Drowning In The Remnants of My Collecting Addiction | Get Your House In Order | Only Human

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[Music] [Music] now [Music] bromley a wealthy borough in south east london full of gated communities twee villages and even its own palace but behind the doors of this three-bed semi is a right royal mess [Music] crammed to the rafters with piles upon piles of stuff it's home to 42 year old lab technician barry phillips [Music] you know you're watching to move your chair around or turn around and do anything quite often things will fall off on top of you if you're not careful the living room the conservatory [Music] the bedrooms and even the stairs are piled high with so many of his possessions just moving throughout the house has become a daily struggle you can get yourself upstairs about killing yourselves you're doing well [Music] i've been collecting all sorts of things for years and it gets to a point really but you can't just move the stuff you're tripping over it you have to move stuff to get where you want to get to his collections include dvds vhs cassettes boxes and boxes of doctor who toys countless copies of the radio times and heaps of radios passed down from his father the news things they get buried under other things and then you don't discover them again for not literally a week or two maybe a year or two barry's collections have got so out of hand his brother worries about bringing his children to the house we can't come over for sunday lunch with the kids we can't even bring the youngest one over here for fear that he'll get crushed under a crate of dvds or something there's just so much stuff i think he would like to be proud of his living space i think it looks so overwhelming to him that he literally can't see the wood for the trees you just can't carry on existing like this you know it's just too much and really just need to send help sometimes just to be able to get your life back in some sort order desperate for things to change barry's called in nick allen and abigail hearn to help him turn his life and home around nick allen is an international dealer with 10 years of experience in the course of my career i've done deals all over the world and tonight the best part is helping people get the maximum value for their stuff the money he raises will fund a redesign of barry's home by abigail hearn recently described as one of the uk's hottest interior designers she'll reinvent barry's key rooms and by doing so hope to end his extreme hoarding behavior once and for all i believe that great design transforms lives if you have a space that you truly love and respect you won't want to clutter it up under a mound of stuff the minute my clients walk through their doors i want them to feel elevated and happy that kind of squishy contentment you get when you've just downed a double whiskey it's time for nick and abby to enter the fray wow oh my word this is serious hi guys hi hi wow that says it i've seen big collections of stuff yeah and only a few times before i've seen something this immense this huge massive it's a lot of it isn't there really a lot of it i thought it's quite small no it's not small i mean why do you need our help silly question but why um it's just a question of um not really easily being able to find stuff when you want to in fact you keep tripping over it i don't see how you can use the space as a living room because you've got to just clamber and jump and sort of do this it's certainly makes life difficult getting around here at the moment it can't be very relaxing for you yeah especially yeah it's yeah there isn't really much of a living space here at the moment i mean that the whole collection has grown and there there's literally there isn't anywhere where two people can sit down and have a cup of tea or something like that barry wouldn't it be lovely to be able to invite mark and his family over to hang out here oh yeah i mean it would be here nick and abby want to explore barry's extraordinary horde to learn more about him and see the scale of what they're dealing with so much stuff this is something else i mean this looks quite cool and oh that is cool yeah nice backlight radio worth anything yeah there's another radio maybe he's got something for radios be careful this is very dangerous oh my word all these boxes are full doctor who doctor who doctor who this guy's a doctor who fan i spent a fortune on this stuff tens and tens of thousands of pounds at close to three billion pounds the uk toy market is the biggest in europe keeping toys in good condition and in their original packaging will protect their worth but bear in mind if they're mass produced they're unlikely to retain even their original sale value last year a staggering 384 million toys were sold that's six toys for every man woman and child in the country some of the most collectible toys come from tv and film like c-3po and his little may r2d2 from the 1977 film star wars that are now worth around 500 pounds and if you happen to own this 1971 version of the cake crusader you sidekick robin and their batmobile you'll be sitting on two and a half grand holy smoke toy collecting it seems is not child's play this is a massive collection really i've never seen a doctor who and sci-fi collection this big in my life really ever nick could sell barry's doctor who toys for hundreds of pounds but while barry is desperate to free up his home it won't be easy for him to part with his prized collection to some extent all of this is it like a massive security blanket for him and for him to reclaim enough space to have a house back he's gonna have to get rid of 30 40 even 50 and that is going to be really really hard on him [Music] nick and abby are taking the whole lot to a warehouse barry's going to see just how out of control his enormous collection has got in the hope that it will motivate him to change the removals guys have turned up outside are you ready to start the process oh gosh uh yeah barry how are you feeling um it's a bit scared really by the whole thing really it's a lot to take in tiny bit excited uh i'm not sure how excited his word uh apprehensive maybe you know let's give it a go i've got some collection here aren't you as the packers start the daunting task of boxing up the horde barry moves into his brother's house and it's a real treat for his nephews who get to spend some precious time with uncle barry [Music] so when it's all clear can we come over and see it and oh i i i should expect some are you looking forward to going to uncle baris yeah definitely let's see if we can get a barbecue in the garden oh yeah i'm sure we can arrange that high five ouch it's taken three days to transfer barry's possessions to a warehouse [Music] and it's a sight to behold covering more than the area of two tennis courts it includes a wall of over four and a half thousand cds that stack one on top of the other would reach halfway up the blackpool tower he actually listened to the magic roundabout enough books and magazines to fill a library many radio times has he got 25 copies of the same one the same issue a vast collection of vintage radios got well over 50 radios here amazing that these were just boxed up and lying around all over the house more than three and a half thousand vhs cassettes with enough tape to stretch between lands end and john o'groats hundreds upon hundreds of doctor who toys still in their original packaging and family heirlooms handed down to barry it's a very high quality early 20th century silver cigarette box nick needs to sell this stuff not only to raise money for the redesign but more importantly to stop barry from moving it all back home but will the shock of seeing his horde laid out be the first step towards culling his out of control collection would you consider reducing this collection by half no [Music] 42 year old barry phillips is an obsessive collector especially all things doctor who oh time to old psychic container that's what everyone needs but his collections are out of control and he's been swallowed up by the mountain of possessions expert dealer nick allen is going to try to clear the horde from his home by selling it all off designer abigail herm will then use the money to transform the main rooms in barry's house with the aim of stopping his desire to hoard every item from his many out of control collections has been taken to a warehouse soon he will be taken there and made to confront it all in the hope it'll shock him into changing his ways but first barry and his brother mark have the chance to see his house horde free for the first time in 10 years wow it's bigger than you thought that well it's just a space in there almost a bit emptier i suppose now when it was but do you think that's a little understating the case a little bit emptier yeah is that an understatement there having been engulfed by his collections for a decade it's unsettling for barry to see the main rooms in his house empty put it this way i can do this which i definitely couldn't do before without risking life and limb yeah maybe abby arrives to find out from barry what kind of design ideas will inspire him to keep the place clutter free i'm desperate to create a scheme for barry that makes him feel alive that stirs something almost within him design really does change lives and i want to give him a scheme that he so loves he won't want to clutter it up again [Applause] [Music] wow hi guys wow it's amazing well it's all right you can see things barry how's it feel yeah empty empty i mean do you feel happier that you can see daylight and walls and floor no just just reminds me how much i hate the color of the walls you can easily remedy the color of the walls obviously you want it to be quite family orientated so we need space but we also want it to be quite youish because it's your pad what would be your perfect design vibe for this space um well for probably a decent entertainment system you know it's all integrated yes nice big tv in the corner what was for desk to be honest you'll miss the desk oh yeah could have your desk maybe here looking out of the window it might be nicer than just shoving it against the wall and always looking at the wall so you've actually you're just using the space a little bit more yeah okay if we could agree that those upper rooms are the rooms that you have all your storage and your library and down here is a bit more of a zone where you can hang out mark and his family can hang out and there's not stuff on every single wall oh i don't know i like stuff on every single wall i know but that's what i kind of want to do give you a space that you're really happy to be in and you don't want to clutter it up with a zillion things because we can do that upstairs oh yeah i suppose so yeah yeah that's the positive thing barry doesn't give much away but i think i've got a few ideas of a scheme that he'll really love which is really important to me because i don't want him cluttering it up again and he won't if he totally loves it having met with barry and taken his ideas on board abby gets to work on the redesign her plan a retro bachelor retreat i've put together this mood board it's bold it's brash but it makes a real statement currently barry's walls are a red and yellow combination i'm proposing painting them a beautiful dark brown it's called bulrush it's snuggly it's cozy it might be a little bit out of barry's comfort zone but i'm really hoping he'll love it barry's desk looks like it's going to literally topple over and decapitate him so i'm going to build him an l-shaped one which then feels very much an integral part of the overall scheme i'm going to paint it a bright zingy burnt orange which will look beautiful against those brambles i'm turning barry's conservatory into a really beautiful dining room this is the star it's an incredible beautiful psychedelic wallpaper which i'm hoping he'll love it's not cheap it's 52 pounds a roll but it will totally transform that space in the spare room upstairs i'm getting rid of the lilac walls and painting them a really beautiful soft masculine gray then i'm adding oodles of storage and lots of lighting i desperately want this redesign of barry's to give him a shot in the arm to tantalize and surprise barry so he won't go back to his old ways abby's scheme has a minimum budget of nearly three grand barry will need to let go of a lot of his stuff to raise that kind of money [Music] barry's at the warehouse with his brother having had his life and home dominated by his stuff for a decade he's about to come face to face with his entire horde [Music] good grief [Music] good what let's see this oh just a few good god barry there's quite a bit of stuff in there [Music] you want to make a bit out of that couldn't you this is the floor space of a box room it is yeah and it's up to waist high could we start with by saying we don't even need these anymore no barry wants to reduce the number of possessions he owns but the reality of parting with any of them is much harder than he ever imagined cds got thousands would you consider reducing this collection by half no you're gonna drown in them it's a two foot thick wall that's waist high well i've got a few cds you've got duplicates here rialto realto surely we don't want rialto doing why not looking down here and i've got one two three four five six of these movie dalek figures one would be great where's the fun in having the same thing six times over putting it in a box shoving it on the floor well if you're not a collector but even if you are a collector why would you have six of them would you ever watch handypandy why is that there this is classic simple as that this is a problem [Music] barry's even clinging on to his 5 000 strong radial times collection what do you think all these are worth probably not a lot at the moment but it's in the future maybe i don't see the point in keeping them this stuff's got to go in they're being recycled the point of that well the thing is i mean i'm talking not to talk about now and talk about the future [Music] magazines take up valuable space in your home and while there is a market for certain rare original additions buying everyday copies in bulk hoping they will one day rise in value is a big mistake successful collectors are selective first and last issues will generally be the most valuable if this 1953 first edition of playboy featuring marilyn monroe doesn't get you excited then maybe the three and a half thousand pound valuation will even kids magazines can be worth a bobber too this first edition beno from 1938 would fetch a cheeky four grand but it's a tricky market to find the really valuable stuff nearly 90 percent of the vintage magazines for sale on ebay go for less than a tenner [Music] 1965 radio times the funeral of winston churchill yeah i mean probably one of the most historically important figures in british history of the last 100 or so years yeah it's taken 50 years for this to be worth five quid there's one on there right now for a fiver on ebay i had a look nobody's bought it i mean how much is bill oddie going to be worth in 50 years time nothing that's your opinion with barry finding it hard to let go his brother mark is becoming you increasingly 30 copies of the radio times 30 copies that's not sane well that that was flipping yes the future when you're dead they won't accumulate in value for 40 years you'll be dead or you'll be an old man you won't want them anymore wouldn't you want those 40 years to have pleasure in your house and your surroundings i really hope that you understand that where this is coming from that i care about you and i i really want you to be in a better place you've got to really say okay i'm going to cull this yeah maybe maybe barry may be reluctant to let go of his dvds and magazines but there are some parts of his horde he is willing to say goodbye to don't really need a huge a huge massive collection like this but to keep one or two would be lovely in terms of the heritage yeah he even agrees to sell some of the family silver you don't need two of these do you no yeah quite valuable it's a solid silver early 20th century desktop cigarette box in mint condition i could probably go because it's all got no practical use it's been a long day but i suppose um i think you're making progress if ever so slightly i'm still not convinced that barry's really got on top of it yet i think he's got a lot of tough decisions to make with regards to what he keeps and what he lets go what do you think is going to happen do you think he's going to let go of 50 of this or not i have to believe that he will somehow whittle it down because i think mark is a great catalyst and he's pushing and he's pushing and he's pushing and i think although they niggle he listens to mark so i think that we should be upbeat and hope that mark can convince him to sell it you can get tons of money and i can do something with that interior of his and then wham bam we've done it you're very good at these several days have passed and barry and mark have had time to reflect slippery isn't it barry has been slowly reducing his horde but with the great bulk still remaining mark wants to encourage his brother further you know that i love you and you know that i i care for you and it's not about having a go at you it's about trying well i know i know i know but sometimes it feels like it you come over a bit as nagging to be honest i know i know he's not necessarily what you're intending but he does come across as happening i recognize it's been really hard but i think there's still more that has to go in order to bring the house back to something that you you can live in and move around in there's this uh very good hypnotherapist that's been recommended [Music] um i mean i can give it a go i mean if you think it might help let's see what happens yeah i mean why not you know what might says well you know the change is as good as whatever you know i do care i know i know hoping for a breakthrough mark takes barry to see the hypnotherapist so i want you to start by taking a nice deep breath not a great deal is known about the psychology of hoarding although hypnotherapy is one treatment that has been shown to help as people in a hypnotic trans are often far more receptive to the idea of change all the muscles around your eyes relax a tremendous amount can be achieved as your mind becomes calmer following the hypnotherapy barry returns to the warehouse with his brother and nephew to continue purging his possessions nice little day out in the brother opportunity to see this chap who's a hypnotherapist refocused me in terms of myself to sort of go through stuff a bit more objectively what's going to be keeping probably about 100 percent of the two videos but going through this stock probably going to be only going to be keeping maybe about i don't know 5 with that it seems in his new frame of mind barry is finally beginning to part with a significant proportion of his collection ah saying goodbye to all friends but to get abby the money she needs to complete the redesign nick will need to squeeze every penny he can from barry's possessions you could see a grand slam for stock here i'd run a buy for 250 quid that's not going to work for us though [Music] compulsive hoarder barry phillips was struggling to part with his possessions surely we don't want real totally why but with a bit of hypnotherapy your mind becomes calmer and clearer and the support of his brother he's finally found the strength to let many of his prized possessions go including half his collection of doctor who toys [Music] and nick knows exactly where to find buyers hungry for time lord memorabilia take this one um i'll bring this [Music] doctor who conventions like this are the perfect place to come and sell barry's doctor who toys there's obviously a ready-made market for us here everybody that comes through the doors it's a bona fide genuine doctor who enthusiast i think it's really important to do business face-to-face in the buzz at the moment you can close so many deals at a fair you can't do that on the internet and there's another sales trick nick has up his sleeve [Music] i kind of wanted to do something today that was different and hopefully it's going to lead to some more business okay i've got somebody to introduce to you today yeah who's going to be helping us sell oh great and that is doctor who number six colin baker oh wow why don't you take a look over there hello hello hello it's barry yes yes that's right how are you barry yeah these are your children uh as it were i think i'll keep that i look quite intelligent you know like you've just seen barry's horde less than three weeks ago barry was refusing to part with any of his stuff let alone his beloved doctor who toys now with the help of a former time lord he's ready to let half of them go that's very sweet of you thank you now that this is quite different that's different to the normal event i attend i'm here for barry we've got to liberate him from dependency on bits of cardboard and cellophane with things inside them barry is a man who was being restricted perhaps shall we say by your possessions weren't you well just a little bit yeah i mean i've been collecting and collecting and collecting for many years and um it was getting to a stage whereby i couldn't quite fit anything else into the house so today i'm sort of pleading with you all you know please help me get my my living space back into some sort of order by uh acquiring a small proportion of my my long life of collecting of dr marybelia thank you much plenty of sidemen plenty of dialects having delivered his marketing pitch barry's doctor who sale gets underway just popped around the corner to see colin it'll be happy to inscribe them for you and with doctor who number six adding his own personal touch barry's toys are flying off the shelves 15 signs yep okay thank you very much sir i must feel good to get one over on a second ago come on everybody it's not some lots of doctor goodies here without some sort of retail trick this stock could be quite difficult to shift but bringing it to a convention getting a doctor who here especially him the loud bars the action one sale leads to another that way we've been able to really inflate the prices we've got more than what barry actually paid some of this stuff new brilliant anyone wants a cookie jar really great having calling here it's really great persuading people to part with their hard-earned cash great chat hey oh that's a bargain at 15 pounds i think don't you you're a gent fantastic high five high five dude well done look at that pile of cash 1200 quinn try 100. honestly i'll stop down at all i'm pleased yeah that's more than i thought we'd get good day's work there are a very good day yeah a couple of boxes left yeah yeah pronounced successor i would say absolutely hi guys welcome barry is starting to let go of his horde and abby finally has the money to begin redesigning the main areas of his home i can't tell you how much i want to give this scheme to barry i want it to be bold i want it to be statement worthy i want it to be draw droppingly beautiful in order to inspire barry so he doesn't clutter it up again abby has listened to barry's ideas and wants to give him a retro bachelor retreat it's quite cool it's like three-dimensional in it yeah that's really nice she plans to turn the conservatory into a dining area and make the lounge a combined media center and work space i want to give him kind of an l-shaped desk so he feels a lot more integrated into the room because at the moment his back faces the wall and i just want him to feel a little bit more part of the room so that's the plan so i'm barry i like this this is nice now it's in the room i'm looking at the rest of my room and i'm swiveling over here perfect the perfect home office should be an aspirational clutter free place to work this one is super modern and the glass desk adds a touch of lightness to the room it also complements the stunning glazed window in small spaces glass furniture helps to make things feel more open in this case wooden furniture would make the environment feel cumbersome and heavy in contrast this home office works because the desk furniture ties in with the other wooden features like the floor and shutters so it doesn't stand out it blends in but this is a home office with a real wow factor funky furniture and lighting team with floor-to-ceiling bookcases make this space feel interesting and the glossy floors reflect the light so it feels larger than it really is there's also plenty of storage a key factor in a successful domestic office [Music] ordinarily i would never stick her desk in a living room but barry uses his desk all the time i mean he works here he eats off his desk he's insisted that i've got to have a desk in the living room it's got to be a fairly big desk so the only thing i could think of in order to make it a bit funky was to give it a jolt of bright colour the media center is going to look beautiful in here barry is going to love it he's going to hang out in a really big armchair watch movies all very beautiful however his tv is really old so i need to get him a beautiful new flat screen tv if barry is to get the home abby has planned for him and he'll need to let go of more of his hordes so nick can sell it they've come to an antiques and craft centre in battles bridge hoping to sell barry's radios direct to a trader this place isn't bond street people aren't selling really high-end things here prices range from a couple of quid up to a couple of thousand it's perfectly pitched to sell cheaper end antiques and collectibles nick's identified a potential customer but it won't be easy to sell the radios as they've been rotting away in barry's conservatory for the past 10 years i mean his best part of 50 radios here most of him are damaged he's going to be buying a lot of these just for the little valves the little knobs for spares and repairs and i'm going to try and use the really good condition ones which still aren't particularly collectible as the leverage for this deal from our point of view we would like to try and keep the collection together and sell it in one go it's a lot cleaner for us and that way hopefully your gambling instinct will come out and you'll see the good ones and think well i'll take a lot i'd rather buy for 250 quid to make it worthwhile that's not going to work for us though i mean these individually these rates are going to retail out 68 quid they're clean they're mint condition some of these hmvs with push button knobs are quite desirable amongst the collectors the bakelite ones are desirable you've got to sell the best ones and then you're going to get less left with that 40 if he won't i mean if you offset the good ones against the broken ones i think it's going your way there's nothing here that you could immediately put on on the shelf and say this is like a in perfect condition well i think there's maybe 10 maybe 10 that could go straight out there's probably another 10 that if you wiped over with polish or even some wax some of the wooden retro cases especially if you're just selling them as like a prop 300 is the right price i reckon but i would just to close the deal split that difference again say 350 and that is it could see a groundswell for stock here on a slow deal we want the quick deal we want the quick deal and get out we want a quick release on this deal one one final one and a 10 of 10 360 pounds is that it that's it if it's 370 we'd wish you all the best and i reckon you can easily double your money okay because i like you 370. thank you thank you okay well thank you very much 370 was a great deal because of the condition of most of those radios yeah we might have got a little bit more in auction but that would have been time expenses that's the best thing to do sell the whole lot one package one dealer and run 370 for those radios that was a good deal i think so i shook his hand extra firm yeah i hope he didn't break it but will the wheeling and dealing be worth it when it comes to the final design wow [Music] barry phillips is a collector whose horde has overwhelmed his home having had it clear designer abigail hearn is now putting the finishing touches to a radical redesign [Music] i'm really excited with how it's all coming together i think barry will love it so much so that i think that he won't want to reoffend with all his hoarding stuff and i think if i can be as bold as saying that might change his life but there's still one more deal to do within barry's nick's unearthed two gems a silver cigarette box and a pair of vases he comes to grey's antique market in central london to see a dealer he knows we're just around the corner from bond street if we're going to get the top price for a piece this is the place to do it hey barry all right there how are you doing i'm all right yeah yeah fine thanks well this is the moment of truth for your family silver [Music] the price of silver can go up and down and unlike gold is notoriously volatile silver is currently around 20 pounds an ounce that's a six-fold increase over the last decade and antiques made of silver can be worth a lot more than just their metal price this tankered from 1786 is worth 5 000 pounds that's double the price of similar pieces as it was made by hester bateman england's only female silversmith at the time and if you have this salt seller sitting at home you're in the money dating back to 1890 only 500 were made and it's now worth 20 000 pounds it's a replica of the original made by the italian artist benvenuto celine that is now valued at a staggering 25 million pounds [Music] lovely quality box it's quite stylish it's got the engine turning the shape is lovely make a nice gift for somebody good that's great news and the vases i'd be comfortable to pay 500 pounds for the pair of arses and for the box could you could you give us another 20. it's for a good cause still with your old tricks eh mind you it used to be 500 pounds more this time it's just 20 pounds more so i think i can swallow that shake the man's hand thank you ever so much jose thank you very much indeed nick great news what happened what happened to tell me 5 20 was the price i got for the silver well done you well how is she that's a happy designer the additional 500 pounds means abby can add the finishing touches to her redesign although not everything in barry's design has cost a fortune shelving shouldn't purely be utilitarian it should also be quirky and fun and adding an element of levity and irreverence into an interior makes it cool and tongue-in-cheek so that's exactly what i've done here with barry's vhs and nothing is more whimsical than a dalek on a vhs shelf four weeks ago barry confronted his entire horde good gold but after struggling to part with any of his stuff at the warehouse she's terrible how much is bill oddie going to be worth in 50 years time you bought 30 copies of the radio times a trip to a hypnotherapist helped him to finally let some of it go come on now exterminate and exterminate high five dude abby began work transforming his home but has the struggle been worth it can her redesign of the key rooms inspire barry to keep his collections from overrunning his home ever again wow wow before barry's living room was piled high with so much stuff there wasn't even enough room to think now it has what every sci-fi fan dreams of space the walls have been painted a deep dark and dramatic bulrush brown and contrasting audaciously against them the bright orange desk it's orange yes but look how beautifully it works with the brown and illuminating it all is a sleek chic light it's different didn't it blimey [Music] do you like it barry i do yes yes that's a big reaction for you i love the table it's more like a pebble shape isn't it sort of a sci-fi table isn't it probably gonna think oh i must have fallen asleep in a chat shop i'm woken up in a show home it's hard to imagine how it was beforehand to be honest it is isn't it it just you just completely forget it so i told you odd up your style ratings and you'd like it but you didn't believe me well you know it's it's you know it's very hard to sort of see things in a different way like that yeah no exactly exactly it does take that radical change doesn't it well you can't get more radical miss really no before the conservatory was so packed uncle barry's nephews didn't have space to play now it's just what barry wanted a room fit for entertaining his family the lush plant provides a link to the outside world adding that all-important splash of color and bringing a touch of fun to the whole scheme is the mischievous 3d wallpaper [Music] wow it's different so you now have cool sophisticated wall lights much better which echo the black paint then you've got a bit of psychedelic wallpaper i like it the old optical illusion bits isn't it multi-dimensional i think what do you think it's yeah it's definitely a lot better considering that last time i couldn't even actually get in this room it's nice to have a dinner table and chairs and somewhere to actually uh sit and have dinner again isn't it yeah it's been a while i mean be my to have you and my kids around and maybe bring your misses you know they'll get you misses wow that's different barry's toy room was once so choker he struggled to enter [Music] now it feels roomier than the tardis the lilac walls have been painted a strong masculine grey the storage brings order and calm to what was once chaos and his treasured toys sit proudly on display highlighted by their bespoke lighting much better color absolutely what a transformation from what was there previously display made out of videotapes i actually like that it makes a change not having big piles of stuff in every corner this is a super sonic cd holder in there you can get 3 000 cds at all barry that's seriously good for me let me show you so you can store cds with or without the sleeves so in here see you can get hands good hey it's good it's very very practical i think the doctor approves oh yes yeah yes oh comfy give us a chance it's great yeah i'm gonna sit here and just chill i hope you don't hate me for for pushing you on this and that uh that that the end result is worth it it's been a a torturous journey but i think we've uh we've got to a good end yes okay now not too much i'm really happy that you love this and it makes everything really worthwhile great pleasure to meet you barry honestly i wish you all the best man thank you barry thank you thank you yeah okay i mean the state of that place when we first walked in i know you couldn't get through any door could you it was just phenomenal but i think you know i'm really impressed with barry i'm really impressed cheers everybody it's been worth it the whole process i mean it's transformed the house it's transformed me i've got less stuff that i had before quite astounding really and you just can't imagine how it was before now it is now is just complete transformation [Music]
Channel: Only Human
Views: 26,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, full documentary, full episode, Channel 5 documentaries, mental health documentaries, amazing humans stories, life journeys, extraordinary human documentary, full documentary 2022, full documentary 2021, hoarders, horders, messy, makeover, house makeover, shopaholic, get your house in order, collector
Id: Rr8O1q6Rxps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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