Modelling, Texturing a Barcelona Jersey in Blender full tutorial

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hello my beautiful ladies and gentlemen you guys are welcome to this tutorial brought to you by the louis art my name is emmanuel okafor and in this tutorial i'll be showing you guys how to model clothing in blender basically um the first case case example we'll be just creating a simple jesse and we'll be going through the entire workflow so we'll be creating the the whole modeling process of creating the jesse with the socks um we'll be creating the textures and finally rendering it so if you're up for that let's get started i have loaded a generic human model from make human which we'll be using to create this character and i'll be using some advanced techniques um but i will do well to show you how that works so let's start by creating the shots because it's the most uh it's the underlayer before the shots jesse so like i said we'll be using some advanced techniques so um you can also look at my shortcuts um that i may um click on um so you can follow along so for the shots what i would do quickly is to click here and add a simple cylinder so this might look quite different from your default and the reason is because i've done some changes to the default presets so for you to be able to do that you can click on this drop down here or you can go to edit adjust last operation so here you can choose um how you want it to be displayed so i want this to have a 12. i want the cap fill type to be nothing and i will just click away so we are good to go so we can place the cylinder right here um so just um statical process of creating the short so i will move this up slightly and now i want to apply a quick mirror modifier so you can go here selecting your object and go to the modifier setting select mirror and click on the object so it's going to mirror that um so i want to do some changes here or enable some pres um changes so i'll click on clipping and click up and click on this edit mode preview so now we can just quickly extrude this and join them together so like i said i will show you some quick advanced technique um another which i created that can make this process easy for you so in edit mode um this add-on which is three tuple matte uh which is more than a modeling so um so what you want to do is just click on quick modifier mirror quick mirror modifier and it's just gonna add the mirror modifier everything is set up for you you can still switch the mirror object that you want to reference from and you can make all the same changes which you could make here okay so once you have that you can select those vertices actually like we did earlier and now uh we want to extrude this upwards but before we do that we need to fill the spaces so a quick way of kind of just extruding faces like this is just selecting this point and hits f so once you do that it's going to extrude some faces there so do the same thing f and extrude some faces there now we'll grab this point and by holding down alt and clicking it will select the edge loop so we'll just move it up slightly okay and we'll extrude it some more so the next step is select everything and apply quick shrink wrap modifier so we'll do we could try it with this plugin which is quite helpful so so it can just um confirm to the shape um it's doing adding some awesome modifiers uh which i can show you how it's adding that so we the first modifier is adds it's a shrink wrap modifier so we'll select this object okay and then it's applying a corrective it's um it's setting it to above surface and target normal okay and then it's also adding another shrink wrap modifier and same thing above surface and target normal project so we can kind of offset it this way so we can adjust it and then it's adding a smooth corrective to allow you kind of adjust the topology because the blender default um shrink up usually mess up the topology so um this corrective smooth can fix that so you can just play with the values to get the effect but like i said this modif um this add-on is more than just a topology tool it also aids in kind of conforming objects to assets quickly and it's quite powerful because um it can just work on just selected parts so i can just select this part and do quick shrink wrap then it only applies it to that selected part so you can check out this add-on this the link will be in the description um so let's keep going i'm just going to select this part and quick shrink wrap adjust that so we have the pants conforming i will add some edge loop and do the quick shrink wrap so as you can see the character smooth is what's basically adjusting the topology to kind of be nice so click creates the symmetry again we'll scale this on the z-axis zero and we'll add some edge loops there quick shrink wrap and we'll kind of extrude it out or slightly okay so we are almost done now with the shorts so it's just going in and adjusting it so we can select everything and do the quick shrink wrap one more time just to make sure it fits in nicely and we'll switch to sculpt mode and hit eye for the inflate brush which you can select here and just kind of move things around and depending on the style which you're going for you probably want to make this a bit bigger so bring the proportional edit brush scale it up slightly scale it on the z-axis just flatten and let's create um the hip the shrink wrap again okay we'll add an edge loop bevel it shrink wrap and extrude it slightly so you can do all of this in blender so it's not you don't have to achieve this with the add-on but this just makes the whole workflow quite easy to do that basically this add-on is a combination of all the simple things i do in blender that usually takes a lot of time because of the repetition process so once we have the shots looking like this we can add a level of detail with blender cloth simulation which um shouldn't take any time so what we'll do now is add a subdivision and then go ahead and add a cloth um physics we'll set this to collision and we'll play with we'll set this to linear and just hit play so what basically what we basically want is for it to just feel more natural so there are a few settings which you could play with um those are the structure so the lower this goes the less it's going to try to maintain the original structure so higher value of the structure is going to probably just going to retain the original shape of the model so let's go like 30 okay and for the bending it also tries to return the structure to prevent it from from bending so much the share is basically same with the structure of the way i would like to look at this is this is for the um z structure that means if if this is set to zero it's not going to maintain the structure going this direction oh sorry animation is still playing so if the structure is set to zero it's just going to kind of drip down um like gravity is kind of expanding it uh for the shear it's going this direction so it's going to lose the tightness and kind of expand in the x-axis so i don't know if that is clever but um that's roughly what's doing so let's do that again so we set this to 30 so we can see it's maintaining that upwards um form and if we set this to zero so it becomes rare in the kind of x-axis part so you can always add like vertices group to restrict things but i don't want to i like how it's looking and we can go ahead and apply all the modifiers so a quick way to do that is go to object quick effect i'm sorry um object um waste that convert mesh so it's going to apply all the subdivisions and you have a nice shot it's going to apply all the modifiers i don't if i see that well okay so let's create the shirt so for the shirt it's basically the same thing but for that we'll use another technique uh which is still possible in blender but this add-on makes it quite easy to get it so i will show you the technique quickly um it's kind of almost like a topology process that you just use the topology process to confirm the mesh onto the object and then you can modify it from there and in the future i hope to tackle more complex clothing styles so we're looking at creating suits and kind of more commonly used clothes and we'll probably try some even sci-fi clothing so we have this simple plane here that we've added we can go ahead and add the mirror modifier okay and basically start snapping it onto the cloud using the snapping enable here and setting it to so enable the um edit mode preview but one thing you can see immediately is you you start losing the visibility of the plane itself which is quite inconveniencing so one thing you can do to improve this is go here and add a solidify modifier and just adjust it so you can start working with your snapped on the on of course okay so this is if i um has been the way i worked um another technique for you to be able to preview your mesh easily is using the displace modifier so i will just enable it in edit mode so this is how it looks so it's all procedural in real time so any changes you make it's going to think it's snapping on the geometry but it's an offset so you can set this mid level to zero and the strength to something low like point one so you can still preview your mesh but um like i said this add-on helps with it it's called retuple mat um so you can switch to ebay and select this plain object and click on address material select this character and add reference material so this is how we look so we can also select this and set it to a reference material so we can select this object by default that you have the wireframe so it helps um basically in the topology process and as you can see no matter without even adding any of that you can still see through your mesh and you can adjust the alpha in case you don't want to make it very transparent or you can even turn it off totally and other school modifiers were added earlier like a thickness you can do it here on the fly with all the materials set up for you or you can add those offsets nicely okay um so let's just use this um so for the shirt um basically you just need to create some landmarks and after you create those landmarks it becomes quite easy for you for you to for you to quickly generate um the sheds shape very quickly so those landmark is creating the nice color so depending on how your reference design is you might want to go further up the neck um direction so something like this so since this is a jersey so this is what the um this particular style of clothing requires so once you have it here we'll add another edge loop here and quickly just extrude it's downwards set this back to okay so you just keep extruding it until it comes round like this okay so once you have this part you want to select i'll increase the vertex size so you want to select this two points and actually downwards and then you add edge loops here so once you add edge loops um what you can do is quickly create like a vertex group um or you can just go into this view hold on just click it it's going to snap onto the geometry or you can do the quick shrink wrap and it just snaps onto it like that so you can select everything quick shrink wrap and it works okay so you select the front patch actually downwards add a couple of edge loops the shrink wrap and it snaps and we'll do for the back side actually downwards add a couple of edge loops and quick shrink wrap so all this is like i said it's possible to do in blender without this addon this just speeds up your workflow tremendously so all you just need to do now is select each point and click f and you extrude like bunch of faces so that's what we just do quickly by the way you can change easily change the color of this to something that you're more comfortable with so i'll click on that and just keep filling up the faces okay so now for the back side okay so we keep just selecting the point hit f and it actuates the face and then finally oh we still have a cup of that so once you're done you can select everything and apply a quick screen crop modifier you can just do this quick shrink wrap and everything will come from so like you see because it's confirming to this particular object it's this part is not working as it should so select it and do a quick shrink wrap so instead of the object we'll select this plane so if it says i'm sorry we want to select the cylinder which is the shot and as you can see on the fly it's confirming to that so it's very convenient and it's only applying it to the selected um part of your mesh so let's scale this on the z-axis and apply quick shrink wrap okay so let's fix the symmetry stuff here so just select this part and move it so for the um kind of sleeves um it's quite easy too so once we have this nice circle here selected or extracted downwards and can apply the quick shrink wrap so you can always play with the settings so if i select the quick shrink wrap i can move it downward slightly play with the scaling the factor kind of have the smooth and stuff can also play with the effect of each shrink wrap and we have it looking all nice and once you're done you can just remove the material remove material remove material okay so we can holding down alt s just bloat it up slightly and we have our base for the shirt i'll just fix all the symmetry and apply a subdivision but before i do that i will add the seams for the object um for the uv which i will probably do it later so we could calculate that like its own um issue so i will add a subdivision modifier and here i want to add an extra edge loop to kind of keep the form based off the design so i want it to look something like this okay and then we'll add the cloth so make this a collision object i will set this to linear okay and so we could play with the share so if i set this to 0 that's what we get i will increase the bend kind of increase them give it a nice tighter structure and let's see if i reduce the of the structure to 0.2 let's see what we get okay so i like how it's looking if you see it's not really interacting with the collision object like you want you can select collision object and just set this to zero so it's going to be tighter when it's it sits very well on the mesh now okay so once you're happy um like we did earlier we can go to object click um convert mesh and at this point you can always adjusting some more okay and yeah it's just finalizing the design um if you did want to create like specific maps for it you can take it to the desired brush or just sculpt higher details in blender through blender's motorized modifier okay so i like where we are now um next step is creating the socks so for that we can just add a simple cylinder okay um actually downwards extrude it one more time maybe slightly up something like this okay and i will select these three points and do ctrl f grid fill okay so we can add more edge loops here selecting everything quick shrink wrap and it just wraps around the leg and then you can play with how you want it to be distributed okay so probably need more wrists here so inside the scope mode i will just adjust this so like i said you can see achieve all of this with blender modifier because that's basically what's happening here but this just makes it quite intuitive so we just smooth out those kind of harsh corners and adjust it in the scope mode and now we can just adjust this scale it on the z-axis and try to reference the the reference option basically um so in a situation where you don't want to model some creases you can select you can just create edge loops select particular faces add a bevel and if you do ctrl i to reduce the selection you can just you know pull it out on or in so set this deselect this part and move it outward basically creating like a nice crease there crease here so i will select this point do the same thing bevel it selects the two end points so we kind of have like a nice steeper effect so if i add the subdivision it seems like a nice nice crease going around that area you can always adjust this so it's blends in nicely by selecting and gg it's not perfect but it's kind of a nice way which is a bit more stylized but um it works okay so we can do quick shake wrap one more time let's see um the problem is um the topology we have here which is from a cylinder doesn't fit well with this angle area at least it doesn't provide a lot of geometry or a nice way to increase geometry without messing up other areas so that would probably be a better solution for that but i'll just leave it for now so i can select this and do the quick mirror modifier and there we have it we have the jesse ready and now let's go in for kind of enhancing the details and kind of pushing it so i can select this edge loop and just move it in slightly scale it out okay um so looking at the reference i know we have some creases here so we could have done this with the mirror modifier so we kind of speed up everything but this still works so okay and then you can select these two points ctrl b so we have this nice scene here and then we alt s it's slightly okay and then for the final showing shown for kind of stuff like this is you will go into your sculpt mode and let's bring this up to be bigger so once you get the pinch brush and just pinch it together so it's not so obvious kind of brings it together you would probably want to grab the milk brush and just free this part up okay so i'll save this now for the texturing the for the uvs and texturing um which will be the next stage of this um the first thing we want to do is kind of determine how we want this to the kind of groups of object and material so do we want both of them to share the same uv and material and all of them to basically share the same uvs and materials so once you've decided that then you can go from there so i basically want them to all share the same use and materials so for that um let's start creating the uvs so i'll just select an edge loop there holding alt click so you have now if you want to select multiple loops you hold shift alt as you can see from this indication so we'll do the same thing here so we want to kind of break it up into different parts so i will do maxine and if you switch to face you can l l and it's just going to select the island base of the uv seams and hide it and i will create another scene here and create it so i will hide this for now because i want to create a seam here probably here okay and for this one i will just mark a scene at the back where it's a bit hidden um because sometimes no matter how good your sim uv is especially if you're not really paying attention you might just end up with the same being obvious so you can if you can hide it by just breaking it up at the side where it's not so obvious or the back to be very convenient so selecting everything we can do you to unwrap it and yeah we have it um ready um it's always advice like for stuff like this you could find a way to make it this kind of is cylinder a rectangular shape it will help the texture greatly there are a lot of add-ons in blender that does that i can't really find mine that i used to use let's see uh i think it's called uv squares um it's a good solution for that uh but you can select edge loop and do scale x0 it's going to also fix that issue let's get x 0 x 0 0 so it's a bit more tedious compare so you can select this undo control v just paste it to kind of um fix the any distortion so let's get x0 x0 okay and finally this one so you could even go further by doing scale-wise there but i'm not cut out for that now uh like i said there's an add-on that does this quickly for you um so you can check it out it's called uv square so just just automatically select everything and make it how it's supposed to be okay so we'll select this object and to kind of check out our uvs to make sure they're good so i'll create a new material and call this uv test um select the color to be using an image texture click on new i will set this to because i plan to use a 2k texture so that's usually 20 by 48 and importantly the generator type should be switched from blank to uv grade so once you do that you can see how your uv is looking looking so um currently the scaling is a bit off um i want to try something so if i you unwrap it to see if the default gives a better result um it does but we can fix that by selecting this and scaling it slightly so the details are kind of consistent so once you're done you can select and do for qbi alliance i island sorry it's going to pack everything nicely okay so let's do the plants now and i will show you how you can combine everything and see maintain a relatively good uv so we'll create a sim there by selecting the edge loop shift alt multi click and this is more easy so just select it like this ctrl e maxim and unwrap so this is it's okay it could be better especially with the rectangular shape which i talked about earlier so we can copy the material by hitting ctrl l link materials so we can see this has a descent a pretty good uvs and the textures will be distributed nicely and for the socks you can select it we can just do one part because we have not applied any modifier so select this part break it up here we'll also break it up here so maxine unwrap so i'll apply the mirror and let's unwrap it one more time let's link the materials uh okay so it's big it's coming together nicely so like i said we want to combine them so let's see we have this looking good we have this looking good and we have this looking good so we'll just select the three of them and selecting them will hit you park islands so basically it's going to just nicely distribute them based off the initial unwrapping with it so as you know if you notice i kind of scale this net part specifically to make it more even with the rest of the uv grid um so that's what's going to retain it retain that when we use the park island um operation in blender so now we have it all set um so they can share one texture which is quite convenient um for kind of building things up okay so let's get into the material section um this is going to be a fun part so if you want to go back to the matter um without if you want to see it with the texture you can come here and click it if you want to go back to the material this is it so here in the node um we'll try to texture everything in blender i have downloaded um some textures which will save us time um because imagine australian jewelry creates the barcelona um logo um good luck with that i mean we could do it if we wanted it but this just saves us time and i also have this nice nike like kind of logo and i also have this so we'll be projecting all of that on top of the base jersey okay so let's get started this will be quite fun so be using a lot of masks using a lot of virtus grip colors to kind of break things up so let's start with switching to ev and i'll give this a quick material i'll make it a diffuse shader and it's something like this kind of like a template and since we already have this applied i can just quickly name this jersey and let's give it a color so we can see if all of them are working nicely okay and now let's go ahead and start so i would add a color or mix okay so we know that jersey the known color of barcelona jersey it's the kind of red and blue so that's what we're going to do and then we're going to use a mask to kind of separate that so to kind of make it more nice so if your producer wants you to kind of adjust things um you can quickly do that for him so for that we'll add an image texture set it to 2k texture importantly you want to switch this part to blank and we'll call this jersey color mask okay i'll set it to white so it's quite visible and we'll make this the factor so we could easily um use ev to texture paint but i wanted to just focus on getting the mask to look nice so we switched to texture so basically um the mask how it will work is that we have a white and black value so we want um we'll basically determine will the black mean a red color and we'll basically have to determine what the black and white would mean so the black would mean the red and the white would mean the blue so since we already have white so we already have the blue color um so we can hit n to bring out this two panel here you can have all the access or access to the texture painting tool you also have more convenient settings right here if you click and right click i think here we start header show to setting so i have a shortcut for that which is alt f1 so it's just easy to do that okay so we'll switch this color to a black color we'll enable x symmetry so if we draw one part it kind of propagates to the other side so we'll draw so one thing you can do in mask it's good we already have like just the shirt separated even though they share the same texture so in a situation whereby you have like both of them in the same [Music] if you have all the objects combined you can use the isolation technique whereby if you want to just print on a certain area you can go in edit mode select the set that certain area and go to your texture paint mode and if you click on this it's only going to let you paint within this area so that's one nice tip okay so now let's basically start i will add an x mirror and increase the strength to one i will go to the radius factor because i don't currently this looks doesn't look sharp enough it looks rounded at the edge so i want to set this to constant so we kind of have this a more strict a more sharp um edge it might look a bit um jack it might look a bit uh rugged at the edge up so we can fix that by trying this one so this is kind of better okay so if you go to stroke type you can select line okay so if you select the line it should allow you to draw a line and it's going to place the jersey there okay so that's one um also if you want to draw so we can just um just draw in the front and then it propagates and at the back what we can do is to go option just uncheck this so now if we do something like this it's going to propagate to the back side so let's draw the line so this is going to be out on custom style jesse okay so let's try something like this i think this was the older the the older jersey that barcelona is the one that had less kind of complexity to the lines it was more just a bunch of lines um okay so i mean this is not perfect but it's close enough um so i'm just going to enable this because it's quite useful and i want to make this region solid to make it bring it back white because that's going to be what the blue color the blue color is going to also show here so okay so like i told you earlier we can select this and it's going to try and select that i'll switch this to face and feel so it just cuts it off right there okay so we are good so we can quickly test it out see how it's looking we sets the roughness high okay so let's do the pants now so for the pants kind of basically the same thing but before that let's go ahead and save this save ours you can save it anywhere you want so for the pants um we'll do the same thing so texture paint mode switch this to draw by using the tools um symmetry of course um no need for symmetry because we'll just be filling out half of it so we'll select the half we'll switch it to this and set the color to black and we'll fill it so we should have it looking this way and immediately let's jump into the socks okay so for this socks we'll be using this returning of this occlude feature and setting it back to draw and we'll be using the stroke type of line so you can easily hit on e to bring this up the stroke method so you can easily switch so let's turn on our symmetry and just draw so let's see well it's just not working okay so if your symmetry starts working um one way blender helps to kind of create a symmetry is to make sure you do origin to geometry which you could find here set original geometry so if the pivot point uh it's in the center then it will work if not it will not work okay so now if we have our symmetry it should work as it's meant to work okay okay so we'll save the image and let's look at what we have so we still need some adjustment um which we'll have to do so bring this up and then what we want to do is just copy the colors basically okay so let's um start building the material so we want to get like the clothes details basically uh but before that let's make make this a little more interesting um so i want to add like extra layer patterns because it helps bring out the chiffon shown in the jesse um just any nice pattern that you can duplicate couple of times so i will add let's see nice one and i'm not talking about the bump i'm just talking about the material itself so let's add this and i'll add the transform tool let's set it to about five or 15 let's try generated and see what we get um okay it's not looking good okay so like i said we can create multiple masks um for different sections um which we could do for kind of having this rotate differently that we want so because if i do 90 degrees um it actually looks nice so we'll do that um 25 okay and then i will add another mis mix um value and just basically play with different blending types so right off the back i like this one which is dark ducking i'll set this to be the new color so it's adding another level of complexity so i don't want it to affect this particular color i want something else to affect it and a way quick way to generate mask is using the vertex paint so selecting this vertex paint i will just create i'm just go to the vertex pane switch this to black color and shift k it's going to create that but importantly since multiple objects are using the same vertex paint we need to go to those objects and just create new vertex paint layers okay um so once we do that it's going to isolate the spot so i will click here and this is the first first versus paint and if i come here to preview so we can see that the the only place affected by this is what expand is the the place that has a lighter color so this has a darker color and it will be affected by it so as you can see um so we want to now make one to be affected to affect the socks itself so we'll create a new we're just basically importing new textures so we can import anything that feels like cotton or basically the material itself so let's look for one i don't have okay something like this looks like rough four to make it a bit fluffy so let's preview how it looks um between 30 okay and so i wanted to influence the color basically i'm so add it here so it's influencing it nicely so i can set this to something higher um rotate this 90 degrees to get a different effect and so for the isolation i'll basically add the color invert node so it's basically inverting the effect so it's going to affect just the black colors now and it's not going to affect the white colors so this is what we have so you can also use those marks marks to affect the alphas too if needed and you can always go back and change it um so let's set this to maybe 20 so it's a bit obvious because we're proud of our work let's see if we can get better effect from that so it's color dirt let's go back to what it was which is starking okay um now let's do for the roughness um let's do let's create a nice bump so it's basically the same thing we're using mask to kind of control how we want different parts to be influenced so different depending on the kind of the material of the clothing and so you probably want to go for something different so let's see what i have here um let's use this one okay so i will add a transform and scale this up by 120 times which might be a lot so let's do 60. okay and then we'll add the color mist for now we'll just set it to 100 and let's create one for the socks so it could be the same texture but bigger um so one way to kind of um have the same transform affects two objects differently or different textures differently it's let's do vector and if i remember this um vector math okay we do multiply let's try two a point three point two so it's just to reduce the amount of noise we're getting here okay so now we'll basically connect this texture here and we can switch between each of them and now we use this mask that we created in the vertex group as a factor now um so we just need to switch the connection so as you can see we have two different um sizes of the textures and that's what we use so importantly i'll click on clamp and then add a bump node connect it so it's quite strong so reduce it so one way to kind of have different effects because i like i slightly i kind of like how it looks in the socks i want it to be bit pronounced with the socks which i need to make a bit smaller so point five on point three so i like the effect to be a bit pronounced with the socks like this and i want to release it here so it's quite easy to do what we can just basically do is add a you can do it with so many things you can add an rgb curve here and just reduce it basically reducing the brightness of the color uh we can create our own um our own custom roughness map but it's this is fine so i just added like a subdivision okay so it's coming together nicely um the next step is adding those logos and decals um because what we have now is like we have a nice procedural texture that we can not really procedural but you get what i mean it's a nice custom stuff that we can always change the color and change things and if you're happy with it you can break it down so uh let's add those stick outs like the texture of the the logos and everything to kind of make our life easy let's go to photoshop so here in photoshop i will set the project file to 5000 by five thousand because i want to put so many textures into one so create okay and then i'll just go ahead and open all the textures i have um so i want this and this so open so i will copy this and paste it here so let's just have some visibility for now i'll paste it here you don't have to scale it or anything just leave it as default then i want to copy this text um i will go to filter from select color range and just select the white color so i will copy and paste so we have this here and for the logo which is already transparent and i got it on google we can paste it here so this is basically what we're needing i also want to create like a number so let's give it 10. scale out texture just something high like 300 okay so basically anything you want to paste um you can also determine the color right here so let's say let's go for a nice gold yellow okay and the player name let's go with the most popular and i know he's not in barcelona again but it's quite known so let's do messy okay so once you're done with this we can turn up the background since it's a transparent image and save it anywhere so i'll save it to my desktop i'm going to save leave it as a psd file so i can come back and make any changes in the future if i want that so yeah yeah in blender i will create a new i will duplicate this and i can go here node reset node it's gonna set back to default and create a new texture and call this um decals okay and make out leave alpha checked and come here in the color and set the alpha to zero and hit okay and then i will plug it as a factor okay this is what we have now so i'm going to use evie on because without evita on we should have it as transparent okay so it will help us kind of have a real-time feedback how it's going to look so i switch texture turn off the symmetry come to texture here and clean click on you set this to stencil and i will come to this texture tab and basically go and locate where i have the texture set so make sure make sure the aspect ratio is same with the image so you just click on image aspect it's going to scale up the image reset transform viewers render alpha i'll tell it to complete alpha so it will smooth out the alpha thing so sampling i want to set caution filter um let's see [Music] okay so i think we are all set so we can come here scale it down slightly just align it okay and make sure your color is set to 100 white so it's you can use the real color of the object of the texture also let's make sure we have this checked so it doesn't go through the mesh and now we can just paint so like i said you can hit e to bring this up so we set this back to space and it's just paint um let's see what the problem is okay so it's just assuming that based on our node setup it's just setting it to white which is this color so i want to tell you to use this um the textures too okay so let's do messy right here okay it's a bit big so let's scale it down okay and here logo just paint it in for the sponsors okay and then we have our nike sign okay so it seems quite big okay so you can always go in and delete it when if you don't want that again so let's create add the logo here too oh i'm selecting the wrong object so select this object bring that in get this nice um the nike sign fits that in okay so we're almost set so they have the nike sign on the sucks i'm using the reference to wrong object okay so it's on off symmetry we can start behaving as it should so let's try flipping the axis um okay like this okay um let's see if i need to we're missing anything it's not 101 to 100 like accurate but it's close enough so let's do save ours decals so you can always go in and change it later so now if we want to enhance this to kind of give it some depth we can easily create a new map and use the alpha as the height okay and that doesn't seem to be working let's use the color okay so that works so we can just add some depth and we can also use it as a roughness value um we'll just connect the alpha to the roughness add a con color ramp so the alpha doesn't want to cooperate okay or better still let's see what we have here so i want this logo patch to all be white so what i'll do is kind of increase this to high value like this and i'll probably use that as the alpha okay so all we need to do now is invert this color so this place has more specularity okay and then i will add a mix mix rgb so basically how roughness works is if it's stuck then it's going to be more shiny and if it's white it's going to be less it's going to be raw fire so something like this and you can always add like a color you can always add like a matte node here switch this to multiply and adjust this to your liking okay so we are almost done now don't know enable ambient occlusion in it's looking even nicer okay so next i think we are done if you're happy with this and you want to proceed um okay one more thing i mean we can keep pushing this as fast we want we could kind of sculpt in higher details and bake in the map which is quite straightforward actually especially if um if you want to use blender if you want to use a brush you can do it um just add extra layers of details uh if you pop to simulate it then you can get that for free through the cloud simulation uh if we if you want to have like pre-made ones then you can bake it um with high resolution to low poly resolution sculpting okay so if we're happy with this we can pick out the color we can pick out maps so that we we don't have this complex node but if you want to have this so that you can always go back and change things then you're fine so that'll be it for this tutorial um the next part of this chair will just be trying to create an animation and simulating it if you want to stay for that you're welcome um but the creating of the jersey is done um so i'll be using an add-on to quickly just rig this guy up and animate it so the item is pooper of course so call this um player okay volume so this it's basically using rigidify as the engine but it gives you access to quickly rig up your character and apply quick animations so any information you need about all of these will be in the description so you can check it out yourself so i plan to kind of simulate it and i'll rig animate and simulate everything now so you can see the workflow okay so once we have this um let's bind it so i'll preview the rig let's kind of fix all the starting point and make sure everything is looking good okay so go ahead and bind it i'll use voxel binding okay so it's done now and let's see we have the character rigged nicely okay we probably have to go in and kind of fix some things so let's do that so i will select the head so it first selects the bone and the head that's basically how you do weight pains in blender so select this part assign smooth it out basically using the smooth operation here which i've added to my quick favorite and then i don't want the neck to influence the head so smooth that out let's see still so remove move this out okay um so let's do for the shirt so we want this to only influence the sleeves so remove so you can go to edit last operation and increase the amount of the smooth so i'm going to set this to 12. so it kind of works faster let's do eight okay same with the shoulders i only wanted to influence enough but not so much um so let's do the same thing here okay so we need to fix this um so wait okay so just smoothing it down to kind of fix that and once you're done you can just clear the white paint enable ik okay so we have it behaving nicely so one thing we can do when you have clothing and you you don't want to see through it is you can select parts that are problematic come here and click on add new group so we'll call this mask a cloud mask okay and then we'll come here in the modifier select that cloud mask invert it and smooth this is a new blender awesome feature for the mask so now we can move this how we like and it just works so for the animation let's look for something sport animation um there's a soccer okay so we have let's see what this is okay sorry like that let's see if we can get any other one okay like the soccer one okay so once you're happy with the animation let's just add like a prop object so object will add like a quick just a simple sphere nothing too crazy and we can actually add like a nice texture um for that i will just google um soccer ball texture let's just find one this will do might not be perfect um so we'll go to tool set this to large size this helps let's grab this one looking for the perfect one let's just do this oh no it has okay let's use this i stopped a long deliberation i found one i like i just quickly opened that image so probably do some nice changes here so the um node editor can add um the by ctrl t when using the node wrangler node i'll set this to generate that's that's not good let's do us okay so we'll probably have to go into uv editor and kind of move things around to make it look nice i mean it's not perfect but it does the job and here i will use this as a bump map information something like this and let's add some roughness require what's it uh i'll use a grunge let's use this as the roughness then i will add a color mix mix so i'll use a factor to control the visibility and use the scholar to control the roughness okay so we have a nice camera here anyway so let's just keep moving and now we'll do a little animation so it's it runs right here just position position in it so so we want it to go let's determine the trajectory so from here we can use like an annotation tool goes like this okay [Music] um let's just create the posing first we'll still have to clean up stuff later okay so now we just need to get the timing um correctly so [Music] probably need to speed it up some more so i'll put my castle here and just kill it cool and we have like some elite rolling um what i'll do now is just bring out the graph editor kind of play with things a little bit so i will delete this keyframe and we'll use the graph editor oh nice looking much better so this is going down quite fast and we'll extend this slightly okay so we don't need the graph a little for this instance so it's working actually like it let's give it a nice color and switch this to principle bsdf okay um now let's just clean up our scene i'll go to view annotation i'll remove that i'll hide my rig and we have our animation okay so for the cloud simulation um let's tackle that next so i will select this and for the start frame i'm going to set it to um negative i think this cannot go lower than that so for that um i'm not wrong you need to go to view um sing visible range so it's view it's not that anyways what i'm trying to do is i want the cloud simulation to start before the animation so everything is kind of settled so i will in frame one um frame negative 17 i'm going to set a key from there i'll duplicate it's like a bit to about frame negative seven and so before it gets to frame zero it's already positioned and it's simulating there okay so um setting up the um animation on the kind of groups that you the setting up the pinning of the object because right now if to select the clothing okay and go to cloud simulation and hit cloud we have this set collision and while that's it i will turn up the mask for now we can see it's following along but it's ripping off because we need to pin certain parts so for that we'll go inside and a quick way to just select the pin it's to select the sims one on the sims which you created and do shift g um select seams okay and then this is what we'll be using as the pin group if you don't have seams in your object and your object already has like a uv you can select the uv and go to uv sims from island and then it will create sims and then you can select the sims and do shift g seems i will create this and call this pin group okay and then here in the cloud simulation you want to go to shape and select pin group now to play it should behave much better so let's move the subdivision down depending on what kind of details you want to maintain so make this a collision object which it is already okay so this actually is what looking nice um let's see do we want to maintain the structure i'll reduce it i'll switch this to linear and it's really structured to about five let's see and when we're beginning finally we can now turn on like the self collision to fix some issues okay so that looks good and we can go ahead and bake it so for the baking i'll set the quality steps to about eight um the collision on crazy two five um this is just personal my computer can handle it unless i'm kind of having fun with it so the surf collision i will set it to importantly the distance um if it's higher it's going to be it's going to perform better because the collision will detect it faster but if your distance is going to be faster so set this to 0.001 okay and i will go ahead and bake that it's okay so this only allows to zero so uh we can work with that so just quickly bake out this animation which is quite fast as you can see i forgot to switch the edge to 44 but it's okay we can just stop it once it gets there okay so so one thing i'm gonna do is here in this application we have it in the viewport level um using one so i'm gonna set it to one also in the render and then add another subdivision on top of that to um to be what it's going to render later so this will be set to render one and i can set it to zero so we're still getting the two subdivision levels but um you know what i mean okay so for the pants we're basically going to do the same thing we'll select the seams one of the sim and do shift g seams and we'll create a new vertex group and something we'll call this clothed pin and hit assign so make this a cloud object linear select the cloud pane and right here we can just set it to 44 stats animation at frame 0 let's play okay so um right here um let's add more subdivisions so we added subdivision before the cloud and one select this object because we made some changes earlier whereby we changed to thickness so instead of just guessing let's get back to the default value so the thickness was 0.002 so just copy that and paste that here this was 0.2 and let's go ahead and preview okay so we can bake it and all those penetrations we can hide it with mask so i'll go ahead and bake this so by default the default is fine and we don't need self condition because so far it's paving pretty nice so it's fine okay so let's get this problematic area using the mask i'll enable the mask and it's gonna hide that we'll have to do that for the leg so i'm going to enable edit mode preview of the um the geometry and also preview the mask edit mode so we can see what we are hiding i always select this part because it showed the stomach region one time so we'll leave that so i'm gonna add it to cl oh no wrong guy yeah clothes mask so right here it kind of reveals the stomach so let's remove that i will not preview the mask again and i'll select this region and remove it from the cloth mask group so and also select slightly some of this and remove okay so you want to go around and check to make sure nothing has been hidden so you need to see a nice nice ass crack okay so this is looking almost there some here okay i think we're all set and we can see our material i might want to i might need to adjust the clothing slightly the shirt i'm going to ink um i'm going to increase the bend okay and the structure crazy to like 30 so you have some more stiffness because it's quite wobbly here and i will break that again this is like looking like a full on workflow tutorial but it's fine okay it works but i forgot to turn on the collision the mesh mask so i'll turn that on for this instance so set this to a collision object let's pick that again okay so it's done and we can preview it i can turn on my mask so for stuff like this um this is like a quick fix so we are getting cloud penetrating around this region at a particular time of the animation so i will um create a new vertex group and call this adjust cloud okay and right here i will add a displace modifier and select the adjust quote set this to 0 and reduce this value and then add the subdivision after that so since it's just um timing the animation so also go in and just blend this some more okay so just here we want that let's see it with the subdivision like this for now okay so once it's like this um i will insert a keyframe right here so at this point we don't need it so set this to zero or slightly so this the zero right yes so we think i think we needed more than we know where is it some more and search it to zero so fix that quickly inside keyframe move it out slightly okay so right here and once we add the displace then we can add like a smooth modifier and move it above the subdivisions and we want to use the cloud adjust and smooth it out so we don't have it's not obvious that we did anything there so you can this how you can kind of fix your clothes simulation after the fact especially if you don't want to resume it so now let's prepare for rendering so add the plane switch to edge extrude it upwards bevel it scale it out smooth 3d just basically applying the subdivision i can select the edges and do shift e to add like um an edge what do we call that again crease and that's preview so set this to a duck diffuse color let me increase the roughness slightly so let's see so i'll move this back on the y-axis a bit i mean there are a lot of this you can use to fix um the animation with pop-up tools but we will not fix that let's see is it touching the floor no it's not um like this so i would have to fix the animation i'm a bit extra but i like it so we need to adjust it slightly at this position so if you have popeye this is quite easy and you can do it with your curve modifier so i mean we can just fix the key from ourselves actually i'm only for unnecessary complex complexity um okay so okay it's looking much better i think we kind of messed this up okay i see what's happening so rather i will move the plane since we already picked out our simulation and i'll move this in edit mode slightly on top okay so we can go ahead and render this i will set the focal length about 80 let's get a nice camera angle so let's just experiment see okay so that's not good um i want to catch the ball moving okay so i think we have all set to render and i will go ahead and render it uh but before we do that i will just duplicate this and kind of position it so it's kind of like an endless loop okay to even make it look cool just set it to green it feels like green screen oh let's do blue screen okay so for the lighting um let's switch to scene mode basically that's what we're using to render and you can just use the hdr to kind of position this and i think we're done we can add quick sound effect which i would just download one now okay so i've gotten some sounds from the free sound dot org and then we can go to video editing and let's add the sounds my download music set it to the 3d view okay so okay and let's add this sharing crowd the quick stuff you can do to your sound is kind of trim it at the end so it doesn't just cut off how do you okay to cut it and then we just animate let's see we have this effect fade out okay so yes i like how it's looking okay so that's it um let's go ahead and render this i will let's see what cycles give us if if it's better than cycles then so i rendered it now and we see we get this error here this error is just because of we the modifier is not behaving as it should for the especially for the cloud so we have it's rendering at one in viewport so this is what happens when trending or two so we just need to fix that set it to one and also add another subdivision later set it to one so we'll render it in cycles this is what it gives us but if we let's try ev to see if we can still eat our cake and have it so i like the effect of cycles much better so i will render it in cycles so you guys will see the result and thank you so much for watching i hope this was very informative uh i actually just wanted to show you how you can create the cloud but it got crazy so yeah so thank you for watching bye bye for now see you next time
Views: 1,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, tutorial, blender, texturing, blender 2.8 learn blender, blender cycles, barcelona, blender material library, tutorial modelado cinema 4d, blender (software), blender 3d, pes 2020 face making tutorial, blender 2.8, video tutorial, blender materials, simple tutorial, cinema 4d tutorial español, tutorial español cinema 4d, cinema 4d tutorial, pes real face tutorial, illustrator tutorial, creating clothes in blender, Creating cg clothes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 18sec (6138 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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