Should we let Jurassic World 2 get melted by this volcano?
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Channel: Jenny Nicholson
Views: 912,982
Rating: 4.9406667 out of 5
Id: PRwI1unON7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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And before anybody gets all hate-brigadey, I want to point out that Jenny herself says she really enjoyed the film despite all the things that she talks about in the video.
I mean, she's funny and all, but many of her complaints come from not paying enough attention to the movie in the first place to the point where she is belaboring the stupidity of Blue being the "mommy of the Indoraptor" as the main plan of the bad guys, and that the Indoraptor just needs to be trained by it's mommy and then it can be sold. Which is just blatantly untrue, as the actual plan is to create another Indoraptor with specifically Blue's DNA and have her imprint on it and raise it because of her favorable genetic and behavioral traits. Please, please, please criticize this silly ass movie for all of it's super glaring actual flaws and not things you misheard or misunderstood, to the point where huge swaths or a person's review is making fun of something that she, essentially, imagined. But, she is entertaining, so whatevs.