Cinema 4D R25 Hard Surface UV Unwrapping Tutorial

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hi guys welcome back in this tutorial i will unwrap this submarine model i said that a lot of people who having problems with uv enveloping in cinema 4d especially with these cylindrical shapes so this tutorial will be great if you are one of them also if you are beginners or have no idea about uvm rapping this tutorial also will be excellent for you even if you have some experience i will show some new techniques especially with the newer version of cinema 4d which will be really useful in your projects so let's start first thing i'm gonna switch to uv layout click here then i'm gonna look for any uvw tag and i don't see any in order to you will unwrap the object we will need that right click material text and say set uvw from projection this is going to make a projection from i believe the front sides but it doesn't matter because i did that just to get that tag we are going to select our object switch to polygon mode select all and set uv so we will start from scratch now i will turn off subdivision surface first i am gonna switch to edge mode and double click on these edges this is going to make a loop selection then i'm going to go to select and say field selection i will do that a lot so i would highly suggest you to remember the shortcuts unl for loop and unf for the fill now while we have these polygons i'm gonna say uv unwrap this is gonna only unwrap these selected polygons as you can see it's not very good because we will need to select seams i will switch to edge modes press e and double click on these sharp edges then go to uv arm wrap but make sure that you are on on edge mode open up the options and make sure that the restrict the polygon selection is selected and say okay and as you can see that it's a really good job now i am going to switch to polygon mode and move them somewhere here this is not important now we have the same piece i'm going to do that really fast first loop in selection uvm wrap select sharp edges and you will unwrap this time though we will get some rotations on the polygons but this is really easy to fix select a straight line and say align your islands switch to polygon mode one more time and move them aside i will switch back to edge mode let's see i am going to make a little selection here down here and make a fill selection but this is also going to select the wings but if i press 0 and press ctrl and select this i will only get this so let's say uvm wrap you will need to select the seams again switch to for edge mode select sharp edges like this by the way you can make that selection by selecting the first edge then press ctrl and shift and select the last one then press shift select that edge again press ctrl and shift and select the last edge you want to select do that multiple times and say uv unrip it looks great i'm going to select that edge and say align your islands and move them somewhere here now i will continue with volume selection i will make a loop selection press shift and select here then make a field selection select here and say uv unwrap okay that looks perfect i'm gonna move that aside again i'm gonna be on polygon mode make a loop selection select these polygons yeah fill selection uv unwrap you will need seam because you can see that it is no excellent exit point for that polygon islands so i am going to switch to edge mode and select these edges yes a uv unwrap okay that looks good but not great but we have a that tool you will rectangularize click that it's going to fix that move that aside one more time loop selection select this then with selection uv on wrap i'm going to rotate this slide a bit r then select center h and say align uv islands move that somewhere here and make a loop selection fill selection if you have notes that most of the selections are based on the angles of the polygons if you see some sharp edges polygons try to select them now for these ones i would say uvm wrap again we will need theme select this say you unwrap switch to polygon mode and say you will rectangularize loop selection one more time field selection uv unwrap that looks great make a loop selection again fill selection uvm wrap select the seams and say uv one more time polygon mode you will rectangularize this time i'm gonna press shift and add multiple loop selections say uv unwrap move them aside now i can make a full selection select these inside polygons uv unwrap of course we will need seams select these again select the first one then press ctrl and shift select the last one and say uv unblock on your mods you will rectangularize so now you can see that these polygon islands is looking different than the others that means that we should flip that i will select middle u and that should fix it now i am gonna handle these alls so i'm gonna select these inside polygons then selection grow selection the shortcut is u n y do that multiple times until we reach that sharp angle i will say uv unwrap we will get these odd shapes but we are going to fix them right away switch to edge mode first thing i want to unstitch these uvs so select these edges with loop selection so since these are selected if i say uv unwrap it's gonna split these polygons i'm gonna move them aside now for these ones i'm gonna need seams as usual because you can see that it's a cylindrical shape which means it needs an exit point which is a theme now again edge mode and select these edges and say uv unwrap or before doing that i'm going to switch to polygon mods and i need to make sure that i have selected this switched edge mode and see ue unwrap and it makes a really good job polygon mods and move them somewhere else now let's see we have this first thing i need to separate them from the rest of the mesh so i'm going to double click on this then fill selection unf select switch to edge mode press shift and select this edge mode press shift select these edge modes again let's say you unwrap now i'm gonna switch to edge mode and select all the sharp edges i think it's going to be faster to use loop selection select this all right now let's say you unwrap so these viewed shapes are cylindrical shapes which means we will need to select sims again so let's start from here for example this one i will try to select them from the bottom so we are not going to see these seams okay now this one other side and don't forget to press shift all right now say you in unreal but before doing that make sure that you have selected on these polygons so select these go back to edge modes and uv unwrap perfect move them aside so now we have the main body first thing i'm gonna select easy just like this one and that one because this is where the cylindrical shape ends now select these one more time double click on them and here here at advanced so now if i make a fill selection i should select body for these ones i'm gonna use interactive mapping because in that tool we will get a cylindrical projection so if i rotate it 90 degrees just like my shape and scale it like somewhere around here i am looking at these circles so that scale looks right and i will say stop interactive mapping i'm gonna move is here and select these edges and say uv straighten same here i shouldn't select that okay effect i'll make i'm gonna make it full selection one more time so this one i should look from let's see from the left to make sure i'm going to select these on the left but on my left view there on the right which means i should go back to right view select this one more time this time i will say front tool move them aside and the last part here select usages and we can select these as well or no let's select these instead make a field selection i'll change my camera to left projection frontal then fill selection this time i'm going to use uv on wrap because we will need some relaxation select that edge align your islands we have our optimal but we are not done yet now i'm going to select demo go to uv picking select geometric and enable equalize island size and hit apply this is gonna pack them all based on the sizes okay everything looks fine but to make sure i'm gonna assign a material to my object open up material manager i get made simple material with uv texture something like that put it on my color channel and change my viewport size to 1k and assign that to the submarine and change the scale now i'm gonna check my mesh if something is wrong or not first thing you can see that this part is upside down cannot read the g so let me find these okay these ones let's say middle u and that fixed right away no actually you need to say mirror v as well okay no that looks fine this is okay this is not okay select it i believe we need to rotate it press r rotate and press shift this is gonna snap the rotation and we need to flip it bot u and v i'm gonna move it somewhere here so this part looks fine this part is not that's great select it rotate it with shift middle u and mirror v same here select them interview and it's mirror v i'm gonna rotate this 90 degrees and this is going to be enough these are okay that wing looks fine but i believe that we need to rotate it like that okay so we're gonna align that we can read from here okay this also looks fine also that heart looks good except that some rotation i'm going to rotate them 90 degrees and meter u and smear v now let's see what we have is r don't look that great let's move them somewhere here we have a lot of distortion to fix that let's try relax uv first apply that doesn't look that good so let's select these edges and try to relax this by unstitching is points uv unwrap actually let's open up options and turn off also realign okay that gave us some relaxation but in return we we got these seams i think having seams is a better option than having these distorted uvs so i'm going to keep them like that and these i need to rotate them okay i believe the last part here again this is this piece needs some relaxation if i relax them it's not going to be enough you can see that that a or that cube is not the same size as that egg if that makes sense so as i did before select these first switch to edge mode select these edges and hit uv unwrap now i'm going to select them one more time or you'll be picking since we have rotated them in the right position make sure that you checked preserve orientation and apply it looks like i skipped that one select it i should rotate it like that 90 degrees and let's find any other place now i want to show you one more thing go to textures click on empty canvas change the shading to distortion and increase that all the way up so now this is going to basically show us the distorted polygons like here but it is not much though if the color is like is faded out so you need to look for more saturated colors that means that you need to fix that for example that one i'm going to go here switch to points mod select that point and move it somewhere here this is gonna kind of relaxed here same here we got some distortions over here but as i said these are not much important it's important that the colors are like too saturated like i select them and scale them you will see that they are going to turn red and that means that by the way i'm going to select that edge and align that view island go back to empty commas change that to fit polygons now as you can see we got these organs one more time i'm gonna mirror them okay this is done same here all right everything looks fine on that side now i'm gonna check mesh on the 2d view all right guys that was it i hope you learned and enjoyed this tutorial if you have questions just ask them in the comments and i'm gonna see you in the next tutorials bye [Music] you
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 5,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, glass, cloner objecy, normal scale, normal move, uv unwrap, R25
Id: A_8OJiNyb2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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