This Flat Is So Cluttered You Can't Even See The Furniture | Hoarders SOS | Only Human

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paper was light gold in medieval times [Music] i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong [Music] britain is brimming with hoarders oh look another console every time i look at one part i think we're just they're collecting is catastrophic keep seeing stuff and you keep thinking and they're drowning under clutter but help is at hand get rid of it for a bit of sanity collectibles expert curtis dowling will work out what is worth cashing in i could get between 60 and 100 pounds for you very happy it's a pleasure marvelous while queens of clean joanna riley and marianne camach will sort out what to keep and what to chuck i can't even get in the door majority of the stuff is beautifully wrapped it's been well taken care of clearing rooms for the first time in years guys this is amazing but no one said it would be easy are we getting there aren't we so can our hoarders bear to part with their possessions can't send him to the skip can you and reclaim their homes for good i'm keeping an eye on you though because there's some of them i like to keep [Music] today they're taking on a flat that's so full of clutter it's a struggle to even find the furniture it's a bed setty under there really yes really it's so cluttered she can't even sit down can she and a mum whose house is overflowing with all manner of collections it's absolutely crazy i just have so much stuff so she's put in a call for some expert assistance okay let's talk about what you paid and what we think they're worth some of these things just need to be put in here and organized [Music] later our sos experts will head to plymouth to help kerry clear up and clear out the homes she shares with her daughter emma but first we're in bristol to meet 59 year old ex-vintage trader jan and her flat full of furniture and fashion so this is my bedroom with this wonderful array of piles and piles and piles of clothes jan's passion for vintage has taken over every room in her one bed maizenet flat her kitchen living room and bedroom are full to the brim with clutter to the point where she has trouble locating things don't ask me where any of the corsets are because i don't have a clue i'm struggling at the moment to find a memory stick that alone corsets and she has no privacy left this is my lou it is in my bedroom when people come to use my loo they see all my piles and all their glory and they can't even shut the door to go through the loop properly jan needs help sorting this mess i just want to come home and not think about oh my god time to bring in our two experts curtis is an antiques guru with 25 years experience who's here to help jan find things to sell nice palatial house marianne's job running an immaculate b and b means she can help jan decide what to keep and clear out hello come here thank you very much nice to meet you nice to meet you into the call oh yeah i know it's really hot would you like to come up and see my flat do you know what i think we would like to come on then i'm going to take you upstairs marianne oh i'm gonna make a cup of tea then i'm off well curtis makes a start downstairs well i never an old typewriter no one knows what they are anymore jan takes marianne straight up to the worst room that bedroom come on in chad show me what you got oh everything you name it i've got it for coats dresses skirts bits of vintage you name it labels on still i know soon it will be hitting the ceiling coming out the roof once this is clear the bedroom will appear three times bigger than it already is i just think it's become overwhelming once upon a time it didn't exist now it does life's got in the way i've outgrown it it's got to go i've really struggled with it just because of time and is it just a case of like you see something you think it's a bargain about it i think there is a bit of that a little bit of retail therapy i think the biggest challenge for jan is she's still a little bit hesitant but i think with me pushing her along the way she'll get there jan's hoarding started over a decade ago i think it probably started around about 2005. i became quite unwell um and a few years later it transpired that i had a benign tumor on my thyroid which i had removed so i moved back up to bristol to be near my daughter and my mom and have my operation a lot of my things were in storage um but eventually they couldn't stay in storage and so that was the start everything ended up here and then on top of everything else jan's mum fell ill too i don't spend every night here anymore when she was really poorly last year i didn't even sleep here for about three months so i just don't get time to think about it anymore and and yet i am thinking about it in the back of my mind i'm thinking about it all the time so now is the time to clear the clutter and her mind she's hoping curtis can give her some sound advice on selling this early 60s record player got all the original paperwork and but it needs restoring i think it's really funky i bet that was so expensive when it was mainly yeah does it work i don't honestly know i was told it worked when i bought it i got it reasonably cheap define the word reasonably um 60 quid i paid for it so what's your bottom line i'd say 45 right see that's okay well i'd do my absolute best to get 45. and if i'm offered 42 ah go for it oh you see so that's not your bottom line 45. what is it well right then 40. right so anything under 40 it's not selling no what's this money being used for i'd like to do a charity challenge to trek peru machu picchu i think you have to raise about 4 000 um all i've done so far is pay for the deposit right um which is 150 pounds so you need another 3 850 pounds yeah quite a bit okay it will soon add up forward i think so yeah it will need to jan doesn't want to get rid of all these things to buy new garden furniture she wants to go to machu picchu and do something fabulous for charity now that's pressure on me back in the bedroom marianne's been mulling over how to deal with jan's enormous hoard of clothes i've got a little plan up my sleeve have you so we've got a keep box yeah and we've got a charity box oh right okay but jan already has her own plan a friend of mine who runs a charity shop for dogs and cats has challenged me to fill 23 black bin bags i think more like 123 here but 23 is a good start isn't it exactly time to kick off then this is for the charity it's for the charity shop yeah you love a little bit of leopard print i do like leopard prints so that's being kept oh you're keeping this i am because i like it okay she's still a little bit hesitant but i think with me pushing her along the way she'll get there we need to have the organization in here when you've got rid of the 23 bags for the charity then we need to sort of think about how we're going to put our clothes into some sort of order summer and the winter there's a bed setting under there really yes really even more so while we need to clear it so you can have the bed set here so you can have a girlfriend's day not sure that girlfriend will ever be marianne at this rate the thing is marianne i'm convinced i'm going to go to all these wonderful places to wear it and those wonderful places don't happen do they no they don't happen jan is such a lovely heartwarming person what she wants to do with her clothes that she's gathered over the years is basically pass on to charity she's got a big task on her hands to fill 23 bags downstairs curtis has stumbled across a pair of vintage suitcases that jan is willing to sell they're selling they're fashionable they're retro everyone wants them this one's got legs on and it's been turned into a coffee table i'm going to take them away and make the most money i can upstairs jan has more retro furniture that she'd like curtis to take a look at oh wow ha ha look at that this is my lovely dressing table it's fab i bought it in a charity shop right really really cheap but i fell in love with it because it's almost the same as one i had as a child as far as i know it's 1960s i would say late 60s yep it is lovely but i'm absolutely willing to let it go it all looks in good condition so what did you pay for this furniture i paid the grand sum of 15 pounds for this about 18 months ago you know what i think you got a bargain i think it needs to go to someone who's going to pay top dollar because they want it to keep not to sell so that's the dressing table the record player and the suitcases that curtis can sell for jan but there's still a lot to do that flat is rand isn't it to be honest she wants to give she wants to do this but she also just wants her space really yeah it's so cluttered she can't even sit down can she you've got your work cut out i have indeed i'll tell ya you've got your work yeah to get that money for her to be honest time to go i think it is so marianne is staying behind to help jan tackle her clothes we can do that fat and that and curtis has brought her quirky suitcases to a market and he's already found a potential buyer right so i've got shannon turning up to look at the suitcase table but i'm really keen to sell both of them not because i want more money just i really don't want to split them up look at the inside of that it feels like it's never been used yeah that's really beautiful bit of a suitcase collector yeah why i don't know i just like them do you know what they're two of the funkiest suitcases i've seen really really funky i'm more inclined to buy the table because i think that's very very clever the way it's been upholstered yeah what are you thinking for the table probably about like 25 to like 35. i won't let the table go for less than 35 okay if i could do you a deal on both that you were happy with would you take them would you give me 45 pounds for both they're sisters now 45 quid yeah 45 quid deal do you know what you've got one result and that's the first 45 pounds towards the machu picchu fund right good luck with your new purchase oh wow i'm so happy thank you thanks ever so much hey lisa see ya so shanna's just gone and she bought both suitcases honestly i think if she hadn't done i would have walked away from this sale because it just seems silly splitting them up good news is got 45 pound for jan i think she's going to be delighted with that jan was not the only one to send out a hoarder sos to our experts meet kerry i've moved around a lot where's the other shoe in the last last sort of 25 years i've moved about 20 times it's absolutely crazy i just have so much stuff each time you move you tend to acquire stuff that you feel that you need to take with you so bit by bit these boxes would follow me around she's also had many different careers from beautician to musician the worst rooms in my house has definitely got to be my lounge because this is where i have my music equipment my beauty equipment one of the other rooms i feel is very cluttered is my bedroom and that is obviously where i tend to store my shoes and my clothes stored is one word for it i suppose never been worn never been worn never been worn been worn once and even on some of these dresses um you know there's still the labels oh my god seriously the amount of rubbish kerry's nine-year-old daughter emma is unfazed by the piles of sartorial stuff i would live in a clothes shop and a shoe shop and a makeup shop but kerry is about to start a brand new career teaching music it's time to get her life in order tidy house tidy mind i'm going into my pgc in september it would be nice to have the summer with no clutter thankfully curtis has arrived to see if he can help find some items to sell kerry's dug out something she thinks might interest him remnants from her hobby as a photographer i did a photography course a few years ago and decided that i would buy some digital slr cameras so okay and do you use them anymore no unfortunately not at all no i haven't used these these haven't seen the light of day for about two years uh what did you pay for them can you remember yeah i mean each camera itself is worth around 500 pounds uh always costing 500 pounds yeah um but then there's the additional um flashes there 170 each and then additional lenses as well i've actually got a photography frame as well i've got a backdrop frame a black backdrop a white backdrop um soft boxes so all in all you probably paid 12 1400 pounds for everything i'd say easily yeah so your investment on something like this is returning you about 350 400 pounds the value of used cameras depreciates quickly as photographers are always keen to upgrade to the latest model which drives down the price of the older models the initial idea was to make enough money to pay for weeks caravan holiday for me and my sister as long as i get between you know five and six hundred pound for all the items i'm selling i'm really not too worried you're quite rare you're a realist i'm certainly a realist two cracking cameras and she's got all the stuff that goes with it if someone's setting up for the first time to do this professionally this could be the item for them so i've got to get the best price i possibly can i just hope it's going to be enough i think there's some bad news coming her way it's actually glass and base metal this jewelry she thinks might be worth money he's worth absolutely nothing oh dear but then buried within there is some possible treasure [Music] nice cat badge though from the foreign legion looks genuine it's got enough weight it's got the guy's name on the back so that's something that might make a few pennies in bristol curtis has already sold the vintage suitcases marianne is going great guns with jan who's already feeling the positivity of purging so marianne do you really believe that my life will improve once i've got rid of all this stuff yes to you yes because how can you have a life living in this in this clutter there is one way in one way to the bathroom and there is no room for nothing i know i mean this is just i've never ever seen anything like it marianne you ain't seen nothing yet come on jam we need to get on crack on go my word what is all this about that's a bit of burlesque and like a bit yeah so this is gonna go this is gonna go it's too small [Music] so if you actually think about this whole bag whether we do everything individually we'll be here forever we want to crack on and get this room done so do you think everything in this bag can go absolutely right so already in that short space of time we've cleared there we can do that that and that and in no time we'll have the room cleared and we'll be ready to roll the challenges for jan is basically she alone has to sort out what she wants to keep because some of those clothes that she's got i've still got price tags on never been worn and what she actually wants to give to charity so she's got a big task on her hands just to basically fill 23 bags marianne has given encouragement and advice but now it's time for her to go and see if jan can follow her clean and clear example bit scary but i'm really excited in plymouth kerry has dug out something she hopes will add to her holiday fund what you got well i have a couple of books here right uh this is the coral island now um a lot of people don't know but it's one of the um it's actually the original uh treasure island i think it paid about two pounds for it so okay that's all right um this is ivanhoe yes another very uh very old book this one was um given to somebody in 1933 and what i liked about this wasn't so much the book itself but the personal message it says two vera with love and best wishes for a happy birthday from irene you probably paid the right price because the market is a lot smaller than it used to be but like collecting stamps yeah yeah people just aren't doing it anymore you're happy to get rid of them obviously yeah of course yes you know there's no massive value in them but even if you've got a few pounds for them to pass them on to someone who's going to read them is actually quite a lovely thing absolutely kerry plans to take her family away on a caravan holiday and the main things topping up the coffers are the foreign legion badges and her cameras the problem you generally have is that people have really high expectations of what they're going to get back for their items now this one's a bit easier kerry is realistic all she wants is some money for a holiday and you know what i think she's going to end up getting it we shall see while curtis has been rummaging for things to sell decluttering is yet to kick off but now marianne has arrived to help show kerry how to organize her stuff and work out what she doesn't need anymore od you found my shoe collection i have oh nightmare um basically i have a thing where i'll go out and i'm a bit of a shopaholic and i see a pair of shoes and i try them on in the shop and i walk around in them at home and then the next thing i know they're off my feet and in the cupboard so what do you think you're going to want to keep and what you're going to be in i think there's about 10 pairs that i'm going to keep and then the rest of them i need to get rid of i mean um there are shoes there that i'm just never going to wear no matter how beautiful they are how nice they are or how glamorous they are i'm never going to wear it i can always have some you can yes i will give you half of my shoes so what we need to do is to make this short and sweet so that we can pack this up is to get get rid of what you don't want yeah what can go to charity and what you can keep yeah i think the majority of this um is going to be um obviously some of them are brand new so if i can get rid of them on either ebay or car boot or something this to me is a relatively a very easy job to do easy for you maybe so while marianne still has kerry's wardrobe and daughter emma's room to tackle curtis has finished gathering up anything he can find a value the only thing i've got in this house to sell is the cameras everything else doesn't have an intrinsic value that's my problem here the only thing i would say is basically it needs to just a good tidy up clothes sold whatever any value put the stuff back in the cupboard in an organised manner that's all she needs busy lifestyle exactly that's her lifestyle it's taking over i better get selling and i'm gonna go and do these boxes marianne is staying behind to let kerry declutter and curtis has taken her two foreign legion badges to a trader carries cat badgers all cleaned up let's see if i can sell these and i've got a couple of badges here i want to show you okay first one is a foreign legion a cat badge off a cape and you don't see them very often fairly enough from france well absolutely um and the other one is a naval badge which you might know something about submariner yes introduced in the 1950s right the dolphins here they came in in early 70s and that shows a specialization you've already qualified in one thing yeah and you're going to do something else but they're really good they're very pretty very sellable even as a piece of jewellery that's a really good design it's very very wearable yeah and this is in really good condition really really good condition okay are you interested in buying that i'd like to sell them as a pair i don't want them going individually i imagine these are not going to be sitting on your shop front very long no they won't be right okay i already have a collector who would be will be very interested in these so uh am i right to agree on 30 pounds i should be should i be pushing you for more that's the deal okay 30 pounds is a fair price deal 30 pounds nice doing business with you pleasure thanks ever so much okay bye have a good day those two cat badges have been sitting on kerry's bedside table for ages she's not over keen on them she's not emotionally attached to them and i've got rid of them for 30 pounds i think she's going to be more than happy with that well i am [Music] still to come marianne's brought to her knees they go as far as the eye can see and curtis tries to sell jan's vintage record player one question is it something you'd buy off me [Music] in plymouth cleaning expert marianne is helping trainee teacher carrie declutter her home of surplus shoes and dresses some of these things just need to be put in here and organized [Music] but he's yet to tackle her daughter's room while back in bristol jan's learning the lessons that come with decluttering i think maybe once upon a time i did want a lot of it i think i've outgrown it and just not been able to face getting rid of it really curtis has taken her vintage record player to a market he's hoping to sell it to dila andre fairly typical 1960s champion make a little bit of superficial damage which can very easily be sorted the nice thing which it's got is the grill and the fabric covering here is still in good condition which is a good thing so that if you're looking at it as a as a piece of furniture rather than as a working record player then it's got a lot going for it doesn't work no the cost of rewiring these sorts of things can be quite high and that can uh obviously affect its resale value um or whether it's worth doing at all um so it becomes then just a piece of furniture so it's a nice looking thing so if it's if someone buys it to rewire it's gonna be a labor of love it's not gonna be for profit it's gonna be not really no what would you expect to pay for something like this to take it in probably about 10 pounds and if it was rewired and working 30 40 pounds so there's not a huge amount in it really no blunt question is it something you'd buy off me um for 10 pounds yes but for much more than that then no so i'm better off taking it away let's see if i can find a better home for yes yeah in date yeah thanks for your time you're very welcome hmm antenna does seem a tad low curtis reckons the best way to find someone who will love or love to restore this is to advertise it online [Music] back at home jan's concentrating on her other clutter just looks like a mountain to climb doesn't it this is my big day i'm feeling really excited um nervous there's a little bit oh do i really want to let that go you do you do a friend who runs an animal charity shop has given her a challenge to fill 23 large bin bags with clothes my strategy for sorting out the clothes definitely is the main focus at the moment is for charity i think once i've cleared the charity things i'll be a bit clearer about what i do really want to keep the idea of decluttering is to get rid jan not build up the keep pile emotionally it's very hard for me to let clothes go i don't know why that is i've i've always had a thing about clothes i don't think i'm any different from a lot of people but maybe other people have actually you know bothered to put their stuff away it'd be nice to sleep in a bedroom surrounded by piles of stuff that's the spirit one bag down 22 to go hmm this could take a while after striking out with the record player curtis is hoping to strike it lucky with jan's retro dressing table he's taken it to up cycler and trader norman now norman i know this isn't really your thing but it's kitsch and i wanted to bring it in to show you just in case you could be interested it's just maybe a bit too catch for in here yeah do you think this is a very niche market at the moment this sort of thing yes i do but i believe that you will find someone who will be interested in it i think it's going to be someone quite young and this is super retro for them then yes well maybe next time thank you well bad news norman hasn't bought jan's furniture but i tried didn't i i better get out of his shop especially as this was really just testing the water plan b for both the dressing table and the vintage record player is to sell online so yes you'd better get it out of his shop and get listing back with our other hoarder kerry she and marianne are tackling daughter emma's bedroom cherry yes another room with clutter everywhere yeah this is my daughter's room i'm afraid this is emma's room this is emma's room where does she find room to even sit and play with her things um she tends to spend a lot of time on her bed and her bed's obviously not messy as you can see oh what's this is she taking after you now yeah that's just so it was a actually a little bottle of wine in there and she liked the shoe it was like a gift from someone so i drank the little bottle of sparkling prosecco and she said mummy can i have the shoe oh yes she is she does like us she's got she's like troubling she's got sparkly shoes yeah you say she's got as many shoes as you yeah and there they are under the bed uh they go as far as the eye can see and um there are quite a few pairs of these that she doesn't wear anymore now so but as you can see she likes her bling too i don't want her to be like me though i mean i don't want this to carry on with emma i want her to understand that she can be organized and she won't have to come home to an entirely house so where has carrie's clothes and shoes habit come from my weight has fluctuated and gone up and down so of course you buy more shoes more clothes i have had cosmetic surgery uh tummy tuck and a nose job and so things like that you know i changed my style of clothing then because i felt i could wear more things that were fitted so i was always very conscious of of how i looked and how i felt about myself kerry she's like a butterfly flapping around coming and going not knowing where she is there is piles of clothes shoes just stuff everywhere there's just no organisation in her house but with marianne's encouragement kerry's got a plan to clear it keep it tidy and make these positive changes part of the long-term plan for her and daughter emma i'll have a challenge not just for her but for myself on this chore list it will have a list of things i need to accomplish each day because i think that's important to be a bit more productive and a bit more proactive and just make sure that i keep on top of things so that when i do declutter my house and declutter emma's room that we can continue to continue the progress and that you know someone doesn't come back in a few weeks down the line it's just as bad i'll never let it get as bad as this again that's been noted kerry in bristol at jan's house friend and neighbor joe has come along to help clear all her retro furniture and collectibles in the living room wow you're gonna help me get rid of my bits i just don't know where to start i really really don't neither does joe by the look of things there's never nowhere to see it it's always covered in boxes safers the chairs so normally we have a cup of tea in my flat fancy helping me move yeah yes well we've got two pie hair just get rid of it joe oh my god it's not enough space for it while some of the clutter will go to charity and some into the bin other items will be sent off to sale when was i ever going to get a henna tattoo i don't know what about all this behind it like this oh my the sewing machine is going to be sold [Music] oh there i don't even know what's in there oh somebody's lunch yum [Music] while joe carries on downstairs jan's daughter holly has offered to help out in the bedroom my daughter's going to help me put stuff in the van it does feel daunting it feels overwhelming that's probably why i've never tackled it in the first place really that's another one gone but with a real push and holly's help you can actually see the carpet we've made a hole in it and you can actually see the bed setting and now jan can start to imagine a future without clutter [Music] i don't think i'm going to miss the things that have gone lots and lots of bags have gone lots to charity i'm not even thinking about it i'm just thinking about the next thing that i want to do [Music] jan smashed her target of 23 bags and filled 30 bags for her friends at the charity shop and sent the rest of her clutter packing to be binned or listed for sale online a few weeks later and jan has moved a mountain of clothes i think i've worked incredibly hard actually and it may not look like it from the beginning but i have cleared so much stuff marianne is about to visit and newly house proud jan is making sure everything is just so i'm really looking forward to seeing marianne actually i think she's going to see a real difference from the last time she was here let's see she's arrived [Music] [Music] it does there's so much more space and an airiness feel to it i know you must be happy though i am happy before the living room was a mishmash of retro collectibles and general clutter and having shipped it all out jan's maisonette has gone from laden down to lived in she's even found some old pieces of furniture that were buried under the clutter [Music] this is new isn't it yeah i did that that was hidden away upstairs did you change the knobs and everything i changed all the knobs yeah that's lovely it really works well that now you have what i call a clutter free space and it just feels comfortable now and just come in and there's somewhere to sit you never had anywhere to sit before no i didn't it was it was really really bad i'm quite happy to admit i'm really really chuffed but i want to see the other room come on man before the declutter jan's bedroom looked more like an explosion at a jumble sale than somewhere to sleep but now it feels homely and cozy it's still full of jan's beloved vintage but it's a much more relaxing space oh this is what i'm looking forward to well it's certainly better than the last time you saw it it's fun i know it's because you can actually see the bed over there was all this pile of clothes everywhere underneath exactly i'm really pleased and i'm gonna carry on and it sounds like jan's caught the decluttering bug on top of that marianne has some good news for jan about her cash for clutter total we can now reveal that the items that curtis took away to sell we have made you a grand total of 225 pounds oh wow really yes honestly i think that's amazing i never expected that i'd been happy whatever you got but that is really amazing thank you so much in the end jan's vintage record player managed to sell for 50 pounds and her chest of drawers for 40 pounds and online sales of a few other items brought her total so far to 225 pounds all to put towards her charity trip to machu picchu you know jan is a lovely person we have had so much fun together in doing this the more that i clear the more i want to clear it has made me feel really really positive it's a work in progress um i want it to be ongoing so by the end i'm hoping every single bit of clutter will be gone [Music] still to come kerry's flat out decluttering yay i found the matching boot in plymouth marianne and curtis have been helping messy shopaholic kerry get her house in order and make some money for a holiday so we're saying in total 550 to 600 pounds now she's on her own and kerry can't wait to get decluttering starting in daughter emma's room following marianne's advice i am going to use these red bags for the internet trading company and i'm going to pick out quality items that i feel would make a reasonable amount of money and i've promised to emma she can use it for things that she wants to buy and then all the other things that i don't feel that are quite up to that standard will go to charity and she's leaving no corner untouched in a bid to find saleable goods oh my it's like the black hole in here ah yay i found the matching boot so that one will go in there oh my bedding i think she's a little bit too old for this book it's uh stories for four-year-olds and she's nine secret diary surprise surprise locked kerry's son adam has turned up to help this is just some of my mother's clutter it's uh been like this in most of our houses for as long as i can remember really i'm happy to be here helping her declutter the house i think it'll be good for her to have a tidy house again and also hoping to find something here for myself and kerry has something in mind for adam it doesn't look terrible though decent amount of memory dedicated graphics card in there not sure what size the hard drive is but would it be better to split parts or do you think uh it'd be quite good as just getting it up and when there's a machine depend really it might be worth getting up and running just to see what sort of parts are in there obviously the parts are still i mean they're not going to be newer parts but if they're powerful enough it might be worth something adam clearly knows his stuff selling the individual components of a computer on online auction sites can net you more cash than selling the complete unit all right will you take that one then all right and i'm just going to click on if there's anything else i'll give you a shout out one nice bit of clotter for you there's somewhere else that could definitely do with a clear out kerry's wardrobe another dress with another label still on it for um for sale there's probably well over four or five hundred pounds worth of clothes there that i've not even worn or there's probably equally the same amount i've only worn once you're more likely to have success selling brand new clothes online especially with tags as it guarantees they will be in good condition with the help of the experts and a desire to turn over a new leaf it seems kerry is committed to a new tidier way of life it feels very therapeutic i feel that just by looking at it i'm actually clearing out a lot of the negativity that i've had going on carey's done a phenomenal job clearing her flat revealing the floors in both bedrooms for the first time in a long time it's nice to know that some of these items are going to go to charity and for worthy causes and they're going to make you know some money out of it and once all those bags are loaded into the van kerry can finally wave goodbye to all that clutter i feel very very positive right now to be honest nice work [Music] curtis meantime has had some online interest in kerry's photography equipment and the potential buyers coming to meet him so i've got kerry's camera here and i've got simone turning out now she found the ad i placed on the internet to buy this now i want 150 pounds for it but i think this lady is going to be a tough customer so maybe there'll be a bit of haggling come on in come and take a seat i shall show you the camera there we are have a browse make sure you're happy with it no lens cap well you could keep it in the bag couldn't you i guess but it's a nice piece of kit isn't it yes it is very nice and it certainly beats buying it new yes and it's not too big not too heavy so i can take it on holidays with me so i'm looking for 150. well without the lens cap i'd probably say 130. a woman who drives a hard bargain i think that's a bit low let's should we shake hands on 140 alright so it's a deal 140 pounds there we go can we count that out you've just got this out of the cash point and every note counts for carrie that's mine that's yours job done [Music] seven weeks since curtis first visited kerry's getting ready for his return he wants to check her progress and reveal how much money has been made it's almost done just a couple of finishing touches and we're done curtis is going to be amazed [Music] hello good morning thanks very much after you thank you straight up the stairs yeah straight up the stairs let's go looking good already thank you first stop daughter emma's bedroom remember this [Music] as if by magic rather than hard graft it's as neat as a pin ever so pretty and fit for a princess follow me well have a look at this oh now this is a wow i know it's amazing isn't it she's actually managed to keep it tidy as well in fact she's become quite thorough about it and she makes a bed every morning and puts all the toys away i couldn't walk here i wouldn't even walk here and have a look under the bed oh look at that very little and it's all nicely boxed up and shipped she's done this herself i'm very very proud and kerry's pride extends to her own bedroom before it was more chaotic than calming wardrobes and drawers were overstuffed and shoes were flung in a messy heap now it's been cleared and transformed from a hoarder's nightmare into a dream pad [Music] it's different bedroom isn't it it is yes it certainly is this looks fantastic clear bed no jewelry i know i know it's amazing and i've actually got a wardrobe that i can now use seven or eight bags went to the charity shop there was about ten bags that went to the online trader and the wardrobes had a makeover too this is so minimal you know i've sort of streamlined it down and i've just kept the dresses that i i felt that i needed curtis is impressed but there's still another job to do let's talk about money okay so it's work in progress okay there's still things to sell okay but uh your cat badges have gone okay fantastic and one of your cameras so far has gone wonderful but there are still other things in the pipeline okay so so far we're up to 175 pounds right okay which is good i'm pleased with that yeah because you know considering there's still um all the clothes and shoes and the other cameras for the camera i think you could end up with a tidy sum out of all this yeah which would be fantastic and since then kerry has made another 45 pounds from online sales making a great cash for clutter totals so far with more sales still to come and she's decided to put the money towards her elder daughter's college dicks kerry's done a great job of this house and i think that's a wonderful thing to do with this cash nothing for her all for her family for me it's been a great experience and kerry seems delighted the fact that you know that there's a reasonable amount of money that's been made and you know continuing amounts that might be made um that's going to be really good to help fund my daughter's education it's been a real pleasurable experience and had some fun actually [Music] bye
Channel: Only Human
Views: 129,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutter chaos solution, clutter control, clutter psychology, clutter-free living, compulsive buying therapy, compulsive hoarding, declutter expert advice, emotional baggage cleanup, emotional hoarding, hoarder healing journey, hoarders therapy, hoarding syndrome, home organization specialist, interior design challenge, junk removal therapy, mess to neat transformation, messy home rehabilitation, messy home therapy, messy house rescue, messy room solution
Id: 1N_4GCFm2Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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