Industrial Design/Product Modeling #14 | Futuristic Hammer

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hello everyone welcome back how are you in this tutorial i will model that hammer actually this is a challenge from our discord group and i decided to model that this object is great example for hard surface it has everything like this details on cylindrical shape walls and seams i think you'll learn lots of new things on this tutorial so let's get started let's start with image playing i will go to right view press shift nv go to back select image plane let's give some transparency i will add a cylinder i will start the model from here let's change the radius i will also set my height segments to one because we will not need this right now right now the important thing is to have enough rotation segments because as you can see that hammer that part needs small details if you look at our cylinder you see that we don't have enough rotation segments to get these details so i will increase my rotation segments i think 24 is good enough it's not too much but not so low also while working on this kind of cynical cylindrical shapes match out this number this number should be divided by four for example let's set it to 22 and make it editable i will switch top view and if you can see that i don't have a center edge on the z axis so if i want to add a symmetry and delete this i cannot get that effect i can delete that side but not here so it's always good to have a number that can be divided by 4 like 24 that way i can delete these points also there's these ones then it is symmetry two times anyway let's go back to our object i'm gonna undo that set it to 24 make it indexable also i'm gonna work with symmetry so it looks like i need to delete that site select them then delete right click select line cuts let's make it single line i will cut over here also here and the last one i'm gonna delete these top points we don't need this also these polygons need to be deleted select line cuts and connect these points now let's select these edges this time i'm going to change my axis to 100 z then minus 100 percent on the y press ctrl extrude then switch to scale tool press c and scale these edges on both z and y press ctrl extrude this time i think these should be flat or something closer to that or you know what i'm gonna undo that i will do that later let's finish here press ctrl oh sorry i have to change some of the settings i will set my z to minus 100 percent then scale i will select this back set my x axis to minus 100 percent i'm to reset y and z and scale them from the very center because we will use symmetry i don't want to mess the center edges now let's extrude this switch to point smart slide these points also i'm gonna scale these edges and push them back over here now i'm gonna make bridges it's polygon press ctrl and close these caps and last one that one i am not going to connect these points right now i will do that later let's select these top edges press ctrl and exert let's push this down actually why don't we scale down to zero i will select these add my z to 100 percent press ctrl extrude i will scale it slightly then rotate this i will set my y to 0 minus 100 one more time now let's work on this i think i need to lower the transparency to see it better let's press e and change our axis because i want to rotate this then i want to scale them let's reset this i am on the scaling the y and z don't scale them all together like that or else you will get that we don't want that let's finish this this polygon tool i'm gonna double click on this reset my axis one more time with my x to minus 100 percent and slightly scale them on the x-axis i will deselect this press ctrl and x root i will stop right here it's like this time to change my radiation the world so -100 is okay i will scale them on the y sort of z then i'm just gonna select that point i will increase that transparency one more time and let's select line cuts and cut over here same thing here also we will need a cut right here also i can connect that edge to that one we need to do that anyway and select these and select butts and that's i will slightly slide that point at that one now i will reset the axis press ctrl and x route these then i need to scale them and reposition this time i'm going to extrude this press ctrl x root but i will set my x position and size to zero then i will delete this i did this because i'm gonna use symmetry and i want these center points to be exactly right on zero on both position and size and i see that one point is off so you can either on the set that to zero or you can just select these all and set them to zero i will select this change my x to 100 percent and scale them you can do this by hand by the way but i like the changing the access now let's select this extrude then scale i will add one look at over here so that i can exert this then i can connect these two now let's exert these two points edges set the x position to zero also the size then i'm gonna ask respect to polygon pen press ctrl and connect these sorry not not these i'm gonna select this set the x to 100 scale from here i don't want these points to be right in the center because i need to connect this that area will not be included in the symmetry for the top part i can right click close polygon half switch to point smart select line cuts we need to find a way to connect these points let's start from here i will connect them later because i need to finish these parts now let's take a look at here i will exert this i will change my z to minus 100 also i will load that transparency i can't see anything okay now i'm gonna exert this this okay it looks fine now let's select this press ctrl and extrude i need to change my axis to minus 100 so i can scale them just like that that's about points i will need another look at here now i'm gonna collect this extrude set the position and size to zero i can wrap this and connect that point to here so i can select these two as well let's first scale this that should be better now i'm going to press ctrl and extrude and stop right here can scale back down to zero one more time now i am going to extrude that edge two times after that 60 points mode let's fastest points i think we need to slide this down okay looks better now let's extrude that somewhere here scale it one more extrude but this time that edge should be right on the center i'm going to set it to zero so we have two edges come down so i need to merge them in a way if i hit these two cuts i can connect them also i will need a circular shape here so i can use them now let's reposition this i will add a little cut here so i can select these edges switch to scale much and make sure that the x is my 100 percent minus i will press control and exert this actually let's lower the y yes this is a lot better press control and extrude i will scale them on the x to match the edge flow i will switch the line cuts and connect these points i will select polygon pen tool press ctrl and reach these edges i'm gonna add one loop cut here and continue to breach now let's extrude that edge press ctrl x root set it to zero on the x i can exert attach press ctrl x root one more time that should i end right on that edge i will press mne or right click select click on pen press ctrl and connect these edges so i can connect these as well or that side let's select these polygons right click split and move them then i'm going to make them into one object select them right click connect objects and delete i will select this scale then press ctrl and scale and make sure that these x advice set of 100 minus for that side we do not need this so i can delete then select these ones right click let's use city chance sieve press shift and connect these points i can do the same thing over here but we need to make sure that the edge counts the same on both sides for example here we have six and six as well on that side so we can use station 2 press shift and connect these points i will execute that edge and set it to 0 on the x also i am going to change the size to zero i'm going to push this edge down let's extrude that edge move that point over here and i'm going to select the move that edge on the x also i will turn off that for playing it is distracting set it to zero on the x i need to connect this with polygon pen that one i will solve here later let's connect this but before doing that i need a little cuts right here and delete that polygon polygon pan and extrude that edge set it to zero on both sides and position connect these points i believe that i will need more depth here so i'm gonna push it like that now let's take a look here now i will stop right here and start to add my sporting edges or low cuts because after that point i don't know if you can see that my shape is getting from an angular shape to more like a circular or cylindrical so at this point i should stop i should add my cuts then after adding all these lines at this point i should convert them to circular shape slowly so what we do first thing i'm going to add symmetry and in the subdivision surface press alt select side division surface select loop cut let's start from here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that site looks okay now i'm gonna look at that part [Music] [Music] let's connect this [Music] for the very bottom i'm gonna attach the cuts select these polygons and move these down [Music] also we need to check here out [Music] we will need an additional cut here connects same or the other side then i will switch to points mode at this point also the top part here should be darker yes also i can use that edge cut to make here sharper it looks to be sharper in the reference image so it's a win-win now i can stack to lower these polygon counts i chain add that cut over here and merge these two double click on that edge then dissolve same for the h2 now here should be more circular or curved so i need to move these edges away from each other they are too close but i don't know what happened to my look at but i'm gonna add that one more time okay everything looks fine i think here could be more angular i am gonna push these points up add one more cut here and here that should give me that curve but let's not forget the last loop cut ish yes let's check that yeah pretty similar now i'm gonna try to match that shape by moving the points okay now let's extrude this press ctrl extrude see which back to points mods and i'm gonna reposition these points i will select this double click on them and make sure that the x is on the very center i'm gonna scale them only on the x actually let's extrude this and i'm gonna do that i need to reposition these points okay now i can scale this scale them and select them and scale them just like that now i will exert this and leave them here i need to work on ish let's first select this select bevel let's pave them with one subdivision but make it really small then select the edges in the middle and to change the y axis to zero then first i'm gonna scale them onto x after that i'm gonna scale them on the y let's press q all right now let's add our spotting edges and i am going to add any sitting there let's change to orientation we will not put any height segments also we will not need any caps now i need to know how many edges are here over here let's double click on here it says 14 so if we multiply that with 2 it makes 28 so i'm gonna make my rotation segments 28 we can't make that center editable now i'm gonna match the sizes of these two edge loops all right so i'm gonna need to do that around the top view let's reset this axis yeah pretty enough now i'm gonna pull this all the way here and it looks like we need to scale this yes i will delete that site so let's double click on here and it says 14 perfect now i can merge these two objects into one connect objects and delete now all i have to do select chances press shift and connect these points we need to move some points actually that edge bothers me i need to slide that up we need to relax this area because this is where it starts to its shape from angular to circular and i want to slide this back and i want to change it to proportional this way these edges will follow that edge flow okay nuts that's for the last thing i want to use brush with smooth modes first i'm going to convert these two points press ctrl and set points select flash change it to switch let's lower the strength also we can add another one here so we can use that edge loop as a bridge i'm going to convert this to points and brush these two with smooth mod yes perfect we still have some distortion over here path it's not visible at all so we can go on i will press shift and it will cut right in the middle do that two times after that i will select these points change my y axis to sorry not my z to 100 percent and change the sizes of these edges rotate them then i need to change my sphere okay it looks like i need to skip this one from the x yeah it looks like something happens over here i'm gonna undo that few times let's reset this then set it to zoo another persons okay this time i will switch to blush but smear much and push these points perfect for here let's add all the cuts select them and scale them slightly now let's work on the that seam i will select line cuts let's start from here then i need to cut here but that look cut is too close to me i'm gonna slide it slightly and cut over here now i need to find a way to connect this let's do that with line cuts i will merge these points in the middle then i will disall these two edges i will select these new edges now i will select bevel with subdivision and i am gonna i'm gonna pebble this we get this because of the handgun over here but don't worry i will correct them with the slide tool okay now i need to get rid of these end guns and triangle first thing i want to create a loop around here then slide that point up this is nice but we have one more point i'm gonna get to that one and create a new pad i need an input right around here and i'm gonna slide up notch this to that one this is gonna give me enough space okay the top part looks fine now let's check the button i will make the exact same thing i will create any pads move that point down connect that points that one creates another pads slide that down and smash this to that one okay everything looks good now i'm gonna select edges in the middle change my offset to the middle minus 100 on the x then i'm gonna scale this on bot x and y okay let's check that by enabling subdivision surface of course you will need sporting gauges first one over here and that one here now let's select these outrages press ctrl and slides but not that way same thing on that edge loop i will select deselect arrow points select brush one more time change it to smudge and let's move these points they are too close to each other now it's time to finish over here let's reposition these points with brush and similar mods okay i will select these top and bottom edges then press ctrl and extrude them on the x then i will set their position and size to zero and connect these points perfect i will select these this looks like that part looks like separate from other mesh or let's just keep the way that we did in on these seams let's just make it one mesh i'm gonna extrude this select click select extrude will press ctrl and convert on the points select brush let's move this point i did that because i don't want to change the other points i will make another x route this time i'm gonna scale them let's reset this i will set them x to minus 100 and scale some rotation cover temp points select brush and reposition these points okay now i'm gonna add cuts something happened in the middle i will turn off symmetry oh yes we extruded counter edges let's delete that actually i should have done before if you select symmetry and enable these options it is going to automatically delete those polygons that you have just seen i will set these points position to zero actually under the size also i don't know why but i will cut over here i'm gonna dissolve that one all right now i will need another seam over here let's do the same thing or let's do something different let's make it two subdivisions then select middle polygons bit loop selection unl right click select normal normal move and push this down and i'm gonna use the cuts and it looks perfect i think i should select that to make it sharper and let's make our subdivision editor to 3 looks perfect no pinching no deformation i believe that these should be like that i'm not sure these are too close i'm gonna select them like i can slide nice now let's check here i am not exactly sure but i think you need to move this and select that polygon and move that i think we need to change edge flop let's cut over here oops about these points then i'm going to connect that i can't solve that h also that one we have a triangle over here actually we have two if i make a cut like that and slide this let's let's see if this is gonna work yeah not much but i want to use that edge as a sporting edge for the top i'm gonna end it over here this is gonna create a triangle that's not gonna be a problem i'm gonna install that edge we have one triangle over here let's cut like that that's this yeah pretty close or the last thing as you can see we don't have a yet perfect match over our image plane i can press shoot at fft deformer i will add bunch of points on y and z then select points of fft and change my object okay let's make that effort editable select cylinder right click state object and wait all right i think this is enough i am loving that part to you maybe that but also finally we can make that symmetrical and change our access to here and we can start use or hammer anyway thank you guys and i see you later bye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 12,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, normal scale, normal move, hammer, futuristic, challenge
Id: f4Vr9v-XwU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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