FANTASTIC Boeing 747-8F ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE: Saudia Cargo Frankfurt-Jeddah [AirClips]

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Salam alaikum Salam alaikum good afternoon I'm captain miss Farrell Romney from Saudi a lion cargo flight rate at 747 - 800 we are here in Saigon Bergen and Frankfurt air hotel we are just arrived this morning from Dharma and we having one dares here and tomorrow we are going back to GTA early morning our flight tomorrow will be from Frankfurt to Jeddah it will take about 5 hours and 30 minutes and it's going to be full load from Frankfurt to cheetah see you tomorrow to complete all this filming and have a good day everybody my name is Ibrahim ergo be I'm first of stop four seven four seven - eight writer for Saudia cargo as captain said we are just arrived this morning and living early bird for tomorrow morning flight back to Judah and they would like to welcoming you everybody and you're gonna have nice ride tomorrow back to Jade inshallah hi there it's early morning right now in Frankfurt Airport we're going to the aircraft cargo aircraft weighing seven four seven - eight hundred so the airlines we just passed the security and the Malaysian we are on our way to the aircraft we'll just go ahead and start our duty there's I'm the flight mechanic I perform some check on the aircraft just to make sure the aircraft is in good condition and safety of life almost that's my duty in the aircraft this is my colleague the load master he do the weight and balance for the cargo loading and make sure we have carried the correct weight to make sure the aircraft stabilized in the flight we wake up early morning around one o'clock just preparing to go to the aircraft from the hotel take the pass from the bus to the airport you know it's a little bit of nice journey it's really exciting the departure time around 7 o'clock so we have to prepare the aircraft for powerup electrical power and the aircraft so they can start load all the cargo and to make sure their craft is ready for the cruel when they arrived the flight crew they will arrive for the flight one hour so they can do their duty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning this is early morning flight to Jeddah nine one four freighter flight Saudi Boeing 747 - 800 super aircraft I welcome everybody to watch this little short movie about our flight we started early morning to Jeddah our flight will take about five hours weather is fine in Frankfurt and in Jeddah and I wish you a nice flight as you see now we just arrived the aircraft captain will go making his walk around and go to blabber shaking the emergency equipment and repair the cockpit for from this flight today join us and you have a nice journey together see ya I love good morning sympathetic I as I say we have to get very quick glance at the aircraft nose open the wing and the fuel truck under the wing so everything is going fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys we are going to do our pre-flight today and I will have to walk around their craft and check the air confirm outside and everything and go ahead and join me normally we start on this side we check the video to an angle of attack and the side of the aircraft the nose cargo door should be closed but right now they are loading we have to check it later on and you see if it's closed firmly then we go to the nose gear here and check the lights it's in a good condition and the tire and make sure there is no hydraulic leak or losing item or breaking things as you see the tire it's in a good condition you see the lines this is a good indication both tires is okay and we check here the strut now it's getting down we don't want it to go down fully to the limit when I check the side of the aircraft again the beaded shield should not cover it's not broken then we check the belly of the aircraft there is no damage to the aircraft the side cargo door horrid cargo doors still open they still loading and here's some light some static ports and we check the oxygen we see the green light the green indicator there it's in a good condition everything here is fine no problem we go down here we check the engine and wings no panel is open here all the panel's is closed and we check the engine here we have a good engine GE engine and we check the blades and all the blades are ok no damage or no bird strike we see anybody strike here we see the feathers and the plates the bottom of the engine is fine no oil dripping no field dripping and no damage and we go across the wing here and everything is OK all the banners are closed the back of the engine is fine okay all the blades from the back is fine doesn't have any damage and no leaks I don't know strange items inside the engines inside the blades are okay and no damage and the tube is if I the bottom of the engine is okay I know panel is open and the cover is okay the back of the engine here we check again here at the back of the engines the spine of the blades are okay all the vendors are closed and no indication of fuel leak or hydraulic leak we go to the root of this wing is okay and we check here the navigation lights all of them are walking you see the green one and the right side and we check the static static it's all there and there is nothing broken here we go around the wing root everything is fine and from this side I can check the whole back of the aircraft everything is okay working is okay no indication of damage left cargo doors still open there they say loading cargo and even the nose of the aircraft from here I can see it and the first part of their cart here it looks ok so we go down the wing root from the back okay this is the the flaps and ailerons are okay no indication of hydraulic leak or damage then we go down to okay this is the lights been geared we took care very simple the Gibbons is not connected this is very important and we check the tower again and no indication of hydraulic or damage all the wires and all the cables are okay the tires are okay and the doors are closed the car the gear doors are okay and we sit here again the slot the slot is not supposed to be all the way down this is a good indication it's okay and I check here the brakes and the brakes here this is the indicator of the brakes if it's smooth that mean we have to change the brakes okay and I check the belly of the aircraft again and there is no indication of hydraulic or oil leaks and I check here again the Barry gear is fine has no problem a slot is okay and brake indicator is okay all cables are connected and ok and the tower is fine and again here there is a shots connected to the gear then we go down to the back of the aircraft the cargo door gonna be open until they finish loading I know it's noisy here maybe the voice will not be very good okay this is the valve the brochure ization fault they are supposed to be open here when he ran went down there and after we ready to move closing the doors those faults will be closed to keep the pressurization good there's no indication of broken things or leaks and the static ports are no damage okay we are lucky that Ivo is not running of diabetes running you're not hear the voice but it's closing out that temperature is very cold here and Frankfurt the stabilizer is okay the back of the aircraft is okay and we see the horizontal stabilizer there or the tail of the aircraft as okay and this is the outflow valve again is open supposed to be open in the ground and we go down here okay the voice here will be a little problem because of the machines around aircraft loading the aircraft and fueling and all this and he checked the very gear again body gear is fine here all the cables all the lines are okay the tire in a good condition a strut is okay it's not compressed all the way and there is no indication of hydraulic leak or oil leak and the brake indicator as did this is much better than the other one it still looks in you okay and the tires is okay this door will be closed after we get the gear up all those doors will open and get the gear up when it goes off then the door closed to keep the rationalization okay this is the main gear again and you check the tire the tire is good no problem the other one and the main gate Wayne is not there there is no indication of head or feet or a broken item and brake indicator is okay a [ __ ] is okay and the door should be open as I say it before and from here everything is fine so we go down to the back of the left wing okay and we still feel in the aircraft we need today about 70 tons will be enough to Jetta we have some other agenda so we have to increase our minimum we have the agenda and then dication is okay navigation light that it went in the left side this is good okay from this area I can see the whole aircraft is okay front and in the back okay Darwin no baddest is open and the side of number one religion is very [Music] belly up the engine is okay no indication of oil leak and the place are good look at the place is clean and no damage no indication of broken items the back of the engine is okay okay look at that place the place is good the engine is good no indication of broken I thought all the banners are close look at the banners all of them are close supposed to be this way if there is any open hatches or latches we have to call our engineer to close it and know if there is any oil leak we'll see it in the ground or driven from the bottom of the engine we take a field from the ground and bump it to the aircraft this is a side of the engine okay this is engine number two which is good that's no problem the bottom of the engine is okay the side of the engine is okay all the blades are good no indication of broken item all latches are all closed look at this one it's closed and no indication of fuel or hydraulic or oil and inside the de Cowell can we go down here the side of their cart is okay those are relief valves are closed and good condition static boxes okay and the lights is not broken now we completed our walk around and everything is fine the aircraft is good we ready to go on the flight and see you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay brahim our briefing today so dn9 1 for 16 november 19 and therefore to Jada son okay the basket I'm gonna be 6.0 arrival you did the 11 and zero sir okay they gave us fuel today 65 decimal 1 and we have we asked b+ the weather around judah there's some activity we had 3 tons more ok fair enough to Jada's 48 which is fine and our alternate is marina we have one a me L which is regarding some lights which is light it's only light that's indication and only one item is open as you see which is hydro system there a surface tool phone that's what they did they told me they did it already because they don't have the indication here otherwise the system is working fine no other item is open aircraft is clean and we still waiting for a release walk-around release okay keep the logbook here for the our engineer to remind him to sign it out okay and we have oh we have a good load 100 tons of load the takeoff you're gonna be 68 gonna have 69 and our road today is going over going to the south departing runway one eight right one UNH okay we developing south in the same old road and we go down to crossing met Iranian over Cairo then Saudi Arabia okay the day we start after takeoff we will do the sit from here which is an e key departure I'd even though which one will will give us and we'll climb initially two three three zero for about half an hour then we can climb to try three five zero due to load later on we'll climb two three seven zero that will be after two hours from our departure our route today is taking about five hours we have a good tailwind and he can you see the weather okay okay as you see here this line is going south okay and crossing Mediterranean down to Egypt down to Saudi Arabia there is a no indication of whether there is some wins okay does it have anything to say there no it's clear okay okay are the load on the table okay this is Frankfurt Frankfurt 16 today 0-5 2403 knots nine thousand which is nice clear with a few 0:01 temperature temperature and frankfurt right now is 0-1 Thank You H 1 0 0 6 and a significant change right now condition is tap ok tap ok injured yeah in German okay our no time we have read it it's fine nothing will affect us unlock and Jonathan or taken fuel is six eight decimal a zero around fuel in six nine okay Brian I'll fly today to each other we don't mind and everything is set here already set [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] one twenty nine zero zero five one seven zero three not one seven zero Richard zero can anyone 0d right the same way the same the same the same okay seven four seven - eight Frankfurt on we won eight the intersection all-dry went one seven zero three knots temperature zero g and h 1 zero zero seven letting optimum optimum one three bucks on off none give us flops ten now sir and runway one 8 for length takeoff weight three six two dismal for I so I thought 800 did take off one eight for this one eight and select temperature five zero nerve cells mid-1600s 176 not self okay okay one six zero and six six one seven six and sit here fee never sit and 4000 is the bush backtrack is available now okay the ATC just asked us to change our departure time and okay we'll call them the vets ready or not okay and you think how long it takes to get the bush matter I think you might be given three zero I also at least the time has already been updated okay thank you besides obviously to remove ground power okay you can removal we should be starting in another ten minutes waiting for some equipment and our clearance the same as before which is an icky 9 Lima departure 9 Lima departure as again we repeated brahim and it's ok Aniki not Lima run we 1-8 climb on runway truck to 800 intercept roma in the delta radial three five six inbound to Rome in the Delta TURN RIGHT Rome in the Delta radial 183 - Aniki okay and that's here okay three five six Romy India Delta then 183 and climb to 4,000 and Rhyno heading we have it available pushback the same as before and we expect to a start engine after they take us down there we cannot start here because of the equipment behind the aircraft and taxi out over short of Romeo the later on we'll get the clearance via Romeo all the way to the same as before for our departure today the same as we said before we gonna fly south southeast through Italy the east of Greek over met Iranian Egypt then across the Red Sea to Jeddah Saudi Arabia our flight today will be five hours and thirty five thirty three thousand feet initially later on thirty five thousand and we'll climb later on after two hours so 37,000 and weather here in Frankfurt is good now clear but we have to come back we didn't need the takeoff alternate he might have slightly above max landing weight if you have any problem we have food to jettison some fuel for learning otherwise the rest is a standard company version the same as before you want to add anything okay okay I think this is all rubbish backtrack yeah ask for clearance a small one yeah okay hey Dan asked for I think this for us yeah for us yeah okay and saw the 9r1 for good morning Roger with information papa cleared for destination when we won a tiny canine Lima asked work force six seven six four zero so the nine of one for round one to 19.5 five so the 901 for the day okay clear to destination the Aniki one nine Lima a squat nine seven six four zero okay the same as we briefed el nav vnf is selected and four thousand initial altitude ready for before such checklist for Coco abrasion Chiklis brief light oxygen does oxygen test 100 person flight gentleman a heading is 2 for 9 and 3 3333 40 okay brief logic test completed thank you ground your ground go ahead confirm the gear pins are removed the givers are removed husband is inspected okay how about political process we call fuel time to engine okay good the message okay and the engine Hey before starting checklist for start checklist Persinger sorry hon MCB okay Fito 176 heading is 2 4 9 2 4 9 and selected one seven eight and four thousand altitude takeoff speed one six zero one six six one seven six three do brief flight completed trim okay it is seven point two zero zero taxi and takeoff briefing completed vehicle both okay okay before start checklist complete ask for pushback don't good morning Saudia 9r1 for erotic good there with the information Baba Victor three one zero ready for pushback push work approach on the a9 r14 okay which backup is a beloved ground go ahead okay we're ready for pushback copy that prospect approves for post but please read these parking brakes mark and break is a wrist brace released commencing push back step I find results okay here we are we are moving now pushing back and starting engine to Jeddah and have everybody have a nice flight okay Brahim confirm with ATC our weekly start engines okay good he will tell you when you tax here and so the one for ready to start again but I wanna thank you Eni not what for okay pushing back from Victor 10 this is length education of our aircraft here we should be taxi for Sierra 11 after you get the clearance will might start engine over here as you see this is our taxi line here I'll grant you mercy yeah let me know when it's creative thought engines it is now so Bush buggers completely set break stuff [ __ ] Vegas it's okay and starting engines in sequence one two or three four oh okay starting engines start one and two please starting one and two okay as you see this is anjana start it's fully automatic you have nothing to do just well they start and with their fuel on and the engine is starting now see it's auto start here and it's the end to rotor is moving okay here the egt exist exhaust gas temperature is rising up right now ranges are starting smoothly it takes about a minute less than a minute scold and aircraft is barkat for more than six hours okay now we hear the click Tenjin going up to now running this is normally start successful start both dangers okay start engine number three and four okay starting three and four okay and fuel control switches on and now it's rising again you can see the auto start engine number three number four and to moving the IGT should rise in a second now okay and the GT is going smoothly okay you have the click the engine come to a final start now it's running number three number four it's running which is a good start our ground okay you have a good you start disconnects second on the left slide thank you very much and show me the ceiling pin thank you have a good day okay we'll check the flight controls this is the stabilizer Clemson lobster yeah this is stabilizer and we are checking the islands you see and this is the spoilers this is successful check to the other side it's a normal check and we check the rudder this is the rudder now smoking the right it's good okay and this is the flaps coming down into Chen and we see the ailerons drops here this is a good chick okay for taxi checklist for ducks a checklist and the eyes Total Recall checked flood control checked ground a good man okay okay the guy is there my side is clear and he kept the searing measured my side thank you okay before taxes checklist completely thank you ready for taxi and so the nine are one for ready for taxi we have a 1-1 hold short of Sierra Saudia Niner one for okay taxi Sierra one one hotshot - Sierra Sierra is the fairest one yeah my side is clear okay my side is clear 30 a night I went work on the ground 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 8:05 Saudia 901 for the day 21:05 ground good morning Saudia 9 or 1 for approaching Sierra Sierra 1 1 left turn on Romeo Saudi 9 or 1 4 okay continue taxiway Sierra 1 1 left 2 Romeo as we seize Sierra 1 1 then left her Romeo hey my site is created my side is real as well so this cooling rate or any direction for lengths Audion in r14 okay let's film it again departing runway 1 8 101 8 heading is selected 1 7 8 V 2 1 7 6 it climb to 4,000 Aniki 9 Lima departure 4000 sit Vienna was selected l nav is selected okay arranged when my side is 2040 okay and select your range okay 40 and taxi fare Romeo and approaching our taxi limit is Sierra 25 when we approach Sierra 25 had fights in that we approaching Sierra 25 Roger Shyama to five Sierra Sierra 3 3 whole shorts the other four zeros or the 9.14 okay follow the proceeding traffic Sierra to five say you're a ho sort of picture four zero zero four zero zero four zero okay we are ready to depart run we 1-8 this morning that's a nice day clear weather our flight will be five hours will climb to 32,000 feet initially then later on to 35,000 feet and after another two hours - very soon doesn't it hey hotshot of November Frank what you're behind emirate line up and wait when we 1-8 behind Saudi and nine r14 okay a lineup and wait I let the cabin please be seated for takeoff Hey final one way 1/8 is cleared okay final is Khalil runway 1/8 confirmed okay run away and it confirms their craft emanated rolling for the radar and transponder I'm for takeoff checklist please for takeoff checklist completed thank you it's already left off our given then see the the fork you're on top with one another question I live for takeoff runway 1:8 Saudi and I know one for lanky near 40 okay ready another ready smile at Okinawa tell yourself from a strip toga toga for our third they're not all checking look at you know yeah [Music] zero for the [Music] whether good morning for the NAR one for born on a what laughs I driven one ratio [Music] mother is 0 1 3 0 1 ratio [Music] [Music] laughs five flubs five curtain and one for me to predict Roger speed 250 Saudi another one for transition transition changed with these clear speed standard two-fifty it's a kid okay laughs one loved one JME flaps up heard another one [ __ ] equator 1 2005 provide 1 2005 good day one 275 radar good morning Sonia 9r1 for airborne buzzing 6065 climbing one three zero two four zero Saudi and I know one four nine two four zero after takeoff chickens after takeoff signals completed thank you [Music] [Music] okay hello again we are cruising at 35,000 feet it's a smooth ride temperature and the cabin is okay as requested by medicine which is five degrees in the cabin cargo area and now we are heading to the southeast the Sun facing us we expect to land Jeddah a local time at five o'clock in the afternoon and a nice flight [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay my friends let's talk about our aircraft right now now we are flying at three 35,000 feet and we are over Mediterranean we still with a teeny ATC and in another 10 minutes we should be entering good Cairo if I are and will talk little bit me and my colleague Ibrahim regarding this aircraft and I watch or about our flight to Jeddah ok this aircraft is a Boeing 747 freighter - 800 now it's one of the biggest super jet aircraft in the world and it's completely fully automated full computerized ok now this is the new version of bong-sun for seven classic you know the classic used to have flight engineers sitting in the back and the whole panel overhead it's over there now the panel is over here and inside this computer here ok and effluent Ibrahim talked about this aircraft we share it together the bless the captain said the old version of this aircraft by the flight engineer there blessed by the computer so the computer by the way we are missing the engineer we used to us and they used to do most of the job yes it was like more people in the cockpit so they can have a lot of chatting now it's only me and the captain so they're blessed did the computer who cannot chat with us so if there is in case of any malfunction in the system it will Bob out here and lower-income and there is action will follow and do so basically the new version of modern aircraft did do everything make the buy load life easy relief a lot of war okay you know this aircraft is fully organized when you sit in the cockpit it doesn't seem like complicated it's very simple easy straightforward the system is comprar config arised and a nice manner okay we start from here which is this is electric panel over here up to here this is hydraulic panel and this is fuel panel over here here is regarding the engine where we start the engine as we said before beside those throttle and those fuel control switches this is regarding the engine start and controlling and if we go up here in case of engine fire this is where we build the fire handle after we shut down the engine to turn off the fire if we have hope not then some pain is here which is the engine anti-ice and wing anti-ice are in this panel here and we go for here this is the air-conditioned panel that's including this one and the bleed air coming from the engines to the air-conditioned part and brush arising some part of hydraulic ampule okay all right here this is the brush utilization panel over here okay and this is the lighting system it's over here up here the circuit breakers all the circuit breakers and circuit breakers over there so if something happened that circuit breakers will pop out and cut out the electric to any system okay okay this is the ferrous officer side it's it's identical the side here and the side here let's see my colleague Abraham to talk about his part and his side over there okay and this side the other the captain said we have identical screen and panel so we can deal with it at the same matter here the computer to enter the old information we need for the flight usually the first officer do it sometime captain do it so he can do it from his side we have here in fact we fly big by Nick but this time I steal it from Abraham he says okay I don't mind so this the PFD here and nd here so in the BFG as you see will there is a lot of navigation information we get it from this screen like the airspeed altitude we have the heading and the attitude of the aircraft and this two color is showing the sky and the ground and white line here the horizon we have the nd here it's showing the our roads the point we are going through showing the area so we know where we are on the maps as I said before that's most likely general that's impart here - what's a brahim said it's identical so whoever flying you can't see the other guy what he is doing over site and beside over here which is the indy which we call it a navigation display this is a navigation display [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Cairo one two seven seven good days or they're 9 or 1 4 so you are talking and listening at the same time at ITC now he transferred us to Cairo EDC Cairo good good morning Saudi and 901 for heavy flight level 3 5 0 okay we checked Solomon now go to Bahrani and ibrahim normally he will follow up with the flying time and the fuel and see if there is any change in our schedule and by the way what we are doing now look at this screen here we take the fuel panel fuel is chimeric and show it over here if there is imbalance it should go automatic we don't have to do anything about it but from time to time we do it so their class is balanced we keep it balanced within zero a limit our fuel burn will continue nicely okay so we still going now we need 300 we lose it from tank number one to balance with tank number four and as Isis before now we get busy with the Cairo ATC I think he will because up right now go ahead Ibrahim try it again Cairo Salam alaikum Saudi 9 r1 for heavy flight level 3 5 0 roger squad 3 3 2 3 4 the 9 or 1 4 thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay now we talked already with Cairo he accepted our son he changed the sick squat for us and he he will come back again to us and he will say okay I accepted you or I can see you and by the way Obama Hamid over so alone we are one minute behind computer flatland time and surfing one ton 100-day field good this is good so that's why we keep the flight plan updated so to see if we are losing fuel or we keeping the same fuel or it's getting better okay we'll continue in that as I says we talk to Cairo ATC and he gave us a new squat which is three three two three now we will pop up and his radar and he will tell us okay continue because our previous request is there and he already accept us from the beginning then we come back here and this panel this navigation display we can see our route now we go into Bahrani we go into conky kitab suo okay and up to destination and see all this those point the blue point are the airports in the area within 300 or maybe 600 miles around okay and at the same time you can ask for stations or stations around ok see all the stations around now to our stations we can ask for more information like that and now we are going to Bahrani and we see the estimate over Bahrani okay we have many selection here you can see the weather on this this display here but right now we are flying nicely smooth and the weather there is no weather around us in this area hi there me again like mechanic of seven for 7-8 and we are here in the cabin area I'll try to show you some some facility we kind of started from the front the cockpit this lack of it and we have you can see here scape slide just for emergency for a verdict because Jessica's Pramila Duty is easy access to get access to the door anyway we have some emergency communicate such as oxygen and escape slide and we are team is behind here let me talk we can actually [Applause] and this with cartels for to the blow with a slight drop outside also we had a small galley in this area this is our oven we have to turn a meal for the galley and chillins we have can make boilers even though we have icebox small ice box here anyway there's some privileged we have our catering in this area this for hot meal also we have some called me also we have this is axis to the to the main Dave Karger I think you saw it before so there are cigarettes in the cabin we have six seat and 747 plus we have small florist area with two bit you can show you here okay they have a small window here and we have also cabinet inside to put some blanket we have just in case an emergency we have fun we can call so they are another bed and other side this exactly the same of evidence I understand there are cabinet here we have some video here and some hangers just for our uniform oh no this is everything inside this small cabinet it's not a passenger aircraft of course this is a cargo area and if carry a few people's in this area that's it now Ibrahim he's doing something in this FMC flight management computer now he will talk about it because of long flight we have to report every three hours so I'm now reports position to the company right what position to the company for three three hours so our flight today is five hours so we almost approaching three hours of the flight I'm gonna to report that position by Ronnie which is in Egypt send it to company so at both the position time be over it and altitude Mach number our speed and then our destination time we arrive the Sun temperature and the fuel and the wind for that altitude and then we'll send it the company when we original now we talk about this panel over here we have extra things over here are enough carriage it this is from iPad over here this is our route going down are at Mediterranean this is Bahrani which is the ecology of irani this is north of Egypt and will be crossing Egypt now going down to a suit this is a suit point then we go to loksat then we enter that fire are all Saudi Arabia border going to jitter this is Jeter I now here okay so we following up this is our aircraft this is the position that's connected by a GPS and show it in this handy or external external device and as we says brahim this is very advanced aircraft not like the aircraft before myself I flew the 737 the 707 we can have this is can take up to what a hundred points more than a hundred points and the 707 we used to fly only nine points okay and if it's finished we have to build rebuild another know another points Wow three which is very good at that time it was a very good system okay because before that we don't have that system okay we'll finish almost balancing this area we take off this page and we can show you some other pages like now this is their condition this is the schematic of air condition and this is the temperature in each point okay this is the schematic of electric and this is the hydraulic it's available in this page that's what we do over here okay okay let's go back to what we said before the old aircraft what was the first aircraft flew just flying new machine aircraft I started md-90 Airbus 320 now something for okay I don't have that much experience about the old aircraft myself i below the 737 boeing 737 I flew that Tristar 747 classic as very safe sir when I flew 737 captain Christ I know that I started the nut flight I flew the Airbus for the antenna 600 the old version has a captain then I flew the 707 and I flew the classic for 20 years as a captain now I'm flying this beautiful machine I love this one and actually I love the 707 it was amazing yeah it was the best aircraft is the oldest one but it's really something that's really something what I heard that the Tristar l-1011 was the best it's a beautiful one it's beautiful one but that that machine very you something fail and that aircraft is easy to fix it fast to fix it which is basic aircraft we call it fly by cables fly by cable you know that nuts by wire because you know the automation the electric electronics that has has more more failures but it can help you can take you better [Music] so what did you fry you said I start with them day 90 oh yeah and then I move two or three 20 and now I'm in seven four okay okay which one did you like actually from my side each aircraft has its own way flying if you talk about Airbus like for example 320 it's very advanced computerized easy to fly they have a new things flying by a side stick which is the new thing for Airbus of course I'm proud flying the 747 which is the dream of every pilot to fly a 747 especially - eight which is the latest one it's beautiful machine beautiful I remember the first time I fly the Tiffin board Stefan I was so scared you know huge aircraft you know you see everything from top like when you flew it you fan it's it's the easiest one and as I told you you know it's just a straightforward every panel is set up in a good manner so you can reach it and without missing anything talking about you know you start moving from small aircraft to big aircraft I mean I'm talking about my feeling it was you know like huge aircraft you're looking for everything from top is the highest cockpit in the ehm field it's different feeling so in fact you find out the the flying is fun right it's famine I love that bring me also why I choose this flying when I was child like six seven years old I saw this commercial for King Faisal Air Force Academy and they make the show with the fighter aircraft which is make robotic flying the smoke behind all these things which is attract me to a VA Shenfield so I decided to be a pilot so since any Asia yeah better than me I never think about me it should be there is something attract you today whatever you do so he started where he started here and so there were some areas with the airlines this is good really we're lucky anyhow we're lucky we got the chance to fly with this idea from the beginning yeah we are really lucky yeah I love this our Airlines it's doing fine for the past couple of years decades I believe in because I know if first first of all to be a pilot you have to have this passion to be a pilot because nobody can become a pilot like this I mean if it doesn't have a feeling if it doesn't like this job I know a lot of people they start flying and they quit they didn't like it so it's mainly hobby huh yeah no I mean it should be a first one you have to have the that passion you I need to be a pilot I want to work on that so you become to a point of edom fly you want to fly yeah you said that 18 so what bring it to your minor DT at that time I have so a helicopter landed in the area all right beside our school and keep watching that helicopter for maybe one hour thinking about that after that I joined I went to a university but when Saudi announced there is they were accepting the pilot and then I says outright and I was accepted at the first time when I was 8 19 yeah I just been one hour one year in a university then I want to do this new job okay from at that time yeah okay brahim now we are approaching behrani will you send your message will talk to cairo man will continue after this okay [Applause] when you talk about safety now we are flying right now and we have the system of we call a transponder transponder everybody see us in the air now we are with Egypt radar he can see us and we can see the other traffic we look for traffic around us okay I didn't see any traffic around us okay we might see some traffic we see some traffic we'll let you know about it and it shows here that is close by or far away from us or something like this okay anyhow this shows the traffic around before departing from Frankfurt there was so many traffic we can see it and if we get close to another air trap aircraft the system will tell us we'll announce something to us say traffic traffic yeah which is advising us that you are getting close to others and okay there is traffic now he is 3900 his blood that mean he is above us he's 4000 above us we are maintaining three five zero three 35,000 feet now he is maintaining 39,000 feet would watch indicated that is wrong same direction with us yes exactly is the same direction so we can squeeze him if he come to descent through our altitude the ATC will tell him to go left or right and we'll have no problem so don't worry about other aircrafts as Ibrahim says don't worry about inshallah weather is fine we can see it a radar by the way the radar here we can see this is this is this point the green points as the ground you can see it right now we see the ground anything between us and the ground is the sky so you can't see if there is something in the sky but we keep our radar on automatic so it will pick up us if there is any weather roach okay Surya brahim problem you know when I'm talking about the safety of the aircraft as a transportation I remember one funny story in the King Khalid International Airport when the up I was finishing my duty going back to the hotel for layover I heard somebody from behind calling me when I turned to him he told me he asked me same question about the safety of the aircraft and if the aircraft is safe to fly so I explained to him that is the Surface Transportation you find it he asked me to explain that to his colleague so when I asked him what the story was colleague he told me we went on the aircraft and he has the fried fried from the aircraft he is scared to board the aircraft so he told me when we bought the aircraft a he talked to him and convinced him to go with him and aircraft so when he bought the aircraft after takeoff I start screaming very loudly which led the crew returned back and blend them from the aircraft so it was funny his story here at while in my in our business here but I'm telling you it's very safe and the bylaws they get a lot of training especially and for the safety and how to handling the aircraft so many I was sleeping on one with the flights I was a passenger and it was heavy turbulence and this guy was sitting beside me when I wake up he says how do I pilot says yeah I said I wonder why I are sleeping in turbulence facing this every day yeah by the way now we start showing some some weather around us which is almost 100 miles so we have no problem with that you can see this is this is the radar here okay [Applause] this is a nice day yeah yeah I wish everybody can see what we see we also forum also for the mountains Alps mountains which is covered with snow without ice I mean and now we are flying with top of clouds and the Klaus is you can't be can see through the clouds which is very nice so now we we received out the right yeah right dat okay so we received over there now we have it in the copy machine and now we read it together three four right for arrival okay hold on hold on go ahead the avraham hold the paper and some cinema in Canada well this did das did a digital air traffic information give us the relation surfaces surfaces yeah surfaces okay so to give us the widow at the airport itself right now right now yeah right now it's mostly our they make it so as you see here now it advised us that the information was one two zero zero Zulu time by international time which is showing like one we are three hours plus three hours run we use that for get now it's a three four right for arrival the window showing three three G routine knots from north or most likely possibility more than ten kilometres clouds scattered 4000 feet temperature three 1.19 qnh one zero zero Niner okay so that's fine okay thank you okay I wanna mention something here now look at those two traffic they just pop up one of them is 900 and our left side okay the other one is 2,000 above us and the other one is 3,000 on top of us but this one is - 900-1000 below us so we can see the traffic see how many one two three and four so you want to fit the the wrong way okay hold on just a minute let us a little our viewers to see what's going on here okay I can filter those traffic here and just show that traffic just about 2,700 above us or 2700 below us okay so it disappear the one above 2700 disappeared just three traffic around us which is 1,000 me below 2,000 above and there is another traffic he went away 40 miles from us right now at the same time we have this is communication this is a message telling us there is a message for you which is lower weather which we just requested Medina and Cairo okay so so we got the forecast for GT Medina and Cairo so it's in the system here nothing bother us the wagon looks fine and all over and we showing that in the printer but the printer right now I think okay it's working now [Applause] okay now you can put the runway the landing runway in g10 decision Abraham right now we'll build up the landing runway in jitter we have nothing to do just to ask this beautiful airplane to go and my good flight okay can you select bland in your side and show our few or how does it looks go lower range which is make it 20 20 here so they can't see the points okay so the secure locks all a lil' that so our if I our boundary to Judah it will be deadly so so this point is our if I are for jitter it is the vor get done this the runway are showing and this the procedure for miss approach in case okay yeah that's it okay and by the way approaching [ __ ] down when you get the clearance for the approach so you're gonna be well connect as Ibrahim said we will connect the probe to - cheater right now we leave it this way for a while okay at this point and this is the runway here we gonna shoot the runway exactly exactly but we leave it this way for the time being and to get Avril change recorded to a most likely get that the rudder Victor so yeah and most of the time they change the runways yeah okay you can't go back to your system yeah assalamualaikum for the nine of one for requesting this in one for this end initially flat level three one zero and it was around three one zero for the nine of one one four okay this internationally one zero okay send Chiklis this in chicness recall Chek notes checked autobrake okay as three landing data here F 1 5 2 1 5 7 minimum 3 4 9 3 4 9 100 approach briefing from lead sin checklist completed thank you - 0 3 3 3 6 approaching 1 through n 0 approaching 3 1 0 for the 9 or 1 for 30 another one for this is flat 2 0 0 sin flight level 2 0 0 so the 9 of 1/4 since neither the to 0 is 0 okay speed peanut bath yet demented Salam alaikum Saudi and 9r1 for India for and Saudi a nine one four two zero zero Salam alaikum Saudi and nine of one for India for inshallah on ground one four zero three one four thirty and one for the ship after 150 the sinful flight 11 160 or Saudi a nine one four one six zero six zero Ian unfolded the rifle 1 2 4 0 1 2 4 zeros 1 2 4 0 Saudi and not one for yet assalamualaikum Saudi and I not one for heavy descending floods fl160 Saudi and I never one for of erotic mr. Romberg contact 1 0 0 8 on May 3 for right procedure to learn mother's and a double direct led mud sending 8,000 for one-way three for rights or the 9 of one for sin to a thousand are equal admin okay lad my confirm a firm okay see kid check it up okay okay all novice it blood mark okay go ahead and the company that disconnect here okay let morale bad bad huh okay just make the approach and transition lemma okay thank you confirm okay can you check again the mr. broach is okay okay three three six track radial zero five zero turn to some buttons you need enter whiskey turn right to heading 0 at 0 to intercept the resultant of sub-zero 5 today you need a tuxedo M dab 4000 and hold climbing 4000 max 2 1 0 all set okay give me 3210 / lagna 3,000 yeah she ate okay come on come back now as you see Jeddah is using the runway three four right and the approach is to come over at position ARMA 3 4 right and we'll do the arc to enter to the final runway three four right okay and I'll read it to you go ahead and back me up okay and back me up there okay okay Ladd man okay Albert Albert okay and final course runway three four right okay then Alby Lolita mom okay and I'll be you're gonna be crossing in albia 1,700 feet make sure it's okay okay runway three four right okay Kevin come on t-bone been elbow three four right okay approaching earth thousands or the nine of one zero and nine not one for present light one for let him Albert Clifford the first one way three four right continue to send 2500 continents in 2500 mAh Albert live for abroad saw D&I not one for hate this in 2500 affirm Albert cleared for ILS approach runway three four right okay as we breathed 2500 and we are going over lagna Albert three four right shake okay sweets good flaps one switch a clubs one a project list ultimate r100 Red Cross shake approaches completed there's five enough death shake [ __ ] 2001 and ER okay yeah speed phenom death laughs then speed check loves them and the echo alpha Lima identified in my side and I called the Lima I didn't find enough to husband Toby in an award was established 170 great up to five mile sleep with the post context ever one one eight did look like I'm sorry nine one four rocky bond seventy until the final K six miles final clear for the approach called 118 three good day hello buddy deploy an 18-5 okay next altitude that will be the minimum okay enough Nick localized around mama lies the bar neither capture thank you yeah that or Salam aleikum Saudi 9r1 for establish eyeless runway 3 4 5 9 140 the tower aleyküm selam la runway 3 4 twice when showing 3 0 0 1 4 not leave : little ants or the 9 or 1 for little and gear down that's funny funny glideslope captured okay and flaps 30 flubs 30 speed break extended Landing checklist completed go on Delta to assert fear I've said we are again 1,000 radiometer autopilot coming off clear to land affirm clear to learn 500 speed 1 516 850 okay 102 the many men killed runway inside continued minimums 100 50 40 30 20 10 speed breakup there's not much 60 knots from the nozzle our soldering iron 1 400 Salama continue Mike nor found left Romeo hotshot runway 3 for center of rushing one to one decimal six continue Mike left and Romeo vulture 3/4 entered 1 2 1 6 odni no.14 okay right and Mike after Romeo short of runway one-six enter Mike and then Romeo all shortly for center [Music] hey laughter Romeo the second one second one the Sierra next Romeo you see Marsha there is a lot of guy around but yes yeah there is the marshal marshal inside your sight is clear my side is clear myself lights off my side is clear Greg Richard shake you should be telling him they should stopstopstop changeover completed and so the 901 for parking at 9-2 how our life is Almaty and for for good shutdown okay shutdown chicken us please okay welcome benefits released hey go ahead and set up the hydro leak and shut down check this freeze okay shutdown checklist parking brake released shutdown [ __ ] let's complete it okay our viewers thank you very much for watching this Saudi a cargo flight from Frankfurt to Jeddah I hope you will enjoy this short movie me and my colleague Ibrahim are very glad to present this flight I wish we presented in the nice way and a good way and have a good day Rehema know something thank you very much for joining us in this journey I hope you enjoy it and please don't you can see us at the air club it's don't forget to share or like and subscribe thank you very much I hope you enjoy [Music] [Music]
Views: 896,242
Rating: 4.8446693 out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview, Cockpit, Just, Planes, Pilot, Pilots, Pilot's, Eye, view
Id: xskNZjxIRS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 5sec (8105 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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