EmberGen 0.7.5 Release Day Live Stream!

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hello friends welcome to the ambergen 0.75 release stream hopefully everything sounds good it should i was having mic issues my mic wasn't being recognized but here we are all right so uh john in our chat says that uh zero seven five uh or that i said that it was the total of your dreams it should be i really hope it is yes ambergen is a fluid simulation tool uh air is a fluid okay anyway sorry that the camera's vibrating a bit i'll back up from my desk sorry today's been a really long morning so i'm like okay um so basically uh we released immersion zero seven five today we've been working on this for over a year and um we are doing the best that we can uh to get the software out to you and so we got it out uh normally i would hope that we would release uh regular updates uh throughout the year but unfortunately amerigen075 was just a a beast to build and we initially thought it was going to be done in like january but that did not happen because of how complicated it was to build this um imogen is not a simple tool to build unfortunately um and so we had to hire a bunch of new people too so we brought on around like 10 new people uh to join the team over the past year to help us out and uh they're all full time now and i just want to initially thank our entire team publicly um which i didn't like my email that i sent out if you're part of our email newsletter um and also post it on our discord server but still here i want to thank our our team um for all their hard work uh even though i'm the face of jenga fx i am not the only person in jenga fx there's 14 other people uh working very hard um to get the software to where it is and helping us test and visual effects and all that stuff so um really a huge huge thank you to everybody um you know uh this has been a crazy journey for all of us um uh almost two years ago to this date uh november 6th is our two year anniversary of imogen uh you know we we launched our alpha and being completely honest it kind of sucked the only reason we released it is because we really had no other choice but to release it otherwise we were going to run out of money and luckily uh during the two last two months of the year that we had in 2019 that alpha sold really well um and that let us basically all go full time after that even though it was like in like the worst of the worst mvp state in our opinion in retrospect but at the time it was absolutely amazing technology and ambergen still is amazing technology open up any other uh tool that does what we do and you're gonna find that you're gonna be waiting a really long time like other tools haven't particularly caught up yet uh one big tool is catching up and and that's great you know um i want to see speeds in the industry improve that is the entire reason why i started jenga fx is to light a fire under people's ass so that we can get faster tools and nobody else was doing it so i built it like that's the thing and so that's what imogen is and now that we've got the the real time speed and and all that stuff we're um you know we're we're working towards ease of use right um one of the big problems is uh visual effects is really hard to get into you know it takes a lot of technical skills and all the stuff and ambrogen is still quite technical and there's a lot of terms that you know you need to know to understand how a fluid simulation works and all that stuff but the big thing is is that with our nodegraph system and everything it's it's very uh centered towards ease of use and that's what this new ui and everything that we're releasing is uh working towards um i hope my mic isn't cutting out there's nothing i can do about it um so yeah um that's basically it like you know just a huge thank you to our team and a huge huge thank you um to all of our customers and everybody who's believed in us and supported us and given us your hard-earned cash um it is going to a good cause i think it is mostly going towards the development of our tools and future tools things like that if you buy our suite um you know that extra money it essentially goes towards uh funding the team so that we can get bigger and then build our future tools that we uh have mentioned in the past people ask me all the time liquidation liquidation liquor gin in some ways i regret mentioning it because i get so many questions about it but um uh we do hope to uh start work on it here uh eventually um that means that we have not really started work on it we've done research but um we're we're getting there so regardless um the sweet stuff uh it helps fund additional tooling um and so we are we're going there um let's see uh yeah this this has just been crazy like i've been waiting for this day for so long and the whole team has been waiting uh so long uh for this and oh well we've been diligently working the entire time we haven't been sitting around so uh yeah um other than that guys like uh let's kind of dive in and and see some of the new uh presets or or actually you know what like before we go into like diving into like the actual release stuff does anybody have any questions about the company or our team or anything so i see that timothy has some questions um and so yeah so go ahead and ask questions and we can do some quick q a and then we can hop through the the software i don't plan on this being a terribly long live stream uh just because my day is extremely busy due to it being launch day um but yeah so let's see um first off so timothy says what pricing trend do you predict in the coming years staying the same increasing decreasing it's going to increase um like right now is probably the cheapest you will ever be able to get emergent or whatever and it's not necessarily that we want to increase prices it's just there's inflation etc things get more expensive salaries get more expensive uh etc like over time and we might have to raise prices in the future but right now we recently lowered our prices like averaging is literally the cheapest it's ever been for indie users or hobbyists or whatever so um yeah so but i would probably presume that prices are going to increase over the years um but i don't know when right now we're staying at 199 or 19.99 a month um and then our suite i think is like 249. the suite is definitely going to increase whenever we add new tools to it so you know if you want permanent licenses and stuff like that for all of our tools in the future buy the suite now while it's cheap so because it is going to get more expensive um our trial resets still a thing yes they are i'm sure that there are a lot of people who downloaded the trail in the past uh and now their trial they don't get a new trial for zero seven five just uh just email us and we'll send you a key um uh to to extend your trial for 14 days uh unfortunately we don't have like an automated system that lets you do that so we'll have to do it manually uh right the second um but yeah if you need a trial extension just email us and we'll we'll be happy to give you one uh so yeah uh what's the update on liquor gen well my update was basically we don't know when it's gonna be out um i did say uh that we have it uh by like the end of this year i'm pretty sure i said that uh but the problem was because we didn't think that amberjam was going to take an entire year to develop this single update um and so we've been hiring as much as we can we're doing the best that we can and i really try not to promise dates anymore so i learned my lesson um and so uh and by the way uh if so say if you paid for a year and you have a permanent license you will get a permanent license of liquigen completely for free you don't have to keep paying the only thing you keep paying for is updates right now but you'll get at least liquidgen 1.0 completely for free even if you stop paying and you have a sweet license um so yeah so that's not even a worry for you you don't have to pay for another year if you don't want to it helps us like it's going to fund our development so the money is going to a good cause to like help develop liquidgen and stuff but it's up to you um okay uh we'll will it have apple metal support uh we do have plans for mac support um that's probably gonna be ambergen 1.0 um i don't know when specifically but we are we did hire a guy who does optimizations and platform conversions and stuff like that and we actually even had a linux build ready for 0.75 but the linux operating system itself has issues with compute shaders so we ended up not launching it because it's it's i don't know it didn't work very well on linux but maybe we can come up with a solution to fix that in the future or linux can fix their operating system uh sorry linux i'm not calling you out don't kill me so yeah um let's see uh any chances for a one-time permit we already have a one-time permanent license uh if you go to the website it says it everywhere on the pricing page that we offer permanent licenses if you know how to make it more clear let me know um but yeah so you can pay for an annual license get your permit license and then immediately cancel and you can own ambergen forever and then in the future if you want updates you can buy a year of maintenance um whenever you're ready and you do get 12 months of updates if you purchase an annual license um a good prices are a good policy to have lower prices for indies and students students get emerging for 60 dollars if they have a university email address um so we do have cheaper stuff for students and i do think it is a good idea to have lower prices in general and that's why we recently lowered our prices for now um congrats thank you i already went over the mac m1 metal stuff uh yes we plan on uh doing it but i don't know when it's coming out um [Music] somebody says i have not bought a license yet um i'd like to keep a look at premise detect it was part of the octane beta users too yes if you are an oh toy subscriber you can get zero seven five um that's part of your subscription um you know uh in some way that supports us too uh but if you want a permanent license uh purchasing from us is the way to go um somebody says how does imaging work with otoy sub uh basically if you purchased i don't know which tier you have to purchase but if you purchase one of the oh toy subs um you can get ambrogin and world creator for free for now i don't think it's going to be free in the future but for right now it's free in addition to your octane sub um and uh yeah but you don't get the full suite you just get ambergen um and you wouldn't get like liquid gen or anything like that in the future and then also it is a continual subscription you never get a perpetual license if you have a toy sub so that's basically how the otoy sub works and then honestly the goal with the o2b sub is for us to basically have it so that we have a direct integration into cinema 4d that is why we partnered with otoy um and we are working now to get our code ported over as a plugin for cinema 4d but that's going to be sold through otoy essentially um and so eventually otoy users won't have the standalone they'll just have the plug-in version and so but no timeline and when the plug-in's gonna happen our we got so delayed uh with zero seven five that i just don't know timelines for anything anymore um but we're working on it so okay um any plans for more in-depth courses or tutorials so we've released entirely new documentation uh which is awesome um we are working on that daily and we hope to continue to improve that um and then we are also uh doing um uh planning on doing a lot of tutorials so yes you will see a lot of tutorials we did two live streams that you can see on our youtube channel that trains you how to do fire and explosions and then like dust and smoke um but we do have plans to have like more concise uh like strictly followed tutorials and stuff too just a matter of time um so uh somebody said i'm already using the animated geometry stuff and it's the yes it is the it's really awesome isn't it um do you need the full suite to get liquid in or if you have have ambergene you get liquegen if you have just ambrogin you're not going to get liquigen but you can always contact us and upgrade to the sweet whenever liquid gen comes out and then you'll get liquegen as part of that um any tutorial on how to integrate a 3d volume inside unreal unreal does not support vdbs or 3d volumes other than the ones that they generate directly inside their software you could export a vdb to like houdini and then slice up the volumes but we hope to have a volume slicer in a like a hot patch uh pretty soon because i told our tech guy to work on that so um yeah so hopefully that answers your question but uh in general we would really just hope to have our own integration in unreal engine 5 and have you have simulations actually working like directly in unreal so that's one of our goals too i don't know when that's going to happen but it's on our list of like more like serious things we really need to do um uh let's see plug-in for 3ds max only through otoy whatever octane works in uh in theory uh our plug-in will work in inherently but we don't know how well the plug-ins are going to perform we don't know if they'll be real-time we don't know anything about how it's going to work the reason why we built a standalone is because we have full control over performance and everything else versus integrating with other people but otoy contacted us and said that they could help us out and do the plug-in stuff and whatnot you know with with our code and everything so you know i i really hope that it is real time in those uh other tools but we'll see um are there any restrictions on buying maintenance like for example redshift has this annoying thing where you only have one year after your license runs out to get it and then it only lasts just as long um so the only restriction we have is that you can't like get a perpetual license or we don't call it perpetual anymore we call it permanent um where you where you can get up or sorry if you buy a permeate license and then say like three years later like you you like you've been cancelled and all this stuff you can't just buy a month and then like expect to get updates like you're going to get a new key for buying a month you're not going to update your old key we only have yearly maintenance plans um the maintenance plan is like they are not available to purchase on our website yet you would have to contact us but i don't think that anybody's in the situation where they would need to buy maintenance jets since ambergen is quite new so um but if you are in that situation contact us and we can give you um maintenance if you need it um so yeah um let's see uh let's see if people looking forward to the c4d plug-in yes uh we hope it comes out next year that's all i'll say i hope it comes out next year but i don't know when it's going to come out um congrats on the release thank you um nice to hear you're playing more tutorials i find the approach from insid dm uh quite nice as they do quick tutorials and more in-depth ones yep we plan on doing some of that stuff can you please uh show me how to export fire with model um imogen is the best uh i'm probably not gonna show exporting stuff if you want to see stuff like that watch our previous live stream that we did for the training um can we emit from specific faces using alpha mask for analytic so for elemex we don't have um you can't use variable vertices counts and you can't use any type of mask if you want to mask anything you'll need to do it through vertex color or like bones or something like that that are parented to a specific vertice um so you can do from specific faces if you pair like a bone or something like that to it i believe and then you have the you have the option sorry i need some water okay all right i'm back um so yeah so i think that's a way that you could emit from specific vertices or faces if you wanted to otherwise you can use vertex painting but that stuff only works on fbx as far as i know because we don't have a full alembic integration just because alembic was so ridiculously complicated to integrate then the only reason we got alembic is because the fbx sdk from autodesk actually had a like a small alembic integration uh oliver i'm not going to be showing how to import a camera today but you can go to our documentation and there is a text based tutorial that shows you how to do it and i can tell you over the stream here basically use an import node you want to import as a fbx um and then after that uh you uh click i think there's a button called like use camera and then you you do that you expose the camera and then you plug that into like your actual camera node um and then from there you go to the default drop down and are where it says default camera in the viewport you can select the new camera so that's basically it it's really simple you just import fbx with it expose it to the node graph and then that's basically it so and we have a little tutorial on our documentation on how to do that um dxy abyss says i know it's easy to export sprite sheets for a given effect but is there any kind of pixelation filters uh yes there is um i can show you that in a second um [Music] are there going to be ue5 tutorials maybe we're kind of straying away from like game vfx tutorials right this second because we have so much to do with amber chin but i'm sure we'll probably do some like live streams for actual game art and stuff like that too um there's a lot that i want us to be able to do on our channel and and have our channel really be like an awesome learning source for uh both games and film and stuff so we'll get there we need to hire more people um so let's see uh encroach the public release if my one year subscription will own soon will i only get zero five or will i be able to update so the thing is is we think that it would be completely unfair that even if you stopped paying now uh for you not to get 1.0 we don't want you to have a beta version of the software uh for a permanent license so you would definitely get 1.0 but your updates would stop at 1.0 after we're out of beta and for those of you still paying that is literally paying our salaries so thank you for your support even if you might not need maintenance right this second but it is convenient so um yeah the otoy version has not been updated yet it's a completely different build system and we hope to have that out like today or tomorrow so bear with us there it's still early early in the morning for us so uh and we just needed to get stuff out to our customers first um but other than that otoy we do hope to have it updated soon um as a person who doesn't know advanced math is it possible learning the software you don't even need to know advanced math to know how to use this software imaging cannot or unreal cannot import vdbs it's just not a thing um there's no new materials for unreal we're still using the old one okay so i'm gonna stop talking for now i've been talking for like 30 minutes um so thank you for listening to my rant uh we're going to go over ember gen075 real quick um and so the stream will probably be like 30 more minutes or something like that um because i do have a lot to do today um unfortunately i wish i had more time but i don't um okay and i talk too much so that's how it is that's why i'm the person who does this ambergen does not install to the c drive by the way it should install or actually it should install like c program files whatever it used to be just straight c but now it should be um direct to like program files i think um if it doesn't let us know because our installer's not working right but um yeah okay uh so here we go let's remove my face we'll see there we go all right cool so this is uh ambergen zero seven five um we have a lot of new presets and so today my plan was that we're just gonna kind of go through uh some of the new presets some of the ones that i think are cool um that kind of thing let me go to my view render quality and let's do low so that it's running faster um so like we have like some really cool new like fire shading um we have a lot of cool new presets i think uh to really get you guys started um we have like you know torch flames and uh fiery cubes um we have like our fake uh waterfall thing and we have like some comments uh in some of our presets showing us how to do this which if my stream is laggy i'm not sure why ambergen is uh you know what hang on let me restart the software because i think i'm uh using a build that is not good hang on one second uh let's see build ambergen we had a build that had a memory leak right before launch the new one shouldn't have one but um okay come on you can do it watch okay hang on i'm having like a lot of technical difficulties here well on launch day everything goes wrong right um for some reason like two instances open up and now it's taking like 300 years to to exit or close or do whatever hang on i'm a task manager all right uh okay so this version of imogen is the stable one okay so it should be fast and not like like me to death okay that waterfall should have been running a lot faster i thought okay that is a bit faster but not much anyway so uh this is what we what we have um so this is zero seven five and sorry i'm just getting back on track here okay so we have like the fake waterfall and we do have comments through some of these things um showing like uh you know how we did things um so we have some really cool new presets showing off like uh you know line forces you can see that we added like new gizmos and things so that you can really uh tweak your your the way that you you visualize things um in like our nodes here uh we have like previews for like your noise um if we're using post modulation which we are here so we're like mapping the vorticity to temperature so without that mapping this is what it looks like and then with the mapping this is what it looks like so you can use post modulation we have some really cool curve editors here so we're really trying to give you a lot of control over how you're managing your simulations now and you can see that we have oscillators that are just randomly changing the position here of these various line forces which is really awesome one thing i wish that we could do that i think we're going to add is like a eyeball button to like where you can just click and see that all the visualizers you want at one time um but hopefully that'll come out in a patch or something um so uh yeah great and i'm really glad the screen's not lagging i was having a lot of problems with obs earlier um so yeah so and then we've also got things like uh you know like some magic spells i'm just kind of going through the presets here uh ones that stand out to me um we've got like this this this is a larger preset so i probably should have put like a heavy gpu warning um but we've got like a flamethrower versus a flamethrower which is really awesome that is a a very heavy one and then we also have a specific example to games and if you go to render quality high this should actually look good um so there we go so there's like a nice uh render for games um and one thing that i want to note for this particular preset is we animated the camera um so that your texture space fills up properly so if we go over here and let me just say like uh test or something um and then export now you can see that this uh roughly uh maximizes your texture space a lot better than if we didn't animate the camera um and then of course we're like we have our little uh you know our playback tool uh right now our playback oh it actually does work if you pause and and play back uh does our playback actually playback at the right rate no not yet so um so that this thing is still broken unfortunately but um there's there's a big problem with like retiming and things like that that we're going to be working on that causes uh the issue but you can i go through the timeline and scrub forward some backwards if you want to um so that that kind of shows like i wanted to make sure to have at least just one like game specific preset for the game devs out there um and by the way if you want to export all of your images you have to right click and do export all there is no more export all button at this time yeah we're probably going to add it back but we just needed something quick so we added it to the menu here so you can export all your passes i they don't all have a file path um unfortunately but yeah so that's that and so that's a game example and for the person who talked about pixelation if you're still on the stream you can go to us scene style uh pixelized uh and let's go to our render here um and then we can do uh like less pixelization and so there you go so like you can kind of like change this to be however you want um you can make it like more uh say like 8-bit if you want so something like that you know it's pretty pretty cool and we could use say just the render and that's going to like get rid of um the like the bloom and stuff like that so uh yeah so if you do want uh pixelization you can do that we also have like a paint filter um and and things like that we have like chromatic aberration if you want that which let me turn up my quantization um and so like you can like add chromatic aberration if you want to your texture you can boost this to something ridiculous like 5000 or whatever if you wanted to so and we have like you know iteration amounts and everything so um you can kind of change uh whatever you want we also have like an edge detection filter and then you can kind of like uh you know tweak it to be you know as stylized as you want and we can say like let's make like our edge color um like red or something just to see it and then uh [Music] for some reason it's not showing up on soba alpha let's see so we have like various things that you can do um so yeah so we can like change the ramp so then you can make it like you know black if you wanted to um to make it really stylized and even if we go into our renderer here uh you can see the full version of that um and kind of change like the edge ramp or or do whatever you want um and so we have differing methods for that kind of thing um somebody said is it possible to layer these effects not yet but i would hope so in the future that we have something kind of like substance designer where you can really um uh change everything somebody said do you have to catch the main fluids no we do not have a cache um everything is completely real time so for instance one other cool thing uh with this particular preset which that filter looks really cool but so we'll leave this little filter on and if we go to say force noise and uh change our seed uh the simulation is different now um oh sorry here we go let me just go to my render our scene camera so here we go so we've got it like going out to the side like this and we change our seat again you know and so we can just change things change our scale whatever doesn't matter everything is completely real time it updates every change if you restart the simulation and for instance like let me go to like a new project and uh like let's just you know go to emission and change like our fuel rate or change our smoke like everything is completely real time you do not have to wait there's no caching or anything like that and by the way a huge feature that we added which is really hard to show but if you minimize embryogen it will not consume your hardware anymore it will go to sleep and it will stop uh heating your room up so i know that a lot of people ask for that like hey like if i'm not in ambergen uh can you please make it not use stuff uh or use my performance and my graphics card and electricity yes we have done that for you um if you minimize it and i think uh there might even be like a sleep function somebody in the check can let me know i think we even have it that if you don't interact with the software for an extended period of time it just goes to sleep too i don't know if that made it in but i think we added that um will there be a cache in the future for doing very high resolution sims uh maybe i don't know though um so yeah uh it kind of depends uh it's it's gonna get really complicated whenever we have like sparse simulations and stuff like that so i can't promise caches and caches are kind of like against the principle that we're after but i can see how caches would be um apparently if i pause it then uh it will go to sleep after 10 seconds which is cool um so yeah um uh somebody says they have a uh rtx titan i'm sure they don't have rtx they have old titan pascal i'm sure that would work fine the big thing is memory bandwidth the higher your memory bandwidth is the better imaging is going to perform for you and so we also have uh some other really cool stuff i like these uh like cool little jellyfish um we have uh let's see i have like this fire via modulation example for uh some different style flames um one thing that i really like let me see if i can find it is this uh crystal fire flow i think this is awesome as [Laughter] you know uh that's really cool it's definitely a motion graphicsy uh type effect and uh the way we're getting this is just um simply through a neat little color gradient um so that's really cool uh and then we have like a line force kind of pushing everything uh outwards one thing i do hope we have in the future is tiling simulations so that you can tile like your your textures or vdbs or whatever in the future um let's see we also have um see magic gpu particles so we do have like some some neat gpu particle examples one thing i do want to mention is that in this version of imogen gpu particles are a lot slower than they used to be unfortunately that's just because of the way like our new rendering stuff works but we do hope to continue to optimize our stuff here um i know that people also really liked uh clouds so we have a lot of different uh cloud presets so we've got like a an alien cloud preset that you saw in our trailer uh which by the way if you haven't seen our trailer watch that after the stream it's really awesome uh we put in a lot of work for that um oh sorry i just did the clouds alien um and then we have like uh let me show you like some more like actual cloud stuff so we have like a cloud layer um if you wanted to uh figure out how to do something like that for like your uvdbs or something or whatever um and that kind of thing um so we did add some like really cool cloud presets and i kind of tried to organize stuff but there were just so many that it was hard to put them on the same thing we also have like a a hurricane example um if you're into that kind of thing um we do have like a new tornado as well i do know that tornadoes don't particularly like suck downwards but this is more of a stylized tornado um we'll probably have another maybe even more realistic tornado in the future uh yes it is normal that your gpu usage is a hundred percent that's the entire point of improving is that we use every bit of performance that your graphics card has to offer that's why imogen is so fast um it's because we we don't want to use 50 or 98 we want to use a hundred to make sure that you get the maximum performance possible out of the software um so yes it is normal and it is expected and your graphics card is not gonna die um hopefully unless it's like a lemon um but yeah your graphics card it has built-in protections and all that stuff so um yeah so yes 100 is normal um and now if you minimize this offer it won't be 100 so yeah um let's see we also have uh some really cool stuff like um this this dust shockwave which by the way let me open the gpu heavy one here uh i really like the shading on this one and so uh oh sorry this is massive explosion let's see uh dust shockwave so i really really like the shading on this one and if i turn off the ground on this it does create some really cool effects on the ground as well um i think that this is really nice it's especially cool that we get like these um uh like yellow [Music] uh sun lit volume things on the ground it's really cool and so that this this is one of our our higher quality um simulations you could make this even more detailed if you use like noise and post modulation or something like that but um this is a really cool simulation and i tried to make two different versions so that if you have a 30 90 like me you can run the heavy version and if you don't have a 30 90 then you can use the um the less heavy and so yeah and then we have like you know another type of shockwave which is really small um and it's just a simple uh dust version um let's see what other cool presets are there um let's see uh we have a new thing for particles um where you can actually advect your uh particle shapes so if we go to motion um and say if we turn down our advection um which actually uh okay there so there we go okay so if we have advection intensity that allows them to go and then we have tightness which controls how tightly they follow uh those vector fields uh or velocity fields or whatever that the simulation is generating this allows you to have some pretty neat effects where you can actually advect your particles um so i mean one thing that might be interesting which i just want to try this real quick so if we go i think i had an aerial explosion i don't know the numbers by heart yet um let's see [Music] um it's somewhere i'm looking for my aerial explosion here it is 25. okay so like in this i'm just curious what would happen if we go to motion and we do um tightness intensity and advection intensity um so yeah so the the particles they kind of swirl around so we probably want to like lower our tightness or something like that and so now your particles might be a little bit more uh on the swirly side um instead of just going in straight lines or something like that if you did want some extra motion or things like that inside of your simulation so that's a really cool feature um we also have uh particle collisions now um let's see uh gp particle let's see particle bubbly i don't okay so yeah we do have a particle impact example so basically particles can like bounce and collide and all kinds of stuff now and also particles are um world space as well uh which should help out in a lot of uh things so you can actually have a particle emitter that's moving and the particles don't move with the emitter so to speak they get injected into world space instead of being local to the emitter which is quite useful and so let's see we also have something like this where you can do more unique things with your your particles uh and this is gpu particles in this case um and if you want to access gpu particles you can go to rendering mode particles experimental um and hybrid is both volumetric and particles in the same simulation um so yeah and let's see uh what one gpu particle effect that i really like is this uh enigma i showed it on one of my streams uh previously um and if you want like the sphere block out away from it you can disable the collider and that'll just make it just like some of that electric like stuff what i should have done though is exported this with our chromatic aberration because i thought it looked really cool when we did that let's do like 500 or something so um so yeah so we have some some pretty cool stuff uh yeah and so let's see uh jason pointed out number 43 to me uh which is bouncy particles um so yeah so i we have this this neat little example where you can see that particles can like bounce and collide off of the walls of the simulation they can also bounce and collide off of actual colliders things like that so if we go here and we do collider and we go here and drag like a shape and if any particles hit this in theory uh maybe there's a setting that i need let's see collisions uh yeah so we need to go here i mean to say collide so collide with colliders and now our stuff should collide with the colliders which is really awesome so and so that means if you bring in like a mesh or anything like that you can have these particle effects actually collide with the mesh and stuff if you're emitting like an explosion or something like that um so it's really awesome uh it's generating a lot of collisions or something like that for a second i think it got stuck between the the sphere and the ground because the ground is what's causing the impacts in this case it's really really wacky um so so we have that um then i also have some some other cool stuff like these uh magic energy balls this is kind of like an example of you know our our new lighting and the ability to use uh colliders uh as lights and things like that so um that's that's a really cool feature that we added uh as well instead of zero seven five um and so we also have uh some more realistic stuff so if you need like steam from a teacup or something like that uh we have an example for that um and i do hope that we we have a lot more presets here in the future as well we also have some cool stuff like a a smoke signal things like that i did see that somebody asked about a larger scale or slower removing simulations like galaxies we do have a guy on our server uh named lucas he might be even watching this the stream right now he does a lot of galaxy stuff so it is possible we don't have any presets for larger like slow-moving things but it is uh possible to do that kind of stuff if you want um and so yeah um let's see uh one really uh cool example that we had here is something like this um this is a very odd thing uh that we came up with and the crazy thing about this particular uh simulation is that there are no emitters in this case there's not an emitter at all to create any of uh this what we're actually doing is inside of the uh post modulation settings um we're taking like the vorticity and the velocity and things like that and applying it to uh replace the smoke or fire in the simulation and so then uh that is being our emitter essentially and so it's a really really crazy uh simulation that we have here i think it's really cool um so some other presets that are being um uh can we layer two or more effects and would they interact with others i'm presuming you mean like different simulations and the answer right this second is no but in the future i would hope so but right now we have a problem um uh with with some of the things that we're doing so um so this is one that was uh pointed out to me so we have like a falling vapor um which is a really uh nifty preset if you want something like uh dry ice or something i think we have some specific dry ice presets too then we also have some new things like a math node so that you can do math if you want to somebody asks do i need to know math no you don't but if you want to use this node you do um so this is just a really simple example but you can do any kind of expressions that you want if you are mathematically inclined and we also have a a midi import now so if you go over here up oh hang on cancel if we go over here and we go to modulator we do have a midi node uh for those of you uh who like music and things like that and you can plug that signal into any uh input that you want so if you wanted to change like your so say your fuel rate or something like that um you can plug this midi signal into your fuel rate i don't have a midi controller so i can't show you anything um but you would be able to control this via midi and you can do single channel triple channel note trigger control change all kinds of uh cool midi stuff if you're in that sector of the industry and so another one strange oscillators which is this is a a very uh strange uh simulation um where we just have a bunch of different oscillators and time shifts and stuff and so you can create some very um i would probably call this like generative uh art type effects and things like that um with imogen as well um it's not just fire and smoke you can do all kinds of magical stuff um one of my favorite presets is um this uh this this emerald ball i particularly like this effect um and i'm sure that you could uh you know make it so that you like animate your activity or something and so like let's restart the sim and then just like animate it really quick or something and you could take away the smoke if you wanted to and have like a really nice burst for like a game effect or something you can always uh you know undo the uh what did i do here okay yeah you can always undo the uh the collider if you don't want it to be masked and things like that as well um so yeah so pretty pretty cool uh different effects that you can have here um with with imogen um and there's there's just a lot of stuff guys i'm not going to go through every single one but we do have a lot of really cool presets for you to try out and you know learn from i do hope to have more explosions and more fire and more smoke and things like that there are some things missing um but i was i kind of want to wait for our sparse simulations before i do things like a big smoke plume or something like that um and of course we didn't like match hardly any of our our old presets or anything so there's probably some things that we can do on that front as well to give you access to even more um and then one thing uh the the chat can kind of respond to this but one thing that we want to do as well is offer uh what i would consider uh professional presets uh we have had a lot of people in the past um ask um about uh like a preset store or something like that um and so we we are going to have one i don't know when it's going to happen but we do want to release uh like a bundle of say like 100 explosions or something like that you know for x amount of money i don't know how much it would cost but um if there's something that you would like a lot of snow uh in the end it is another way for us to uh support the development of the software because it is very expensive to run this company and build this tool so uh we do hope to offer some paid uh preset bundles that are like production ready and they're already set up and and things like that so um yeah so that's something if you have any feedback on that let me know but um and maybe even one day we would open up the marketplace for people to sell their own uh ambergen projects but um all depends but that's something else that we're kind of thinking of right now um so yeah um other than that guys that's uh that's basically everything that i i wanted to show here uh presets wise um and so we already offer you know i hope to have over a hundred free presets and then anything else you can uh uh buy it from us whenever we have those out um and so a couple of other quick notes just to kind of go over uh some of the um uh actual features of ambergen um the the main points so um if we go here uh let's see open project uh desktop hang on let me move this over here um so here's an example of something that we have um where we have a explosion and things like that with a moving camera integration so this this kind of uh shows a number of different things uh we did not include this preset because i don't know if we have the rights to actually like distribute this uh drone shot or not um uh but yeah so as in like in image formats or whatever i think we can i'm pretty sure we can actually show it because we put it on our trailer um so i'm pretty sure that was cleared but i don't know the rights behind distributing it so we didn't put it with the preset um but um what we have is basically we have a imported uh scene from maya and it has a camera information and this like uh this polygonal geometry so we can like turn off renderous polygons and you can see that it's basically showing that we have matched the camera movement to the mesh that we made and things like that which is really really awesome and then we have just uh it's not the best exposure in the world it's just something simple uh to show that we can uh track the uh footage properly and have have it so that you can use ambrogen as a compositing tool for your films because people always say my vdb doesn't render right in another tool uh well it's not going to look like imrigen because we have a totally different renderer than what anybody else uses for volumes we have a lot more features that are very specific to the data that we have inside of imogen and so that would be why it's not looking particularly the same for you but uh you know you can use like this shape here as like a hold out um you can um you know uh import your camera like i said and so you can have like the default camera and so we can just like you know peruse around and and build our simulation like where we want it um and then i think which if daniel is in the chat he's our main vfx guy i think right now the only caveat is you can't move like the bounds of the simulation to be where you would want it um but uh what you would do i think it's like have it so that the vfx that you want is in the exact center of the scene and then export it that way um so that our bounding box is in the center of exactly what you're uh where you're wanting to put it and so the camera will still be like offset properly and stuff but it should allow you to composite properly um if you export with the uh yeah 7 3 spark simulation go find that preset guys if you want to see sparse simulations um um yeah so uh okay yeah so so you can move the fbx and emerging and stuff like that to make it match your back plates and whatnot um which is kind of tedious hopefully we'll have a cleaner better workflow in the future where you can move the actual simulation itself as well uh to match like where it's imported and things like that but this is literally just the first pass on our camera imports and stuff so yeah and then uh of course if you do import your cameras um i believe we go over here to the cameras tab and you can select your camera and that's literally all you do and it outputs it and then um yeah you can plug it into control and set it over into the camera node and and that's it so it's really easy and inside your camera node that's where you have your um your back plates you can set the frame rate uh that kind of thing um and then also with like your animated geometry uh you would want to make sure that you are setting the proper frame rate there's various um things in our discord server that talk about frame rates and because ambergen is 60 fps but like your camera might be 24 and there's like some kind of complications there to make it all kind of line up and stuff but if you look in our discord server and maybe we'll even cover in our documentation until we have retiming um so yeah so there's that um let's see and then uh i think that's about all i wanted to to show um you know if you want to get this node tree inside of ampersand because i think by default it is not enabled there's a node tree button up here and it does expand and this is like a new way that you can um kind of select your stuff you do have to click the little dot unless uh you have it like this then it's a lot easier to select your your nodes um so if you do like a node tree and you're used to working with that kind of thing or if you don't want it you can turn it on and off we do have uh various preferences for like your camera where you can change it to blender if you are a blender user industry compatible is maya we should probably name it maya but i don't know why we named it industry battle but but regardless it's basically maya um and we'll probably add like houdini controls and stuff like that in the future too um so yeah we want you to be comfortable with your workflow the new ui is really really awesome i mean it has so many cool features like if you want to say uh you know i want to find fuel or i want um you know uh like noise or something like that i want to find it or if i want to do noise in my search bar for the the node graph um you know and then also if you're like i don't know what connects into what what can connect into emitter forces well just drag off and it'll tell you and then you can click and and figure it out um which actually oh it has no parameters for the term fuel that's why okay um yeah we might can even add c4d camera controls um but i think like if you want also there's in the preferences you can kind of change things to um be whatever you want so you can change all of your parameters to your desire if you want so you can map it to be uh anything you want there's also yeah somebody brought up the command palette so if you want to quit the software or cut copy paste you know create a comment whatever um you can do that with control enter as well which is really cool um so yeah those are kind of the the features here um so yeah i mean there's just there's so much and i think if we go to about release notes um there's a huge uh change list here so we you know we have like new viewport controls and visualizations um you can now control the camera with your mouse keyboard or a tablet i know that a lot of people like to use like wacom tablets and stuff so if you want to you can use that in ambergen now um you know you can uh also in this feature for the game devs out there let me go back to my game specific uh thing here hang on i gotta go back to my install folder and find the preset okay so in this case um if we export this uh render and let's just do test again uh if we export this the background is black and in a lot of cases in the game engine um you might actually get like uh like these black edges and stuff like that uh on your sprite whenever you you have it so what you can do now is if you go into the um i think the render node and then we have background um which unfortunately the display background under playback control is not the same thing so you need to go to the render node and then we can change the background color to be i don't know let's say like this gray color or something and so now uh whenever we export this uh it should have worked but it did not maybe i chose render okay i need to do render all oh hang on i know what i did okay so you can only use render with backgrounds here not render all because render all is overridden by the viewport that makes sense so here we go so now we have the uh gray color and you could you know build it to uh match a little bit better if you wanted and so it's pretty cool um and so yeah so that's that's really really awesome and then of course uh now you actually do have to um manually export alpha as well so if we go down here and check alpha we can plug that into our export image and now this would export with alpha as well so now inside here we've got our alpha and we shouldn't have um dark edges as we can see there are no dark edges because of what we exported with so really awesome workflow improvements for games as well we do hope to continually improve this there are some other things i believe it's in project settings or let's see preferences use your variables so basically if you want uh various um variables so say um you know i don't know like a good example so let's just say like uh render all or we'll just say r right and this could be you know say render all and so if we if we add that variable like anywhere we put this right here in the name it's going to actually do this in the export and so this is so that you can um you know create systems for say like you know naming motion vectors and all kinds of stuff like specific names and whatnot without having to retype it all the time you can just type you know dollar sign r dollar sign m whatever and it will name it your specific convention um so that's that's really cool then you could probably even pass your on like user config file like around your team if you have all the variables set up and then um they could have all the variables that you have which is pretty awesome so uh back to the about release notes um yeah so everything is fancy uh you can do auto linking with ctrl l uh we have a new math node uh you can edit multiple parameters for multiple notes so if you select like multiple emitters you can edit them all at once um we have a new verticals node which is pretty insane um real things that i'd like to be able to export grayscale frames into all four channels of an image uh i don't know if we have like grayscale specific but i'm sure you can probably find a path that will work for that so like like let's go here and so we have like uh direct light uh we have emissive we also have uh just like alpha which in some ways is it's just grayscale um we have uh like your albedo which in this case is really dark uh we have a depth pass uh we have like a smoke mask if you wanted that so we have all kinds of various uh grayscale things for you we've got a flame mask if you wanted that as well which is really really bright in this case but um yeah so if you want that a real thing in the chat we have all kinds of passes and you have uh every chance to pack it however you want you can plug these in to whatever channel you want so um yeah go wild uh on that and so uh let's see let's see uh somebody says i'm not a student just for learning do i need any license uh yes you need an indie license whether you're a hobbyist who's just learning and you're having fun and doing your own things at home or whatever or you're an indie person who actually wants to do stuff commercially you both have the same license it's really cheap it's really affordable at the end of the day uh compared to other tools um instead of needing you know a giant base program or something that costs four thousand dollars or whatever uh plus plug-ins and all that stuff we have uh just this single standalone and this is all you need to create the effects that you want so um so that's that's that um so um other than that um yeah and so also michael has a good point in the scene node uh if we go over here and we go to our saturation um you can change it to one but it appears to be broken on our fire which is which is funny uh gil if you're still here write the dumb as a bug uh saturation does not work on the fire channel interesting okay fire is kind of kind of pesky um and it kind of makes some weird effects but yeah so so there's that um and so uh other than that like are there any other major things that i'm that i'm i'm missing here uh let's see release notes um okay so we'll see here um yeah so we have like all kinds of hotkeys animated meshes uh lots of shading and rendering improvements if you want to see those watch our live training live streams that we did um and then lots of uh particles so that we have like particle gpu particles shaped particles we have like a new burst particle thing so if we go to open project i really do like this right here so i have them kind of organized let's see i'm looking for bursts here we go so we could do like magic bursts or whatever um so this is like a way to spawn a bunch of different uh particles or shapes or whatever i'm in a bursty fashion if that's what you want instead of having to keyframe all of it so that's really cool um and so yeah i think i think that's that's about it we have cleaner faster exports the vdb exports are now from the volume node which makes a lot more sense which is awesome and so yeah um that's that's about everything guys um you know i i want to just say if there's any final questions i'll bring my my little camera back up here so that's basically it you know uh this is kind of the release stream um our trailer really kind of like tells the tale of of what's new and everything and we have been doing uh live training sessions that show off so much stuff so i don't really want to be repetitive because we've been documenting the process of zero seven five for a while now um but yeah so that that's basically um basically everything guys um you know just thank you thank you so much um for all of your support you know every dollar uh counts and helps us out with development um because we are a team of 15 people now um and that cost a lot of money so uh we we need your support you know we need your help um you know so you know we're we're trying to do great things for the industry and i really really want us to um be number one you know i want us to be the tool of choice for everybody um and i i think that we're doing a really good job you know if you look on our new website which if you haven't seen that go check that out too it's a really nice website so i'm proud of that too um you but if you scroll down on like the homepage you can see a giant list of customers and all of those companies trust us uh with their product um or at the very least they use it hopefully they trust us um so but they all do use the product um and uh yeah i mean it's just really really awesome and so you know i i hope that our 1.0 trailer is uh that we can top it because this trailer was pretty pretty cool it it took a lot of work to get to get it done um so yeah um you know we're we're we're pushing forward really hard and um 2022 is going to be an amazing year for both us and uh for you guys when you get access to a new tools within imogen or maybe even new tools in general we'll see um that kind of thing and we really want to disrupt the industry um i think that if you uh look at a certain big name player insert name here recent release you can tell they have a lot of inspiration from us so we're definitely making a massive impact and they're watching what we're doing so um it's really cool and kudos to them for their recent release if you know who i'm talking about um it's a really cool update so um you know but we are competing and so at least in my mind we are so i i want to win um and we're going to do everything that we can to uh continue making the software great and we're just gonna focus on us and uh we hope that we we gather more and more people to to get the softwares out please tell your friends the software is so awesome it has most of the features that have been requested um in regards to animated meshes and camera imports and whatever so like i never have to hear about that again thank god um so yeah that that's basically it like this is this is a long time coming so i really thank everybody for sticking with me and with the team and everything so um somebody said when will the render include or render i guess i mean otoy include 275 hopefully sometime today or tomorrow um i'm sure the team is probably working on it now um so yeah it'll be just whenever so um it's coming soon our customers got it first and then otoy customers will get it soon enough so thank you very much guys i i really appreciate you tuning in for the stream and uh if you have any questions feel free to join our discord server you can find that on our website um and like the footer or on the home page uh and also i think under like community tab in the main menu uh so please join our discord server if you haven't um and then yeah so if you wanna talk to us you can do that there or through uh our support uh email form um on our website so go there and click contact us and you can contact us from there and then a couple other things we have some self-serve uh portals now uh if you have a license that says in use you can go to the support page and deactivate it yourself instead of creating a support ticket because we were getting way too many and so you can fix your key there um uh oh and martin bowman says uh you can update the otoy version so it looks like we pushed it so excellent they must have done that during the stream so good job to our dev team for getting that out uh now we just need to make it available to i need to give it to jules over at otoy so they can put it um the zip file and stuff like that uh on the the downloads page so yeah so looks like otoy users have access now as well um yeah that's that's basically basically it guys you know thank you so much you know without your support we would not be here i started the company in 2016 and had no clue what i was doing and i just really wanted this to work and now we have 15 employees and we're just we're just kicking ass and you know a huge huge heartfelt thank you to all of you you know without you we couldn't have done it and a huge thanks to our team as well in my email and stuff i said thanks but i really want to say thanks again you know um they they've been awesome so we have some of the best minds in the world uh working on this tool in my opinion so we're doing what we can got gotta do the dab right all right well i will catch you guys later uh peace out for now we'll probably do some more live training in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned um yeah yeah i uh uh somebody said it right in the the chat so uh jinx right um yeah new training uh coming in so just stay tuned other than that i will talk with you guys later bye for now
Channel: JangaFX VFX Software & Tutorials
Views: 5,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WbnQcFsi29Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 10sec (4390 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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