Infinity War Hot Take

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so if you want to be big on youtube you have to have some kind of infinity war hot take and boy do i i also had a lot of general little observations about the movie so i thought i would front load the video with those put the hot take at the end that's how you do internet content i'm just gonna go chronologically oh and i know the internet gets really fussy about this so yes this video will contain multiple spoilers for the twilight zone my favorite thing about this movie is that it was so unapologetically comic booky like more so than any other marvel movie there was clearly no self-consciousness over losing the audience by being too referential to geeky comic book story lines or silly imagery like marvel is fully confident and it's hold over its audience it is not worried about losing them by having thanos's weird skeleton goblin looking henchman guy or doctor strange's stupid looking spells or big purple chin thanos oh at the beginning of the movie tony told pepper that he wants a baby and pepper was like i don't know the fact that he mentioned it means that tony's gonna die in part two and then after his death pepper is gonna find out that she's pregnant and then you can be like oh even though he's dead there's gonna be a baby so it's okay this is what always happens part two by the way is not gonna be called part two they went out of their way to tell us this but pardon me if i call it that loki dies like a dog and it's harsh but kind of funny here are the deaths that i think are gonna stick from infinity war part one thanos what no not thanos thanos doesn't die leave it in jenny leave it in loki vision that's it oh hawkeye hawkeye didn't even die they just callously wrote him out that was all so funny does anyone else feel like thor ragnarok was kind of ruined by this movie like it ended on the uplifting note of asgard is in a place it's a people and then smash cut to infinity war and it's like the people are now dead so yes asgard is over whoops and isn't it kind of weird how fast thor bounces back emotionally like i know they gave him a token line later where he's like i have nothing left to lose i've lost everything but he's still able in the guardian scenes to like engage in the jokiness with those characters i still can't take doctor strange seriously and i never will i like that he'll literally just be talking to someone like a normal human and he'll be like we can't let thanos get the infinity stones and you're like what did the dance enhance my understanding of what you were trying to tell me i will say one of the biggest reactions i heard in this movie from the audience of any character getting hurt is like doctor strange's flying blanket tried to attack thanos and thanos like batted it away and i think you heard like a ripping noise and people gasped they were extremely upset people loved the blanket i had no idea peter dinklage was going to be in this so that was a cool surprise but the thing is that like since his game of thrones success something i found very cool is that peter dinklage has started to be cast as things where it literally doesn't matter that he's a dwarf like an x-men he was just some guy that was not a dwarf in the comics and um he was in like a bad melissa mccarthy comedy movie i don't know if that's a great example but it also didn't matter that he was a dwarf and that and it's just kind of refreshing to see someone cast like purely from talent when they are a dwarf and they're not cast as like a little guy in in like a suit in the marvel universe peter dinklage is a dwarf but it's like like the fantasy creature dwarf like lord of the rings status almost literally lord of the rings almost in every way like minds of moria lord of the rings dwarf and i'm kind of like is this okay to do because i would imagine that even though dwarf is one of the acceptable things to call people with dwarfism i just kind of imagine that maybe they don't love the fantasy connotations of of their whimsical name and i guess in marvel dwarves are 10 feet tall because they used this horrible effect i didn't even realize he was supposed to be tall for a minute i was just like could he not be in studio that day and they had to green screen him next to them unconvincingly and the answer is maybe and that yes they did green screen him next to them unconvincingly but also he's supposed to look big like peter dinklage stood in front of a green screen and then they stretched out the image of him acting to this big and there is no point where it doesn't look exactly like that's what you're looking at and it was like the only bad effect that stood out to me and it seems like it would be simple to pull off i don't know why it looked bad one story element i was really worried they would abuse is when thanos gets the reality stone he can make you see one thing when another thing is happening i was basically worried that at any given time an entire scene could just be retconned by having it be like thanos made you think that's what happened i mean they could do that with like the whole movie if they wanted to it's like that episode of the twilight zone where there's the disillusioned businessman and he's in an unhappy marriage and then every night on his commute home the train stops in this idyllic 19th century town and everyone out the window is really friendly and they're beckoning him and they're like come on down to the fishing hole we made you some fresh lemonade and finally he's fed up with his life he gets off the train at that stop and then it cuts to some guys being like we don't know what happened he just jumped off the moving train to his death and the name of the town was the name of a mortuary van what does it mean it was all an illusion fortunately thanos didn't really use that power again so it was fine anyway that was a cool scene i liked the effect when everything melted away and you saw that the collector's collection was actually destroyed and in flames and definitely the only reason the collector survived is he has to be alive to operate his theme park attraction guardians of the galaxy mission breakout only at disney's california adventure there's that moment thanos has hold of gamora and gamora is like peter shoot me and peter's like i don't want to shoot you and thanos is like mocking him like do it do it peter shoot her shooter and it's just like every time i bring a boy home to meet my parents but the issue is that thanos is so overpowered that like watching him fight people is not enjoyable it just kind of feels like a formality like we established at the beginning of the movie that even just with a couple of the infinity stones basically he's gonna beat everybody in a fight but the whole movie is just various clusters of superheroes not thinking of a better plan than when he gets here will try to fight him if i was the avengers at this point i would just do it the way i do halloween you turn off your lights and pretend not to be home put a plastic cauldron out on the porch with the infinity stones inside and leave a note begging them not to hurt you to get the soul stone thanos has to sacrifice something he loves and gamora is immediately like you don't even love anything i'd hate to be you you look pretty foolish and you're like girl learn to read the room so thanos throws gamora to her death and it's bad and it's like it's not bad that it happened i mean i guess it is bad that it happened the first two guardians of the galaxies set up thanos as this character where he's like an abusive father it seems like there wasn't a lot of warmth in that family and if there were good times there is no inkling of them in the first two movies and then suddenly in this one it's like no he was really nice when gamora was little and i just don't know if a take as nuanced as sometimes you can have an abusive parent but there can be good times too and that can be emotionally confusing can really be applied to a guy who murdered most of his children dismembered at least one of them and pushed the remaining one off of a cliff like what are we supposed to take away from the fact that he as confirmed by space magic loved gamora true love and that after she died mantis has to go out of her way to tell us that he's in anguish the movie is trying to get us to empathize with thanos and don't tell me that it's not i know that it is because the last thing we see of thanos is like a quiet emotional moment with him feeling content and reflecting on what he has lost but thanos is just a big purple evil guy who looks like a cartoon and wants to kill 50 of everyone for no reason and yes i am aware of his reason in the comics it does not apply here in the movies he has no reason except for like population control and he tells us that gamora's planet is a paradise now but in what way has he proven that the ends justify the means even from his weird perspective like when he goes there is there really no lingering resentment over the time he slaughtered half of their population within living memory or is it just that the resentment is there but he's really bad at reading social cues like they're just afraid of him and clearly simmering with rage and he's like it's a paradise and as big and varied as the universe is aren't there under-populated planets or empty planets and can't thanos just send people to live there i mean forced relocation is unpleasant but the alternative is worse on earth wiping out fifty 50 of the population doesn't even set us that far back on like our timeline i mean at least if his mission statement was i want to kind of impact the population and just upset everybody you'd be like at least he has realistic goals he knows what he's set out to do oh and by the way when gamora goes to the place the soul stone is being hidden red skull is there guarding it and in my theater there were like confused cheers and then like an immediate like should we have cheered also i'm sure that this is a job that red skull really had at some point in the years and years of comics and that in those it was set up and felt natural but wasn't red skull just like a guy and he took the same serum as captain america and it messed up his face so if so in what way does that make him qualified to be like a space ring wraith guardian man i mean should i be happy he's there like it doesn't seem like a fun job but it does still feel like he got off easy at the end of the movie half of everybody in the world dies spoilers by the way and they start with the winter soldier so right away you're like hmm cause i heard that he was supposed to take over for captain america when he dies because chris evans is leaving after the next movie spoilers then the second one is black panther so you're like okay like he's only had one movie and it made like a trillion dollars so already like suspension of disbelief is kind of not there and then just in case there's any doubt in your mind that these deaths aren't going to be permanent they kill baby groot the literal money tree so by this point you're kind of like yeah whatever happens in the next several minutes it's not really gonna matter and you're able to just kind of relax and kick back and enjoy but at the screening that i was in people were like not responding that way and i'm not talking about kids this was a midnight screening so it was primarily nerdy adults so like loads of adults were gasping and screaming and wailing and misery at these character deaths and it just became really funny you're like you guys it's gonna be okay and then they kill spider-man and at this point i'm just like reveling in it because the reactions are so good i'm just like yeah kill more kill them all because i'm in a theater where people honestly believe that marvel is killing 50 of its cast basically in any universe when you introduce an artifact that can reverse time the stakes are just gone and dr strange had that scene earlier where he's like looking at all the possibilities and then his last line to tony is like suggesting that he knew that in the one time where they won thanos got all the stones so everything is going according to plan and it's fine also i haven't read the comics so i have no idea but i feel like in part two which is not gonna be called part two it might be revealed that all the characters who died have actually been split off into another reality and they could either do this or not do this i just feel like they might because a lot of characters that got killed were fun and it would be like a boring bummer to not have them around for the whole movie but maybe they won't do that maybe part of the intent was to pare down the cast for the second part because especially if they're actually writing out characters after the next one maybe they want to focus on them a little more it's a lot like that episode of the twilight zone where there's the power hungry little boy and if he perceives people as troublesome or bad he will wish them away to the cornfield and you don't know where they've gone you don't know if they've gone to a different plane of reality or if they're dead and he's vaporized them it's like you have no idea they're just gone you're gonna have to wait and find out in this case and also finally i just love the shot of thanos at the end where he's like content and looking out over the the fields i just liked his contented expression because it seemed like it was a moment that was perfectly set up for product placement like i just wanted his big purple hand to lift into frame and he's holding like a bud light and he's like ah actually he'd of course be holding it in the gauntlet anyway look at the time it's about time for my hot take anyway i've solved exactly how infinity war part 2 is going to go down it's not called infinity war part 2. the second movie if you don't mind i would like to tell you about an episode of the twilight zone this episode is called five characters in search of an exit you have an army guy a hobo a bagpiper a ballerina and a clown the five characters wake up in a round empty room with high metal walls and none of them remember how they got there or where it is so basically the whole run time is filled with them puzzling about this and trying to get out then the twist at the end of the episode is that they are all dolls and they are in like a donation bucket for the salvation army yeah it's a dumb twist there's no moral like rod sirlain comes out for his closing monologue and it's basically just him being like that's weird right sometimes people are dolls and you don't know why you know what the twilight zone ran for five seasons it had some really good episodes there are gonna be some duds it's fine so anyway infinity war part two working title it's revealed that what's really going on is the avengers are all action figures the reason half their friends faded away is they've been purchased from the store but the kid who got them his mom wouldn't let him get the full set toys r us is going out of business you can get a lot of them but they add up fast you're gonna have to make some tough calls look at our surviving characters iron man hulk thor rocket raccoon it's a tough choice for any child but i feel if pressed these are maybe the characters he would prioritize to reunite the avengers and take down the evil action figure of thanos the remaining avengers are gonna have to bust out of that toy store and get to that kid's house before moving day and that's why marvel told us that the next movie set for release in 2019 is not going to be called infinity war part 2. they were dropping us hints because you know what other movie comes out in 2019 what other film shrouded in secrecy has actually been the same project as infinity war part 2 all along oh that's right toy story 4. when they put the text at the end like thanos will return i know they were just kind of being a bit cheeky and like everybody booed and stuff but if it was me i would have just put the text the end like yeah that's right i think it would have actually started a riot i loved the power move of having the after credit stinger just be two more beloved characters dying and of course the reveal on nick fury's pager at the end that the green lantern corps are going to be in the next movie like they have been so neglected in the mcu so far and i'm really excited to see what they do with them
Channel: Jenny Nicholson
Views: 785,052
Rating: 4.7503819 out of 5
Id: 6BF7IWpaZoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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