INCREDIBLE CREW & Corporate-Jet-like Saudia A320 ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE[AirClips full flight series]

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good morning and welcome Eric lips viewers for our flight here today from our new terminal and King Abdulaziz National Airport from get to Frankfurt my name is captain dreadful in Bonn and with me for Sarah Muhammad Hassan hello guys welcome to our flight join us with this experience out of King Abdulaziz International Airport from Jeddah to Frankfurt I'm first officer Mohammad Hashanah will take you the beautiful experience at Club spans you will see top five program how the passengers will be offered variety of services it's a unique experience I hope you really enjoy it and a come sorry try it the new salary and I will do our walk around and join us please with the rock around around the aircraft and this is has to be redone if each flight first of all we like to see the general condition of the aircraft and all equipment around the aircraft that it's tape we look at the gears here that there's no any liquid and no any damage on the lenses of the aircraft as well the lights that's not cracked and after that we take a look at the static drop over here that is not for the damage at all that ended up the aircraft as well and the general condition of their come from the front it's really windy today this is the cargo then it has to be there the general condition of the engines that it's clear the place has to be synchronized and no damages with it the general condition of the wings as well with the navigation lights should be all on for all the title flight these are wonderful drooling crewmembers as well the following their craft and as you can see you look at the engines beneath it there's no signs of any liquid dripping from the engine or a hydraulic oil or like gasoline here's the look at the tires the real condition of the tires and the landing gear there's no liquid as well no hydraulic leaks and as well we look here all the way up to the aft of the aircraft the general condition of the aircraft there's no any kind of dents or any kind of damages same thing here you have to look at this other side of the aircraft for the same condition at the right side and the most important thing of the whole experience electoral mr. Patrick here with us he is the wonder making this everything experience possible thank you so much and let's go up to the aircraft now and take a look outside aircraft for our new semi business aircraft you okay good morning ladies and gentlemen we're on our pre-flight check and we're ready to take our ATT cleanliness - from Jeddah to Frankfurt our force officer will call the tower for that call them captain Roger clear destination Frankfurt to Lima 677 jet a1 alpha squawk four five six 41 six seven with 49 s was aboard information Victor alpha eight Lima 31 six seven one two one decimal 7 3167 from Allah ok recruit this nation in Frankfurt did the 1 alpha departure runway 3 4 right Lima 6 7 Simmons our IRA squawk in 4 5 6 4 checked flight information our first officer now here is giving the our cabin crew are in flight information so we can announce it to the passengers ok today shallots will be 5 hours 25 minutes to an altitude of 36,000 feet welcome okay you ready everything ready Capitano this is our final we'll check it after I get moving perfect okay be a lift see take off with our cap today's hotel xalapa Sierra Bravo for tailstock awareness we have no me ill nor CDL no dangerous good and no special load and no ep's on this aircraft we're a gate alpha eight Lima expected to push map to face on Lima 2 and will taxi via Lima alpha Lima 1 Mike Foxtrot 2 Mike want to halt row 3 4 right check expected for departure did the man alpha departure actually we took our clearance frigate that one alpha departure was king of the is International 14th of June 1 9 index is 1 0 - 3 X ray effective on 20th of June check sit maximum speed is 2 5 0 below 1 0 thousand feet and in case of emergency or case of a communication failure procedure we just refer to the PP pages get done when alpha departure it states for runway 3 4 right climb a 336 track expect radar vectors climbing through 2500 check climb to 6000 or assigned by ATC so our initial altitudes are gonna be six thousand feet we're gonna be using now for departure check maximum break terrain is not a factor land away to the factor if we need to come back and land so we'll evaluate our situation in case of an emergency with a dropper no fuel and come back a land or will come for immediate landing and we'll follow the procedure for that as Roger land elevation is auto at 400 Chuck if Amos has missed it and reviewed for runway 3 4 right did on alpha departure as breathed or initial Airways Lima 6 7 7 Juliet whiskey be ours manually tune and GPS prime is higher accuracy for the aircraft performance has me set for v1 one four zero one five five is our view our and one five six hours RV to cough one checked flicks temperatures 55 trusts adduction altitude is defaulted at 1550 as well as acceleration altitude check secretary flight ban has been copied for runway three four right again we'll be using a flex temperature optimum flaps spoilers will be armed cop entry hijack has been discussed with the cabin crew member a logbook has been released our minimum fuel is 18 decimal five we have to one decimal five in case of emergency for v1 I will call stop or go and keep a stop we'll stop the aircraft immediately come to a complete stop I'll announce to the cabin to be seated and prick that I put the parking brake on and as well you will ask the tower for Emily's equipment and monitor all parameters Roger okay it's a failure after v1 we will continue to take off now actually before from 200 feet except for gear up reaching 400 feet a cam action reaching engine out acceleration altitude division is secured will level off accelerating clean up otherwise we'll continue climbing but not above max engine out acceleration altitude add green duct open climb MCT resumed a cam action and we'll do the after takeoff checklist and we'll evaluate the situation as I breathed as either come back immediately and land or we'll burn off you want to come back and land as well you have anything to add please bring it my attention and if you see any deviation from a standard operating procedure as well bring it to my attention as well larger that picture before start checklist please before start checklist cockpits preparation completed completed gear brands and covers removed science on Auto aiders now fuel cons do we have twenty one thousand four hundred eighty pilgrims take of data set Baro reference one zero one five six one zero one five set down to the line and now we have till the final okay just waiting for the cargo and we're ready to go and as you know this we're just waiting for now all the passengers are on board it we're just waiting for the cargo door to be closed and we'll be on our way perhaps me offer me some fresh juices we have all arranged them on dates movie or perhaps you'd like to try our Bellini [Music] conjure will just say this company's ready the Hellas not much on I just turn it on yeah we're good you know good closed or closed or if you're already closed or come sanam the law but occur to please disconnect our ground power and air conditioning and we're ready for pushback anytime say again noni P was running disconnect yeah disconnected GPU and it's got air conditioning because they just start to push JEDEC ground the ceremony comes her t16 7 alpha 8 lima request start ambush writer push back and start disapprove facing south 31 6 7 ok below the line please and below the line on windows and doors closed closed beacon on fresh levers I don't bark brake on por estar chicas complete grow cockpit we already put pushback have you please on thank you Reyes welcome aboard sow to your flight for your safety conference congratulations Evan education reporter passengers to comply with my design posted placards crew members instructions and the following seat demonstration use any other portable your electronic device dropped into the seats do not move the seat men inform the flight attendant into the other there are emergency exits this aircraft please take a moment to familiarize yourself to be respected to you agent evacuation is mess guiding lies to guide you to the exit information please make the safety card in the seat pocket in front of you thank you for your attention to you about okay custody shall I cut you want pack a brick release my curricula is clear to push the face south times zero seven four four one minutes ahead captain very nice I try to include to start engines starting to please welcome Rick sent starting engine one graphic cockpit cleared its neck disconnect hand signal from the right side bye-bye as we received after stock checklist o star chick Ashanti ice off-camera status checked [ __ ] strim to six decimal 5% said Ryder trim zero star choucas complete request taxi [ __ ] and ground sati 167 request taxi 7/10 severely my total show three photos via my phone number two for the bug on Dreamliner Roger that continually me to hold short three four right at Mike one number two for departure behind the Dreamliner sati one six seven larger when ready for departure contact one one eight decimal five 3167 family are clear to runway thief all right we Lima to Mike one Michael my folks are my quantum ultra thief all right already 18 pi check be on my side right side is clear michael ratley's break check fly control check full up pulldown nurture for left for right nurture rather check for left for right nurture and nima to Shalala Mateusz next to the left clear my side okay alfred controls this chick already see is a receive and we had our we have our cabin call is ready for takeoff before takeoff checklist before takeoff checklist flight controls check check the flight instrument check check briefing confirm flap setting com1 comm 1 v 1 v RV 2 flex them one four zero one five five one five six flicks is five five one four zero one five five four five six flex 55 ATC set each a memo take off nobler down to the line okay you can contact our project three four right Roger Tower Sarah Marie come good morning said he 167 approaching three four right 3167 radical phenomena table whole show throwing three four right behind authoritative oratory back Roger that holds your three four right sorry 167 all short three four right check we're holding short of the runway as you can see and we have to Atlantic traffic Landing aircrafts the first one is Pakistan Airlines as you can notice now he's just took his cleaners talent and there's another aircraft behind him I'm not sure if the tower has time to give us clearance it apart after Pakistan Airlines or he's we're gonna wait until the other airplanes land as well Roger 7 behind Pakistani align button triple 7 shots on Lana been waitin on my 3/4 right behind unavailable me did you hide your behind landing traffic Pakistan Airways triple seven three four right line up and wait behind the river immediately 167 okay behind Atlantic traffic short final Pakistani Airlines we're clear to line up and wait for three four right behind Roger that only although he is gonna give us clearance to depart before they saw the aircraft Charla okay advise coming please miss Miller man over him talkin owl a flight attendants please be seated for takeoff broaches traffic gun fine long final and run away still occupied below the line Roger approach is clear runway still occupied line up line up and away it's a t1 671 679 cookin option below the line take a runway 34 I've come for three four right confirm cabin crew advise T cast yeah and Jamal select normal packs on for takeoff checklist complete and we're clear to line up and wait the obvious name is checked and takeoff fuels gonna be to one decimal two traffic runway still occupy check the idea 167th service to end is particular nine outs I don't know if I could ever take off everyone to vote zero clear for take out three four all right April 1 to 4 decimal 0 sati 1-6 7-5 ready final 655 is a restaurant where the process since checked one hunter not checked v1 rotate vodka vodka Mira autopilot engage check departure said I might eco spontaneity one six seven out of AIDS under Jedi wanna today I wanted seven the opening 5,000 in their community to continue climb flattered the one-niners here passing altitude 5000 maverick to make this a to walk nine six seven never climb the check-plus climb climb or thrust is active check and passing 5,000 feet direct Makita I'm flattered 1 9 0 Chuck clap zero speed check flaps here if lambda 0 after takeoff collapse checklist after takeoff climb chicken is landing gear up flaps retract backs on down to the line another track check hoping Klein checked detective but I can make it up please Roger confirm Hafer climb now make it a white check clear captain clear our copy please copy active coffee at optimum three four zero max 367 well take three four zero five three four zeros on sit standard transition standard set cross-check passing fly 11 1 3 1 now checked below the line below the line by reference Center set to standard set up to take off climb to Chris complete simple sign auto please see it's both sign also as you notice now we're out of our takeoff is almost done I turned off the seatbelt sign for the passengers and we were out of 13,000 now 800 climbing to our initial altitude of 90,000 feet for now so the alone didn't contact now when one named a critical hunter 551 four five one two five forty five sati 167 in Bangla I talked about two five four five so he can attacked another frequency so can take a higher altitude three four zero captain on three four zero - Jarek Rolo Safaricom sponte 3167 arrow fly level one five seven climbing flatter than one Niner zero direct mukhda dikha de 37 baba Honora identified continued clamplight living to a theater continued climb flight level 280 request three four zeros vinyls adding one six seven capital in 34-0 call you back for a time by the way to cure much that you are coming to buy 5 k2 a0 set blue so we have it's got clearance to climb now to an altitude of two eight twenty eight thousand feet check or fast if you're watching us check its beautiful day to fly today yeah clear sky your skies everything is good let's hope it's continued all the way to Frankfurt yeah let's get venue weather Arwen here comes our beautiful r1 today as well she's gonna be serving the cockpit as well good morning how are you you could do this yourself that passing attitude of our viewers this is our beautiful flight attendants each gonna be serving the cockpit with us all the way her name is Zahra she's from for me I'm fine for now thank you so much they'll have breakfast thank you so much I'll do the paperwork's at cross live in Indiana and all the passengers our viewers as you notice each air traffic controls give us a certain altitude that he's he's controlling so the first one gave us two 19,000 feet the second one gave us two 28,000 feet and he needs to coordinate for our final altitude of 34,000 feet with the other controllers around him and with the other fi ours like we're after we leave saudi air space with an enter to Egypt airspace Cairo so he has to coordinate that altitude with him as well then he can come back to us with our final altitude Jetta katralla Saudi 167 approaching to flatter than to AIDS ear for hire this aircraft behind us delicate inner clown livers pretty important apply to but dump your Derrick's Assam flight level 3 4 0 31 six seven confirmed paper so now he gave us an altitude of 34,000 feet clearance and he give us the clearance to a point to Cairo if I are all the way check one three eight zero we're Lehane edge off this one the dream line in front of us going to Paris tell us they have Paris Johannesburg Oliver though became a beautiful article after day before just to be a triple 7 before the triple seven is to be the control and 132 decimal 6 p.m. on ela 132 decimal six 3167 Amanda one six decimal 1/3 just lost six one three two decimal six Jerrica troller ceremony comes battle here Sarah 167 out of line level three one seven climbing three four zero Derek Bassam alaikum Salaam but Allah brackets audiences and it has pocketed identified climbing 340 know if intellect is the wind at level three for dinner to nine or eight eight zero not more reported one hour ago by at about 3:30 thank you thank you for the information continue as clear shot he 167 rather than tell ability to report baton intimately on to driven our jury I'll call you to report bus stops are here on six seven so my husband wins by deadness okay mark out star checked art crews checked hey guys had kept viewers this is me again first officer Muhammad that will do the public passenger announcement now now I'm coming here if you can see checking the weather current weather latest weather in Frankfurt just to give some information to the passengers three nine six means 780 km/h approximately of one captain are you ladies and gentlemen this is your first officer speaking from the cockpit on behalf of me and captain's airfield on and they are the guest director at cab leave and all my colleagues I would like to welcome you on the side they apply to all six seven I'd like to give you some information about our flights now we're cruising at 34,000 feet with a speed of approximately seven eighty kilometres per hour now we're flying along the west shore of Saudi Arabia as you can see from the right side and then flying over Kyle Cyprus and we we'll be entering any continent of Europe through Greece estimated elysium descent at zero two to five afternoon and we expect glad they get to 55 Frankfurt has some thought on ground light clouds light winds and a temperature four degrees again thank you for choosing Satya sits back and relax and enjoy the flight thank you guys you have communication I have to location we're approaching campus amplifier a lot of captain one to six decimal six Cairo as-salaam alaikum sorry one six seven fly 11 3 4 0 at imply Levin 3 4 0 I said you want accepted a clip viewers we just entered a Egyptian airspace I just called controller it started in userspace and he just told her that he has radar so now we have formation generators airspace to continue our flight yeah it's beautiful job you get to see a lot of interesting things a lot of good views sunsets sunrises Islands it's nice for me I don't like routine so this is a perfect job for me yeah it's a unique job that's a dolly can see sometimes it's hard to wake up at night and fly wake up nothing is perfect yeah of course nothing is perfect I love it you're not gonna you're not gonna complain that's the most important thing so captain the most beautiful job in the world is when you wake up and you're going to your job you like you like your job you like goats something you like you feel really lucky if you do this so captain you never told me how did you get into this job oh I like the the job or slept it's a unique story you know I graduated from high school in 1993 and I wanted 1993 I graduated from high school okay and I wanted to go ever since to get my license from the states okay the interesting part in my my father said no not you did not give me permission to go to leave there to see it the only thing you have to take your university degree and then you can go if you want to actually if you want to but he did not let me think so I entered University and I studied well we graduated in English oh the linguistics which it has nothing to do with deviation at all but that was the the the other passion I had I had a passion about English language and how to learn how about thing about languages in general okay then he just went from there I graduated I graduated after four years from there from there and I started teaching actually really yeah I started teaching middle school and high school nice and even elementary school okay thinking the English language as a second language and then but you know still it wasn't my passion and like we just mentioned I wasn't fun waking up each day in the morning and going to work I couldn't do it I did it for five years and I said I couldn't do it normal thats it so I just took em P llave from a teaching and went to the States and I took my license over there okay and that was in 98 98 I took it in 1982 for my license by private instrumenting commercials and Titusville Florida nice and it only took about I remember six months six months to take all of it you finished everything is yeah I used to be an English teacher so I read all the books before I left okay so I went there and just took my exams it took my faith tests and written exams and everything and it was it was fun that's interesting yeah I did not take a I just took it I was because I did not have much time because I only took an MP leave from teaching and when I came back I just applied for Saudi Airlines and they said they have a queue for training new pilots and you get it so I went back to teaching until they called me after two years okay so enter the airline's in 2000 that's interesting and from Dennis just started so you've been flying since 2006 2000 but yeah I've been flying in and out training because we started our initial flying our initial training on the point seven three seven but after that the points everything same and phased out from Saudi Airlines so they took us to the md-90 okay and temte that it took a little bit long problem sorry one six seven - magic Javad traffic information said the l16 Evan I have my sight wow that's I think that's a jet fighter something military yeah yeah I think they're military crafts nice yeah Kairo just advised us that you have two flights aircraft flying way above unknown altitude and unknown and we haven't recite actual it's a peer review I hope they have it it's really beautiful as we mentioned you get to see a lot of interesting a lot of stuff that was uh she's a really anxious if you can see it and maybe we can see it here do you actually know we don't have any Monty casts this is our T cos here if you we see all aircraft around us but actually we don't have a maanteeeca so it's Nadia as you see now we're flying over the CNI Peninsula right side is Arabia this is Peninsula left side is Egypt and after that I just went to the md-90 well my story I went just started my training on in 1890 and I I was released on the md-90 first officer that was my first aircraft that I flew only for six months then to another then I went to Denver I er it was a brand new aircraft Asadi bought in 2005 so I went there and I flew them prior it was a nice very advanced aircraft for about three and a half years then I transferred to the first office at that point triple 7 and then I had the time of my life you know flying this wide-body aircraft this long-haul aircraft it's it gives you a whole new meaning of what a pilot is all about you know you can experience you know you go long-haul flights like we used to fly from get it to Los Angeles it took around 16 17 hours sometimes okay and all the way to the east to the west you experienced this jet lag and all this things that are really interesting God - how do you manage your sleeping that's it that's the challenge marked the only thing you manage is that you love your job since you love your job the a overcomes the challenges this is another story so when you love your job you overcome all the difficulties that comes with that job so it was interesting it was actually interesting flying for seven years on to triple7 then I just came to this area to a 320 which is a beautiful aircraft as well but still it's not like it's a different spirit that's all I can say from the from the Boeing triple7 all this kind of stuff that I used to fly with fly now what about you actually I think only get the licenses it was interesting story after I graduated from high school I went to the USA to study Business Administration oh no flying no flying because I never knew that you can pursue a college degree in aviation I had never knew that kind of major exists okay so our viewers now know now our viewers know that you can do that yeah so I the plan was to get my bachelor degree and I chose to get it in Business Administration and then get my licenses after so when I went to the US I was studying there I finished my language course and then I went to the college and then my uncle called me who's the captain is idea he come and he said Mohammed you still want to fly I told them yes I have to finish this man and one more thing to add about his uncle his uncle is one of the best captains that I flew with him as a first officer his name is Kevin Idaho Sean and I had the time of a real nice experience I learned from him a lot and he's a really senior and really professional captain Thank You captain so he called me and he said hey you still want to fly I told him yes but I need to finish college first he said okay I have the best choice for you he said Google this University which is Imperial University Aeronautical University and he said you can there get your bachelor degree in aeronautical science and get the licenses as well the license is like a requirement of that major oh so I said okay that's interesting and I started googling this University and started learning more and more and then I applied I moved right away to Daytona Beach Florida I studied in Imperial I got my aeronautical science degree and my private instrument commercial so you have bachelor in not a consignor and I got my minor business okay yeah so I think there's a busy TV 18 degree as well what is it there's something called business aviation degree yeah it's the university is all about Aeronautics and everything involving like flying grand skies so if you can't get the business major in aviation you can get management in aviation you can get Megan and legislation in aviation you can study aerospace engineering you could study everything is about flight so it was nice experience going through this environment and then I came here we were very lucky actually because Saudi Airlines came to us wire while we were in college and they said that we will give you tests and interviews and a few pass you will join us at the Airlines well that's that's something you don't find all over the place isn't lucky so when I came back I started right away oh that's a nice thing too we didn't have to wait for like a queue for training or yeah I've been now four years and a half of the company I love it I love flying what he was that what he or did you start your 2015 2015 that was when you started yeah 2015 it's nice specially to fly with people like you can we float together more than once accent yeah it was a nice saying there a nice experience and I slide it's always a pleasure you did get to choose who you fly well but we had elected a simple slide this flight together I thank God it's not snowing now the weather is beautiful Frankfurt actually it's nice it's cold it's nice it's a sky let's hope this guy's clearly reached there is now it's a little bit foggy now but let's hope the forecast said is gonna be clear and when we reach there and let's hope it gets clear shortly we're gonna pass over hit Cairo I hope they have a nice view you can see it's so far it's clear maybe we rich guys we can see the pyramids sometimes when it's the sky is clear and everything and there's no haze level so well be the messenger see Cairo as well okay and we have now there just came in the cuff like tell us a little bit about yourself how did you join the airlines we just mean how much we just gave them the full story of our professional life so sister here just so it's since you're here yeah you can give them the experience of the flight attendants how is it how does the camera crew experience so far so when did you join their line Japan Airlines oh just one more thing I think her voice is not gonna be clear she needs this yeah I'm sorry I'm from the Philippines I'm with Saudia for nine years now yes and before I joined saw dia with Japan Airlines I worked there for two years so it's safe to say that I do love flying because I'm until now I'm still here yeah after so Japan Airlines unfortunately they got bankrupt so it was a blessing that's how dia was hiring that time so most of us girls were here now in Saudi are like most of ya most of the girls yes so yes do you like it yes I do I do love it I do love flying I do love my job so yes yes I agree yeah and yeah that's a small stuff yes right yes yes I a dog here captain yes I still look forward to flying every flew every - every time so I still get excited nice yeah let me ask you something we're from South Korea what do you think of the big changes like have it in the country it has been through a lot of changes yes I think it's a good change it's a positive change for the company for the country as well yes it's a it's a good change at least Saudi is adapting to the changes around the world right it's beautiful that big cities that they're building neon the high-end technological economy Co City let's see any city where you can either learn the program yes thank you so much captain thank you so much and yes they are comfortable yes and they look happy so yeah yes yes I hope they're satisfied as is so thank you so much thank you I'm very hungry guys I didn't have my breakfast I only had to come and that's our thing apart now we all had the five-star service here yeah it's amazing yeah that's actually a good thing about flag with a flag carrier you know you get to have I would like to call it special treatment yeah that man yeah it is a special treatment actually somehow but let's give them a little quick review of our aircraft the viewers hear about our Airbus a320 aircraft so that's a thing do you hear the aircraft proceeding ahead and you expect what's coming next so as you see when Cairo talked to another Saudi Air flight and he gave him a different frequency me and the captain reached down to prepare the next frequency as we expect so basically our job is to expect things our job isn't nicely uh it's it's you can say a difficult job with an easy job so it's difficult and it's easy at the same time it's depends on how you look at it and how much you love it and trust me once you put you to remind you to something everybody can make it it's everybody say everybody asks how do you know all these buttons and switches here around air cap it's just once you get to your mind to intuit you're be able to do it that's it as simple as that anything you put your mind into it it'll be simple and you'll be able to do it each panel here and this is called the overhead panels over here each panel is divided in the system that we control of the systems of the aircraft so maybe I'm not sure that you can see this this is the call buttons here so from here we can call anybody we could call the forward flat 10 days we call the fight attendants we can call them all here and we could call the mechanic under God I'm beneath aircraft or their caps on ground and this panel as you can see it's written oxygen this controls the options of the aircraft as well and this is the most interesting thing that everybody asked about this is the voice recorder so what like the first recording in digital flight recorder of the aircraft so everything in the happens in the aircraft is recorded and that's the essential thing that when any incident or an accident that happened to the aircraft the first thing that the investigator want to hear is this like they called the black box or like people like to call it the black box that they change it take it out and to hear what what the problem was as the captain said each system has its name in top of it or in the side as you see here air was made it so we can't reach each system clearly from each side so you didn't get come [Music] fixated between two system you reach your hand and you locate the desired system in case of abnormality or anything many different systems the aircraft for me I like Airbus I like Airbus a320 I think it's really heavy-duty aircraft it's it's really advanced automated I mean everything is controlled by technology we're monitoring we're like changing things by the FMC or the FCU this is called the pedestal where you can control your FMS you choose the systems to monitor and you have the RBA cbt cast transponder you see guys this button here here you can check on every system of the aircraft's this one is an engine you checked on the engines all the Angels are in the parameters here we can check like the fuel this is the air conditioning like if you perceive you can see the temperature of the old zones of the aircraft percentage of conversions for passenger come from and we can control it from the switches over here so whatever we do here we can double check it here in the system display unit that's what they call it and this is our all the doors for the aircraft and this is the flight controls as well you can see everything the system of it and this is the most important thing in the aircraft right now or it's one of the most important things that we have to be familiar with this is the called FMC flight management computer so we program this system here or this computer on ground and it basically takes us from departure point to arrival point with all the information we put here inside and this is the radios here this aircraft equipped with three radios one and two and three three is end of up there this one usually one is for the communication with the eye traffic controller two is dedicated for emergencies or car and the third one is dedicated to get for the what are they call to a car's all the messages that we sent to our company and the company can send to us and we can receive it by digital by our computer here I bet your rallies are asking what Muhammad is doing right now this is called the flight plan this is flight plan we basically calculate everything and cross-check it with actual information data so basically I'm doing everything is normal numbers very close to your actual based on the dispatch calculation I have to do a fuel check every 30 minutes which is regulation and it's for our own good because we can monitor if we are if there is a a fuel leak or fuel frozen or we're consuming about that no more fewer we have plus or minus that's it and I have to check the RBS M on each device PFD number two against PFD number one against the standby ultimate basically it's we are trusting the computer everything is by our autopilot and by the computer that I told you right here and he's double-checking what the computer is doing that's what he's doing that is the fuel is the field the computers are giving us the right information about our remaining fuel the fuel we burn we were lucky today Mohammed that we had we were departing from the new terminal from Jeddah yes that's an opportunity it's usually that we just transferred the some of our treasure no flights from Saudi a to that terminal and the plant transfer all flights and it's a really huge airport yeah for the end of the year hopefully all saudi flights will be from the camp that is international a new terminal it's located between two runways the right and center runway that it can take aircrafts from three sides from the West Side east side and the north side it's beautifully designed in a beautiful shape in Arabic a traditional way site and it has I like that it has the saudi touch it it's it's there is a lot of culture aspects inside oh yeah that's that's the beauty of it its its Arabia or its Arabic there is another beautiful thing when you come the signage is it's very informative when you come into the airport entrance of the road to the airport it's very informative signage and there is a stand by God Kyra 1 2 1 2 7 decimal 7 said we're just saying that he transferred to another I travel controller and we expected that that's what our expectation was right this is number 1 number 2 when you fly when anyone calls you get like it's a click in your ear yeah or callsign so we're expecting that to call us in this couple of minutes as well and now Mohammed is gonna call him and tell him that we are in his frequency at 1 to 7 decimal 7 try to control the Salam alaykom said the 1 6 7 fly level 3 4 0 say 3 4 0 sorry 1 6 7 so basically what the air traffic control told us is that he has it on his radar and maintain the altitude of 34,000 feet that we are clear with initially yes and as I was saying before there is they give the airline's pick parts out say they a big chunk of the airport it's gonna be let's say for Saudi Arabia Saudi has the it's a line it's the country's national airlines and it's it's hop for Saudi Airlines oh yes so when you come in let's say if you're a business class you have a different interest you have a different throat it will say Saudi Airlines this class is a first class launch and chicken lounges are nice yeah chickens every said there is different counters and yeah that's I I saw Ike wants it's beautiful i watch the small tournaments beautiful and it has the longest tower now in the world yeah the tower about the highest tower at the aquarium I think it's the biggest query where they have the aquarium as well inside the airport so it's nice yeah well this airports are gonna help with the vision of what 30 division yes the video helped a lot you know transit flyest yeah on first of all before it used to be only I think Abu Dhabi Dubai and Doha at the transit flights from the Far East all the way to Europe and the Africa got the transit flights the hopped over there America's yes yeah now king of the International Airport what's gonna it's gonna help with that it's gonna help with up and the the visa on arrival that's that's another story that's that now anyone can come within let's say very small steps processes and you can't get your visa on arrival transportation and you can you can see a lot of things well the big changes in Saudi a rich culture and and we have the desert we have the sea Red Sea is one of the best sees in the world to scuba dive it scuba dive yeah yeah it's they're building now this let's see resorts and the city it's one of the regions now for 2030 and it's one of the best natural place to scuba dive yes they have mountains if you want to see desert we have desert if you want to see mountains we have mountains it's like a mountain you wanna see a sea we have one of the best seas to scuba dive we have culture you can see we're building a lot of big cities as the captain nation near Red Sea and neon and get dia de playa that's south of Riyadh is going to be entertainment city ritzy will be a vacation getaway and diem will be the high and as I mentioned earlier economical city and it's all 2030 of 2030 vision vision of the country we have a lot of seasons we're doing let's say entertainment season 3 out season Jedi season 3 a season now Anna as well and the winter is gonna be amazing yeah last year it was beautiful and a lot of tourists there this year they're expecting double what I think we have and we have formulae which is one of its kind in the world it's electrical formula the cars are electrical I think no one formula one they are the Royal Highness Prince Edmund just opened the formula one area does well in Korea I think I saw its formula e yeah so yeah it's it's nice you should come as here the food is amazing oh it's by food it's all kind of foods are like I say but the Arabic food is caps arsenic now Saudi Airlines is doing a lot of good things we have we have more than 90 destinations you can go basically to any continent almost any continent yeah almost 150 aircrafts combined of foreign air passes it's 3:18 and we're still waiting for the orders of the new or expanded yes Airbus a321 new long-range long-range LR yes they have triple sevens 200s and 300s have a cargo triple seven we have three 30s we have the region one and the normal one we have 787 Dreamliners - 9 - 1 0 you forgot to clean up the sky 7 for 7 - 8 7 4 7 8 so you should get try the try to fly with us you'll having a nice experience we have worked on called top 5 will they have a special one-of-a-kind treatment as a passenger for even economy economy passengers - yeah we have a lot of promotions you can upgrade to business her first by betting online and you can get it out of the counter we have a lot of nice things we have sweets from triple 7 hours to cross sweets they have nice business class our one even the old aircraft are redecorated and modified now for to keep up that's what's happening in this aircraft Wi-Fi really nice super Wi-Fi now most of our craft is Wi-Fi capability have Wi-Fi capability and cruise thank you and this is one of the things she's giving me from this side so she avoids all the instruments in case of liquid spillage thanks so much good afternoon I'm Bacchus is the right of this craft this aircraft in air fast frequency the capacity here in business class it's so any guesses and then 96 this aircraft only four for Europe we will manage it in business class we offer them everyone they want what they want to do to eat maybe after 2 or 3 hours until 1 hours 30 minutes before the Corps landing we can save the best our guests it is the kind of fresh juice and to kind of the kaisers and the three kind of cheese also for hot drinks there is green tea Moroccan tea and American coffee Sumatra coffee also it's yeah it's very nice for Apollo to give his class there is petrol the guest we can request for Arabic coffee and dates juice tea our coffee our even the green tea there is available in an economy and three choice of wrinkles and advertiser and sweet for for our guests in economy also there is after four hours from now we can distribute the movie snacks there is snacks and apple or banana even for entertainment there is a lot of felonies you can watch any films any kind of a term there is Arabic terms there is American terms there is Indian film there's a Filipino films there is entertainment there is music there is Quran also you wanna hear the Quran and the hadith everything it's gonna be comfortable for our guests now it's just in maybe two to three hours to watch a to reach front for you can enjoy and have a pleasant flight with us and enjoy the flight crossing the Mediterranean Sea that's the beauty of being a pilot huh oh yeah a lot of good stuff interesting stuff it's joy to the eye it's one of the things a few people in the world get to experience I think we're lucky and that's a very nice experience very nice job beautiful job especially you passionate about aviation about flying and in another store another thing that we don't talk about to our viewers is that layover finally oh yeah now we're going to a new destination like France port we have the chance you know to see a new city meet new people get to stay for a day or two and sometimes it depends on the flight so we're leaving tomorrow so we're gonna stay for one night over there but some place you can stay for two days three thousand sometimes three days it depends on the scheduling and the flights sometimes if you're very very lucky four days oh yeah we used to have five days sometimes and it's paid oh yeah it's like a paid vacation because I pay that occasion so Hotel is paid you get paid over there money so it's it's I cannot say it it's people get paid to do what we're doing actually go to another city and they pay for the hotel they pay for their expenses they we get paid to go there captain you've communication I have no communication thank you sir so as you could see now Mohammed is taking his break and he's gonna eat his lunch so this is one of the things that [Music] it's one of the parameters that we we have its point about heat that's what they call it in French I think huh hello everyone I am Patton I am working in Saudi Air Line as I am flagship before working in Saudi Air Line I work in Dubai and the Oberoi hotels at the five years I join Saudi last year and we do it the top five surface the get food see the different and the top five surface you will see many sequins we provide the for the guests many dishes with many sequins like in the ground we provide for him Arabic coffee and death in Jews and Towers was welcoming after that and after we take it off also he will not feel in he just in the aircraft he will feeling in the home or or in the restaurant five stars and with very beautiful dishes very good from the appetizers miniature is a few and also just dining demand in it this means any time he can choice and any any different platter we can choice it with the hot dish with a good decoration so he can when he see he can feel wow yeah so that the Saudi airline provide for our guests that something different to the other airline to to say wow and which we we take it the feedback from the guests handle at excellent and we are moving to bitter and bitter for that also after the finish the guests Felicia the platter we can chose whatever he want about the desert red cheese platter and also if we can take it the light meals there's likely some guests also he's the allergic about some natural dairy so we can manage for him some cluttered without this what is allergic about so he feel I am a special so that some guests also which vegetarians some guests different he differently have different requests also at the Saudi airline not like other airline we provide many different juices many different like Bellini fattiness is not not in any airline we have Bellini halal Slovenian so anyone can taste the ethylene and this the gets you liked it too much have a mojito we have binocular de so this will not found in other airline over there and we hope to see your importer and saw their line one time whatever in economy business or first-class you will feel special and you will feel the difference and the sure you will be happy after you take it your Shepherd thank you very much and see you important [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay I'll set a till winter okay zero seven zero to two knots to five what is the information information India very elastic seven o'clock 1042 horrible coma once our society what now six own what does it that normal God will confirm for we want to make it pop a squat three one two zero and there you go comes in write it down in the flight plan and that we should be ready to go when 8:04 - 1100 okay captain he wants to brief you okay for Elissa localizer runway two five okay Frankfurt main man 17 May 1911 - six effective 23rd of May checked Frankfurt main Germany I unless runway two five left localizer India Fox Seattle whiskey one one one decimal one five jetavana birch cars two four eight glide slope four decimal 2 DME out of India foxy ro SQ 1710 cat one minimums 516 highest MSA is three thousand four thousand three hundred and it's in the north west of the airport the rest is 3500 missed approach climb straight ahead to five decimal five DME Foxtrot Foxtrot Mike 2.5 DME from Foxtrot Romeo Delta then turn left to intercept Radio 2 4 3 Fox 30 Fox third Mike then on radial 243 Boxster's Fox - Mike - 8 DME Foxtrot focus of Mike 50mm foxes from the Delta or 5000 whichever is later and then turn left - Charlie hotel and Favara maintain 5000 transition level as paradius is 7000 are my 11 0 7 0 7 0 try the DME required caution independence taxiing aircraft on taxiway uniform underneath short final heist obstacle is a man-made obstacle it's in the north to the northwest 3240 five four none GPS equipped aircraft it's an arcade that's not our case and we have another note here it says better and better separation may be in force and another one initial approach from Delta Fox six one six are now what equivalent Rada required approach lighting system flashing to rail puppy 170 controller will be 2-0 at 1,500 feet per minute or greater fund of inthere three to zero at 1500 and it's a greater said once accepted okay three two zero vertical speed 1500 check engine anti-ice on please engine anti-ice on and continuing captain visibility 550 meters seven contact maintain one through nine at my one come one two Niner decimal one mention said he 167 cherrylle Niner you got it man you ain't good after you notice how D one six seven out of line of them three five three descending three two zero one things are good afternoon identified by that Akiba gimmicks 3167 gimmicks yes sir confirmed paper you want me to preview on the star star we already read it together has we double-checked it we double-checked all the altitude restrictions that we need and the speed of section so we're there okay three two zero 1103 5500 or greater Chuck okay no PSE our lifts it landing with no Miele no CDL no dangers good and no special load I know Obi's circuit runway two five left right we're gonna 'fuck eight to the right most trouble is gonna be Mike one seven then we'll draw Mike all the way to tango or uniform animal following these instructions who are assigned gate that I'll be using approach autopilot one two decelerated approach for the ILS Auto break will be LUN low trainees nanak factor the same flood level two four zero cross D max at level zero six seven so what do you have here max here yes sir two four zero to 40 yoga mats please come from there creator continue the beeping landing elevations or to add 400 feet if Amos has been set and reviewed I reviewed all FMS with you during your briefing all the way to the missed approach and alternates Urich now for an average or the radios will be on auto tune cheapest primary high accuracy performance has been set weather has been set for eyeless runway two five left when the minimums are decision altitude five six to calm full our V app is one three two transition level zero seven zero go-around speed has been reviewed we have extra fuel three decimal five that will give us one hours and 35 minutes of holding then we have to divert to alternate at two point seven a few remaining secondary flat plan is going to be four to five right in case they change the runway for us so we just activated a very flat plan I'll be using either reverse and landing Maxima vs available in case we need it flaps full spoilers will be armed if you have anything to add please Thank You captain oh it's not detected okay go ahead and ice off one two three to eight zero zero one six seven control room would get afternoon Saturday one six seven out of line level 2 6 9 e sending 2 4 0 they are identified hello air clips fans we're descending now they are with the chair many controllers this I think we'll be landing in 30 minutes from now so the runway news we expect the westerly runway 2 5 left well there is nice some few clouds and on ground clouds no clout yeah it's gonna be nice approach the view is going to be very nice as well we best an hour trip we passed through a lot of nice views the Alps the Iranian the coast of Croatia nice was smooth flight we countered some turbulence we changed little smooth flight a I'll star check out and usually this busy Airport they don't flood of it alone for 0:59 to prepare minutes of Greater Saudi 167 okay one four zero sit blue vertical speed 1 1600 okay Seto sign on please see its world song now they usually don't give us the runway in use or for landing until we're end up with our final approach figure on the final approach so until now we don't know we're gonna use Android two five left eight two five right hello and here's our wonderful r1 again or she's gonna take our temperature temperatures five five degrees you have a code for five degrees okay good thank you see you on ground I can see you from here the low clouds nice very low cloud will the clouds we cannot really see the ground but it's okay because it's an instrument approach and we are under radar if you see it guys it looks like a cotton carpets that's what they called overcast the whole sky is it's overcast there is no holes in it okay papa papa sierra after that Papa's here alpha to five Sierra transitionary one six seven okay papa flan oven Wong Wong zero fifteen hundred feet for integrators or seven hey I'll do five three five five seven six seven today up to five thirty five five well good afternoon so do you wanna six seven mattify four three descending one one wants you 31 fix them no no fly heading to even become a different Avenue heading three one zero a lot of the love 0:07 okay I'll be decide sequence for plan please well let's wait for it a little bit maybe now we are with the Frankfurt rival Frankfurt main rival he's giving us a headache so you're expecting us as we talked before all we do is expectations when we expect what's the next step what's the next three steps so you give us a heading and altitude to descend so we expect the shortcut good for the passengers are saving some time to be early 2 to 0 now it's 2 5 11 Saturday 1 6 7 activate the police please three four zero seven six seven right 1034 zero India foxy rye whiskey identified in my side US premiere exes I might as well now you can secret supply plan please you want to be to do it captain from let's say do it from litke let kid confirm paper we'll wait for the transition okay body of up to seven Coptic director one money to find several find one when I ate five zero fries I want six seven good day one eight five zero five you got it dad Xterra is 3167 good afternoon oh damn I picked up another one tell ya one thing Kevin you had photos of each an edge one zero one zero four thousand feet can touch one sir was your shot you want to see seven four thousand feet 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 set cross-check passing altitude 7300 now checked and below a protect list approach checklist briefing confirm ECAM status we have the registry data by reference one zero one zero zero clear our last two five zero one seven two eight zero Dallas to five left checklist again briefing confirm econ status check seatbelt on bar every one zero one zero one zero one zero set minimum five six two six five six to sit engine mode select normal project has come beat and ask him tell me slow down or you - potato zero zero because the previous one gave us the speed section director Satya 167 free speed confirming your manager would be two hundred or two hundred sorry Aunt Sarah after two hundred two hundred here and flaps one please speed check flaps one okay status again remove status is VHF data as we breathe before and we have glass Lulu localizer blue look at three do on autopilot must've coming close to the card cabin is ready yes just a missed call okay coming close to the cotton carpet huh yeah visibility's really long yeah beautiful luck star check localizer live chat established you know the Olympic seven keep your feet with Achmed fire and conduct our one but I'm 1905 but I keep speed so six miles and contact one six seven years to our good afternoon is how do six seven established to fine left so they want six seven at all clasp lobst are checked mr. potchuck this 5000 is set and confirmed hey flaps to Chris Weaver check flaps to last and final fix to five left 2820 check your down please radial - they're alive gear down don't have a Bigfoot sadly degrees off running she knows that but they don't like I think we're gonna tie on six miles out okay flaps 3/4 thick sweet nice kinda jealous odor the advisement of chickens current advice speak low he can remember landing level of landing chickens complete wisely please receive any kind of clues any kind of blue clear line to 531 six seven clear tonight to five left okay we're clear learn then I love 1000 now we're stabilized I look for cues procedurally to professor and a plan for one for now and then straight ahead for another bus is there for this year about the vaporization of one 501 3 1 nursing 800 I use cues continue what about of cues minimum bodycheck now in doing good we don't want to do 100 50 40 30 20 [ __ ] speed decent sorry too toxic no they are 167 right and unlike tango a whole shot of tango 4 right so my tango whole church tango force at once or seven right am I to the right Mike and then I'll trot off and fall to the left come to the right yes sir Oh we'll go to either they want to be frontier my sign sign yes sir gen-i self clean off run if you don't hit the takeoff don't wait beautiful peacock - hi after nanotech Lisbon's to learn the particulars flaps retract quality disarm APU start radar off predictive wind chooses to half afternoon the cheapest convicts the last Salaam frankfurter taper and good afternoon said he 167 Johnny tango hello there one six seven taxi to echo to buy a Lima November 1 and November leave a November Lima to the left November 1 Roger echo to leave my remember November 1 November 1 6 7 November clear myself you know I said to the right and I go to to the left he did not mention any color so we go to the yellow color yes sir beautiful you okay docking system available Airbus 320 clear my side my side it go - yes sir coming off for the 184 of equipment when I won it for two percenters November 3 o'clock my side is clear all the way clear my side all doing in pastry shows a normal I could also put those in here - okay I fell over it what are they go get them whatever except the leaders their gender now I need your number one Sasa shut down Trevanian push big approve trade by dishonest our technical code in here - wrong go ahead hello good afternoon network up - backwards the trucks are in place and polar comfort abusing thank you sir part the brake is released okay barking Chiklis okay Park tickets have you bleed on engines off seat belts off seer lights set fuel pumps off park brake juts often it Partridge is complete guys thank you so much for joining us along with our journey it was beautiful flight it was a beautiful flight thank God problems keep on watching air clips for more exciting exciting exciting trips trips and video clips and hope to see you again soon and we hope to see you inside the air Sadia flights or Saudi Arabia Cheers
Views: 219,553
Rating: 4.8898072 out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, view
Id: RrfXZ02d6Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 34sec (7354 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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