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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls today it turns out I'm a cool guy this is the weirdest way to stir the weirdest way to start a video I have exclusive early access to a brand new custom zombies map yo dear [Applause] okay is that it okay dude that wasn't that awesome inch or what yo so today the filthy sandwich has been working on a map for the last few weeks called alien invasion he hit me up he said hey man do you want to play my map early and I said well heck yeah brother I would love to I would love to hop in and play it and turns out sure enough his map has so far definitely delivered on the ambience the atmosphere of some sort of alien invasion also I want to know what kind of gun that is over there I guess you have to teleport out of the spawn area I tried to jump across this but it's not like letting me go this radio is going absolutely absolutely mental it's going absolutely bonkers yay oh nice where the heck oh are we whoa this is what oh where the heck oh are we indeed interesting could find could do is finding a working computer I'm multiple unidentified objects were confirmed to have entered the Earth's atmosphere it is speculated that these objects are of extraterrestrial origin the broadcast will quiet at this time for your safety this message is being broadcast by the Department of Defense of the Republic at 2:00 a.m. in standard time multiple unidentified dude the environment of this map says right off the bat it's just insane oh there's a soul box of some sort somewhere I can't tell where that soul box is is it over here all right well we got we got res let's see here we've got a door for 1,500 we need to get a gun ASAP dude this is so are they suppose Ami's in space Wayne I don't think they are I just don't know where those souls are going I think it's like I think it's that the zombies in space land things dude the end oh the environment for this map already is like super super on point at legit apparently has a full-on Easter Egg as well man made by the filthy sandwich once again once again the absolute legend for sending this out his uh his the man the myth of old where ingredient for a free perk dude that's so cool that it tells you what it's for what what an absolutely Bangor map so far so we our goal is to acquire the artifact we probably want to buy an MP 11 or something here these have no clue what they're actually doing toxicants something oh these are the soul boxes these are the soul boxes are any points oh my gosh it's pulling up my mind man you're for absolutely no reason okay I heared the souls being sucked in but I don't see where they're actually going oh there we go beautiful we've got an mp5k we've got some ooh in the mystery boxes right here oh and there's power it okay a part to power right there reward level too low dude the amount of customization already and this is absolutely nuts oh wow zero out of ten can't even make the corpses go oh wait it does make a squishy sounds you shoot it man yeah so today we're trying out this alien custom zombie map we'll see if we can't complete the Easter egg on the first show reading for a free perk feel like I'm missing a lot it's not oh the floggers over there huge pogs on that let's try to get a few here oh my gosh that is the coolest thing I have ever seen in a custom zombie map that is legitimately the coolest thing I have ever seen what does he die I don't even know if he's taking damage dude I'm so scared to get next to this guy speed cola okay that's that's not too bad does he have a weak spot on his back like the oh wait oh so he's one of us this is an exploding boy there's another ingredient for free perk right there okay so once the uh I guess once the gate worms are gone that means it's it's done with this whole box part of it dude there is so much to discover already alright so maybe those guys are like the inferno zombies if we get close to them they'll they'll just straight blow themselves up which way do we go for power I feel like that's definitely first and foremost we need to get power and we need to get decent decent guns double tap is over there yeah I don't think the person oh my gosh that's good for some reason the way I was like traversing by this car I thought that alien spaceship was moving I was like nah fam I'm good I'm good think I think this is yeah it's the thing I should be safe to just sit in this corner fill these little boxes up all right so let's let's take into account everything we have we have a free purchase ray we're working on with the with the different parts for it we have these skull boxes we have the I think the power switch we're gonna be building with the fuse right there okay the power switch is pointing this way I mean that's what this is a part two to power this drill housing just turning the power first pay a tribute okay I think there was a third ingredient for a pretty purse no idea if that actually did something useful or not oh it did it literally dropped a free perk over there you've got to be kidding me man what it what are my guns like drops right now a mule kick awesome wonderful we're gonna need 40 minutes of points then we're also gonna need this did not give me absolute garbage jeez hey it's tribute cost fifty members I don't know what paying a tribute means oh this music dude is totally gonna be copyrighted but oh yeah okay yeah yo my name is Noah J today we came to play there's dog on the horizon there no where's that friend what's horizon sweet are going to pick up the ammo we'll resume that rap whenever uh whenever we'll resume that rap whenever the the next dog round comes pay a tribute maybe that opens the door man I really backed myself into a corner right there believe believe it or not I'm not a I'm not a really a freestyle rapper do you get I mean SOS on the roof it's big teleporter over here with a button inside now right now right now we just need points let's bring these boys over here oh boy max ammo I wonder wonder if they could give me anything less useful considering I literally just picked up a max ammo my guns are like I think I want to grab this new gift the anyone but ok there is he's back hopefully we can just get him to explode did that that's really really don't how they just continue to give me worse and worse guns that's really awesome okay let's save two so they can be slow let's try to see if we can get this boy to explode okay so yeah he is like an inferno zombie which is both good and bad at the same time reward level too low what all these reward level things I don't want to kill that alright let's get to a new area can't go in there okay so I guess it's all kind of just like out in this courtyard 3500 Oh large large larger power first okay should we try this headshot Oh okay we can go for that we probably want a new gun that got a double points as well alright this is gonna be but this is gonna be a big round big rant I don't know I don't know oh is it like the ancient evil system where it's like based on how well you do and the time limit that's what it seems like hello zombies I can hear you everywhere but I've no idea where any of you guys are dude how did he manage to like import the system into black ops 3 what that's that's actually that's actually mega impressive dude so I guess I can just keep starting tribute and then keep bumping up my well we definitely got to get a reward level up to max how do I have the guns that I have and have the perks that I have right like like how do i how did I get into this situation kill that one where do we build the action oh we get up open up to the other side is hey buddy buddy all right this trebuchet is actually doing some work let's get rid of this crap gun this terrible terrible Judy I am going to freak out if it's next weapon better be something good or else we're gonna have issues it's not my favorite ddddd reward available common so can we start another tribute yes kill zombies with anything I can I can indeed do that believe it or not I do have the capabilities to there yes okay all right all right chill chill chill little freaked out for a second dude this met this map in the atmosphere this map is like the best part so far I just I I'm in disbelief that he literally has the Treyarch system for ancient evil like in this in this custom map rare let's try opening up to this way around 10 and we don't have power on I think I'm pretty sure I've gone the absolute worst way imaginable as well that's okay 3k for this door looks like someone's trying to contact us on the radio shoot the numbers to unlock the security door okay okay Easter Egg Steph's baby what happened why did this oh there's a Brutus how many custom zombies like bosavi students did filthy sandwich throw in on this man literally fine we are literally fine okay we have an epic reward available I'm gonna go out on the limb and say that epic is pretty good now open open open open open open up oh I'm out the points all right all right all right all right all right this guy is not going down please you saw up through this blue piece all right reward available epic so here's my reward station what do we get [Music] okay um power where do we build power oh my gosh so many toolboxes around here man huh in he had mayhaps security code off whoa okay everyone write down that code I know what what does this mean this meme has been on like several zombie maps and I have no idea what it means wow I did not mean I did not mean this it okay I mean I'm I meant to say the second one but I did not need to say meme instead of that first one okay let me look at the guide okay so the fuse the box and then the switch open the door to the left of the nuke teleporter you build powder oh oh I just got to go in here any more points did I literally do wait sorry filthy early access I'm breaking your map just kidding I'm breaking your map I'm breaking your map oh this one oh okay but these are the same door uh yeah there's power right there [Applause] what what to one two three let's go sit in their corn and hoard it just shoot the dogs as they run up just like I'm on the come-up we in the corner please in this song thank you I just feel like I have to be I'm so bad at that dude I've never been a good improviser which it which you may say huh that's weird this guy literally improvises what to say we're just talking to himself in his room all alone at home while his wife's at work he's just sitting in his room talking to himself this entire time I might be going crazy this stream it's not a stream it's a video oh pretty sure when I got a haircut earlier the the barber might have snipped a few brain particles out of my head as well that that was that I need to I need to shave as well that's that you know what it is that's literally what it is thanks for helping me understand I I I got a haircut but I didn't I didn't trim down the beer okay that's there I got I got a I got a haircut but I didn't trim my beard so the proportions are looks like the army playing a new place just to find a way to teleport the noobs before it's too late why would you not teleport the new weight this is the work am I on the side of the aliens wait filthy sandwich actually can you like let me know wow this knife is so big he's huge my anyway what I was saying is my hair is too short and my my hair is too short and my beers too long so the proportions are off so my my brain is being weighed down a little bit by the by my if I'm at the bottom of my head right now oh that's the nuke that's a bomb ladies and gentleman I don't know if you've ever seen a bomb before but that's a bomb I know there's more so by there's still boxes everywhere I should really shouldn't have a hard time hard time doing this let's do it right here Brutus where's that like a boss I mean after yesterday's video and fighting a literal piece of crap like oh it's one of the it's one of these guys it's just kooky boys from you know I I was going to Rick how old I've been red screaming this many times enough not yet I just drinks it like we grab this double points got that cool alright okay alright okay okay let's turn on the power Oh numbers wait remember about the numbers oh wait that actually worked okay there's one done I have all the number of locations just in case I get stuck but I've actually well I already looked at it why and I was gonna try to beat the Easter egg about looking okay well like quite literally the last door I could have opened missing parts you've gotta be kidding me why all right well I already looked at the guy who wants to learn about the new teleporter so looks looking at the guy over time right to find a switch open the doors have left the new teleporter and on your left as soon as you enter oh it literally has a giant at power okay yep who's got who's got a ghost hat on as stupid is you alright round 13 we have power enabled huge park champions any movement did that alright so I guess now let's start I think it's hunting for the numbers neck next right okay yeah scrap jug as well do they go in any sort of like dirty paths I have oval locations okay I have the locations yeah where does the main the mainframe is the house where I spawn or is that the mainframe over there oh there we go oh and then that debt that went down one okay let's find let's do all the teleporters then zombie what the actual let's fund them okay let's try to fill up this right here have AB jugs they'll be slightly less scary click reload quick RiRi quick hurry up sir this is a win DS that this enemy is so incredibly sick though like actually for real imagine imagine he was the nuke like if you ran that close to him it wouldn't blow up just like oh yeah blow up it like literally new to the entire map oh my gosh what why were there verruckt sprinters randomly alright we're fine we're fine this is all quite literally going exactly according all right well now I'm definitely looking at this the easter egg steps dang it two is right behind jug I was actually right over there when I was talking about that - is right behind Jack oh yeah so should be just not active yeah yeah so it should just be right you know just right behind jug like if you just think of jug and just think we're jug would be just like right behind that we're knockin oh my gosh I I got I'm triggered from losing all my perks - right behind jug wait wait maybe if I read it again it'll help - is right behind and you have to go on this side you know what big brain this I wanna make sure I actually like see it before I shoot it that's right I'm triggered I'm action did he just die where where is it right behind joke it says right behind joggin I'm right behind jug guess what it's not here uh3 is next to the power switch did do I have to shoot them all in order hold on hold on maybe it maybe it's like a time thing and it resets where's number one click over here right okay one is gone this is it wait am i looking for the wrong thing does it look different hold on let's think about this calm cool collected very not mate did I already shoot it maybe by accident look let's just assume I already shot it three is next to the power switch okay let's just assume for the sake for the sake of my sanity that we already shot our three is on the left side of the power house or is on the left side oh it's out there is there more there's more doors five is to the left of mule kick where's mule kick oh my gosh why it's wait wait hold up hold up here's me like this teleporters leave the zombie away you know what I'm gonna tell myself there's a perk limit so that's why that's why I had to die I had to get rid of all those bad perks so I can have the liqueur for and then move on with my life you know oh those were drops funny have I been missing drops okay so that's two out of three teleporters open or maybe four actually that looks like it might be four [Music] uh-huh okay five six is to the right of the cow in the back of the mat all right so we're gonna there apparently there's a cow over there we're gonna have to make it there oh my god oh my god alright alright we're fine we're actually fine I lost I lost my Titan - I lost my time we're fine back on the track hold on yep yeah yeah yo my name is Noah I hate duck these dogs are gonna make me lose my mind I like what is wrong what is wrong why do the guns do negative twelve damage this redness has gone terribly everything has gone terribly wrong [Applause] sorry I wasn't ready for 18 a billion and a half dog funds well we're out of we're out of quick revive so gee I sure hope we win ha ha ha ha what's wrong with me oh man I feel weird all right cool let's go people are gonna think I like did drugs are like something before this I promise I only did a few I'm just kidding I'm actually kid that's actually a joke all right I need to stop here we go let's do this wait it this is the third teleporter already like all right we're getting marina get back into this right we're gonna get off this weird this weird kick we're on right now here we go oh oh here we go yep for the last is not allowed alright alright here we go we're getting some points yep yep yep yep keep up keep on the grind we need I want by the end of this round double tap and a new weapon by the end of this round at least minimum anything else party [Music] zombie quite quite very very nearly my dad oh my god what however I've been struggling so hard for points mother-of-pearl you mother-of-pearl Perla is actually your mother let's get Sam it up let's get stamina up player life above all else go grab a new gun grab DoubleTap hey literally gave me a wall my weapon but whatever we got a double tap we got stamina okay chill chill chill we're all right here we go number six was to the right oh yeah we have to open up the back to the back anyway we're good we're good alright let's try it let's train we're also only one part short on the shield which could be a huge mood huge safety move that is Syria I'm not talking to you if I die oh my gosh I'm soaked dude I reached down to deactivate that person on my phone whose name I'm not gonna say so they don't activate and almost kill myself for it hey Alexa why is Siri so much worse than you sorry I'm not sure about that hey Siri why is Alexis so much better than you oh I don't even know if you guys can hear that it was so low an inferior cool all right let's go I don't know I have roasting roasting Siri for no reason 1000 let's go what is going on over here where's that cow at apparently there's a cow here somewhere like this teleporter is for already here apparently there's oh this is where it is respondent that's a $4,000 door is this a joke Nuuk isn't ready for teleportation so this is the new teleporter I guess what the heck ah it's a cute little pug what what is this switchblade I don't know if that's any good or not nuke isn't it so this is where we end the map I'm guessing and we need 4000 points to get out of here awesome super cool super awesome take it out I don't know if this switchblade is worth it I feel like it's it's the hardest wall by today maybe a beach maybe it maybe it is speed cola gets me out to here no that's that's fine oh crap this isn't like straight back out to the street get me out oh my gosh okay well that works that was not okay everything about what just happened is absolutely not okay you know what I know it kills things I lied it's not even one shotting the zombies right now I need speed Cola desperately ice it's gotten so bad I guess it is around 18 okay you didn't die all right good good good good good you're that speed Cola is out of this away okay let me figure out what what one I need to let this away g'd Cola speeds up your life done okay so we need to find number one the cow Oh shield part nice there's the six who's the cow okay shooting out numbers will open the metal door to the right of work crew suitors Al and the teleporter panel is okay so I'm gonna take this not fall in the hole but blink it over here do that hole was pretty cool that was weird I like it didn't think I wasn't expecting it at all but that was pretty cool all right we get a free drop here please be a free perks yeah wait actually hey OH so here's the new town which are some sort of Isis needed to access the new could it may have to be something at next to that's on the other side of map isn't it who's gonna be like this and then it was gonna be an open door but now it's on the polar opposite side of the map you beggar aha teleporter panel device has been obtained can we get in there there's a lot of perks in this map and I like and I like perks a lot but you know what I like more than perks is a pack of clenched gun and I don't know how to do that yet okay here we go [Music] by zero one two three five zero one two three four okay you can now fix the security code by interacting with a control panel outside of power which is appealing to the control panel next to the corner wall by weight I saw these earlier they looked Easter Egg II okay so that's security code where's the court at wall by where did I see the other one of those is on the eye I want to say it's on the opposite side the control panel outside of power which is really control panel next to the court I owe ya okay see see I was wrong because it's actually a wall buy for nothing it's a nothing wall alright we need to find out I know I know there's another one over here give me a good gun please getting absolutely just just the worst luck just the worst life unidentified objects flying through the sky look to be marred was so do that like that other teleport huh transit don't jump-scare me like that hmm turns it over oh I'm pretty sure I just teleport to pack a punch okay so now all I need is a good gun and some perks oh there we go okay I was right that's the I get it other core Knight well bye yes all right let's do this purity code has been fixed we're gonna link it with this over here it's saying this makes it sound like something is happening like the new crumpling that looks like it a nuke just went off up there pretend that airplanes in the night sky is a lecturing Stars that's a copyright strike copyright strike copyright strike alright that part is done like that okay travel with a train station teleporter to travel back in time all right we got to go on morale actually I probably need a packed bunch anyway I probably need to pack a punch anyway get me out of here where's the zombie zombie you are you big silly I couldn't find you anywhere you big silly maybe we should pack as much the aks-74u first I don't know this is cool man this is a cool concept for a map like you're getting a nuke out of there like I'll just shot it hey this one oh all right I'm not gonna set one two one two three pull no one's back for dancing with the zombies Pete is like a zombie himself one two three four five six seven eight just stop time so that I don't die the doc and I need to sleep low quick because I don't I'm gonna die to all the dogs yep they are so that this is the last one hope you enjoyed my doggy dog rap [Applause] why my stuff why do you guys watch me things I asked myself every day why do you guide you guys actually watch me I still found the shield buildable table to be better which is fine to frustrating as I have this you how I you know where it is apparently we're traveling back in time right now ah ah ah No wait wait as this area 51 dude this stuff is so interesting to me just like like I like III soso me personally I definitely believe there's some sort of like extraterrestrial life force that's intelligent out there I don't think they necessarily look like us like I don't think they it looked like humanoid like like how aliens are depicted oh this is nice this is how you pack a punch right here dude that's so he made to complete and there's like literally living people this is right before the alien invasion started at 2:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time that's this this map is so sick the storyline he's like actually telling a story alive I guess freaking me out right there I like him also I really wish I had a beautiful beautiful machine um anyway like I was saying I I definitely think there's some there's some sort of like intelligent life out there I don't think they necessarily like look like humans or anything like that but although like conspiracy theories are so interesting I don't know I don't I don't really believe in any of them like that there's aliens and like the government's not like the whole area 51 stuff like I don't believe that any of that is true but the conspiracies are like so much fun to like read in like just about listened to [Music] all right so that we only open the door that that's what we were supposed to do there maybe if we can respawn the zombies fast enough next step is this computer of this computer open the door and the train-station interact with the panel for two thousand five hundred to open another door panel in the train station okay so I need to go train station next Oh remember when we first wanted the map and it's like only we could find a working computer we went back in time and use that computer so it's like there preemptively for us that's pretty cool like he literally made to complete like snap layouts for this meant like a like a past and future version that's read that that's some dedication man this map is so good filthy sandwich like actually insane right now we've got plenty of points to pack pleasure year alright so we need to goes train station I guess I could link that teleporter again while I'm there I don't know if we can just teleport for me until we probably can teleport to any teleport to go to pack the punch isn't ready for total station should be a door here somewhere I'm missing something maybe it's up here ah okay this gives you access to a panel next to gobble gum which cost 15k to buy very cool this act this gives you access to the confinement role cancel it's the left of the moonshine which I'm guessing is the other side of the map over there where's where's the cobble go obtain the teleportation obtain the teleportation code okay so we're getting on but we're getting on to the last steps here we need to pack a punch ASAP oh yeah this is the door right here that's the door that's gonna open we need 15k next to the gobble gum machine Oh gobble machine is some light blaster here we open up fire sale risk my life to go get it boxes okay this is actually where I need to be anyway 15k door somewhere around here [Applause] [Music] okay this madman is this the berry music as well no no bad bad bad bad bad very bad very bad wait was that what I need you to be wait hold on we're gonna this might be the dumbest thing got in there I'm there we've done sauce go go go go go go go go go go go go go this is it oh no oh I'm dumb okay I think I'm okay though please don't spawn ohana me okay I need to grab the coat and then I need to go there oh crap that is so many zombies at three balls left [Music] bad news it doesn't pack a punch go go go gadget exploding zombies crap that into the round oh my gosh why do i why do I make things as hard as I possibly can for myself oh gosh here we go here we go here we go yes and it's a dog round you know we had to do a job one last time let's go my name is Noah this has been alien invasion by the filthy sandwich it is a extremely good map probably top 5 that I've ever played in this game black ops 3 this is my song and the game is over when you get the new we did it hold F to set up a new dude having zap guns and custom zombies is so cool these guns are like some of my favorite wonder weapons man underrated dislike one-to-one ratio - these are like exactly them for yourself of 65k what did we do oh did we nuke someone wait you read a little Kita's away I don't think that I think we just knew someone I mean I feel bad I mean I do I do feel bad kinda Oh custom teleport animation where the heck oh nice okay so that's how you get that's how you get the max damage I guess you just have to tell the other one I think we mean that's it that was the last step is is is holding F to blow up the new so now it's basically if you want to go for the Bible I mean you can't dude this was an incredible map man I I gotta give huge claps huge clubs to filthy sandwich not only for letting me play it early before it even comes out officially to the public but just for making such a good map the Easter Egg is good I think I think my favorite part about this though was like it had a storyline and had crazy ambience like you can see the aliens abducting like the zombies are here like it's so good man like honestly it's really really really a quality quality mouth oh yeah we definitely nuked them yep play the kids later kids so I I think I well actually I don't think I'm gonna go for 65k cuz that's kind of that's kind of a lot and we're already at 10k but then we're about to pack a punch and then and then that so you know I'm saying I'm trying to get this video out on time today so I think I think we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up there I think I think that's the I just want to pack punch the zap gun as soon as we pack a punch to get zap gun I am calling that a calling that a nice W on the day for us just so I can see these these baby baby boys so cool that it managed to import them into this map it's beautiful looking there'd be a shame for someone to ruin it with zombies right now I really like this though this was such a cool Easter egg man such a cool Easter egg and last but not least three two one three two one why am I not going thank you this is I mean three two one POTUS just said it instead of its to the complaining I would I would have gotten perfectly and here oh that camos - oh oh yeah all right well I hope everyone enjoyed the video if you did make sure you hit that thumbs up button that's all that I ask in return and of course if you M subscribed already make sure that you subscribe to not miss any more videos hope you all enjoyed we'll see in the next one goodbye my friends
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 631,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight
Id: XflCoPAdff4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 22sec (3622 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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