Fashionista Loses Hope at Storage Hoarders Auction | Storage Hoarders | Only Human

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self-storage is big business and can help us create space in our overcrowded homes I can't believe it but some have taken their storage hoarding too far that way tell me please no clinging on to things they never see or you this is my life in a box isn't it and it's costing them a fortune I've spent 80 thousand pounds or thereabouts on storage I'm Maggie McKenzie and I'm an expert including junk and people's excess baggage I'll be asking hoarders to open the doors of their units yet their stash and choose to either keep it I'm feeling a little emotional skip it or sell it our antiques expert will then pull out any hidden gems you got a minimum of four to five thousand thousands of silver yes that's what I like to see man to take to auction and make some hard cash in today's show our hoarders are reintroduced to their forgotten possessions I want you to try this on for me please I hope I don't look like a flasher I shocked at what they've hang on to this is obviously a very first unearth some hidden gems to sell at auction Tring on and off insane ground welcome to story Jordan [Music] self so Latinas are bursting the seams all over Britain as we stash more and more belongings we neither use nor see I'm in Guilford to help two guys say goodbye to the past for a bright new future when they decide to keep it skip it or sell it my first hoarding Bachelet Anita's fashionista Alan Alan has spent nearly 2,000 pounds storing things he hasn't seen for over two years and his daughter Jamie wants him to get help but why did storage become such a necessity for Alan I've always been a bit of a hoarder especially where fashion is concerned style Goethe and all-round man about ten Alan lives in fashionable North London a mere swagger from the heart of the capital over the past 30 years Alan has built up a successful rat trade on Savile Row working with couture designers and enjoying a colorful reputation as a trendsetter the clothing I have in storage is probably from the late seventies onwards so you've got some great designers who don't even exist today but in those days they were the best designers in Europe mixing with top designers Alan developed a taste for expensive Kluber of their couture variety that's what I'm well known for actually as being a well-dressed man about town I've always felt myself has a bit of a fashion leader but sadly for Alan as the recession hit his business took her nosedive I closed my business down in south of Road because of the rents the Wraiths I was just losing money not making money two years ago Alan had no choice but to put his stuff into storage an added expense he couldn't afford and his daughter wants him to stop I think the clothes are very bit dated he should have got rid of the things a long time ago keeping things in the storage was a bit of a waste of money family and friend said just get rid of it but then of course they're not me it's very difficult things which are attached to Alan's rented home may look pristine but that's because he's packed the acres of all clothes he had in his unit for Alan the box that closed at a living reminder of his past jet-setting lifestyle are you sure you're gonna be able to get rid of everything yeah hopefully if we can get rid of 80% I'll be very happy the hardest decision for him will be giving away all the clothes cuz I know he would like to keep some things today Alan wants to take the lead from a style icon and refresh his look and his life if you look at Elton John and every now and again he gets rid of all his clothes it's a bit like that for me getting rid of a lot of the things I've got its George would lift a cloud away can I help Alan to let go of his trend-setting ways and spend the money on a less flamboyant lifestyle so Alan I'm right in thinking you're the hoarder here oh I'm more than a hoarder yes so what are you hoarding here everything that's a pertains to a fashion business right through to antiques many many different things I've got so tell me why you've got all the stuff in storage know when you're quite well-known I suppose over the years and people give you gifts and you're accumulate clothing and you're accumulate things in business you don't always want to get rid of it and you think now it's time to move on with your life yeah I mean a couple of years ago maybe I would have had a different attitude but now my attitudes change completely and I need to move mom yeah I can get rid of everything that's in storage and have a clean slate good do you know whether the stuff inside them is worth anything oh yes the antiques and the China right through to very old mirrors and original prints they're worth quite a bit of money and I know that what you see about this uni well I don't mind him giving this stuff away but I'm not going to give it a reselling it but I would like to keep some stuff okay what sort of things would you like him to keep alright got my grandma's stuff you're gonna let her have her granny's stuff though surely I'm not sure about that well that's great that you're so on first so it's gonna be an easy thing isn't it let's get going today's other hoarder in search of a fresh start is entrepreneur John over the past 31 months John has racked up a four and a half thousand pound bill on storage and brother Neil thinks enough is enough so why did John succumb to storage I always feel that something could be of use later on I'm suffering storage sickness and I actually need the medicine to sort it out John Lipson economy Middlesex now in the heart of suburbia economy was once a rural village dating back to the Domesday book after getting divorced John moved back into his mum's house and put his possessions into temporary storage two years on and they're still there out of sight out of mind the storage has got all these goods in them I haven't got a clue what's actually there John's hoarding habits don't just stop at the storage unit since his mum went into a care home his things have slowly spread around her house now the front room has turned into a dumping ground for all of John's bits and bobs John needs help because he just keeps everything but I've seen documents going back so I think 1992 right I've tied up the garage even the garage is filled to the brim oh yes what can we say I've got to get rid of a few things I mean not too many things and it's just a few at least I know where everything is it's any right then there's a little billiard table at the back there right so where's the cues and the ball yes that's probably the one things if your GCSE in I know where it is well it's probably somewhere on one of the shelves but quite which shelf I'm not certain all right and that is a difference of opinion about where the hoarding gene comes from I've taken after my father John certainly hasn't got it from him he was a very tidy man I don't know what this is well that's 1989 so it's even greater vintage of papers you could be looking at a fortune well yes okay it's got mold on it it's got mold but it's valuable Oh well you gonna work how this job's very in telling his PhD it got tremendous intelligence not a lot of common sense John might not have much in common sense but he's bright enough to know that paying to store things he can't see or use is crazy it's really a silly amount of money to actually be spending each time I'm trying to do up my mother's house at the moment carpets need replacing well that could have actually paid for all the carpets in the name of brotherly love Neal is desperate for John to get that helping hands with letting stuff go if your mother skips over his possessions I will pay for the skip but I think at some point you need somebody who's strong standing by your side and making sure that your hand doesn't recoil when you're trying to throw it out but actually says right put your hand on it and throw it out I want to find out if John is really ready to be cured of his boarding ways so I'm wondering here who's the hoarder you look very sensible and you look a little bit wild who's who well I'm afraid it's me mmm so what's the quiet one isn't it well sometimes yes have you got any idea how much in total you've spent I would think it must be about 1800 pounds per year so it's probably about four and a half thousand just quite a lot of money isn't it really I'm not certain whether I've actually been storing rubbish or I'm storing something that's a bit more useful but either way it's still a lot of money I think it just has to be reduce or got rid of what do you think about all this new I think just a waste of money if you don't use stuff why keep it so you are going to listen to your little brother I am going to listen to him yes and we're going to see what we can do and see if we can get really rid of most of the actual items so together with the money that you could be making from the sale of your goods plus all the money you be saving on storage bills if you've got a plan for this yes I think I think one of the things that I want to do is to actually recarpet the whole house do you know how much that will cost you no I've got no idea well it'd be a fair few thousand let me tell you that but quite honestly if you've got two units and you have stuff for fire you plus all the money you can save in storage I think we're looking at carpets okay that's good okay today we're gonna get shot of those two units new are you with me on this more or less you and me versus John we're off come on that students we've met our bachelors in need of my help it's now time to see what's lurking behind the doors of their storage units coming up our hoarders come face to face with their storage habits now this is something special rediscover some forgotten treasures well don't push your fingers through it cuz it could be valuable under in for a surprise when some pieces go to auction [Music] welcome back to storage orders today I'm helping to bachelors bogged down with man-sized storage bills and possessions from the past earlier we met divorcee John who put his belongings into storage when he had to move into his mum's house and fashionista Alan whose storage spending went off the rails hanging on to his beloved clothes later I'll be asking her antiques expert to help her couples pick out any unwanted treasures which could be sold to auction to recoup some of the money they've spent or just to get heavy handed with their items and start searching through the pieces that could bring in the pennies first up is John who's about to come face-to-face with his two units his brother Neil thinks it's about time he dealt with this unnecessary expense I don't know what's in here Oh oh yes just what we need from russia with love obviously a very foolish thing to have kept i'm just thinking what go straight to the top in the two years John has had his units he spent four and a half thousand pounds keeping furniture and possessions he knew he could never fit into his new home I think you should have sold them years ago this I think was quite a nice rug and this was one of the mattresses for one of the big beds that I used to have other antique versus us now is a time to recoup some money for the restores I need to step in and make sure those boys don't break anything else that might be a fire you I think it should go you know in 20 years time they could become antiques were there any surprises well I hadn't I forgotten completely about this table is it reproduction I've got absolutely no idea do you know how much you paid for it I think I must have paid probably about 400 pounds for anything that again this is a rather sort of creaky sidewall which I'm not certain if that's got any just yours I can tell from just looking at it the drawer is still work you can just oh how am I gonna get back in there it's just a little bit of a technical adjustment here there we go I think it's got to go isn't it anything that you're desperate to keep or is it all up for grabs well I think I would probably keep the rug because that could fit where I am at the moment it's always very nice to have a rug I always think you know as well what you reckon to the Regnier I think if you go to the auction but what I'd do because he's been difficult for him you know just to chew up a little bit is that it puts it in with the reserve on it you know yes good idea what about sort of ten thousand pounds I was a tailor okay John I'm off now when I come back I want that rug opened out for inspection okay okay will do I've had enough of John pain to store items he just doesn't need it's time to get tough with his stuff it's now Alan's turn to unlock the doors of his 2000 pound storage habit and reveal to his daughter and me what he's been hiding away for two years oh look at this one of my favorite coats it brings back a lot of memories packed away in these units is a lifetime of designer garments and collectibles that trendsetter Alan had to store away after his Sabo Road Couture business went bust it was a lot of nice design beautiful shirts I can't wait to help Alan recoup some of his lost money what have you got here this your market store well not quite a market stall but some nice pieces Alan's had a love of clothes since its disco days of the seventies in terms of your own clue thing that you've worn are you happy to sell that if there's any worth there well there might be a few pieces I'll keep but 90% I'm going to sell I can't wait to see what's in these boxes but I'm gonna leave you to enter them if that's all right surely can you help your dad great thank you see you later see you later to help our hoarders downsize their units I've given them three errors to get decisive with their stuff that means sorting their belongings into three categories keep it for anything they love skip it for those over the hill items and sell it for anything they think will bring in cash I've also included a charity bin this you think is gonna be the biggest area I think I think it is well you think there's anything we should keep I'll sell it all I think you just sell or Diaz the dated photos John and Neal's hoard looks quite respectable and shouldn't be too much of a headache to sort through but Alan and Chinese pearl looks a bit like the first day of the January sales one of my favorite occupations watching other people work it's now time to get focused I always put bangers the same way Alan is on a mission to empty a storage unit and sell as much as he can and he hopes there's big bucks in his garments this is a frock suit what they call a long jackets it's like a small coat but they used to call them frock jackets I used to wear these all the time Alan how you doing fine good Procrit thank you that's 1500 pound jacket no Christian Lacroix oh my goodness is silver seal I love the lining that is amazing that's couture collection Alan's sale pile is racking up nicely but there are a few memorable jackets from his past that you just can't let go off you've added to that in the last few minutes no I haven't you have that wasn't here before I'm sure it wasn't listen I want you to try this on for me please Phil shoe man - and you look in it give us a twirl I hope I don't look like a flasher actually it still looks very good on you all right you can keep that there we are it still looks very nice so shiny what'd you think of all the stuff your dad's keeping I think he's kept the best thing good and in terms of the stuff the clothes that he's selling do you think people are gonna buy these things a lot so the clothes are really dated but they might do I think maybe your dad might want to hear the word vintage instead of d'études oh yeah whether Alan sells or keeps his suits at least he's determined not to spend more money on storing them so it looks good with white jeans I want Alan to find out more about how much these clothes could fetch so I've arranged for our antiques expert Tom keen to step in we saw the gloves it's not a straightjacket but there's a market with vintage clothes here money concern we've got so far absolutely properly is that is this in the middle of being vintage and not yet someone just how it's all been a little bit just goes out of fashion tom knows exactly where to go for some fashion advice and as taking Alan Smith vintage menswear a specialist David sacks P oh yeah thank you although not as popular as women's vintage men's vintage is still desirable and sought-after according to the aficionados vintage tailoring came to an end in 1975 when it was destroyed by mass production but what will David make of Alan suits I don't showing what you've got yep it's more sort of high fashion and more clubbing than what you do but you've got very nice quality linens I mean obviously something like this which sell for five hundred pounds really cool easy David so far I'm saving judgment until I seen all of it per second this is a Christian Lacroix this would sell for sort of between 16 and 18 hundred pounds the jacket but you can see it's quite you know quite flashy it's an acquired taste yes I'm actually quite interested I don't to be dismissive it's not my market and it's not the English vintage market but I remember when people were coming in when I first opened vintage shop people were coming in to go to bad taste parties when somebody thinks something's really bad taste very soon after it becomes cool again you can invent a new word here and now and start using it I call it new age new age I've got it got it got ring bunk ring ring ring ring you heard it here first right ring post that's one from now on today AG's garments are not very valuable even our money can be found very cheaply but suits from the 60s and 70s are very saleable due to the classic tailoring for example an 80s armani suit might sell for fifty pounds but get a Montagu Burton and you're looking at close to two hundred and fifty with vintage of course it's got to fit and look cute it's not just being good quality if it's the wrong size but yeah if you've got an auction room and some decent tailored kit there'll be a lot of buyers for it those people are seeking it out but it's getting harder and harder to find Allen's garments are too 80s for David's vintage shop Tom thinks he might have more luck with a market stall well yeah I think it will take Tom's advice I can't say one pound of garment but I could probably get rid of it for five pound of garment but you know that sort of thing I would do meanwhile back at the storage unit John is struggling to let go of his collection of artwork much to his brother's frustration let's have a look at this one this is February 84 a little bit of restoration I think well don't put your fingers through it because it could be valuable wow this is a fee from 1984 as one can recognize purchasing the hideous you know what he said it was one old sign I thought it might have been done by his lab when he was about four you're looking at a yacht here not a little bath yeah I'm John smog is still up for a discussion well it's quite nice isn't it I don't think so it's got at the edge there but it's gone up the edge there I think we should put it into action I might give it to a friend you've got a friend I do have a friend yeah I see you've got unrolls well what are you thinking John well this I'm thinking of keeping still thinking of don't think keeping because but I'm not gonna keep it for myself I'm actually going to give it to someone giving it away the only thing which I think we've got to sort of look at of course is these paintings because that I don't know do you love the paintings one or two I quite like but I wouldn't you know it wouldn't be hard to sort of take them out of my hand okay right that's fine is that anything you really want to keep I don't think so no oh have you been working your magic on anybody just clothes I just put new vanilla well whatever new secret is that boys are being very organized but we do need to do a bit more research to find out if there's any value in those paintings so John can get rid of everything Allanon Chaney and really cracking on too so all that want to get rid of everything there it's a lot of stuff and it's not just Alan's taste in clothes that's on the flamboyant side you know this is something special so this is quite spectacular oh my goodness with the cherubs this was made specially for us when I had Savile Row I had one of the most spectacular showrooms in Europe everybody used to come to it it was fabulous it's absolutely beautiful as original great something that might be of value to put on his cell pal with only a few minutes to go both Alan and John have nearly sorted through all their stuff and Jon's feeling pretty chuffed with himself too as I've not seen them I haven't really missed them both their storage hoarders have put nearly everything on the sale pal good work boys I take 1,400 for the lot I figure that's the results a little win-win situation since they're coming up antiques expert Tom returns to see if there's value in their goods as I'm around the corner a lot of these set seasonal yeah there's a few quid there and there's some surprises at auction [Music] welcome back to storage orders where I've been helping two bachelors recoup the thousands of pounds have spent on their storage units by making them keep skip or sell their belongings both Alan and Joan have kept their past lives locked up for long enough and I want them to be storage free forever Alan's cell pal is sorted but dr. Chaney isn't sure about parting with some of the family heirlooms Oh hmm goodness me Alan did you buy these clips will be given them alone yeah that's worth 900 pound I know that Alan's happy to see them gold but I've got an idea for Cheney I don't see if I would you find one piece that you really like this a favorite and save your dad will let you keep it and you know that's the way around it isn't it they're probably worth 100 250 quid to a collector they're probably worth 50 quid each it looks like Alan has some interesting family pieces but he also has some interesting values for them too these are worth about 700 pound each really I'll probably look for about 1,500 for the tail yeah yeah time to see what expert Tom keen has to say about Alan's estimates starting with the China okay what adds the value of these is of if they're transfer printed or hand-painted and how can you tell if they're happy well one looking very close under a magnifying glass and see the brush marks basically that's hand-painted these are hand-painted scenes that set has got a few pieces missing from it so it's a part set and obvious to me that at auction 2 to 300 pounds I was looking for around 8 900 pound for this to be honest with you if you can get 800 pounds to that lot come and see me we'll make a business together we'll make a fortune because that is Taurus founder Quizlet as it is next up the console table and the murder I saw earlier this I was a gift to me when I went to broader Chile it's a gift from a frenchman for a contour table of the italian style made in china there's no antique value is it's less than 20 years old this and it's worth three to five hundred pounds it might not be the antique that Allen thought but it's still worth a good amount a motorboat has also caught Tom's eye I think you look to other powers on you be doing fantastically well III thought it was five six hundred but but you know maybe I'm well out you don't like it no I bet you if you your dad had a boat like that you like it Allen storage - may not be as valuable as he first thought but Thomas picked out the best unwanted items that could help recoup some of Allen's storage bills among them the collection of China a console table emitter - 19th century candlesticks an Indian treetop table set some Elvis stamps to English comports and lastly the model boat it looks like we could recover some of the money Alan is spent on storage let's hope they make a good price at auction [Music] but John Nicholson's auctioneers and study to say goodbye to the last of her holders - so Alan it's auction day today and I know I'm slightly worried because you have put quite her reserves on some of the items which are way higher than Tom's estimates the table I think Tom estimated about forty or fifty pounds well I want 254 - yeah I've had it in the family a long time you're saying you want to hang on to it aren't you really well the thing is I if I went to an antique dealer he he'd give me a couple hundred pound for it I know that why don't you take it to an antique dealer well I will probably I probably will take it to an antique dealer but we'll see what happens we'll see what happens we certainly will and the moment is nearly upon us we just have time to see what today's auctioneer makes of Alan's Lots collection itself is fine the problem we have as auctioneers and your value are is how to reduce through this client is that it's been valued has been valued by a year it's been valued by us but the clients not listening but you know who knows you know it's an auction do you have an amount of money that you want to walk away with today you're talking about a couple of thousand pound of everything sells I can't see that happening mm-hmm I can't see I'll be happy to probably come away with a thousand pound out of two thousand pounds yeah well we should just have to wait and see what me yep please go first up are the Elvis stamps which Tom estimated at forty to fifty pounds ten Big twelve fifteen eighteen twenty hope they make a bit more those the bid at twenty pound 20 pounds that's a real shame but it's a start next up is the Indian treetop table that Tom estimated at forty to fifty pounds at which Alan put a massive 250 pound reserve on star B 30 pounds any body thirty pounds anybody bid me thirty pounds ladies and gentlemen that's with drawed the owner has slightly inflated idea as to what it's worth the reserve is a lot more than that it is with no bid thirty pounds the console table emitter also fails to reach Allen's inflated reserve price of five hundred pounds for warding withdrawn chin home with you it looks fabulous even fire up this shop however the tide does turn when Aaron's candlesticks go for twenty five pounds and the English comp ports make another of twenty five pounds both lots of China reached Onslow reserve up a hundred pounds each let's hope Alan's luck is in as his final lot going under the hammer is the model boat tom estimated this at a hundred to one hundred and fifty pounds at 100 pounds ten 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 220 240 260 280 Sally at 345 good 340 pounds that's a brilliant end to proceedings with Alan's boat making a massive 190 pounds more than Tom's top estimate so Ellen you've raked in 590 pounds at the auction it's not quite the thousand pounds you were looking for it but is it will help to to settle one or two bills won't it I'll help to pay a couple of utility bills this week mm-hmm despite missing out in some sales Alan has still managed to pile in the pans after commission he's made 522 pounds 15 from his auction he also took Tom's advice and salt his clothes separately so far he's made 50 pans by downsizing a storage unit is also made a yearly saving of 728 pounds so his grand total is 1,300 pounds and 15 pence he has kept the unit on for some remaining clothes so in terms of your storage units what's happened to all the suits in their storage unit okay and I've got my rails and my clothing in that particular story I'm hoping to get to zero quite soon so I'm gonna keep tabs on you Alan and I want to see you down to zero units okay that a deal that's a deal that's a definite improvement for Alan so let's hope he sticks to our deal coming up our antiques expert thinks John might have been sitting on a fortune oh there's a few quid there she does briefly have a heavy I'm really making up money at auction to realize his dreams welcome back to storage orders where I've been helping two hoarders decide whether to keep skip or sell the contents of their units so they can wave goodbye to storage forever earlier fashion guru Allen raised 522 pounds selling off the unwanted contents of a storage unit at auction as well as making an annual saving of seven hundred and twenty eight pounds on storage bills next up is entrepreneur John who has spent four thousand five hundred pounds on storage over the past two years including his storage unit was something of a reality check for John as he realized exactly what he'd been paying to store oh yes this is obviously a very first thing to have kept now it's time to see if her antiques expert Tom keen can find some unwanted items in John's stash to sell and help him recoup some of the money he spent [Music] so here's Tom huggy right yes good how are you good John John that's me and Neil O'Neill how are you right boy thank you so this is our Lots here these pieces of furniture very very easy for me to date my distance because they're made out of satin wall out right a second wall that was only used by the a bawdy ins there were fifty pounds each as wardrobe now 50 or 60 pounds each so not very valuable same as this here so without doing too well value wise that's a shame I wonder if there's more about you in that beautiful veneer table John paid 400 pounds for I was wondering where this old or reproduction what do you think he is Aggie I have no idea I don't know how you tell Ben down down here then around here you can see there's no edge of the timber this is almost certainly plywood but they're very thin veneer on top this table was made in Italy in about 1984-85 first big my mistake on me as an antique dealer a ball one I'll think about about 500 pounds or solder about 50 quid three months later go to the good stuff let's se I hope John is more luck with the Chesterfields as I'm around the corner a lot of these set seasonal yeah there's a few quid there but then I've got disappointed they're not pair if that'll be repair even the RIP I'll be saying two or three thousand pounds but now they're not a pair they've got me sold separately that's what I presume four and seven hundred pounds in that condition right and this one's a bit less cuz I don't know why but the drop end SETI's do this will drop down these actions to work on it again it's not as pretty as the other one this will make on a bad day 250 on a good day 500 well if the Pitti do not appear but at least John could make some money now it's time for this collection of unusual artwork these are some paintings that I got around about in the 80s I don't know if you had an interview as to whether these are worth anything or not did you pay a lot of money for them no not they were sort of given to me by friends so in the friend like it I think he did a great value see if they're worth telling 20 pounds each that about awake right y can see but well we get the second opinion because you never know so not much where are you in the paintings but Thomas spotted the rug that John was planning to give to a friend and has some interesting information I'm sure John will want to hear companies like Wilton and act minister used to make these for carpets in England but there's another company called duneagle in this brutal act Minister which it might be it's probably 100 250 pounds it's quite a nice quality carpet or rug it was done Igor was a thousand pounds right okay that's what money so don't despite dispose of it until we find out what it's worth smashing okay good who I am for that price I think John might have to reevaluate what he does with his rug among the pieces tom is recommended to take to auction are to Chesterfield sofas a chest of drawers under Cher's Long John is still undecided as to whether to put the rug into auction or give it to a friend as for the rest of John's furniture Tom thinks he'll get the best price if he sells them online so I've arranged for John Snickers remaining furniture to an online internet auction trading company where big profits can be made internet auction services such as this one do all the hard work they pick up the items and help sell them on online auction sites on your behalf they sell everything from household appliances and furniture to collectibles and antiques and like most auction houses charge a commission looking at your particular items we've quite a lot of furniture in there when we're dealing with online sales people tend to search by keywords so if we've got that then we can really hang a sale off it with things which are more generic we're looking to attract in regular buyers with a great photograph which knowledge good at having a good cue of a great photograph in a lovely description something that entices buyers into the marketplace so look at your individual business own I think the table is a really beautiful piece once you decide you'd like to sell your items they'll give you a link to a seller page where you can keep an eye on how they're doing one spot they will handle the shipping and transfer the proceeds from the sale directly to you John's furniture is now online here's hoping he makes a healthy profit over the coming months now it's time to head back to a more traditional style of auction and find out how the rest of John's unwanted pieces of furniture do when they go under the hammer that's your rug isn't it there yes it is absolutely so what happened well I was sort of persuaded by the color of the estimate from Tom so what estimate was Thomas entry 400 and 700 pounds what you thinking you're sitting there realistically high hopes I think it probably are yeah if it would be maybe straighten the skip after say we will see absolutely we'll see have no we have no idea what happen it all depends on you know the criteria and who's after what because when it comes to exactly can you remind me what you've got in again we've got chaise longue mm-hmm - Chesterfield and a chest do you have reserves on any of these yes I do I sort of listen to Tom's advice I've actually put on the reserves that he suggested no I imagine you're a man who would say just let it go at whatever price I wouldn't bother the reserves how did I know that well the moment is nearly upon us but first let's see what an auctioneer mix of Jones lots this furniture which we're selling on behalf of John when he put it into store was worth quite a lot more than it is today and now he's also paid all the storage charges so he's on a loser before he starts now the one thing out of what he's got is the rug it's more of a carpet than a rug isn't it now what I've suggested there is is that we don't have the buyers for that today we pull that out and we put that in a specialist furniture sale along with lots of Persian and Indian rugs so if I don't get the price I think it's worth I'll pull it you set for this you in the mood for it very much so yes there looks to be like a good crowd here today so we'll have a look what happens let's hope his pieces sell well the first item up is John's shares long which Tom estimated at 80 to 100 pounds oh that I made a couple of years ago 300 pound 50 pounds big this is rupees 60 anybody add 50 pounds sorry was it worth storing sir that's the question we've got to ask ourselves probably not why are you looking so happy all this valuable stuff Oh nobody wants it oh dear the shares long fails to sell let's hope he has better luck with the chest of drawers estimated at 80 to 100 pounds no bearded 50 pounds oh yeah oh dear cheeky but it's a real shame that John hasn't recouped any money for these pieces of furniture John's next lot is the rug he was contemplating giving to a friend super carpet hundred big 50 200 at 200 pounds fifty I'm looking for 300 now at 250 this is a little bit better that's two a lot more than this had two hundred and fifty pound each had its time then ladies and gentlemen I'm going to not sell that I'm gonna put that in one of the special antiques elves along with collectors purple carpets and rugs it'll make a lot more than that in that sale well that sounds a lot the auctioneer thinks John will raise much more money for his rack at a specialist carpet auction lastly the Chesterfield sofas and told by you the drop-down Chesterfield 250 to 400 pounds 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 250 at 250 at 250 pounds 60 I'm looking for fair warning Sally at 250 pounds I got the bus baby well that's more like it Jon makes a little estimate of 250 pounds with a larger one make even more and up 200 big 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 at 360 pound selling at 360 power assume 360 pounds that's a fantastic result for the second Chesterfield Jones to Chesterfields were the real stars of the auction today and helped to make five hundred and thirty nine pounds eighty-five pins after commission he has also managed to sell two items of furniture on the online auction site for a hundred and seventy pounds he's still waiting for his other pieces to sell by downsizing his storage John has also managed to save a yearly storage bill of nine hundred and thirty three pounds making a grand total of one thousand six hundred and forty-two pounds eighty-five it's gonna more than carpet your hair so about do the whole of that safe place well I think I think it probably would yes I think it's certainly going to make a good old dent in getting that into the house yes well I asked for those other things that didn't sell you know they will sell but you just have to find the right place correct I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to add some of them to the online and in am i right in assuming that nothing's going back in storage nothing's going back into storage at all I am in fact getting rid of things out of the house so I'm really in a culling move loving your calling mood this is especially the saving of storage costs so job well done I think Neil he owes us a drink don't you big one well a success on the storage trunk for John but it looks like Islands still stuck in his ways let's hope he friends embarrass for the rest of us horrid soon remember to join me Aggie Mackenzie next time on storage hoarders [Music] click on-screen for more videos of extraordinary humans you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 109,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY storage solutions, Only Human, antique restoration projects, auction addiction, auction competition, auction tension, bidding strategy, bidding wars, clutter organization, excessive accumulation, hoarding behavior, hoarding cleanup, hoarding intervention, selling collectibles, selling vintage items, storage hoarders, storage hoarders therapy, storage unit auction, valuable antiques, vintage furniture finds, vintage market treasures
Id: 29aWNViNdnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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