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hey guys what is going on my name is no J four five six and today ladies and gentlemen is another day it's a new day it's a new me and we are going to be attempting the impossible and that by that I actually do legitimately mean the impossible we are gonna be soloing the attack of the radioactive thing Easter Egg it's gonna it's gonna be hard and by hard I mean I mean near impossible with that stupid last part of the boss fight it should be fun we'll see how it goes we'll see how it goes I hope you guys are all ready we have so we have the way had some FS yesterday is all I'm trying to say we had some s that's that's all that's all you need to know if you missed every single stream yesterday we had some FS but but I was pretty happy because we actually figured out the chemistry step before before pretty much everyone else did we were the first ones to get that delayed reaction so that was kind of cool however does really matter does really matter anymore because the chemistry's just been solved everything's been solved and right now all we're really going for is surviving the boss fight because everything else to up to that point is pretty darn easy actually so we'll see how it goes I'm excited I'm nervous I don't want to be made fun of again and I'm looking forward to it dudes I'm looking forward to it how you guys doing in the chat how you guys feeling right now first it funny how you go from a couple grand you uh funny how you go from a couple brand you're a lot of six dollars in a week growing up sucks feel like my dude no dude you have some friend drops or live Ustream win it today for you boy love you daddy first attempt a boss fight let's get it yeah I appreciate it dude dude life comes at your quick man what life comes at you quick when you when it's adulthood dude holy guy I mean I don't know what I don't know what happened but either way Sani I hope you're doing well my did appreciate the $6 nonetheless you absolute legend first in the world selling yeah I was meaning to ask that has anyone actually beat it solo yet I don't think anyone's actually beat it solo that I that I can think out know your nerd I wholeheartedly embrace my nerdiness wholeheartedly Nasus at my door do that now is that was the meme of the streams dude that was for sure the meme of the streams is a pretty good one too Nasus at your door oh dear not big mama cat gas grenades oh my goodness yes wow that is actually huge to start with gas grenades it's actually really really big Wow that accident that actually is amazing Wow okay I'm like I'm really really happy right now the fact that we just got gas grades right off the bat oh oh honey I'm feeling it I'm feeling it today boys gas grenades our essential man especially for solo dude it's like super super hard to use them um appreciate you Dom B I am evil platypuses quick PSA if it's 2 minutes until the stream is scheduled to begin saying no delay 4 5 6 makes you look stupid pay attention to the state of time to begin ah briefs payment incorrect comment how hard is that good luck Noah you got this platypus laying down the law did you guys hear me losing my voice a lot of us laying down the law dude also also the fact that anyone would would think I would be at a stream on time liz is comical you guys you guys know at this point if it's if I don't start if I don't start 2 minutes after they a lot of time at least some say it's not even a real Noah J stream some say it's a poser so I don't know man I I just I just say what I know you know I just say what the people tell me alright let's go ahead and build this bad boy up here this reminds me of the early works of Tesla's complex but stupendous in their capability yeah well go ahead add that to it this I do I love the fact that there's no multiple spawn points I cannot I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate the fact that they didn't do multiple spawn points on this map I legitimately like can't tell you how happy I am with that is it it's C it seems like a little thing but its first in terms of like tutorials in terms of like everything and especially the number of parts on this map I can't tell you how much we are we are tearing right now holy cow pick up some cash don't mind if I do don't stop me now boys alright we've got some more zombies left I believe that's last I'm not completely sure but holy cow that was it that was a nice little run-through wasn't it also if you guys are interested in doing this easter egg yourself I just put up an easter egg tutorial about that um I just thought up the easter egg tutorial no more no more NASA maybe then ddrs team maybe did maybe a vegan sir we really dunno there's really no way of telling wait us on the other side of this obstruction he's always so happy dude Poindexter is always so happy for what kind of destruction he's gonna get into why is it black and white and that's just how the map starts how sad would it be if the entire map was in black and white I would hate that dude I hate the first cover of this black and white I guess I guess I don't notice that much but it is it is it is an interesting touch I'll say that much how are you gonna get the leg in the tree I'm just gonna pack too much my kindle 44 I'm gonna get it later on obviously we're gonna have to don't mind if I do do you get to taste the good what oh it's zombie Chi mmm I am I am extremely confused right now as to the words that just came out of that donation and I'm six for to answer a question in the world what actually in the world was that message is that from a song I feel like it's from a song or something or maybe maybe he's just bit maybe he's just being a goofball business I know it thanks for the streams has always kept me a good spirits when I'm stuck at the hospital yo dude hope you hope you're feeling better hope whatever you were there for it's all a good man and we do want that [Music] oh maybe go ahead and grab it come boom baby alright one more round and we should be able to do the rest of the heebie-jeebies that right there he's so happy right now just wait till he gets to the boss fight let's not talk about that right now let's not talk about that my friend she got for me i'ma put the my idea don't mind if I do oh yes beautiful oh that's actually so good that's actually so good I love I love max ambos early raps because then you can I mean max ammo is pretty much at any time during iw zombies whoa is just much appreciated because the the ammo is always on I feel like that I don't know if it's the zombies being too powerful I feel like the ammo is always on a shortage and IW zombies you're ruining my vibes right now ruining my vibes Noah is my city just like from the first green time you killed a flavor I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure it doesn't start until after you talk to Elvira pretty darn sure my friend trust me trust me I made it I made a tutorial there is it there is a tutorial mode for this Easter Egg I'm no faith in you I just want to see you fail dude I mean no one no one's completed it solo so it's gonna be extremely difficult no no one has done it solo so okay beautiful now we have like more than enough points to go exploring the map with let's go ahead and do this thing the leg drops on the first screen zombie hit by the butcher's knife I I'll go check i I don't think I don't think that's correct because you can't even collect any of at least at least this is the way it was before the map came out the first time I killed was like over here right yeah it's yeah it's not it's not so oh wait huh you you are so right Wow there you go there you go effective strategies but the good call good call um here let me let me go ahead and add that in as a note for the for the Easter Egg tutorial cuz that catch because that's the one part that sometimes it spawns and sometimes it doesn't I guess I got lucky on that one cuz I in the game that I was playing I butcher I bet your knives so many green zombies in the none of them drop doing okay beautiful okay that worked out worked out saved boys he saved the day he's officially done diddly saved it alright so they must have updated that from when we played earlier on cuz it didn't drop for me that early mine is always my first try i I mean it's a good thing it's a good thing it makes it makes it a lot easier here we got it we've got to do we've got to do part collection let me see here we have got $5 from Jacob steel says give me two months if you beat the boss I'll drop 200 Dubrow good luck at my fiance Michelle loves you James and what's the shout out give her one yeah Michelle huge shout out to you and Jacob Congrats guys Congrats on the engagement that's awesome awesome and I appreciate the super tech guys thank you thank you thank you blame blame Lee Ross yeah family dude there are so many parts pick up but at least so funny okay here we go let's go ahead and grab the crowbar let's go ahead and here I stood I still don't know why it will hurt while it laughs whenever you would go inside via the thingy Madhu's II Elvira come on Willard no one cares oh my gosh oh my gosh shut up Willard make sure that I have my thing pulled up make sure that I yes I need to I need to pack a punch for this gun yeah bomb stuffers before I can be able to get that from the tree huh uh she said I forgot her two-year-old son he's laughing every time you kill a zombie oh no oh shut up juice Evans well that's funny that's funny all right so do we get actually my companions and I are trying to [ __ ] be a partner here we've managed to thwart all of his attempts at terminating us thus far but just arrived here and we have all the bomb parts as the control box we need a mere piece I'm pretty much doing the same strat that I did for my Easter Egg tutorial or I can help check the number under the desk yeah I guess I guess I can do that pretty early on too right no we don't need it just yet but we do need to do it eventually no one will watch for two years Silva Thank You Jessie appreciate you tuning in for so long do do you hear my voice like fading dude it's I just it's to me too many streams man seriously it's like it's like pretty pretty it's pretty gone like in terms of Pinter in terms of how often my voice goes out it's pretty gone today can you please refund my last hit my mom find out I used her credit card by the way Big Mama cat loves you you'd be a perfect test subject horror zombie can't stop trolling please for the love of ever thank you and every single one of your dishes that's minute roll like for all time that's kind of funny every single one of his donations control he always tries to troll me like the entire time all right I need to go the spellbook and then we need to get the arm out of the beach and then we are pretty much good to go until next round beautiful how do you DoubleTap I'll show you during this gameplay alright so we got the book yeah we got that Cormier that's the last thing I need to get but then I read oven so far away this guy I wish I wish there was a way to shut him up like he's so loud and annoying the entire game bro like credible alright let's give her a go give her her book and I believe that's everything that we can collect so far aside from the arm down here yeah I'll show you guys how to double PAP no worries my day I have no idea where the zombie way oh there it goes oh here she comes yeah I've already seen the cutscene sometimes I upload the cutscene without watching it but this time I did watch it I did watch it just because I wasn't planning on like grinding out the ending or anything like that how long did you sleep no I've been I've been I woke up early this morning and I was working my Easter Egg tutorial for about five and a half hours so I've been up for all I've been up for a long time today yeah IIIi didn't I didn't sleep much as I'm trying to say not sleep much I'm so far I might have to might have to pop all the ambos or something like that because we're gonna need to double tap some weapons but I I hope I get a fire cell at some point bridge connections oh good call it could call bridge connections are essential I don't think I've done the spawn one have I um no I messed the fan and everything dude can we please have some urgent sighs dude maybe no ism I said his shirt or a cold one with the boy shirt and you have any cold one with zombies much love England is my city um I will try to I will try to get some new stuff coming soon IIIi am working on a poster right now uh I will I don't think I mentioned that before but I am working on a poster right now that is really really cool or I'm not I can't I can't do our work but someone someone was working on a poster for me really here phenomenally detailed with all three components that you need for it my goodness what you're talking about Willis [Music] I still we still need to figure out why Willard laughs like that when you jump in the water come on there it is go ahead and make the mind-control device let me go give it to IRA and then we're gonna in their own oh you can't stop that earlier yeah okay mind control maybe a NASA shirt XD I'm pretty [ __ ] up copyright I don't think I can do it NASA shirt now I'd be pretty funny though ooh somebody must really want me to come out and play careful would you ask oh gosh Oh Elvira alright oh yeah the punch card we can grab the punch card in a second that's that's not good so much later [Music] we'll just knife all the crog's wait what this is the clip this is only the cleaver one shot these dudes I'm not filling them up oh I guess I guess it only fills up with the what's the call knife I did not know that interesting huh I did not know that at all Wow okay you learn something new every day you you have tonight you have to knock the crog's with a butcher's knife in order for them to drop the goo for you huh I don't I did not know that she's so sexual I know dude I know it's rude if she doesn't stop like just always next level with her we gotta crocs what what you're not just collective wait what we're did what and well well just kind of aggressive in this map dude I don't know if you guys noticed that okay let me let me open up a new page on my spiral notebook so I can get all this information written down we've got nine seven nine one valves and then I so I guess we can get the punch card and let me turn on the teleport thing up here don't really know why I'm going for the punch card it's really not necessary at all punch hello hole - okay here we go is this not be easier hard um I'd say it's it's in one way the Easter Egg the the understanding the Easter eggs pretty difficult but right here oh yeah I need that crowbar right having to switch back and forth between the crowbar on the cleaver is a little annoying I will say okay Elvira I got something for you girl she likes it into something a little more she's so sexual that's insane let's get let's get her number Ellie's we've got to number is - all right we need to go ahead oh that was a little a little scary for a second there dad did it try holding a grenade for five seconds okay ready one two three four five that was uneventful um when you play zombies are video games Ostrom but you talk as much as your Austrian sometimes no I try I try my best to not talk at all actually [Music] that was a juicy one right there ladies and gentlemen Alvira chill girl chill a girl please she go away she drop ammo okay so we're almost done with that all right so we need to go grab what do we need what all do I need to do now we have everything [Music] if I've got like one more knife kill but have been what am I good to go on that as well okay let's go grab we've got a few things to grab here hey no this isn't my time donating this is my first time doing but I just wanted to say I love all your shames I appreciate all you do good luck today at much love bro yeah thank you so much beer a appreciate via the kind of words my dude very very much appreciate the kind words thank you I shall just teleport yeah oh yes oh no I forgot I just packed much this I could have finished that up quickly however I wanted to go oh yeah I should get Bob stopper that's good call bomb Stoppers and I guess they're gonna do this to their spectrum fluctuations caused by this device are extraordinary so I need the crowbar gather my Intel and you grab this and with that all explosive ordnance will cease to cause me any probe are no my stomach on the other hand what else doing oh yeah we need to put in the put in the codes as well what do they mean sit over there okay let's go check the numbers you overclock your 1080 I know I don't have a 1080 ta I just have a 1080 didn't know I didn't overclock it you're doing great I mean I'm shy me this isn't the hard part have the whole zombie we got nine that's our second number to nine see if any of them are next out what else do I need to Cobo far I need it for double pack a punch and what else I need it for one other thing the team s on should be eight or four probably not 11 so 11 no okay I think okay let's go ahead and do this down this thing down here I'm just gonna try to get a lot of stuff done while I'm running around we need to get a battery as well we haven't got a better yet listen to the radio come on alright here you but up get to the one get there all right so here go ahead and change the color here where is the other valve III can't do you guys remember the other valve is where's the third one I know where all there's there's this one down here there's the one I just did okay I'm trying to remember where the heck where the heck it was it I can't I've done it I've done this so many times but I can't remember where it is oh it's at the pool that's right bag bags that's right it's at the pool so that one needs to be a seven did you you really do need a piece of paper to do this Easter egg okay the other one needs to be a nine but we're gonna go check at the bridge and all that good stuff first always forget that it's not the nine that means it either has to be the fifteen or the two just depending on what blue reveals to us this right here nine okay that should be the safe yeah so we just need to check that one right there I think all right and the safe code is two three four one six two three four one six beautiful okay um so we got that done now we just need to go change the color of the set one more time Deebo says with the twenty dollar bomb says hey no I wonder what you uh no wonder what you are Master are you trying to get I know I wonder what you are you master are you trying to get debo I'm confused you have you have confused me I I don't understand the question that's what I'm trying to say probably faster and then we need to go check the yeah so we're gonna we're getting a lot done this round essentially essentially we can get every can get the entire thing we can be ready to go to the boss fight this round if we want to I don't know if you guys want me to do that much stuff all in one around but it's possible this one like obviously we can't we won't be set up like we won't want to go into the boss fight this round but we could go to the boss by this round if we wanted to okay so it's not 15 so my coefficient is 2 all right let's wait for this to come back up do we need the crowbar or anything go ahead and do those ami down here what is your college major Oh Oh what my college major is economics economics do it this round dude I would be so dead elementary my dear Poindexter Elementary doggone it this is this is the annoying one right here let me go change the color back as well figure out what color I need to get he said this was harder on solo okay then this is way harder on solo bro this is one of those Easter Egg that's is way harder on solo like not even close like what you talking about Willis not even not even close my friend okay what do we got here I like how it literally hurts Willard to do that when you play zombies a video yard though this is 12 so 24 is my is my eyeball number no one's my first immunity I want to say I love you like Shane's appreciate the good luck today much love bro yeah thank you so much thank you thank you thank you okay so it's green is my color this time around extraordinary green is my city all right now we got to take screenshots of all the boards boom boom and I to you um and then you bang Gus is no first time today broke broke my back and arm in a car accident a couple weeks ago your videos I'll anything keeping me saying keep up keep up the good work bro what and deuces man oh my gosh dude holy cow you're a freaking trooper man I'll tell you that much for absolute certain geez Louise whoa bro bro I can't even imagine I cannot even imagine seriously you're mad man you're a mad man I hope everything is going okay I mean I don't know I don't see I'm always confused with back injuries and stuff like that because I thought I was under the impression and if you could like if you break your back like you are paralyzed which sounds like you're not which is a like that's a blessing dude holy cow that's insane I'm buying banks also what is today is today Friday it's today Friday I believe today is Friday right okay let's get let's get this part done this is that this is the most annoying thing to do Sola for sure this is by far the most annoying step 5 once you get the hang of it is a lot better five today is Friday ok yeah so if today's Friday I was thinking about doing another sellout stream tomorrow I kind of want to make it like a weekly thing if you guys weren't at the La Scala stream you have no idea what I'm talking about but it's a specialty stream full full of memes so do you guys want to see are you guys down with another sellout stream tomorrow oh my gosh so annoying I know best of luck with the easter egg hope you do the boss fight this is ridiculous I hope you do the boss fight it is ridiculous keep up the good work commander my favorite youtubers hey Jamie my dawn thank you thank you thank you for that appreciate that tip a whole hole off for the man soon as he jumps there we go we're off all right I'm gonna try the lower numbers I'm gonna try like 5 0 v 1 and v 2 oops so it's not 505 - I'm gonna try five zero five three and five four five zero five three five four of zero five three five four I love those streams they're so good they're so funny dude they're so they're actually so funny like I love them perhaps I should possibly reach zero for my skateboard on the windows five three five three four six eight five three four six eight oh my god dude how did I just get all that five dude I got all that from one five three four six eight five three four six eight holy crap how did I just do that bro that was so lucky how and the what wait actually though how did I just do that I literally just like was pressing random numbers and I got it five three four six eight what the heck wow I am extremely happy cuz that took a long time last time what in the world bro okay now we gotta do it backwards eight six four five three oh wait eight six four three five rather bro how did I just do that that was so clutch I'm subscribing just for that if you haven't hit the subscribe button I mean just just just witness a witness what you're subscribing to my man eight six eight six four three five eight six four three sides eight six four three five six four three five easy easy bro who says that's the hardest step who says that's the hardest step solo go got that done whoa first try baby first try baby pink when a nurses don't forget the UDM you're holding it turns Ahmir enters into slow walkers wait what you want mate turn zombie runners into slow walkers what are you talking about I'm very confused Jamie says hi no best look of the Easter egg hope you do the boss fight it is a ridiculous a donor Thank You Jamie once again Bruce mysteries rested within this garage okay let's get our screen shot of this you'd fall all right oh no we need to know the I mean we could we could do it this round but we need to know the whatchamacallit first we need to know which chemical are making that we got four screen shots now we just need two more okay got that one two or one more and we're done we can turn it off green but forever forever or I have bur hey finally found you on first time funny hey what's up Ethan it's like a second surge of being what's up gray what's up gray how do you find out what color to use I explain it all in my Easter Egg tutorial which you guys can go watch on my channel had a tip again to clarify because if you're concerned not paralyse just very lucky I'll be back to normal by January appreciate the con where it's holy crap you've been good you why oh my gosh I can't even imagine bro glad you're okay my day too glad you're okay you you been good seriously seriously but once your shoots were all I thought I'd give it I give just the tip thank you for just the tip and nothing more than the white the white kid appreciate it much my brother man knowing what the salient reference don't want those definitely don't want those okay what do we need to do here we need to get a battery battery is important we need to go get the get the shark flavor again I hate those guys shark cleaver I need to cleave a zombie and then I need to place the things down and then we need to call it in so much to do in so little time chat so much to do oh whoa easy now have a mute that up do not no we don't we don't accept calls when we're streaming there we go beautiful we do not accept calls we be streaming that is for certain pages for Elvira oh yeah that's that's the one thing I did forget did forget the pages for a liar that's all right that is all right thank you fire sale what I was this is what I was hoping for oh gosh I get to use this fire sale am i I'm dead that's fine we had port we had Birkin shirt we had Perkin shirt III always I mean in this map it's fine because you can account for one down and it's completely Wow why does this find you so far away from your lost I'm not a little solace in the face of this stool that's actually fine like it really isn't a big deal at all it seems like it is I should just pull him up I was trying to save too many points and that was my bad but whatever oh well I always sort of grow up up and Adams over there house done the results I'm assured would be quite disastrous I'm just gonna keep this pistol what am i what am i doing right now getting way too antsy let's go grab our gosh these guys and good riddance now mr. Krabs okay let's grab up and Adams got double pop yeah cuz cuz it's better to refresh my your your your faint fortune cards now resurrection should I meet an early demise you can use your fate in fortune cards twice basically I'm planning I was planning on restocking them anyway so I can get my double pet my coupon cover back again because it's so useful yeah the pages for over are forgetting about those that's fine alright so we need to install the fuses yeah we're good we're good [Music] fun clips like fun clipped three pack a punch and then we will refresh our cards what else will we do after that I think that's everything it's all the fuses beautiful science fiction it may see coupon Club that we saw we got a battery that's that's the other thing we need is the battery film beautiful okay and I guess we need to hit the box as well we it we really need a weapon that's not the UDM um where is said box what bang Bang's oh it's over here battery trumping battery no yeah I mean gas grades are fantastic but I already have them I need a battery battery is my city come on baby Phoebe are you I'll grab it just so I can see the second pin the next wheel faster I hate this thing man so bad wow that's even worse come on give me something worthwhile here Wow give me something even worse that's impressive that is impressive I must say that is pretty good pretty bad yes I know that Ryan Matt is absolutely terrible that's not I like I'm supposed to be the Wonder weapon it is one of the worst weapons in the game has like I mean maybe it's probably used for like something some other Easter egg type stuff but it really it really is oh I need to what am i doing need to refill my cards is that battery battery [Music] I'm okay let's grab one of these and then let's refill our cards dude oh my gosh come on box give me something here dude this Peppa sig been playing drives drunk recently making make you piss on this isn't accidentally coming the Lambo awesome a bit tight of money right now just moved in my new apartment the great work hashtag for you tur yeah my David well I appreciate yes this is so good okay good come on batteries some someone anyone okay I I like I like this I like this weapon that they gave us this is good the fire rate on this thing is insane you can eyeball that that's the slope alright but if you change to the high fire rate it this is the gun that I recommend it against going against the shell and shuffle boss because it's just so good Irish wristwatch Irish wristwatch Irish wristwatch oh I know that tongue twister what's up ty no problem I didn't seek was this Duke I'm fighting for 20 seconds it's gonna be good [Music] bump bump bump uh refill our cards come on drop me a battery but yes that's a rather fine addition to my inventory if I don't say so myself beautiful we can get we can get bossfight ready right now right now if this radio tells us what we need to know I've devised the perfect solution to our mutated giant crab problem one three five one three five Terra Knights are female you heard the man boys and girls those of you who watched my Easter egg tutorial already you're already pulling up the pulling up the guide thing that I have okay oh that you're phenol beautiful so motor oil wheel clean right an insect repellant this one probably is what some of the most annoying like runs to make you happy go like all the way across the mat for most this stuff okay motor oil wheel cleaner an insect repellent sex repellent by the perfect solution you know the perk yeah I need to get my fifth perk and then I need a double pop the Ripper before we go into the boss fight don't you worry don't you worry we are not going in at the moment all right and then we need to add up the numbers here and then we will be good to go okay okay remind me to give the pages to Elvira remind me actually I guess I can do it in just a second when I have to get over there um motor oil wet wheel cleaner cleaner is right up over here cleaner wheel cleaner is right here full remind me to give them to her okay so now we got a map okay so we got a motor oil wheel cleaner and insect repellent wheel cleaner is a 13 plus motor oil which is a nine and our insect repellent is a six so and that's all mine minus two which is 26 so that is the magic number this is just a case I did my math wrong yeah we need it when it with one three five ten atrophy no we got to go back and grab a drain opener in a second here what's what's the new perk it's okay it's not great it basically just like has a changing effect that does like damage the zombies through fire just like an electric explosion stuff like that whoa what simply be serious with the performance like that right this has happened before did this screen glitch out I think the screen glitched out it sometimes it happens where the screen glitches out and and it doesn't it doesn't count all the elements that you have it even if you put it in completely correctly I did this yesterday I did this yesterday 26 13 plus 9 plus 6 minus 2 is 26 the math was right but it didn't work I did not put 25 I put 26 you put 25 instead of 26 don't think so the the Matt the math worked out the math worked out 13 plus 9 plus 6 minus 2 13 plus 9 plus 6 minus 2 is 26 okay I I know I know I did them I know I did it that part right cuz it literally worked we just need to just didn't register or something insect repellant motor oil okay don't glitch out on me the number is 26 okay so hopefully this works if it doesn't work then my game is glitched out and that really really sucks I really hope my game is not as not glitched out because that would be that would be great if it wasn't okay the math is fine it's the chemicals that didn't work for some reason alright come on baby a delayed reaction yeah see dude sometimes it's glitchy it just doesn't work it's so it's so silly okay so now we need phenol and drain opener what see the tables just glitchy it just bushes out sometimes I literally did the exact same thing I did first time it didn't it didn't work or it worked that time oh yeah like if you're gonna have a hard key string like this you gotta at least have your table working you know what I mean come on come on yeah I like how I like how everyone gives me different suggestions of what I did wrong but it was like literally right I just got glitched all right here we go you guys are making me second guessing what not 3% says it's too humid in Texas hashtag swamp but love your vids yeah yeah pretty much pretty much that's not what I got the drain opener from the campsite over here you set it down wrong the first time it doesn't matter the order you said it you set it down all that matters is that you put it down go ahead and teleport out of here okay beautiful drain opener plus phenol we need to do the math for this real quick as well Drano per phenol drain opener is 16 phenol is 10 so that is 26 which is 24 - scared I'm too scared of Delicias that against I'm gonna leave the zombie away a little bit gonna grab the produce that likes me out really is that a glitch did they introduce a new glitch or the weapons should be good there we go okay and now we just need in order to make tearing at your phenol detergent you know sulphonic acid and detergent we already give the pages Elvira don't worry you know Stefanik acid is 13 minus 2 is 11 so 11 plus 6 is 17 all righty here we go we need to do 17 and then we'll be and then we're ready to go into the boss fight we got a tip here super chat from Tyler her Heather link says no we just got to work in the army been uh been on the the Geo since uh been on the go since five for a change of company ceremony and keep up the hard work my morale as secretly wishing you were CEO sorry dude sorry dude but hey as per the usual with all the military people in this dream super super big supporters you guys and thank you so much for what you do seriously that's awesome bro chemical makeup that's parts to the bomb oh crap okay no no no no okay as long as we don't go back in telephone woah did not mean to do that this teleportation device will need to charge before it'll be a further I did not mean to do that okay we need more points first ever ready to go into the boss fight we've done everything we need to do so the easter egg is done that's the easter egg right now now everything that I do is just getting set up for boss fight which is buying bang bangs and then double tapping this actually another bang bang what use might be better I'm thinking about it so we go bang Bang's or quickies and we would or we here at a race tribe to get what to do what to do what did you mix together get a secret compound to put in the new go watch my tutorial it depends on it depends on your game which of the four compounds that you you build and after you have the and then so yeah it basically it's one of four different compounds that you can get I have all of them on the tutorial that I just put on my channel I feel like quickies is probably I feel like just going quickies and leading bang Bang's out of it rookies the increase in velocity should prove to be reasonable we almost have enough to pap so let's let's finish this off let's pop our fate fortunate card before we do that oh no did I get the okay if we good if we can get this done right now one more round one more round in the robots fighting ladies and gentlemen one more round and then it is boss fight time I'm kind of nervous I'm actually very very nervous make sure oh gosh terrible spot to Train why am I doing this myself this is actually a such a bad spot all right [Music] really don't need anything at this point okay beautiful it's double PAP and it's boss by time ladies and gentlemen here we go if you guys if you guys already I want everybody to put your predictions do I get to stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 or beat the boss fight before before I went of course if I win then it's not really sage but you know what I mean stage 1 stage 2 or stage 3 what am I gonna get to before I die or am I gonna beat it I want everyone to leave a like and then put your predictions down below leave a like and put your predictions down below cuz this no one's made it solo yet it's no one's beat it so it's ridiculous oh I'm nervous okay here we go just take it take it flow for the first one take it slow for the second the second ones is a dangerous part with the I mean obviously the leaves it lasers is the most dangerous part at least that that'll be my first that'll be my fault no one's beating it solo so I'm really nervous for this alright here we go matter within moments come on baby come on baby okay you'll make it two lasers and die that's what I'm feeling tip honestly if I'm being completely honest that's what I'm thinking is gonna happen yes come on baby keep moving keep moving mr. nuke escort the payload tracer tracer here alright alright we're gonna call Elvira rendering the second stage crog's where you be there's only one drew dude they do not like he does not like us supporting the payload stuff insta down to you bro legit straight up insta down city would you use that okay come on baby first first solo completion let's go let's get it oh gosh lots of cross on that one holy cow why are there so many there are a ton of Crocs now watch it these glasses aren't just for looks you know who there is a lot a little little stream lag there all right site or okay or okay do it shot we've really shot it we've shot a few bullets nothing major he is officially done with his barrage is once you get it into the bridge he finishes is there a time limit no there's no timeline a time limit at all you can take as long or short as you want to do this that's smarts 200,000 years later it takes forever I'm telling you it takes forever to do this but it's the safe way to do it not kill it not kill any zombies whatsoever escort on every pass it's getting there it's getting closer kill some of them the hard part is I've never seen someone complete this step solo this is gonna be it this is gonna be hard on us there okay here comes the interesting part because we not only have to shoot him in his weak spot but we have to we have to survive all of his attacks as well so does the laser I don't think the laser does any damage it's only when he when it explodes Mary you roughed in [Music] hello weak spot I haven't seen his weak spot once yet there it is okay through the through the wall I love it they're just got to take it fun man there's no reason to man that's the scary one that's the one you got to watch out for right there we really do have to like learn the strategy for taking this guy out solo because no one's done this before so like you have to figure out a point where just you just don't get a chance to man oh dude that thing is insane how the tech is crazy yeah I already already have the bump cut don't worry are never enough it's not the most effective of strategies oh no he's doing crog's now I haven't even hit him once how is he shooting crog's okay come on come on you've got to have you got to have your weak spot after doing that are you serious dude oh crap he's slamming what disappear is it or is it just purposely ridiculous on a solo it must be dude are you kidding me yeah it was open for like a half second come on open up actually kidding me bro this is crazy infinite considering this I'm not gonna I'm gonna try not to rush but dude really how am I supposed to do it I literally cannot be on the cannon long enough for oh crap it's a slam the exo slam that was my bad that was me that was me right there okay having them crawl ourselves a lot actually having be crawlers is a huge help actually Oh slime time flambo Nene you are facing the wrong way my friend oh man come on come this is ami right there okay come on come on come on okay he opens up like a second after he does it right he's just so slow come on hello I'm already red screen and he's slamming come on oh nevermind are you slamming come on all right open up right now this is perfect opportunity dude it's freaking tentacles man has the hitbox is already so small I missed it because I hit his tentacles hello your tentacle eNOS come on here we go here we go hit it there we go hey hey yeah it whenever you're playing süleyman you just gotta take it slow no shame no no no that is the killer man that is the that is the absolute killer slime buddy I think it just lags out my whole game the real special ability of it logging out the game I wish you could just shoot the shouldn't think on play too it's kind of cool ok I think the best strat that I've done so far is running them all up here and then running over here ok let's take up the stale that's the best ride I think I think that's I think that's been the best strat so far for me just running them all up there and then running a ball back Oh slim bony I'm all up here hey buddy is it constantly exposed now that's really nice if it is slim bony well I bet F out of my game mirror where my friend all right here we go here we go ladies gentlemen this is it the lasers the lasers dude here we go here we go here we go baby and all this I thought Oh baby here we go come on baby come on baby you Noah come on Noah okay what's cut two three four one six I can safely state this is the first time I've studied the subject from the inside oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no oh no no I I thought I got ahead of thought ahead in limit it's right there I thought I'd let me attract no okay okay we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay we're okay okay okay okay dude I thought I had unlimited right there what I thought I had unlimited ammo all right I thought I had limited tries I should have taken more time I I messed up blunt so I just kept on I just refresh the whole thing Oh No I can't believe I just did that I can't believe I just did that don't usually agree with the extermination of an unknown species dude is right right all right Oh oh my oh okay dude I cannot believe I just did that I cannot believe I just did that hey you rid of my lab coat okay two three four one six oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I'm just gonna fill that one I'm certain on time too [Music] anybody wants shellfish for dinner I'm pretty sure I've never eaten shellfish again ever you and me both I am really feeling the need to get out of this place time period whatever you want to call it maybe off to somewhere with a little more color ready when you are my friend if you guys thought the zombies were bad what is it some kind of fish what what I say to be continued by your determination I've got something far more sinister your extinction is nearly upon us all you brainless beehive [Laughter] listen to you pal besides a police knocking that's pretty birthday Oh Congrats dude what you haven't come out of it what you haven't come out of the closet yet what woo congrats dude from ohto 9 thank you for that 1111 woo congrats dude thank you thank you first solo completion to my knowledge it doesn't really matter I'm dude okay all I'm saying to all the haters and the losers out there to take to take a take a donald trump tweeted make it my own um notice how whenever I want my a u.s. connection I literally get it make it make it through the laser maze two times in a row literally not even touching one laser I made the full jump over this whenever I I'm on my own connection and I'm not on a UK connection with that much lag notice how I don't I don't fail the I don't fail the run at all oh that's all I'm saying that's all I mean take from that what you will but I there's a lot of people just yell saying I suck yesterday cuz I couldn't make the run but whenever I'm on my own connection I can't I still can't I still can't do the I still can't do the what's the college like code injuring that's for sure but you know Alexander Lee says I know you do it - chat let's go team know my hairline four five six mom hand Alexander thank you bro thank you - appreciate it um well then with that we completed it kaboom completed the Easter Egg I wonder if there's anything that we can so how does the Elvira work I know Elvira is like a little bit different in this talk to the lady okay let's go talk to L bar that was world record what in speed run time man and time it did do that they don't put that on the they don't put the world records up before they come out on xbox I'm pretty sure it like I've been at warfare let me let me take it and we're gonna go talk to Elvira how do you play as her that's my question leaderboards Easter Egg speedrun yeah it's not up yet it's not on the website yeah soulkey I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure it automatically collects the soul key you don't have to grab it like in the other ones go look under the bridge oh that's literally how you play is her wait - what does that mean what does that mean [Music] I may listen to the book New York has turned even the brightest of hopes dashed dreams with an instant Arthur it seems of the demise the boost of the would-be venturers of the blood-stained subways and rat infested streets the aid of Pamela and the strength bestowed upon Poindexter the fearsome duo rose to the occasion sending Arthur to the grave yet again oh the book disappears so oh no doesn't so I guess that's that's extra storyline right changes of colors and look at it that's gotta be for ghosts - the skulls though right she doesn't have any voice lines after you betray she doesn't have anything to say so well so what is the thing at the bottom for is that for it elvira tours that is that for another Easter Egg you might have to make the chemical that has the code I tagged you a poster on Twitter about Elvira's code okay let me see let me see what you got here let me see what you got so is that is it just the co or so what is that what is this for over here basically I don't know what this is for right here it's like blaze it the red ones like this was like bleeding red oh is this is this is this how you found what Elvira's code was and then what but you oh I see I see civis so that's how you figure out what Elvira's code is oh I get it I get it I get it I know another donation to say potato I love is potato was love potato his life have nicely thank you chair appreciate that did know a first time came in my girlfriend watching she's for a few months and we'd love the rage compilation but he is can got some 13 I said suppose the engagement keep up the great videos much look from Canada a appreciate you last note I appreciate you much homes um get down on your knees and tell me that you love me from John Wells okay hey now remember window we gonna rip my gin too and the robot barley touched at the top of your head and uh I was going for the way oh yeah yeah yeah barely yeah yeah happen to me to know cursor over on six also there's a little fraud guys sound like the cryptids from extinction I don't know we'll have to see if the aliens come back next next time around okay those are all those are all the tips okay let's go [ __ ] in the game let's let's go see what it's like whenever I play with her down right down left up right and right it is down right down left up right down right down left up right a lemn ow seriously nobody cares Willard party watch this man [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go all right let's see we got the Elvira what's her what's her melee I want to see what her melee is that's the question here let's show a little Willie you don't go budging up the classic what the world she legitimately has a dagger that's pretty sick huh that's so cool that is so cool that's actually awesome wonderful I hurt her her sleeves are pretty cool I like them alright well there you have it everyone there is the solo Easter Egg completed there is Elvira gameplay and oh wait okay I want to do one thing I do want to talk to Elvira as Elvira I do want to do that we have we got to do that one thing first we got to talk to Elvira as Elvira and then and then we'll be we'll be good gonna kill off the zombies as quickly as possible and I want to go talk to Elvira I wanna see what her voice line is after whenever you're playing us her you talk to her okay gallons of perfume pee you got the plant food cuz why not let's go let's know what what what what would Elvira say to Elvira I feel like this knife should do extra damage just cause it's so sick but obviously I'm just gonna go ham here stop a virus oh my god not everything has to be just like moans central girl's promise you get all the way to talk to her let's see what she has to say about her meet the Easter Egg is Elvira we might do that for sell out the sell out stream tomorrow oh I've got an idea I'm missing a few things that could really turn the tide on this English what you can get those back to me no don't go she doesn't have any voice lines she skips she skips it all she doesn't she doesn't say anything when you talk to her Alvira I trusted in you I trust it in you you let me down I was expecting some sort of weird sexual stuff well that's this morning all right well there we go that is Elvira talking to Elvira or rather the lack thereof talking to Elvira um anyway thank you all for tuning it thank you all for being here I had a good time in the stream make sure you guys tune in tomorrow we're gonna probably be playing infinite warfare but it's not gonna really be focused around infinite warfare it's gonna be more focused on the memes so make sure you tune in tomorrow it'll be a fun time it'll be a good stuff and we are going to go ahead and wrap it up there man I'm pretty I'm pretty happy pretty happy that was a pretty quick and a pretty clean run there I only have one down and that was like something stupid in the Middle East rate because I was trying to conserve time anyway thank you all for being here Oh Amish bearded robots has lost my mother in July I walked in on my girlfriend cheers to doing my best friend keeping my spirit side no thanks for sure holy crap bro yeah well we got your back here we got your back here so sorry to hear everything that's happened seriously dude we got your back that's all you need to know we got your back dude and keep on keep on entertaining and do all that good stuff man and supreme Austin says hey no congrats do you think the extinction could go back for DLC for because of the cutscene being in space is the ending goes to extinction Lee Ross says extinction is that the game on Twitter I keep to the good work I wouldn't be surprised if the aliens from extinction came back yeah yeah like like the big overlord mastering those guys III wouldn't be surprised I think it'd actually be pretty cool but we'll see I'll have to see anyways guys I'll see you all in the next stream peace out and if you guys haven't already if you guys could go if you guys are still watching go to my Easter Egg tutorial on my channel and go comment first in the world solo hype or something like that just just so I get it just so I can see how many of you guys stay actually stay until the end of these things anyway thank you all for tuning in we'll see you in the next one
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 1,119,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty, cod, zombies, new, call of duty infinite warfare, call of duty infinity warfare, infinite warfare zombies, call of duty infinite warfare zombies, infinite warfare zombies gameplay, infinite warfare zombies easter egg, iw zombies, hunt, infinite warfare zombies shaolin shuffle, attack of the radioactive thing, dlc 3, attack of the radioactive thing tutorial, attack of the radioactive thing easter egg, easter egg hunt, attack of the radioactive thing gameplay
Id: SLowH72PojM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 19sec (6259 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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