I Have Storages In Two Continents | Storage Hoarders | Only Human

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[Music] we Brits are a nation of obsessive collectors across the country that are stood at units training at the seams groaning garages and stuffed garden chips Wow I got how much stuff I had one two dreams a director's chair past lives [Music] untoward baggage and we're drowning in it all these thing but among the clutter in the junk my mission is to find buried treasure fifteen hundred to a thousand pounds oh gosh unlock memories there's a lot of memories and toolboxes and turn trash into cash to 60 to 70 to 80 [Music] welcome to the world of storage hoarders today our first holder is retired teacher irene Tucket with containers and two continents from the u.s. to the UK she's joined by son and deputy headmaster Chris her holding price tag over 4,000 pounds two units two years too many it's just become such a huge toss that I can't even start it irene lives in Leatherhead in surrey literary figures Jane Austen Edward Lear and CS Lewis once lived nearby Irene's had a well-traveled life and racked up a lot of storage in the process I've lived in 22 different houses in my life moved about 25 times or together when you move around a lot you can't hold on to places you can't hold on to people so you hold on to things that was in Washington DC it's very Russian yep she lives with her son Chris he's a minimalist not keen on clutter I don't think that she's that she's necessary a hoarder but she's definitely a collector she likes purchasing items antiques fairs sometimes on the internet on eBay knickknacks from other countries so we used to live in Australia and I'm used to live in France and if she goes traveling then she always bring back items she hasn't had had anyways put them so they've ended up in the storage unit and the storage units got more and more full of items I started off with a large storage unit and thought that would be enough for my needs but then I found that I needed to remove some extra goods over and therefore I took a second smaller one on a temporary basis and that was about 18 months ago so temporary looks like becoming permanent but let's face it if things have sat there for two years I can't really need them can I Irene's mother recently passed away acquiring more stuff has made her worry about the looming legacy of her mounting lot it's brought home to me how hard it is to find a home for other people's goods and I wouldn't like my children to be left with what I've got in storage it wouldn't be fair to him Irina's Keynes make some hard cash from sorting her goods it's part of a mission it's very close to her heart involving her Belgian mother Chris and I intend to go back to Ostend with my mother's ashes and scatter them and this money would be put to that purpose the question is can I get her een to turn at all her trinkets from her travels overwhelmed oh my goodness children's toys with all this tat I hope there's something of value here is someone's grandmother's chair from Missouri Chris what you think we've got another one in the flat and it just seems to take up space too much baby yes I think that one should go yeah fasten your needs it is yes Chris may not like the grandmother chair but I wonder whether the beautiful carving may be worth something hoarding Queen Irene's also hoping to find items from our own grandmother but we'll need to dig deep among the dust [Music] next up Linda Bren this antique dealers daughter has a Magpies eye while accountant husband David is determined for her to account for her ways half a decade of boxed up belongings have racked up roughly 7,000 pounds for the brains it's just a convenience one might almost say an indulgence to put things in there they live in Red Hill and Surrey once home to the mph Rina curry and the singer Katy Mel Uwe they're hoping to recent cash by selling off their storage I've had my storage unit for five years - stole my mother's paintings and my mother's things when she moved from her flat to residential home my mother died in 2010 and after that I thought well I'm responsible for getting rid of everything then but didn't get around to it I still haven't got around to it it's got bigger and bigger and more and more things in it I don't remember what's in there and I've got to do something about it well husband David thinks enough is enough it's got too much stuff in it and it's got out of control it's a shock horror situation to see how things just been put in over the years it's so much easier just to close the door on the stores you know again I say we'll come back another day and perhaps we do come back another day oh Linda does and adds a little bit more to the store we do have a grandchild in the offing so any money could go to also helping the parents Linda's like time and inclination since her mother passed away can I get the Browns motivated to start their store the fact is waiting through heartfelt hordes can be a taxing task so how you feeling a bit worried about this yes I haven't seen any of it for a very long time this is where we normally shut the door and go right snapped like a true hoarder we can see Linda's been adding to it bit by bit this is going to be a shock to the back of it your grandmother's things oh my goodness this a little laughing do it back isn't it mm-hmm doesn't the problem is a lot of these things are from Linda's family and no great value but the sentimental value is going to be a bit hard okay little bit sighs I think tear-jerking for them very well we'll tackle that miss my grandma's mandolin when she was young she went down the hill on her bite too fast and fell off at the end and broke her hand and was told that a musical instrument instrument would give her movement back in it so she got the mandolin there we go the mandolin strikes a sentimental chord with Linda it seems her storage here is a real window on her past my mother was a very keen artist and lots of these boxes contain her paintings how many do you think that I I should think about 30 30 40 I remember this one hanging up at home with that subject I called must be a constable well that's not the weight of paint looms large here moving beyond mums and even grandmother's memories is going to stay more than a pic through this pile coming up Irene's unearthing some beauties among the bubble wrap we've just found my grandmother sewing box oh my and Linda starts making music from her storage but will our hoarders hit the high notes at auction if I see 842 we're here looking into the hoarding lives of two couples their tale too much tat too many trinkets I've set them a challenge to declutter earlier we touched on the tackett's retired teacher Irene is joined by deputy headmaster son Chris well-traveled mom is now living with her son and a sport at 4 grand in storage the remnants of four houses four continents and now all in the past news stuck in a box then there are the Browns Linda and David it's her family that's left her with a payload of packing but is there anything of value here boo and some jewelry our hoarders need some hand-holding I've asked them to categorize the clutter heap is for the heap you don't want to lose Skip for the stuff you want to tip sell for items worth vlogging and charity for items too good to check later we'll meet Tom keen a veteran in vintage he'll be looking into their storage and crying out if he sees any collectibles worth pedaling I think that's one a definite point with attitudes like Irene's I've given them a time limit to kick their tap into touch first I've gotten some hard helps and move their boxes to a bigger space I can't believe how much stuff they've got to shift once later Irene's unpacked hoard is a traveler's tale from an American lobster to French brie Conte a two de-stresser that's for sure while Linda's is a family time capsule taped up memories and repacked recollections to sort this teacher's hoard has been in detention too long is going to be a real test for Irene but can't you think quickly and clear the clutter this is gonna take forever but it doesn't take long before the Tucket start breaking open the boxes come on Irene let's make a good start to having your hoard [Music] charity not the first too many you Taylor a Kris and all those cuddly toys Chris is even convinced Irene they should all go [Music] that might be worth something when it's all later she's having issues parting with her past the teacher needs one of my tough lessons and stockpile psychology are you feeling okay I could probably move a lot of stuff back into the keep pile but I won't mom definitely wants to check that out by think when it's all out in front of you then you it's actually harder to do it than you think it's gonna be so I think if you think about whether you really really need it and will actually use it in reality rather than maybe so no indecision here we need clear thinking yeah as well well they're from Australia's trouble getting rid of things that are souvenirs of the past right sort of sentimentality now what would you think me earlier about the past when we had a little chat yeah I'm not the curator of my past yes that's right do you want to be the curator of your past let's continue in this I'd better stay and help irene interest sentimentality and storage are the closest of relatives the storage has spoken a remarkable 22 house moves lives across four continents Irene's catalogued them all here in her hoard and what about this all those are from America I get so sentimental about American things he was that a happy time in your life I liked it because it was something I achieved on my own you know the things associated with that quite dear to me the lovely lobster in the corner can be representative of that time can't he so can my lovely face so can your lovely place indeed it's just that there's a limit isn't there Wow my grandmother's lying box isn't seeing that for so many years when I was a child I used to love that so did she actually use it as a sewing box or the same stris yes and a younger days Oh Oh hold on a baby picture mm-hmm who's this idea might be my father my name is a pain what a cheese fearsome-looking women you are driving license in here John Holcomb bowling that was my father yes from 70 to 73 mm-hmm they were tiny whoa this is a real antique then isn't it yes and certainly in terms of worth it has a huge sentimental with me I think biz needs more investigation so I've sent Irene to see pallbearers at his family-run antiques business of more than 20 years he can hopefully shed more light on the box and maybe even needle her into selling what a lovely box and in reasonable condition what do you know about it it was my grandmother's sewing box and she was a seamstress and when I was a child I was quite fascinated by this box because she used to keep all sorts of treasures in it just lean it backwards a little bit you can see the beautiful silk thread that's making it into a cushioned silk no doubt at all that that's the original very nice very nicely cushioned and I have no reason to debt that isn't original either they match really quite nicely yeah absolutely I mean the sun's not got to that it always been very protected and I think it was lifting well cared-for same color lining has the rest lovely actually this box would be classed as being a table cabinet okay and would date from the middle part of the 19th century so if we said between 1850 and 1860 right I think would be pretty close to that every self-respecting Victorian household had a sewing box in good condition today they can fetch more than 500 pounds from the 19th century some sewing boxes became extremely luxurious as women's leisure time dominated the upper classes the top-notch ones were adorned with rose walnut and satin wood as well as mother-of-pearl and were known as embroidery necessaries but a box like this be rare Paul would it be collectible rare it isn't collect abilities would you have any idea about value to get this up to tip-top condition it will want some work do nice I notice there's some dents there's losses of the of the finish there's dents on the back here when it's fully completed and restored and looking the best that it can possibly be it would probably be somewhere around about 250 pound so at the moment it would obviously be less than that yes because it's got to be restored I'm happy with it just as it is I know there are defects with the box but they don't matter to me and I would never ever consider selling it that'll be a no from hoarding Queen Irene now it's time to unravel the Browns baggage the family time capsule is raising more questions than answers for David things like this what's all this stuff over here Linda they look overwhelmed I think it's time for a pep talk among the packaging I think it'll be fine actually as long as you keep focus and are able to make quick decisions just flow through just think about what you really want to keep what you really really will use yes yes her mother's paintings gathering dust raises more questions but Linda's had a brainwave on what to do with them I think when he's ever all sort of separate discussion about your mum's paintings I have had thoughts about them okay near us at home they've got a Headley Court it's for people who amputees getting back to life again mm-hmm and I did wonder about selling them because they're local pictures and the money to go to hefty court sounds like a plan for the paintings another hang-up for hoarders biblio mania books can be hard to throw or give away we have a lot of books at home apart from all these and I tossed it out how old I would have to be to read them all and it got new to 300 so so should we just move all the books over into the charity pow yeah yes I'm glad it broke in the back of Linda sorting but is there any value among the hoard there must be something we could lift from the luggage [Music] what's the story behind the egg this was actually given to me by a school friend who married and moved to Switzerland mm-hmm is that more than that other phone yeah and where's it being all this time it was at home for a bit but it's quite hard to display yes before long yes yes I'm afraid it did get relegated to this times ticking for the two teams all this decision-making is certainly a taxing task keep scales chef certain good you're gonna use that one I think this one no the one moving some awful parrot not such a pretty boy no I hope there's going to be enough to sell for Irene interest to take mom's ashes to Ostend and for Linda and David Teresa money for their grandchild with the pile almost perfected Linda's come across another musical memory from her collection her grandfather's accordion which he used to play alongside Linda's grandmother with her mantel in Oh does that bring back memories yes yes it's a shame I can't do better with it really I thought as it's been in store for so long it would be the fellows would be broken there don't seem to be would you think about selling it I did think I was going to sell it but I don't think I feel like selling it now time is up keep sale and charity was the aim for the Tucket and the brains I'm glad Irene finally came clean with a lot of her clutter but the retired teacher should do detention for her keep pal charities are going to do well from the Browns not surprising when you keep on adding to storage over five years I hope our collectors cell pal will reveal some hidden treasures that they can convert to hard cash coming up will our experts predicted excitement for Irene's China materializer auction people will pay more for a Cold War tender if I get a little bit more going on and there's a jaw dropping surprised when we bite into Linda's lot crown sovereigns complete this morning so much I see and it's hammer time with freeing nerves at auction [Music] we're on the trail of two space invaders the goal is to turn them into space savers gloop trotting Irene and son Chris desperately want to slim her storage 22 houses 25 moves and a 4,000 pound splurge on space ouch and the Browns retired Linda and husband David he's well browned off for the bumper boxes it's an ancestral store they're keen to sort it's time for antiques expert Tom keen to cast his discerning eye on a tacit storage because two decades of experience is a lot they can learn well good luck through the items there's some nice things here not really really valuable there's enough to get you a good weekend away somewhere clanked and Bournemouth Brighton if you like return thank you so if we start we got this quite nice-looking patchwork quilt down there what do you know about that I know that it was handmade in Melbourne Australia and that it is a representation of typical Australian houses and some city houses and some outback houses it's really pretty so well made these are still very now going into vintage looking house something and I think that will do quite well on auction aisle estimated that one to two hundred pounds a lot of time and money goes into making those and hopefully people will realize it's it's got that or value to it and you've got the cups and saucers yes I think they're very pretty yes they'll do the same there's two factories one's a really good English factory called coal port and that began since the late 18th early 19th century there's also a Japanese factory made an English star for the Victorian our Museum now the coal port really more available in the Japanese factory so you're talking about 10 pounds a cup and also for the coal port and five pounds that comes also for the Japanese I think we sold in to lots of alter no because people will pay more for the cold water and you might get a bit of a bidding war going on there copies are in the 18th to 19th century-style but obviously late late twentieth century and there's two more things right down the front of the table we've got some nice staying large panels both of different periods this one is obviously a modern stained glass panel stylized their boat in their yacht you see all the metalwork we restore ground there that's quite colorful quite pretty look at this earlier so 1910 looking stained glass panel now if you look at this sort of design very Art Deco and before that you know a company called Moorcroft Moorcroft Potteries uses our baby pottery that's a sort of clouds they put in their pottery yeah so William or coffee using the design so that's quite stylistic and unfortunate as a few little cracks and the other pains I just looked at but they're still collectible and I think you'll probably get about fifty or sixty pounds less ooh the items Tom are selected to take to option from Irene's horrid are the handcrafted quote from the land down under fired at 100 to 200 pounds the corporate porcelain set of 11 cups and saucers could fetch between sixty and eighty pounds and those Victoria and Albert Museum collection cups from Japan 30 to 40 pounds Tom was also taken by three small 1930s stained glass panels the three are valued at up to 60 pounds lastly there was also a koala porcelain figurine fired up to 30 pounds and an art deco vase for a similar price yet there was one item Tom was keen to hear more about I know you like this shade on you I do like this chair yes because I'm fond of American colonial items and I very much like the the press work there I think it deserves closer inspection so I sent them to see Kim Babcock who runs an antique shop in Birmingham to find out more thank you for taking the time to see us okay I mean what's the provenance relating to your chair where does it come from I got a pair of these chairs from a gentleman in London and at the time I bought them he told me that they were his grandmother's chairs from Missouri it's easy to take this because the spindles didn't appear until after 1865 it's a Roman style spindle on the front here the supports are turned again their spindles you have two supports their 19th century chairs from Regency to Chippendale can fetch thousands of pounds one of the most expensive ever was sold over 17 million pounds chairs made of hardwoods like mahogany or oak can last for centuries a British Windsor chairs are the most popular here so Kim wanted to compare hers with Irene's American chair I was really hoping that you know winter journey famine force do you know much about this chain tell us about it's a very popular chairs been around for quite a few years you see a lot of them this one unfortunately it's not a genuine one it's a reproduction there's an easy way of saying this one's a reproduction - oh this jointed as I hear that's been pressed together were the original ones we have more of a growing up this running through it but the whole thing will be Elm but there is a design fault there is a design fault with them it's predominantly in the back of the chair when they bend the wood to get to that shape because it puts a lot of pressure on the wood it creates a crack that can crack and that sadly is what's happening in this case yeah you see it starting to go there Konya unlike the American chair here Tom can you turn the chairs for me yes turn them around so we can see the back of the legs at the back okay with the Windsor chair you've got the spindle turned at the back yeah with your American chair it's just a straight leg there's no turning as there is on the front it's just a straight leg down right well would that be oh it's a cost factor it makes it more economical to produce so Kim what do you think the value is of this chair I think the value of this chair is going to be in the region of about forty five pounds at auction I don't think in its current state you're going to get much more for it to be perfectly honest with you with that kind of price tag the two Mizzou D chairs are more valuable in Irene's house van at auction I think the chair will now go home with me to be reunited with its partner where they can live happily together and that pleases me we've now come to the option house if Irene's going to take that trip to Belgium she's going to have to treat tough with her stuff so you excited about today it's going to be a very interesting experience I've never been to an auction before right are you ready for disappointment as well oh definitely sure I'm always ready for disappointment well I hope you won't be and good luck the bidders are starting to buzz time to get some insight into Irene's Lots auctioneering rouse the gavel guru tells us what sells Irene got some small lots of ceramics predominantly there later in date than things that perhaps we often them sell but that isn't necessarily a bad thing there's a nice little set of modern coffee cans and sources which are really pretty decorated they've got a fairly conservative estimate on them so with any luck somebody will see the potential in those I think she will certainly get a couple of good results on cross shop we've come a long way since first opening up Irene's container and now it's auction time for some items that are reserve prices it's the lowest value she's willing to sell the law at auction so are you ready for this I am yes excited yes but just chance to concern I don't have great expectations first up the 1930 stained glass panels Tom's estimate 50 to 60 pounds start me 20 pounds to go 20 22 25 28 28 pounds for stained glass with me at 28 28 pounds it didn't make the reserve price from the floor today not a good start for Irina vintage is in maybe the Aussie quilt work will weave wonders mr. keen was exactly that on this item up to 200 pounds let's start this point 50 pounds for it the patchwork quilt 50 pounds 55 55 pounds then 55 pounds with me at 55 no more interest then no more 55 pounds then sorry okay good for you I mean good not sold it's that reserve price again come on Irene Belgium or bust the Victorian Albert Museum Japanese cups are next up with no reserve I hope they don't go too cheaply 20 pounds stop me for the mix lock 20 I'm bid in the middle of the room I can sell them for 20 pounds you all done finished 28 30 32 35 45 45 pounds here the lady there at 45 anybody else 45 that's better and 5 pounds over Tom's top estimate all we don't a rule with China 60 to 80 pounds was the benchmark for the corporate collection start meeting 30 pounds to go that's young bid thank you 32 35 38 anybody else 50 pounds 175 even after Tom and Williams interest they didn't do as well as expected but at least they sold 450 pounds Eirene also saw the Koala figured in for 30 pounds on the Art Deco virus for 25 [Music] sue what did Irene make of the auction I think it went pretty much as I expected a key I didn't think I was going to make a fortune out of it and I looked upon it more as an interesting experience and one that I might want to repeat later on by putting other items into auctions I mean nothing went for ridiculously low prices in the end irene sought for items our auction including the corporate porcelain set for 50 pounds and the japanese collection cups at 45 she's tottered at 138 pounds after commission but it's the two storage units if cleared that could save her real money potentially 2,700 pounds a year so have you found the storage hoarders experience valuable it's helped me to get rid of some of the stuff that I really didn't need anymore and I think it's taught me a lesson it'll be a disincentive from my collecting bug that I used to have and do you feel that you're suffering at all because of that no no I think it's liberating how you're gonna spend the money that you've raised so far well I think I've raised enough for Chris and I to take my mom's ashes back to Belgium it's it's a promise and I'll be able to keep that promise that's good Irene plans to sell some of her items online including more chairs and the good news is she's now cleared about half of her main unit and is determined to downsize after the break Linda gets her vintage values could there be a surprising story there's an original painting and auction the bids get their Browns into a right 250 700 750 800 850 earlier on sturdy tortoise we hooked up with Irene and Chris for big jobs oh my goodness storage from four houses and Irene's travels were turned into more than a hundred and thirty pounds of auction she can knighted her mother's ashes back to Belgium while the brands want to build a front for the grandchild with Linda's ancestral antiques hold the answer Tom Keens hoping to have more luck with what the brands have boxed up with over 20 years experience in antiques he knows what the bidder is like at auction now we got three good wine here as well ladies gold watches gold straps as well which is quite good yeah you should get around three to four hundred pounds for those that's irrational at home they get another costume jewelry the set of pearls that paste and are real pearls are all there as well you got another bits of jet meeting ship needs a little gold horseshoe again I'm gonna put 80 to 150 on that lot suit makes and it could double or treble it for various pocket watches various qualities various values now this is the most bulk Center one we this saw once they were quite nice this little continental fob watch a silver cased the 80 200 pounds for all four you'll be doing quite well earlier on I saw this this is a really really good picture frame 18th to 19th century you see the way it's joinder in a bank good cabinet maker made this took about yes then we take it into a different league of picture frames is this is all carved wood it's not gesso applies so now what would they make it auction we've got to put in at one or two hundred pounds that's all the main three or four are we surprised amazing now earlier one was cutting through all the Rings down there we found in various boxes yes there's one curious thing I didn't know what there's about boo it's gone to me what's that it's called crowns melted down crown sovereigns no teeth can see that's what this morning so much I see okay well there's still quite a good value to those you've got a nice old gold that 18 karat one 22 karat and a few nine characters a thousand pounder it looks like Linda's family pass has come up trumps Thomas singled out the 1960s gold Abraham respond to others together about three to four hundred pounds the late Victorian picture frame buys up to 200 pounds while the rings and the gold tooth brought a mammoth bite in terms of value one to two thousand pounds Tom also to the faculty to some costume jewelry going to option 80 to 100 pounds and ticking away for pocket watches also valued at up to a hundred pans last up Tom's single data set is Victorian postal skills at a similar value but it's the egg that stands out for Tom he noticed the design was from a well-known Swiss illustrator from the 60s Celestino Piatti he wants another opinion Lee Benson a key figure in the art market could have the answers oh hey very well how are you Tom Linda Celestino brt indeed do you know much about it Swiss Swiss yes originally do you know he illustrated over 6,000 books and that's amazing that shows popularity doesn't it but is his real fame was for posters a lot from the 60s and he actually got 30 awards for the best posters in Switzerland that's quite an accolade there's only one thing problematical with this if we open it up there's something missing and if it's some switz then you know what it is where's the chocolate yes not guilty this is incredible packaging really yes problem is we know it's not original because if you look at this side we look at this side it's ignant achill therefore it's not the original he may have produced this egg but the Swiss illustrator was famous for his posters and prints they fetch hundreds of parents at options if signed even more it's not an original it's a printed design I think it may be fine twenty-five fifty quid or something like that if it's an original painting let's take the notes on because he's not painting anymore would you like is in addition to your gallery what if it was the original then we can talk shame Lee won't sell it in this gallery it's now creating more questions what are we going to do with the egg are we going to keep it display it in our house see if it's worth selling it's time to get Linda and David down to the auction house on some of their items they've got reserve prices high hopes today yes yes some items we hope will go quite well which one's the golden rings and watches do you have reserves on those yes you do and if you thought about how much money you might make to do how much you'd like to make we begin with some estimates and it would seem to be perhaps that we're looking at 1,500 to 2,000 pounds but that's really is I have to say slightly material it's just getting rid of Linda's stuff that's all I'm interested if they could raise up to 2,000 pounds that's going to make one happy grandchild but what does auctioneer William rice think will make the money the items of jewellery and we've got a whole lot of gold obviously gold will always fetch its gold price at the very least but the the lots which it's got lots of other bits and pieces in it is more interesting and has got the potential for doing that a little bit better but I am famous for being wrong in these situations so you never know time for the hoard to go under the hammer let the bidding begin first in line are pieces of time those four pocket watches one Edwardian eighty to a hundred pounds the estimate here we go what are they worth fifty pounds to go is fifty fifty five fifty five pounds of those 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 90 pounds in the doorway anybody else then doesn't seem a lot 90 pounds 95 right then 95 Justin it 95 pounds gladly spotted that last bidder next up the three gold wristwatches the estimate up to 400 pounds Linda's put a reserve of 300 pounds on them I'll take 260 in the room with me at 250 pounds at 250 anybody else want to come in it still with me then 250 pounds that's it then no bit what a shame the reserve price of 300 pounds scuppered that sale however the balance tipped back in Linda's favor with the postal skills selling at 80 pounds the jewelry's next fired up to a hundred pounds again a reserve this time of 80 let's hook for another sure sale 65 pounds 70 I'll take for the jewelry 65 pounds of meat 70 I'll take anymore interest then 65 pounds of me then 65 unsold because of Linda's reserve twice bitten now but we're still not shy now the late Victorian gilt picture estimated at one to two hundred pounds straight in with the beat of 80 pounds 120 with me 130 140 is my last 150 in the room the frames are right picture price at 150 pounds Tom's advice was spot on the are in bull the crowning glory the gold jewelry valued at up to 2,000 pounds but will our bidders think the same I'm straightening at 650 700 is the next bid 650 700 750 800 850 with me at 800 pound eight hundred pounds eight fifty I'll take 800 pounds anybody else not quite enough thousand pounds pushed this lot in to touch Shane Linda could still have made 800 pounds I have you got a plan for the cash well I didn't tell our daughter that the money that came from the Rings would be her so that's sort of the train fare home their grandchild's fund we'll have to wait until they sell the high value items another time taught it up they saw the healthy five items at auction the Victorian gilt frame did the best at a hundred and fifty pounds add it all up and - the Commission a total of 336 pounds so would you say this has been a beneficial experience for you oh yes certainly quite apart from today which perhaps didn't work out as well as we might have thought the actual turning out of the store who's been fantastic yes storage unit now is slimmed down rather fantastic so you're aiming in the next few weeks to be storage unit three yes do you think he's right yes she's right Linda is now clearing her unit it could save them nearly two thousand pounds a year she managed to sell her mother's paintings at a charity lunch making a hundred pounds for a good cause but the ultimate goal to close her unit completely I'm thrilled our orders have learnt to be smart with storage they've cleared the clutter and cleaned up auction join me Adam McKenzie next time on storage hoarders
Channel: Only Human
Views: 59,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biggest hoarders, hoarders full episodes, hoarders storage units, i bought an antique furniture hoarders storage locker, obsessive compulsive cleaners, only human, only human documentary, spendaholics, storage auction, storage hoarders, storage hoarders antiques, storage hoarders episode 12, storage hoarders full episodes, storage hoarders itv, storage hoarders youtube, storage treasure finds, storage treasures, storage treasures auction, storage wars, only human hoarders
Id: LQtmmfjq_CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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