Goth Girl Addicted to Plush Toys | Storage Hoarders S1 Ep4 | Only Human

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[Music] self-storage is big business and helps create space in our overcrowded homes [Music] but some have taken storage voting to another level Oh clinging on to things they never see or use all my life isn't a storage and it's costing them a fortune we've had the storage for over six years now and we've probably spent almost twenty thousand pounds I'm Maggie Mackenzie and I'm an expert including junk and people's excess baggage this is my mom in fact this is my mom's ashes I'll be asking gorgeous to unlock the doors of their units empty at their stash been a while since we've been here I can smell the mildew and choose to either keep it I'm feeling a little emotional skip it or sell it our antiques expert will then pull out any hidden gems I would give you a check today of eighteen thousand pounds for this plate yes I take two option and make some hard cash in today's show we meet two ladies who simply can't let go you know it makes sense I could can I turn them around you're so misunderstood don't know I despair get them to lighten their load I haven't seen it for so long it's so nice to see them again put it in the bean in the pan and mix them cash from their stash 30 pounds 40 45 50 welcome to storage hoarders I'm in Middlesex to help to feisty females sort through their stuff and hopefully make some cash when they decide to keep it skip it or sell it today's first storage order is Carol Rayner and have frustrated friend Ricky she's a relative newcomer to storage but has quickly totted up two hundred and sixty pounds in the past few months so what's the story obviously when you settle somewhere you acquire new things and every time I move I've got more and more and it's getting a bit out of hand Carol left her native France when she was 20 years old she recently moved into a small one-bedroom flat in Uxbridge just a stone's throw from the world-famous Pinewood film studios as a self-confessed goth you might expect cattle squat to be a chamber of all things dark and grungy but no cuddly toys I'm a sucker for cuddly toys and you seen cute and fluffy they look at me I can't get rid of them I think cuddly toys I've got a soul there goes my reputation despite the lack of space Carol loves to surround herself with her little friends she's a classic hoarder who can't stop collecting and doesn't want to let go of anything the well she'd these days we live in a throwaway society people are just too eager to they've got something and then they can buy something brand-new and the previous thing will love Carol's hoarding comes as no surprise to friend Ricky he helped her move into her new flat and witnessed the amount of stuff she was hanging onto with a lack of space storage was the only answer all my boxes that I keep from when I move because they did come in handy Ricky wants Carol to nip her storage habit in the back and is determined to help but knows her all too well even for magpie really she sees something shiny she can see a use for it and therefore she needs to to have it Carroll's love of collecting is matched by her love of charity shops and she's always on the lookout for a bargain but Ricky believes charity begins at home the extra money that she's putting out each month for that storage could well be used either to save have a decent holiday treat herself to that or just day-to-day living there are things that you know possibly I should let go it's just possibly being pushed in the right direction to do it I'm not very good at throwing things away but I'll give it a go can I convince Carol to downsize to the bare necessities and be free of an expense you can do without so Carol why have you got the storage units in the first place well I took it up when I knew that I was moving just to get things that I definitely knew as I was trying to organize the flat and to put in things that I know are only seasonal maybe in their uses and I can just get them out when I need them and put them back in afterwards what sort of stuff have you got in there there's a bit of everything really there's Christmas Christmas tree Christmas decorations portable washing machine as clotheshorse - Ricky how do you see your role here today more in a sense of providing some moral support for Carol I'm so glad you've stopped now and thought actually I need to bring this turn in because this is our day of action isn't it yes it's not gonna be delaying any longer those are all the things in there that I won't get rid of so yeah it's not just the Christmas tree I'm not gonna and I know for a fact that I won't empty I want them to you it won't get emptied it won't get emptied so just walk away now a couple of items that can go help me out here Ricky you've got a real battle on your hands here just get going I want to conquer this French Resistance and help paddle clear at her unit our next door disorder is domestic goddess Debby Foster over the past couple of years she's polished off nearly 1700 pounds on storage bills her friend Violette wants to help put an end to her hoarding habit so what's going on that was never the intention to keep it in there so long but it was the case of a means to an end initially Debbie lives in the home county town of Maidenhead just an Ora's length from Eton Dorney the rowing venue for the 2012 London Olympics Harrisburg Debbie's immaculate suburban semi is a prime example of pristine presentation her same high standards were also reflected in the front she lovingly furnished which came with a previous job [Music] but then the job was taking over my life and I had no free time no balance in my life it was just worked so I had to make a decision and leave after quitting the job in the flat that came with it Debbie didn't want to clutter her home with the flats contents so she resorted to storage it was that all just get rid of the stuff somewhere and never see it again which I wasn't prepared to do this all happened over two years ago through why hasn't she found time to sort it out I'd sort of fell into one job which was great in just a couple of days a week and then all the sudden I was offered this other job and then I was offered something else which fitted in between the other two so I found myself with three jobs working seven days a week again that stuff in the storage gets forgotten about yet again her beautician friend Violette wants Debbie to have a storage makeover and get the unnecessary hoard polished off better just to get rid of that trailer hmm and you will not have any regrets of twinning and then I pinch a couple of bits and pieces this is anything that you can use and you're welcome yeah I would like to help there because she works very very hard and vain and they out and she deserved with the money she was gonna save a great holiday or a treat I tell myself it was money well spent and it's not forever it's only a temporary measure that's how I justify it to myself can I get this pristine cream to clear out the clutter and put an end to our storage days for good so which of you lovely looking ladies is the storage person that's me that's you the guilty looking one yeah so when did you last see your stuff about two and a half years Wow how do you feel about actually opening that door and looking in and seeing your stuff bit concerned about where I'm gonna find I can't I mean for all I know it could be you know just disintegrated on the spot I don't know what it would be exactly as you later to it I think I'll find it quite liberating and like a weight on my shoulders so you see it's something you're looking forward to I am definitely looking forward to it now although I've been putting the back of my mind for so long I really would like to get it sorted it does feel better when you feel that you're ready to face up to something and deal with it yeah your help tell us what you think about all this well I think he's saying that that we sort that out sell it or leave it in a way or something and whatever she can sell she can use for holiday or or treat herself she likes good things I'm not no and thinking about that holiday let's get sorting come on ladies I want Debbie to realize the most important job today is to dance her unit we've met her two lovely ladies now it's time for them to open up their storage units and take a long hard look [Music] coming up welcome to the wonderful world of Carol you're paying to store stories look at Debbie viola is on a mission when it comes to decisions wait no and can I get a whole just part with anything from their stash you know it make sense okay welcome back to storage orders today I'm helping two ladies who are hanging onto their clutter but whose friends want them to say goodbye to their storage earlier we met Matt hi Carol who loves to collect but with no more room in her flat has been forced to add a storage unit to her collection and Christine Queen Debbie who has been left with a flat full of furnishings now taking up residence and storage to the tune of nearly 2,000 pounds later I'll be asking our antiques expert to cast his eye over their hoard to see if they have anything of ours to take to auction first up is time for our garlic toast Carol to open her unit [Music] it's hard to see what's in there as her overs full of items is neatly wrapped and stacked but it's all got to come out if we're to sort the trash from the treasure and with Ricky looking pretty helpless I think Carol needs a helping hand right any surprises so far and what you seen Ricky I've seen a couple things perhaps Carol I'm glad to get rid of it such as that portable washing machine decorations that's all this mystic box one I thought that was back there knows more that's one empty box I bought a carpet shampooer as an empty cardboard box hang on let me get the street you are paying to store an empty cardboard storage box you paying to store stories it's under warranty I need the books to return it to the shop of the day I use it if it doesn't work what is it what is it for a copy Shampoo carpet shampooer have you why haven't you used it yet no carpet doesn't it cleaning it oh my god your whole life is just in case just in case yes but always prepared I'm really struggling to get my hair drying Carol's methods I dread to think what else has found its way into her unit that's car washing now washing stuff yes why don't you keep it in the car uses more petrol when the car is overloaded come on oh you just made an excuse my goodness I'm right here I've got to go wreck it you're in charge okay I'm delegating sort this one out because she needs it I want Carol to shake her storage down to the bare necessities and put her much-needed cash to better use gonna dive in [Music] next up Debbie and her friend Violette take the plunge Debbie's not seen the inside of her unit for over two years [Music] did you another way to go all in here do don't remember what he said those boxes inside of the condensed furnishings of her old flat neatly packed away of course I thought that Debbie stirring philosophy has been out of sight out of mind but now it's time to pull out the hoard and face up to reality than this face not sure if that's worth anything there's no time for reflection Debbie I think she needs pushing I am a Pascal key so yes when it comes to decision a weight feel it's got the right idea Debbie's unit is starting to resemble the home furnishing section of a department store I need to step in and get this merchandise moving any surprises anything that you've seen you so when you say nice kind of hold it you're saying I want to keep this I think it's time to get this show on the road so should we get everything out yes yes or two yeah Debbie and Carol need to dig out the diamonds from the rough to help restore the shoulders I've asked them to sort the belongings into three categories keep it for those items they really want to hold on to skip it for any rubbish that's a waste of space or sell it for the items that could recoup some cash I've also added a charity bin for anything that's too good to throw away it's time for action I haven't seen it for so long it's so nice to see them again that's an oyster they've only got a few errors so I found them the space they need to get decisive with their items know about my postman I mean they can go Debbie's power resembles a genteel jumble of boxes bubble wrap and baskets whereas Carol has revealed a waterproof stash ready for the rainy day with most of it wrapped in plastic it looks untidy er whereas in the storage it was nicely contained and organized Carol may be a newcomer to storage but her small unit has cleverly disguised a bountiful hoard it's just gonna be a I want to know what she's unable to fit in her tiny flat why she's paying to stood it and above all why is most of it already on the keep pile uh-huh Gold it struggle are you gonna have some fun with Aggie I shall not be bullied disproportion here just keep the cell nope let's keep to keep do keep okay what's in all these boxes there Christmas takes addition yes for like 12 days of the year yes well she may be keeping the Christmas decorations but surely I can get her to skip the numerous empty boxes she insists on keeping it's because when I move everything is defects and if an ornament comes it with the songbooks and it's padding in that I tend to keep it so yours breaking up sir but my question is when are you next moving or you never can tell right well how about we move on quickly to a box full of Carol's obsession pigs what's in here Pig ornaments shake how long have you been at this oh well I haven't even bought any for a while no but I started collecting pigs in 90 92 or 93 somebody gave me one and then it went from there 20 years ago bowl of figs oh actually he's beautiful he's yeah he's it belongs to my sister the other name yeah Jimmy keeping your collection you haven't got room for it just doesn't make sense and I think Carl should get rid of her four-legged friends but first I want to find it at is any value in the collection so I've called an antiques expert Tom keen tom has years of experience when putting a price on the weird and the wonderful is a one of the three or pigs squeaky toy yeah and he woke still he's been in my family for years and years it belonged to my sister so I mean value over 20 years now and a bad thing I've ever been Jimmy before the first I'm so excited I suppose you know he might be well for teller Carol obviously loves collecting pigs but if she wants to feel at home with them tom thinks she should spend her money more wisely so what should she be buying forget your cuddly toy a charity shop bargains if you Vacarro find affordable and cute collectibles that could go up and buy you over the years and cattle would be guard to here some of them have four legs a curly tail under snow Tom has arranged for Carol to meet Russell shulie a specialist in ceramic and small collectibles some of the most recognizable picks today are the NatWest piggy banks made by Wade pottery that first entered our childhoods in the 1980s encouraging young savers how did you get them you opened an account you five pounds and you've got the woody that's woody is they got water baby when you open the account four or five rounds and then eight six months if you'd save twenty five pounds you'd receive another Pig and these became very very collectible they were very collectible nineties I mean these were made for hundreds of thousands and what about the silver and gold pig I haven't seen any of those these were only made for two worth four hundred of each I mean that one was oh that was introduced in 2008 and there was only 400 produced and they were given away as prizes and thinking you know that's that was the only way you were able to get them in addition of 400 that might be really valuable those it for 400 pound plus follicle pops out easily for that so that would have been a good investment but it doesn't have to be pigs there are lots of other character figures available if you're interested in starting a collection why not focus on a particular type some people just collect money boxes in general across the board I mean lot of companies are going promotion or they start from a few pounds up to 30 40 pounds for the Betty Boop ones and the techne ones are going about 30 pounds and the pig banks would be about five to eight pounds always before the cheapest icky bags are cheaper yeah this is a surprise for everyone really so with cattles limited spare cash what would Russell recommend to collect if you like something the values are now are quite low so it's a good time to collect because you like it and anything increases in value that's the bonus let's look cattle has learnt from this and will now stop just buying anything with a snout or smiley face and start investing more wisely it's been very interesting I've learnt a few things of filet that you know if I come across anything of interest I know what to look for now so and I have gained a little treasure to put in a not a big collection but with my vampire related ornaments and memorabilia a little vampire Felix that kept so yeah very chuffed thank you well done cattle a wise move indeed back at the unit domestic goddess debbie is reacquainting herself with the storage she's tried to forget for the past two years and friend violet has a battle on her hands as Debbie won't part with any of her stuff everything is black white and red so that would be great for me I'll buy it for you there you are fiber I mean look at it what is this escape it should be been this is has to go that's my kind of girl you tell her feel it hello Debbie what's your plan here you kind of thinking you'll get everything out and then sort it I think so well I think you'd actually be quicker if you had real designated areas you know really sort of all right okay so the minute you come to something I know face for instance the thing that you hold in the snow it's Atalanta doing the big lamp cast okay and what are you thinking about then okay I'd say isn't out check it out dude yes you were doubtful I've always said the reason I got this the reason I got the lock-up yes this is my lunch come with me come with me okay you know it makes sense so we'll put it here but doesn't mean it's sold already oh okay okay finally with a first item on the sale pal others quickly follow and I've noticed this lovely steam ironing system that's right at my street now I'm not sure antiques expert Tom will know about the value of these irons but I know for sure that we'll have a good and second time value to it I know it will because I know what they I knew that about Japan to some things yeah curses I think Debbie and violet are at last getting into the swing of things the clock is ticking for our storage orders but there's just enough time for one final push it's a good board double sided they've unpacked unwrapped and sorted all their items hoping to put an end to their storage days Oh charity yes Debbie and violet have neatly categorized all the items is a busy little sale pile a rather credit keep pile and a somewhat lonely looking skip pal so how do you feel that's all gone today really really well yeah yeah I feel good about what we've done today you've got to run out by it no no I feel quite energized actually I think it's it's a relief you've sorted you've categorized just cleared out done love it thank you Debbie's in a good place I just wish the same could be said for our French goth Carol who has a small skip pal an equally small sail pal but a rather large keep pearl what's that all about so you're relaxing everything done yes well I'll be the judge of that what about this keep pearl its massive still Ricky what do you think of this I don't think it's so bad so you stand just like you order yourself a little bit maybe thanks Carol for bringing just waiting he understands you mean you're so misunderstood I despair our storage holders have searched their keep skip and sale pals next on the agenda to find out if antiques expert tom thinks has any value in their stash coming up Carol discovers a different way of giving herself out in the boot well Debbie hopes for a clean sweep at auction quite a bit of interest [Music] welcome back to storage orders I'm in Middlesex helping two lovely ladies confront their clutter and decide whether to keep skip or sell their hoard earlier we met French goth Carol she's a passionate collector and a relative newcomer to storage but friend Ricky wants her to nip it in the bud I brought in antiques expert Tom keen to take a look at Carol's hoard he's been spotting hidden gems for the past 20 years but I'm a little worried you won't find anything afar you hear look at the power.keeping don't ask me what's in there mm-hmm this is a selling pile help me out here for goodness sake went a long Woollett no no no probably not what this proper pub dog border I think or not that's not a proper pub dartboard okay different Oh the value just went out just doubled the most positive of feeling of say about it there is a big market for pub memorabilia but it's not a great great model and it's probably worth about 30 or 40 pounds to the right person in the right place okay 30 to 40 pounds seems a good start what's next point out I consider myself to be a good value but I can't buy you things in plastic bags and these bags that's a hamsters cage with all the accessories and toys and toys well I'm just need entertainment perhaps have a name it was gizmo you know and these plates and all these it's you know it's all nicely packed so I'm not tearing everything it's his exercise ooh boy that just someone who wants it yeah it must be worth 40 or 50 pounds again perhaps things are looking up I've never seen a hamster cage at auction what's in the bag over there oh no that's just a frame to keep a bike on to a road bike to turn it into an exercise bike there's a good market for those and it's not too too bad is it mm-hmm so you got the cage the bike stand a pig and a dartboard hey thanks for getting me up here the Faberge eggs stayed at home so all together you've probably got about 140 150 pounds here on a good day great welcome I think that's as much as we can do here isn't it promise me you're gonna sell these pieces well I've got pictures of the washing machine and the cage already taken thomsonite yes sir good go for it girl Tom thinks the items worth saving are the dart board valued at 30 to 40 pounds the hamster cage and accessories at 40 to 50 pounds and he reckons the indoor cycling converter could make around 30 pounds however Tom doesn't think an option is the best place to sell these items and instead thinks Cara will have more luck with her stash at a car boot sale thousands of car boot sales take place across the UK every week taking onboard Tom's advice I've sent Carol to Oxbridge car boot sale where she will hopefully attract lots of bars for the rather random items that Tom's picked out there's a bit of everything it's not all weird clothes so shall we go as I said someone's rubbish is someone else's treasure car boot sales were first introduced to this country in the 70s after a Catholic priest discovered a similar event on a trip to Canada and brought the idea back with him there can be a lot of fun and very rewarding but if you'd a seller there are a few things to account for caribou tokenizer female it has a couple of beautiful tips for budding booters but you precious about how about your things I think you have to know what a car boot sales about I'm just getting the spirit of it so sell it at a reasonable price and be prepared to bargain and butter people as well see that as new look at thank you very much yes I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Carol can strike a few deals seller hood and come away with an empty boot oh really oh alright thank you very much sold a couple of it's it's good not to have to pack them back it's not nothing big but you know makes a difference I'm with the rest of our items attracting interest early sales are totting up so I've made about 20 or 25 phone I think it's time to start packing because everybody else's everybody's going the exciting thing about car boot sales is that you never know who will make an offer next and just when Carol thinks the day is done there's some bleeped interest in the large cycling machine that Tom valued turns your road bike into an indoor bike but then you attach that to your handlebar it's got the gears he certainly looks keen compared astray a deal she wanted I put it in the bag for you the hand is going in the pocket God deal good man deal done good work Carol thank you very much I've sold the item that's a good end to the proceedings however carol has spotted a little cutie on another stall I wonder if Carol's learnt anything about buying collectibles made in Taiwan always quite cute so ashamed I hope Carol can resist put the pig down and walk away from the table well done I call that progress despite Carol not selling the dirt board or the hamster cage she did manage to shift a good part of her hoard including the indoor cycling machine with the car boot sale over I caught up with Carol to find out what she thought well that was an experience I suppose I've never done one before I didn't know what what I was doing or what to expect so how much did you make at your carpets they're 72 pounds yeah because that's more than I've gone with and it was just selling bits and pieces did you enjoy the experience I did yeah yeah I've never done it before so I would like to go back as a customer maybe more you knew what it means when you're a customer mother just have a look [Laughter] Carroll may not have got rid of all the items she took to the caribou trail but she did sell a tiny amount totaling an impressive 75 pounds if she continues to clear out and get rid of the rest of her storage she will also be saving nearly 700 pounds a year plus she's taken away some valuable advice from our ceramics expert about how to invest wisely for the future so what's happened to your storage unit now I still got it you still got it the same size yeah and how'd you feel about that Ben well I'm a bit disappointed that I didn't make any more of a dent in it but like I say the little washing machines still there on the doll board is still there I will put them on the internet and see if I can get read and then then that will make a difference because there are the bulkiest Titans so I think I've won a few battles against this French resistance but have a feeling the hoarding war may not be over just yet coming up Debbie goes online in search of some buyers okay that's it order wait for the emails come in now and sell whisper and will her stash Nilsen top prices when they go under the hammer years hoping birdy Wendy [Music] welcome back to storage orders earlier we saw Carolyn our with friend Ricky sort through her storage overflow from her small plant let me get the straight you paying to store storage Carol didn't take her items to option but instead had a profitable day at a car boot sale and is now well on her way to downsizing her unit it's now time to catch up with our Christine Queen Debbie foster and her friend Violette Debbie has been turning a blind eye to the contents of an old flat she moved into storage over two years ago I've called in her antiques expert Tom keen let's hope he has more luck with Debbie's items and finds gold among the glitter to dazzle potential bidders at auction and help Debbie afford a well and holiday bling done you but this is a reproduction bling isn't it well that was a gift so I assume and this is a gift this one mm-hmm nice and heavy on the nice closet very happy yeah for the wagon golly that is impressive nice quality lovely lovely quality Chinese copies oh eight pounds each to ten pounds each in the trade warehouses but no gift these are quite nice to the fast as it drops then they blast though are they perspex no yes perspex yeah they might look pretty bling but they're not worth taking to auction this that was given to me with Indian designs silver plate and reproduction again good way to a good quality it's worth 30 or 40 pounds mm-hmm we got this bars that's lovely thank you have never seen you so excited about me I like that I think that's really beautiful I love the fables and there's like - yeah this is sort of faux tortoiseshell looking isn't it yeah they get his reproduction what's it worth a key you tell me 15 pounds all okay are you feeling so far fine okay good I hope Tom's gonna find some items of value to boot under the hammer perhaps the artwork will paint a different picture now we do the paintings when you hand across that for me very smooth oh yes very smooth does that tell you it's no texture at all is it must be a print wasn't it yes that's not valuable at all the only antique you've got and obviously an admiral what's your name obviously no one's you know the right honorable Admiral Lord Lyons a military collector might like to buy that and they might like to give you forty sixty pounds for okay maybe things are looking up a bit what else is there be willing to sell well isn't the sale pile over there you've got some decent things to do be sold people still buy second-hand lighting that that will sell twenty-five thirty quid a lamp this is another Chinese copy but again blingy quite nice some thirty or forty pounds all that yeah so it's not all doom and gloom is it okay so now tom has enlightened Debbie on the value of her hoard here are some of the items he suggests she takes to option on her Nate soothing light value during 30 to 40 pans a stainless steel cookware set with an estimate of ten to thirty pounds and debbie has the site to sell two of the lamps I managed the price of her earlier for an estimated 20 to 30 parents so Debbie not much on the antiques front net there's an ironing board over there that I know for a fact you cost 500 pounds I know that sounds bonkers for an ironing board it's got an integral steamer unit and its really top-notch I never actually use one of those I've seen them a distance in covers but I've actually we know they do but actually I'm sure that we'll have good secondhand value well I guess like this if one of our antique Azmi are name what I'll ask you thanks Tom some of debbie's other items aren't suitable for auction but is still worth a pretty price I think you'll have more luck selling them on a free ad website so I've asked her to take a selection of photos of the items she wishes to advertise when selling online always be sure to start with a decent quality picture as this is usually what first attracts potential buyers I just hope I'm not wrong about the steam ironing system as I think it's worth a fair bit there are lots of free ad websites available where you can sell anything from clothes to cars even houses but it's my first experience of selling anything on these websites but I like letting new things anyway and I think once I start to sell things I want to do it more because I know what I'm like the advantage of using free ad sites is that they cost nothing to use and you advertise in your local area just remember to be realistic about your price and try to be open to offers then sit back and relax I think it's fantastic that I'll be able to sell from the comfort of my own home free ad sites are a great community tool as well as selling things you can advertise jobs services local events and much more I were checking my emails everyday as soon as I get the opportunity in between in between working yeah okay that's it order it's good wait for the emails come in now and sell my stuff Debbie's turned a blind eye to her items locked away in storage for over two years so I can't wait to see if she has any success selling some of them online especially that steam ironing system [Music] we've now come to the auction rooms in Wiltshire to see how the rest of Debbie's items fare when the hammer Falls but first Debbie has some fantastic news for me no it's gone it's all gone you've given me the kick up there that I needed and I've sold things I've put a few things that I need at home and I've given away quite a bit of stuff as well fabulous no more need for storage in your life not at all Ivan I would never have thought about doing it or got around to doing it I just needed to be more assertive and you did that for myself have you sold anything outside that online or privately my ironing system that oh yes oh please that word 450 I think well that's pretty good it's consider you were never using it no and it was ten years old or something so what you think your owners gonna be option today I think the the cookware set yes without that well not surprisingly Debbie's feeling really positive but what does today's auction you a David Harrison and think of her items going under the hammer Debbie's got three items in today she's got brand-new box cookware and then two locks or clamps the two lamps with the square basis I think the lovely and I would imagine that they should make twenty to forty parents the little luster drop I would estimate twenty to forty pound mark and this is going to be dependent on who falls in love with them and has done the research to find out how much they cost new because they're not gonna pay more than they cost buying them buy new from the local shops how'd you feel about saying goodbye to the last of your hoard oh I'm ready to do that very happy more than yes that's right yes more than excellent let's hook Debbie's items attract enough attention to send her off on that holiday first up with an estimate of twenty to thirty pounds is the pair of square based lumps with the shades where do we go thirty pounds away 30 20 10 a bit ten pounds only at ten pounds twelve just in time twelve fourteen storage of selling in pounds fourteen pounds for the period of lamps a pretty dim start let's see if we can brighten things up with a black ornate ceiling light shocking not even a sniff at a tenner finally let's hope we can cook up a better result with the stainless steel pan set boxed oh there we are that solves all your problems in one go open the bidding at 30 pounds 30 I'm bid 30 at 30 and 35 40 45 55 60 mark quite a bit of interest 5 take 70 70 pound bid at 70 at 70 pounds and I'm gay all done to nine 370 pounds is a great result and more than double Tom's top estimate our domestic goddess really has cleaned our auction hey feelin the palms did very well didn't they really they didn't a drink your estimate was what ten to thirty and so they saw percent so that's good too yep get rid of those yeah - so you cleared everything out of the unit Oh God either the salt given away or auctioned wrists are kept okay and you're and you please isn't doesn't feel too cluttered not at all no because I haven't taken so much quite a good result Ben yep thank it I'm very pleased and so Debbie should be after Commission she's made just over 70 pounds at auction plus she saw the steam ironing system online for a hundred and fifty pounds and now she's cleared her unit she's saving eight hundred and twenty six pounds a year so Debbie's grand total amounts to one thousand and four to seven pounds forty pence good work Tammy that we have you found the whole experience I found it quite exciting painless yeah it's been really good because everyone's been so helpful and you found it a benefit definitely a benefit yes because I've got rid of her to look up and rid of stuff that I don't really need mm-hmm so Debbie you worked really really hard got lots of little jobs tell me please you're gonna have a treat yes just looking at the moment to get away for four or five days oh good see looking forward to that yes so the way you deserve but you absolutely do thank you so debbie is cleaned up clear debt and can now put her newfound wealth towards that well errand quality at a hundred pounds that I need to sell at 100 our holders have finally let the friends intervene and say goodbye to that unnecessary stuff at last a hard-earned cash can be spent where they really need it don't forget to join me Aggie Mackenzie next time on storage orders [Music] [Music] [Music] click on-screen for more videos of extraordinary humans you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 126,381
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Keywords: biggest hoarders, hoarders full episodes, hoarders storage units, i bought an antique furniture hoarders storage locker, obsessive compulsive cleaners, ocd cleaners, only human, only human documentary, spendaholics, storage auction, storage hoarders, storage hoarders antiques, storage hoarders episode 12, storage hoarders full episodes, storage hoarders itv, storage hoarders youtube, storage treasure finds, storage treasures auction, storage wars, Only human hoarders
Id: AvbsxMglPCc
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Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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