World's BEST Airbus A320 ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE! Kassel-Tenerife! [AirClips full flight series]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everyone from Eclipse everyone welcome to our flight we are flying from castle in the middle of Germany to 1084 self beautiful island of Spain it's a pleasure to fly out of castle because the people around here they love it to have an airport and to have an operate company out of castle to fly for them to the destinations and we feel that and we are very pleased pleased to fly out of here well to my colleagues to my crew members I miss my thermal first of all sorry for that I'm since beginning of operation with some tears and it's a pleasure to be here my colleague Tim we join together the company Tim Gunn's man yeah hi my name is Lincoln Swan as is not mentioned before presently when a crew room from suniye and getting prepared for the flight soon to 0 1 2 to 10 alpha which includes some crew briefing few population and of course so I hope you enjoy the day flying with zoom there all of you viewers from the Eclipse you're welcome on board ok good morning everybody and welcome to our flight from Castle to 1084 south we have done this flight many times so we are we know what to expect on this flight the standard values for our flight today flight time first like five hours 20 minutes flight level 37,000 feet and on the return flight time for hours and flight level 380 passengers total 142 for the first leg and for to return 110 then divided in tenerife us south here we have yeah as I said we are we know what to expect it's light rent through 2018 degrees and the maximum temperature is 25 degrees at 14 Zulu so it'll be with some clouds some wind and nice weather actually children's onwards let me check again yes turbulence we can expect ya over Spain there's a jet stream so let's say in one hour 30 minutes after hours of departures we can expect with turbulence and it will last probably until we are out of sportive portable for about 1 hours we can expect but nevertheless seat belts on for the passengers and having be seated for you or Kevin released so that are the standard values safety relevance for this flight we have to disturb passenger so there will be no special issue I guess and security reason we are flying to a European country so there's also nothing to be worried about it I guess if anything will happen some just tell me tell me now tell Tim so we can discuss and find the solution for this that's all what I would like to share with you Tim Pierre would you like share something no actually rhythm not cool thank you very much Nina Johannes Katharina near the background why why do I there are three colleagues I change always Rebecca Katharina and there is the second cutter dinner so I miss up always I don't know why sorry for that question okay cool then we can go to the aircraft and prepare our flight thank you very much [Music] yeah I mean his body completely okay then I'm waiting for their containment anomaly is to seven yeah to seven went to 2016 degrees 0:06 tonight and then it's seven three-point-four so enjoy as often yeah engine intelligence of first out love cheat steal five point seven two zero eight three four two zero forty nine seven seven two three four five six point nine college it is verified so you may read the values I can put in okay judge so a few with 56 points 56.9 and switching 35.7 35.7 block fuel 16.6 balance and take of 87 3.3 soon what is our three print can you just on the flat front typing this head went of 6067 okay thank you very much yes please me one hundred forty four point two plus one okay cool then we are finding curvature yes please cause those thank you okay performance so head for me so I have calculated for castle runway two-seven yeah been to 2016 3 degrees 1016 H Drive and flex the values are one five one one five one one five three config one one performance of 150 country 1 yeah one five one what was it 15350 config 1 and it's a down 0.5 turn 0.5 and flex is there irritable looks like yes still to them so it will be a fun takeoff well then we to toggle this consequent to three and one the concern and what's the reason it's the take of fate with 73 and 2005 and Peters HCM it has to be takeoff toga trust well then no flex the toga trust and the engine out 2400 okay so it's got the clearance please then I can do briefing in 2008 Leeza want to extend one information data request an appearance tour tonight we the one to cut recover it'll collect whatever port we beg for cleaner but I'll wait for the suet for most of it is old Zhu paid for not the city OT 0 for 0 and setups approved Griffin was expected for only two seven as we are familiar with the airport so behavior was till eternity and today Neff CFM engines FMS is well it until 29th of March if performance is updated always for their craft and if you don't want to give up the rate of attack yeah first base the dirt is no one to hurt no one - clear - Jeremiah McLaren of a manufacturer would flatter Leno would Spock 1 1 2 2 K Jennifer's not knowable a departure from - are some that visible Roger please no one truly pick like okay it started a chain store stores in Pascal you divide with my November and Scott respond one to two then they continue to breathing yeah this boy before one Ariana's alternate fill prediction upon modification so we have no company flat flat root so it will be not the case and no arrangement of cadence mode in case of Kyoko around okay no Franz Monte nothing changed here in go unchecked then militants aircraft is quote normal items whether we have checked in the office for the route and destination and so The Dispatch is also possible with our current values dispatch landing distance is 1,400 Soviet about 1800 and engine out : gradient 6.5 according gave people Staters I have clean operating procedures heck one is now on ridiculous normal then in the page eight Fidel character killer called Charlie Tango serum alternative charging in my papa sierra del toro Mia 3:01 too soon - 3 0 1 2 & Poor's index 29 flight level three seven zero we might revise the flight flight level probably zero unit is five six point nine three five point seven city blocks sixteen point six takeoff 73 over the Atlantic for any immediate return is required and the taxi route reserve is updated performance prong eight to seven standard take off with program powers country one engine are 2400 and speeds 1 5 1 1 v 1 and v 2 150 a crisis a GPS primary we can fly peon of society's and arrivals currently to s I give about nine and November's on the chart 5 - 10 power 9 November when passing 2500 under plain radar and garbled tool in a Venice so I have checked out a page blah blah blah November we have a plan you know them didn't care much it's on page five twenty thousand two thousand five hundred condo bremen radar the SAT rather plain November three point nine percent up to 1103 have no that's possible for us ten one to six point six five four two departure one six six five on my side number three to be used during activity of math low-flying system so we have daytime Deadpool initial time 4000 is set and FMS of altitude 1200 or above altitude 1,000 chance to rebuff and then little kilo 2 7 1 killer to 7/4 VAR pork and then flat planar pepper 1/2 no constraints dronov is set secondary in Janelle's engine Otis Aries prepared 20 miles straight at MSA 4100 and 20 miles according PFP takeoff performance and emergency briefing if you have to abort stop applying ox divorce maintain directional control and after stop parking brake set potential compensation attention chemical on station we have a right of situation and decide given ECAM or emergency location check late checklist which ever will be and until 100 naps we will consider - about to take off for cases we decide it's important to about from 100 to v1 we will I will stop there I will about to take off only for engine fires in the damage loss of trust different doubt that aircraft will not fly safely for any rate we can and for ambery connections only if it's a engine or fly control after we won I will continue takeoff Malaysian below for on the detail which means today 1,300 feet to accept positive climb Kira and silence the Bell the network on the positive control engine at aside is just straight 820 miles then I will request the connections primary connections our engine fail must switch off engine damage versed in discharged engine fire second agent discharge primary connections completed passing engine out acceleration up to 2400 push level accelerate a sub screen configuration that clean dirt on climb density and continue again before the status stop acam check CB reset and normal checklist then continuous status if the connections completed a valid situation hold over 20 miles at NSA 4100 or B Canada plan to 5,000 SS situation and if any long runways required which above 2500 then we can consider an overall Frankfurt which are about 60 miles for any questions no location must and have fun me too it will be nice then we have set up Terrence still I live in not so we have perfectly and we can reach a 10 if I start checklist please okay before start checklist keepers in covers they moved science scientists on a few sixty thousand six hundred sixty is checked check off data set very rough finish one zero zero six set qnh one zero Zeus six set Cossacks windows into us closed-closed beacon beacon it's on Hartnell a cassette and mobile devices and flight flood notes before static this country that's thank very much and starting any number two T right starting any number okay - vengeance clack controls which Philip Neutron flipped full right neutral after start cheapest piece after surgical and yes conchae Isis of beacon status checked it's true - sit black Andros checked checked' after subject is completed Thank You Erica stacks please brothers so and it was all one tune with the sticking point it would have my equity line - 700 physiology left clear-rite they check versatility is greatest and that is content in 40 parts Mason Oh take a memo take off now blue flaps take off no proof flaps one takeoff runway two seven two seven confirmed lyddie [Music] no guys it is not a chick dresses one anothers check do you want yeah you need just that time not the present in me mm mm - a little Maps [Music] like nothing like two sets [Music] the one what if afters my two to five simple one to a centimeter number as we moved up four entities over onto passing seventh walk and then I'm going to be over to and all that any mind spirits will speak on those little chicks you know in two seasons yeah three four 3/4 because of awesome you know everyone that I've ever won seven zeros and it is a water first primetime one-seven-zero blue-chip they told you my cousin wonder he might make 1125 to 650 eight five six percent Marylanders will enjoy as Elizabeth subscribe everyone says ooh sorry they're home Elementary is a passive judges - azir is cool and this place is super sexy taxes are please coppy anxious very functional that is a water confirm damsel - mother father dramatically yes please 0:01 it's beautiful reddish more Jennifer another $2,000 it's going to be a long way down to China refer to [Music] whatever passengers welcome under captain speaking after our departure in castle they flew or that the beautiful city of Warwick thereafter to be continued over the weather on Luxembourg France and currently we are over France ethanol to 35,000 feet approximately ten thousand six hundred meters over the scene today after in a short time with in continual to pulse of the sky and then a small part of Spain cultivated and thereafter within the continuous flight over the Atlantic to the obscenity film all the time in metadata file will be at local time German local time one four five five and together around 90 degrees Celsius and the maximum temperature at 13 local time at 25 degrees there are also some flights and some event for the quitting and appreciate to fight the first wave Sunday and the shorts and and jail flights take very much [Music] [Music] folks welcome mat again from castle to eternity facade currently we are at not two thousand feet at 35,000 feet we had some turbulence and so we decided to lift in that is should climb to other smooth flight for our passengers display especially so they can enjoy the flight if you're flying over portable and in couple of failure in about 30 45 minutes 40 minutes we will be over the Atlantic and flying towards Tenerife uh south it's a pleasure to have you on but of course otherwise we are kept locked here in the cockpit but it's a pleasure to have to give you the feeling about our flight what we do how tall we enjoy the flight and the good thing about flying this especially if you fly over the class and you have rich people gathered and after the flight you have some brown tent in your face then you come home then they ask you did you did you made some locations or relative go to work well to my person again my name is Ismet tunnel I have touched backgrounds I'm Trish Suhr and right now since one year of the German with flying force under my new company and I love to Beach with the new colleagues it's very nice and we have very nice atmosphere between us enjoying the work engine and enjoying the flight I'm many Thai have one paid well she get yesterday ok search to be convey will have a birthday party and well how do I became a pilot or wide especially when I was 16 17 years old I felt a passion for my for flying I had to change to see the the single-engine aircraft he had the smaller cross flowing over village in soliton in Richland and I got the passion for that to see how how it's possible to fly how it feels like to be to fly and one time my visit airport meeting soliton which is Clemson so for enthusiasts calls or Romeo echoed to the rod whether Lima is really we must share as vehicles yes as I remembered this was the airport is taught my flying by I made a Snooper field it's called Snoopy okay in English just fun flight with with flight instructor for one hour and I felt I have to become a pilot pilot it was really fun tomatoes to make this flight but yeah before I get to a pilot I take apprenticeship and then I hit the second job has convicted programmers apprenticeship idea to insurance claim insurance clerk yeah I guess that's right worked with Alpena insurance in solitude and thereafter I worked one year since we inspired clerk and I had to chance to get a computer programmer planning on the job and I worked for ten years as computer programmer throughout four-burner insurance for aliens to make some commercials for this companies if it's allowed then finally the to the financial and after I got the chance to get to know my job as first officer velocity carbon in Turkey I had to chance to fly the first Airbus it is the 300 before the very few first aircrafts of Elvis it's a fun little so anyways classic we had good teachers and enjoyed the flight as first officer and in 2002 in 2010 I had the chance to change to own earlier in this novel again and to fly the 320 321 and the next level 313 before murder in Chapter operation I came along the over the world with the face city Calvin I flew to Africa to Asia to whole new road and the formula the flu mainly to Europe and Middle East and with the 3:30 operation to Asia Africa mainly and yeah this one the 3:30 after two years I came back to 320 321 again in Istanbul and then I got locked and got my captain upgrade and since almost three years I'm flying as Captain on the 320 321 and since one year I have to chance to fly for Sunday and it's very nice to be it and then during the flight of Sunday operation and with the colleagues the flight future very nice we have perfect destinations always two destinations vacation destinations going to Tenerife Gran Canaria hookah and next summer work this summer we will fly to Greece the islands and very nice and especially out of castle the people in around Casa later they are very repetitive line castle it's a beautiful Airport small very friendly in the middle of Germany and the people they love the theatre edge to be able to feel that and it's very nice to be there it's McIntyre very relaxed at this feeling the people Sanjoy that your dish [Music] hi my name is Ernest I'm a flight attendant on this flight today we're going to Tenerife I live in bond on time which is a suburb of Castle we are flying with azumed air from castle colony which is a small tiny little airport in the center of Germany from Valentina which is a bigger one and yeah then when did I start at center I started one year ago so a few days ago was my assessment center in Castle of 22nd of February in 2016-2017 sorry and yeah this was my assessment center then I have been invited to to my initial course because Santa is my first Ally and I think it's cool before that my a-levels and castle and yeah I've done my Hannibal's during my initial course while I was in Berlin for chemical training flight safety training dangerous good I also learned for emulation ethics and German literature and all this stuff and [Applause] here as a flight attendant yeah my initial course was for at least six weeks which took six weeks to do this where the service training would have good flight safety training lots of family exercises to do what to learn a lot of stuff bathroom habits important for job we have many different colleagues sound where have already experienced in floor knowledge from other airlines but many many from castle even who are yeah from from hotel business from restaurant business and all this stuff and but also many experience from other airlines who have been here and who helped us in the first week so we are startup it will take us to nine hours to Tenerife and the captain told us we will have approximately 26 degrees so it's a great temperature here in Castle today we had about zero or miss freezing very cold and now 2016 visits it's wonderful even if it's just one hour so our turnaround time is approximately 15 minutes sometimes little bit more depends if we've gotta slept or the circumstances but that 15 mins are not alone that's even in winter with ten degrees below zero it's it's awesome to to just stay 10 minutes on the stairs in front of the airplane see the Sun see the happier people enjoying their days who are relaxed after the flight I we can come relaxed after the holidays to fly back to Germany yes you see did this job while I was at school so it was a hard time to do the a levels while being in the initial course and that he see you can do it and lots of people do it we have some people have never expected to do this before a colleague from me who was working at the airport in hostel just switched from the land to the flying personal ground staff to us and well I want to invite everyone who has motivation to do this bring an awesome job to do this because um Santa is not the only startup there are many startups but we are searching a new employees so if you want to feel free to apply for our stations and castle and Valentino so researching your people every flight experience we have no flight experience we are doing the lots of initial courses we're getting to more aircraft for the summer season so we meet new people I want to invite everyone do it feel free it's not the hardest thing in the world but it certainly may be the best job in the world who can do to our aircraft it service treat renting with 174 passengers or city British and it's a medium range aircraft its able to fly almost me I would say six hours without any here non-stop missiles and I surface two screens we have our tasting which our certification of tear craft with blue they're brown the grant and the arrival in especially within the clouds are in batteries ability to focus on the PST and to check out attitude in the mud situation in the earth about axis flight axis the other our speech indicates tested our altitude heading our Mac numbers and this is our would FM a flight mode initiated page we see the flight notes we are flying so we are flying on Mac might on our case the soft altitude it allows the aircraft to deviate from the first thousand feet plus minus 50 feet so it does not have it has not required to increase every time the trust for this then the other finalists autopilot one the fastest Erin and auto test in active mode so the aircraft is flying in in manage mode and in Japan on autopilot one on this screen this is our navigation display heavy city route which we first prior to trial I would slide be putting the our friend into the MCD and once the MCD is Theta Tate fill them with flatland then we are able to see the route to Airport many constraints many informations for information purposes we can use so we can change the range of their navigation display to have more or less informations displayed in art mode in rows note many of informations they have it is 10 by instrument for any case we have the engine warning display with the memo part Bellavia of the information about the engine parameters and 180 TM to feed flow our Sudan note and they have the currently non memo informations and outer sth system display page so we are able to select each system and show the informations on the system displays and there are different informations we see about each system cabin pressure electric page hydraulic fuel page tapo which is not running of course and then the condition of in the cabin in the cockpit those slides around about to be and our flight controls so it gives us many informations which are informative so normal operation sort of normal operation where you can take the information about the situation of aircraft the tells the our MCB room where you can put fill in the the flight plan and flat parameters let's say the performance for the place for the descent float approach where we have to put in the beta's once we have the Atlas for the estimation how to I plan with all the waypoints until our destination 50 landing runway and the missed approach we have our ready management panel where we are able to contact over the frequencies active send by ATC and the tower and then ACP how to control panel where we are able to to control the voice which are over which frequency we are able to broadcast and to here to propose him to the ATC or artists which every 10 narrow our panel fort we have our panel for term weather event speed break flaps and a party break all the trust levels what else tau transponders again how the control panel review management without the management panel mc2 again and then of course I will clock to set to UTC time universal coordinated time now let's use like control unit where we can select the speed having altitude and vertical speed with autopilot running two buttons Auto trusts in active mode then approach and localize a button if applied to only localize it instead of wireless where ILS is say here Elvis has management and the selected mode so if we are if we have two taps then they are in management and if they have fly in selected note then therefore these notes towards us to be in the select spot where we can interrupt our flight aircraft with different speeds then problem in the aim to do all right the other hover a panel that again they say each system system for oxygen that say CD our cockpit voice recorder the systems for grunt of snow warning system Alex take that one here s our range five buttons hydraulic fuel electric air conditioning and the switches for the light switches for the cabin cabin lights especially stickers emergency exit side lights and here we have the temperature system controls where for emergency we can control the temperature and on this idea of again the kava smoke controls with a very mixed ventilation and if you have to start the engine in manual then there are the manual stops we can cut we can use one of the engines ourself started to in automatic where the phallic controls the each seconds but for any reason if you have to start it in manual then we have to initiate start this terminal start we started one for anyone and push-button tool for engine number two yeah then they are our series at over eight and at the back for any result committee research there it it is possible or applicable and the results remain Lee tell me about for I will be a phenotype X we are where we are able to calculate our performance for the flight so we have from Airbus we have to allocate flight back and it gives us applications where we can do the rule to launch it the tech of performance and here we have our object and library I guess it's call table SH object library well beam this they have come all the documentation of the errors that we can use for for informational purposes [Music] maybe you're interested why I'm started my career as a pilot it started really early back in the days when I was around about ten or eleven years old unfortunately my parents are divorced and separated from each other and moved away from each other so they send me back and forth with an airplane it was you wings out of noon back up to Dusseldorf and back in these days it was actually allowed to have access to the flight deck and visit the pilots during the flight especially for kids unfortunately this changed gonna change again in in the future but anyway I spend a lot of time in the cockpit and met some really nice people and every time I seen these guys it was like wow this must be the best job ever and actually guess what it is so basically that's the reason I became a pilot I was just impressed from this guy's and want to do this full day so I started on a different aircraft it's the BA one for six lovely called Jim Bellino it has four engines and it's an old-fashioned aircraft so it's a totally different story to just give you a piece of technology it's an analog system so basically it's a clock shop with no digital displays everything is just the old-fashioned analogue but I actually enjoyed flying is and I learned a lot and appreciate everything my colleagues told me because this is flying like it used to be like 30 maybe 40 years ago and I learned a lot so nevertheless now I'm in the Airbus and I really like that aircraft as well it's one of the amazing piece of technology I ever seen it reduces your workload a lot compared to the old ba 1 4 6 it's a totally different story this aircraft you are not flying like an conventional aircraft it is more like managing system it reduces your workload a lot and it opens up some more capacities for other duties and after a day working in the Airbus it's you almost didn't work recommendation to be a one four six after five to Lex or six legs sometimes you came out of the aircraft and thought oh my gosh it was a long-haul flight today or and you actually looked like it because we had to put some some oil in the APU and just did a lot of things virgin would never do on there on this kind of aircraft just let me tell you a little story about how to impress some kids some little kids in the flight deck so back in this days when I traveled as a um uncombined minor back and forth between the cylinder back the violets were really friendly and showed me a little trick and I still do this trick to the kids when they visit us after the flight in a cockpit I asked them if they can help me for a second and everybody makes some big eyes so I tell them just please do me a favor itand can you make an lightning test for me and rotate this little knob and all the lights coming up and the kids eyes are going like this they're going back looking at their debts and saying oh my gosh I could have to pilot I could have to pilot and it will it's it's amazing every time you see it it's amazing so most probably a lot of parents hate me now because it's going to be really expensive if they gonna make an education lesson pilot but nevertheless they did it to me I did it to you okay guys hope you enjoyed the rest of the flight with Linda a teaser will one to to generate fossils and I'm pretty sure you will find some more exciting videos on Eclipse calm so relax and enjoy the rest of the flight thank you for listening [Music] mr. Brito commander we have received our rate is and I see a dragon please yeah just what information is available readily Jennifer South is threatening to hide to be noticed to fight response aromantics temperatures not too old and the traversal and minimum one day and they said tonight it'll be fun arrival and approach before they can identify we have calculated our landing performance so our landing performance is at climbing this is 1000 and on the tenth if this latest values and we have margin of 1,000 meters and accordingly after levitating is probably close to as mentioned earlier so we have to use the proper tool degree to locate the runway to the right now they're printing itself not to make no strangers preventing great culture first of all 6-10 conv fight hotel do you see so the way puns will be compared and kolka break tanka Fox another myth can fit that - Ronnie - five Yankees in two thousand six hundred 50° is my slope substitute 1857 s40 page seven s40 1850 and say then MJ is four to zero and because of Korra trader to take a foxy era to 5,000 left to tackle box here and again five seven zero five levels f0 and tall the cover a tank epoxy Arab democracy low support that now I will set Bangkok's the label on the secretary to serum technophobes Sierra also for number one degree that I want to call the water of life - because he is India serene from Romeo 109 final course - five for accuracy agb's primary dear mom can prepare nerves performance manage descent approach I justify hanky-hem j420 contentful finish one zero one six two four two five zero at one nine and you know rubriz art is available 1.8 extra warm tones almost 10 minutes extra time after landing we will locate the runway by a profit - and thereafter according to ground instructions because of the hydrolyzed wheat speak at ground level there is a note that will keep my appearing approached we have ventured on approach and Vinci toga follows errors no configuration change until out of then contact ATC performer and Miss approach no stitches come again what I knew have a night situation dishes connected of a koala face is deposited at all Snapple is a cool touch Martin DeLuca you're bi the highest mountain in Spain speaking in a shop I provided a start our descent for the very path the lengths are there is temperature trend four degrees some event and beautiful have actually beautiful weather for the locations so on the Apopka so they're my crew and their shorts the pre-visualization fabrications technology for the project area more I have no change my complication there is Alton okay you know 100 additional level to fulfill not to sent two five zero it is trick them in Asia you know they're better it's pretty sad that we can't stay here yeah very bad luck - leave it - very kind - sent a goner to a specific address another fourth they want physicals shut up tank and fox November now that it's Oh [Music] let us meet this has an open set there might still be linen linen we find me with and everyone went I'm not jealous as always yes Oh you know there it is today [Music] night I understand a lot of sense it said I get to judge speed house does situation gave 10 minutes to landing taking one 3-0 testicles my family's direct assault wealth and trade deal 8:07 so I got off Sam tonight as it is now sizeable percent incidence blue you methodical speech nature explore speed music lapse of its speed is checked flaps they can't open this end spin said I get one and A zero actually approaches peace check out birthdays what we were a tentacle order last night what that creature was you know called my helper 2011 calendar to answer that question a little she was ecstatic love nh10 1/6 a project space what's ridiculous algebraic money well for protecta stuff become status checked there a rough edge non-zero us except 1:01 six cents plus check versus seven Oh many more [Music] that means it's going to take us one testicle convenient and heaven I wonder two fives right - seven [Music] - fuzzy with some yeah with 70 an add to 7 five years about to be there for my kids so generally departure there will be no departure not part of speed on the tanker much out that's not polite collapse Terri's speech checked oops vanetti first up start and attack a clan five Michael Anthony hit up suta let's [Music] 2,500 managed Kanda [Music] No perhaps the speech Eclipse full flaps lips that projectors please Landing checklist EQ me more that big table flap surfer 2011 have fun that's about it itself one person stimulus check 500 attacked for hundred about breathe check 200 minimum 100 50 40 30 20 spoil us free verse three and reverse it's a long way to go at the end of Rama's I have rebel to make a landing they can copy that no in Japan so far I thought of a weather that's one happy family another something of it and can we do play a final we can go approach to Authority Leigha rights by everyone that one one-two-one night Kamille right on so efficient that gold 6-4 echo six-four let go one of the three trips we can get their cool have a nickel I checked up it's called anybody on one-to-one this emotional okay what - arson fire sorry how many I want three two one I'd make a set craters on checks number two something [Music] [Music] thank you very much sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 283,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: [AirClips, full, flight, series], [AirClips],, JustPlanes, FlightReport, Tripreport, Flightreview, Tripreview
Id: psz_nDOPEFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 44sec (5624 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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