Creating Hyper Realistic Renders - Modeling

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hello everyone welcome back in this tutorial i will be modeling this toy plane the first one will be modeling and will be on youtube second part which will include shading animating and rendering will be on patreon i will probably will put it on gumroad as well so without further ado let's start and enjoy all right let's start with image planes as usual let's go to front view press shift nv go to back and select the front one i will do the same thing for the right view i'm gonna select site one tap view tap one then i will set my transparency to 90 percent for each of them so let's create our first object i'm going to select cylinder as you can yes then i'm going to change the orientation change the dimensions to mesh the shape okay that looks fine now i will set my height to 1 and rotation segments to eight eight will be enough to get the basic shape of the plane obviously we will need more resolution to get these details such as the wings but for now this will be enough also i will turn off caps then make cylinder editable and let's not forget to put subdivision surface over that because when i subtract it it's going to shrink which means that i need to scale my cylinder one more time okay that's fine i'm gonna move these pages back now i can start add my cuts first one here then i will press shift and snap these cuts now all i have to do scale these edges double click on them and scale them by the way i will enable subdivision surface okay now let's check the left view as you can see the image should be flipped so i will go to cameras and change it to left that way they will align all the image planes i'm gonna move my cylinder up to the middle of the plane now let's scale the edges from the left view one more time all right this is going to be enough now let's enable lines as i said i will need more resolution which means that i'm gonna make the subdivision service editable but two will be too much to handle so one would be perfect so let's make it simple press c i'm gonna rename that to plane body now let's check our edge loops this one should be over here so i can execute easy all you want that one looks okay then i am gonna move that edge to over here because i will create new polygons starting from here and what we have yes that one i'm gonna slide it over here or we can use that oh no i will use that for the wing so i should put over here then i will move it over here i will need another cut for the baked wings okay i think we can delete that site the subdivision surface sorry symmetry and let's select these polygons i think we should select these i'm going to extrude them then scale them to zero you will need a loop cut over here for the scene i can either create a loop cut or move it over here then press ctrl and x root now i will switch to points mode and move this point to match the shape of the wing now i will enable sorry i will create a subdued surface over the symmetry to see the exact shape of the model if you can't see your mesh got options and turn off isoline editing okay that's fine now let's create other one press ctrl extrude scale to zero on the x and reposition the points i can slightly move these points up and down to get more thickness i believe that it's too thin right now maybe that one as well okay now i will select these ones yeah press ctrl extrude scale them to zero as we did before reposition the points let's enable subdivision surface but before that if i start to write that you will see that i will get this weird shape in the middle it's probably i have center polygons when i extruded these polygons by the way there is a shortcut for that before doing the extrude go to symmetry and enable these options these are gonna delete polygons in the center automatically now let's move this point after that i will select this point because i need to scale them i will leave them as they are i'm gonna start scale them starting from here but i need to change my x's to 100 percent on the x so i can scale them from the very center you know that we are using asymmetry select these scale them and let's do something like that after that i'm gonna slide these edges down so these are kind of act like sporting edge let's press q all right looks pretty good you know another thing i need to close that gap since we are using a symmetry i cannot use close polygon hole tool so i will reach these edges and say close move and hold push the police mode line cut single line and connect these points after that we need to that point to match the shape and maybe we can average that point by sliding it forward and backwards this is gonna kind of smooth that point same goes for that point as well i'm gonna select these and stand back maybe we can scale these to zero and we can make space between them they are too close to each other right now now i'm gonna add that little cut over here same thing for the front wing or before doing that i'm gonna make some changes let's make the front sides slightly bigger and i'm gonna select these and scale them not much though because we don't want to correct surface and i'm going to reset my axis okay not bad maybe a lot of cuts or here would be better yeah not bad but this time i need to reposition the points there is another thing i want to do i want these polygons to be sharper but when i start to bite them they get too smooth so i need to create kind of an extrude inner or sporting edge around here you can do that by creating new edges with line cut then i'm going to switch to slide tool and to position this point no we don't need these edges right click dissolve then we need to connect these now these are gonna give me enough support yes you know they look a lot better i'm gonna do the same thing for the bottom part but for that let me turn off that plane same thing create a new card extend that if add then slide edges i will meet another one over here you can dissolve that and connect these points all right this should be enough no let's select these i want them to be flat let's try the normal axis and scale them on the z 0 nice same thing for the bottom maybe that polygon is too white also it may break the smoothness of the shark uh cylinder because you can see that it is too high it should be somewhere over here so i can select them one more time change my orientation of worlds and we can play with this until my axis goes to the very last point then i can rotate this down okay that would be better no less hit that so the bottom part should be lower to match the image plane so let's lower these slightly not much then i'm gonna rotate them okay this should be enough we shouldn't go that far but i'm gonna set my subdivision to one one more time then i will make it editable which will help us so we don't break the surface i mean smoothness of the cylinder so maybe we can make a slight a little bit now let's work on the pilot seat as you saw i made these edges right on where the edge starts to cut so let's set select black cut and start to cut these pages now i can select some points in the middle and delete them now i need to clean the points i will do that with slide tool press ctrl and move the point to the next one this one okay and i'm gonna about that that one one over here same thing over there maybe we can slide it over here i'm gonna subtract that and check the mesh if something is wrong and everything looks perfect now i'm gonna select these edges i want to create some kind of seal to protect that edge loop press ctrl slides now we need to weld these points one more time this time let's use polygon pen so that point is too closer to that one which may cause problems so i'm gonna slide it down it's gonna kind of smooth that area okay let's enable lines with my frame isoparms as i did here i believe that these polygons need some kind of extra thinner just like this so why don't we create these new edges connect these it's going to create a triangle but we are going to solve that later now i am going to create these lines select them you see that this is very similar to here so if i suck about that i will get a better result i should do the same thing on the bottom door so we have a triangle over here i can use something like that or create a new path starting from here now let's reposition this point at this point we can split the front part where the engine will be right click split and go to original one and with these i'm gonna rename that to engine and make them into one object i mean group alt g and we can hide the engine for now you can change or display the wireframe and set my subdivision to one because we will need more resolution to create additional details or if this is enough for you you can leave it as it is now let's check the mesh one more time i think i can slide these back other than that i think we are full now i'm gonna press c you don't need that anymore delete that also i can increase my angle now let's work on the seat before doing that let's delete that side because i will use symmetry alt select symmetry or i can use that pre-existing group so engine will be included now i want to select these edges i will select these two and i will show you why i did that press ctrl x root set their position and size to zero then i'm gonna select bridge and reach these edges this is why i left them now let's see the edges if they are on right place that one is okay and that one also looks okay so i can select these and extrude them before doing that we will need a border door so let's select these edges one more time yes so you select slide press ctrl and slide these to the inside we need to [Music] slide these points down okay this should be enough now i will press ctrl extrude so we will have the same problem over here so i'll just select symmetry and enable these options now if i execute them i will get no polygons in the center i'm gonna scale these to zero on the y and lower them as much as i can yes i should stop over here now let's create supporting edge over here and on the bottom to see the result i should put the submit subdivision surface over the symmetry yeah not bad but i believe that we can create sporting edge around here and i'm gonna without these points okay looks a lot better now we have this extrude so let's select these first it's obvious that we need to slide some of the points all right now select this as well then right click and execute this is going to be a really small one this should be enough also we can delete these edges is they are gonna make edge really sharp so okay not bad but i want to make it more obvious i will select these edges select slides press ctrl and slide these edges this is going to make a space for us to select detailed selection then i'm gonna just simply exert these all right everything looks perfect now i can close and i'm gonna reset this i mean the modeling axis so since we are using a symmetry i should scale them from the very center so i am going to change my x to do 100 percent press control and extrude now let's work on the seams they are going to be right on these edges and we will have one on the wing on the wings so that one should be flat i'm gonna scale this and slide them over here and this and select these one more time just double click on them since they are perfect look i should easily select them you don't need these on the bottom so i'm gonna deselect them i will right click select bevel i will need two subdivisions and let's make something like one now i will switch to polygon mods loop selections like selection and select these polygons right in the middle now i'm gonna select my magical tool i'll load that tool so much let's push down back down and it will start the surface and they look pretty cool but i will add some loop cuts to make the edges sharper such as one and that one and we will need something for the top extrude but this is gonna create some problems you may not see that but since these are very close to each other i get some kind of a bump so i will try to hide them by merging these points same for the back side then i'm gonna select these edge loops double click on them right click and solve and any other celebrity surface and you will see that it's going to be perfect even if i get too close i will see no distortion we can try try to clean these but the rest of time so i'm gonna just leave them as they are now we have the wheels so let's try to select some polygons they are right on the place so these three should be enough let's make an extrude image and select edges scale them zero on the x and this one should be over here then this time i'm gonna slide this then scale them to zero and we have this edge we should slide them over here and that one same thing it should be enough now just press ctrl and extrude this i'm gonna scale them to zero that is one thing is should be some kind of a circular shape i can lower this or to make it perfect i can create a cylinder change the orientation i think we will need center with six sides you know one two three same thing on the top uh let's do that and rotate this 90 degrees and position over here okay this should be enough now i will lower that polygon switch the points mode let's move the points to measure cylinder this should give us a perfect cylinder shape i can delete that i will need the supporting edge door over here hold the shape better and maybe over here i think these edges are too soft so let's try to bevel them i mean you can add sporty images like that but it may break this witness of the top surface you know they are very close to each other so instead of that i will try to build them that select bevel this time zero subdivision would be enough that's bevel and switch to line cut tool now we need to connect them or i can write these so this is a perfect polygon quads but these ones are so if i create a path between these and slide them i should get quads they are too close though so let's try to give some relaxation you won't even maybe see them but it's good to know these techniques i'm gonna slightly scale this not too much also let's not forget to reset the modeling axis this is going to be enough now let's work on the wheels let's create a cylinder position that i will do the same thing on the front view so 16 [Music] looks like too much let's try 12 i will left the four as it is because i'm gonna scale some of the points let's make it editable then i can delete that site and use a symmetry now i'm gonna select these and scale them to make sure about shape i'm going to put that symmetry under the subdivision surface so i need to scale them as well to make an extra dinner i'll do that one more time but i'm gonna push them inside make another extrude inner this time i'm gonna push them outside let's enable subdivision surface i will get these little cuts okay not bad you can dissolve these edges to get full quad polygons it's not necessary but if you want to work on all quads that's a good way i can make vegetable you don't need that anymore no i will need something else let me solo that i'm going to select these gross selection and move these like that i will grow my selection one more time and scale these polygons i should lock my eggs i don't want to scale the eggs yes something like that would be good now i need to create a hole on that object so let's hide that create another cylinder actually i shouldn't have deleted the first one anyway just set it to 1 and 6 rotate it and place it somewhere here it doesn't have to be perfect because i will use a bull select plane body tool and put the scene under the bool select bool and enable create single object and make the full editable press c now all i have to do about this point let's start from here i'm going to create a new cut okay i will do the same thing for the other side i will let the cuts for that hull for the outside i should use my tool with control perfect let's unhide the wheel i think we should move that hole lower i will make another selection graph selection and lower these by the way row selection shortcut is uni i use that a lot if you don't know the shortcuts you can go to here and select it should be somewhere here or yeah it's right here perfecto let's rename that to wheel i can put that into my symmetry group and let's rename that back to playing body we have the last thing about the wheels on the rear side let's select this one more time i think first thing i should move my wheel i'm going to make a duplicate press ctrl and move it over here let's set the position of that wheel to zero on the word coordinates i'm gonna wait over here and fill that so that side should be symmetrical so i can make a loop selection then fill selection delete press alt flux symmetry make this much editable we can use the smash side division surface so because we locked the x my scale didn't work that great you can see that x will not be affected by the scale so i should unlock that and scale them one more time okay now let's select plane body and select these polygons i'm gonna make an extrude image and slide the edges and these ones i think i should make them let on the x okay yeah these are too close i'm gonna slide it back now press ctrl x root do that one more time since we are not gonna see them i can delete this perfect we are done with the main body now i will work on the engine parts i will unhide engine it looks like i forgot to delete these points on the engine part so let's do that and enable this one more time i'm gonna scale is back control and let's not forget to set our access to the 100 percent okay i'm gonna need help cut here maybe over here or the end it will do the same thing let's hide these ones the other ones it should be enough press ctrl extrude all the way down then i'm gonna create a simple detail make a loop cut select polygon set a loop selection and extrude them slightly and add these of course okay let's unhide this looks perfect nope i'm gonna work on the inside i believe that can extrude these not all of them press ctrl x root all the way down then select these points you should get like something 17 then that piece after that i'm going to select these new ones then i'm going to split them go back to engine and delete it should be over here also let's see how we know where you got 16 multiply by 2 32 yes i will eat these two four polygons for now i can delete the rest inverse selection delayed actually we will not use this this symmetry i'm gonna use cloner so let's put that out of that group alt select cloner change it to radial change to plane x and y and set reduce to zero we selected 4 which means that i will need 8 8 multiply by 4 32 this is exactly what we want now let's change that color and i'm gonna before doing that as you can see that clone is not perfect let me solo that so then i merge the points in the middle it was not a perfect merge i believe i mean not on the position let's change our recordings to object looks like it is the y i'm gonna set my y to zero now i'm gonna make a space for the propeller select them press ctrl x root so i will get these get polygons just delete them then press ctrl and exert these polygons i believe that the original one is something like that okay that should be enough now let's select these press control extrude i'm going to put that cleaner into a connect object so yeah this corner will act like a single object which i can sub the white results surface so first thing we need to increase the tolerance of the connect object on each one is not enough point two looks perfect obviously you need sporting edges so let me turn off this phone now i'm gonna create these line cuts don't worry about the triangles i'm going to solve them in a moment i will do the same thing over here but this time i will continue to cut just like that and i will do the same thing over here now i can select ease edges then right click you can dissolve them but i need to move that edge change the angle from triangle to quad then we need to connect this also i will turn on lines so that edge should be over here it doesn't have to be perfect because we have connect object it should connect these for us yeah just like that that looks good as well maybe we can slide that down that's fine we have two points here i'm gonna quickly about this so in order to weld these edges i need to make the whole object editable or let me try matte i don't think it's gonna work yeah so we should make the object editable but before doing that let's see our subdivision surface i'm gonna add these loop cuts yeah not bad okay it's time to make this editable select connect press c now as i mentioned i'm gonna select these edges in the middle then dissolve i think we have the same thing in the inside let's quickly select this this all something like that you should get a perfect model maybe we can lower that angle and turn off as rex yeah this is better since we are not going to see that much not very important though but it's good to have now i think i should lead here a stone of solo let's give some that piece a little bit more depth the first thing i should change my axes because you know it is very off execute and i'm going to scale them on the z okay not bad now let's work on the propeller let me add these ones i just want to focus on the propeller i will start a cylinder i think today our honest worked with cylinders anyway let's position that um it on the left view maybe we can scale it slightly now i'm gonna change my rotation segments to 12 if you ask why not 8 because 8 might be too low to get more details out of that cylinder if i set it to 12 this is gonna help me also for the high segments let's set it to two as i'm gonna measure that side on that side so let's make it editable first thing first let's delete these then i need to change the edge distribution i'm in the the path of these edges first i'm gonna melt these switch points mode select and cut and connect these points and the last one will be vertical so now i can select these and extrude them like that i will need a extra inner door do that quickly if i do that i'm gonna lose the perfection of that angle i mean i want this to be perfectly flat so i will select exchange one more time but i will put a small value like 0.1 then press enter now i can scale this so now i will get these perfect perfect flat polygons something happened over here i don't know why but let's quickly get this now select these press ctrl and extrude all the way around here switch up view select these points move them back select these move them back elsewhere and i am going to need a loop cut to hold the shape if i subdivide it like that you'll see that i will get that so these little cuts will hold the shape and we need to scale this scale them and position them let's not forget to add that cut that one now as you can see from the image plane i need to twist these polygons like that we can use that technique but this deformer would be better first thing let's see very twist now i'm gonna rotate it yes this is the way now i am gonna position this deformer and change the size okay now from the front view down the left so this doesn't have to be perfect anyway let's put that under our cylinder or just rename that the propeller that's there is that i think it should be the other side so i'm gonna go to negative values yes that's fine since i don't have any resolution on these polygons like you can see that these are too long but don't have enough edges to be banned so i'm gonna add this lucas with all the shifts now if i enable twist i will get a much better result let's make that editable i think we are done with the twist right click kind of state object and delete that piece look too soft you will need supporting edges so first thing comes to mind adding these loop cuts if i do that i will break the smoothness of that circle i mean cylinder so you should find a better way and as i did with the wheels i'm gonna use bevel one more time select edges that you want the bevels but not these then select bevels with zero subdivision and level these now a layer to do select line cut switch voice mode and connect the points especially these ones now i'm gonna reposition points uh sorry i need to have this like that that way i will get all of them quads there should be now let's subdivide that and that looks perfect let's use symmetry but there is something wrong i need to make that site not symmetrical so i'm thinking about cloning that by pressing ctrl and rotate it then press shift okay now that looks like continuous move or continuous shape we can make them on object now we have we will need another piece connect the propeller to the engine so i'm gonna select these split them rotate them but i should reset my modeling axis and press shift and rotate these in this situation bull will will be perfect press alt select pull and put second object inside the boot we don't want any subtraction we will want a union perfect since these two objects has same dimensions i mean the radius to be a perfect match you can see that so that's like cool enable create single object and press c i think it is time to unhide the other objects because this should go inside here i'm gonna scale this with ctrl and extrude maybe more scale yeah that should be enough i'm gonna add these sporting edges for the end let's extrude and move it slightly do that one more time then collapse select these edges and dissolve let's leave the front side like that a little bit softer all right now let's work on the last piece let's model the pilot this is going to be fairly easy let's start with the stuff here as you can yes position that scale it i'm not gonna use standard server i will change type to hexahedron and set it to 12 so that i will get the center edge which i can use symmetry this is another thing though if i subdivide that it's not going to be perfect stuff here you can see that it's not that smooth so i usually create a second stuff here hide the original one and set it to standard then increase the segments something like that get a perfect software with perfect smoothness hide that one unhide the original one press shift and create a smoothing deformer after the smoothing deformer i will need shrink prep deformer but not as a child just put it under sweating farmer for shrink wrap i will use the hyper disappear this should fix that now i will get a perfect soft here it hexahedron type right click on the software kind of state object and delete and delete that one as well also we can delete that site and put our guy into our symmetry group perfect let's start with the neck i'm going to select this press ctrl extrude do that one more time then i'm going to move them all the way down we will need shoulders i'm going to extrude them two times and i believe we should lower these kind of get a human shape maybe a loop cut here and you can move this like that i'm gonna turn off symmetry and swallow the guy i don't think we need that much points over here so let's wrap this with slight tool another thing i should scale down like that okay let's enable subdivision surface not bad but more depth would be better i believe maybe a little cut on the neck than we can scale it on the z i'm gonna scale this okay i think this is gonna be enough for the pilots now let's work on the helmet before doing that i believe that i should move this point to kind of create a face okay for the helmets let's select these polygons and split project original one delete these polygons or no we shouldn't do that i should keep them i will just rename that to eyelet this is helmet so now i should change some of the points you don't have to be very precise about this since you are working on your low poly it's not gonna be problem but don't do that too much of course okay not bad now i'm gonna select them all right click extrude this time i will need caps turn on that and it will stop the vision surface and it looks perfect except the inside i want inside polygons to be sharper so let's turn off symmetry and follow the helmet make a loop selection then i fill selection after that picture dinner so as you can see i will get these polygons right on the center so i should enable symmetry and if you remember i enabled these options which should solve that for us let's make an extra thinner that should be enough stop the white perfect for the outside you can select these double click on them slide press ctrl and slide this maybe we can move them on the x preserve the softness or the glasses let me lower that transparency yes this four should be enough i'm gonna split this and i'm gonna slide this i believe we will need all the cuts around here to make a connection and the rest i'm gonna solve that with brush tool first thing i need to scale this i mean extra this with caps on all right let's add a loop cut over here and as i said i will switch to bridge brush tool and select brush which should be on smear mode then i'm going to move some of the points and i'm gonna make these two objects into a one because i will use same material for this okay we have come to and for the modeling now we need to organize our objects first thing i will make that symmetrical press c turn off solar i will name that group to toy line put it over here on the side division surface and we have that propeller this is inside engine delete.bomb not that subdivision surface or we can just make this into one group with one object and delete that empty group okay i think this time i should reset the center axis of these objects see that the same they share the same axis so select them all mesh access center and execute now i need to scale that model to its original size i believe that it should be something like 20 centimeters so create a cube with some centimeters and scale that lane in until it fits inside that cube okay don't interview that that perfect that should be enough we can't delete the cube i'm gonna set position of that playing to zero on the word coordinates perfect the last thing i want to do check this out surface with a material let's create a material assign that for plane select the materials let's make it red and then use ggx reflectance change runnel i don't see it in my report press n iq and you shall see that now let's lower the roughness and check mesh yeah we got something over here let's follow that let's quickly these edges with reach ok everything looks perfect to me now we can move on the next part
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 6,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, glass, cloner objecy, normal scale, normal move, octane, realistic, mixer, davinci resolve
Id: 2yrVAB8wezc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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