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hi guys welcome back map that is the impossible of this I cannot express how difficult this map is it is on believable when we definitely didn't intro about oh I don't know five minutes that it took us before this it was our sixth attempt now it's our seventh our third upload and if we don't beat it on this attempt then uninstalling life dog I'm actually what I think we need to do basically in order to actually be this easter egg is be crazy efficient the entire time yeah so like maximizing points on round one we need to like oh there's this key thing I don't remember what this does but and we also are going for this this time around it was free double bird Easter Egg we get two extra perk slots so we can get six per slots if we shoot all those I've got the shield guy I've got the guys I got guides on your guides I got spreadsheets inside of your spreadsheets dog I'm ready I mean I'm prepared so vast objective is basically gonna be to get power on yeah and for that we just need a bunch of points yeah we're gonna just focus on doing that we need points let's get that was fine yeah I think only three died all right let me okay first door here yeah there we go yeah definitely the wrong way gosh I actually hate this map it's so it's like the most complicated the most complex like best map okay breathe was there anything out here lost I remember like an shoot yeah yeah that's later on that's the end that's okay okay cool yeah that's fine and we've got like a Z Keys dr. yar dr. actually I've got kind of rough memory of where one of the other one of the other things that we needed to shoot I remember we couldn't find last games so when we get to that part of the quest if we get stuck oh stop I cannot describe to you how prepared I am for this Easter Egg right now you've got a rough memory I've got scurry I've got 12 screenshots per location don't you worry okay cool so we need we need we need we need each decent guy I almost think we go and get set up for jug before we have a before we teleport and start the easter-egg we get set up with like jug and stuff I think that does that what we ended up doing last time I'm down to give that a go that's what you do want to do I'm down to like at least decent guns so big boy chunky zombie Hitler doesn't destroy us huh max hey I'm gonna hit box thunder going Thunder gun yes I got the regular - okay that's a much better start than plate for six we got a sniper and a pistol in something boxes right here all right all right here let me let me breathe my ray gun on it okay boom yeah let's be very very careful not to accidentally end this round like we want to definitely hold this on be at the end of it also to - Kay - you know which one it is it was like a big the big plate by the main no not the one with the window it lets in round quick let's in around okay let's hold this hold this hold yeah man you can kill that one next - hey yeah kill all the ones that are on you I've got I've got actually to be honest there's actually still quite a few coming in I'll hold this one here you kill everything else good good okay that was actually really good use of double points all right I'm gonna go to you what let's see which doors do we actually want to open up here also apparently there's an easter egg if you get the thundergun there's an easter egg you can only do with the thundergun that gets you $25,000 in the game like if we get lucky with the box and get the Thunder gun that would be huge it's like that's like literally the definition of the rich get richer you get the best weapon in the game and then you get 25,000 points because of it so there's now only one left yeah I just turn on power do you want to go into the into the kitchen link teleporter we won't teleport just yet but yeah at least tell a potato that's that's available for Lincoln alright I say I say listen this is what I'm very nearly just then I very nearly started singing Backstreet Boys but apparently that ain't allowed in 29 big copyright claims coming arrive for you let's uh let's let's spend some money and try to get our way to jug I don't remember exactly which one's joke I think it's library sorry I'm pretty sure we're here yeah was I was like off mistake in the library not this one guy this isn't library this one over here is library that's become here yeah here's here's our jug is oh there's widows wine hair COBOL app okay so 500 points we have one more 500 point door and then we can get jug okay oh wait yeah is this I'm still trying around with a light layout it's it's Napster's yeah this is the big big big boy library I'm just trying to remember where things were last game oh you want to go ahead and buy this window just has an escape route cuz we use that so many times last time we're just yeah can do for sure so you got the one in the grocer yes that's the one you got we need the windows boy you eat it okay you know check all the corners by the sandbags in this room upstairs and downstairs any corners by sandbags it's like okay there's a possible wait is this it okay it didn't spawn I was I was pretty sure that was a shield pot in here last time okay yeah it didn't spawn here there's one right next to widows wine a spawn point okay like literally if you're standing and looking at what is right it's on the floor to your right and then the last spawn point is by double tau yeah I'll head over to widows in check that one because I'm pretty sure that one's just through the speak on a rope oh you have the white gloves what what is the white glove for oh yeah did we ever figure that out I remember so it was yeah if it's not oh yeah yeah okay so it's my double tap is this part yeah okay so the last one is by double tap and then the other one is in either gardens or oh we're down stairs by power pages okay okay well I've got 500 points are we sorry I've got 1500 still so we could buy open to godless if you wanted yeah that's over here okay then we get actually a side door I forget where double tap is that's the only thing yeah this is only 750 another door you serious I'm gonna do the other one as well yeah yeah it's it yeah got it diagonal the same place as Laska okay so we just need to get to double tap now for shield all right okay Prague but rats yes okay so we have keys are is there anything else maximization we're all like Adam okay dad's that we don't actually want to do it that give us us like a 30-second powerup that's like the Super Mario theme song so big big copyright you see okay yeah it's like I think actually oh that's this glove that I picked up its first star power so yeah oh okay that makes sense cool all right so look on the walls and this fountain air out like on the like in the windows and stuff yeah there's a there's a red perf bottle in one of these windows it's like green house know like the toward the big building actually worse okay drop down how much the green house door okay that's another 758 we definitely call oh wait wait oh no sorry sorry let's go go back to the main area go back to main area the to the middle yeah okay yeah okay I think when you open up the new new area right it has new spawns there's one like it gives you a song okay so that's two done dining hall ones done um and then in here somewhere Oh found it so nice oh yeah yeah I said okay the full we need oh I don't know where that one is no not I don't not [Music] yeah everything but I think I can get one more okay sounds good and then oh in the classroom okay yeah we just need we just need some more points basically okay yeah and then we also yeah let's let's go next round and then make Chuck the priority before we do anything yeah and then we'll get right into the Easter Egg as soon as we've both picked up jug yeah yeah this sounds like a plan Gobert stuff good plan wait what are we looking for keys is that something we can yeah if you think he is to shoot him you have shoot him in order oh I forgot there was an order that's true yeah okay where is this one I don't know oh oh what are you looking for I'm looking for this perk bottle over here but I don't see where it is uh it's supposed to be on top of that one those twelve screenshots ain't helping you now Noah wait wait again nothing I don't see I don't see Jeep Oh was it before oh okay I was looking way too far into it hell yeah all right kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill zoom in on earlier rounds man I'll tell you they really all dude yeah they do not play play games okay I think there's one in the library as well Oh get in a corner get in a corner again in a corner oh god I'm gonna try and get to you just because I feel like it'll be safer if we're together Oh boys are heck in Zoomers okay left left left left left I got the right one okay I got left you get right yeah I feel like I'm in an actual movie right dude these these things you don't mess around with these they they will Bob you okay we're good okay I'm good I'm good I'm good okay thank goodness it's like the last bullet in the clip is what saved my life right now the rounds lost ages like don't don't get lulled into a sense of security they really lost a long time I'm running I'm right I'm okay that was last one okay in the in the library there's okay I'll just go upstairs and get it we probably don't wanna be both okay yes yeah probably having a separate is a good a good idea a good plan a go to plane go Berta being a key like oh I don't know [Music] all right so once I get to 2.5 k I will just stop shooting and let you did you buy the 500 door in front of it oh I did not yet yeah hey Sawyer gotta make sure I still get headshots where possible okay that's the deaf machine done the knife kills there's one or two more looks like okay yeah so maybe maybe maybe just go ahead and I'll just go around wait we still have a good amount of matter okay actually no you don't okay die where is zombie actually we might be okay oh it's done let's avoid actually okay wait we don't know grab a grab but we can we can both get to point back there oh yeah you knife Wandy unite final pigs perfect I don't next though yeah yeah night but night pazham B this is there we go perfect now wait what the duck huge very nice and there's the like weird yeah that that is that is really a really obscure side easter egg so we can skip that one for now okay okay sounds good so we have all that done good stuff huh umm okay let's go outside crap we're not okay actually should we take on chew it it take on big zombie Hitler so we can get started these room we should give it a go all right to teleport them ought to that's gonna do yeah we just need to keep our distance we just need it as soon as we get back and just run outside I remember we were training in the courtyard by the garden was good for us to push off neither graph used to grab what does it look like it's not in this room it's it's literally it'll just say hold up some fine part okay so for those of you who don't know what we're doing as well we're letting ourselves get hit by a window until it teleports us it's like a weird teleport mechanic fun the big boy in yeah I can't wait for you to ruin my life I hate you all right so when everybody teleport out just look for if you use in your room yes okay search around this one I'm teleporting the other one okay he's coming get to wide-open spaces so so those of you guys who haven't been blessed with with the the knowledge of what this man does he he does a slam attack that has a huge area of effect damage and it takes a perk if you don't have jug and instant kills you if you have jug to put you on red screen and it takes a perk away it is the most Opie son of a gun in zombies history he needs a big nerf very big enough right do you want to try taking us on me try taking you know just laser oh yeah he's coming he's coming downstairs now okay okay I have zombie yeah beautiful the only thing is the doors open we call Luke like out I'll try that okay he used to smash taxes on cooldown now okay why is he running okay he's running for you oh you're alive let's go do this guy's okay I'm inside yeah it just takes that me inside oh how do die military how yeah at this point I can run around this like this area I guess okay I think we got him I think we got him yeah yeah we got him don't teleport away dude that took literally all my ray gun mark two ammo every single bullet that I had that is so insane it's just so yeah just don't don't mess with him don't mess with him when he does this cuz he can still just randomly attack Jesus okay yeah but he'll teleport I'm dipping out then by you so yeah I should teleport any second all right we can actually start on the Easter Egg now okay pew okay please just go away holy crap wait is he not dead wait is he not dead how dude my god he's right behind me oh Jesus Oh Joe god oh god oh god oh god this the regular queue does not do damage it must just not do damage to him maybe maybe yeah someone just traveled my gosh get out why is this a thing is he dead wait what when it was gone I lost him please leave please shoot shoot in one more time let me reload might run like one sec okay I'm gonna oh wait hold on hold on hold on hold on before oh no no no I was getting a red crosshair on him before but I don't to kill the crawler oh my gosh dude I am I'm actually upset right now how I don't understand like okay yeah here he comes he's that boy here's that boy I'm convinced that the ring and doesn't do anything to him gherkin like explosive damage just doesn't hire him cuz here what the hell's happened to that crawler oh yeah also he turns up zombies with this attack Jesus Christ okay now we got it what all are you serious how Noah I'm out I've got four trial eight shots left I have not put them in I mean I'm gonna dude we're gonna have the resort's a knifing genuinely oh maybe I have I missed one hit the other all right so I'm fully out now but yeah we're gonna oh my god this is oh this is head um no he's still alive oh wait you have a name the other name I have two nights okay Chuck Chuck and Nate on him and see if he attacks if he doesn't attack that means explosive damage does nothing to him but me swine Oh interesting yeah yeah good show also okay yeah yeah check out Chuck a big boy net on them yeah a little further away just a sec okay so it does do damage yeah just not enough did I restore it I I don't have points to do anything else I have one more grenade [Music] he's like really focused on you he really is I can knife them I'm knifing [Music] holy F man oh oh we got him hats off oh my gosh finally I actually just next him to death problem is now we have no ammo for anything yeah okay he should go now yeah yes you know this the the the really sad reality of this is that we're gonna kill this caller and another one we have to we i we have no amo to do the easter egg we can't we have nothing to shoot yeah I'm gonna buy an s TG I think because I think the wah fizz we need a Mac said well we need a Mac say more an insta-kill can we get gumballs oh crap we need to not be here because we don't have that open up pass through good we don't have that yeah and you don't have jug there's another one yeah he's coming after you too okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try and I'm gonna try and get into the ice rink and then just like horde in the middle yeah and you need to like you need to be on here to get America verse and killing duty he's still walking right now yeah if you don't attack him he'll keep walking okay yeah well I can't attack him unless the knife him so I'm gonna just leave him to it okay first first two grenades and only two grenades didn't go so well Oh grenades good idea yeah oh I could go my ammo maybe dude I feel like I'm playing moon right now I just crawled it that hole hold with my grenade I know dude it's a it's an art that's been lost to zombies it really has okay I got I got wha Fame oh boy sure okay I killed like my whole hold with my two nights that was actually amazing careful you might have some B spawns here yeah I've got points now die which is really good good I just bought some laughs mo where are the zombies here I've got a couple of zombies dude if you don't have any spawns for the rest of this game like if that will on me there's actually gonna be so clutch I will be the bait Oh max ammo yes okay yep I'm gonna gonna grab it but I'm gonna do it in a safe manner alright let's get down to one zombie and then we gotta kill him again Jesus Christ what if we leave him alive can we get two minute the same time I don't actually let's try that this round alright I'm killing this last ahhm be alright so you have live zombie and last Hitler okay cool I'm gonna keep them with me for now I'll just I'll just keep the hold in here while it's like a contained area we don't accidentally shoot them you just figure out what's next alright so we need to teleport to the bunker okay um so is that by changing the controls yeah okay cool you saw there we go we need lion all right I'm gonna link the teleporter yep you sir are not my friend I can indeed confirm that we eight pals yeah we can start the easter-egg now I mean the questions I like the we do need to get pack-a-punch though like that's its so it is so difficult man it really is we've been talking recently about how like black ops 4 zombies has just been quite easy all year and now this gonna be on your a-game yep all right I'm gonna just teleport to the bunker and put a fuse in real quick okay yeah go for I mean I might as well other like passive things are happening I might as well just babysit this dude and make sure that he's not roaming around anywhere that we can't find him could get up to all sorts of crazy business don't want that now we should be able to go to pack a punch cool okay where's where do we access that from it's a teleporter but you have to switch that teleporter to a different thing it's actually really cool oh cool okay yeah I'm sure it's cool if I could see no I don't like it like the way the way that uh the teleporter works is actually like you just swap some I swear piteous Wapiti I wonder if there's an easy way to kill him like maybe maybe using the light turret traps is the smart place that's not like some random like oh yeah yeah like a loophole that you can exploit almost to take him down I'm actually I'm really tempted to try the turret trap not right now yeah I mean let's get the workshop page real quick okay I mean like let me look if anyone if anyone has been like hey so like explosive damage doesn't seem to do amazing because like last time we played I don't think we had crazy guns and we took him down faster I'm pretty sure than we did using the ray gun Martino which doesn't makes it no one it's no one's even commenting on how hard he is to kill so maybe maybe you leave him alive like a like a George Romero type thing maybe we don't need to take him down yeah he must be the George Romero that we anger every once in a while exactly when we trigger him we we deal with him and shoot him until he calms down and then and then that's that I mean if you want to if you want to do that and I long as two dots one in like right yes obviously if we got to we're in a very very bad place especially if they both chase me that's gonna be really like was running like you yeah there's no safe place ever exactly okay at least one he's walking he's not too bad to deal with so the but where is the lead do you remember picking up a lever last time we played no to be honest I do not so we added the fuse the bunker locate missing teleporter level if this lover appears in bunker and one of three locations that's okay that's it that's all the info I got so you actually if he's just gonna be walking and he only runs when I could probably come help yeah you want to come you want to come look like so far I haven't I haven't been spooked by him and he hasn't looked like he's gonna start running or anything like that is the bunker is that teleport location we need to go to oh wait wait Oh in the bunker oh yeah we need can you link teleporter real quick yeah sure yeah okay I was looking down here for some reason I thought this is a bunker but the bunker is okay where we initiated okay I'm coming back up all right so we need to find a lever is very careful when you come into the room be very very careful the boy has arrived present style he is present this is actually kind of awkward I don't know all right all right get on Talbert go go go I'm pulling him I'm pulling him yeah me it's fine I'll just I'll loop around in a second I'm gonna make sure that yeah cool and doesn't cut me off all right we need to find a lever okay are we gonna get to the point out of here off to a place I can yeah those okay finding it last time I remember being like just in the dark somewhere like a really dark room yeah just look for the hole def is huge all right so now we have pack-a-punch done hmm wait really yes we've packed upon finish very big you can't even hear it behind this wall right here oh okay awesome okay so we need to open up to the classroom wing all right let's go it let's go ahead and do paint keys next let's go let's do Pete keys do we need to looking for anything in these rooms now we're done what we're done with teleporting anywhere else from maybe saying the incredible fault who's chasing me around the map constantly okay be careful running around corners here yeah I don't know if he's gonna race pool in a wall what if that kills them what if it's like it's kind of like de you know on de where if you like teleport or you put have the Panzers in the bunker I would love here we can't do it I'm on edge okay let's let's do Pete keys so we need to go to the classroom area hello how can just walk right past your you are the chosen one my luck if he's on the stairs I'm dead just saying oh oh okay I'm good I'm good oh my god he jumps GAD me oh wait what was that noise did you hear that there was like yeah oh no I definitely didn't hear that well maybe that was him trying to hit me maybe that was scary that was the scariest thing so far doc quickly touched noses with him oh okay I need you to come by this or this is the last area we can get shield bill - well okay Barry mind I don't have jug yeah you want shielder jug honestly right now probably shield okay yeah yeah and then this whole this will help us get we need this for the Easter egg as well okay yeah if we can make progress then that's that's right there sure she'll par boom all right you can we can build out on the garden if there are any parks here let me light down on them there are not any parks here okay now right next to where you or maybe not right next to but in the outside garden area oh and the cloister there's a pink key in a corner somewhere by a ladder wile ah da okay thing is this the one that was you had to look at it from now no it's not that one that one yep okay in the cloister it's by it's like on a ramp like if you're standing on a ramp Oh like a little mini ramp in the middle bit I guess that's the middle that is the cloister right yeah did this easter egg is just wild man it's brutal it's so brutal like it's ruthless it does not let you stop for a second the cloister is the middle right yes yeah it's like it comes off on the screen and when you're there it's like is it this room no this thing here it's like a wouldn't know it's not that no it's like right oh it's upstairs is yes okay you are right yes it's upstairs and the library here alright once we're done with all these keys we cool oh yeah I missed amantha's crying okay so I can okay yeah you want to come over here yeah can you can you spawn her in already yeah okay Jenna just just hit it right now all right so now we did this is the clock part okay do it this map is hard hello Samantha how you doing now she's gonna run to the clock and then something comes out the clock for us to pick up or we just move on to the next Samantha uh no we we have to press the clocks and order okay okay I wonder over to the next Samantha spot is it gardeners okay it is dining hall to the right of the turret trap right is that oh I'm there now okay cool yeah so I'll wait for her to come in and start crying and that all because she has oh no no no no no you users press the clock you just press the clock oh cool nice you pressed it wait didn't you get it I had a sound oh no no sorry that was for that was for the little key thing that I'm doing oh okay so yeah I think I'm just gonna make sure yeah it's definitely lit up now so that one's done beautiful okay next one oh all right we got the hurt key done oh we're cooking now we're cooking now gasps now we're cooking with gas hell yeah now we need green house building oh shoot we need 150 rebuild a burial honestly yeah you're closer so go for it okay goodbye joke I will really miss you oh yeah zombies shields out here by the way okay beautiful it's gonna take me a second I have to like rebuild a single barrier and then run away bring the zombie around and at some point my big boy is gonna come and be annoying as well yeah okay I've got to do one way outside outside I might pack a bunch of the SDG there's a lot of STG wall buys everywhere I need 10 points I'm gonna shoot a zombie once yeah there we go so bootiful on that is no key horse is very beautiful donar [ __ ] dude if if we have a second one spawn in next round should we just should we just quit I mean yeah yeah are you serious Oh Oh 500 all right so we can have to buy inside no we're fine thank goodness what are we what was I looking for again as on you chief I don't not to know oh yeah maybe the keys playing oh yeah greenhouse building this is greenhouse building I think yes yeah I'm pretty sure the yeah no that's that's got to be the greenhouse I was going to say unless is the other building that we didn't open in the back the other area that would suck oh that was that was perk bottle but that was not folks walk greenhouse building oh it's this one right here cool all right now school board near the mystery box locate oh right by spine right by spawn okay the end of the end of the hallway by spawn yeah okay on the way if I can remember yeah yeah it's your left there and then at the very end there should be a clock oh yes ding what sir and then across from speed Cola so this should be last okay beautiful yeah I think you have zombie by the way what Oh beautiful all right Clark step is done 1/4 the main quest is done beautiful alright next thing we can do platon subclass press your Internet Queen interact key twice on swingers crying location near the crafting station in the gardens okay and any orders find the four radios that will strip pool will play Morse code upon shooting them and put that into the Morse code machine in the ice rink cool remember this one okay the only issue is that we don't have the Morse code machine open yeah yeah okay amazing progress roadie yep there she goes straight to the Morse code machine okay alright I remember one is over here okay just go ahead and do it I don't mind not seeing things happening just cuz I'd much rather yes the end of the day I want it so badly okay you just go ahead and input that okay it's also the sort of thing that is probably best for me to avoid touching it anyway because of ping like my lag might cause it to mess up anyway so we're just we'll just play it safe for sure also can you get the messages to repeat they do repeat right yeah careful chunky is here yeah oh oh a short short short long long man I would really have not been a good World War 2 or World War one I guess is both technically sure yeah history staircase leading to okay so this one's right here I remember this one over here I pass damn it up okie dokie a whole design me for their life is anything I can look for in the meantime well there's one more perk bottle that I don't actually if you don't mind like going inside there's one more perk bottle there's a PhD machine somewhere I need to find I don't know where okay I suspect it's behind a barrier somewhere oh oh it's outside the map yeah I don't know where the PhD machine is but it's it's in it's like a fiery indoor area that's alright that's all I know that's all I can tell you oh is it like quite red mmm well the fire yes like like a red light in the room I seem to have like a memory I don't and I don't know all I have is just one little picture of it so I'm not sure okay all right well yeah I'll definitely have a have an investigate all shorts that's me Oh shorts big shorts shorts now let's get it shorts policeman they're all know and then that's where the last one is over there okay so we're about to be halfway done with this main quest which is the easy ones mind you but okay I mean that's something I'll take it hey a chair bootiful very good out of go part very beautiful I still Tommy I'm sorry I'm sorry that's fine okay so prepare now for there to be two I can't just be ready in case and we don't know who it's gonna follow and I also have lost the other one so that's a whole barrel of yolks coming out of coming oh oh the air strike is ready now okay I remember that and then we have to pick it up in the bunker I remember that now okay I'm gonna hold in the middle again okay I'll go to moister Oh death machine should I try to kill oh yeah you want to try kill a big boy I kind of feel like it would be bad used not killing him and just getting because he gives us nothing so I feel like getting points for me who's on bees might be he's the one locked on you he's like a hero sir do you see him there Seidel points he's right here right next to me if you're interested okay it's your call your call no we'll just pretend it never happened it easy all right that's a neuron that's in her own yeah yeah that was a foster a yeah I I melted like 20 zombies up there okay oh yeah go calling the airstrike in the Morse code room okay yeah Kendu here it comes that drops a bomb into the bunker oh yeah let's go let's go teleport to bunker a real quick here comes the big boy okay this easter egg is so good it's not good it becomes the a strike do you want me to go telepods or is it already I hope I don't regret this me going down means the fat man's gonna come and meet me on the stairs I'll tell you he's not even packed he's not even after that garden okay cool that's good where's the drop down do you have to go down the stairs sir I don't know alright anyway this is linking melt there we go it's linked okay I'll wait for you to get up so we can go search for it and that'll be and that'll be halfway done once we do that that's to sub for us you're fine to run up right now right now right now right now yeah yeah he's on you're right there careful yep can I get back into this room another way yeah I'll just over him get baited nerd laps you all right so we're looking for a few somewhere okay I don't know what these have a whole death yeah okay come on game come on be nice let's be nice nice nice nothing there crap a night wait is it in the bunker oh wait hold on are you sure it's Hannah cuz I'd seen yeah I didn't I didn't okay I think I have another place where it might be I can't remember which one it just like two different locations oh yeah let's do the I can start the boiler-room quests here - there's Mantha crying over here somewhere Samantha bellows out so I don't I don't think we can start it till we pick it up is it over here hmm it says okay so it says strange-looking fuse will be playing obtained on the floor in the middle of the bunker oh I didn't really check the middle we can we can unlock the mysterious lock now oh yeah that's that's that's the heart keys done yeah let's is there anything gonna do that yeah let's just go ahead and open okay I've pulled on me is it is it yes watch out whoa okay oh oh yeah I remember this one this was that weird it's the ceiling thing yeah yeah all right well that one's on you because last time you just shot some stuff and it worked yeah okay we got to leave them for now okay big boys big boys on stairs I can you stay down here to link my bunker is that thing symbols and if we can get some of the symbols then we should be able to like brute force the end of it right finding symbols okay so I'll just stay down here for now with oh I got it it was literally in the middle of the hallway rather than one of the rooms when you come back just be careful because the boys on the stairs and times I literally can just stand right in front of them body blocking and he doesn't do anything to me things things you wish were said about you for 400 please okay so the boiler room oh this is where you repair the eighth probably the eighth power boxes Oh freaking yeah well this will actually be pretty easy I I already have a hammer did you find the hammer okay now Samantha should be crying somewhere in this room so if you hear something I think it was yeah I I'm pretty sure is on the ground floor I seem to remember that from before yeah oh I heard it oh here she is okay her little sniffle cuz this all have been a dream man das Harry now it's not here predicting Easter Egg endings yeah I got the lot just for a moment ever like um okay okay yes I just have to hold that you have to find a hammer and then hold F I'm gonna I'm gonna leave the downstairs area so watch out for the large man I think one of the whole deaths is by you know as you're going upstairs and there's that room yeah yeah you're talking about pretty sure ones that dude we're actually making really good progress on this yeah yeah yeah genuinely he's not killing the guy I think is the low key trick to being miss Easter egg thank you to the left of the m1941 wall by do you know where that isn't in the boiler room like where you just work have you seen that no off the top of my head now there's two out of two out of eight oh I thought it all right in the kitchen connecting the dining hall you're connecting to the dining hall near a doorway I think that they're just sparking boxes yeah I think I know where that one is in order to do that like dude I he's literally this slow guy on the stairs that I'm trying to get past right now dude some people next to the Morse code machine is the next one to the right of the teleporter in the dining hall hello hamma's where are you where do you reside please Billy oh and then we have to teleport one time okay if you want to go link teleporters if you can I have the kitchen one done so it just needs the second link cuz apparently have to teleport for one of them first initiate or to link it like this second one liked at the boiler room the very bottom okay okay I'll go down make sure this is bird what's that oh it's just an mg just unanimously the last time we teleport that it is impact punch from here on out it's all pack a punch cool also he did it he did an evil thing and I think there's a 500 point door right before the pack punch so if you have exactly five K and teleport you won't be able to pack the punch Wow very big I do not the like you know what does this go I don't remember this from the phone to like mining oh I do remember yeah Oh Carol is the Dorothy in that costs mm I think you might be trapped there thank you run away run far away I'll pick this round so I should be okay oh god I have an option of calling it there so yeah that's not good okay I am I'm good I'm good I'm good cool okay I'm about to teleport to bird and repair that one yes yes I don't like these noises okay I'm good now I just had to like I had to figure something out oh I found a hammer at lost hell yeah oh wait there Oh for the next step uh there's a there's a combination oh please work imager hunger no remember remember we had this last time where we couldn't yeah a lot behold recording and you'll be able to see the boys big plays remember what was hinting the combination to us like there was something in the map that was a hint I think yeah do you want to go do you wanna go link teleporter again oh excuse me go bait lame game yeah okay it's cooling down right okay but as soon as it's cooled down i'll press f actually yeah i suspect hang there for a second I mean oh yeah I'm going down I suspect once I get there a little oh there's the drop down okay that's right that's right now it's broken oh okay that's repaired going down right now yeah it says no active currently which I'm assuming is the cool down message oh crap zombie here oh crap you have a zombie I do not know oh yeah you might have to come grab this guy cuz it takes like 30 seconds to repair do you want to just hold it for a sec while we wait for teleport to come back up I'm about to link three seconds three two okay okay that's ready I'll come back up now I may have to Juke the the old oh my god he's the right back Jesus okay oh good yeah yeah that's the noise I heard before he did like a like a freeze animation almost it was like he like he went blue and then just kept walking normally I don't know if that's gonna be like a jump scare oh dude it's scary it scared me twice now yeah it genuinely was just like oh we embrace right here alright and then after this one all we have left is the confusing one all right so here's what this one actually ok wait after this we need to grab the strange-looking fuse from the same panel upon completion okay okay and then okay so here's this one spider sub quest last one the hierarchy needs to be obtained in order for this quest to be accessible we get that yeah shoot the red heart key oh wait we were did that press your interact P I'm Samantha's crying location the boiler room to the right of the door that you opened yes oh that's okay glowing coffins to use glowing coffins to enter the following combination the limit doesn't work it's combination works six seven seven times they might strangely okay so it doesn't actually she doesn't hit into in the lap it just well if it does he just said use his combination he pulled the old uh-oh that's a doctor who reference I forget about that ha ha telephone box he pulled a 2011 zombies you super and yeah just sends do what I do yeah if there's no combination on the page it might be worth just like googling or something but if not just yellow and just start start start shooting him see if we can orangey it like last time oh we could do yeah if you if you want to if you want to do that I just I feel like the the fastest guaranteed method would be to just look up there yeah but you you were just randomly spinning weren't you and then it work I think I was looking up while I was doing it so I think that there's a good chance you'll see on the ceiling and then if we know what the ceiling needs to look like it's easy to get it to look good this has no explanation whatsoever [Music] I think it's like stuff under chairs and stuff right like didn't we do something with that last time you mean to like figure out how it needed to be mm-hmm I think so but the the issue is that we do so many Easter eggs and custom apps that they're all blending together in my head so like gang hints for this in my head right now I know that I'm mixing up with like that map that had the piano in it the organ right oh yeah oh yeah f that map's to do that sort of thing that I'm not sure whether this one did actually have hints or not I do not recall cuz I haven't seen anything that looks like oh yeah it is the is not sure all the similar locations are yet at the top the one is on the top floor in the spawn room another one under the bench in the cloister etc so okay under the bench and the cloister I know exactly where that is so I should be able to oh wait is he not following me oh he's following me I was free apparently not that's the bench isn't there another bench and then there's one the other one who said is one is on the top floor of the spawn room okay I'm trying to look at the cloister one now but not really having that much luck is it like is it obvious what I'm looking for it should be like Egyptian symbols of some of some kind okay I feel like I'm being under the bench hello lad no the one on the top floor this one is oh is it right next to a speed cola I think I remember finding that one ah it's in the [ __ ] if I know it's not that they count that a spoiler still oh interesting okay is this I mean there there is a bench next to speed Cola I don't see you oh I beat it wait very cool that's what we like to see me oh yeah that's the good oh this is what we forgot last time I'll oh we forgot that each one of the things becomes a soul box each one of the strange fuses and we could have started that early on or step can be Dennis news okay alright wait let's find the heart what's the hardest one it's my shield gun my shield my shell was gone cool Lionhead located in the boiler room across from the bar wall by that's the one we died on last time I'm pretty sure so I remember that being one the the police the one there's like in one of these yeah yeah yeah don't don't place yet actually can we play oh no we can only do one fuse at a time have you already put it down no we should say we should save the courtyard one till last cuz that's the easiest one the only thing I was gonna say is if we do this one it will be easier for me to start walking on now without jug and then yeah that's for later one yeah yeah that's a good point let's do that yeah yeah go ahead and place it in lines muki okay I turn around very fast nice all right so soul box right yeah let's listen around okay spooky it's 20 kills and once it stops emitting a sound then we can pick it up 20 kills and stop committing it sound I'm gonna walk the boy as far away as possible and then yeah just feel free to get some kills since you to be honest yeah I might just just kill stuff guys as I go sort of thing yeah don't be scared to kill I love and Oh No then angered him he's come and gone where is he where's he where's I don't see him straight across I was coming from you I'm running away from you because I know oh yeah he's cooking yeah the quarry are so pink words open if you want to comment too there if you want to get cup election points yeah that's actually I eat right on out of there note to self nukes are extremely overpowered please don't ask oh wow you actually let him super far away so you can come come right next to this word that is very true yeah so maybe it's I think what it might be is that you damaged him he runs like 45 seconds he stops from just walking it's not actually a bad thing sir I come back hello Goldberg dialogue goes I have dual wield machine pistols Wow very cool that's incredible here you get this go yeah I guess we just have to go three rounds right Oh beautiful okay nice so this one you might want to just point build by yourself until you jug cuz this one's really difficult I'm gonna put her it's right here hikers no not many escape routes here this this this which ones on the other fun I can kill wait now over here over here sorry oh he lied to me I like the poster the front said liar and actually it was just saying I'm a liar that was just a for sure did okay I beautiful cool Briggs ofin just screamed yes she shouts like a speed liver specimens okay stand in this corner back here back here actually oh yeah you yeah you guys you gotta go here I'll I'll drag mine over here I think it's like what's it called okay this bad spot oh Jesus Christ this is Oh Oh Lord okay I'm okay in my spot are you getting your spot yeah I'm okay right now oh please don't have to die don't watch mm need you on your feet boy also a little worried about ammo just cuz these rounds take a long time oh yeah I guess I thought machine pistols I'm fine yeah I think they died pretty quick you just gotta yeah she's got a head on basically put the damage down and also avoid shooting the fat man while you're at it yes let me know when you're done two seconds yep ready okay speed Cola does indeed speed up my life I love it I love that all right I'm gonna start working toward pact punching my ray gun okay the boy is in coming from courtyard so that should just be wary of his whereabouts mmm-hmm where is the soul box is a way you are right now yeah okay I would be careful with both of us being here honestly yeah to be honest I haven't Martin and I have spiegel and now like now worth the 8th attempt exactly figure out is that anywhere I can maybe maybe here if I just literally holding the middle half full sack I'm going to run this way so I can read location in the ice rink in the gardens oh you want to do it you want a head there ice rink in the gardens yep I can hit out that right now I have quite well I have like five or six zombies here but they're actually going quite slow so they might turn to you yeah oh yeah it's in the ice rink oh I remember yeah okay yeah too bad yeah this one's actually really nice yeah because you you can holding this so easily that they just they just go straight in yeah it's like behind the yep alright second the last one and then beautiful alright it's active I don't okay I'm gonna read the next steps in a second yeah sure thing wait yeah okay okay now they are oh yeah is that just making sure that's super close to it we're probably about half way I reckon like next round will definitely get done and then the last ones in boiler room I'm actually gonna I'm gonna go around the outside instead of the inside because otherwise the boys gonna come into the middle with us oh yeah yeah it's gonna be really awkward all right once all strange-looking fuses has been picked up and filled they should be blue in the inventory hood which two out of four are right now navigate to the central console on the third floor of the boiler room and complete of a Simon Says minigame four times here will be increasing speed failing a tear does not reset your progress once the Simon Says minigame has been completed activate the console to input the codes now let's activate the device you place the strange-looking device into your meal kick afterward okay Oh careful he made some of the zombies extra powerful okay I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm oh okay just get out of here sorry I was trying to help that's fine that's fine where is he I've lost him oh he's I can do you mean - no no no avoid avoid avoid we need the sauce III I finished it I finished it yeah yeah one more if you're good are you save life so you good I'm gonna I'm gonna head down the boiler room yeah okay yeah okay cool we actually combined holes just that was good okay this is the one we died on last time big spoon here we go big spoke Oh bad bad bad okay I'm fine just kill looking meet you you do not you don't don't think you have to keep them live okay okay yeah I'm definitely gonna thin that hood out then to be honest all right last whole box is placed yeah okay I can bring like a hold to you like that fairly tight right now I I hold them up pretty decently yeah I'm getting worse on getting some spawns it's in boiler room very bottom floor oh I remember I remember why this one is so hard they have like a million different spawns maybe yeah don't don't come don't come oh my god we're what we should do Noah is or if you can it around in your aunt in Randers doesn't she okay I'll try and I'll try and kill them all yeah proper so she will be able to use a little bit okay actually I'll probably be able to finish this with this death machine let's harp let's harp I'm gonna I'm gonna hold as many zombies as I get just that way I think I think we just we need to get down to one zombie this round so I think I'll have plenty of souls I'm already like halfway so just just keep killing let's just make sure we save is on me okay I really want to get back out in the courtyard oh I can get out enough all right I'm done I'm good happy happy happy also does he always take the same part from you and he hits you on though I think it's randomly okay [Music] okay pieces done alright just need to get down to the last Dom B we are doing it we are doing all right let's just get to in the next round oh he's running Oh chase attack he does absolutely no protecta protecta zombie I guess where's the last model spot that I'm missing right that's yeah oh this is gonna be a really horrible round for me actually I've just realized low on ammo just it's it's just getting hard to kill them as I run around the loop mm-hmm and I think you slowed down okay I think I'm okay now then as long as he's not spinning right behind me currently I'm okay turns around I've lost sight okay huge yep wait okay yeah I have one okay hop off dude hop up dude what are we doing this round by the way do you like saving we have to have save one because it's Morse code or it's a sentiment that says okay I was just wondering if I should try and use the deaf machine on on the fat man but I guess it's not really necessary I'm just walking around we haven't had luck so far through okay I have less ami feel free to kill off yeah I think that's in around yeah I have nothing left okay I mean okay so we need to find pH oh it's in classroom wing pH D's in classroom wing which I don't know if we've even opened yet yeah yeah that's the one by double tap that's owned by double tap oh and then there's one more that I have no clue that looks like it's actually in boiler room okay yeah there's one in boiler room which I can do you want to go try to find PhD in classroom wing yes your thing everything else we've done okay yeah it's just these two so so sorry classroom wing being the side look for all the it's my double tap to look for a bunch of like is that my jug that like that side no wait where's Joe no no okay I found drugs library oh wait was that it oh that was it the PhD I thought you had to like shoot the machine but that was it okay belly is very big knife okay oh you want to meet me by garden we can we can get our free books together get crazy just handing out this is not that kind of map we're both here beautiful Wow okay so actually pretty fun map to speedrun to be completely honest too like those like catch me catch me not in that video okay so let's go run straight out to garden once we teleport back out all right and that'll be that Easter Egg nun and then we just have to do the end see oh this way this way yeah okay beautiful so we got big key boy over here oh nice yeah oh yeah [Music] fun little sound alright and then we can unlock this gate right here oh ha ha ha and then mysterious perk in there oh yeah boom yeah okay nice alright so now if you want to grab zombie since you were the selected like the magnet listing yes sir I don't know where the other boy is by the way just yeah he's over here he's on his way yeah sometime before he gets there okay what is actually next um so once all strange four strange-looking fuses have been filled up and picked up there should be they should blue in the empty blue in the inventory had which they are place all four devices to the right of mule kick in the boiler room okay navigate to the central console on the third floor and then you're gonna place Matheson okay okay cool I'm gonna if you want to link the teleport I just burped yeah I just used it back then and it killed a zombie I'm sorry very nice yeah we traded dude that was a very rough moment oh it's a [Music] into the device wait what is blocking the husband god I do we need more keys why are you using this floaty boys are attacking me with a they explode here [Applause] [Music] oh that sucks okay that's fine he's running by the way is he yeah please oh he's right behind me yeah maybe it's gonna get a slam I'm gonna bethe slam I can try and shoot oh it's not pretty he stopped running oh okay okay okay okay is he still on you okay is a wait is he fixed now wait go close to him see if he goes after you I am now the magnet man yeah which is good so we need to do something with a we need to get it we need to get down to one zombie I didn't have time to come don't points very big oh he just made them angry zombies Wow only at weapon high man before reagan work - all right you have I have widows wine now so I'm gonna jump but Dad you remember that yeah dude you have zoms yep have you got a lot can you save one there yes I can yeah okay the man is angry watch out I have a zombie still it's about a zombie so I think that we're actually a twenty song be done you know I just have made large mistake I tried to kill him and now I [Music] respect the process you know exactly okay I have last zombie right now okay you can have one he also took one of my perks so that was cool okay once all four strangely confuses have been picked up and filled they should be blue navigate to a central console on the third floor and come oh that's gonna be it's the big metal thing that's like overlooking thing is I don't understa place the things into the place next to mule-kick and it's saying we can't do that oh he was right in front of me jeez that's get the hell out of me I'm completely fine though because he doesn't care about me anymore wow that's oh okay I put all four of them in it please input the launch codes into the central console okay oh yeah I hear it up there alright so that's gonna be that's gonna be you you're gonna be Simon Says man because I have the boy on me now okay should hear the TV's what we're lost am I going for uh sorry addenda boiler room third floor oh okay alright let me just grab jug then real quick before I do it cuz I feel like you scroll nananana know did you say you had a zombie by the way oh yeah it's like de yeah I have zombie it's literally like the de consoles careful zombie lose somebody lose somebody loose mmm I don't know okay okay cool I'm just gonna buy up speed color before I come yeah it's okay dude Simon Says four times activate the console to input the codes ingredients your mind all right he understands you literally can just touch him he will not bother you at all I wanna go this way goodbye goobie thank you you are so something it's on the back side so go down just one floor it's on the backside of the of the area backs where is the spot hello box oh this thing okay yeah let me uh let me see how this goes oh wait hold on how do i how I activate it oh they're working okay bud scarab scarab a lion my numbers yeah one one two four one I believe I believe wholeheartedly Milo's Milo's ability I think dude we are like almost at the end we are almost at the end we have two more steps two more steps oh this is so good Frank what was it sorry it has checkpoints Sam okay yeah dude this map is a wild it's actually what this is a full-on Easter egg stream or a video I mean full-on got it no cap no cap it's not like it was finished I think that's done yeah okay what's the same input logic oh yeah yeah alright so go down to the bottom floor and meet me there like where you actually I say mate ball okay okay I blinked Padma make sure you have your lesser of your two guns and in your hands right now okay whichever gun you'll at least yes sir okay oh oh you did something yeah some things down here all right so here we go I'm gonna hold off right here initialize the launch sequence Oh crawl crawl out I'm coming zombies right here okay we need to leave it leave a Hitler into this portal into this yes okay that's not I'm just gonna stand behind it can you take zombie keepsake can you distract AMI I think he might be coming on me oh no oh should I just leave should I get out let's leave you know get out get out get out Christ oh my god yeah this stupid Easter Egg for goodness dude this is actually so I have three shots in my entire inventory right now oh my god this tomato juice Oh Lord and three shots left oh oh Christ okay okay okay I'm just gonna hold in the ice rink okay okay I'm just gonna play it real safe Oh can't hurt her birthday was dude the fact that you like okay hitting it I have no idea I wasn't sure if that was what was meant to happen cuz you were like pull out the other gun oh oh you walked into the portal been by himself I literally wasn't even trying to get him but thank you lad okay more ammo this gun like makes the zombies explode that's really really cool but also what Oh Oh No I can't see anything oh that's bad okay Mike guys hit up that menu real thank you life okay well that worked it just sucked him into the portal and he just kind of made a really bright flash bang and then they disappeared so very cool oh wait we got perk up I didn't even notice we got perk up Jesus well there's yours there's your perch smile oh let's go yeah okay we have one more stat we're on the last step I need 5k points to pack a bunch of my gun and because the Union we need to be set up for this next step okay I need 5k points to pack a punch and a max ammo before we start and then I'm ready what about you like I I I probably need just 500 points to to pack this I think so yeah I should should okay well I mean I'm fine whatever then I'm just gonna pack the MgO a-and then I'm good probably I'm actually get a new shield now oh my personal music dude yeah I might have to do the same that is sounds very copyrighted and it's not work and it's okay I'm gonna have to be really obnoxious and annoying because my music slider is not working okay yeah I'm just gonna yup can't be really zoom in on the words and it destroy my shield yeah you're safe right now I'm just gonna keep talking for you you're safe right now I just okay turn my over okay that's fine median points anyway okay well I'm good I'm ready oh you're ready too you don't want to pack a punch blender I was a pretty nice right step you need to do yeah we got to be super set up for this next one super set oh crap this isn't working oh wait do I have to relink at the bottom hold on no time just one okay I bury my new round so fat man is well I guess it was in anyway actually I don't know where he is though okay yeah we don't get the pack a punch we don't know okay well I mean to be honest my mg is decent right now it doesn't have a huge load but it's like it's right okay head down to the head down to the bottom then to the bunker yeah okay what I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna yeah dang are you down there right now no I'm pulling my zombies out so let's let's horde up where we are and then we'll do three two one and I eat down there yeah okay well yeah actually if you want to if you want to come down are you yeah yeah if you want to come down the tunnel we should be able to combine okay yeah I come up here come up here with me yeah yeah okay cool yeah we combine okay yep let's do one lap around wrap and then let's run through the run through the big tunnel Oh widows wine is so annoying I'm getting rid of mine AIDS okay let's go down the tunnel running sprint sprint yep I should get ready yeah okay this is an escort step we must submit an escort Samantha from the boiler room to the teleporter once she has entered the teleporter you can activate the teleporter to trigger a map and event here we go good luck brother my god okay here it is she's here all right up the stairs Samantha okay come up come up I'm gonna turn this trap okay wait call Samantha where is she down here buy me buy me dumb fool me okay I got my cup right oh no okay I you get in front I'll get behind you get it you're gonna find out Omega I'll get behind all right actually I'm getting front right now okay come through there come to room and turn this trap yeah yeah coming to teleporter okay this is really close already young cool oh it's Samantha the teleporter in a premier fullback yep yep okay she's in all right get in get in get in that's definitely right music oh man that was that was the best Seth Norris Seth Norris the man the myth the legend by this freak in his free time dude what a map that is the best custom zombie map I've ever played by far like in terms of complexity in terms of like Easter Egg like map design so good right and like we didn't really run into any bugs or anything as well like it just kind of worked really nice yeah I mean I had more to the end I had more bugs doing the touch content have to say it you didn't have to say it my goodness and even has an intro and outro scene like forget the map yeah that's crazy see the intro this time but that was whoa man is so crazy jeez we finally beat it Milo we did it finally we did it oh yeah please
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 1,842,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Ops 3, Noahj456, Custom zombies, Black Ops 3 zombies, Black Ops 3 custom zombies, Das harrenhaus, Mrroflwaffles, Zombies mods
Id: 5uldDfaIZ9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 41sec (5981 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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