2,500 Cufflinks Hoarded for Investment | Storage Hoarders | Only Human

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[Music] self-storage is big business and helps create space in our overcrowded homes really but it's so overwhelming but some have taken their storage wording a little too far why special offer clinging on to things they never see or use anywhere absolutely nothing and it's costing them our fortune we've had the storage for over six years now and we probably spend almost twenty thousand pounds I'm Maggie McKenzie and I'm an expert in cleaning junk and people's excess baggage this is my mom if I this is my mom's ashes I'll be asking hoarders to open the doors of their units empty a stash it's been a while since we've been here can smell the mildew and choose to either keep it I'm feeling a little emotional skip it or sell it our antiques expert will then pull out any hidden treasures definitely we have to send these to auction that's what I like to see ma'am excitement to take to auction and make some hard cash in today shall we meet two very different storage hoarders one who's hoarding for investment some of it has been with me from 40 odd years well the other is during his whole life in containers wow that's two of them 20 boxes are you kidding me time for this stuff to stand up and be counted or end up in the skip this all needs going in the bed as we unearth the real treasures from the trash welcome to storage hoarders [Music] storage centers are popping up all over the place as we keep more unwanted items under lock and key I'm in North London helping two guys sort the treasures from their tags I'll be getting tough as I ask them to keep it skip it or sell it today's first dirty torture is avid collector Steven Redmond he's been storing his prized possessions under lock and key for over two years costing him 2,700 pounds daughter Harry thinks it's time to kick the habit but is dad in denial I'm not a hoarder no I'm a collector and if you collect things see only you've got to save them you've got to put them somewhere Steven currently lives in bath however his job used to take him all over the country and wherever he went his ever-increasing collection went to some of it has been with me for probably 40 odd years however his possessions soon outgrew his home in storage when the women in his life stops letting him keep that out in the house really he just started having to keep it somewhere that we can see really but Steven has always been a collector I used to collect toy soldiers when I was about seven or eight but then when I was about 14 I collected DC Comics and these are a Batman Superman things like that Steven enjoys dressing in style tailored suits and the accessories that go with them have always been an obsession for him especially the cufflinks his father kicked off his collection of cufflinks and he hasn't looked back since his storage unit is also home to paintings and sign books along with some rather unusual possessions I've got some of my mother's ashes and I've also got my father's ashes and my son and daughters milk teeth the tags when they were born they are not going anywhere I'll always keep them and then maybe they'll have them after it's funny particular when you see his collection of my baby teeth but you always threaten to make an essence out of daughter haily wants to help her dad get to grips with his hoarding habits and force him to part with some of his stuff I'll make sure he gets rid of the things that really need to go he's not going to be able to keep a lot if it's my sake I will expect her to be tough with me but she knows who's boss can I help Steven to part with his beloved collections and say goodbye to storage so tell me what have you been collecting Steve books that have been signed by the authors so I collected maybe a hundred not of those and then paintings all sorts of pencil drawings maybe again a hundred 150 of those so what's the plan to do the books I bought them as an investment and I hope I could put them out there on the market for fellow collectors okay and also the paintings if they work out then I'd be happy to let the books and the paintings go the cufflinks I want some professional advice on them because two and a half thousand pairs that's a lot too yes do you have only two and I'm working my way through them slowly what are these couplings made off for the solid gold oh that all sorts I should say there'll be diamonds in that'll also be cufflinks made out of plastic all sorts I'll eat my words at if know that the books are the paintings make any money brown convinced the cufflinks on this scale will yes what would you say to your dad Haley I'd say a lot of it could just go could just be dumped or given to you know a charity shop but there's some of it I think has got a value but it is time now so you're ready to start this process I am determined to get Stevens hoarding under control and with Haley's help it might just be possible our next door disorder is financial consultant reg king Rachel spent most of his working life abroad keeping his worldly possessions and storage to the tune of 4,800 pounds best friend Tony thinks reg needs to get a grip on what he hangs on to but does reg think he has a problem well I'm a serial hoarder and I have a very big problem in deciding what stays and what goes I become very attached to my stuff and so I need a bit of let's say professional help international banker rage is now back in the UK and temporarily living in Sidcup with his mum most of his possessions have come from places as diverse as Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia and his mother has no debt who's to blame for her son's hoarding habit he's father he was a hoarder but he got rid of it well she's more than I can say for my son I've always been a serial collector of the boarding school and I started collecting stamps it just built up and built up and a little bit out of hand now my tastes have changed and I think it's time to take this opportunity to downsize get rid of the stuff that I no longer like I've got lots of things that don't match and I think if you put them all in the same room you just think oh no as a self-confessed hoarder wretch understands he has a problem letting go and his friend Tony is on hand to help make decisions I hope that I would have a positive role in influencing courage as to what he should keep well Cheers all of it but I know that at the end of the day he has very fond memories with some of these items it a little bit sentimental they won't get rid of everything I think my family believes that I won't be able to shift much stuff I disagree let's see what happens can I help reg Park with his worldly goods and divorce him of a life in storage now what you have in storage I've got pretty much my whole life in that container I mean why are you storing it I'm a bit of a nomad at the moment yeah I was living in the Middle East and I've come back to the UK and basically got nowhere to put it and so I just left it here oh I see and I decided I've got too much stuff anyway because I've been downsizing you want to downsize further or downsize further get rid of a lot of stuff I've been carrying around for many years that I just don't use yes I think it's a great opportunity to have a look because I've not seen it for over 18 months I see some have not even seen for about six years right yeah Tony you up for get stuck in and helping out Road City of course I'll be more than happy to assist reg and throwing away some of his stuff and hopefully deciding on what items that he hates you're trying to sell reg is hoping that the items in his unit could be converted into cash to be for a dream trip I'd like to go to Antarctica yeah see a bit more of the world okay we've met our hoarders in need of my help it's night time for them to come face-to-face with a lifetime of clutter coming up Stephen sorts through two and a half thousand pairs of cufflinks two or three bags done three hundred and fifty to go well reg needs to work on his strategy he got some sort of plan please say you do I don't know [Music] hello and welcome back to story Georges the show where I help people clear up clear it and start the search for hidden cash earlier we met magpie Steven Redmond and his daughter Hayley whose passion for collections outgrew his home and serial hoarder reg king who's locked his whole life away in storage later our antiques expert will take a stroll through their hoards and pick out the treasures from the trash to take to auction first to come face to face with his enormous stash of memorabilia is self-confessed collector holic Steven Wow look at those don't know what's in all of these this looks like it's going to be a long process I don't think I even put I better get in there before they break anything of value oh look at that not beauty you can see why they never made the walls of anywhere I live cotton yeah so did you buy these oh yeah you know this gift edye I've got by them thinking this look this will be really valuable one day and here they are now in a box it'll be interesting to see if the expert laughs out loud like you did or gives me some proper valuation we'll see later if Stevens gifted I have spotted a future investment next to confront his storage predicament is international banker reg and his close friend Toni register longings have been shipped 3,000 miles from Saudi Arabia Wow will you look at that not it's quite a few boxes in there absolutely fantastic this is gonna be fun I hope so this is the first time bretch has been reunited with his worldly goods since they've gone into storage this is my old train sets in the boxes and everything this was probably going back to about 1953 this brings back some childhood memories all good I'm amazed you've kept things like this time for me to help hoarder reg work out just we have to start oh my goodness me you've got such a lot of boxes I know you've got some sort of plan please say you do yes I'm didn't 20 you kidding me 220 yeah that's a lot of boxes that need opening so our plan is very important what we need is a bit of rationalization okay I want you to identify about 20 odd boxes containing stuff that you know you want to look at and maybe let go off to do okay oh good thank you thank you okay let's make a start here then I'm giving a hoarders just a couple of hours to clear their units I want them to split their possessions into three categories keep it for the things they really love skip it for those unwanted pieces and sell it for the things that could make some money I've also added a charity bin for those items too good to throw away we've got two or three rugs right I'll keep this one for sentimental purposes don't fund the same one do you see what she said to me to steal of yeah I'm gonna take this home put it on now and this is where the hard work begins oh it's time for them to get serious with their stuff no idea Stephen and Haley are off to a decisive start sorting Stephens mammoth stash of collectibles while reg and Tony are getting distracted unearthing exotic treasures from far-flung places what's in here this I know what this is that's good you remember this I do remember this you do remember about 34 years ago and I was with you you were in Bangkok Bangkok yes still it's in good condition it's silver yeah yeah it's nice nice nice so he always had to buy a souvenir from each city or country I went to yeah yeah I can remember that I've got fun memories of this that's been around the world a few times hasn't it yes bread can't help buying souvenirs while working overseas and occasionally gets some out of the ordinary gifts - he's unearthed some Arabic paintings with royal connections and has no idea about their value no I wish I could I wish I could but these go back to when I was in Saudi Arabia I had the three of them here yeah and these were painted by HRH Prince Khalid al Faisal so why did he give these to you it was a personal friend uh-huh and we just did a little bit of work together aha and you sent these pieces over to me how amazing they kept quite a lot of space well they do and you know you need quite a big place and so these two have remained in storage and the middle one this one here aha if you look at the back you can see the string lots of string and rope oh yes I had that hanging up in my villa what do these paintings mean to you well they remind me a great deal of the time I spent in Saudi with my friends they bring back fond memories and whilst they're beautiful they're also a little bit big yes for your minimalist new format absolutely so I was thinking perhaps somebody could take them out take them over and use them or enjoy them as much as I have aha so you thinking that you might sell these paintings I'm seriously considering it yes I do that under advisement contemporary Arabic art is increasingly sought after by London's wealthy Arab elite so to get an idea of the true value of registers I've sent him to speak to an expert on the subject gallery curator Jamie Dylan it's a great honor to be given these by a Saudi prince but I keep downsizing and I really don't have anywhere for them yeah anymore it seems such a terrible shame just to keep them in a garage well what it is a tragedy of course yeah you have something very important there yeah so I was pleased to see them now you know that Prince Charles and him are obviously but very good friends yes closest friends yes they both paint yes both um very senior Royals like Prince Charles these paintings never really get solved they give them to their closest friends yeah they give them two very good sons hmm people they've trusted in the Arab world art is very important very important to their culture and I know a little bit about this particular artist hmm and he's very important in his position within the art world yeah Saudi citizens would love to own these I think you know in a similar gallery near Knightsbridge I wouldn't be surprised if I saw on each painting of anything between 15 and 20,000 that's what I think Wow amazing that is a staggering valuation and red could be sitting on 60,000 pounds worth of art so is he now tempted to sell when I went in I had absolutely no idea about their worth and to me to be quite honest with you though that the sentimental value is worth a lot more than that actually it was a great honor to be gifted those paintings but I'll have to rethink now because they're worth so much money and it seems a terrible shame just to keep them in storage I think my next plan of action is to have a good think I don't think I'll let them all go I might keep one we'll see I just got no idea at this moment in time I'm sending the state of shock reg has some serious soul-searching to do but at least he wants these valuable paintings to be admired and not locked away in a storage unit [Music] meanwhile back in North London Stephen has uncovered his treasured collection of cufflinks all two-and-a-half thousand of them some of these cufflinks will wear for ladies I think amazing so fragile small I could be here for weeks oh look at the vices look women looked as a can-can dancer and wine champagne poker or gambling and horse-racing yeah well oh well two or three bags done 350 to go Stephen has been adding to his extensive collection for over 22 years so when did this collecting of cufflinks start well I didn't know it was gonna be a collection but my father gave me a pair and when I was about 14 it wasn't really until I am gained a management position in my career that I bought a new suit and ended up with a French cuff shirt and wearing one pair but it wasn't going to do it for me I thought I could you know stretch to two nostrils to know how a thousand yeah and wear them so that they match my pocket handkerchief or my tie so I could look dapper and so generally you're not buying new ones I never buy new occasionally I get someone as gifts but the older is the better for me and there's more character in them as well so no I don't buy new I want them to be antique I a hundred years old or you know certainly getting that way what's the most you've ever spent on a pair of cuff link about round about a thousand pounds some I may have spent three pounds on may be worth a lot more than that know if there is value in his cufflinks Stephen may well be tempted to sell the clock's ticking and I want to help Stephen and Hayley sort through the last of their items I like Kara at sea directing all the operations you know is that right yeah well it's a good job the girls are here to help carry the loot isn't it Steven Balian storage it's not being used no such charity shop Steven isn't the only collector in the family Hayley has also found a box of her whimsy figures and they're straight on to the cell pal meanwhile regice forecast on the job in hand and has unearthed an unusual metal dragon and some ornamental chess sets to sell I play chess yes yes these are more just for looking at and appreciating that's good work rich so what else are you prepared to part with the maps of the UAE in Abu Dhabi they were quite expensive at the time their proper cartographers maps but they can probably go however his ability to not let go soon comes to light this is my microscope your microscope Oh what you do with your microscope you look at things in it all right Regus microscope isn't it beautiful do you actually use it no if I hadn't looked at something for 20 years I'm not sure where I would be keeping it going forward I can't believe anyone would say that ridges of order go on then wreck you can't keep that with just minutes to go reg and Tony have pulled together a smallish sail pearl but it looks very good quality while Stephen and Haley have decluttered and downsized they've got a skipper to get rid of and plenty of items to sell but there's one sentimental snapshot of the past that steven has rediscovered which is definitely a keeper I mean you sounded almost surprised to find that in still sexy though and modest oh yeah I've always been that as well as pictures of a dapper Steven that are also magical memories of the sister he lost over 40 years ago now my sister was killed a year later sadly she was killing 20 so did you have a strong memory for your sister oh I do indeed she was the third youngest sister and therefore the sister closest to me and how old were you when she died 14 and she was what 20 20 yeah yeah oh yeah mum and dad never forget the Dalek on mum and dad's face when the police said she'd gone yeah absolutely so important they're not gonna go back in story Jay yes definitely that's a lovely find for Steven and one definitely worth taking home coming up our antiques expert tom kean Skara shareholders sell piles and estimates the value of Stephens cufflinks and we see how the items fair at auction good start [Music] welcome back to storage orders I'm helping to hoarders in need face their past sort through their stash and decide whether to keep skip or sell their belongings to help recoup some of the money they spent on storage I've called in antiques expert Tom King to troll through their sale piles and find any treasures to take to auction our first duty tortoise - to go under Tom's microscope is magpie Steven after running out of room to house his vast collection of books paintings and cufflinks Steven resorted to storage will Tom uncover any hidden gems it's a funny mixture really there's loads of cufflinks is like valuable there's some books that are quite valuable and these pictures are quite interesting unusual not my taste but I can see the value in them yeah a lot of people won't like them but other people will actually love these be made out of the birds feathers and I suppose let's be cautious a 60 or 80 pounds of the pair of those these pictures are not to my taste but Tom thinks they could fetch a good price at auction how about the books what do you think of the html's one interesting interesting sign on the inside these would have to go in front of a book specialist yes the table here mm-hmm 1930s Oh nineteen thirties nineteen thirties oak body twist leg with a PI cross top I mean that's Oh doesn't it yes sounds fantastic used to be at 80 100 pounds ten years ago and you say 20 quid no sir never give you twelve and that's why it's worth 12 quid twelve pounds that's not the greatest amount but Tom spotted something hidden at the back of the unit that could bring in a bit more cash I'll handle it easy Holly no they're good aren't they used five hundred quid or two well let's give it a go that's all left if you're looking being in storage yeah I'd say you've got a few thousand pounds yeah yeah five hundred pounds for the sofas that's more like it with Hailey's help Stephan has done a great job divorcing himself of the collections he's amassed over the past 40 years among the items going to auction are a 1930s oak table a large collection of porcelain animals from the 50s 60s and 70s and a pair of brown leather sofas also going to option a the signed HG Welles book and the whole collection of bird pictures that are not my favorites but Tom thinks it could be very attractive at auction lastly it's Stephens ever-expanding collection of cufflinks will Tom think that is top dollar in them turn our first pieces of gaff wings and you want to collect more money just I love wearing them and if you're collecting like I am you can collect thousands of these and keep it the collection relatively small you've got loads of gold this is a good boss could make a Gower and Coe they came out of the house of Dame I guess a Christie as well they're a failure people will be doing in there oh I was in Exeter and there was a big sale from Greenaway to her home they came up in the auction and I got them I got them for a hundred and ten pounds so that was good mmm that was how long ago was that Oh ten years maybe I'll bet you get five to eight hundred pounds of these at least Wow good problems might be a thousand I mean there's five hundred pounds now in the weight it looks like Stephen has been quite shrewd with surface purchases cufflinks have existed since the 1700s and they became very popular in the early 20th century currently vintage clothing and accessories are very fashionable so there should be a lot of interest in Stephens cufflinks to find out more Thomas arranged for Stephen to meet cufflinks expert Ian toning I see you've got our cufflinks and the availa chance to take a look at them absolutely fantastic collection here you have really hunted high-end learners to get a collection that is there's a big market here for collecting you know but they've got to be of a really high standard because people want cufflinks for investment not just to look at so on this tray you have diamond ones gold ones and what you've got here is pretty good you know it's like the mixed ruby emerald tourmaline sapphire with diamond edges to them people like a bit of Flash now you know and I would put my money into that sort of thing rather than the metal and gimmicky things because they'll be slower to sell whereas the real gold ones will good quality silver ones we Souths great Stevens decided to hold on to his absolute favorites but with so many in this collection that are still plenty of interest for Ian I've picked out like the coin ones here the gold coins there's gold ones in here accumulated then in one sort of area that's gold and these are gold ones and a very pretty very saleable I would think we are talking about somewhere in the region of eight hundred two thousand pounds on this tray yeah good that sounds good so my collectings paid off thousand pounds that's a great result and after taking a further look through Stephens collection some silver ones catch Ian's eye - that's another 150 pounds into the kitty so with Tom's help they'd already quit sin you've had a very good day and we're going away happy yeah money well Steven if you're happy I'm happy let's hope he has the same luck with his other items at auction [Music] our antiques expert tom kean is on hand to guide stephen through the auction process well Stephen what do you think we'll sell today well I'm interested in whether the pie crust table will make the 12 pound you thought it would and of course the the feather around birds you know Aggie didn't like your framed pictures of bird I know she make that planes I think she's not up on the bin I think I'll make at least a hundred pounds I hope anyway is there anything you're sort of iffy about selling not at all as you know these all these things have been up and down the country with me over decades so no just delighted to let them go the options about to begin there's just time to find out what today's auctioneer and Nick Carter thinks of Steven's Lots starting with his feathered friends my thoughts for feather pictures are that they're just so dated they're not the sort of thing that the modern market wants I just don't fit in with modern interiors I think the sofas will do okay today they're the sort of thing we sell every week in our modern sale room and blether sofas they make 250 300 350 pounds every week the lot I think we'll do best out of the grouping ease the volume side by HG Wells I think a series of signatures got to be worth fifty close let's hope he's right so first up the pie crust oak table which Tom estimated at 12 pounds 35 is now bid 35 I got a bid on the room they're at 35 going going gone you got your stuff good start we're off to a great start 35 pounds is nearly three times Torme's estimate let's see if Haley's large collection of porcelain animals estimated at 100 pounds will also poke a few pennies anyone want to bid me 84 all of these weighed wimzie's does anyone want to bid me 80 pounds so those aren't sold at 80 not sort at 80 pounds and the leather sofas also feel to attract a bid however the signed HG Wells book does make her comfortable 45 pounds finally it's the feathered bird pictures I'm not that keen on but Tom Lynx will attract a good price let's see if they fly 130 160 180 200 mm you yes two's bid good this is fantastic 300 junior 320 fine harmful I'm gonna go three times 320 pounds 320 320 so the bird pictures really took off and it just goes to show how much I know well Steven that was up and down wasn't it it was how do you feel well I really enjoyed the birds going for 320 pounds I thought that was great I paid nothing like that for them but it is you can't predict what's in a hand - who wants something the valuation goes out the window I thought 100 pounds of your lucky Maggie thought a big job yeah and we got 320 pounds other one we got you now as we now after Commission Steven has made 320 pounds from his items at auction add to this the eleven hundred and fifty pounds he made selling his cufflinks and his grand total amounts to one thousand four hundred and seventy pounds and if he does manage to clear his storage unit he'll be saving well over 400 pounds a year hospitals remaining unsold items steven has decided to try as like at a specialist auction that's what I like to hear you've enjoyed the whole experience of storage holders yes well I'm a collector Tom rather than a hoarder but that apart yes it's been great and as you know I've got a lot less hoarded now and the best moment for you I suppose me and Haley just coming down together and recognizing everything in those containers final meeting Aggie but there you are yeah I did think about that but she didn't like those birds I threw you yeah absolutely so not only a Steven managed to confront his hoarding habit collectible items have also paid dividends great news for both him and his daughter Haley let's hope our next hoarder regem as just as much luck coming up tom rifles through register sessions he came from Saudi Arabia he he's a boy oh gotta and the auction has everyone on tenterhooks welcome back to storage orders I've been helping two people decide whether to keep skip or sell the contents of their storage units earlier in the program magpie Stephen and daughter Haley made a great seal on his collection of cherished cufflinks and had a successful day at auction next up is international banker reg who's kept all his worldly possessions locked up in transit for years on end costing him thousands of pounds oh my goodness me you've got such a lot of boxes but he has rediscovered some Arabic art that surprised us all each painting anything between 15 and 20 thousand even with an impressive valuation registeel undecided whether to part with the gifts from the society prints our antiques expert Tom keen has got a closer look at the items on Wretch's sale pal will they be any more valuable treasures to surprise us now Tom a ridge here it's got treasures from all around the world and I'm very excited why because I think it's so different from anything I've ever seen before hey why some interesting things isn't there a lot look at this what can you tell me about the gun the rifle the rifle well he came from Saudi Arabia he he's a boy Oh got her and it was made in the UK now this shows me it's a percussion cap okay may you up after the Flynn knocks about 1830 this rifle 1830 1840 that's all periods hate agonal barrel not too heavy either the fills on the back of Camelbak you know yeah yeah nomadic herdsmen use these still some of these okay this rifle is worth a hundred fifty to two hundred fifty pounds that's a good start so what about wretches rugs you've got some nice rugs here I'm here I have thank you yes where'd you get these from Saudi Arabia and Dubai but these are this this is Iranian this one isn't it correct that's Iranian yes or no thanks certainly these two are really worth going to work with anything else you'd like to know about sake yes I mean what your colors over there there's a set of four oh the Caniff yes looking if it was an arab lane no no no it's a French name I don't know the artists but you can see she's heavily influenced by Picasso face the ways done I don't know the artist and I handled quite a lot of art so I wouldn't have said there's a lot of value but they're probably decorative value only original paintings by lindalequesne II often sell for thousands of pounds but these are lighter graphs which is a type of print their estimated option value is between 75 and 100 pounds each the other items Tom's picked out to take to auction are a 19th century middle-eastern percussion cap rifle a rare Afghan pictorial rug a twentieth-century ish vihan rug a collection of six chess sets by studio and Carlton and for Chinese frame propaganda prints lastly Thomas uncovered a collection of book plate maps that have gotten quite excited I like this I like this a lot John speed John speed map now very often if you see a book plates something to be afraid from a book plate it would read the value of the price but as most of John speeds maps were made as book plates it's quite normal and then how do we know it's a book player you tell me okay so a creature like that a little bit oh yes John speed was the first English pan ever to produce a world atlas so he was working in the late 17th early 18th century six three hundred pounds a good auction eczema asthma for it and it should fly out the door that what do you know about this I just picked that up about 20 years ago can you remember how much you paid I don't think I probably paid a couple of hundred for aha that's why you do quite were that one then antique maps are very popular investment pieces at the moment because rare Jones thought of them I want him to get an expert opinion on their history and value so sent reg and Tom to a specialist map show up to meet expert Philip Curtis John speed the most valuable all V is it the other maps around he's one of them at setting the most sought-after the reason being he was the first Englishman and a rather basic thing for collectors he's also in English so the text is understandable to the english-speaking collectors which cover America so he's always been very sought-after maps produced by John speed are very much in demand as well as valuable some can even cost up to a million pounds so what's the value of register if I was an auctioneer I would like to put it in at a seven hundred to a thousand I would hope it might make fifteen hundred that sort of range as a historical map it is not as sought-after as some of them as it were contemporary maps because it's not showing the world as speed thought it was what it's showing is the Roman world as he thought it was I told you have no good didn't to have one sought-after map in such a small collections great news for a range but to have two is even better this is by Robert Dudley is from the first cialis ever done on the caters projection this is a nice example of a Dudley map it's the coast of China in the region of a thousand to fifteen hundred even two thousand pounds would there be good investment to keep john speeds got one of the great names Robert Dudley fascinating rare interesting maps an interesting man and it's a very interesting area and there are several million millionaires who may well want a map so I would've thought both those are very good things to hold on to I must admit I've always had those maps out and they don't take too much space and they're always a talking point so let's see I think about it register sided to keep order this maps for now it's auction time and I want to know if he's also made a decision on selling his valuable Arabic paintings so Rachel here's some interesting valuations on those paintings yes the Saudi paintings it was absolutely unbelievable Jamie came in at 15 to 20 thousand pounds at auction on a good day and on a super day said up to 50 he knows a number of private buyers he thinks might be interested in them so watch this space let's hope he makes a tidy sum on them how do you feel about everything being sold today I'm very excited I don't think it's gonna make a big hole in the front say no but I reckon I've been doing some sort of mental arithmetic I reckon about a thousand fifteen hundred pounds which is a little bit less than I'd hoped for and go towards my trip to Antarctica here's to register it's really flying today we just have time to find out what auctioneer Steven Hearn thinks of them well Wretch's entries is presented me as the auctioneer with bit of a challenge from the composite chess sets to Chinese propaganda I would like to have had registar pits which he's got entered five years ago they would have done extremely well but the carpet trays bit of a decline just at the present time they are very very interested in the Afghan carpet particularly also if all else fails we've got Reggie's rifle a good Arab rifle something probably 120 years old but it still looks as how it could do the job it had to and there are collectors for this type of rifle we're going to see over 100 pounds for it no doubt well the auctions are about to start how exciting is that good luck thanks so much you all need a little bit of that right now we get on to something slightly different it's the moment of truth as wages items go under the hammer and he's eager to see his thing's converted into a ticket to Antarctica first up the frame Chinese propaganda pitch Tom estimated them at 75 200 pounds each let's see what the bidders make of the first one going into Madeline at 100 yeah that's a great price for one and the next to sell just as quickly that's 300 pounds in the bank reg also sells three of his life a graft Prince adding another 225 pounds to the pot next up is one of the chess sets collected from registra bowls why do there's a chess set what about hundred pounds for it thank you 40 I bid for that one then a five and fifty I have it fifty at the way back then from Adam no more she says you all said sir 450 pounds thank you fifty pounds that's a great result and the other three are just as popular making a fantastic total of 210 pounds well reg had just as much luck with the Arabian rifle 90 pounds and a hundred surely that one yes I thought so hundred pounds thank you 100 pounds reg is going great guns blast under the hammer are the exotic drugs no one bits for the first two so all eyes are on the Afghan pictorial rug can reg end on a high 60 bid are you 70 bit five selling 375 then thank you 375 parents are some fantastic into proceedings and I hear that reg is more where they came from I've got about another 20 in storage auction reg may have some way to go before he empties his unit but at least he's on the right track and after commission he's made it amazing 1076 pounds 90 at auction that will go a long way towards his Antarctic adventure an average continues to downsize and completely clear out his unit he could also put a yearly storage saving of over 750 pounds towards it too it's a bit of a mixed bag there wasn't it some sort some didn't paintings and the posters all moved the musket went yes so they just hit reserves but it doesn't matter they've moved and that's the most important thing to make a bit more room and that's the object of the exercise machine accomplished so do you think now that you've started on this road do you think you'll be able to continue yourself absolutely I've bitten the bullet I know what to do mm-hmm and I'm gonna go and do it it would be great fun good for you reg that's what I like to hear well what fantastic result some of the most valuable hidden treasures we found on storage hoarders so far it just goes to show what could be hiding away Joe and me Aggie McKenzie next time on storage orders to wade through that stash to find the hard cash
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Id: MvnnxswU-ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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