their front draft to be paved with the football clubs in the shows Wendy enjoys collecting the odd sentimental ornamental too but is keen to run a clean and tidy ship knowing there's a place for everything and everything in its place I've got quite sentimental attachments because the children have bought me this Adam and Michael and Katie of Portman for birthdays or Christmas or special occasions of each brought me a dancer when it takes pride over her orderly home so when Jon's mammoth collection of football programs started taking over the house things just had to change the majority was kept in this bedroom was over at times that to climb over the bed to get the bedroom so just how many football programs does John possess approximately four thousand nine hundred programs in here they ended up creeping downstairs into the dining room having to clear the house of his precious collection John found the answer in storage Wendy was very pleased to see the back of them I think the flags came a celebrations have been the industry with it however after paying for storage for a couple of months Wendy thinks enough is enough and it's time the programs go for good it's okay for a few weeks for a couple of months but I don't go on pain Wendy's tripled the line now that's it enough is enough I'd like to get rid of all the storage Wendy is determined to be storage free while John wants to hang on to his collection so who will win the Battle of the program's so how long have you had these programs in storage they've been in there for about eight weeks now how many are there well last count of 4900 but I did sell for the other days oh that's me do you want to see them all gone yeah let me drive you can keep a few but not a few hundred what constitutes a few 1024 me no idea I'd like to keep seasons in but how many are in a season I mean 50 on a teacup and that's because compromise we fee Frankie that's reason you got to strong women okay do battle win okay let's go see these problems in hmm I can sense I'm going to have my work cut out here our next story short really need is an Geddes she spent five thousand seven hundred and fifty six pounds over three years hanging on to momentous she can't bear to live with it and husband David thinks now's the time to tackle her habit so how did it get so bad a relative or a dear friend gives me something of sentimental value I haven't got the heart to refuse even though it might not be very nice stiva Danann live in the ancient city of Worcester happily married for forty years and can't bear to part with any mementos amassed over this period suit she's resorted to storage some of the wedding gifts may have been open but not revisited to be able to look at forty years worth of items is going to be a massive challenge this is going to be a tricky ride for Anne as she emotionally attaches herself to her possessions all this stuff because she gets attached to things I mean just for instance I bought her these chickens okay now they're not expensive but they're unusual they're different and she dropped one by a mistake and it was a major trauma I call her squirrel Nutkin and me well I'll be a squirrel but when it comes to hoarding David isn't so innocent either prevarication is our middle name quite honestly in our relationship I have good David and by David always talking to each other and the bad David always says scowl at Harry you can do it tomorrow and I don't worry about it so what does he think they've stashed away probably normal things household things probably going to be amazingly surprised what we do find looking forward to that no actually it will be a huge relief to have that closure and be able to say to ourselves right we've cleared our feet and the next phase of our we can look forward to can I help an disentangle her affection for possessions and downsize her unit of memories so and what have you got in the storage unit a lifetime of being married of about 40 odd years so it's going to be a mixture right from start of wedding presents right through to furniture we've accumulated or inherited so when did you last see your stuff in storage well some of the items we haven't seen for a long time you know that's part of looking into these boxes there's some things in there that you completely forgotten about yes I think it's almost certain yes yeah we might even start crying when we open some of them part of it is an is the hoarder square on that pin is a collar but it's my laziness to a certain saint because rulers should have been my job to get this sorted years ago and that's going on for about 20 years do you want to get rid of the storage unit is that the purpose here right yes were determined this is it excellent you say there's anything there that you will definitely want to keep the only thing I want to keep his and the rest can go I'm gonna try and remember sue do they have any plans for the money they might make we were thinking it would be nice to retake her vows how lovely so we've got a really nice goal to go for okay let's get going we've met our storage hoarders in need of my help it's now time to prise open the doors of their unit and sort Leigh truly memorable from the trash coming up relationships are put to the test when husband John is reunited with his collection yeah you just want to hold on to it as long as you can really David gets careless with his rummaging I think I just dropped something flat sorry but we'll all come good auction [Music] welcome back to storage orders I'm here in the Midlands helping two very different hoarders declutter their lives by downsizing their storage units earlier we met John his collection of football memorabilia is driving wife Wendy potty and squirt roller an who can't bear to part with the mementos she's a master over her 40-year marriage with husband David later our antiques expert Paul Hayes will take a stroll through their stash and pick out any treasures from the trash to take to auction first to unlock his unit to storage water John a chance to get reunited with this precious collection of football programs all 5,000 of them John's unit is packed to the rafters with boxes and files containing his football mad collection which is a mass since he was a kid janitor shell matches us all 1968-69 season it looks like John's missed them I can't say the same about Wendy it means to an end it's a get rid of them that's fine if I don't see him too often I was thinking it was gonna be easy but no sorry you're looking at him going through them all again it's gonna be a bit of a wrench I can see how much John loves his collection but there's no point hiding them away time I stepped in just going through and showing wind a few little bits the older ones which mean it to me John how easy to think it will be for you to let go of these uh not very easy you just want to hold on to it as long as you can really actually looking quite anxious is that how you're feeling yeah yeah yeah I mean there's one they've signed or three players and it was actually applied in the FA Cup final that doesn't mean a lot was it mean to you Andy nothing can you know empathize at all and little bit because I know he's a big album fan so he loves the club you're gonna do it then yeah yeah I'll do it yeah should get all the stuff out all right come on yeah let's go for it let's start getting the boxes in John has collected these programs for years it's time to get tough and separate the sentimental from the mass [Music] next up is storage hoarder Ann and her husband David they are about to come face to face with their unit which has cost them over five thousand pounds in just over three years our moments of truth faith their unit is crammed full of keepsakes cherished possessions that Ann couldn't bear to throw away shooting her happy 40-year marriage my life from 14 years in the cupboard every item has a memory for Ann and it's going to be difficult for this self-confessed squirrel to let go fine I think I can still see the outline of your bum there isn't it there's gonna be so many memories I want to be there to support Anna convince her she doesn't need to keep everything no where do we start with this lot what happens we get 40 years or so isn't it I can't believe what they've insisted on keeping this is really useful yes that is an antique headdress I just hope that among the trouble there are items of value so they can raise some money towards renewing their vows let's get everything at thank you to help our holders clear their units I want them to start their possessions into three categories keep it for the items they really can't part with skip it for any useless pieces and sell it for the bits that could bring in some cash I've also included a charity bin for those items too good to chuck I want her storage worlders to get tough with their stuff they have just three hours to sort through their possessions I've arranged some extra hands to help move all their items to a larger space so our hoarders can see exactly what they're dealing with John's pile of football programs looks pretty manageable however Ann and David's 40-years stash is a mountainous bulge of sentimental pieces feels very strange isn't it our whole life soft laid out in front of us you know and the difference are decades and Eros in some of the fashions I can't believe some of the horrible stuff that we use yes it's been a gift if that was the fabric it would be out of here right now yes they can have the lot this beautiful isn't it well half this stuff people give us some haven't clue where it comes from oh-hoh variable is in order to categorize her hoard I need to separate the impractical from the sentimental I'm enjoying seeing quite a few of the items that I'm opening up already bringing back some really good memories but if they've been in the box for those number of years I don't need them that's what I like to hear now let's start building that sale pal although it pains him to do so John is breaking the back of his Treasury collection that's the 67 lake or final so that's special it's not that special to me we lost pretty special too probably to a cube we often sell a 6760 I that was the year that won the Cup anyway so that's his sale Pal is growing I want to find out if there's money to be made from them so Oh looks very calm here we got everything sorted I think so yeah good sue what's this this is a valuable stuff and that one is with Jeff a store and George Best I'd like evaluation on that because Oh autographs are down now it's the one with Preston North End from 1954 ticket with it as well how much you reckon with the chickee probably eighty pound 80 pounds that's a lot of money looks like John could be sitting on a collector's goldmine how does it feel to imagine that oh this is going out the door sad in a way it's been worth e1 yeah hopefully I'm really proud of John and what about his keep pile oh it's just this little bit if you got any idea exactly how many pieces are there probably about 20 ah only the 20 choosing to sell the majority of his collection is a massive achievement for John he's only kept a few of his very favorites and I have an idea how best to showcase them and keep house plaid Wendy happy I've arranged for John Wendy and her daughter Kate to go and meet up cycling artist sue thorn from reclaim to fame upcycling is the process of taking something which is disposable or discarded and turning it into something valuable useful or aesthetically pleasing I wonder if John would like his favorite programs decorating a piece of furniture in their home okay so this is my workspace this is where I tend to produce most of my reclaimed furniture pieces and paintings okay can have a look at some of your programs excellent are these all of them no more it's not to preserve some of these images so the reason why I produce a lot of furniture or not work like this is to be able to use these nostalgic images or these things that are like family keepsakes but be able to have them in the home so people can appreciate them and there can be more of a talking point but does wife Wendy approve that's that's a brilliant idea because John does enjoy looking at them and it laughs in there all the time then okay this is one of the units that I've made previously it does involve some football programs already so it might give you an idea the type of thing that I could create for you so have you got piece of furniture in mind that you'd like me to upcycle yeah baby be the computer disk she's going to do a lot of work on the website so that would be ideal for for that okay I'll do my best suit John's decided on an upcycled computer desk made from his favorite football programs brilliant I'm sure it will take pride of place in their home and I look forward to seeing it later yeah I'm really looking forward to seeing it every does turnout be something different and hopefully we've made friends and brother-in-law comes around on a sack he'll have a look at it and he might be older he's easy on himself back at the storage unit David Nana's continuing to sort that massive stash of memorabilia and they're doing a grand job not hanging on to things they don't need when tonight and I say we use this time I would say you know what is skip it and Alice discovers some biscuits that have been sitting in storage for over three years that's must be out of date this is from Germany Christmas I think they'll be massively out of date for the skip pal I think and Anne's unearthed one momenta that definitely won't be going on that pile so got something to show me here well I've found these at log last and now this is a blast of the past can't wait because we're looking at 1976 Oh gorgeous that was us from the registry office how romantic is David berry is he very romantic loves giving me surprises or little gifts I imagine you're keeping those petitions yes I am yes I'll say it was a very happy day what wonderful memories for Anand David to a friend locked away with only a few minutes remaining our story shorter saw at the last of their stash these are keeps I'll put them here to start off especially yeah I think I'm going to need a bigger box good Scottish whiskey both our couples have done a great job sorting their hoods and to keep skip and Sale pals and Anne's defeated the squirtle within with a healthy sale pal I think the most brilliant thing is this that the keep is that tiny little and we're sort of like we knew the big stuff was all going for a seal but it's all the smaller stuff that we've been lovely to find again bits we didn't know we had and it's a wedding presents everything so really looking forward to Paul maybe telling us you know if there's any values I'm thinking I also found a gay the painting that my grandmother had done and this was actually painted on glass I think they call it a Christo Liam but I may be corrected by Paul on that but it's amazing your grandmother did that let's hope they're decluttering efforts are handsomely rewarded when they take their chosen items to auction coming up John finds out the true value of what he's been hoarding I was very excited when I saw this and we see her on and David's history beers under the hammer 45 50 55 60 I've got 65 70 in the room welcome back to storage orders I'm here in the Midlands helping to hoarders to downsize their units and declutter their lives by choosing to keep skip or sell their stash it's now time to catch up with football fanatic John and his wife Wendy he's been collecting football programs for years and has made the board decisions to sell the majority of his collection I've never known eb football program free ever I want to find out just how much as problems could be worth so I've asked antiques expert Paul Hughes to scour through his sale pearl and give his honest opinion on John's prized collection so Paul not too much of a variation for you to do no just basically the football program it's a very collectible market actually people do goal for these vintage collector's items things like football programs football shirts medals and so is it mainly programs that that's here today it's easier we now the in any particular order are they sorted by season or by game and finals or the boys season right well that's really important because I think when somebody is looking at them to have a complete season it's obviously better than buying individual ones all going through a box and trying to pick out the match against money knighted in April 1973 but I do know that you won the FA Cup in 1968 correct I can see the year there 1968 have you got anything really fantastic from that you've got the match ball or anything like programs showing boy three of the players last this one he obviously all the things that one who's honest on each there that's Jeff a still George best to actually he did come on on the play for him well the name in football isn't it so would it be further to say that this is really the the holy grail of the sort of West Brom till year nineteen singing here right so that's very important because and so are they all this caliber are they all sort of we're right in place more like yeah very 1954 with with the ticket they won that one was it Preston North End office no it was West Brom again wait there you go three two so did you buy this yourself yes and when did you buy it a couple years ago now and how much did you pay for it 25 pound 30 pound okay and of course he got one here as always had just seen 1948-1949 that's right very early in the football world yeah many of those around so I can imagine that's where the collectors would golf for well I think these have a very niche market and a very local markets when we are not million miles away from the football ground so you'll have all the collectors that should imagine or in this particular area so I think what we need to do is to find somebody who specializes in memorabilia to do with West Bromwich Albion football memorabilia and see if we can get a bid my gut feeling is I got feeling it will be somebody would want to buy the rarer ones yeah and they'd make a good offer on dollars to get a sense of what values in this collection Paulus arranged to take John and his family to meet sports memorabilia specialists Danny's Rory and Robert Atkin like what they see they might meet John and offer the crews were collecting football memorabilia started in the 1960s and its popularity has spread as rapidly as the game itself collectors tend to pay the highest prices for items that were used by legendary players pally's number 10 shirt worn for Brazil's 1970 World Cup final victory sold at Christie's dress targeting 160,000 pounds in 2002 so what about John's collection right well we're here hopefully I mean John's decided to well is there his program collection if you were coming across John's collection and is this Chronicle collection he's got no so what is he a bucket I'll be too late to I mean John obviously has gone for his passion his team he's not important when you're looking at collections I mean depicting yeah very much so I mean people will click their club or they might collect a theme right FA Cup final programs we've got there as well all right most of the collection that we found at the moment is from mid sixties onwards don't have a great deal of value unfortunately right you know the collector really wants the older stuff before 1965 unfortunately football programs dating from the last 40 years are generally valued fairly low the most sought after versions date from the late 19th century but pre-world war ii programs are also desirable as an auctioneer then there are the only programs of any value were some of the 1960s or before 70s 80s 90s you're gonna be lucky if you get 10 ph and what's that like to hear yeah so what would be the best way forward for John then in this situation though I think to maximize the value for himself is to go onto different internet auction websites and sell through there and you know if you can solve them if for 99 ph it's obviously gonna get a lot more money than going through an auction house where you're just not going to get the kind of monies probably paid out I mean there are a few programs I can point out that they'll have some money this this for instance I mean retail price our auction price to a collector sixty to eighty pounds because you've got George best view Jeff a store and John Osborne is there's three players are not with us anymore that's what makes it worth the money I mean we've got a program over here I was very excited when I saw this originally I thought yeah original program 1931 Cup final it's worth four to five hundred pounds however this is a reprint are you joking the real beaky's on page 3 says reproduced in distributing there you go you've got the Cup final program yeah 1954 instant you've got the program there which is selling for 25 30 pounds the tickets worth just as much right that's so awful yes that's a good one Wigner ticket well it's not rare there's plenty if it was red it would be 200 but it's not red it's only was 25 well it's not all bad news as some of John's problems could be worth a few pretty pounds but the best way for John to meet the most of his collection is to take it home and sell it online sorry Wendy it looks like they're coming back with you I'll resign myself to the fact that I've got a feeling it was all going to come back anyway so I've got no expectations I guess this would happen and disagree with some of the valuations they're on the older defy that when they chat really interesting especially I mean you going back there at the older programs back in Warsaw John's gearing up to start selling his beloved collection online and what better way to do it than from his appropriately decorated computer desk which has been lovingly up cycled a computer desk is something original it's a one-off and it's just full of memories of the Albion but it's nice to think that some of the program's I've actually been turned into something way they've been bit useful so what does Wendy think about John's little corner of the house it's lovely to look at and it is personal to you nobody else like one like it and more importantly how are the program sales going the idea was to get rid of the programs it didn't quite happen since the actual process started off probably sell somewhere in the range of it 400 pounds worth it's getting there slowly he's getting there it's fine having the programs in there now I mean they are catalogued better they've been put idea so it is a bit of a compromise that the programs are there to stay although John's selling a few is not going to sell them that quickly so with the money trickling in from his program sales are the proceeds still being saved for that 30th anniversary if he come in and said it was just going on West Brom and I think I would have to cancel the anniversary and divorce time to catch up to see if John's had any success selling online I hear there's some good news I believe you've been doing a bit of selling on your own with your programs that's right yeah recently just sold 30 programs that they all weigh 450 pounds and how'd you do that and that's securely through my website oh right and then I carried on and then today I've just heard that you've sold another five just five programs for 200 pound Wow so in fact you were right to hang on to them after the valuation right yeah actually the value was right off the mark do you have any idea of how much you could possibly make as a total for your program minimum bit to and off there isn't minimum tax for every program there so what you're planning on doing with the money that you've made from the program so far I think that's down to Wendy she can decide on that because she's got to suffer it so next year so that's where the money's coming so you're pushing it a little safe spot yeah that's lovely so get selling cuz the more that comes in the bigger splash enough you don't you so if you manage to give up your storage unit yeah we've taken every tear to stories now yeah cuz I'm back in my dining room now are they back in your dining room there yeah golly how you feeling about that it's not too bad cuz they're stored properly so we know what we've got and where they are excuse me we know what we've got all of a sudden it's a joint effort I suppose that's cuz the proceeds from this joint effort is something that you'll share yeah they'll benefit both of us John was successful selling some of his programs online for a hundred and fifty pounds and with today's news that he saw some more for 200 pounds his total online sales are meant to three hundred and fifty pounds and now he's no longer paying for a unit he can add as yearly saving of seven hundred and eighty pounds which means John and Wendy are now over eleven hundred pounds better off what a save and who knows how many more he will sell but there's one program going to a rather special home just to say a little thank you for your help well it was all the programs got one man which is from the year you were actually born tried to get much near too close to your daddy your birthday as I can but absolutely gorgeous such a beautiful color and the design and thank you so much that it's really really lovely of you I'm really grateful coming up have an auntie had been sat on a fortune all those years gosh I mean she was a very much retired now that all of us would be here yeah and we'll be able to part with any fair beloved items and make some cash at auction yes yeah [Music] welcome back to storage hoarders earlier we met John Nichols and wife Wendy who were tackling John's massive collection of football programs stacked up in storage specialist advice ruled that selling members option but instead John's having success selling online I'm just heard their operative sold another five programs with 200 pounds Wow they've now given up their unit and John is continuing to sell online using his newly decorated desk now it's time to catch up with Anna and David Guetta's squid oiler Ann and her reluctance to let go seems to be the main blame for their hoard which has accumulated over 40 years of marriage realize how to spot [Music] antiques expert Paul Hayes has been spotting gems for the past 10 years he's had a good rummage through and in Davis possessions and has found a few items worth closer inspection well I must admit it's a real Aladdin's cave in here I love it there's things from all eras all sorts of backgrounds and you've got a great coffee set here do you know who that made that did you recognize that one I think that one is the Suzy Cooper that's exactly right it's a Suzy Cooper coffee certainly if it was a name really in the Art Deco period Suzy Cooper is the one I love that I absolutely love it and the nice thing about this set it's complete it's 6 cups and saucers I think you've at least sort of 60 to 80 pounds in that light and then what the items are on is a nice extending table there's an old family table ah yes yes yes it's a good Scottish table this is sort of a blonde dock 1820 realistically is a good auction off estimate I think okay and we have a beautiful lady where we have several beautiful ladies in the room today to me this is called a Chris stolen you know that was painted by Anne's grandmother really yes okay well normally what you would find with these the were mass-produced items and what would happen you would get a really good artist would make the picture painting itself and then somebody would then would paint the colors at the back so that may be what she meant she actually added the color to the picture itself if you wanted to tell it to auction you have to be realistic it's but it's a realistic sort of 50 to 80 something like that if you wanted to sell that I think she's a knight so this is one of my favorite item it's a good quality Georgian Bureau and what I think's fascinating this dates or maybe 1790 1800 so how's mr. Darcy sat at him with his letters who knows but for me it's a wonderful period in the Georgian period four or five years ago they were three or four hundred ten fifteen years ago there are seven right if you did want to part with it it's 100 maybe 150 so Paulus found some interesting pieces among Ann and David's hoard but nothing of great value however he suggests the items to go to option are the Suzie Cooper coffee set buy it at 60 to 80 pounds Ann's grandmother's crystalline painting which Paul has valued at a realistic fifty to eighty pounds an antique extending table estimated at 80 to 120 pounds and Paul's favorite item the Georgian Bureau valued at one hundred two hundred fifty pounds but there's one rather special piece David wants Paul to take a closer look at has David been sat on an original rennie mackintosh chair all this time Charles Rennie Mackintosh was a Scottish architect and artist he was one of the pioneers in the Arts and Crafts movement around the late Victorian times some of his works have been known to fetch a fortune I had the nun call who seems Cooper Rennie and his mother his grandmother was Winifred Rennie and she was a very creative woman and I knew she had some sort of distant relationship to the rennie mackintosh right well now that office would be here yes I'd begun to shed some light on Davis chair and give an idea of its value Paul's taking them to local antiques expert Paul burrows he specializes in Georgian Regency and Victorian furnishings if this is a genuine rennie mackintosh piece Paul would be the one who knows it's beautifully carved a spinning chair is that how you would describe everything spinning chairs fine all chair is fine but it's a decorative chair I can see here that there's the numbers 7:8 - and oh look under here there's seven eight - again that would identify that they were establishing that section to be associated with this section here there's some 102 of them at least they could could well be but just have a look at the design of it I think that the carving was machined in right really and then finished off by hand discounted that I think that's part and parcel of a line of manufacture so sadly Anand David had not been sat on a rainy Macintosh chair all these years but it's still a nice piece so what's it worth is it the sort of thing you're wanting to sell and is it the sort of thing you're wanting to buy really upon us I think from my point of view it's it's commercial to a limit it's not got any deep values you know and I think the value would be more with you than it would be in a commercial selling point of view so I think if you looked between 130 and 150 I think you'd be more realistic so now we know that will they be putting this chair up for auction I really love this here so I'm actually quite pleased I know it sounds silly for a Scotsman to say that but I'm actually quite pleased that it's not worth a lot of money because I would like to keep it yes it actually means a lot more to be known that did before because I know a time we've now come to the auction rooms to see if Anand David sword will fly when the hammer Falls so excited about being an auction there very much so nervous yes we had a wander around looking at other fronts and then we spotted some of ours and actually it took me by surprise it's quite a strange feeling seeing from it - you know well did it make you think no she don't wanna let go of it oh no no I decided it's all going yes although I hesitated with I saw the Christo Liam did you I just saw my grandmother and I thought oh did you think I must put a big reserve on no no the other side came out sort of thinking now I've got to be hard on this good stun well yeah it's really good so now ants come to terms with letting go how does today's auction your William Rose think their items will fear David and I have got a number of things in the sale today they've got this some furniture there's a picture so we've got a bit of veracity here some of it will sell I think well some of it possibly not so well there is a you know brown furniture sometimes can be a little bit problematic these days but we sometimes get some really good results and the sale is a very well viewed sale so hopefully some that will do pretty good and we'll get it out the door well he's feeling positive let's hook the bidders are in the same mood first up is our expert Paul's favorite piece the Georgian Bureau estimated at 100 to 150 pounds semi 50 pounds please bid 50 55 60 65 65 pounds it is then for Georgian bureau doesn't seem a lot of money at 65 70 I'll take at 65 pounds you all done finished at 65 no interest on afraid sorry not sold me don't good start no it's not David well let's hope the extending table makes a better impression with this estimated value of 80 to 120 pounds there we go what's it worth got me 50 pounds for the dining table 50 I'm bid 55 60 65 65 pounds 70 75 75 pounds then 80 in front of me 85 we're nearly there but not quite at 85 pounds at 85 you all done 85 zone again binding and so the first two pieces haven't sold let's hope its third time lucky as the Suzy Cooper coffee set takes to the floor with its estimated value of 60 to 80 pounds this 1950 Suzy Cooper coffee service and I'm glad to say I'm straight in here at 40 pounds I'll take 45 45 50 60 behind you 65 70 80 80 pounds the lady then let's go up at 80 pounds anybody else I'm gonna sell a lot 80 pounds it goes at last a sale the coffee set reaches its upper estimate which just leaves the custodian portrait painted by Anne's grandmother Paul valued at around 50 to 80 pounds but what did the bidders think quite hopeful about that 50 on it this is different as well isn't it and I'm glad so I've got some interest straight off in this and I'm straighten up 45 pounds 50 is the next bid with me at 45 50 55 60 I've got 65 70 in the room 70 pounds in the room then anybody else at 70 pounds then I'm gonna sell it for 70 sold for 70 pounds Paul was bang on the money and their last item has sold we didn't make very many bobby's today I'm afraid I mean the brown furniture didn't surprise us and the two things that went the Suze Cooper she said that she's really pretty that went for 80 pounds I think that's a really good price and the Christie Liam went for 70 and the unit downsized the unit yes we don't have half the space in the unit that we had before no beauty when it's gone forever mm-hmm yes yes we're starting to make plans now the whole point was to get at me and we will so not about the auction which after Commission has netted them 138 pounds but most importantly Anna's realized it's okay to start letting go when Anna and David do eventually close their unit they'll be saving nearly two thousand pounds a year and if that's not good enough David has rediscovered his family seat fantastic I mean although although you may have a plan for this money we do have a big plan where we're going to the Caribbean really - yes in your voice so that'll probably just about get us to some actress and of course the money you're going to be saving on the students unit I'd forgotten about that that's very true the positive way to look at a couple City had completely different storage habits but fortunately both of had successful outcomes don't forget to join me Aggie McKenzie next time on storage hoarders [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
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Keywords: storage hoarders antiques, biggest hoarders, hoarders full episodes, hoarders storage units, i bought an antique furniture hoarders storage locker, obsessive compulsive cleaners, ocd cleaners, only human, only human documentary, spendaholics, storage auction, storage hoarders, storage hoarders episode 12, storage hoarders full episodes, storage hoarders itv, storage hoarders youtube, storage treasure finds, storage treasures, storage treasures auction, only human hoarders
Id: mrxlSsOmALE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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