How to generate free Megasphere with Vixy? - Palworld Guide

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so I heard that a rank three Vixie would Farm free meas Spears in the ranch let's find out first you need a rench at level five and a pal Ence condenser at level 14 then you want to capture 53 Vixie including the one you're upgrading the reason why it is 53 is because rank one upgrade requires four Vixie rank two requires 16 and rank three requires 32 here's a heat map showing Vixie spawns locations you can also access this map via the AB that tab in game do note that you have to capture at least one Vixie in order to use this tab once you got a rank three Vixie place it in a wrench and that's pretty much all you need to do so I've done a quick test and waited for an hour to see how many mega Spears I got and here's how it looks like just a disclaimer there's a visual bug where the mega spear that your Vixie dug up looks like a normal spear but if you go and pick them up it is in fact a mega spear here's what I got from one rank vix after 1 hour that's it guys thank you so much for watching
Channel: MashPotatoWithCheese
Views: 1,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworldguide, palworldtutorial, gameplay, gaming, gamingvideos
Id: 6rwJcwbFkY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 5sec (65 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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