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[Laughter] everybody everybody get your youtuber voice on okay I'm dying help me I don't actually hurt I'm not gonna like Neptune platform location the Pacific Ocean times this incident 17 days crew remaining three the crew okay so this is gonna be one of those maps where it's actually good which just really you just take that hundred points did you just did you just going dude I wanna sleep I'm like dude we're doing social distancing right with these out Texas trip in these outfits the all-time thugs working with this thing on so this is gonna be one of those maps where it's actually really really good which I'm kind of excited for yeah no no Pope of the Dead this these right here are the skulls now there are thirty of them and then every five that we shoot we get a new perk slot there's thirty of them I just shot two thirty locations are yeah absolutely brain most apparently this is what it says full main Easter Egg that culminates in a unique boss fight so take that anything that as you will I do have the spreadsheet up if we're uh wool stock [Laughter] did not have a spreadsheet and that's why that's exactly what that means hi guys I figured out what a good heads up is for cheering hear did good heads up yeah the spread she didn't have anything about that my bad ocean Eagle that's it I got she also word wait you're ill-equipped there's a wall gun over here now it's a cheeseburger there you wanna cop it ok I've shot forced goals I felt out of me nude I'm still occupied with the ocean equals death okay first step is to turn on the power this will require you to find a power handle and build it the power handle will be glowing and it's hard to miss can be at the top of lighter than though okay cool I'm probably gonna miss and just say yeah we're probably wool there's power there's a ranger all who's a huge cafeteria oh those jug in the middle tooth but so so you can power on coconut could perk up over here oh there was a door that opened up at the top of where ocean equals death and it said not power door yeah yeah whoa whoa yo y'all come in here the wall I'm behind you too oh this is like this is like some Tom Cruise mission what kind of stuff going here done yes oh my gosh there's the area up here can we go up here jump I'm trying uh-oh if you fall you go back to spawn I'm gonna throw some needs of there in case there's some skulls checking there's actually probably a lot of skulls up there yeah I'm looking at you gonna plus 30 whenever you shoot one so so can we get context of this map like like what is this know all we know is this is Neptune nepeta is your car which means OSHA's oh wait net neptune platform emergency 900 cold guys okay come over to where I am yo yo yo yo yo wait wait wait this okay this I can easy look at this beware of drowning but are you be wearing of drowning this is terrifying equals death oh I should I care dude I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it guys should I do it hey guys literally one like on this video and this is just like Texas I don't think you can go eat some water stuff going on yeah if you come to the come to the roof no I I have known Lex for like a very long time right I I have I've hung out with likes like probably in culmination like two months of like real life time and the most white oh there we go the most like crazy thing I learned about Lex ever is that the man is a fish legitimately one of the best swimmers I've seen in my entire life I blew my mind like I couldn't believe Rincon we were we were like I don't know we were just kind of tell me we all know how to swim and stuff but Lex is amphibious yes he jumped into the water and he's like yo guys I'm gonna take a quick dip and he just starts swimming and we look up like 20 minutes later and we just see his head like a mile out frog dude it's disturbing like it really is we love to swim all right K this map is actually huge yeah it's a big boy we need to it's powered or we need to leave this place they came from the ship oh well there's a gun behind us there's like a wall bite look wait Lex come here look there's the thing behind the open these two waters captain oh there are a lot of wonder weapons apparently let me look at that in the spreadsheet I turn to look in the sky I don't even see where the mystery boxes can you can you even see with the fog no maybe not I gotta head over here whoever heads 2,000 points there's a 1500 door right here oh my god there's so many doors okay a lot of them a lot of them open up when we turn the power on well we need your holy potty or something what is this oh do this vote oh there brother brother there's a power pipe down there you see that look Chuck wait wait where our Swiss she said oh yeah okay so we gotta go for lower right we're okay that's outside yeah that's right literally like a glowing-hot show right for a setup he wasn't lying when he said it's hard to miss [Music] I love old friend volts rate is I think on certain Maps volt PhD is outside of the effing map no I'm not kidding no I think we can get you maybe my turn are you sure are no [ __ ] way too much Biel - I don't want to get my hopes up I know we can open this door here I'm gonna open this back up so we can get back through and then this door this door is open bull up here good buy it oh this is my control console over here it makes me so sad seeing all these perks I hope you want to buy any of them I found the skull wait I just got a trade weapons wait look at me ha Oh other player has that weapon oh oh yeah wait wait honesty needs to be a feature yeah yeah I see the wall by thing you're talking about dude how do we get down there though I have no clue I'm not a clue mate I assume we just need to keep buying more doors and we'll eventually some oh yeah this is oh my god this one's 16 Oh little bro here there's some sort of wall done behind a case ah Jocelyne oh yeah what is that 12 crew I assume how did you do that with the timer don't go that you don't girls I knew yeah yeah there's a timer there's a timer II walk the heck hey Chuck ball crew what the hell's up oh yeah it's on the progress bar it doesn't count down yeah I think how do you activate that who activated it all right what I mean I'm okay let me check oh it's glowing over here a reward is ready we got 350 continue headshot 24 crew dead body right needle what what is it what it what are we doing like what is the report it's a Remington I don't know there is a reward I'm sure of it trust me bro Oh mystery boxes down here in this hole wait you found it yeah 14 and then the powers through here I'm trying to finish this headshot oh yeah oh yeah this is the top floor g300 power switch is right here cuz someone come by this we're super closest oh no oh you get more time every time you kill a zombie nice can't go to that buddy see if you can no I'm with you come on I'm just saying where this leads this man is a vegan dude holy oh yeah I don't know you guys are like one floor but it's blocked Oh make sure you activate the next challenge before you come down here oh yeah we be stopped kids when you die we need to kill a zombie so we can buy this door here's power damage any skulls in here any school boys found one yet they're like up on the cabinets and stuff do you know for you guys are on five or six dude so utterly confused Jason seen in the world zero days since Gary pulled a Gary zero I love that for Gary okay this is attempt number two to locate the lads oh okay dropped on the whole Oh mister bucks yeah hello Oh baby nice shotgun dude nice wholesome turn about some big wonder what to put the box you know is it possible for call of duty to put a useful shotgun into zombies that's the camera Miz used to slap you know Karen was good yeah sure okay well this was careful to use this we Nev er yeah wait wait why do we countdown do not erase this the something reset sequence is something six five I'm sorry Susie plus mom Plus that while that's oh I got monkey you not erase the something sequence is something six five okay that's that's what we need to remember something six five I don't know if that's not an actual step I haven't read through this yet I opened the door on the other side well if I'm a skull massive where am I going it probably opens up quite a bit whenever you get the doors did you get this awesome I thought apart nope pick up ladder okay I guess if you ain't carrying a lot of running zombies or even playing zombies this is sixteen fifty again for this old this map is just the biggest I'm so lost yeah we have to buy that 1650 door there's literally no other way out so there's a hole in the floor but on it I think I think that's what brings us back to where we were no no no no this is one okay no no this is fun hold on I'm not gonna spawn oh yeah this back this back to spawn yeah door here yeah okay nice pills gamer I have enough points yeah where's the door yeah the power switch opening this okay now we're back out into an area that is exactly the same very cool there's a curry knife for 3k a sari y'all got that curry what is it what what is it curry I don't know oh wait is am I on the right area I might be on the right area for the Paras list I know we've already been here no this is I think the right area hold on oh I found that curry knife curry I think we've been here before I think it's somewhere up there that's like the only wet current place it could be because the bottom floor is uh spawn yeah hold on is over Oh press F to set up ladder oh dude it's a little cut through you can make it to the roof now from the spine oh cool it's kind of cool oh I see it that's the ladder I don't know if it was that big when you picked it up but no it was not even near man's got those GTA pockets oh yeah this is crazy let's hear it yeah well you literally you know put this actual vehicle in my pocket oh oh the reward the reward okay can't talk to this on that show 36 okay please I I'm just trying my hardest looking for this this magic or the powers of magic switch Tommy I have no idea maybe it's a floor below like maybe that's a thing I don't we get it's on floor five if you can find floor five Brian you can't be beat I thought there was only three floors okay I'm on floor five oh it pauses the timer for the headshot critic that's nice wait through the Kombi show on the smell just a flatter so we have a lighter and unloving skulls a very no idea dude I've got no idea I've got no clue oh okay here we go floor five we really need a headset now heads up oh wait I found it I found it I found it yeah I've got it okay so y'all can build powder down oh you got it yeah yeah I found it it was on for five it was where the curvy knife was you just went the wrong way okay very cool yeah are the curry knife or whatever that might be good I don't know Kirby Kurt I don't know I love the way the g3 sounds what you got it you gotta get this link CQ 300 slaps it's a wall gun what's going in gotta invest gotta invest in the stocks the stocks the stock market I wonder if it's because it's a different restaurant is it re one or two hit on this round I genuinely don't know I don't know okay yeah we're doing it we're doing it on the rewards [Applause] nothing yeah good oh no that's bad for the thing I think nice yep we're good yeah let's go back to the dead boy oh it's a war to see does he give you the reward yeah yeah if you press if you press F on it it like gives it bro I'm just trying to find where the power switch is now it was it was in the drop-down remember that oh oh yeah okay turn on power I'm gonna turn on we have you'll see this zombie says a captain alone is not a captain oh there's the leg whoa whoa what is this Queen yo-ho exactly what I was thinking - what did not say I have no idea we come back eugene or something okay a bunch of areas are like Lex Oh bro okay let's do that that actually looks so clean what yeah I don't know I picked up that coin - oh look at that our menu we have 12 skulls one coin uh no your team Oh unmarked Man O'War Walker token cost ten oh so we need ten tokens I see that's pretty cool are they bugs I found like bugs I haven't seen I'll check I have all of them right I just get shot by I just got shot through the wall Wow now we're gonna have to remember where all the perks are okay that was the first step fill flip for red trap levers for this step you need to learn what order to flip the red lever sentence the changes every game the way to test them is flipping a red level once try to flip it again if it doesn't move it's correct go find the next one if you have to do this with each lever if the lever can be flipped twice you must start over in the first one lever location near the helicopter pad in the middle of the staircase next to a per top floor between two cabinets the fifth floor and between the office and the middle staircase next to a perk right next to electric cherry okay it looks like the trap box like that you would oh yeah okay I have one over here then - just so try to join kit and if you if you want you can you like it twice like it keeps me going every time that that's not the correct yeah that's not number one okay it's near DoubleTap just tell me when to yo Inc are you going you only can now we need to find out which ones first okay wait I'm a double top wait where are you yeah it just keeps resetting at what I you I okay so that that one's not first widows wine well I think I found one yeah that was the one I was doing looks okay so which means that it's not on the helicopter you stay there yeah over here look for another one middle of the staircase next to a perk there's another one Chuck can you interact with this this blue stuff right here I can upside the mop I'm right next to it its bribable what is th Owen Bibles lit yeah yeah Chuck can you interact with that right there that blue the blue right here uh no I got a reward from him oh but yeah he gave me a gun but now he's just kind of shy I assume he like has done he has passed away now yeah my man be dead and he's ascended into the next realm Oh what is this okay that's just a crane right now what is this activate the crane lift hello bro don't see this big oh it's gonna lift that box that box that's blocking us hold on I'm gonna do that right now if you're near a double top I'm gonna do it yeah it's lifting right now oh there's crawlers now oh good that's yeah what the heck oh they have the Alpha Omega crawlers - yeah I just take it over how good electric chair it looks yeah if that does the perc I come look just as good what is happening at work I don't know dude I activated the crane rear oh did it drop it somewhere I don't know okay there's lots of these coins spawning oh dude you did you the helipad thing opened up oh nice what is here oh my god what is is that was that what y'all were talking about ah don't for real is something is there top part here something there's a gobble gum machine in there oh yeah it is how do we open up man it's not a troll boys I'm gonna use the good old classic grenade maneuvers her latest red heaven did not work yeah okay yeah the golf gun machine for sure doesn't look like it works yeah that's the troll that ones trouble cowboy huh floor near the helicopter pad so is that is this this is the helipad so I'm looking for one of those bog oh I see it was this the Box Dale were you linking right here yeah oh I've had another Jonker on the staircase flight deck okay yeah pull it pull it no no no stay there all it's not you inking it's not you know it wait didn't it of reflux resetting it's resetting okay so what it was the one we haven't found is the last one what what is the last one let's try to save a zombie right here okay I'm gonna go near spawn I feel like it's got to be there point we have four coins okay the last one is top floor between the two on the top floor between the two cabinets this whoa yeah I think it's that one top top floor between the two cabinets do the coins unlock the weapon walkers around the map so they're also players specific so I only have two oh okay I have four how do you know where they are they just spawned on zombies the weapon walkers themselves there's just their own way whoa dude part of the mop is about to be flooded what the heck I'm on the bottom floor and like it's flooding up scuse me yeah there's like water and you come to floor for you'll see what I mean m21 I need a body bag oh I do not want to die here dude yeah this floors I've been I'm long gone this the water is rising water hello the water is rising on floor for maybe like a time limit oh good lord dude yeah like if you come down to where the spawn room is you'll see it like it's like at knee level what and it hurts you I know it doesn't hurt but like it's it's just rising oh now it's do this rising skill what the heck oh I'm dead broke way my way I'm trying to come get you God I don't know my we're on the ship yeah I don't know how to get to you yeah I'm pretty sure dad I'm pretty sure dead but what the Hat bro this map is hard what dude I didn't know there was a time limit that's what it seems like to me shoot moon four per coholic really that's that seems like cap yeah I don't know about that why is that blinking while we're water for 250 oh so that was it that was oh I didn't have to keep the water at bay thank you rolling literally it was yeah it was rising up okay where is jug I'm stamina but actually I'm gonna buy stamina I know it is I know it is jug is near jug is near yeah it's on the near the spot to say yeah if you go to the very bottom save one save one I think jug and or double tap would be meteorite now that's dead end I think it's go to the right when I meant to lower that's does it'll have to bind you yeah yeah yeah no no no you were going there anyway go back go back back okay we also need to find this runs to one yeah yeah and then go down do a submerge in the ocean no what are definitely lower but okay so this part was flooding right here yeah like all that there's your Butte and where we don't double taps like on the top floor right yeah yeah I can show you exactly where it is if we get up there it's like it's pretty close to the helicopter bed oh here's the here's the box that moved wait maybe maybe maybe buddy's gonna die group I've been happy to see the mission story I respond yep I got split up as a recent the chaos yesterday 10 the fire doors hang time started Johnson times need to cap directly I said the little earth can't take the risk all the geyser is oh my gosh they just left them to die oh this is a picture of a mouse wait I need more it's a dark man let's go get them did I'm on this slow it's y'all oh my god I just went I just went into the wrong area oh my god yeah they're so yeah this is so many oh you got monkeys let's go fire-sale coming out now okay hi can I get some protection I am basically nothing where's that box it's like in the back room over here then it's in here Lex I got ya dude I have literally nothing so Harbor all got a zombie blood Roscoe there's some good oh sorry I'm carving this I'm grabbing this whatever it is okay I got a man aboard okay good stabilize do we have an exercise okay take the limit in that matter or in that mid room in a 16 crib no I don't think I will let's get that up yeah let's get set up points okay what do we need to do next to be serviced or doing lovers yeah we got to do the levers which one's the last one we didn't find whoa what is happening is that that oh that might be the water that might be the wall to help us out the water holy F this map is difficult [Music] should we do the eliminate 16 crew should we just get to a safe spot and go the next round I'm good if you guys want to unless you wanna do the lovers the points and Dance Center where did you uh where did you activate that challenge we need to at reactivate that again whenever we uh well why don't we cap there it's at widows wine that's that's on floor six I think oh crap we got about ground oh it's a bugger oh yeah I mean we're gonna fail it alright oh you paused it it paused it wow this is coated so well oh this doesn't count it your crew it also pause the timer though so we're four five okay that's that big I'm gonna use this opportunity to uh oh well we can kind of use this opportunity to try to find the last leg yeah oh I do I had one of these when I was a kid I loved those things there's a little song I wrote you might want to sing it note for note to don't worry okay where's DoubleTap of here where's DoubleTap I'll show you it's like yeah we go up on like the rafters and it's so I'll shake it you go on the platform I lick where the stairs are oh yeah no it's up here it's right here yeah okay lever locations near the helicopter pad in the middle staircase next to a perk on the top floor in between the two cabinets and on the fifth floor in between the office and middle staircase so it's the top floor in between two cabinets that's what we're looking for there's a cabinet here I don't know where the other cabin is I don't know what's considered the top floor it wouldn't be on the top floor right now floor [ __ ] I'll check I'll check in this building do you guys keep looking up there if you can see sky I'm pretty sure you're on the top floor my god like it's just me though just remember I'm taking a screenshot of this I no I don't know if we're gonna need it or not but I'm taking a screenshot of that those cabinets a war epic timbrel that's the last one we need and then we're all good but not this this one has a letter but it doesn't look nice yeah no where are the two that y'all found I'll buy the helicopter pad I know where one of them is where's the other one I only know of one there yeah I only know of one as well but somebody found one before though right so here's what here's one of them yeah that's the one that I found fresh okay so yeah it's just the top floor one then well this map layout changes so much after the powers on yeah Oh confused whole new mob okay pull it pull it does it stay in place nope wait what yeah comes back it comes back on is that the one right next to the office with the with the electric chair two cabinets no no no no this is not electric cherry doesn't hold anyone okay you see where I am up here I'm like new I am yeah this is like floor 7 okay I'm gonna go check the dead shot one then the dead shot one is not first arty pulled out one okay what the heck then it's supposed to like st. the the bottoms footage again okay it's that there's a top floor just gonna open this oh I didn't realize that was gonna take my gun okay all these guns are shut but just so you guys know whenever you open the cabinet with the coins it gives you the gun oh cool oh I found a new debris that we haven't opened up if y'all can get to me y'all should come to the top floor oh here we go lowering the water okay the water is right as I'm floor or five Wow dude that's terrifying it comes up like that who's on floor six up here as VD Black's hardly room where's the one cup hold come up to the very top I'll show you [Music] yeah come up to come up two floors sick there's that one there's that one oh here someone's really closely no no no yeah come around this dude there's so many like little nooks and crannies I did this brings you the whole other part food I've even checked what's down here wait Lutz can you get photo the other break from spawn what's that can you get to the roof like from spawn like the bait the staircase takes you up oh okay oh I'm so confused wait hold on looking all right here it's right here not right here yeah but that far you guys so here here's the other switch right here and then here's the door okay wait how the hell did you guys get up there dude how is their entire this Oh Spiegel is here but lower water another one how did y'all get up there I did a good question okay come over here can someone check the can someone check the one that is the dead shot one again because one of these has to stay in place like that's yeah I'll check that other than that I I pulled it a second ago but didn't do anything wait hold on okay oh no I know I know where we're going I know where we're going over here yeah it's wet noise right here this doorway oh he knows that door yeah this opened up and then right here I just went away oh yeah we completed it we complete it what's what's y'all's tokens count we could open I'm and it's it's personal it's it each individual yeah I know I know masking bike is if you want if you all the time we can open without I opened up the man or one okay okay chop hi I'm at the top floor ready I'm gonna order water yeah any time you have an option to lower the water just do it yeah that's because in here top keep running through here why are there so many crawlers okay I'm using this thing I've ever heard yeah it's like a can wait oh my gosh the tightest this is the explosive gun oh I got the LSAT that's huge hey my this again outside and a half oh my you got the LM geez bull and this hammer is a good hammer it's not the inaccurate one from Bill Young it's appropriate okay I'm gonna wear this podcasters [Laughter] say I'm saving zombie here all right yeah I got a couple year if you need okay we really need to hit the dead shot one okay here's that shot where is it compared to dead shot oh right here it's just to the right oh okay okay it's dead shot first okay someone hit another level lot lever okay I'm gonna do the one by the yeah what like see stay here Lex you stay here okay I'm gonna get Juggernog okay relax everybody calls yeah no I'm gonna do the one by am helicopter yeah go four six eight down so yeah yeah but keep just spam my phone it doesn't keep moving or now uh hold on almost there how many times so I got a pole just keep pulling it it should only pull once and then stop yeah it's not working but no okay you can keep okay okay then don't don't press it anymore okay okay go go find another one okay there's one right next to Deadshot as well I thought that song was first sorry not Deadshot I'll lecture Terry oh wait I don't know where Jerry is Lex can you can you hit that lever you say here do that one do you want me hit right now it's already hit so we just need you to hit yeah yeah I'll stay down here I'll stay down here so you hit the helicopter pedalin chomp yeah I didn't do anything okay okay so should I hit it you can't hit it right now it's like stuck down top if you go down down one floor that's where it is okay down one for from here yeah did you all try the the one at the very top yeah I'm going up there right now okay it's like an actual journey from this one out okay okay this one's second okay chop hit the helicopter one okay I'm coming I got a ride back upstairs oh yeah no you stay there I guess this one's too so we're about to figure out the order right here right now right here right here right now okay I'm getting ready to hit number three let's see how it goes brother oh oh okay it's stuck no okay the last one is the desert okay we can all oh my god I'm just fell all the way down need the dead what was the last one that we need not that shocked you think that shot electric cherry 100k I know who out I get there you're on your own I have no idea okay that's all for okay okay very cool okay bro I actually jumped yeah you hold this on me real quick so I can read you hold this up what the hell's going on November and his half-10 Co Papa November what the heck is going on I think that's it okay what was that I don't know after step two is done correctly the computer and the power room will become interactable for now you'll have to guess the symbols until you get them correct we have a hunch that there are a few possible combinations that change the game otherwise we don't know how to calm before sure one of them is square is the triangle the other one's another blank lines blank of these commas don't work you have to guess until you get a green border on the symbols join you yeah okay we're all in power Oh is it this I just interacted with it oh I see okay guys yeah hold hold Azam Marina so did he give it was the announcer the code yeah well holes I mean let me look at the screen shot I took oh oh oh I got it I got I got it here here let me put it in I died screen shot at this earlier where see move over top Wow yeah square Z oh nothing it should mean a little bit let me try the other thing I think it was the flood coming back I do triangle square Z triangle square Z Oh question okay I just did a lower water triangle square Z so okay no I'm gonna cycle this one we got another combo those are the only two that showed up square Z triangle try that one okay let me let me go back to triangle square Z triangle I thought we tried that one first maybe not good me I don't know okay okay hold on so if the if the announcer was the hint and then maybe yeah what was the announcer thing November thing that man has said so you can keep my giggles oh well yo-yo hey top nice huge brain good huge brain shop there we go nice did you get it yeah I mean the Harvard dog waits on mo okay once you do this there will be three once you do that there will be three computer locations around the map that you have to play Simon Says that one is that the crane on the sixth floor one is near the large large hole in the for the seventh I know how to get there I was on the fifth floor on the right side of the room with all the pipes you should listen for a beep watch a colored light this indicate at which came of a press note the panels are on opposite sides too sometimes you have to rely on sound alone oh wait what's that why did you do that okay I've to rely on sound for the Simon Says I think so Jesus Christ okay well someone better have their Astro gaming headset up for this one be aware also the death machines take a second to come out there not be afford death machines okay no or be a three death machines that's it okay I just took the flood down again maybe no Maya this isn't it is it III I don't know this recovery breaker activated system cool down and that goodbye that's the that's the flood thing oh that's the one okay careful the zombies are about to be unfrozen holy sprit dude I'm gonna hit up a weapon Walker I would also heavily recommend widows wine okay perks do where are you next job oh my god oh my god these effin little dudes don't die yeah I know they're actually they're actually super tough in here did you guys did when you guys get a locker weapon I I got the man or are they thought the locker are they good not anymore don't have double tap we're weird how what is pack-a-punch can we figure that out I don't know Liv first okay I'm at the crane I'm gonna look for this this pop thing Oh God okay oh my goodness ah this is wild a shield would be sick too huh yeah I know god bless all right we need to save a zombie a girl bed yeah okay make sure we do that who has one right now bro I do not remember how to get up star oh it's out here top I lowered water yet some of those perks he hold uh sobbing yeah I I don't have oh I have a couple of crawlers but I'm gonna kill them oh hang on to one so who's holding on the one need someone to do it I've got you I've got to yeah I've got two about to okay I'm nervous so cuz I have to jump off this crane okay hey twice how'd you get up there okay I'm killing all mine I have to come down there's no other way we have we have three on your something's going to die yeah there's a it's the way through PhD the way you can that's the way you come here can you go you just yeah yeah you go around here oh my gosh Snap is stressful we'll save a zombie and then we can do the Simon Says I don't know what what this Simon Says is where you speak of but uh yeah we're trying to find that probably up shop just keep going up there whatever bit up your large hole on the floor across from the seventh floor I don't know what I don't know what it looks like right now either we need to like to find one yeah check your buds of their shop I checked but I don't you know it's it's not what going on up here honestly because that that was where I activated the box to be lifted yeah I know I don't sit wait eliminate 32 crew I shoot wait I'm killing my I'm killing Lanza me I think the I think that this is for the packed bunch maybe completing all the challenges Fox just something here Lex yep there's a blue crate at the crane that you next should have that that's next step ok open for blue screens go and kill your zombie we need to go next round I think I think maybe doing all the challenges is how you do a pack punch okay yeah he's right here kill him oh cool month Express dude this game go crazy rollin one he's away to the crane at the 6th floor one is near large hole on the floor on the seventh floor just across from the first mention well how do you open up pop finalists on the fifth floor on the right side of the room with all the pipes did it pop punch is just not available I don't have to tell y'all it's not a [ __ ] is just not real doctor bunny try again next time dude yeah lol good idiot [Applause] all right there we go crew elimination completed good job boys yeah can we use some pack in my life [Applause] main problem is the Crawley boys yeah I hate them I'm getting coins up though out the wazoo here yeah well what floor is I don't even know what floor I'm on I don't know what year it is dude who are you sixth floor six okay I'm also out of ammo which is very nice not dope no it's so funny there's a sign literally right outside where you are right now that's us for six wait what's this X on the ground I don't know I saw that earlier look sauce just one in here to need a real system I think it's pretty cool yeah so wait what are we doing right now we're getting down to last ami and then we're gonna do that it must be the consoles like it must be the same assignment says that you guys did it like it won't look like that but it says you have to like this time rely on sound the wall in the world I think I think there it works normally as well but sound is a part of it okay okay so now I'm on floor 5 and I think oh we got a bug around we should use this round - uh yeah yeah let's leave a bug we definitely do that ok I'm gonna keep this guy here I'm gonna call them yellow fill yellow no I meant yellow I like yelling did call me on this floor to the right side of the room with all the Pam okay I'm looking for that we love yellow right now be okay wait wait where's your room with all the pipes oh okay here's a room with pipes looking for a computer looking for the puter heed no I didn't even know only the dual kick was in here let's map this map scary do we both will drain the water at the same time oh I found one of them it was just it was just a random computer yellow red guys I have all Tom's cops cops cops [Music] yellow red blue red shunts blue over here red blue green or did this side [Music] no okay oh wait what what oh wait what I think that means it was done I hope okay yeah I can't interact with any of this okay so that's the fifth floor one that's the fifth floor one now there's one on the sixth floor and then whyatt oh and one on the seventh floor yeah I did not want to play anymore that's fine okay just ease bond no I'm pretty sure he died yeah round change so yeah it's all good it's all good did we get ammo I need ammo yeah no way to get Nano cool dude wonderful how do I get that I only have an explosive gun shop oh you're welcome thank you there we go did an adult dude give me out of here okay can somebody try to go to the top you have actual guns can you try to go to the bottom floor and activate we need to try to activate the skeleton again back to make the oh like the guy for challenges oh I found one in here wait were you oh yeah blocks Quijote zombie the Tron dog uh yeah I got one oh wait no he just died to my little boy I gotta crawl I just still be getting around we still got a while need two more coins can you donate coins on here Thanks I heard the noise yeah I'm hearing the noise Oh shoo brother yeah which one is maybe is it above us there's something going above me I am literally like guys I would tell you why but I genuinely don't know I'm gonna follow the trail of 8 million zombies Lex and I'm gonna take a wild guess it's where you might be like it's a good thought I know who I am no you're good you're good you're got you okay we're good I'm killing all the zombies I'm saving one okay okay I'm going back down moving shoe yeah we you know I look for the computers in this room yeah seventh floor seventh floor okay oh what's out of my life we just need to save a boy no I think more computers over here I think and I gotta make that noise Oh oh yeah yeah they're here yeah one yeah you do it you do it whoa I gotta kill my zombies that's fine I got one I go in green green I'm coming up to the sixth floor we're looking for is it hold on just just wait a second troll chop does that I think I think we know where it is green red green blue green red green blue green red green blue green red zombies loose right now but learning blue yellow oh crap I got it I got a who yellow red wait Oh Jill wait it's popping off is that means done I think yeah that that's if it's pops off it's done okay okay all right through your widow's lines away throw your wood is once away yeah where is it where's electric chair again is that on the floor I think I get weird you say boss up next one is this water needs to stop that was good okay Lord this for the rites room you should listen for me watched with a couple of this thing in the crane on the way to the sea on the way to the crane of the sixth floor is near large hole in the floor on the seventh floor okay so we need the crane one on the way to the Lexx where was the crane at the very top of the map I'll show you yeah yeah I say this is it you have to get around it through where pH D is ocean equals death we find one more skull we get another perk slot by the way we should work on that I found a second blue crate bTW nice for those are we definitely need them oh this is gonna be the computer room in here 100% oh I found the last skull there you guys know he's doing okay hold on comms Lu oh shoot what was that I guess it was this one okay I'm gonna need someone's help with this one yeah Lex can you can you help okay so [Music] what do you think blue great go on the other side okay okay you hit that one the third here we go okay hit that one wait what it's on all four corners it's on all four corners okay okay here we go your turn I hate yellow red all right one two three four four okay that's all it was cool okay we're done with Simon Says thank goodness open and collect four blue crates to collect damage this is the most complicated step F um after after playing Simon Says there will be computer screens lit up nearby with a grid pattern the water lower theirs with a grid pattern and a square on this will be all three Simon Says locations the square on the grid indicates the number that has me and put it in the blue crates in the order to get them Oh F me all right by the way I was also told that pack punch is all the dead-body challenges being completed so there's more than one there's one at the bottom floor I think that we have to do one more of like the very bottom floor okay loot crate oh wait we need to look when you look at the computer screens around here and see oh okay so here's the first home let me just take a screenshot of everything I don't really understand how this works just yet this is literally like an Easter egg hunt with all the steps laid out for us but still we're trying to finish it in the year 2020 okay there we go I got the first one okay so let me read this again there the square on the grid indicates a number that has to be inputted into the blue crates in order to get them to open three dots on the Left equals four three dots in the middle equals two three dots on the right equals one so it's like the numbers and I can take them in once you have all three numbers from the grids and put them into the blue crates I usually use and then pausing after completing one number input example Foreman to beep-beep okay so what we have to get the code and then yeah I guess I don't know Oh weird where was the first one we did shop Simon Says blue Krait first Simon Says was on four or five oh yeah yeah that's fine we need this so let's go ahead and round okay I'm gonna stick with one of y'all because I only up jug I uh DEP not ready yeah you're good my G all right I think the numbers are five and two so far got a screenshot of that where was the first one shopping him for five it's like I can show you it I was seven oh yeah I was the Piper room right yeah he is Earth [Applause] I am lost supple our way to weena dis me round is narrow hopefully this is pack-a-punch how many how many the the person the people who told you that did they say how many uh my gosh how many but how many challenge set sir no they didn't there's probably like one per floor or something for we're only halfway through the second these crawlers suck I hate them so much and they tie more like can you go back and check to see if that's what oh sorry yeah hold on I don't know I gotta be honest I don't even know where it is like which one it was quickly story of my life in this map I think it's like near the spawn or something hold on I'll go check I have I have the three numbers or I have the three screenshots three dots on the left yes so um can you or can you explain again what's the method for entry we're on the grid it's a number that has to be inputted in the blue crates in the in order to get them to okay three dots on the Left equals four three dots in the middle is it like a number dial like like you're dialing a number on a cell phone five two and nine five two and nine are the numbers yeah it's not giving me another challenge so it's done if it's glowing blue I think it's done yeah yeah yeah so we need to find another body to give us the captain one what about that captain one that's probably one of them yeah yeah I'll check the captain again yeah I'm ready here I'm happy that's the last one this is yeah no no captain's on it yet it just still says the message that's probably the last one we have to go to hear something probably treaty kids the lot the the body bag down there was literally just like there wasn't even a dead body like it was just a body bag oh yeah where the blue crates shop here I can show you uh there's two Dino right now okay follow me he was invisible oh my gosh watch out for invisible crawlers oh so wait what was though I already up double top what was the one haven't even been up here dude yes oh there's one right on the southern side right here okay there's body near the container to it okay I'll go Chuck can't you tell monkey or help protect me yep I'm gonna vulture it again the will of all trades he'll keno little zombie let's as well uh yeah I gotta call it Irie supposed is it that precise I don't know like nothing comes up on the screen so I think it's like number those it's like number of clicks is what likes indicates a certain number I think I'm on the side of an old by the way all you know no mo oh oh I see okay I see area okay I have a crawler sill yeah hold up five to nine didn't work I meter there's another crate you can try that code if you need that I know up okay nine one or two I don't even know if this is the right code dude after playing Simon Says there will be computer screen lit up and a grid pattern at the square out there it'll be the square on the grid indicates the number that has to be inputted in the blue crater three dots on the Left equals four I this is what I'm not understanding three dots in the middle equals two I don't get it - yeah bro this is like this is this is too complex for a custom happen yeah this is crazy it's as Holmes a lot a bit do you want to try the different crate or do you want to recheck the code well I I know what the like I just don't know how to translate the code mm-hmm hey I'm trying I'm trying all the different combinations and - I got a call here I mean what 9 - dog I I think like okay it literally it looks like a number doll right there's like there's like nine dots one of them is a big green square on that dot what design of screenshots yeah okay see them like literally they look like this okay it look like that I just put them into the chat oh I just I just found another terminal with the 30 dog yeah you have the nine one right no I have the bottom right yeah I mean we're so what is that number equal chat that's that's what I'm confused about oh yeah I got no clue how do you enter it on this pad anyway yeah yeah you you type it in like for if you were typing in like 1 2 3 you go beep beep beep beep beep beep that's that's not you do but I I don't know what the numbers are I know how to input it but I don't know what the numbers are oh my okay well that's oh I just the water 9 - oh my gosh this this is crazy hard dude well I don't know I think I just activated another one crew from afar okay okay let's go let's go next round let's go next round yep perfect this is good we need these I did I need a my oh my god I can't understand okay so this one is on the fifth floor near where the power switch part is oh my gosh I don't get it dude sometimes custom zombies makes you feel like a big dumb my gosh thick accent lux are you ready to activate that one again yeah yeah I got I got I got [Music] there we go nice okay I'm ruining one brother oh I need that fire sales to where's I I was about to tell y'all when you have fault rate on this map it looks like you're looking at the starry sky dude I have it it's a path there's so many little things is how am I constantly out of ammo on this map I never have this problem there guys same time from afar another invisible crawler good stuff Oh a game lag yeah i won't i won't why i don't understand the stuff at all bro i I just I don't get how we're supposed to get the numbers like that what I think is the way to do it is now working so it has me all confused professional zombie players by the way by the way yeah I I just don't know the numbers that like we're trying to yeah so I'm trying to figure out much I don't know how far this actually has to be away yeah it doesn't say I'm just kind of I'm getting to one corner in his gun break ice come on give me the dice give me the good sister nice small girl there we go all right one more of those and we'll be good okay dude it's like I'm trying to look in the comments every time you guys finish it I literally forget where it is this is gonna be the most confusing zombies map yeah baby tween the easter egg and this lake oh yeah dude I get it this is a whole this is a whole map for at least I do have the number don't know what the number actually and my gosh okay I think I got it what is the reward for this one does that mean already you would do the same you're into the same code on all of the crates so is that a - I just oh my gosh yeah you I would get a wall back well boy again there's a really good there's a dingo wall bye when you buy ammo on those Walker the other 5k it's so expensive we don't know I oh that must be nice actually I have so many zombies off yeah this one there's my play through the comments to see someone doing this map and so what if she's just shirtless we need to see that's how sweaty this map gets us dude you have did you get all better get shirtless here in a minute yeah it's coming off right now just the shirtless custom op I ended it round by the way I don't know if that was good or bad oh my gosh yeah I don't understand what this numbers trying to convey my we're about to write at a time need to and around yeah we got chillin the round has ended they're just falling Oh get the kills from afar from my father I don't think these crawlers count do they what is from afar like can comply just talk about that for a sec do you know what does it mean to you what did it from how far exactly no I got a sniper scope these boys are something away what is going on seems like flight from Narnia dude 30 yards out is good oh yeah hey guys don't worry dwelled Rangers Here I am those go hella yards Lex hook that's a lot of yards right do we together or do we fit we're we're done we're done we're done so we need to find one more of those likes did you wanna try to find that we get we finally get back punch on round 22 you know you're asked me to find a penny in the United States if anyone can do it I know who it is I know who can do it alright let's get down to one zom zom marina is that gun super loud for you guys - no no no okay this cut is unbelievably Wow actually I'm gonna activate the reward for this guy can someone go back to the camp the captain got and we're at the captain we can check hurry now okay hold on hold on let me just go through a warning it's the last one and then we did three of them no captain oh I just got a space as a reward holds it go okay this one's done try it again okay captain my captain captain goes north in you yeah we have to find one more and then I guess the captain will probably open up pack a punch we're near Deadshot like on that staircase like we're the ladders I'm right next to a ladder I come dude this map you got set up and then it just takes away it all for me it says hey remember when you were set up chop that's gonna have to be you I'm I'm stuck on the outside here I think oh no right I'm right here that's a monk I don't have one what I thought chop was reviving me for a second I was so confused I survive I've even telepathically what those happens to become a prestige master this this has got to be the most confusing and hard custom app I've ever played he milks like stretched on that wave ever play especially since we didn't know we were doing off the start yes the spreadsheet didn't have it Lex is it on the very bottom floor what do you mean the the thing that you have to activate for the for the challenge he was on the fifth floor he was on the fifth floor okay so there's multiple per floor I think this one's done this one we did earlier check the seventh boy bro there's no seventh floor yeah they're together it's that it's the rumored where Spiegel is there's a third floor as well it could be here I don't know like the water is still there though so I don't know how to like not make that happen I'm out of ammo completely you know what's up bro yeah come down here I have a whole row effing this map holy crap this map I'm coming brother before you want right next to jug still that's the only one that's the only one okay he's good or I'm gonna write my god great res dude great res do some crazy stuff there dude oh my god I just wrapped myself and I'm gonna die again dude this map is so I have shoes on here if y'all can if y'all can kill all your zombies okay we live holy F so stressful yeah this map this map just always a hundred II found 20 to 1 per cave mouth I'm pretty happy about my setup not gonna lie alright how can someone in the chat tell us how to do this cuz I am I've lost it is there only one monitor Noah that has the number there's three of them he's one of them have like has like a certain one when you drain the water you can go on the third floor okay I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do that and the rounds over okay I'm draining the water I'm draining a lot of right now Lex yeah strength yeah I'm on the third floor I'm on the third floor there's no key for translation for these No oh there's a shield wall why does this show 5,000 come to the come to the spawner it's live game yeah save bug boy on this round we gotta sell this wait which complex i Yeller yeah save yellen's life yeah um play yelling in the chat Lex was the wall boy okay so come to this is still fourth floor it's down all this is not it it's it's down the year it's all the way on here oh I get down I'm looking for a dead body if there's one on the third floor it doesn't look like it though oh where are you Rory oh come this one yep oh my got a shield wall by would be so big this up is insane like it is just continuing this month Oh chop where is it okay I'm come outside farewell this stairwell yeah yeah chop vegan Bram I look yep I'm so looking for these dead bodies Wow Wow right there okay wonderful my life has improved tenfold do okay do you keep your pork slot even if you go down yeah keep the first less which is what I really like that I wish more like official Maps to do something like that I don't Wheatley Sonia you know the problem is we cyan't found the other crates either I only know her to our well once they figure out of open them to finding them it's not the not a big deal okay yeah I'll look for more so chat so chat that's a three number combination and the the setup that we have is if you like look at a phone dial it's a 5-2 and a nine like the green dot is does that mean our number is five to nine or what what is our number the all-knowing chat please help us I'm going and saying I'm gonna lose it all doing chat wait this on the wall says do not erase the something asked asset sequence is something blank six five yeah I think I think that's I think that's not relevant because the other one is because another thing was written on the wall somebody people are telling me it's nine to five that's what it's to nine five nine to five I don't know try that I'll try all the combinations on this one the combo three dots on the three dots on right equal the square and the grid indicates the number that has to be inputted in the blue crispy or in order to get them to open three dots on left equals four three dots in middle equals two three dots on right equals one I found it I found the line eyes okay let's go extra chop it's literally right here oh wait wait we don't have to we don't wait we can say if we can save it pauses it I forgot yeah okay hold on no I I think I understand it can you can you save what you just said again so this is literally what it says three dots on left equals four three dots in middle equals two three dots on right equals one that's that's literally the guy that says okay three dots on left okay oh hold on hold on I have there's an Easter Egg guide oh my god there's the guide video okay just kills oh wait yeah dude wait boys wait - jump destroyed instantly you have me - Lex can you hit the thing yep and so I'm gonna sit right next to it I'm not leavin oh good day this death machine is sick it's the classic like I'm gonna be - apparently there are five of these bodies by the way oh okay there we go alumni 30 crew this is our fort I did it is two to one it's two to one it's two to one for all of them okay this actually might be the last body we need to do this grab the stuff inside yep the number of crawlers in this map is just far too many actually way more than there should be okay thanks for thinking teleport blow up blind you in her there's still one more body we have to do yep okay we need to do all four of these dude that's the dumbest thing ever you want to know what it was what if there's a green dot in the first column it's a four if there's a green dot in the second column it's a two and if there's a green dot in the last column it's a 1 it has nothing well that was weird this may be notes like this won't like the colors would shift depending on how you look at it - like I don't know oh my gosh all right well yeah let's get down to one zombie and then we can do do the do the rest of this oh come on you'll lower the water I think I think the shield is important I think the shield instantly blows up when you get hit by a crawler by the way really I think that's what it is that's how my model there's no point to it that it's so expensive yeah I am NOT looking for this last dead button right well look for a crate that's what Samba see strings are now look for a thing oh yeah I got the I got the water yeah okay good job okay all right here we go next step next step or we have to get all the manages flex flex you know what a zombie uh one of them's your the spun Oh try the captain actually I try the captain I'm gonna go chime I'm just gone right now see if captain okay that's Yvonne the great a spawn don't do nothing it don't do nothing all right so we have all we have that one fourth floor into your spawn fifth floor just outside the office on a crane and then near the helicopter pad which one did you get chopped I got the one near the helicopter pad okay so fourth floor in the fourth floor near spawn and then the floor near the office I'm near spawn right now but III don't see this I need two more of those little blue crates I'm gonna set it and my brother I'm like in a constant state of needing ammo where does that for me I hate this floor so much all right I think we're on last ami thank God I got yeah yeah hold on I'm just gonna get out of here hold on Oh looking for these crates oh my goodness oh not quite unless AMI yeah okay just watch out watch your widows on insta yeah hmm oh my dear oh I found one one else ponder which one I don't have a zombie I don't have a zombie there's still about you still a bunch okay there we go got this one so now I just need to get to the office oh my widows is just non-existent I haven't had it like once there's another one on here I'm gonna buy the curry knife - I did well the curry neck is a one hit on this round yeah are you crazy are you for real are you crazy how do we get out of here don't know girl Oh problem just keep one of those keep that one yep all right office office office office there's like a million offices on this map it's the one with a electric area next to it right now I'm not ready if you see a blue box if I see a box I don't see a blue box so it's like a electronic closely looking box it's still left to left chop - laughs yep okay we need to find the X's on the floor next okay I heard that for pocket punch all of us need to be near the captain's weird box I don't know dude I just brought in your wife your cherry okay I made a perfect circle okay we need to find the the four exes I just found one what is in the captains office in the captains office Oh hold on hold on let's all go to the captain and hold that apparently that's the last step I think y'all did you get the last one there top it's white let your cherry I don't see it I want sign unless I'm just utterly blind I don't know where it is always it's not the office I thought this was the office we have to we have to bandages right now all right we have three we need one more it says on my screen it says - yeah I guess cuz I placed one down that's cuz I placed okay this floor are we in the fifth floor right now yeah y'all are so poor okay look look for one of these crates okay I'm near the captains to whenever y'all are here just let me know it's violet your cherry no one I put it sort of says all right now it just said the office of which which I was referring to as the electric tree I'll check I'll check for seven then because there's like an office up there no it's a SS fist floor oh this floor just outside of the office the office just outside of it oh it's messy burning my brain oh it's saying this entire area is the office okay not like the head office or whatever oh right okay so it can be it just look anywhere around on the fifth floor sick let me head back where is that I think we're doing a soul box here soon so that'll be exciting yay shadow boxes wait oh it's on it might if I passed it up I'm gonna be so pissed where is this thing I swear I saw this earlier too okay I'm mad I figured out how to do pack a bunch and one of the spots is just you will never find it it is just like it's in a window barrier oh my gosh you found it though I found it yeah I'm gonna go already go back to it looks nice okay grab that the dead man's Charles there's five of them and it's the next step what are y'all it's close to it hold on I got the bandies on the main these all right we have to be nice oh we need to place all two down wait what did I go to the wrong spot and then we need to press fourth floor in front of a pert fifth floor in the office got that one sixth floor inside the building that leads to the seventh floor got that one sixth floor inside of a computer room near the wait wait who's here with me somebody's really close to me needed I just want you all to see how bad this is there don't let me see mozzie it's good nades oh yeah this is the point this is the last one though are you sure yeah I'm 100% sure I this says there's five have we done five yeah I think this would be number five here did this spot for the body is so sad Oh somebody's right next to me dude we have to get grenade kills we might end up having to wait for the kill I can't try monkey see if they work oh yeah try that actually do that right now do that right now I'm gonna try widows I'm gonna try widows [Applause] daddy'd like with it oh we're going monkeys work I hit it again okay okay hold on hold on I need a max ammo yeah [Applause] I'm no grenades lawyer I know there's a grenade wall by in the spot this spawns yeah okay also we can give me C an X on the floor hold F on it okay oh we're really close to this one favorite dates [Applause] also this whole boxes are activated so if you see a soul box on the floor nice okay okay one more yep I'll activate hold on hold on well I was gonna say don't activate it yet if we don't think we're gonna get excited in AIDS oh I got it what is this I got a sniper for one of the challenges are you kidding me hold on oh oh it worried doesn't work let's go oh okay look the reward and then there's one more body oh my god this is the last one also these whole boxes are activated so if you want to do those bro it is round 25 I know dude it I have literally no idea where this body is like I've hit it twice and I still have absolutely no clue it is supposed to do [Applause] heystop he's gonna give me a heart attack bro at least we got a double point Oh Mike okay so that one's done Wow boy hold on I don't even know where I'm gonna die please don't please don't I'm innocent okay look for the exes oh here this rocket outs just happened I'm not gonna get it I'm gonna Beall for you no one no one so you got this one life's hanging in a window on the fifth floor in a room with the bikes not that was the one that I use we couldn't find I'm gonna check if it's open we have another body infinite Anna oh it's still not open how is it still on but there's one more there's one more I can read it in a second I got it try this hole survive first oh [ __ ] like I do not get the logic behind this I'm literally jug I'm jug I finished the sole box at least oh my gosh we don't pack a punch so bad I'm going aren't going but like MSR oh my gosh um no up that top the slip chop just live gosh chop just loo like get to get to the roof and be safe all right we have we have points to get back in it don't unless it's absolutely safe down I'm a sixth floor helicopter package in the middle building next to the white board perk fourth floor near flare we did the fourth floor one so I think I think the other one the sixth floor yes zombies on a lot on them oh yeah chill out chill out chill out just go to like just leave it just leave chop you might be able to find the the last thing we needed what is it it's on well get down on one zombie first okay if I get trapped in the corner by another set of crawlers I'm gonna lose it no we're done all of them we're done we chop activate the captain's body that's packed punch it okay yeah we're done are you sure we've done five discus there's literally five yeah I checked all the ones on the video we're done all of them go wrong yeah first those screws for the rest of this game coming back there's a there's a mp5 right here so you can be fine right there on that wall yeah the mystery box is literally right by the packed lunch machine right now I would I would literally kill someone for a thunder gun yep yeah I'm honestly I think my best bet is just to hit jog and hit the box I feel like I have no other shot so I activate the captain yeah he should be it if it's not it oh that sounds correct apparently what that is gonna do is it's gonna spawn a Bertus there's a way out the spawn floor to bring the brutus and it'll open it up and give us a blunder dot but i don't know how to do that home calendar crew that's not a challenge yeah yeah winged ones what's happening the hundred crew thing is just going up yeah you might as well just end around keep them like - we've been playing for most two hours we still don't have gotta be the hardest in light most confusing zombie map ever play so it's packed open now yes i always love to this no I waited no no no dude you have to do his challenges I bet huh oh-oh-oh-oh top lift lift go buy a mocha buy ammo you're gonna aim where do you even turn it down you what do I do just live just live no go to the crane oh let me go try her here boys hold on I'm gonna sweat this one out wait is there a thing at the crane that I can do or am i stuck here I'm died no clue act apparently there's one out the crane but you have to drop down to get to the crane though that's the thing I know so I'm a little worried right now because in the east right you're not supposed to do this until after after we fill up all this whole boxes we've only filled up to but this is pocket punch so that's not confusing yeah I really wish I would have made that for terrified you'll know yeah go ahead definitely Oh No oh my gosh he's a little - so I say you have that so you can't get through it oh we're still up yeah gosh dude how many coins there are all this tomorrow you hear out of you oh my god final trial with all these coins dude yeah what the oh my gosh oh the waters go dude that was that was that was nutty that was literally nutty Parker bunch is now open but until two hundred crew in five bunches Oh Becca - open let's go bro holy moly what once I did it that was that was truly wild thought yeah that was ridiculous let the hike I wish I would have known there was a six shotgun up here the whole time and a pop off dude what what just happened what I'm so good night it's a moment protect me back oh oh dead I'm dead I'm coming up coming up oh my dude it how is it going up guys we're then oh no we have to stay here we literally just can't see the crawlers there's crawlers I can't see the crawlers I'm right behind y'all I'm right behind okay I got a memory about oh yeah what is happening Judith till yeah we have to finish the medicine running ended I'm running ended I'm Gino the water kills you you guys are literally something it's not oh my god compact punching this right now one okay well maybe one of us should be staying it I'm hitting this box I'm getting a Wonder weapon right now healthy speed that's not fair I got a card yeah key card oh I just got the fire bow what you'll go to the crane people are telling me to go to the okay okay okay at the captain it says the the crew has been redeemed to press even farther press F don't press that until we're ready for four what's the called and so we're ready for the water to rise because that might might water arise again okay what's know looks lower the water all the way first and I feel I don't have points I have zero points as long oh we need to fill up the rest of the soul boxes right now where are they I finally got a teddy bear goes so unnecessarily hard it's insane this has been a journey I really feel like we're in like an Easter egg hunt right now yeah this had some sick moments I'll give it that unnecessarily hard wait why do I have voltar aid like effects on my screen Oh a glitch from when I was in spectating shop I think nice yeah dude I have that too I don't have all three but I still see the starry night sky ah dude oh my gosh is wrong we need to get the we need to get the last whole box is done where is it I think both of them are on the sixth floor I believe I like the bandages this for sixth floor we've done the fifth floor and sixth floor or fourth and fifth floor sorry sixth and seventh floor okay so seventh floor is where I showed y'all like the where's be colas yeah oh I found the eggs yeah yeah place it down okay so you have to get hit by a zombie once to activate it and then it's this whole box oh yeah so just get hit [Applause] you know what I have did I'm playing war zone I just ate Anna okay now there's one more three brothers one more on the seventh floor there we go now it's done okay seven floors up here towards the throat okay and look for look for an X on the ground wait is this one done here if there's an X what if it has the fireball it's done if there's an X on the floor or watch I think it's this one right here yeah yeah just wait no that's the bar ball it's done let me live oh sixth floor and oh no it's not something worse on six floors sixth floor inside the computer room near the ladder okay okay the ladder was over here I believe clods I have announced but it's been a rough go of it to be completely honest - the rough game dude I'm a moth I'm a moth kid y'all right now 86th floor in the building that leads up to the seventh wait okay so this is one no that's yeah the sixth floor one is done Noah looks like there's two six four one oh crap oh my gosh 4th 5th floor 6th floor inside of the building 6th floor inside of our computer room near the ladder inside the computer room think is in here no that's that's done okay so has anyone seen the mystery box like just just yeah I just thought a second ago it's right oh god oh it's right Lex universe teaming up is I do I have okay if I look for stamin up hey guys can you say inside a computer room you're the ladder okay I think that's that one Oh on that we go yep and then in the building that always might be done there's that yeah I think we're done hey I'm not Santa oh yeah it's right here I see it Oh moly let me check the office building oh yeah oh crap did you just activate the captain again maybe $10 ground I'm on floor 5 - I did not mean to do that oh no it's coming out it's coming up I'm trying to finish this I have to finish this because if this is the last time we can raise the water then we're screwed okay because we have to do this for the Easter egg that's why I say wait I'm gonna die and I'm gonna lose the fire bow but we're gonna complete the Easter Egg Elise just get to high ground go to the crater great great great great go to Crane go to great go to great go to the I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm dead wait it's my spot at captain's no I don't know okay okay done this once we do this again holy holy moly did this map is truly just something else did this food the good news is that was the last step so now we're ready for bonfires [ __ ] I finished it I thank goodness this work because I finished it before the water came okay oh thanks Brutus slow to oh good my Birds oh my gosh oh my oh my god so does my bad boys at least I can buy that that shotgun on the wall there start actually yeah wait wait you know this one was to do chop has 27 K points completely setup he should buy the shotgun and give it to us try this weapon and then buy another one yeah just go pack for us well yeah we can just switch it for our starting place yeah yeah and then he can buy a new one packed punch it and then give it to you again for sharing oh how many Brutus is I think they spawn until it's done you got a ton of ammo and it's on a point so you are totally chilled yeah [Applause] my goodness yeah I don't think it'll add to it until you do you accept his reward again or so yeah go see if he has nothing see if his reward is ready hold Oh take okay and then you can give it to one of us so we can all have it so we can have wonder weapons assuming it wait you two do it again don't do it even further okay so yeah that's that's get all the bows that's to get all the bows we don't need to do that okay so so finish finish round finish round no I'm gonna I'm gonna buy one and then I'll trade with shop here come get a shotgun give it to me we gotta explain some of these bugs no first we do the challenge again and just get another Bowl lots of other things honestly the bows are cool compared to us anyway okay oh yeah all right one for likes get one for Lex now yeah yeah I'll come out yeah I'll just wait here actually I'll just wait here yeah yeah hold that bug hold that bug hey did this move okay okay okay wait let me don't in the round yet let me I'm giving a second elects hold on wait so we can just do the we can do that challenge again we'll get another bow and that'll help us get set up because if everything went correct here we are on boss fight right now yeah okay we're on boss fight we're on boss fight so we just need to get ready yes I won the battle but I want the shotgun and I want a bell I need PERTs that's the other thing yeah yeah so let's let's load up the let's start the challenge and then just end-around yeah let me get we all have to be up there too right yeah yeah yeah dude this mouth and just insane did it oh my god alright well the good news is for literally on boss fight we're good so in the boss fight we need to fill three soul collectors and you take damage on top of a soul collector to activate it so you just take the image it'll activate and then it becomes a soul collector and it'll begin to fill like filling the boss the shell will burst and you will damage him repeat three six times until you do a feat mm-hmm notice barriers will come down in between the areas that you will have to deconstruct to gain access again be aware of the bosses charge attack barriers will come down in between the areas that you have to because you'll have to deconstruct so we have to deconstruct barriers in the boss fight alright we get everyone here okay I only have DoubleTap for this you mean I'm a double top oh I gotta earn it yeah gotta earn that boy [Music] a century crew yeah knowing you got this ball I'm just gonna drag the point gun or something I'm just gonna cover both sides at this mark three good idea y'all I'm gonna try to get points for perk perks in the meantime here okay oh it hurts the new count bottom oh it's still going up yeah it's definitely not 300 kills it's like that even close to 300 let's go boys good shot oh boy not even letting us reload for the max ammo dude throwing let's take a look at the score top might be part of the set part of the curve or team down please cage that's it yeah that's 900 kills by the way not even close bow take it okay yeah I know you drop that wolf oh that is wrath of the Ancients let's do it we're gonna get we're gonna get of the ancients how am I gonna get the unupgraded bow yeah it's gonna be like 900 kills this is good though because we're getting points for perks which we need yeah well Laxmi with this wrap I'm gonna politely didn't you just thing is even go ahead close to killing not even close to killing this is just this is just insane what's happening in front of me in front of my screen right now I've the amount of custom the custom scripting is insane on this I really appreciate it the amount and there's the water hello do you know at all it all comes together dude chop-chop-chop purposefully purposefully traded the bow in to get a shotgun so that he could say is more kills than us [ __ ] dude your thoughts are confirmed on the top conspiracy the chopped conspiracy the choppa we're in see y'all do the Easter egg dude I don't know I don't know what we're gonna be works we good we're sure trying it will truly never be over Bruce it will truly never ever afraid these youtubers beetle taken we dead alright let's see what you get I got unupgraded weird up we go again we just need one more good reward one more good reward then we go buy perks and then we boss fight that's it that's all this the full hair cotton ruffle want to be the wrath of agents AG again I will cry I will I will end the game we're not again we're never found off the box by this will be involving dude I feel like if a few of the like annoying parts were cleaned up a little bit I mean I guess it's it's mostly just like once you know what you're doing it it's just a super dragged out kind of outfit I think it was only dragged out because we didn't I mean there's a lot of spawn point I don't know I really like the pocket punch is a okay pack but yes pack you lunch is absolutely finding that one zombie in the barrier there's not even a hole def activation though you just have to guess yeah yeah now that is ridiculous what man mmm I just gotta say this map has taken wait longer than intended is it way longer than anticipated but you know what if this boss if this boss fight is worth it I'm not even mad I'm not even upset Brutus boy I am almost out of ammo so oh don't worry I don't look like the double top so I got I only have 15 shots left actually we do need a backseat I'm gonna wait for the next Brutus to die and if he doesn't drop a maxi I'm gonna buy Emma yeah this challenge should be almost done oh this wait wait is it bugged this is risky but I'm gonna do it oh my dude you can buy em over 750 likes because he right right here because he gave us the pack of mush version it still doesn't know we have the technomage one delicious get after bro we win map creators of the without bro try again dude let's go get Percy rot the ancients again okay okay stay away from the black hole right now stay away from the black hole that's the only thing we know black hole what black hole don't okay just if you find it don't go near it because I'm pretty sure it activates the boss fight and we like it thrown in there I literally only have enough for jugg all the water's still rising can someone go with every an ounce of your being somebody told me that it said 750 but it still took four thousand it's very cool yeah Jack at least now hey I have jug and double top this is basically all I'm going in with I guess that's fine honestly at this point this is everything I need I want to get what's called I want your cherry and then I'm I think I'm good yep this layout kind of makes me want to die just a bit percentage that just just a bit like you know what I mean like you know like where you kind of want to die not like like not like a full death but like you 90% of the death yeah right clinging on the dear life chop to say yeah I gotta be honest - dude this announcer is cursed like I'm gonna eat this is just this is cursed content right here spam you know what I'm biting PhD I have enough for it but why the courses in this boss fight oh he's got a great point what that there could be like an explosive attack okay I got PhD 55 points all right boys I'm about ready wait to be another perfect because I don't think I could buy another one for PhD no we only have 22 so that's eight perks right okay well I mean I'm pretty happy with my stuff yeah unless you guys just want a hunt for three more schools which is gonna be a no from me you do get per coholic I think if you find all of them but you know what good eight skulls for parabolic I think I'm okay I think I'm okay I need a few more points and then I'm ready are y'all are you already hearing yeah I'm all right I just need to know where to go okay I read everyone meet top platform I'm at the coffee shop okay let me buy PhD and then yeah here yeah good call takes place of a downy epic yeah it only took us the better part of the day to get here yeah okay everyone follow me we move boys we move ammonia damn balling you too come on in here I think it's this one in there this one all right come on oh it's a girl we got to let us Dombey hit us in here we got you activate this old boxes oh oh oh oh there's a bottle getting all players both be present whoa oh ho oh yeah it actually has been two hours since this started play there's 20 minutes exactly Oh what is this watch for charge attack that was the number one tip charged attack definitely again you know what's in here okay so these are I'm guessing you're gonna get ya big or you know whoa what is this this is the last crew member Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm scared hold me I need an adult this is cursed imagery oh yo marble is it shooting at us your bullets ricocheting know what do we do Tom bees are coming zombie zombies here okay what do we find soul boxes oh my gosh it's a it's a meat marble alright fine so box to the zombie has to hit you next to it once and then it'll activate and then it'll take souls right here no what no one right here right oh yeah yeah it's a it's the symbols on the floor again yeah we're dead one here we're did marble oh where is it wait I got hit by a zombie dude if you only do one at a time no no you know if you get hit that if the candles are lit that means it's active oh okay so working for games working yeah like maybe get out of there yeah just flew to this guy it's coming back to the middle scum anybody home oh yeah it's on beat on me yeah yeah if it gets to you just leave I don't know what it does but I don't think it's nice oh it disappeared us I'm still filling up mine there's still souls over here norm yeah yeah I'm filling this one up Freya just run chop oh come to the middle one there's one there's three soul boxes we can be filling up here okay this one's right here he's a mean marble oh he's in the sky wow that is horrifying [Music] where is he we go back to my cell box no this one's still filling okay so once once we finish this it's shield is gonna come down that's what it says okay keep filming so wolf these boys oh you have the boys oh it's like what is happening oh hello in the circle or just you know just near it it's pretty pretty big radius so my dad is telling me two hours to fight a marvel oh oh oh okay so if it starts lighting up run effing run Oh mine is exploding - dynamite okay it's just the middle one it's just the middle of Mentos okay okay okay I'm coming over if the marble starts lighting up run as far as you can I'm learning away 30 monkey thrown a monkey to put out damage is it is it about to explode so we're supposed to do you must damage them yeah to damage it it's a little marble in the middle Oh Cowboys yeah maybe chillin mo for a second see what happens [Music] this movie taking down your leg oh that's the face of some kind look for max ammo try try this whole boxes again yeah just say they said it's the three phase fight any máximos a max ammo and chat hiding them down there yeah yeah there's so much to see in Soul boxes again gotta get hit once conserve ammunition further yeah where are our Max's that took a lot of damage to tell them right there make it conservative right now you can use your knife thanks art too bad yeah about two hours ago he's back always back he's on me I have no idea was he moved she moved oh he's going to you he's gonna you Top Gun me zombies on me yes he starts lighting up I'm on fire I'm on fire oh there's a napalm zombie Ranger I'll be killing why did I not get in a fire on fire action Oh Maxim oh thank god Thanks yeah he's in Milly's Andrew yeah so the maximum spawn in the form of napalm zombies that's four to go few hours to fight he's coming back to middle run I am coming to you Lex yeah minute middle is done middle soul box is done we're gonna do marbles showing I think here oh my god he's so big so ominous have you ever seen the movie annihilation the sort of reminds me of oh my god almost done so soon as you saw box expose you good yeah if there's a fire on top of it why was the map the hardest thing known to mankind and this is like there's no Sunday spots yeah you have a lot of zombies over there chop nope just a few oh I'm gonna go to the middle maybe there's some over here someone hello hello mate oh hello good night oh they be coming I got a couple of bring them no the marvels here whoo come on zombies this is the marble race they didn't want you to see well yeah okay wait wait we know nothing of someone else okay we're couple more coming at y'all yeah if there's no if there's no fire on it then Oh Larry oh that one's done okay so now where is Marvel good the Marvel Marvel should be in middle I think it's not I don't see him right now Markel where art thou Oh using the right here on for 77 so okay well that's a bad spot for Marvel do ya yep always like groaning you hear that yeah okay okay round three third base gram three brother round three what once you guys see this huge thing on the everyone group up little something gonna like so I'm gonna like I think it's faster if I do this yeah it's more dangerous though to time we've got in the bar 3 into upgraded pose a we're well acquainted minutes another Napalm over here okay yeah so now the max the do y'all want me to grab just wait wait a few things I'm literally on fire uh yeah going grab good stop Oh kilo how it's done wait no marbles here Oh watch Hotel he's getting crack oh yeah dude he's like mega cracked croc yeah what'd he do be gaming though you really don't be he's only attacked once it almost killed me but oh the max ammo was up there no the bull of the void beau did it I mean how's the tree how we get from here I don't know you know I shut it right on the top of that thing go wherever they want dude the other way to the road okay I'm not I'm not gonna shoot my boy oh boy he'll I just missed a do a charged shot to do an oral shot oh he's super cracked dude yeah look at crack marble oh my goodness I don't know this oh we're boxed in here I'm alerting the debris okay I got it Omar was right on me all right oh my god okay he's actually attacking that wasn't as nearly as much warning as the last one okay I assume that was the white yeah that was the wife dear God he's in the middle looking ominous again oh he's going oh good no wait he's doing something get behind a thing don't dude remember back in the day when custom zombies videos we're split into parts how many parts do you think this episode would be back in the 2004 the next two weeks brothers nowadays people be like why you edit down the two-hour video into one hour did eight-minute clickbait videos in bounds eight minutes dinner and there's finally barbecue I'm gonna I'm coming the middle the chopper Marvel's coming back to middle no no no it's going to the other side come on zombies honestly the slow spawns are making this way less epic Marvel's in middle whoa what was what was that noise oh well Oh were you shooting it yeah oh oh it's going off it's gone oh my god it Oh barely got around the corner I almost I almost died there I have an ape on my example okay Oh what is that wait wait what was that oh shoot I think it's doing is charged up attack in the middle right now yeah yeah it is it is it is oh my gosh that was true that was insane okay that's what come on mundo any like no spawns over here Oh Oh what just hit me I'm being hit with invisible stuff oh is it chucking small marbles at me big marble oh shoot there's another napalm but Middle's got it is it just middle well and now I did the other ones still made Sammy's but this faster response means the way fast response dude Oh mojo all right oh my god I'm one shot I'm one shot on one side I didn't realize that was happening I'm not like de white which is nice but yeah I probably should have died there yeah like stop shooting your void I think it's killing them too far well we just got it in tired we're good you don't have to leave the main area you just have to be behind curtain I think it's I think the light the light is where your wife's okay I'm not gonna shoot my void ball at all did okay yeah II just want a minute Sutter the ball is here again a little vodka oh I got I got it again that's okay dude don't leave anything to me right now we're gonna pretend with this one last one okay yeah last one on the other side dude I haven't even been to this other side I'm the looks like the back side no smoking no smoking no smoking ones is it going off is it doing its the thing done I'm like stunned damn it me too me too it's mainly just this stock so that way there's a wipe attack and in the Senate I think it's two separate attacks because that one didn't glow that time did marbles go crazy ride run run run run oh we're trapped yeah just it's just constant stunts it's just costs and Sons right now if you start glowing though that's what you need to you gotta go he's going running hey where'd he go he left who's the Juke there's another napalm coming right here I'm just gonna blow them up yeah and there we go okay we're all done in the back yeah oh okay don't ya boys another monkey yeah I'm just unloading and loud brothers [Music] yeah did I put it everything I got I'm shooting avoid bow okay yeah cuz that that allows you to tune into the dough oh she's groaning he's groaning oh wait there's another backseat he's still alive look in the sky wait what yeah wait he he is the soul boxes arm again he's just showing in this guy did what what's happening dad this whole box is work wait did we not do enough damage the first time what happened 10 maybe more - we might not have done enough damage but we were putting glitch though the marble is glitched mr. in there yeah look look up in the air maybe it maybe this is part of the face maybe a maybe a little bit let me let me let me like keep selling this out yeah he's not even spending up there he just she just standing still oh you came back down he's back down he's back down he was just taking a break dude yeah oh yeah this guy's was that his nose up in the air for a minute - no oh boy I might be dead I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming oh I was just out of the range okay you did this attack back here get try and keep those things clear yeah I'm sorry I'll chop off those up as much as I can yeah makes make sure you're killing him close enough let's not waste pistols here good god this is along that yeah it's about to pay off I think the big finale did is it a for face loss I think we just didn't do enough damage because remember the first time he wasn't cracked yeah but the Oh God but the second time we finished it like one second I think I think that's why because we didn't we didn't get it up damage in oh thanks guys wait what is that what is that what is that did yo did y'all finish a fire now he was just no he's just rolling around okay do I really want to set this time scale to like 1.5 he's doing something in the middle I was wife ever good no I'm just gonna chill with you here I have like 0 spawns so hello marvel maybe that's justice maybe that's just him speaking at this intimidation factor Oh Lex run run like I was just he's definitely angrier yeah definitely a lot more attack yeah this was not happening before it's gotta be like trying to save your shotgun demo so we can just full-on shotgun whenever I know I have to use this so kiss my boy boy coming to just let me [ __ ] let me show you I wish she didn't take as many souls or they spawned about all right this was done let's go middle gonna all crash are using the bow against the Marvel oh maybe I will I think the shock end is optimal yeah I'll try both yeah I just I just shotgun shotgun until I ran out of ammo and then switched my bail you guys don't the one in the back yeah back back ones done okay I poured this marble who just comes with me these poor just trying to be a member of the lava ones didn't a misapplication I need another maxi he's in the area now heads up he's working on us yeah like Simon taint hormone me I'm not a boa mo so we can just shotgun these guys this is getting close alright here we go yeah there so I'm done oh my god I'm going to a shop in having a maximum mo nice job double you guys are too far away yeah this one should be almost done here we go nine one forum one bar dude yeah we gotta really go hard I'm gonna hustle the back yeah I'll see him go back go back the other way Oh hold on I miss you boy bo Pro Jenny Lee don't always be here believe the same spot yeah sorry monkey alright dammit DPS boys here we go monkey [Music] so whoa oh now yeah what that thing there's like when he's like a half moon yeah I was feeling we need to do one more phase shangri-la I did yeah I have a feeling cuz I then a palms over here right now oh my god we didn't know how true that actually was this is like by far the longest custom zombie map ever if I was doing tonight there really is no one who it never ends it will never be over boys oh here it is bro yeah what is this that's like shedding its skin you get away watch how it works what telex he's waking oh yeah he's probably is I want to stay out of this look a little worse for wear he's definitely still damaged on it yeah yeah you don't even have to go that far if you just get behind some canvases your basic tire section when the hills he is not like him so always he leaves electric spots on the ground now - oh yeah oh here wipe on your wife yeah I got nothing i got nothing to lose at this home oh no oh no chopper server command over whoa oh no I'm so sorry for your loss wife wait wait you guys are still in yeah no oh my gosh okay now now everything is tightened up yeah oh he's wiping man he's wiping man okay imagine what to take out do the house is good neither just game over hey guys I found a skull here did I found a couple of April are you kidding me I get away to that date created that is so sad ah he's over here I'm gonna go over to where you are Mario Easter Egg bossfights just hanging it for this dinner bro hey listen listen I'm not about to do an entire Easter egg and then uh and then she does the very end but a wipe attack live attack I have been released from purgatory life but all I'm saying is my man chop had some monkey bombs on him dude I know dude that's the worst part that's right monkeys oh my gosh and almost soft ehm yeah almost spawned on Tommy I have a boy boy so like it actually takes them out oh I have a napalm as well I'm so buddy okay deed this just me the crazy nice building or D building whatever this bro yeah I feel like I feel like with some tuning this map could be like one of the greats they could definitely has potential just need some tuning oh my gosh believe me a lot of electric yeah dude chill out you space rock re it's done no one's gonna be on the three player damage requirement oh yeah I know no that's this we might not even need it like didn't know we might have to pre-fill again we've three filling in I'm out I'm gonna be I'm gonna be real with you refill is where I draw the line rapture came for me whoo dude come on with the zombie spawns Oh run oh nevermind let's take out I'm dead do you have quick revive by chance nope come on souls done attack here we go Bob this was done here we go open I'll protect you my hero my gosh IRA still have to activate this one you know if you have made it this entire journey with us you are you're cursed you you are only victrolas if you have made it this far say I was gonna say something like leave a like or like subscribe or wiping Oh Noah Oh goodbye oh I could have been it right there glittery hours down the drain we don't even get to see what happens oh my gosh now we have a max hmm it is I'm gonna probably rejoin you guys but it won't spawn me in because the round doesn't flip true [Music] wife wife wife wife okay okay oh I'm gonna die yeah I'm red screen oh oh this just got real flex can you crawl out of that I'm sorry it's making me go really slow coping is faster they get almighty I'm out of it oh my why because their money here's a fake you stupid marble did why you know it's done it's done okay this is what I feel like the boss fight should have felt like the whole time wolves retinol oh my gosh this is getting intense Oh one side white like hideout irony night down to money down by the way dude get back in there brother y'all have to get this man we have to get on this rotation I don't know if we're gonna survive another Road another go-around why is another wife okay I'm coming over here with you why be spawned right there oh you have I'm stuck on you yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my god if there was a napalm zombie that's fun right there we were dead we were dead yeah he's right there by the way I know okay with some women he's up he's up I gotta throw your monkey okay let's try a shotgun yeah come on hi monkey dammit sander sanders everything you got right now oh my god died no dude are you kidding me just you just goes just keeps you to keep shooting keep shooting I'm shooting with my mr6 no my legs my code up dude flex dude i slash slash god dude / god you can do it I have cheats enabled / god let me off for time is it on Yoshi I'm sorry mr. three I'm sorry speedrun 80% did yeah that's a crazy white mechanic game I'm still what all right I'm turning down to normal okay I'm gonna take off God and get him both of these that's there we go I'm gonna go get hitting the other one now I'm lazy doctors bro this map is so cursed I'm not gonna lie okay / God you know what timescale three is looking pretty good yeah we'll go to point 5 I know I accidentally just reset the timer as well feed we're past three hours are we actually oh my god rent we we're like we were out like three hours to take this how you looking over there likes where you win a halftime speed I'm still getting a ones on every stick doing tight timescale I'm gonna go back I'm gonna go back the other two so that we don't miss the damage let's get the damaged space oh no a wife we gotta be any closer hogs gate let's go under finite here's a you don't even worry about the zombies dude just shoot we just time for the trip just please and the game that's all whereas he who he said the game come on [Music] dude it's gonna do it to us again no don't say that no no way there's absolutely no way there's no chance right now heroes heroes we do it I just don't even think it's possible no I did I feel like the damage he has it's just it's it's literally impossible I'm still one I'm doing time skill 10 that's right I'm gonna activate all of them and I'm time skill Tang this side of the other side and literally a second no where's the time to skill times bro I gotta get him one more time fun mods yeah unless I'm looking forward talking about okay you have it right now give it no I don't okay I'll give you the mod menu yeah it's in client made modifications okay let me know when you got infinite ammo [Music] shooting fat too oh dude my game froze when I'm back I'm back yeah we got to go to the middle one good time scale to it yo I'm gonna go up they go five and then I'm gonna switch it to two when we get close and we don't get it this next one it's impossible bones it's literally generations [Music] a month [Music] wait did it okay I feel what they did I'm literally just and arguments I'm not gonna stop without life together I have the autumn flicker I just got the shotgun out here this is it oh is it dot oh wait what please I'm not stopping you yeah I just go shoot him Oh oh if that was phase one I am on installing this game Neptune platform-specific ocean all crew accounted for except for two missing the boss the music is pretty cool I like the I like the aesthetic did I like the music too bro the music does Iligan it's me and she's missing get my strangest white I don't know like no no no no I'm unboxing Oh breaking a - hours and 15 get that away from me immediately dear this video will be uploaded the next 37 parts over the next month on my youtube channel I literally feel defeated I feel gross for playing that Wow I mean great map aside from like several glaring issues other than that 10 out of 10 I feel gross oh my god I said I was gonna play another round laughter [ __ ] that I'm gonna do my [ __ ] oh that's it tonight where we took so long holy Moses Oh [Music]
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 3,625,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gorod krovi, black ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3, Noahj, NoahJ456 zombies, black ops 4, custom zombies, zombies mods, custom map zombies, custom zombies smallest map, black ops 3 zombies smallest map, world's smallest map, zombies boss fight, shadows of evil, christmas zombies, zetsubou no shima, revelations, spongebob zombies, tranzit, tranzit in 2020
Id: bLrLCrqKaxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 40sec (11260 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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