Beauty and the Beast 2017 Compliment Sandwich

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so we feel like pretty much everyone hated the new beauty and the beast' movie I mean critics didn't but like people that liked Beauty the Beast did she's not a good sign I had pretty mixed feelings about it like there was stuff that I liked and stuff that was really weird and awkward so I'm gonna take a gentle compliment sandwich approach good thing bad thing thanks phone thanks for that good thing bad thing good thing bad thing it's one of those crazy sandwiches where there's so much stuff in the sandwich they keep putting more bread on as well dude there's crazy wind outside I'm gonna ignore it okay let's get cooking let's make this sandwich good thing funny dialog there were a lot of lines in the movie that I genuinely thought were funny I liked when chip was like mama told me not to move or it'll scare you I thought it was funny when Gaston was like are you gonna listen to this old hag no offense Agnes like just little asides little moments that worked bad thing the scenes in the village at the beginning of the movie I don't know what was wrong with them but they were like so awkward and it got better later but like the beginning was rough and I was like oh boy all the dialogue was worse the delivery was worse like did they film it in sequence and they haven't hit their stride yet I don't understand good thing the curse feels more apt like there's more irony to it they had this whole thing where he taxed his subjects cruelly so that he could surround himself with beautiful objects and beautiful people so then when the servants turn into furniture you're like oh it's like an ironic twist and not just like a really random clause in this curse like in the cartoon there is no explanation for why their furniture like the this old hag just had some crazy ideas she's been looking for an excuse to use bad thing they added this weird element where the servants like deserved to be cursed too because the Beast had an abusive father and they didn't intervene okay if the king is evil and you're just his household servants like what are you gonna do what are you even expected to do at that point and how many of them in the household could have possibly even known about it or been directly involved with it like like chip got cursed man I hate chip-chip the six-year-old sure was complicit in the abuse of his prints chip you monster how could you just stand idly by good thing this movie covered a lot of plot holes but like they were plot holes that didn't necessarily need to be fixed what I mean like yeah I guess if you're changing it anyway you might as well take care of that most of the stuff they fixed was stuff that I literally didn't care about in the original but one thing I thought was nice was fixing like the timeline weirdness by just having the castle exists in its own bubble of time that was a good idea bad thing the townspeople were more outwardly evil in this version I mean this is Beauty and the Beast not Cinderella in the cartoon they don't really understand Belle so they're wary of her which makes her like an outcast and they gossip about her and stuff so there may be like kind of stupid and simple like easy to whip up into a frenzied mob and this one they like actively hate her they literally just dump all of her laundry on the ground in front of her because she tried to teach a little girl how to read just unapologetically she's standing there and they're like yep this is what happens Belle this is what we're doing right now in front of you it took us like ten minutes did she did she not like intervene or say something while this was going on was she just like hmm hmm good thing they added the Rose back into the story from the original fairy tale the part where Maurice steals a rose bad thing the Rose never made that much sense and just made the Beast and Maurice seem more unreasonable okay if Maurice is already fleeing a castle that he just discovered his cursed why would he then be like no hey it's the thing bill asked for I'll just take it from here instead of just like continuing to flee knowing this version of Belle I don't think she would have held it against him if he just got home and he's like I tried to get you a rose but instead I narrowly escaped a cursed castle and here's this awesome story I have about it and these roses are in the garden of the cursed castle like what if the Roses are cursed he's just gonna take one home to Belle also the whole reason that Disney had the Rose in the jar with the petals falling off in their version of the story was to reconcile the that they had removed the rose from the beginning so it was like an instead kind of thing but now here we have the rose in the jar that's part of the curse where the petals fall off and the roses in the garden unrelated and Belle also loves roses because they were important to her mother again unrelated Belle has a necklace that I think was her mother's because they have a close-up of it but it's a tree and not a rose I don't understand good thing Gaston was really good yeah I'm not really familiar with this actor so when I saw the promotional stuff I was like he looks like a bad Gaston he's too lean I don't like it and I guess he's been in stuff like I saw Dracula untold but I don't know if that's a good thing to remember him from and then like I said the beginning of the movie the dialogue was like awkward and stilted so I was like oh this Gaston is not working for me but then by the end of the Gaston song he like embodies Gaston so well that you're like yeah like Gaston and then in the mob song he like belts out the high note and he throws the torch and he lights the thing on fire and you're just like yeah I liked him he was good bad thing Gaston was bad yeah I know what I just said I liked the performance of Gaston but the way he was written was really bad he was just too all over the place like I feel like cartoon Gaston follows a pretty familiar cartoon villain trajectory he's like campy scheming at the beginning of the movie but like grinning while he's doing it so he's still fun to watch and then it kind of something happens that causes him to escalate to insane murderous right at the end just to make him threatening for the final scene this Gaston would have like a funny line and then like a sad line about how he was traumatized by the war and like it affected him emotionally and you feel bad for him then like a silly monologue to himself in the mirror then he punches an old man in the face and tries to leave him tied up so that wolves will eat him then he has a funny line again in the tavern and then he wants to kill appease how can we feel about this Gaston does he have more depth or less depth is it camp or is it grit do we like him do we not like him is he fun is he scary he's like neither and both it just it didn't work good thing I liked that they added an element to the curse to make it more horrific where every time a petal falls the curse gets a little more Kersey instead of just like it is the way it is and then when the last petal falls it's bad it's like it gets gradually worse there's that body horror element of the servants turning more into furniture and like there's big pieces of furniture they can't see their spouses cuz they're on different floors and they can't navigate the stairs I don't know why they couldn't talk from the balcony but I think the funny thing about that is picturing like the median point like if you're mostly human you're not that scary like maybe you just look like the Broadway versions of the characters and right now they're mostly furniture which is a little uncanny valley but imagine them in their horrifying total half furniture half human states it's a good thing Belle didn't come there a couple years before when they were just in full terror mode that's gross yeah bad thing the weird 11th hour magical book it's so weird to have a magical teleporting book and to us the audience it doesn't exist until like 75% of the way through the movie and it affects the plot so little like the beast just straight up for God about it until that moment when they introduced the book I actually laughed out loud cuz the Beast is just suddenly like oh yeah I have this stupid magical book it lets me teleport to anywhere in the world I never use it and the magic mirror still exists in this version of the movie what The Enchantress left him - ironic haunting windows to the world did she just have an idea for two different magical objects and she couldn't pick honestly since his goal was to find the one woman in the world could love a beast the intent was probably that he would take the magical book and travel the world and find this woman and instead he's like what can I use this stupid book for I'm too ugly to go outside and then he just sits in his castle forever waiting for the one woman who can love him - just randomly walk into his castle and then he'd never see the book again like Belle finds out that she has to go save her father as quickly as possible and she's like I must go to him at once ready my horse she's in too much of a hurry to change out of her big ball gown but she doesn't think to take the magic teleporting book I'm pretty sure they only put it in to wrap up another plot hole like the idea that bill has that whole song about how she wants adventure in the Great Wide somewhere and then at the end of the movie she's just living in a castle married to a prince like that's a nice life but it's not what she said that she wanted so I think the implication is like after she marries the Beast they can teleport all over the world and have adventures together but like why didn't they just give him a boat put the castle on like a cliff by the ocean and he's like oh I have that stupid boat that I never use because I'm a beast and I can't travel but then when the curse is broken we can take my boat around wouldn't that leave fewer unanswered questions good thing I liked fellas families back story the idea that she and her father were city people that moved to this little tiny town in the country kind of explained why they were so other by the town and why they might be more forward-thinking bad thing I thought it was weird that Belle's mom's death was treated like a twist like Maurice kept the details a secret from Belle for some reason I did like the scene where she revealed her sad backstory to the beast because it was like a good bonding moment but then when she's back with Maurice she's like I figured out what happened to mom and Maurice is like oh I'm so overprotective I should have told you was that supposed to be like a character threat that like Maurice is overprotective it didn't really demonstrate him being overprotective at any other point I mean he didn't want her to live in a castle as the captive of a beast I don't know if that's overprotective and why is it a twist to find out that the mom died of illness isn't that what one would assume had happened like if anything she's gonna assume it's worse and you like killed her I mean she already knows her mom is dead so how will knowing the cause make it worse good thing I liked how the Beast actually apologized to his servants for getting them caught up in the curse and not being able to break it in time like kind of too little too late but it's something bad thing I thought there was a big missed opportunity in the scene where Gaston is loading Maurice up into the crazy wagon Donn's like you ever seen the inside of a madhouse Maurice I wanted Maurice to look out at the crowd and be like this is the madhouse and then he like spits at Gaston he like lights cigarette and like puts on sunglasses and flips off the camera I don't know I just wanted it to happen good thing I liked the Equal Opportunity mob Gaston doesn't think women should read but like if you want to join his mob and go kill a beast he's gonna be like let me let your torch for you bad thing it's weird that Belle comes home in the ball gown first of all it looks crazy like why didn't she change but also it doesn't make sense anymore that she shows them the beast in the mirror like the gown is so ostentatious it's like the elephant in the room when Gaston is like he's crazy he said you were in this big castle with a beast Belle could just like look down at herself and then look back at Gaston like he's a huge idiot and be like where do you think my giant ball gown came from Gaston hmm riddle me that where have I been for the last month and then they have this big like feminist moment where she's got a ride to the beast castle really fast so she rips the ball gown off but like but she and less of her hurry to save her father because she left the gown on the first time I'd feel offended if I were him good thing I liked the new songs I thought they were nice bad thing the really protracted sequence where every single character horrifically dies should I put a spoiler warning on this spoiler warning so they already explained if the curse isn't broken everybody turns back into furniture we are aware of the stakes just like in the animated version bell breaks the curse like a couple seconds too late so there's a moment where it appears that he's just the Beast and he's just dead and it's very sad and in the cartoon that's impactful enough and this one they cut away from that moment to a very long sequence where we see all of the servants turn into real furniture so basically they are dying and they are aware that it's happening for some reason it doesn't all happen at once it's got like enough of a delay for them to all watch each other die and be sad about it bet dies and Lumiere's arms mrs. pots and chips corpses are lying side by side Cogsworth Slyke Lumia I can't speak it hurts I'm afraid to die it's just horrible I wasn't in a theater with children but I'd imagined that they were all crying it was just so drawn-out and so horrible it was why why would they do this good thing I liked the mr. Potts twist I don't know why it got me the way that it did it was the most energized I felt for the whole movie I literally cheered I don't know I was just like mr. Potts the mystery explained like she said mr. Potts and I went Oh mr. pod thing when the foot stool turned back into a dog it immediately peed on a guy's leg I actually thought that for once in my life I was going to get through an entire kids movie without seeing a character get peed on for comedic effects and they just pulled the rug out from under me and then peed on it I guess good thing I liked Lefou yeah I said it I know he was a controversial character I think part of it is that I like Josh GAD and I like feeling as the get reformed it was kind of nice even though his entire character arc was just exactly the arc of the sidekick from enchanted you remember the henchmen that was played by the same actor that played Wormtail yeah exactly the same it was weird though everyone said he was gonna be gay and that he had a big game moment and I was like watching for it and I didn't see it at all are they talking about that shot in Gaston where he literally goes I hope not is that what gay people do was him deciding not to be evil his big gay moment I guess I don't see a lot of evil gay people was at that time he got crushed by a falling piano is that like a gay thing I don't know it's almost like whatever they put in there it was so brief and minor that it wasn't this big moment for LGBT representation and it was just like a big publicity stunt but I must have just not seen it so there you go I'm done making this delicious sandwich don't eat it all at once because it's a big sandwich it's hard to get your mouth around such as tall sandwich so what did you guys think leave your opinion in the comment so that I can artificially inflate the stats of this video you oh yeah also I forgot Emma Watson can't sing
Channel: Jenny Nicholson
Views: 634,553
Rating: 4.9579391 out of 5
Id: 18AquBLpXh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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