Industrial Design/Product Modeling #16 | Microphone | Modeling Tiles

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hello everyone welcome back to another great product modeling tutorial in this tutorial we are gonna model this microphone this one a little interesting because of that great pattern i learned so much while working on this and i hope you learn as well so without further ado let's start before starting i will turn off save frames broad plane switch to model mode now i will switch to front view shift nv go to back select image plane i will increase my transparency to 75 let's start with cylinder change to size that should be enough now i will turn on lines go back to my object you will not need any caps so i will turn that off go to object tab i will increase my height segments to 16 so that every polygon is kind of square now i can make it editable please see i will switch to points mode you can delete these points because i'm gonna use symmetry let's do that press alt select symmetry do that one more time but this time change the mirror plane go back to cylinder switch to front view right click line cut let's start from here click on the edge and press shift so that your cut will be straight then i can press e to escape i will do the same thing again line cuts we can say single line press shift and cut i will switch back to 3d view line cuts i think i should connect this yes now these are unimportant just select them and delete now i'm gonna connect that point to that one then switch to line tool the slide tool press ctrl and merge that one select that point move it up then i'm gonna select this convert them to edges by pressing ctrl and selecting the edge mode i will slide them to here and i can move that point up i will need l cuts here so that i can select is inside polygons i'm gonna extrude this but for doing that i'm gonna select all the symmetry objects and check on these options so that symmetry will automatically delete center polygons after the extrude right click execute should like something like that i will split this right click split object original and delete i will hide the new object for the moment because first we need to fix here i will select the first one then press ctrl and shift select the last one press control and extrude them on the x then go to the coordinates menu change it to world and set x position to zero same thing for the size now let's close the top part let's select here press ctrl move down on the z go to coordinates set z position to zero and size to zero i will add a loop cut over here so that i can connect that edge to that one i'm gonna do that with bridge tool now i can use close polygonal and close that's all now i think i need to bevel this before doing that i need to connect this now i'm going to select bevel and level these i will stop here switch to points mode press ctrl and merge that point we can move that over here maybe you can scale them on the y and move them down or no we should keep them like that another thing i will select these and move them on the z select the top symmetry at the subdivision surface press alt now i will start at my supporting edges first thing let's handle here now i will select these edges right click slide press ctrl and slide now we will have a continuous loop around here to get that shape i will select these edges as well slide tool press ctrl slides okay top part looks fine it looks good now let's close the bottom cap select these press ctrl execute on the z set the position to zero create a new edge so i can connect this close porygon hall i'm gonna connect that point to here so that i can higher usages up i will merge this so these edges could go here press q okay that part is also good i think we are done with the base model now we need to figure out how to create this pattern first let's hide our first object model mod create a plane turn back lines with you can add one because you will need that now we can make it this will press c i will scale them like 25 percent press r press ctrl rotate and press shift this is gonna snap the rotation now we have two objects i will switch to edge mode and higher that edge up select other one and move that edge down i will make ease into a single object right click connect objects and delete switch to model mode press ctrl and move it to the right then press shift this is going to snap the position of the new object then i'm going to stop at 400 centimeters because you know when you create explain it will come with 400 centimeters width and height now we have a problem you can see that it is not a continuous loop or we need a kind of offset i will just rotate my second object press shift rotate it 90 percent now we will get that select these two connect objects and delete same thing move tool press ctrl move the object this is going to create a new one then press shift i will stop at 400 centimeters then rotate it's 90 degrees that should be enough i'm going to select them all connect objects and delete let's switch to polygon mode select them all and extrude but we will have some problems first thing if i add a solution surface you'll see that i'm gonna get this because i should have optimized the points if you double click it's going to select a polygon ions which means that you need to weld center points if i select this it's gonna say two points we should merge this point i'm gonna select the amount control a and select optimize his number will be probably too low so i'm gonna set it to 1 and watch the points say ok and it went back to 40. now let's add some division surface now now it looks like let's fix that i will switch to polygon mode select them all extrude them turn on caps right i shouldn't extrude them like that because i'm gonna tile these objects so these polygons should be perfectly flat so i'm gonna undo that a few times select them all extrude and offset them like 0.1 press enter and move them up that should fix that as i said i'm going to tile this so i should select these polygons and delete let's add another subdivision surface over that one i'm gonna slide scale them on the y and they looked too thin for me so select them all normal move and make them slightly bigger something like that switch to edge mode i'm gonna select first lower ones then push them down now for the top edges and let's move them up that should be enough you're gonna intersect but if not notice that now i will unhide my first object immediately you will see that this piece is too big first thing i'm gonna set the position to zero in the word coordinates scale it rotate it 90 degrees something like that should be enough but we will need another rotation press shift and rotate it minus 45 degrees but now we will have a parallel problem you will see that the axosoft object is also rotated but we will need a good center axis to clone our object and the easiest way is to create a null which will be in a perfect position then select our pattern object actually let me rename that select now a turn and say connect objects and delete now i can easily clone that press alt select clone cloner i will change my mode to honeycomb lower the distance let's say 10 or more or now i need to change my orientation now let's take a closer look because i need to change this distance so what i am trying to do is to make these two edges come closer as much as possible like if i had 8 too much 8.5 okay let's play with that 16.5 16 maybe 16.5 8.3 okay that seems fine maybe we can push it to 8.2 yes and don't worry about this i'm gonna use a connect object will which will be connected for us press alt select connect and you can see that the connect object merge the points except some of them you can hire the tolerance to like one if you are not sure that the points are merged you can put the subdivision surface over the connect object enable lines so if you see something wrong it means that you need to hire that number but for now everything looks perfect maybe we can change font mods i'm gonna move my pattern over here go to cloner and increase count bit make sure that it covers the whole object maybe we can make it 16 move it up now increase the height count okay that seems nice we can make the connect object editable press c or we can go back because i feel like these are too big so if i scale the pattern it's gonna scale my base mesh so i'm gonna scale cloner that seems okay i will increase my count width and i'll do it one more time okay now we can make the connector object available press c if you are not okay with the size of this of these polygons you can see which two polygon mods turn off subdivision surface right now right click select normal move this can i kind of scale them now select connect object or pattern model mode press alt add and fft deformer sorry not alt press shift and add f50 one more time if you remember that object i'm gonna unhide that and hide my first cylinder first thing i'm going to rotate it 90 degrees sorry mine is 180 degrees i'm going to use that object as a reference let's enable south vision surface select f50 i will increase z points actually let's see all manages we have on this one one two three four five edges in slides let's make it seven so we will get something similar also we will not need any x points with that switch to points mods select all the points move down i can turn off solution surface sloping us down i'll move these i will move them over here let's enable subdivision surface of that object okay now we can move them better select these points and change them change change their position otherwise it will break or pattern all right everything looks good to me before making that pattern editable i will unhide my first object and we can delete that one it will underneath that one and there we saw the visual surface maybe we can go back to f50 select these and scale them on the z so they are gonna fit inside of objects i can do that for these points as well all right that should be enough now i can select my pattern right click connect objects and delete this is gonna apply the fft to the mesh switch to points mods we shouldn't see this polygons so why don't we just delete them i will select original selection and make a selection like that and simply delete i see that you missed connection select that one points mods line cut connect that one that should fix it now i will go back to that object because we have a button so we will need these polygons which will make one two three four five six if you multiply that with two twelve and if you subtract the center ones it will make ten points so i will create a disk with 10 segments change to orientation with here scale it i will need to rotate it to measure center line i think it should be 18 or 19 yes 18 it's gonna be okay select that one make an inset then move the points actually we can enable snap p and it will snap let's move down like that since these are on a flat surface there is not going to be a problem you can get rid of that disk turn off synapse i will make an insert make a loop selection select this polygons press ctrl extrude one more time then we can delete these select these i will grow the selection and damn like that or here we will need sporting edge i'm gonna do that with any sets we will need another supporting edge here so at least double click on them select slide press ctrl and slides let's press q perfect maybe too sharp we can slide this down now we can make this matrix double press c but out of that group can delete that let's say metal i don't know can separate these buttons right click split object original amount delete buttons now we have that pattern first thing i need to change its axis to the zero so i can use a symmetry press l or you can press here then set its position to zero but we should be in model mode not polygon mode don't forget i will set back x to zero now i will press alt select symmetry make it symmetrical we can delete these i will select three of them press alt n g let's say mark put it under side division surface this is probably too big for a mic so i will create a cube for a reference i don't know let's say that it's 20 centimeters then i'm gonna scale my mic until it fits that cube roughly doesn't have to be perfect and i'm gonna put something for the inside actually we shouldn't have deleted that that piece but anyway upgrades cylinder scale it you can turn off image plane you can turn the caps off for that object and put it in our mic group i will sell the vision surface so i can't see the inside which means that it should be longer now let's take a quick look at eures so you should read it to another division surface let's start from the buttons these are going to be really fast and simple just select them all projection select box go to uv packing customize and hit apply until metal one select amount control a projection box you'll be picking and apply now we have this pattern for them i will put right view frame that it's h projection frontal i will invert the selection uni change the camera to the left press h projection front all move it aside select amal and scale then we have that cylinder press c i will use the default uv for it since we are not going to see it much now we can go back to standard and it will start division surface all right everyone that was it if you liked the video remember to like video and if you want more advanced tutorials you can visit my patreon or gumroad anyway i see you in the next tutorials [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 7,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, glass, cloner objecy, normal scale, normal move, Microphone, mic, pattern, tile
Id: MJS6Yt_-h54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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